*5 M A AJ V men ^ easy to ^ I’" [yl f\ Vyl I make money but lfBrmi 1 B quite difficult to keep 1 it. Their living expenses keep pace ^ ^ with their earnings—usually because ^ || they nave no definite, systematic plan ^ | of caring for their income, of protecting ^ ^ it from the small purchase temptation. I ^ Tne men who are making regular use of ^ ** our Bank Account plan find that it “fills Ithe bill” and is of material assistance in ^ helping them accumulate a sum suffi- ^ cient for future investment. We think |J you will find it helpful. Why not begin I 5 now and give it a fair trial ^ I -- I 5 § \miMih muiitM .rjasjaMPMaBBadC—acBgg—bm— Carry This Pen LJpsideDown § —if you want to. Ye*, in any posi tion. any pocket. cj Boys: carry the Parker Jack Knife Pen in your trousers pocket along with your keys. Girls: carry it in the pocket of your white blouse. Play football with it,—basketball, tennis, hokcy. It's on the job the minute you want to wrl:e, without leaving a pinhead -pet of ink any where it has been carried. Write? Just imagine a pen of Hass that melt* to ink as you sl.de it u across paper. That's the way it writes. 8 Price $2.50 up. Get one on trial. SI Take it back any time wtthjl 10 ti days if you're rot tickled to death B with it. V/e acrhonrc dc&leMo re jji fund. If your r'eafer ?m’t carry I P Parkers, w-itc us fur catalog . f F: parxzr pzm company i c-t tii .... .... jauetvu.e. uu. ^ I I ^ f$ S rv''.'• * ■:1 ']. 'vrf .vi*. • i. . > jj/x) | ;* .-<■••> v.ir .. -dr . r« . ^acT"" '•sarsfi ! ____I SwansonjLofholms’ ( g d - I • * --- ■■—— — - ■ ...-- - « " FIR OVERCOATS (Finest Line Ever Brought to This Comunity at Prices Below Those of Omaha or Any Other City. Pony Coats.From $22.00. $25.00 Calf Skin Coats.From $25.00.527.00 1 Black Martin [lm.] .. From $17.00421.00 Raccoon Coats .From $55.00. $85.001 * Come and Look at Them, it Costs You Nothing. Janes Bartunek 1 YOU ARE INVITED TQ ATTEND jj p THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW | CHANGE OF PROGRAM p Mondays, Wednesdays and SVIdavs* i Matinee e > Show every n fej pictures will be /Help us make the Northwester! better - - .... - . %*• LOCAL HEWS. Milo Gilbert was a passenger for York, Nebr., last Friday morning. The next grand lodge of Odd Fellows will be h6ld at Grand Is land. If you want good, prompt drawing, call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Hagood. _ Albert Johnson went to Lincoln last Friday morning to be present at the Nebraska-Minnesota football game the following day. Mrs. A. S. Main entertained the ladies of the Entre Nous club at her comfortable home last Friday after noon. Will Guarantee to give your money’s worth on any purchase at Eisner’s the the jeweler. Will Simpson had so far recovered his accident, resulting in a broken leg, as to be able to be out on our streets last Thursday afternoon. Misses Louise and Ella Taylor left for Chicago last Friday morning, where they went to take a course in a school for manicuring, etc. They expect to be absent until the first of the year. Some special prices at the ten cent store. Peroxide 10-15-25c; t tablets for 5c; 6 mouse traps for lbc; 24sheets wax paper 5c; 20 inch handle stove shovel 10c; padlocks 5-I0-15c. The Nebraska State Teachers’ Association will be held in Omaha, Nebr., Nov. 5. 6. and 7 next. Quite a number of educatorsof National re putation will be present, and the meeting is to be one of the best ever held in the state. A large number of Sherman county teachers are expected to attend. Our stock Is complete. Come In and look the line over. It will pay you. Henry M. Eisner, Jeweler. The land drawing at Broken Bow, North Platte and Valentine is going merrily on, nearly forty thousand having registered up to Sunday, the closeof the first week, and there seems to be no cessation of the interest. It Is predicted that at least half the number registered the first of the week will register the second week, and if so the registration may reach anywhere from 60,000 to 75,000 before it closes. Uncle Tom’s Cabin show, which was here last Thursday night at the Dad dow oprea house played to one of the largest houses ever given to that place of amusement. Those who were there pronounced it very fair, In fact up to expectations. It i» one of the very few old-time dramas which never seem to wear out. Twenty per cent off .on Wall Paper at the Loup City Paint and Glass Store. Frank Punchucar, the Bohemian, who made attempt at suicide near Ar cadia last week Sunday, died at Grand Island the following day, where he had been taken for hospital treat ment, an account of which was given in last week’s Northwestern. His body was shipped home for burial the day following. We understand be had previously been an inmate of an asy lum. For Rent—Farm of 320 acres in Valley county. A. E. Charlton, Loup City, Neb., phone 9203. 