The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 25, 1913, Image 8

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— ■ ■■ --— ■ ■■ ■— .- 1 ' .."" ' ' .... .
We Absolutely Know That We Have the Most Up-To-Date Line of
Ladies’ Misses & Children’s
That Was Ever Shown in Loup City, and
Don’t pay two prices. Look over other Lines then come to us and
see the money you can save on every Garment. Remember We car
ry Quality, and not Junk.
The House of Quality and Low Prices
of quality and prices are offered that will delight and please
you. Come in today and let us show you the very newest
sty les.
Finest Line Ever Brought to This Comunity at Prices
Below Those of Omaha or Any Other City.
Pony Coats.From $22.00. $25.00
Calf Skin Coats.From $25.00. S27jOO
Black Martin [lm.] ,.. From $17.00 »$21.00
Raccoon Coats ‘ From $65.00. $05.00
Come and Look at Them, it Costs You Nothing.
James Bartunek
^.. .___
Madam: Before you make or buy any nightwear come in and sfce 1
the value the regular bargains in sleeping wear—offered by the 1
-ttlSBAD 1
r^;_A,m g
i For Men, Women and 1
Includes night-shirts, night- 1
■■ gowns, pajamas, sleepers.
Meets all requirements for com- |
I fort and health while sleeping. |
g lias fresh air features not found 1
5 elsewhere.
Both night-'wear and price are 1
cure to please.
Come see this big 'value sleep- 1
tng-*iuear today.
-™1 IMIllirimillllllimililil ...
..-- , —■— ..Miiuii.j\uux - : ,au^uuuiiujiaiUiUAMimnmimimiuy"
W. D. Zimmerman made a business
trip to Ashton Wednesday morning.
Joe Kochanowski has sold his dray
business to Rufus Hiddleson.
List your land with J. W. Dougal
and you will receive a “Square Deal."
Finley Sickles, a cousin of Charles
Sickles, returned to Bridgewater,
Iowa, Monday, after a visit here.
Mrs. Will Hawk and little daughter
were Grand Island visitors Monday,
returning home in the evening.
New Dress Goods received at Ar
First masquerade ball of the season
at Jenner’s Park, Thursday, Oct. 5th.
You are invited.
Editor Jack Rightenour and family
were over from Litchfield last Friday
attending the fair.
The Ravenna Creamery this week
pays 30 cants for cream.
Come to the first masquerade ball
of the season at Jenner’s Park to be
held Thursday, Oct. 9th. Don’t for
get the date.
The receipts of the county fair
reached the handsome sum of •1,858.30.
Pretty good for the first year.
25 paper plates for ten cents, at the
ten cent store.
Roy Barr and Ossie Henderson left
last Satnrday for Scottsbluff, Nebr„
to work in the beet factory.
Miss Pearl Needham visited ovei
last Sunday with friends at Rockville,
returning home Monday.
Merrifield Pianos for sals by
_O- F. Petersen
Mrs. N. A. Steen and daughter
Hilda, visited last/Saturday at Danne
1 brog at the home of N. E. Jensen.
A baby girl was born last Thursday
rrorning to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pen
ner, 13 miles southwest of Loup City
See the new aviator dolls at tht
ten cent store.
Miss Alta Johnson of this city has
been appointed deputy postmistress,
her commission being received Mon
day evening of this week.
Mrs. E. M. Bullock of Boelus is here
visiting her daughter, Miss Ruth Bul
lock, at the residence of Mrs. Cora
Schwaner can and will save you
money on a piano.
Miss Marcia Gilbert went to Fre
mont Tuesday morning as a delegate
to the State W. C. T. U. convention
in session there this week.
Let everybody begin at once to pre
pare for next year's county fair and
make it the biggest in Central Nebr
aska. We can do it.
Schwaner can and will save you
money on a piano.
Mrs. Boyce left for Lincoln last
Saturday morning, where she expects
to remain for perhaps a month or twc
visiting her daughter.
Mrs. Henry Eisner and little son re
turned last Thursday from their pro
tracted visit with Mrs. Eisner’s sistei
to Atlantic, Iowa.
Go to the ten cent store for pencils,
tablets and lunch boxes.
Mrs. C. H. Ryan and little daughtei
left Monday morning for a two weeks
visit with her parents and sisters at
Grasham, this state.
Mrs. Martin Christensen of Palmer,
who had been visiting at the Chris!
Christensen home since Monday, re
turned home Wednesday morning!
Arthur carries the best in Drest
Goods, Hosiery and Underwear.
Mrs. Mary Gardner, who has been
visiting at Wood River with her
daughter for some weeks, returned
home last Friday.
