The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 02, 1913, Image 5

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Order of Hearing and Notice of Pro
bate of Will
In the County Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska:
State of Nebraska,1
County of Sherman)
To the heirs, legatees, devisees, and
to all persons interested in the estate
of Wilhelminia Finder, deceased:
On reading the petition of Robert
P. Starr praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 16th day of
September, 1913. and purporting to
be the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed. and recorded as the last will
and testament of Wilhelminia Fin
der, deceased: that said instrument
be admitted to probate, and the ad
ministration of said estate be grant
ed to Louisa Fawcett as executrix. It
Is hereby ordered that you, and all
persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, apper at the county
court to be held in an and for said
county, on the 11th day of October,
A. D. 1913, at one o’clock p. m., to
show case, if any there be. why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the
Loup City Northwestern, a weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this 16th day of September, A.
D. 1913. E. A. Smith,
[seal] County J udge.
Last pub. Oct. 2
Order of Hearing on Petition for
Appointment of Administratrix
In the County Court;
State of Nebraska 1
Sherman County )
In the matter of the estate of Mich
ael Finder, deceased:
On reading and filing the petition
of Bernard Finder, praying for an or
der showing thedeathof Wiihelminia
Finder, widow, and that ail bequests
have been made as per will of said
Michael Finder, deceased,
Ordered that October 11th. A. D.
1913, at 2 o’clock p. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear at a county court to be held
iu and for said county, and show
why the preper of the petitioner
should not be granted; and that no
tice of the pendency ol said petition
and tlie hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in
the Loup City Northwestern, a week
ly newspaper printed in said county,
for three successive weeks prior to
said dav ef bearing.
Dated S-pt. 10,1913.
E. A. Smith,
[sea. | County Judge.
Last pub Oct 2
Piano Accompanist With American
Concert Poor.
Opera House, Loup City
October 14,1913.
Karkov Seed Wheat
For Sale—We have the above vari
ety of wheat for sale. We have raised
it the past four years and found it to
live through the winter well. It is also
a very good stooler and yielder
ahd petter than other varieties.
Price, $1 a bushel. Phone 7413, Route
two. Iossi Bros,
For general repair work such as,
tinware, bicycles, guns, gas stoves
etc. See me at W. P. Reed's Second
Hand and Variety store.
P. O. Reed.
Do You Want Cement Work?
Anyone wanting block work, house
or foundation, or any kind of cement
work, see me. I have on hand at
present a large number of concrete
blocks nicely cured. ] ask your pat
ronage. C. J. Tracy
Masquerade Ball
at Jenner’s Park
Loup City, Thurs
day October 9.
--*» . —— -Jt» Jt ■ -
A ^ a strong conservatively
/\ managed institution which
iAi/ meets the requirements of
its customers with a spirit of
fairness to all interests concerned we
respectfully solicit YOUR patronage as
suring you that your account will be
appreciated and given careful attention
and the full confidential protection ac
corded accounts now on our books.
Wherever you go;
Whenever you go;
Whatever you do; you need
shoes suitable for the occasion.
STYLE you desire.
You demand COMFORT.
You want these qualities com
bined with DURABILITY.
They carry our guarantee of
Will Schumann had business at
Ashton last Thursday.
Jacob Albers had business in Ash
ton last Thursday.
Best line of cloaks just recieved at
the Hub Clothing Store. It will pay
you to see them before buying.
Saveral autos from this city, with
about twenty to twenty-five of our
citizens, took in the Ord fair last
Miss Bessie Owens, who has been
visiting the past few weeks at Lincoln
and Palmyra, Nebr., returned home
last Friday evening.
One hundred copies of popular
music just received at the ten cent
Vincent Johns went to Ord last
Thursday morning to attend the
county fair.
Mrs. J. F. Blanchard went to Laurel.
Nebr., last Thursday morning for a
two weeks’ visit with her parents.
Twenty per cent off on Wall Paper
at the Loup City Paint and Glass
Quite a bunch of our people took in
the two days’ celebration at Litchfield
last Thursday and Friday. Our band
played for them during the time.
Mrs. W. O. Brown and son, Colonel,
left Tuesday morning for a several
weeks’ visit in Chicago, and return
ing will visit various points in Iowa
with friends and relatives. W. O.
went wirh them as far as Grand Is
For Bent—Farm of 320 acres in
Valley county. A. E. Charlton, Loup
City, Neb., phone 9203. 41
Mrs. Gautafson,with her twin babies
and Miss Sundberg, all of Aurora, re
turned home last Friday morning af
ter a weeks’ visit with their sister,
Mrs. Ed. Lewis.
Lee Burnett and family moved to
Rockville last Thursday morning,
where Mr. Burnett has purchased the
pool hall at that place of Walter
Fletcher, and will make that pleasant
little village their future home.
The Sturtevant Vacuum Cleaner,
the clean way to clean. See C. R.
Sweetland or phone. He has them
for sale or rent.
