The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 25, 1913, Image 7

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First Prize Yorkshire Sow.
The hog is more an individual than '
a machine, mere perhaps than the j
average farmer who raises hogs sim-1
ply because they seem to be one of
the farm’s many equipments, realizes.
Hogs can be. with common sense
attention to its environment, feed and
other necessary attentions, produced
and marketed as quickly as a crop
of grain, and added to this the fact
that a grain crop makes an income
only once a year and there Is no rea
son why hogs cannot bring in money
trice in the year, and all the more I
should a hog’s needs and individual
taste be catered to.
A pure bred boar costing $25 to
$50 and a small herd of grade sows
are all that Is required for a very j
decent start in the bog business, but:
to get out with profit an abundance
of feed that the hogs can harvest
should be provided before the hogs
are bought or bred.
In the selection of the male hog ,
1t should be borne in mind that he ,
■will be apt to stamp his outward form
and appearance on the offspring.
The internal structure and all the l
result of its action will be determined ]
for the most part by the female par
ent. This is not only theory, but a
well-known law of breeding.
Therefore, success in hog raising
depends largely on the selection and
treatment of the male. It matters less
how good the sowb may be than is
imagined unless careful selection in
the males is looked to.
The boar should be of fine external
form for this is the result of a superior
internal organism. Width between the
lore legs and large heart girth just
behind them denotes a large, active
heart and lungs, the very foundation
of any animal.
Straight, strong, clean limbs, with
hoofs erect, denote a good, solid frame1
work. Smooth, mellow skin covered
with soft, silky hair denotes the
healthy liver and an absence of in
ternal fever.
A short concave face and sllightly
dropping ear are the sure signs of
an easy keeper and of the quiet dis
position. Such are some of the feat-,
ures that should be demanded in the
male hog, not for appearance but be;
cause they indicate qualities of real
It is important, of course, that the
male hog should be chosen with ref
erence to the females with which
he is to be mated. It is always of
interest to note the faults of the dam
which may be corrected, or at any
rate, modified, in the offspring with
careful selection of the sire.
If she is sharp-backed and slab-,
sided he should be broad on the back
with well-sprung ribs. If she is long
nosed and coarse about the head he
should have a short, concave face,
with a fine ear and a heavy jowl.
If she is too coarse, too lazy, too
active, too anything, in fact, the op
posite characteristic should be promi
nent in the male with which she is
to be mated.
It is sometimes desired to make a
direct cross between two breeds. In
this case the male should be selected
from the smaller of the two. Where !
it is not desired to cross breed it is I
best to have the male somewhat
smaller and more compact than the
female with which he i6 to be mated. ;
The male chosen to fill the responsl- !
ble position of head of the herd
should not only be a good individual j
animal, but should come of a family
that shows uniformity of breeding.
He should also come of a strain
that is known to be prolific. It is a
losing game to keep a sow a whole
year that raises but six or seven pigs
in that time. This is often done and
the fault iB not always on the female
side of the house.
The strain that has no two pigs
alike, that farrows small, weak litters,
that he lacking vital ruggedness,
should be shunned with all possible
Caponizing Should Be Done in
Fall, So Birds Will Secure
Highest Prices.
(By C. S. MILLER )
This is the best time for capcniz
ing, for the reason that the cockerels
are the right age and w eight, and will
arrive in market during January, Feb
uary and March, when the demand is
greatest and prices are highest.
The drone hen Las no more use in
the poultry yard than the robber cow
has in the dairy herd. Cut them both
out and save feed.
The only way to detect the robber
cow is by the Babcock test, and to
spot the drone hen is by the trap
Fowls that are dry-picked present a
much better appearance than those
that are scalded.
Do not deceive yourself with the
belief that you can successfully raise
poultry without admitting plenty of
sunshine to the poultry yard and the
Every poultry yard should be so
constructed that It can be moved
without much difficulty. This is
often necessary when a disease
strikes the flock.
While grass is necessary to a fowl's
proper condition, it is not fair to ex
pect a hen to live on grass alone.
Geese will make a pretty fair liv
ing if they have plenty of grass, al
though a handful of grain every day,
even during the summer months, will
do them all the more good.
