The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 02, 1913, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern
’ '■ ’r- ’ I
A. H. Slocum Aged Resident of Arcadia FaHs From Scaffold While WoriunK
on Barn in That Village.
Last week Tuesday, A. H. Slo
cum, an aged man of Arcadia
fell from a scaffold, while working
on P. D. Duryea's new bam in
village, striking on the cement
walk below on his head and should
ers, from the effects of which he
died the following evening. He
was aged about 60 years. It seems
To Keep Passengers From Riding on
the Pacific Mail Train Our Mails
are Held Unnecessarily.
Our evening mails are mere farces
so far as bringing anything but local
mail is concerned. The motor brings
the whole cheese and that mail has to
lie at Grand Island from 3:15 p. m.
till ":00 a. in. before it is started on
the wa. up the Loup valley. All this
because the U. P. mail train comes to
Grand island a few minutes after our
passenger leaves that place. In other
words the company sends out the Ord
passenger train a few minutes ahead
of the Dig mail train. The purpose of
the company in doing this is to keep
passengers destined for all this sec
tion of the country from riding on
the mail train
The necessity for limiting the trav
el on the Pacitie and mail train is ap
parent enough, but the company’s
way of bringing it about is too rank
for the peaceful acceptance our peo
ple are according it.
Just to keep a few passengers from
coming in over this train they make
a schedule that keeps us from get
ting onr mail at night that ought by
all rights be delivered to us at 6:00
p. m. and bringing it in at 10:00 the
next forenoon.
We can see why local passenger
service on a big and very important
through train is a nuisance. It re
quires the comyany to send out more
coaches from Omaha than can be
carried all the way to the coast. This
means delay, perhaps, or inconven
ience anyway. But why could this
not be avoided in a less damaging
manner than the one emj loyed?
If the matter were put up to the
railway commission in the true light
we are sure an order would be grant
ed permitting the company to deny
passage on this train to ticket holders
destined to points on branch lines.
ThiB would be no worse on the pas
sengers than we now have it, and
would permit the company to run our
passenger train up a half hour later
and thus bring us the chief mail of
the day. If the campany will not
concent to this let us get an order
compelling the mail trains to.
Would it not be well fdr our com
mercial club to take this matter up?
—Ord Quiz,
Will Probably Move South on Account
of Son’s Failing Health.
Rev. L. C. McEwan, former
pastor of the First Presbyterian
church in this city, but for the
past five years pastor of the Pres
hyterian church at Kearney, has
handed in resignation as pastor of
that church and will leave for
other fields. The Democrat of
Kearney speaks highly of Rev.
McEwan's work there. When he
was here some weeks ago, the
reverend told this editor that he
expected to leave Kearney and
might either accept a call to a
church in Omaha, or otherwise
possibly go to some southren state,
on account of throat trouble of
his youngest son, Robert Wher
ever he goes, the best wishes of
^ our people go with him.
Miss Lena Swain of Pool, Neb., who
had been visiting at the home of hex
cousin, Henry Christensen, for a few
days, returned home Monday morning.
from what he said during the few
lucid moments after the fall that
while working he experienced a
dizziness, but remembered nothing
further till after he had been taken
to the office of a physician. It
was some little time after he had
fallen before he was discovered,
and when found he was badly lac
erated and later proved he was
hurt internally. He is survived
by two sons, his wife having died
some three years previously. He
was well known throughout this
section, where he has lived for
many years.
Pitch-Fork Catches ia Belt of Thresh
ing Machine Striking Julius E.
Johnson, Prominent Farmer
While Julius E. Johnson, a
prominent farmer living a few
miles west of Ravenna, was work
ing with a thrashing machine last
week Monday, he attempted to
throw a fork full of straw' over
the drive belt on the table, when
the fork caught in the belt whirl
ed around the fly wheel, and in
swinging the handle of the fork
struck Mr. Johnson across the side
of the head and neck with such
force that he lived only a short
time after. He was about 55 years
of age and leaves a widow and
several children.
Wants Extension of
Branch Lino to Gannett
The following communication was
recieved by the Loup City Com
mercial Club last Friday, through
Mr. W. F. Mason of this city. It
speaks for itself without further
comment at this time. Digest it
thoroughly and give us your opin
ions through the Northwestern:
Following my appointment as
secretary of a committee to co
operate with the Columbus Com
mercial Club m a movement to in
duce the U. P. to build westward
from Fullerton, I am writing you
for information about the feasibil
ity of a route from Loup City to
Elba, and also to Ansley or Mason
City. What are the obstacles to
such a route? Can you indicate
what is the feeling in your vici
nity regard to this enterprise?