Mrs. Dr. Hendrickson went to
Litchfield Tuesday morning by way
of Grand Island, to take in the two
days’ celebration at the former place.
The ten cent store has just received
a shipment of Sheraton glassware.
Mrs. Everett Sickles and little
daughter left Monday for her home at
Bridgewater, Iowa, after a four weeks’
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Bell.
The Methodist ladies will hold a
Kensington at the home of E. P.
Daily tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.
All cordially invited.
Mrs. Flora De Camp of St. Paul ar
rived here last Saturday evening and
will make her home with her daugh
ter and husband, Dr. and Mrs. S. A.
Will you sell your farm and take
$1000 as first payment and make rea
I sonab*e terms on balance? If so, I
can sell it for you at pnce. For par
ticulars, see J. W. Dougal, Loup City,
Ten per cent off on house paints at
the Loup City Paint and Glass Store.
On account of the rainy weather of
yesterday (Wednesday) Litehfield post
poned the opening of their two-days’
celebrations till today and tomorrow,
and to postpone it still further if the
weather continues bad.
Last Thursday. Vic Swanson, Elmer
Youngquist. A, J. Budler, J. W. Con
ger and Allen Cash went up to Pony
Lake for a week’s fishing trip. Just
imagine the fish stories they will spin
on their return.
S. f. Reynolds wants a car load of
hens at once.
Mrs. Henry Lee drove over to Ma
son City last Friday with her uncle
and aunt, Mr and Mrs. John Meek, to
visit with them till Saturday, when
she was to go to Broken Bow. Hank
went up today, both to return the
first of next week.
S. Fossrecieved word last week that
his son, Frank, had arrived safely at
Jaynesville, Wis., and was particular
ly well pleased with his new home,
and had expressed his intention of
making that his future home.
For sale—Cabinet sewing machine,
good as new. Mrs. A. N. Cook.
W. R. Mellor made a hurried busi
ness trip up from Lincoln last Satur
day evening, returning Monday morn
ing. W. R. says he is so busy with
the statistical reports of the fair’s
work that he must be right on the
job every minnte till finished, when
he will come up often and stay longer.
Take your chickens to S. F. Rey
nolds. He pays the highest market
Down at Lincoln at the big Method
ist conference, one preacher blamed
the automobile for the lack of church
attendance on Sundays. He claimed
people went joy riding instead of at
tending divine worship. Of course
he did not mean Loup City autoists
among the number.
Leave orders for the C.L. McDonald
dray at either lumber yard,or E. G.
at Taylor’s.
We regret to announce that A. N.
Cook and familv leave us next Tues
day for Avoca, N. Y., where they
will probably make their future home.
They expect to visit at points in
Iowa enroute with relatives and
friends. May kind fortune attend
For Sale—New Ford Roadster,
slightly used. See car at Blaska’s
garage. _
Dr. A. T. Charlton from Los Angeles
who has been visiting his father and
mother for a week left Saturday morn
ing for Chicago. New York, Boston and
Washington. He will visit the large
hospitals while in the east, he will
also visit his brother who is in the
navy in the D. S. S. Panther. He ex
pects to stop off again on his return
to the coast a few days.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
J. W. Long left Wednesday morning
for St. Louis and Louisville and Dan
ville, Kentucky on business and pleas
ure, at Danville visiting his brother
in-law. Dr. Rawson, returning in about
a week, bringing home with him Mrs.
Jennie Rawson, who has been visit
ing there with her son a number of
Before buying your threshing coal
call at Taylor’s elevator and get their
prices and see their cOal.
The three-boss section of the edi
torial household visited at the home
of the Misses Minnie and Marcia Gil
" bert in Webster township last Satur
day and had one of the most pleasant
visits since coming to Loup City. It
is like escaping from a prison into
paradise to get such a lovely day’s
outing in the country, we should
judge by their expressions of pleasure.
All the'same the editor didn’t get al
together left on the fodder line. The
hotels took pity on him.
Call and see the very latest in High
Grade Pianos. Bring one along with
you who can judge a piano. Why
buy a cheap instrument when you
can get the very best for the same
money. H. M. Elsneb.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Hansen ar
rived last week Wednesday from their
new home in Los Angles, Calif., where
they have been for the past eighteen
months, and expect to remain for a
week visiting relatives and friends,
before returning to their ocean home.
They are particularly well pleased
with Southern California, so much so
that Mr. Hansen has disposed of all
his holdings here and will undoubtly
make thit sunny clime their future
homo. They will next spring make a
trip into Oregon and Washington to
make an extended visit to that part
of the coast, but not with expectation
of changing their location, however.
