The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 25, 1913, Image 1
LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN SHERMAN COUNTY. LIST OPEN TO PATRONS AT ALL TIMES Loup City Northwestern l VOLUME XXXI LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1913. ~ NUMBER 46 SHERMAN COUNTY FAIR A GLORIOUS SUCCESS Exhibits Exceptionally Good and Crowds in Attendance Far Beyond Greatest Expectations of Proaeters. OVER 5000 PEOPLE PRESENT THURSDAY The First Sherman County Fair, closed last Friday, has been a great and glorious success and way beyond what was expected by the most sanguine, on account of the dilapidated condition of the crop season. The first day, Wednesday, of last week, opened with the finest exhibits, ranging from jolly big pumpkins to the finest of draft stallions, ever brought before a first county fair in the his tory of Central Nebraska. It caused the eyes of the people to oi>en to the widest extent and from every side were heard expressions of astonishment over the wide range and generous complement of exhibits brought in from every portion of the county. It had b cn thought, on account of the lack of rains and necessarily shortness of the com crop, especial ly, that there would be a lack of 'interest arid enthusiam over the present county fair, but happily such proved not to be the case. On the other hand, one would not think to look at the exhibit of corn made that there had anything happened along that line, for never have w<e seen a finer exhibit of com made than that given in Floral Hall during the present fair. Begin ing at the gate of Jenner’s park, where the county fair was held, and passing to the left you were greeted by the stalls of as fine a lot of horses, ranging from the beautiful little Shetland ponies to the magnificent Clydes, Per cherons and Shires, ever gathered into an exhibit in any county in Central Nebraska. In the center of the field were the pens of the hog exhibit, showing the favorite breeds of Poland Chinas, Jersey Reds, Du roc Jerseys, Cheshires, Berkshires. etc., while still to the right were a fine collection of cat tle, principally Jerseys and Polled Angus, while still to the north were a number of fine draft teams, making a surprising collection in ail of fine bred stuff which puts Sherman county in among the leading counties of the state along above lines. Passing down into the beauti fully shaded park, and over near Lovers* Lane was the fowl exhib it, numbering a variety of choic est strains, such as Rhode Island Reds, Brahmas, Cochins, Hoodans, Wyandottes, Leghorns, etc., as fine a collection as one could de sire to look at or own—either to feed the preachers or their product for a fine dinner of ham and eggs. To lovers of poultry the exhibit j* e was vci,> j>n.LiaiaLtur,> . „ But up in the pavillion was where one would find the ladies. If you lost your wife or sweet heart anywhere upon the grounds, all you had to do was to make a bee . line for the pavillion, where you would find her busily engaged looking over the wonderful crea tions of the art department, which covered the entire north wall of the large building, hundreds of of everything in the needlework line from the daintiest of doilies to the finest of hand-made lunch cloths and emboridered work of all descriptions. Especial mention should be made of the art depart ment from Ashton, which occu pied from a fourth to a third of the space alloted, and which cer tainly was a credit to the Ashton ladies who made the exhibit Ih fact there were aJTbmber who were unstinted in their praises, and generous enough to claim that Ashton had the rest of the art de partment to a large extent out classed in a number of the exhibits, at least. In fact, the Ashton art department reflects much credit on our sisters to the east. Although the fruit exhibit was not very large, it made up in quali ty what was lacking in quantity. Not even at the State Fair could be seen a finer collection of apples, peaches, grapes, plums and all other varieties of fruits common to this section of the country. And yet could be heard on all side ex clamations from those present to the effect that they had had finer than those on exhibit