We will try to secure the co-oper
ation of the interests served by the
proposed road, as well as that of
the Omaha Commercial Club. I
enclose copy of petition, which
will be presented if gradients are
not too great Yours Truly,
James R. Russell.
Fullerton, Neb., Sept 23, 1913.
To the Board of Directors of the
Union Pacific R. R.:
Your petitioners beg to sub
mit for your consideration the
following reasons why an exten
sion of Columbus-Fullerton branch
westward to a connection with
your main line at Ganett would
be of incalculable benefit to your
system and would serve the tribu
tary territory in the best possible
(1) It would give the region tri
butary to it the shortest and
easiest route to market. (2)
It would interest six lines of
railway which now traffic by
roundabout routes to objective
points. (3) The road would com
mand local traffic which is now
carried over the three lines of the
B. & M., which it would intersect.
(4) Business now carried over the
three lines of the U. P., which it
would intersect, would reach ob
jective points more quickly and
cheaply. (5) The territory tra
versed is one of the most fertile
in the west and produces enor
mously of wheat, corn, alfalfa,
cattle and hogs. (6) The traffic of
of the territory served by the road
would pay good returns on the
cost of construction and operation.
(7) The route is feasible and rail
way construction would be easy.
(8) The road would give an alter
native route from North Platte to
Omaha over twenty miles shorter
than your present line. (9) The
distance from Elba to Omaha by
your present line is 184 miles,
while the distance from Elba to
Omaha by the proposed line is 156
miles; the distance from Loup City
to Omaha by your present line is
214 miles, and the distance from
Loup City to Omaha by the new
route would be 178 miles; the dis
tance from Lodi to Omaha is now
255 miles by rail, and the propos
ed road would reduce it to 226
A considerable acquaintance
with the locality through which
the proposed road would run indi
cates that the line must closely
follow the following: Up the Loup
valley from Fullerton to Elba, in
tersecting the B. & M. one mile
south of Cushing; from Elba up
Angar creek to the second inter
section of the B. & M. near Ash
ton and following that line to
Loup City; then west to and across
Clear Creek valley and west to the
third intersection of the B. &. M.
at or near Mason City, and from
there west to the intersection of
the U P. near Lodi or Calloway,
and from this point by the best
route to the connection with the
main line at Gannett
While the relative distance from
Omaha to the points of intersec
tion on the U. P. lines greatly
favor the route, the advantage
would be still greater from the
points intersected on the B. & M.
E. G. Milburn Disposes of His Hotel
to A. C. Ogle, who will Remodel
it Into a Garage.
Last week Wednesday evening,
E. F. Milburn said his hotel pro
perty to A. C. Ogle, the auto man, !
who closes the same and will
change the lower portion into a
garage, while he rents the upper
floor to the New Frederick, the
latter to add the rooms for use
of guests in connection with those
belonging to the New Frederick
proper. This wfll make of the
latter one of the largest and most
commodious hostelries in Central
Nebraska, as it has been one of
the finest and most up-to-date in
all its appointments. Mr. Milburn
closes the hotel on Oct 4th and
moves to Arcadia, where he has a
fine home and will very likely go
into some business there. Mr.
Ogle will tear out and rebuild the
entire inside of the hotel building
to meet the requirements of a
first-class garage, while the en
trance to the rooms above will be
from the second story of the'New
I Frederick across by trestle work.
This is the most important change
in hotel matters ever brought about
in this city and means the end of
the strained relations over patron
age and financial weal of all con
* '
Death or at Least a Ducking Looked
Certain; Prayers and Thoughts
of Home in Order.
The fishing party up on Pony Lake
returned home last Friday evening,
having had a week's most pleasurable
outing. The party was composed of
J. W. Conger, Vic Swanson, Elmer
Youngquest and A. J. Budler. The
boys came home with a good one on
one of the party, but as each member
weighs more than the editor, it is not
wise to state which one was affected.
However, the story runs like this:
Some one shota goose which droppod
into tne lake. Two of their number ,
got into a boat and went after the
feathered game. A high wind was
blowing and it looked as if the boat
would surely be swamped. The em
bryo sailors began to think over their I
past sins of omission and commission, j
but neither could remember even the ;
first sentence of “Now I lay me,” etc.1
The wind grew more fierce, and the
waves higher, the danger greater.
They tried to regain the shore, but
could not. Desperately they hung to
the frail craft. They counselled as
to what,to do in event of capsizing.
Death or at least a ducking looked
certain. One said to the other, “Just
think; my God, I have a wife and
steen children and can't swina lick.”
However, all’s well that ends well,
and the winds and waves finally land
ed them on the beach a mile away,
safe and sound and dry, but each one
solomnly swea—affirming they would
not acknowledge but what they went
bravely to their apparent doom.