Mrs. Beth Owens who, with her
little daughter, has been visiting her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmer
man, for some weeks, will return to
her Pacific Coast home the 7th ult.,
the same day her parents start on
their eastern trip to Virginia.
A change in tonsorial artists the
past week, brings here into the Con
Sr shop Mr. Albert Geister of Grand
land, and the departure of Mr. Wil
son who had been holding down a
chair in that shop for some months.
Both are good workman.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee. Black 63, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Anyone wanting cabbage or sauer
kraut, phone 48, or call up the Loup
City Truck Farm.
L. Bangs,
We are sorter glad that we did our
courting and love making before the
Bulgarian blouse for girls came into
• ‘fashion”. In the days of our ‘ ‘spark
ing” the girls wore their belt at the
squeezing line. We can imagine the
embarassing moment for the young
man of today who places his arm
about the girl's waist as indicated by
ber belt and attempts a squeeze_Ex
John Peterson of Teeds Grove
Iowa, under date of Sept. 23, in send
ing another year’s subscription to the
Northwestern, adds; “I find I can
not do without the paper, as it keeps
me posted on what is going on in
Loup City and throughout the coun
ty. It was very dry here this sum
mer, but we have had some showers
hereof late, but crops are not going
to be as good as last year.”
Crown, Kimball, Price & Teeple
Packard. A. B. Chase, Schaeffer,
McPhall and other high grade makes
of pianos to select fromatSchwaners.
'Dwight Jacoby, who went to South
Dakota over a year ago to make his
home was b$ck here last week arrang
ing to move on his farm in Logan
township. He left last Friday morn
ing to visit a few days at Aurora, and
from there to South Dakota after his
family. They will return within a
fortnight. Our people will be pleased
to have Dwight and good family re
turn to make their home with us.
Why rent, when you can buy a farm
with a payment of $500 and get good
terms on balance? For particulars,
see J. W. Dougal, Loup City, Nebr.
One week from next Tuesday, Oct.
7, Mr. and Mrs. A. Zimmerman ex
pect to leave for a winter’s sojourn at
Richmond, Virginia. They go first to
Zanesville, Ohio where Mr. Zimmer
man will attend to some matters of
business, and where they will visit
for a season with Mrs. Zimmerman’s
brothers, thence to Meadow, Va. to
visit their son, Archie, and family,
and finally to Richmond for the win
ter season. Mr. Zimmerman has sev
eral hundred of acres of timber land
near Richmond, from which he ex
pects to cut a lot timber for shipment
and sale. ,
For Sale—Good 4-room boose, barn
and 6 good lots, two blocks from
school, $1,600, will buy this property,
if taken soon. $500 cash, balance in
five years at 6 per cent Interest. For
particulars, see J. W. Dougal, Loup
I Professional Cards
Attorney at Law
R.J.Nightingale & Son
Attorney at Ccimseicr-at-Law
Loup City, Nebraska.
Attotney at Law
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Aaron Wall
Practices in all Courts
1. oup City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Lctjp City, - Nebraska.
Only 6et of Abstract books in county
Physician & Surgeon
Office, Over New Bank.
Physician & Surgeon
Phone, 30. Office at Residence
Two Doors East of Telephone Central
Lnnpr Eitij. * Nebraska
Physician & Surgeon
Loup City, Nebr.
Office at Residence,
Telephone Connection
J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D.
Phone 114 Loup /City. Nebraska
Dr. James F Blanchard
Office hoars
1 p. in. uutil 5:30 p. m. only
Office up stairs in the new State
Rank building.
Loup City, Nebraska.
OFFICE: East Side Public So uaie.
Phone, Brown 116
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Phone Brown 57
For good clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Come and get my prices
Contractor and Plasterer
Phone White 70
Give me a call and get my
prices. I will treat you right.
Satisfaction Guaranted
Funeral Director
Licensed Embalmer
Business Phone Black 65
Loup City, Nebraska
General Blacksmithing
Horse Shoeing and Wood
work Come in and see me.
Veter i n a ria n
All calls receive prompt,
careful and consider
ate attention
Office up stairs, State Bank
Phone No. 108
Rev. Hammond, district super
' intendent of the Methodist church
! for the Kearney district, has ord
I ered the Trinity Methodist church
at Kearney closed, giving as his
reason that the church is ruptured
by internal dissentions and is a
shame to the cause of Methodism.
I Trinity church is situated in the
; First ward of this city. Rev.
j Hammons also asked the confer
ence to abolish the “clap-trap
evangelists” and to depend upon
the good old fashioned religion for
saving souls. We always did ad
mire Dr. Hammons for his good,
sound sense.—Kearney Democrat.
September 17,1913, County board of
supervisors met pursuant to adjourn
ment of August 13, with all members
present, J. H. Welty Chairman, W.
O. Brown, Dan McDonald, H. W.
Long, Wenzel Revolinski, Tbos. Jen
sen. Hiyo Aden, J. L. Pedler, Co.
