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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1913)
' - every facility for the prompt and careful handling of financial matters, the proper care of our custom ers interests, is being constantly im proved and developed to the point of greatest utility. As a practical man why not put the personal worth of tnis service squarely up to your better judg ment? Investigate and known whether or not this service of ours will help you to create a reserve fund. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW CHANGE OF PROGRAM Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; Matinee every Saturday afternoon Show every nigl t and nothing but the best of pictures will be shown he"e. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. At the New Opera House THOMAS DADDOW ASKS $50,000 FOR AFFECTIONS Mrs. Laura M. Newbecker, wife of George Newbecker, an automo bile dealer of Ord, filed suit in the district court Monday for damages to the amount of $50,000, which she alleges she has suffered through Dr. Newbecker aleniat ing the affections of her husband. This is the largest damage suit, from point of the amount asked for, that has ever been asked for in this county, and is pecular in that Dr. Newbecker is a sister of the husband of the plaintiff. Mrs. Newbecker charges in her petition filed with the district clerk that soon after her marri age to George Newbecker, the latter was deeply attached to her but that shortly afterward the de fendant conceived and hai bored an intence dislike for the plaintiff and that she maliciously and wrongfully sought to predjudice the mind of Mr. Newbecker again st her and to aleniate his affections from her. She charges that this was done by coaxing and intimid ations and that she finally succeed ed in causing he> husband to leave and desert her. She alleges further that for the purpose of turning Mr. Newbeck er against his wife Dr. Newbecker falsly represented to him that the plaintiff was extravagant and squander all his property and for the purpose of placing him more completely in her power induced him to execute a note to defend ant in the sum of §4,000 with the intention of increasing her power and influence over. According to the plaintiff, she and Mr. Newbecker were married in Grand Island on June 16, 1909 and that they lived together for some time after their marriage. Dr. Newbecker is a practicing physician in this city having been here for many years in that pro fession. Mr. Newbecker is a brother of Dr. Newbecker and has for some time been operating an Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law. LOUT CITY. NEBMSKS. R J. Nightingale &. Son Attoney and Caimseicr*it*Liw Loup City, Nebraska. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Lawyer Practices in all Courts I oup City, Neb. ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loip City. - Nebraska. ')nl\ eel >f Abstract hooks in conn1 \ 0. E LONCACRE Physician & Surgeon Office. Over New Bank KI.KPHONE CALI.. A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon P*ione. 30. Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Loop Clip. - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup Gity, Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection m. 1. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phun»114 Loup City. X»biMk| S. A. ALLEN DENTIST OUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State iJank building. BIG HORSE SALE A SUCCESS. The big sale of stallions, mares and jacks given by Henry Beck, the stockman, at the Troy Hale yards in north Loup City last Thursday was a grand success from every standpoint. Mr. Beck had 39 high grade horses and mules on sale and a splendid cote rie of buyers were here from ov the state, every animal going good prices, leaving him ou, 01 the number only two mares one jack and one stallion unsold. Tin top price for any of the bunch was S835 for a 3-year-old Shire which went to head the Tatton & Dray king herd of Shire mares at Bloomfield, this state. Three high grade jacks went to a party at Long Pine, this state. Will Hawk was a home buyer who got a fine i Percheron 2-year-old stallion, j After the sale, Henry went out home and sold two Shires and two fine jacks to parties, the animals not Ming listed in the sale above mentioned. Mr. Beck proposes to have a big sale each year hereafter. He believes in Mst blooded animals and only will have the Mst at his sales. SUFFREGETSHOLD MEETING ■ The Nebraska Woman Suffrage As sociation will hold its 33rd annua] convention Nov. 6-7, at the Lincoln hotel, Lincoln. The convention is for the special purpose of pushing the campaign for a constitutional amend ment that shall enfranchise the wo man of Nebraska. If you are inter ested in the movement, you should be in attendance and help push the good wark along. CARD OF THANKS. To those who gave their assistance at our late fire and especially to the tire company for their hard run but making good after reaching the fire and soon extinguishing all that was left in sight, 1 tender my heartfelt thanks, hoping they may never enter tain fl»e same uuwelcome guest. Respectfully, E. Holcomb. You Can Buy Lots of Cheap Suits at Low Prices, but you Can’t buy A GOOD for a Low price, ivu buy a garment, all ! wool, and hand tailor ed for less money than any store in Loup City Get your suit for Thanksgiving OF LORENTZ DRESSER'S FOR MEN and BOY’S ONLY | Gordon Furs_ r Have You Seen Our Two Big Diamonds? KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY READ THIS TELEGRAM RECEIVED AT VALLEY. NEB., OCT. 20th MANAGER OPERA HOUSE LOUP CITY, NEB. THE QUITTER CO., PLAYED HERE LAST NIGHT, CLEVER PEOPLE, FINE SHOW, SPECIAL SCENERY AND PAPER. YOU CAN’T RECOMMEND THE QUITTER TOO HIGHLY. A VERY HIGH CLASS SHOW AND ONE THAT’S DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS. J. E. WEEKLY, OPERA HOUSE MANAGER SEATS NOW ON SALE AT VIC SWANSON’S STORE THE QUITTER L. H. GERRARD ■HMMBU A Complete Line of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Ete. Daily & Krebs l fM rilMHHWBMRWBMiMMi BMMWRMMMMR % ——■—1 11 BUY FURS I I will pay highest prices for furs, this | winter. See me and get my figures. I J.W.Thompson Help is make flie Northwestern bettei automobile agency and garage. A. Norman of this city and Horth & Ryan of Grand Island are attomies for the plaidtiff and C. A. Davis of Ord is attorney for the defense.—Ord Qui| SCHOOL NOTES Miss Madge Holmes is the new pri mary teacher. She began her work Monday morning. Eva Jackson entertained the Seniors at a Hallowe'en party Friday evening. All enjoyed the evening very much. Miss Meroe Outhouse was a High School visitor Monday afternoon. A week ago Saturday several of the teachers autoed to Broken Bow to register for the land drawing. Those in the party were Misses Mead, South well. Ada Smith and Lena Smith. Deputy Inspector Voss of Lincoln visite4 the school Monday. He gave an interesting talk in chapel. The Sophomores were entertained by the Freshmen at the Warrick home Friday evening. 1 Mis. R. N. Pritchard DRCI1AMR and Splrelia Corsetterre. Loup City, Nebraska W. L. MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. JFFB'-JS: East Side Public Soume. Phone. Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. .i. SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices W. M. DONER Contractor and Plasterer — Phone White 7i» Give me a call and get my prices. I .will treat you right. Satisfaction. Gua ranted H. KREBS Funeral Director Licensed Embalmer Business Phone Black 65 Loup City, Nebraska Rufus Hiddleson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor's Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmithing Horse Storing and Wood work Come in and see me. J. E, WE.NMAN Veter i narian All calls teceive prompt, careful and consider ate attention Office up stairs, State Bank Building Phone No. 108 (tvwmwuu vwv^/wwwvji ^ When you want a good sack of Flour try £ | LOUP Gin WHITE SATIN l Our Flour is Made From Old Wheat ^ ? All Dealers in Town Handle Ouu Flour £ \ Loop City Mill & Light Co. I cw%^wwwv WVWVWVWVW^ jj World's Best \ w For the Money . $ #-:-m ^ Hardware Paints Oils Tinware ^ and Tin Repairing £ $T. A. GZEHOVIAKS Zalk/l^/iSk/xk/lca/TLw ■