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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1913)
REGARD:::: r vice a bank renders its customers its actual responsibility is a matter for the consideration of depositors This bank has a capital and surplus of $50,000.00. Its business is under a progressive yet conservative management. The de posits of its patrons are safeguarded by carefully selected loans to home people. Its stock holders and directors are pru dent men of affairs, who give first care to safety of investments. Your account is solicited on this basis of management and our past record. ■Just A Full Line of Children’s Shoes, the kind that Looks Well, Wears Good and Fits the Foot E. E. YOUNGQIIST I YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND I \ THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW I I CHANGE OF PROGRAM j J Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; | I Matinee every Saturday afternoon | Show every night and nothing but the best of | { pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially | \ invited to attend. g At the New Opera House j THOMAS DADDOW j A Complete line of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. Daily & Krebs Have You Seen Our j Two Big Diamonds? KEYSTONE LNMBER COMPANY I Help us make the Northwestern better 0 LOCAL NEWS. E. P. Dally went to Scotia last Fri day morning on business m&ters. A. E. Chase has opened a fruit and vegetable depot in the rooms lately occupied by tbe E. E. McFadden suitorium. Msrrifi«ld Pianos for sala by O. F, Patarsan — Clark Reynolds bad charge of Lo rentz clothing store while the latter was on his hunting trip north. Schwaner can and will save you money on a piano. Buffalo county, following the ex ample of Sherman county, have or ganized a county fair organization. For Sale—A good carriage. A. C. Ogle. John Long went' to Lincoln last Friday morning, where he was joined by W. R. Mel lor, tbe two going east take lessons in football from the Wis consin- Minnesota champ ’ievens. Supt. L. H. Currier was called to Canastota, South Dakota, last Thurs day by the dreadful news that his good mother was fatally ill. Phone yoor meat orders to Lee Brothers. They deliver same to you promptly. Mrs. S. F. Reynolds returned last week from her extended visit with friends and relatives in Chicago and points in Illinois and Iowa. _ Schwaner can and will save you money on a piano. Werner Pritsehau went to Pool last Saturday, where that evening he was help furnish music for a wedding In that live berg. Ten per cent off on house paints at the Loup City Paint and Glass Store. The Dreamland Theater gave a dance Satiuday evening after the picture show, In which lovt rs of trip ping the fantastic had a jovful time. Loup City White Satin Floor de livered to any part of the city by Lee Brothers. Clark S. Reynolds left Monday Horning for Valentine to look over he land in the drawing, and will irobably take in -ome of that on hi vo. 3, rather than out in the Norti Platte country. He may return t .lyannis and remain till after tire lrawing before coming back home. for bale—Double-barreled breech loading shot gun. See R. L. Arthur. I Seven auto loads of our best Odd Fellow buys, numbering some twenty of that Queer fraternity, went to Ar cadia last Saturday evening and put on degree work for the lodge there, ate up all the good things furnished for tbelr gormand- like appetites and returned hqme some time between midnight and daylight, well repaid for their trip. For Sale—No. 1 alfalfa hay. Call on J. E. Otlewski, or phone 9802. Oct. 23 4t. _ Herbert Owens, who has been mak ing an extended visit here with his parents and old time friends of twen ty-five years ago when he left for the east, where he has been since, left yesterday for Puiladelphia, where, he helps Cnele Sam distribute mail mat ter in the city postoffice, in which lie holds a responsible position. Bert is a prince of good fellows and has made new as well as retaining old time friends during his stay. May kind fortune ever follow his footsteps. Tou can save lots of trouble and de lay by phoning your meat orders to Lee Brothers. They deliver same to! you. Cash Pritchard and Felix Makowski last Friday purchased the pool room of Ernie Bell. Cash is a hustler, while Felix is also a favorite with the lovers of the social game and undoubt edly will keep up the patronage of Ernie Bell, who wis also very popular an that line of business. We have not heard what business the latter will i engage in. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. Black 63, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. raylor. Best of service guaranteed. Will Mason, Gus Lorentz, Bob Starr, and Bob Mathew returned last Wed nesday evening from tlHr hunting trip up at Pony Lake. While none of the boys had any venture in the mid dle of the lake as the hunting party preceding them, yet it is said to be a fact that it was so cold that each concluded that they were veritable discoverers of the North Pole and we may expect all bo go on the lecture platform and exploit their discoveries a la Peery and Dr. Cook. So far none of them have got thawed out suffici ently to relate their experiences. -* ^ For Rent—Farm of 320 acres in Talley county. A. E. Charlton, Loup City, Neb., phone 9303. 41 A brilliant light, similar to that of the flash of an arc light, flashed for the fraction of a second across the southwestern sky last Thursday even ing about 8:15 o’clock. It left behind it a tail of meteoric dust which was extra large and uncommon. As scientists have no record of such a meteor it is thought to be a stray one which happened to yet within the ateoaepbere of the earth and after trfsrag-several hundreds of miles bumefront. Lee brothers will deliver your meat, Phone you orders. Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law. LOU ¥ CITY NEBRESKE. R J. Nightingale & Son Attorney and CauseieMUiv Loup City, Nebraska. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lev? City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract hooks in coun'v O. E LONGACRE Physician & Surgeon Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, N0.3S* A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phone. 