Barn Fire Hear Ravenna;
$3000 Loss of Property
One of the worst farm fires to
occur in this country in years
wiped out more than three thou
sand dollars worth of property at
the Charles Jenkin’s farm, a few
miles east of Ravenna, late last
Monday afternoon.
The cause of the fire is unknown.
No one was known to be about the
place but Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins,
and they were at the house when
the fire broke out. Mr. Jenkins
does not smoke, at least while
about the barn, and how the fire
originated is a complete mystery.
The bam was one of the best
and largest in the country, and
Commercial Club Holds
Interesting Meeting
The Loup City Commercial
Club held an interesting meeting
last Friday evening at which
many matters of interest came up.
Besides the routine business, a
communication was received from
Fullerton - Columbus - Omaha re
garding the proposed extension of
the U. P. from Fullerton west
through Loup City to Gannett, a
copy of which will be found else
where in this issue. Secretary
Waite was instructed to answer
same satisfactorily to the club.
In the matter of incorporating
an electric whistle, it was found
that the city has decided to pur
chase same, and Mr. Taylor of the
Electric Light Co. agreed to fur
nish the juice and operate the
same gratis. The whistle is to be
used for fire alarm and for denot
ing the hours of 7, 12, 1 and 6 o’
clock of each day for the benefit
of the public. The probabilities
are that the whistle will cost be
tween $200 and $300, and can be
heard two and three miles in the
country, at least.
After some discussion, the date
of the club meetings was unani
mously changed from the last Fri
day evening of each month to the
first Wednesday evening of each
month, that change being, in the
interest of better attendance, be
ing less occupied by other inter
The good road question was very
generously discussed, the trend
being unanimously in favor of us
ing both money and influence in
the betterment of the highways
leading to the city.
Last week we spoke of Mr. Jos.
Daddow being called to Nashua,
Iowa, by wire, on account of his
wife’s brother being killed. On
Tuesday of this week, Mr. Dad
dow sent us an account of the
death, which proved to be another
of the long list of casualties charg
ed up to the horseless carriage.
From the article sent us taken
from a local paper we take the
following summary: The brother,
I. J. Leaman, who was a prosper
ous and wealthy farmer living near
Nashua, had recently purchased a
new Buick and was driving to town
in company with a friend. In de
scending a hill, the car struck
sand and gravel, skidding to one
side and turning turtle, pinning
the unfortunate men beneath the
car. A party who saw the acci
dent hurried to the scene and
found Mr. Leaman with his skull
crushed, both jaws broken, a por
tion of one ear severed, and from
the nature of the wounds must
have been killed instantly. The
friend was also badly hurt, having
two ribs broken, one of which
punctured the lungs, and his re
covery doubtful.
was built five years ago at a cost
of $1200. It was fifty-two feet
square and was fitted with modem
convenieees, and had a capacity
for more than twenty head of
horses. There was in the barn at
the time a span of driving horses
and a young calf and they perish
ed in the fire.
From the barn the flames com
municated to four surrounding
buildings, a milk house, a small
granary, containing six hundred
bushels of wheat, a combined com
crib and granary, in the granary
department of which there was
stored one thousand bushels of
Mr. Jenkins figures his aggre
gate loss at a little more than three
thousand dollars. He had insur
ance on the grain to the amount
of $1000, and at the time he *was
seen by TheNews reporter was un
certain as to the amount of insur
ance, if any, was in force on the
Mr. Jenkins declares that he
will rebuild at once, that although
the loss is a heavy one it will not
break him. He meets the misfor
tune very philosophically, and is
not “crying over spill’t milk.”
It takes a pretty good man to
meet such a loss with a grin, and
The News glories in his spunk.—
Ravenna News.
^ _ /
Bad Spot in Road Makes Driver Veer Too Quickly, Breaking Front Wheel
Causing Car to Turn Turtle.
Last Saturday, as Frank Kusek,
was driving in his new Ford near
John Augustyn’s, up on Dead
Horse, and going at a lively rate,
the driver got to near the edge of
the road leading down an embank
ment, and in his endeavor to get
the car up on the road gave too
sudden a twist to the steering
wheel, throwing the force of the
car forward on the front axle,
breaking the left wheel and the car
turned turtle two or three times
over, throwing the several occu
pants out, a baby girl of about
three years alighting against “a
wire fence cutting a gash from
over the left eye backward over
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Andersen Sur
prised on 25th Anniversary by
A Number of Friends.
i -
Last Saturday afternoon, being
the 5oth anniversary of the marri
age of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred An
derson of this city, a number of
their choice friends made it the
occasion of a joyful surprise on
the wojthy couple, appearing with
well filled baskets of good things
to eat, and presenting them with
a dozen solid silver knives
and forks as a momento of their
years of friendship, the presenta
tion being made by Rev. Johnson
in a few well chosen renlarks.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Gust Foreman, Rev. and Mrs. C.