Fowls do not thrive during the
winter unless they have some green
feed. The natural food of domestio
fowls is that which they pick up on
range, and if suddenly deprived of It,
both as to green vegetable matter,
and meat in the form of bugs and
worms, the evil effect is quickly seen.
Stagnant water will make young
chicks ill about as quickly as any
other bad thing that may be intro
duced into their systems.
Spade up a part of the poultry
yard and sow it to some quick grow
ing legume, confining the fowls In
the other part; when the crop is
well started, change the fowls over to
It and plow up the other side. Do It
Excellent for Table.
With a strawberry bed, a few berry
bushes, and some plum and apple
trees the table can be constantly sup
plied with a variety of desserts easily
and quickly prepared.
Hay Machinery.
Borrowing hay machinery is a hard
test for neighborly (feeling, while even
co-operative use and ownership is not
easily arranged in the rush of hay
time. Better buy outright and try to
improve the income by doing a little
work by the hour for those who need
to hire.
Breeding Sows.
4ows should not be bred before
eight months of age, and some good
hogmen do not breed their sows until
ten or twelve months old.
Destroys All Vegetable and Ani
mal Life, Keeping Out Weeds
and Worms.
Pew persons are aware that the
soil used by florists for filling window
j boxes and flower pots is sterilized.
: This is not done to kill the germs,
but to destroy all vegetable and ani
mal life in the soil, so that the weeds
will not be springing up along with
' the flowers, and worms eating their
way through the wooden boxes.
The sterilizing plant consist of a
I large bin. with steampipes running
| through it about four apart. Along
these pipes there are holes every
i few inches.
The soil, which is sod, plowed up
and left to decay for a year, is.
dumped in. Then the steam is turned
| on for half an hour. A* the end of
I that time the pitjcess is completed.
“It’s simple enough.’’ said a green
■ house man. “but one thing has to be
avoided. If the soil is heated too
much it becomes useless. Some of
i the elements are destroyed by exces
sive heat.”—E. V. B.
Piece of Parsnip, Baited With
, Strychnine, Will Prove Quite
Whenever I find fresh dirt thrown
| out by a gopher I uncover the hole and
take a piece of parsnip about one inch
long, cut a circular piece out of one
end, scrape some of the parsnip up in
the bottom, then mix as much strych
nine with it as can be taken up on
! the point of a large penknife, put the
i circular piece back and the bait is
I then put the bait in the hole, push
ing it back a foot or more, and leave
. the hole open. Now Mr. Gopher will
always come out and stop up the hole,
for he does not like the light; the
parsnip is a great temptation to him,
and he eats it, stops the hole, and
j seals his grave.
Sometimes there may be the second
1 gopher in the run, but not often. I
: have never faiied to get the gopher,
and 1 think it tends to keep others off,
for 1 have been troubled but little
1 since using this plan.
Insure Against Canker.
Barrett says that ten cents worth
of creolin will insure a flock of 400
I pigeons against' canker for a year;
i and two or three drops in a spoonful
of water, applied to the throat and
' mouth with a soft camel's hair brush,
twice a day, will cure a bird when it
is so bad that you are ready to wring
its neck. If he finds any trace of the
disease, the affected birds are re
moved and cooped alone, and a few
drops of the creolin is put is the
drinking water of all the rest This
acts as a preventative.
“If you can love me without seeing
me or hearing from me for a whole
year, then I will marry you,” she had
said; and the year had passed and j
Rankin still loved her.
He was standing by the same Ad- |
irondacks lake where they had met I
twelve months before. It was a cool j
day in July; the wind was skimming
over the surface of the water, the 1
pines rustled, a loon was crying far j
away. Everything in nature had con- j
tributed to make that day one for j
perfect remembrance. And it was
the same today as it had been.
She was secretary to the president of a \
corporation, Rankin had learned, and i
she was recovering from a serious |
illness. Their hotels were separated ;
by half a mile of undergrowth which j
covered the projecting flank of Big j
Mountain. They had met at the point j
of the lake where Rankin fished, and |
he had ventured a “good-morning.” j
After that their acquaintance was a
rapid one, and love perched in the i
background till, growing bolder, he t
stood between them.