41 The Sturtevant Vacuum Cleaner, the dean way to clean. See C. R. Sweet land or phone. He has them for sale Or ient. Hr. and Mrs. Alex Bailiie left Tues day noon for their home at Qakamas, Oregon, after a short visit of a couple of weeks here and Mr. Bailiie looking after his more than eight hundred acres-of Sherman county land. Mr. Bailiie iswonderfully smitten over his home on the western coast and will probably make that his home for the rest of his days. He invftas all his friends to come out and see him and he will give them a cordial welcome. Call and see the very latest in High Grade Pianos. Bring one along with you who can judge a piano. Why buy a cheap instrument when you can get the very best for the same money. H. M. Eisner. The smallest book in the world is in the library of congress, al ways under lock and key. It is a copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. The tiny volume was made by Nathan Dale of Cleve land, Ohio. It was photographed, each page separately. Four books of the same size would just cover a postage stamp. Three hundred of them would weigh just a pound. For Sale—Good 4-room house, barn and 6- good lots, two blocks from school, 91,600, will buy this property, If taken soon. 9500 cash, balance in Uve years at 6 per cent interest. For particulars, see J. W. Dougal, Loup City, Nebr. Henry Wahle, a farmer of Tray nor, Iowa, won a $100 bet the other day that he could Cany a 300-pound sack of oats three miles without stopping to rest. At the end of the three miles he offered to wager he could carry the mm load back the three miles under the same conditions. Them were no takers. Wahle is 38 years old, weighs 180 pounds and is 5. feet 10 inches in height. Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law, LOUP CITY. NEBRSSKS. R.J. Nightingale & Son AttorujudCmicr*t«Uv Loup City, Nebraska. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Practices in all Courts JLoup City, Neb. ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loup Cut, • Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONOACRE Physician & Surgeon Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, N0.39 A. J. KEARNS I Physician & Surgeon Phene, SO. OfHce at ReeMenoe Two Doors But of Telephone Central Lnnp Eiig. - Hahranka A. S. MAIN Physlcian& Surgeon Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection I J. B. Bowman H. D. Carrie L. Bowman U. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS PhonellS Loop City. S.bnak, S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, • • NEB. Office ap stairs in the new State dank building. W. L. MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public Sauue. Phone, Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 67 G. R. SWEETLAND ‘ PLUMBER A ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices W. M. DONER Contractor and Plasterer Phone White 70 Give me a call and get tty prices. I will treat you right. Satisfaction Guarantied H. KREBS Faneral Director Licensed Embalmer Business Phone Black 65 Loup City, Nebraska FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmlthing Horse Sh oeing and Wood* work Come io and see me. 7. E. WEINMAN ~ Veter inaria n All calls • eceive prompt, careful and consider ate attention Office up stairs, State Bank Building Phone No. 108 Cody and Miles Cheap “Heroes” Says Red Skin Scorn was heaped last Thursday at Denver, upon the heads of Col. William F. Cody (Buffalo BiH), and Lieutenant General Miles dur ing the session of the convention of the Society of American Inda ins by Chauncey Yellow Robe, a full blood Sioux from South Da kota. He