and would bring them next year, but if they had, they will have to go some to beat those shown. The horticultural exhibit was also of exceeding interest, though of course much smaller than will be the case at succeediug fairs. One of the most interesting was the cotton plant, with pods from the perfectly closed bulb to those opened in full and the cotton in its native state shown forth. An other was the rubber plant, while there were many interesting feat ures of the show, which could be mentioned, but as our horticultural reporter is away on a vacation, we will have to pass over. Ine agricultural exhibit was a most pleasant surprise, and as one lady expressed herself to the re porter that judging by the samples of all kinds of products shown one would not think there had been any lack of good season for crops. Nowhere could one have seen finer sheafs of oats, wheat rye, barley, millet, and glorious alfalfa than shown in this department. It was indeed a revelation to those who were not in close touch with existing conditions along crop lines. We could heartily wish we could have had farmers from all portions of the state present at the fair, and indeed agricultural peo ple from other states, just to “show them what Nebraska, and especially Sherman county, can raise. It would have proved to them that Nebraska was just as good as any of them, and not poor er than than the best of them. But oh, you corn; you king of all. Was not the exhibit a sur prise party to us all ? Even our farmer friends themselves express ed ashonishment at the showing made. Long rows of the yellow, white and red beauties, full and complete in every respect, met the eye of the beholder and one and all paused before the king to render due homage. Uf course, pumpkins. Nothing is complete without a goodly array of these, which has dubbed all agri cultural fairs as “Pumpkin show. ” Well, what's better than good juicy pumpkin pies, anyway? Never make fun of your betters. And they showed well as always. Then came the turnips, beets, ruta bagas, and small grains of all kinds in bulk, all making splendid showing. One of the curiosities on exhib it was a sunflower stalk some twelve feet in height, fully four inches in diameter at the butt and with a flower at the extreme height some 13 1-3 inches in di ameter. To lovers of base ball sport, the three days’games furnished plenty of enthusiSfm, thousands witness ing the series and fans kept the air resounding with their hearty sup port of their favorites. Jess Mar vel, king of umpires, than whom are none better outside of the big league fellows, was ump, from first to last and at all times was most fair and impartial and gave satisfaction to all. In only one game of the series was there a*iy disputation, and that come from the Scotia boys, who, somewhat rattled by their own bad errors, felt more or less grouchy and heap ed their discontent upon Jess’ de voted head, who with that exasper atingly good natured smile of his passed over their ill-nature with unconcern, kept “sawing wood,"’ and had the good will of all, even the Scotia nine ending with better feeling over the smiling unconcern at their grouch at times bubbling forth. However, the Scotia boys are a bunch of pretty good injuns and may be excused for their few exhibitions of concern over their sure-coming defeat. Loup City and Ashton tried conclusions the first day and the game was a beaut from start to finish, both nines doing splendid work, but ending with the latter's defeat by a score of 8 to 6. Ashton was up against a hard pn.posion, but made one of their very best efforts of the sea sou. cuere were comparatively no errors on either side. The sec ond day, Arcadia and Hazard had the diamond for action, and Ar cadia won by a score of 5 to 1. It was a very pretty contest, good natured throughout, with acknow ledged superiority on the part of the Arcadia contingent. The third day came Arcadia against Scotia, and would have be the most close ly contested game of the series, had it not been for the repeated errors in fumbles of the second baseman for Scotia, who was evi dently off his feed. Had he play ed his usual game, and he is usu ally one of their best, the