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. Holmberg,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. P.
Petersen, and Miss Lizzie Peter
sen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Magnuson,
Mr. and Mrs. Swan Yunglund,
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Johnson, Ed.
Magnuson, Misses Ruth, Lily and
Hilma Johnson. At the close of
the afternoon all departed shower
ing best wishes on the worthy
I Rev. Dr. D. A. Leeper and family
! left Tuesday morning for their new
! home at Columbus, Nebr., to which
charge he has been assigned for the
coming year. Among the many Met
hodist ministers who have had charge
of that religious branch during the
past few years, Dr. Leeper has made
good in a marked decree, being one
among the very best assigned to this
[ charge. As a speaker, as a gentleman
| of culture and as a worker along his
life lines, he has made in the past and
we believe the future holds out great
promise to him in the church. He
has a most estimable wife and bright
children, and will prove a valuable
addition to Columbus church and
social circles. May kind fortune at
tend them.
Sol. L. Johnson Found
Guilty of Murder
Some weeks ago the Republican
told of the arrest of -Sol Lucas
Johnson down in Mississippi on aj
charge of murder, and John
son claimed to have been a
St Paul resident at one time. He
has now had his trial at Port Gib
son, Miss., and was convicted and i
sentenced to be hanged on Octo-!
ber 24. The jury must have been
pretty well satisfied, for they
were only out about two hours.
F. J. Taylor has been in corre
spondence with an attorney for
tiie condemned man mid showed qs
a letter recently received, also a
couple of copies of the Vicksburg
Evening Post, giving an account
of the trial.
Johnson claims to have been in
the feed business here in St. Paul
at one time, and says Mr. F. J.
Taylor helped him settle and close
up his business, but Mr. Taylor
is unable to remember anything
about it/and we have not found
anyone among the older citizens
who remember Johnson. He is
very anxious to fiind a brother
who he claims lived here, and if
anyone knows of the Johnsons we
would be glad te talk with them.
We understand the brother for
merly lived at or near Cotesfield.
the ear some six or more inches
in length, but fortunately injur
ing none of the others. The little
one was brought into Drs. Bow
man, who sewed up the gaping
wound and she will get along all
right. It was wonderful some
were not killed or at least maimed
for life.
Plan on Foot to Organize Several IIb
mediate Counties Into Association.
Some time since we recieved a let
ter from our St. Paul brethren of the
quill asking that the newspaper men
gather in their city on Friday, tire
17th of October, to form an editorial
association out of the bunch within
the radius of a few counties. During
the rush of the past number of weeks
our attention h*s been confined to
other matters and we have neglected
the courtesy to reply,' but at this
time take occasion to say that if
nothing occurs to prevent will be pre
sent with the better portion of our
household and give our little towards
the formation of an association that
we believe will put the boys of this
best portion of Nebraska on a pleasant
social and business footing.
A Few Items of Interest as Sees by .
Our Reporter.
G. A. Richmond g_>t first pre
mium on his yearling Duroc Jer
sey, a fine specimen of hogship.
A. D. Jones got first premium
on his Hampshire shoats. He bad
a fine bunch he brought over from
the west side.
J. W. Johnson and Henry
Kuhl had fine horses on exhibit
and recieved successful premiums
on same.
One thing noticeable was the
absence of vaudeville show con
cessions, and numerous mounte
banks, usually found about county
Henry Beck of the west side had
a fine bunch of horses on exhibit,
comprised of Clyde, Percherons,
Shires, and draft teams, on which
he secured first premiums.
Our friend, Ben Klimper, had a
fine lot of red hogs on exhibit.
His Lady Wonder, 264804, won
first premium while he got first on
gilts and second on Dutch Chief,
and also first on 6'months male
pigs. Pretty good showing.
Some complaint of short ch ang
ing was attributed to one of the
concessions down on the park
grounds, but the complainants did
not take it up with officials, and
we have it only from second pair
ties in regard to same. Undoubt
edly had those who suffered taken
the matter up, the concessionist
would have had to make good of
The crime for wfyich Johnson is
to hang was a cold blooded murder
of a young man for whom he was
working. They had a couple of
of boats and were drifting down
the Mississippi river, the young
man being iu pursuit of health.
Johnson was out of money and
needed work and was given em
ployment by the young man, Els
ton Brewer by name. The evi
dence seemed to indicate that he
committed the crime for the pur
pose of robbery, and while his em
ployer was asleep, in fact he con
fessed to practically that fact.
H. T. and H. M. Eisner and Wm.
Schumann left Monday for the vest
on an extended hunting trip. They
may be absent a month or longer.