bitterly denounced tht part the two men had played in the proposed re-enactment of the battle of the Wounded Knee, the last great Indian battle, for the benefiit of a moving picture con cern. He related “how these two ‘heroes’ who were not even there when it happened,’’made a mock ery of this tragedy to his race, “for their own« profit and cheap glory. “You ask how to settle the In dian’s troubles,” he began. “I have a suggestion. Let Buffalo Bill and General Miles take some soldiers and go around the reser vations and shoot them down. That will settle his trouble. Let them do in earnest what they have been doing at the battle field of Wounded Knee. “These two, who were not even there when it happened, plan to go back and become heroes for a moving picture machine. “You laugh, but my heart does not laugh. Women and children and old men of my people, my relatives, were massacreed with machine guns by the soldiers of this Christian nation, while the fighting men were away. It was not a glorious battle and I should think these two men would be glad they were not there, but no, they want to be heroes for moving pictures. ” Senate Impeach Governor of N. Y. Gov. Sulzer, democratic gover nor of New York, was convicted of falsifying his expense account of his campaign and impeached by the senate tribunal by a vote of 39 to 18, last Thursday. ■ l~ The Youth’s Compauiou iu 1914. Seven college presidents and a num ber of college Instructors, including ex-president Taft, will contribute to The Youth’s Companion during 1914. Then there is Gene Stratton Porter, whose stories of Indiana woods and swamps have made her famous, and Kate Douglas Wtggin, who never wrote a dull line in her life and Mrs. Burton Harrison, who remembers when conversation was really an art as practiced In Washington and in the manor houses of Virginia. And this is just a begining of the-tfst. If you know The Companion, vou have a pretty clear idea of what is in shore for next year’s readers. If you do not know, ask us to send you sample copies—for instance, those containing the opening chapters of Arthur Stanwbod Pier's fine serial— “His Father’s Son.” Full announce ment for 1914 will be sent with the simple copies. For the year’s subscription of 12.00 than Is included The Companion Practical Home Calender for 1914, and the issues of the paper for the remain ing weeks of 1913, dating from the time the subscription is recieved. The Youth’s Companion, 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Hew subscriptions Recieved at this Office. Whan Looking For a Squreltal Drop In At The also for a Good Lunch We also carry a Full One of Bread and Pastry Goods and alio send Bread by parcel ptft Phone Black 127 South Side Public Square. ~ .. .7 We want you to make a quality test of Bowstring! Six Cord Spool Cotton and compare it with the threacj you are now using. We know that if you will once us J Bowstring thread, you will say that no other threacj equals it in strength, smoothness and freedom from defects! The Sea Island cotton used in Bowstring thread has if fibre longer and finer than any other cotton in the woridl Dressmakers say that Bowstring is so free from defects, thal| with it they can run their machines ail day long without a skip or a break. The price is as usual—5c a spool! • •••••••••••••a # . S (t(| inaitiy ,,,,,,,, This Coupon is Worth Qq I This coupon will buy at our store a 5c spool of Bow- I string thread. But the coupon must be presented in I order to get the spool as we must send to the manufacturer | a coupon for every spool put out in this way. We want I you to know by actual experience the high quality of Bow- 1 string thread. This coupon is good for one week only be> f ginning to-day. I DAILY & BREDIHAIIR | 1 Have You Seen Our Two Big Diamonds? 1 . KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY a; a good sack of Flour try # T WHITE SATIN ! Made From Old Wheat \ Town Handle Ouu Flour i Mill & Light Co. | 1/ * X ,:y ; • if. : H Wherever you go; Whenever you go; Whatever you do; you need shoes suitable for the occasion. STYLE you desire. You demand COMFORT. You want these qualities com bined with DURABILITY. TRY RALSTONS. They carry our guarantee of satisfaction. | LORENTZ .