Go to S. F. Reynolds for'old wheat
Frank Grow returned from his trip
to New York and Vermont on Mon
day of this week. From him we learn
that his father, D. C. Grow, who was
on the eastern trip with him, has
purchased a fine farm of about 160
acres near Jeffersonville, Vermont,
remaining while Frank came home to
make arrangements for the family to
ms ve there within the next two weeks,
where they will make their future
home. While regretting the loss of this
estimable family and old residents
from our midst, our people with one
r accord will follow them with best
wishes for their future happiness and
success in their New England home.
Having purchased the Jos. Kochan
owski dray, I respectfully solicit a
share of your dray and transfer work.
Promptfend careful attention given.
Phone the elevator or either lumber
yard. Rufus Heddleson.
Rev. *Dr. Leeper returned from the
M. E. Conference at Lincoln Tuesday
evening. He will not returu to us
but has been assigned to Columbus, a
much bigger and more important
charge. The new pastor for the
church at this place is Rev. L. V.
Slocum, who comes from Wisner. He
will not be here in time to occupy his
pulpit, but Dr. Leeper will occupy the
same for him in the morning. Dr.
Leeper and family will probably novel
Cloak Department
We have one of the finest selected lines of Ladies’
and Children’s Cloaks we have ever had and prices
are less than last year. ....
Come in and Pick Out Your Cloak
and Suits.
While we have a good selection to pick from.
~ They are going fast. ...
to Columbus about next Tuesday.
Rev. W. E. Henry has been assigned
to Gibbons.
Presbyterian—Services next Sunday
as usual. Last of the series of union
services at Baptist church in the even
ing. Let this closing meeting be the
best of all.
Baptist—Morning subject, “Christ
a Servant.” Union services in the
evening. Other services as usual.
Paster will preach at “Dead Horse”
school house at 4 in the afternoon.
German—Sept. 17. lesson in German
at 1:30 p. m.; 28th, Sunday school at
10 a. m. and service at 10:30. Service
at Cole Creek at 3 p. m.
Sheriff Williams was in town Mon
R. J. Nightingale was down from
Loup City Tuesday.
Jack Kwiatkowski returned Satur
day from Greeley, Nebr.
Theo. Ojendyk was east bound for
St. Paul Tuesday morning.
Vincent Czervinski is having new
fixtures put in his saloon.
Frank Trump from Davis Creek
was in town Monday.
H. W. Ojendyk was in Rockville
Saturday on business.
Dr. A. E. Wanek was called to Rock
ville Friday.
Several auto loads attended the
county fair last week.
miss Jessie bpening came nome
from College Friday evening, return
ing Monday morning.
The last ball game of the season
was played at Dannebrog Sunday.
Ashton winning the game 17 to 5.
There is something all around town.
I wonder what it is? Ask some one
and find out. Answer next week.
Vincent Czervinski was calling in
the boys Monday to treat them on the
big boy at his house. Mother and
child are doing tine.
Bob Szwanek is going to open up a
barber shop in the Palace Meat Mar
ket building about the first of the
A dance was given in the Golzenski
building Sunday evening. A fair
crowd attended. Music was furnish
ed by the Rapp-Smith orchestra.
Stanley Badura autoed to Grand Is
land Sunday to visit his brothej Peter.
Peter is getting along nicely and is
expected home in a week or two.
L. B. Jamrog, L. Campbell, F. S.
Janulewicz and Stanley Badura auto
ed to Grand Island to take in the
Carnival last week.
Anton Dymack returned last week
from his visit in Idaho.
G. A. Curry and wife were trading
in Loup City Monday.
V. Johns bought a mule of Chris
Zwink last week.
E. B. Corning has been doing some
surveying west of town.
Chas. Larson and Alfred Auderson
finished their haying last week.
Three schools on the route closed
one day last week to attend the fair.
Lee Brothers, Milo Gilbert and Rol
Hendrickson filled their silos last
Harry Johnson took first prize on
wheat, (raised the past year) at the
county fair.
O. G. Hunt has put in a new bridge
north of Moon school house, where
the tiling was washed out.
Frank Zwink threshed for the Lee
brothers and S. M. Peterson last week
Bruner of Arcadia is putting down
a well for Chris Zwink.
Lorin Hayden returned from Can
ada last Thursday and is thinking of
moving up there next spring.
Tiie entire stock of goods
formerly owned by A. E. Chase
1$ befng closed out at reduced
prices. If you have time,
come In and see what we can
offer yon. Goods delivered to
any part of town by Mr. Ben
scboter, Come early and have
your choice of selection.
JOE YAUCHN, Manager.