score might have been materia ly chang ed, although with pitcher Duryea of the Arcadias fanning out eigh teen men in the nine innings there was not much hope for the vaunt" ed and one of the very best ama teur teams in the state, as Scotia is rightly considered to be. Just a word in conclusion for the best Park and grounds in the state outside of the larger cities. It had been thought and said that .Tenner's Park would be too smal to hold the fair and crowds thal would be in attendance. But the contrary was found. On Wednes day, with an estimated attendance of over 5,000 people, there was yet room for half as many more, and not exhanst the room and grounds for holding the crowds that could have been accommodated. Thus one excuse for not holding our county fair at .Tenner’s Park has gone up in thin air. Besides the grounds that were used at the pre sent fair is much space east of the creek or draw that could easily be utilized for stock exhibits, should the said exhibits be too large for their present limifs. And then again, one of the fine points in fa vor of the use of the park and grounds for the fair is the cool and shaded retreat, where the children, the tired mothers and the picnicers can utilize the grounds and tables for their use, where • there are swings, cages of animals and curios without number to at tract their attention and utilize time which might otherwise hang heavy on their hands. Whatever others may think, we feel satisfied more satisfactory arrangements, better accommodations and more complete enjoyment to all concern ed can be secured at Jenner’s Park for future holdings of our county fairs, and better financial outcome, as well, than by purchase of any tract of land elsewhere for regular fair grounds. Following we give a list of the pre miums awarded; HORSES Percherons over 3 years; Henry Beck 1st., J.W. Johnson 2nd. Two years and over: Henry Beck 1st. One year and over. Henry Beck 1st. Best colt under l year, 1st and 2nd. Brood mare showing two or more colts, Henry Beck 2nd and 3rd. Belgian Stallion over 3 yaars^J. W. Johnson 1st. Henry KuhT 2nd, Henry Beck, 3rd. Belgian mare 4 years and over, J. W. Johnson 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Three years and under 4. Henry Beck 1st. One year and under 3, Henry Beck 1st. Best colt under 1 year, Henry Beck 1st and 2nd. Brood mare showing two or more colts, Henry Beck 1st. Grade gelding 3 years and over, H. G. Hosier 1st, Robert Dinsdale 2nd, Mare 2 years and under 3, Frank Petersen 1st. One year and under 2. Frank Petersen 2nd. Colt under 1 year, Chas. Stickney 1st. Jay Plant 3rd. Draft team in harness, Frank Petersen 1st, Geo. Thompson 2nd. Jack 3 years and over, Henry Beck 1st. Two years and under 3, Jack Pageler 1st and 2nd. One year and under Henry Beck 1st, Jack Pageler 2nd, Henry Beck 3rd. Shetland pony, A. M. Robbins 1st. CATTLE Galloway cow, Wm. Critel 1st. Bull, Wm. Critel 1st. Jersey Cow, A. M. Robbins 1st, John Jezewski 2nd. Snorthorns bull calf and heifer, Earl Keeler 1st. Twin calves Frank Peter sen 1st. HOGS Duroc Jersey boar 1 year and over, G. A. Richmond 1st. Ben Klimper2nd TRACTION ENGINE BREAKS THRU BRIBGE Last Thursday afternoon as the Aufrecht traction engine was at tempting to cross the Arcadia bridge leading to Lee’s Park, and just as it got on the south approach, the end gave way letting the en gine through on the ground below, completely wrecking that end of the bridge. It is claimed it will take at least $800 to repair the damage. One extremely fortunate incident was connected therewith. When the engine went though, it BROiHERKILLED IN IOWA TOWN Mrs. Jos. Daddow of this city received a telegram yesterday (Wednesday) morning conveying the sad news that her brother, Mr. Isaac, Leamon, a wealthy farmer living near Nashua, Iowa, was killed the day previous, the news being sent by the brother’s wife. No particulars were given. Mr. Daddow took the noon train for Nashua, Mrs. Daddow not being able to accompany him on account of ill-health. cauhgt the Aufrecht boy's lower limbs l>eneath a heavy mass of iron, but later careered to the i other side releasing him from the heavy weight and saved crushing him to death. As