30. Oflce at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Lnnp Eitg, - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence. Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phun«)114 Loup City. S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - - NEB, Office up stairs in the new State dank building. W. L, MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public- Sunaie. Phone. Brown 116 V. I. McDONAUL, j Prompt Dray Work j Call lumber yards or Taylor’s! elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Pbone brown 57 C. a. SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices W. M. DONER Contractor and Plasterer Phone White 7ti Give me a call and get my prices. I Vi 11 treat you right. Satisfaction Guarantied H. KREBS Funeral Director Licensed Embaimer Business Phone Black 65 Loup City, Nebraska Rufus Hidd'eson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone. Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor’s Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmithing Horse S‘oeing and Wood work Come in and see me. J, E. WEINMAN Veter in a r i a n All calls eceive prompt, careful and consider ate attention Office up stairs, State Bank Building Phone No. 108 Mrs. R. N. Pritchard DRESSMAKER and Splrella CorseUerre. Loup City, Nebraska / Combatting Fakes. Secretary W. R. Mellor of the state board of agriculture is planning a campaign to advertise the crop yields of the state for 1913. A number of ‘•stories'’ have been gent to eastern newspaper.-*, heralding widespread ruin and destruction. As a mattei of fact the true reports are extremely reditable to Nebraska's resource So ciaring l ave been some of the r* jort.s that a number of advertisin •g^ncies bad planned to carx-el tl • Nebraska appropriations. “THEQjlITT The rendition of the great soc ety drama. “The Quitter*' at th Daddow opera house in this cit j Thursday evening, gave to ou: lovers of good drama one of tin very best plays on the American stage today. “The Qutter” is one of the most intensely dramatic, re quiring strongest emotional work, with, quiet, deep, intense veins of pathos, and requiring first-class acting in every line. The star of the constellation was L. H. Ger rard, a Nebraska boy, born in Platte county, this state in 1886, nephew of the editor of the Mon roe Looking Glass, and from boy hood evidenced splendid dramatic talent, and today stands among the leading young dramatists of the west. To those who were pre sent, no words of ours could add emphasis to the encomiums heard in bis favor. We do not see in what way his superb acting could I be improved upon. The leading ' lady, Miss Sanger, is also recog- I riized as a most clever, emotional - actress, and ably seconded his good work, while all the cast was com posed of artists in their line. To i those who are in love with the barn-storming, pistol shooting, whoop and hurrah rough-and ready rattle-brained plays, “The ' Quitter” would not appeal in the least, but to those who love high class dramatic art, with quiet, deep, emotional effect, the play above is a pleasant, happy change from most of the “stuff*' the play, going people of the smaller towns have to endure, or stay away from the theater. The 1813 Bye Crop Nebraska farmers devoted 159,817 acres to rve in J613, according to the figures compiled by the state board 01 agriculture. The average yield pei acre was 19.57 bushels and the total crop is estimated at 3,128*433. The market value, computing the yield at 50 cents a bushel, is $1,877,138.16 A Story a Day. A story a day for 365 days of 1914— ihat is part of w hat you get by sub icribing $2.00 for The Youth’s Com panion's new volume, The fifty-two iveekly issues of the Companion willl contain at least 365 stories, and al ihe other kinds of good reading that ;an be crowded between two covers— the best advice on athletics for boys, articles on dress add recreation for 4rls, contributions by famous men md women, suggestions for the care Df the health, etc. For the year's subscription of $2.00 there is included a copy of The Com panion Home Calendar for 1914, and all the issues for the remaining weeks of this year, dating, from the time the subscription is received. If you want to know more The Companion before subscribing, send for sample copies containing opening chapters of Arthur Stanwood Pier(s fine serial of Ufa in a boys’ school— “His Father’s Son” With them we will send the full Announcement for 1914. The Youth's Companion, 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Recieved at this Office. Notice to Creditors In the County Court In the matter of the estate of Wilhelmina Find er, deceased. To the creditors of said estate You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the < oanty Court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 9th day of May. 1914. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the present ation of claims against said estate is the 9th day of May. A. D.. 1914. and the time limited for payment of debts is One Year from said llth day of October. 1913. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, this 14th day of October. 1913. E. A. SMITH iSBAr,) County Judge ( Last Pnb. Sov. 6) I m non wait I I TEN YEARS IN GRAND ISLAND I You Can Buy Lots of Cheap Suits at Low Prices, but you Can’t buy A 0009 SUIT^ for a Low price. You buy a garment, all wool, and hand tailor ed for less money than any store in Loup City Get your suit for Thanksgiving OF LORENTZ DRESSER'S FOR MEN and BOY’S , ONLY Gordon Furs I ALL THE PRINCIPAL Magazines are carried at this store as well as a stock of the best sel lers in books. We can get you any book. ; • magazine or paper you want. ; i Swanson & Lot holm f When you want a good sack of Flour try LOUP CITY WHITE SATIN All Dealers in Town Handle Our Flour Loup City Mill & Light Co. I World’s Best | | For the Roney I }-— | ’ Hardware Paints Oils Tinware . j and Tin Repairing I ,T. A. GZEHOVIAK I BUY FURS I will pay highest market prices for furs, this winter. See me and get my figures. • J.W.Thompson