Do You Want Cement Work?
Anyone wanting block work, house
or foundation, or any kind of cement
work, see me. I have on hand at
present a large number of concrete
blocks nicely cured. I ask your pat
NMUp. _ __ C.J. Tracy _
BAIH %/ leave it to chance? You
MV I'l V know the way things left
■ ■ II I to chance usually work
out. Xou know and ap
preciate the risk of leaving the ques
tion to accumulating for future use to
chance or convenience. You want to
get ahead. Why not start today—there
is nothing to gain by waiting. The
practical features of our bank Account
Plan appeal to the earnest man. Come
in and let us explain the superiority of
this plan.
For general repair work such as,
tinware, bicycles, guns, gas stoves
etc. See me at YV. P. Reed’s Second
Hand and Variety store.
P. O. Reed.
Notice to Delinquents
Notice is hereby given that the
rental upon the lease contract to the
following described school land in
•Sherman county. Nebraska, as set
opposite the name of the holder
thereof, is delinquent and if the
amount which is due is not paid with
in sixty days from the date of this
notice, said contract will be declared
forfeited by the Board of Education
al Lands and Funds, and said forfeit
ure will be entered of record in the
manner provided by law:
Wi 16 16 13—Frank Pilonaski.
FtiED Beckman,
Commissioner of Public Lands and
Dated September 8th, 1913.
Last pub. Sept 25
Road Notice
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the
quarter stake between sections twen
ty-two and twenty-three (22 and 23),
township fourteen (14), range four
teen (14), thence east on the half sec
tion line and intersecting with road
number two hundred and sixty (No.
260) and there terminating, said road
to be forty (40) feet wide, has report
ed in favor of the establishment of
said road; All objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in
the office of the county clerk on or
before noon of the 3rd day of Novem
ber, 1913, or such road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
Dated at Louo City, Nebraska, this
26th day of August, A. D. 1913.
L. B. Polski,
[seal] County Clerk.
Last pub, Sept. 25
Road Notice
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at the
northwest comer of section thirty
three (33),township fourteen (14),range
fourteen (14), running thence south
two miles on section line to north
west corner of section nine (9), town
ship thirteen (13), range fourteen (14).
running thence east on section line
three and one-half (34) miles and ter
minating at road two hundred and
seventy four (274) at center stake on
north line of section twelve (12) town
ship thirteen (13), range fourteen (14),
has reported in favor of the estab
lishment of said road, and all objec
tions thereto or claims for damages
must be tiled in the office of the coun
ty clerk on or before noon of the 10th
day of November, 1913, or such road
will be established without reference
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this
26th day of August, A. D. 1913.
L. B. Polski,
Karkov Seed Wheat
For Sale—We have the above vari
ety of wheat for sale. We have raised
it the past four years and found it to
live through the winter well. It is also
a very good stooler and yielder
ahd petter than other varieties.
Price, «1 a bushel. Phone 7413, Route
^wo- Iossi Bbos,
Order of Hearing on Petition for
Appointment of Administratrix
In the County Court:
State of Nebraska
Sherman County
In the matter of the estate of Mich
ael Finder, deceased:
On reading and filing the petition
of Bernard Finder, praying for an or
der showing the death of Wilhelminia
Finder, widow, and that all bequests
have been made as per will of said
Michael Finder, deceased,
Ordered that October 11th, A. D.
1913, at 2 o’clock p. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear at a county court to be held
iu and for said county, and show
why the praper of the petitioner
should not be granted; and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in
the Loup City Northwestern, a week
ly newspaper printed in said county,
for three successive weeks prior to
said day ef hearing.
Dated Sept. 16,1913.
E. A. Smith,
[seal] County Judge.
Last pub Oct 2
Order of Hearing end Notice of Pro
bate of Will
In the County Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska:
State of Nebraska,
County of Sherman
To the heirs, legatees, devisees, and
to all persons Interested in the estate
of Wilhelminia Finder, deceased:
On reading the petition of Robert
P. Starr praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 16th day of
September, 1913. and purporting to
be the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed, and recorded as the last will
and testament of Wilhelminia Fin
der, deceased; that said instrument
be admitted to probate, and the ad
ministration of said estate be grant
ed to Louisa Fawcett as executrix. It
is hereby ordered chat you, and all
persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, apper at the county
court to be held in an and for said
county, on the 11th day of October,
A. D. 1913, at one o’clock p. m., to
show case, if any there be. why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
Eublishin? a copy of this order in the
oup City Northwestern, a weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court this 16th day of September, A.
D. 1913. E. A. Smith,
[seal] County J udge.
Last pub. Oct. 2