Att’y and L. B Polski, Clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and
L. Rein was instructed to buy a
desk for use in his office.
Denniston road petition was next
up the Board finding that all the
provisions of the law had been com
plied with and that said road was a
public neccessity on motion allowed
the same: also allowed Felix Makow
ski damages to his land for said
road $100. per acre as surveyed.
Board adjournment till 9 o’clock to
morrow morning.
September 18,1913, Board met this
forenoon with all members present.
The Eisner road petition was next
up and after due consideration the
Board on motion disallowed the same.
District treasurer’s bonds of John
Heil. Geo. F. Douglas, John Kwait
kowski and Thomas Jensen were ap
Motion made, seconded and duly
carried that the Nightingale Road
Petition be allowed from the North
end of said proposed road to the South
east corner of South half of North
east of 12-15-15 and that damages be
allowed in the following amounts; H.
F. Anderson $25: Minnie Hansel $75.
Board ordered the Denniston road
and road 103, on section 50-14-16 sur
Claims Commissioner reported that
they had allowed all claims, except
claims of Wm.Aufrecht, S. H. Robin
son and $4.00 of Klopp & Bartlett and
deductions made for taxes.
Klopp & Bartlett, 12 war. 201.00
Hammond & Stephens. 19.10
State Journal Co. 42.75
Nebr Hospital for Insane_ 13.58
Matt Janulewicz. 19.20
L. B. Polski Co. Clerk. 14.54
L. B. Polski Co. Clerk. 275.00
Louis Rein Cletk Dist Court. 107.75
C. H. French. 15.25
L. A. Willisms Sheriff. 140.00
L. H. Currier Co. Supt. 109.00
L. H. Currier Co. Supt. 17.86
F. M. Henry Co. Treas. 20.81
W. S. Waite. 45.00
A. E. Chase. 8.76
C. F. Beushausen. 6.50
E. A. Smith. 147.20
Hiyo Aden. 12.10
H. W. Long. 9.80
Thos. Jensen. 9.70
J. H. Welty. 24.50
W. O. Brown.•.. 16.40
Wenzel Rewolinski. 9.20
Dan McDonald. 17.60
Jacob Alders. 3.20
Henry D unkin. 3.20
Fritz Hanki. 3.20
M. J. McLaughlin. 14.00
E. B. Coming. 51.75
Chas. Quartz. 7.00
J. Alders Jr. 3.00
Joe Kochanowski. 1.60
C. L. McDonald. .50
John Iaacson. 4.50
Frank S. Kiminski. 2.0o
BoanJ on motion adjournment to
November, 1913. L. B. Polski.
Co. Clerk.
For Sale or Exchange
Free of all encumbrance, my large
new house and two and one half acres
of land, abundance of water for irri
gation, trees, outbuildings, new fur
niture, in San Louis county, Cali
fornia, one mile from Ideal Ocean.
Climate good,future commercial pros
pects and 23 miles from Woman’s
Republic Colony. Will accept farm
or out-of-town property in Sherman
county, Nebraska, likewise free and
of equal value. Price, $2,500. Object,
change of residence, state and friends.
Write me. Ina F. Taylor, Oceano,
Faro for Sale
In order to dispose of m.v 240
acres Valley farm 1 mile east of
Litchfield, I have decided to offer
it for sale at the exceptionally low
price of $20,000.00. $12,000,00.
down, time on balance. This is
one of the best farms in Sherman
County. Have $4000.00 worth of
improvements. If interested call
on or address,
R. F. O. Z, UtohftaM. Nab.
Telephone 3 on 102 or call at
this office for particulars.
Here is the list of the coals we have on hand; East
ern Anthracite, Rock Sprtngs Lump and Nut,
Canon City Lump and Nut, Maitland Pea, Hanna
Lump, Nigger Head Lump, Juniper Lump and -
Eastern Coke. We also have Smithing coal and
Rock Springs Slack.
When you want a good sack of Flour try
Our Flour is Made From Old Wheat
All Dealers in Town Handle Ouu Flour
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
W orld’s Best
For the Money
Hardware Paints Oils Tinware
and Tin Repairing
... . _. . . .
wants settlers for the
Best'Farming Lands on Earth
Go to Alberta or Saskatchewan Canada, and own
your own home at $11 to $20 per acre
Five Percent Payments All That Is Needed
Will Loan $2,000 for purposes of improvement on
same terms of payment
Lands 6 to 10 miles of good towns, schools, market
churches, telephones, etc.
Cheap Excursion Rates to see Land
Write or call on
W. D. ZIMMERMAN, j££2f
Exclusive Agent Canadian Pacific Railway
For Sherman County and north half Buffalo County
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays;
Matinee every Saturday afternoon
Show every night and nothing but the best of
pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially
invited to attend.
At the New Opera House
We Have just added about $300.00
worth of new material and Job Type
and are prepared to handle any
class of work you may wish
. • »