Those days of meeting! That de-!
lirious happiness of love confessed! i
This was no flirtation. They were j
made for each other. But Ehe would |
not tell him her name, nor let him ,
come to her hotel.
“I have a very good reason,” she
answered when he protested. “You
must not try to find out anything
more about me now. But if you can
love me for a whole year, then I will I
marry you.
.-Aiiu xit: v ci wiu w w uu * uu aic.
he cried.
“O, I’m nobody mysterious, just a i
plain workaday woman." she answer
ed, smiling.
“And when the year has passed?”
“I shall be here next year. I shall
wait for you here—let me see, today
is July 2S. A year from today." j
And all his pleas were unavailing.
Despair alternated with unspeakable
happiness. He praised her beauty, j
her eyes, blue as the lake water; her
hair, soft as yellow silk; her gait, her
gestures, all intoxicated him. She
heard his compliments musingly, and
w'ith a slight frown.
“If you could love me—1 mean me,
apart from these external things,” she j
“I adore you," insisted Rankin. That
was on their last day together. He
Stood Staring at His Trophy.
gathered her into his arms and, kiss
ing her, knew that his love was truly
A trout leaped in the lake among
the lily pads, and Rankin drew a
length of line from his reel.
“I believe I’ll have a cast for that
fellow,” he said, and raised his rod
and threw it forward. The line caught
behind him. Rankin heard a stifled
try and turned. Upon the barbed fly j
was the girl's hat, and, under it, a
complete toupee of hair.
Before he could stir, the girl, with
a low cry, pressed her hands to her
head and darted into the under
growth. Rankin heard it crackle as
she ran; then the crackling died away
and he stood staring at his hideous
tie understood now what she meant
by her disparagement of his praises,
and the remembrance, the rising pity,
made his love truer and more intense
than before. During the year that
followed, throughout the fall and the
long, cold winter months he dreamed
perpetually of a lake studded with
sunshine and a girl who stood beside |
him on its brink. He understood the
shame in her heart, her swift dis
armament by his discovery' of her
secret. He longed for her. He locked
for her on every street, but he never
encountered her.
If she came back now he would
prove his fidelity. But he had little
hope that she would come. Yet, be
cause his love was stronger than his
disbelief, he stood upon the wooded
point of the same lake a year later
and waited.
The sun dropped in the sky, the loon
called, a trout leaped among the lilies,
and then, sadly, he turned to go. She
would not come. He had known it;
and something went out of his life
like the sun that suddenly went out
of the sky. And then—she stood be
fore him.
“You:" he exclaimed, catching' her
by the hands and looking at her with
utter incredulity.
"You:” she answered, and the Joy
in her face reflected that upon his
own. “O, I never dreamed that you
would come.”
“Then why did you come?” asked
“Because I had pledged my word,”
she answered. “But you—why have
you eome here? Surely—surety—”
her voice was tremulous—“that was
all a jest last year.”
“I have come back to prove that it
was no jest,” Rankin answered.
“No,” she cried, ana her cheeks
grew scarlet, “you have comn back
because you are an honorable »»■» '
You think you are pledged. Hut you
cannot want to marry me now.” Her
vo'ce fell. "You can't want to marry
me after—after that,” she whispered.
"But I do want you," he answered,
taking her by the hands. ‘1 love you
just as much, I have dreamed of this
meeting all through the months of
our separation. Do you think my love
is so weak that it is to be influenced
by that unhappy accident? If you had
never told me, but married me, and
I had discovered it afterward, 1 should
have been just as glad.”
She faced him squarely, looking full
into his eyes. "Suppose I put you
to the test,” she said. "Dare you
look upon me now—as I am—and
then say that you wish to marry me?”
“I am ready,” Rankin answered
quietly. “But surely It is not neces
sary to put me to such a test as that.
It would only cause unnecessary suf
fering to you. Take me at my word
as I took you at yours.”
For answer she unpinned her hat
and placed it on the ground. Then
she shook out her hair, fold upon
fold of rippling beauty, till it en
folded her to the waist. She swept
it back carelessly and looked taunt
ingly at him.