it was, he was so caught that it was not for some time and by strenuous work he was taken out. O. A. Clark 3rd. Sow 1 year and over, Ben Klimper 1st, C. E. Stickney 2nd. Boar under 1 year, Ben Klimper 1st, G. A. Richmond 2nd and 3rd. Sow under 0 months, Ben Klimper 1st, O. A. Clark 2nd and 3rd. Poland China boar over 1 year, F. M. Goff 2nd. Sow over 1 year, F. M. Goff 2nd. Sow over 1 year, F. M. Goff 1st. Boar under 6 months, H. J. Johansen 1st, Earl Keeler 2nd. Sow under 6 months, H. J. Johansen 1st. Hampshire boar under 6 months, A. D. Jones 1st and 2nd. Sow under 6 months, A. D. Jones 1st and 2nd. CHICKENS Rhode Island Reds, trio, Ira Tim son 1st, Mrs. Wm. Draper 2nd. Pul lets, Ira Timson 1st and 2nd. Rose combs, cock, Henry Kuhl 1st, Mrs. Will Draper 2nd. Cockerel, Henry Kuhl 1st. Pullet, Henry Kuhl 1st, Mrs. Will 2nd. Hen, Mrs. Will Marcy 1st. Sultan, pair, Jim Gray 1st. Black Langshan, pen, Mrs. J. W. Johnson 1st. Hen, Mrs. J. W. John son 1st and 2nd. Cock, Mrs. J. W. 1st. Silver Wvandotte. trio, Mrs. Henry Kuhllst. Cockerel, Mrs. Henry Kuhl 1st. Pullet, Mrs. Henry Kuhl 1st and 2nd. White Wvandotte, trio, Mrs. M. E. Thornton 1st. Cock, Mrs. M. E. I Thornton 1st. Hen, Mrs. M. E. i Thornton 1st and 2nd. S. C. Buff OrpliingtoD, trio, Mrs. M. E. Thornton 1st. Cock, Mrs. M. E. Thornton 2nd. Hen, Mrs. M. E. Thornton 1st and 2nd. Houdans, pen, Hal Chase 1st. Cock. Hal Chase 1st. Hen, Hal Chase 1st and 2nd. Pen, Willie Thrasher 1st. Cockerel, Willie Thrasher 1st. Pullet, Willie Thrasher 1st and 2nd. Buff Wyandottes, pen, A. D. Jones 1st. Cock, A. D. Jones 1st. Hen, A. D, Jones 1st and 2nd. Pen,Fred Rich mond 1st. Cockerel, Fred Richmond 1st. Pullet, Fred Richmond 1st and 2nd. Barred Plymouth Rocks, trio, R.L. Arthur 1st and 2nd. Cockerel, R. L. Arthur 1st and 2nd. Pullet, R. L. Arthur 1st and 2nd. Cock, R. L. Ar thur 1st. Hen, Arthur 1st and 2nd. Turkeys, pair, Mrs. M. E. Thornton 1st. Turkeys, Holland, pair, Mrs. J. W, Johnson 1st. Ducks, pair, Mrs. Burr Robbins 1st. Geese, pair, Henry Kuhl 1st. (Owing to the lack of space and the extreme length of the list of premuims awarded we will have to continue the balance till next week's paper_Ed.) BADLY INJURED BY FALL IN DITCH D. L. Adamson Meets With Frightful Accident; While Working on Greeley County’s New Court House Falls in Ditch; Hits Stake. i NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH Last Thursday evening at Gree ley, as D. L. Adamson of this city, who has been working on the new court house, was about the building after dark, he stepped in to a trench,falling full force on an upright stake, striking him in the left side above the hip, badly in juring that side, affecting the bladder and kidneys. He was immediately attended by Dr. Long of that city, formerly of Loup City, and was in a serious condition all that night and Fri day, but was well enough to be brought home the following Sat urday evening by train and is. at the present time only able to be from his bed at short intervals, but seemingly improving. The injury appears to have been for the most part internal, only bad ly bruised and discolored flesh showing from the outside. It is thought, however, that if no ser ious complications arise he will get along all right, though it will be some time before he will lie able to resume work. KEEPER BITTEN BY HUGE^ RATTLER Bob Jenner Keeper of Dangerous Reptiles, Stung on Wrist by Large Gauta malian Rattlesnake. WOOND CAUTERIZED; DANGER OVER A few days ago, while the Jen ner brothers were feeding the big Guatamalian rattlesnakes, lately received from South America, the frantic creatures in their wriggling around in the clutchea of Mr. Robert Jenner, managed to dis arrange the heavy gloves worn in the operation, exposng Mr. .Ten ner’s left wrist a couple of inches back of the thumb, ..nd one of the AGED MAN INJURED DY FOUL DALL Last Wednesday afternoon, dur ing the game between Arcadia and Hazard at the ball park, a batted foul ball struck old gentleman Mc Kowski on the right side of his face on the upper jaw, cutting the face oj)en and loosening the teeth, the force of the ball nearly rend ering the aged man insensible. The batted foul came so swiftly and