“Take it,” she said, and held out the
glittering strands. Rankin stood
watching her, his arms folded; it was.
indeed, the supreme test of a man’s
love, to see his sweetheart disfigured,
shorn, her beauty suddenly become
Suddenly, with an impetuous motion
she flung her arms round him.
"O, my dear, 1 believe in you now,”
she cried. “Listen! I told you I had
been very ill with typhoid last sum
mer. They cut my hair when I was
unconscious. Then I came up here
to get well, and—and I wore a wig.
And when you discovered my secret I
t! ought 1 would die of mortification.
That, too, was why I wouldn't tell
you anything then. But now, my dear,
I don't have to wear a toupee, because
my hair is mine—do you understand?
I can't cause you any humiliation or
regrets because—”
“Because I love you.” answered
Rankin; and the loon's distant laugh
seemed less ironical than of usual.
(Copyright. 1913, by 3V. G. Chapman.)
Texas has 1,034,000 milch cows.
There are 721,813 school children in
West Africa in 1912 produced 11,890
bales of cotton.
One Oldham (England) machine
shop employs 10,000 men.
New York's mine output in 1912 was
valued at $35,519,382.
In 1912 some 751 ocean vessels
were built in German yards.
Missouri in 1912 produced 24,530
tons of barytes, valued at $117,035.
Washington provides huge station
ary umbrellas for traffic policemen.
The new Atlantic coast port of Uru
guay is to be named Atlantida
Nebraska expects a 1913 wheat yield
of more than thirty bushels to the
German railroads in 1912 received
$474,000,000 from freight traffic.
There are now more than two mil
lion farmers in the United States
using the telephone.
A press weighing 12,000,000 tons has
been manufactured in England for
bending armor plate.
The newest skyscraper in New York
is to be 750 feet high and to consist
of 55 stories. It will be only 50 yards
shorter than the Eiffel tower.
The foreign commerce of Uruguay
in 1912 passed the $100,000,000 mark,
while more recent returns promise
that during the current year even these
figures will be exceeded.
Every boat engaged in the Jamaican
sponge industry has a water glass or
pane of glass inserted in the bottom
of a box or bucket, through which
the sponges are readily detected.
California prune exports In the ten
months ending April 30, 1913, were
106.000. 000 pounds, and raisin exports
27.000. 000 pounds, both being about
forty per cent, more than in the pre
vious year and about one hundred per
cent, more than in 1911.
Heat Pointers for'Blonds.
It's easy to keep cool and not mind
the heat if you know how. Here are
some hints from an English physician.
"Being cool.” he says, “is largely a
condition of mind. Keep still, watch
what you eat and drink, avoid meat,
ventilate your clothes as well as your
home, bathe freely and avoid extremes
of heat and cold in the water. Kill the
fly and don't get chilled at night.
“If you are a blond, avoid the bright
lights, because they are rich in chem
ical ether waves. In persons that have
considerable pigment in their skins—
in brunettes—these short, rapid, acti- i
nic waves are transformed into long
and slow heat waves. These actinic
waves have a deleterious effect on the |
nervous system of those whose skin
cannot reduce their potency.
“Blonds should avoid sunlight as ;
much as possible, and when they do go
out they should wear colored glasses,
hats with orange lining and their
clothes outside should be white, to re
flect the heat rays. Their underwear
should be colored, preferably orange
or blue. This is to protect the skin.”
Household Cavalry.
King George's review of the House
hold cavalry recently was the first
which has taken place since Queen
Victoria reviewed the crack troop in
1880. The Household cavalry con- 1
sists of the First and "Second Life !
guard and the Horse guards. It is
their duty to guard the royal resi
dences and attend upon the king when
he appears in public. On state occa
sions, the picturesque yeomen of the
guard also are employed as a royal
bodyguard. They consist of more
than 100 officers and men, and wear
the quaint uniform of the Tudor pe
riod, the same uniform that has been
worn since this corps first was estab
lished by Henry VH.
Thought Cows Were Mourning.
It was Tommy's first day in the
country, and everything surprised
him. About sunset one day a herd of
cows returning from pasture came
following their leader slowly and
solemnly in single file albag the for
est path within sight of Tommy and
his mother. After watching them for
some time in silence the little city
boy exclaimed: “Oh, mother, is it a
cow funeral T”
Physicians Recommend Castoria
P'ASTORIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma
^ ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with
results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably the
result of three facts: fUnt—The indisputable evidence that it is harmless:
Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi
lates the food: Third—It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil.
It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic
and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s
Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how
ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day
for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end." To
our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by
regulating the system—not by stupefying it—and our readers are entitled to
the information.—Hall’s Journal of Health.
AperfeclBeiciEdy forCmsflp
lion, Sour Stmnadi.Diarrfaaci
■Worms ,C onvulswus .l'evmsL
of Sleep.
PacSLmik Signature of
The Centaur Compass
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. B. Halstead Scott, of Chicago, Ills., says: “I have prescribed your
Castoria often for infants during my practice, and find it very satisfactory.”
Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your Castoria stands
first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can say I never have
found anything that so filled the place.”
Dr. J. H. Taft, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: “I have used your Castoria and
found It an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for
many years. The formula Is excellent"
Dr. R. J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich., says: "I prescribe your Castoria
extensively, as I have never found anything to equal it for children’s
troubles. I am aware that there are imitations In the field, but I always
see that my patients get Fletcher’s.”
Dr.Wm. J McCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: “As the father of thirteen
children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside
from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found Cas
toria a popular and efficient remedy in almost every home.”
Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: “The name that your Cas
toria has made for itself In the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the
presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse
ment of the medical profession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse it and
believe it an excellent remedy.”
Dr. R. M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Physicians generally do not
prescribe proprietary preparations, but in the case of Castoria my experi
ence, like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an ex
ception. I prescribe your Castoria in my practice because I have found it
to he a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physi
cian who has raised a family, as I have, will join me in heartiest recom
mendation of Castoria.”
Bears the Signature of m
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
Winchester Repeating Shotguns are
not only safe to shoot, but sure to
shoot. They are easy to load or un
load, easy to take down or put together,
and strong and reliable in every
way. That’s why the U. S. Ordnance
Board endorsed them as being safe,
sure, strong and simple. Over 450,000
satisfied sportsmen are using them.
Stick to a Winchester and You Won’t Get Stuck
Winchester Guns and Winchester Ammunition—the Red
Brand—are Made for Each Other and Sold Everywhere WV
\. ...... .
prcat success, cures chronic weakness, lost vigor
Mkd.Co.HavkrstockRd. Hampstead. London. Eng.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 39-1913.
A toilet preparation of merit.
Help* to eradicate dandruff.
For Restoring Color and
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair.
60c. and $1.00 at Druggists.
Why suffer from pit re ^ Get rid
of them quickly AlataO • the drug less
way. Inexpensive, painless home treatment.
Free from drugs and foolishness. Sent for fiOc,
in plain envelope. The Wieland Co., Duluth. Minn.
You Can Buy
The Best Irrigated
In Southern Idaho
For S50.50 an Acre
Good Soil Fine Climate
Crops ftever Fail
EspecieEy adapted to the raising of alfalfa,
gnp'o, potatoes, ami fruits. Ideal tor dairy*
jig and stock raising.
On main line Oregon Short Line Railroad.
Lands surround Richfield, Dietrich, Sho*
shone and Gooding in Lincoln and Gooding
Counties. 30.000 acres open to entry.
Let us tell you more. Tour letter will
have individual attention. Address
Idaho Irrigation Co., Ltd.
Richfield Idaho
RP A n F D Q of this paper desiring
» U C it O to bay anything adver
tised in Ita columns should insist upon having what
they ask for, refusing all snbstitnies or imitations.
Nebraska Directory
Rooms from $1.00 up single, 75 cents up double.
Cleaner than the Cracker Barrel
No more ordinary “bulk” crackers for
you! Pass right by the dusty, handled,
open barrel next the kerosene can and say, “I
want Sunshine L-W Sodas—the big 25c box.”
Then you’ll get your crackers fresh, crisp and flaky.
Then you’ll get the big, triple-sealed package that
keeps the delicious flavor in and dust, odors and •
moisture out. At your grocer’s.