unexpectedly that no one could dodge, nor protect himself from the rapidly approaching sphere. He was hurried to his PETITION FOR SCHOOL HOUSE Petitions are now being circulated at Loup City calling for the holding of a bond election to vote bonds for the construction of a new $25,000 high school building. It is reported that the petition is progressing rapidly, and members of the board at that place have all expressed in positive terms the fact that they are in favor of the same. It seems that practical ly all of the heavy taxpayers of that city are in favor of the proposition and the general concensus of opinion on the matter is that this election will be held and the bonds voted. The public schools there are now in a crowded condition, but with the building of their new school Loup City will come to the front in the matter of public school buildings.—Lincoln Trade Eeveiw. WRESTLER MILLER ON MAT-GAME TOUR Our wrestling pride, Warran Miller, has made arrangements with Farmer Bums to make a tour with the latter over Iowa in a series of mat engagements, calcu lated to put him in splendid shape for future wrestling contests. It is confidently expected that his engagement with Fanners Bums will place him away np with the big ones, and that he will develop into one of the best. Farmer Bums claims that Miller has the arms, shoulders, accompanying strength equal to that of Gotch, and with the experience and knowledge to be gained only in mat contests Miller will be the equal of Gotch himself. home and Dr. Bowman, who was sitting by his side, attended his injuries, which will for a time compel his being fed from a bottle, he not being able to (nasticate his food. Hbwever, it is expected that within a few days he will- be all right again. j big fellows fastened his fangs in I that member. Almost immediate S to’ he placed his mouth to the i wound and sucked some of the j poison out while local remedies i were at once applied. lie then hurriedly went to Dr. Longacre's office, where the wound was thor oughly cauterized and the danger was eliminated. However, it was j an accident that Mr. Jenner will never want repeated. It seems that at least once a week, the Jen ner boys have to feed the snakes a j quantity of milk, holding the mon sters while they inject or pump them full of the lacteal fluid. Of course the fellows do not appreci j ate the operation and make every j effort to get away, striking ven | omously at the keepers, who caie | fully watch every movement, hold J ing the serpents near the head to ! prevent danger, but in the above instance one snake wriggled far enough to make the dangerous strike. MEYER’S GETS TWO STRAIGHT FALLS At the handicap wrestle at the Daddow Opera House last Wed nesday evening, in which Jack, Myers of Omaha was to throw S. P. Mogensen of this city twice within an hour, Myers won in two straight falls, the first in 38 i minutes, by a double toe hold, while Mogensen had a scissors lock on Meyers’ body, with the latter on topi In the first bout, the double-toe hold on Mogensen so badly injured one foot that the pain affected him in the second he gave way and was pinned to the mat in about tea minutes. While Mogensen is a whirlwind in his class—170 pounds—yet Meyers’ superior weight of 190 pounds and 6-foot frame work, with ac companying gigantic strength gave Mogensen a handicap he he could not overcome. MOUTH DISEASE PROVING FATAL Some two weeks ago we had an article in the Northwestern in re gard to a new disease which was afflicting cows in this vicinity, af fecting the mouth and throat. Our veterinarian,in giving us the symp toms, acknowledged it was serious and little known. On Monday of this week, R. D. Hendrickson out in Webster township lost one of his fine milkers from the com plaint, which is claimed to be in fectious and there is a possibility that others in the herd may con tract the disease. Besides the one lost by Mr. Hendrickson, we hear that Pete Larsen has recently lost three of his herd from this disease, and we may hear of more losses later. GREAT SCHEME TO AVOID LAW Down at Lincoln it is claimed that heads of institutions are swapping employes in order to evade the anti nepotism section of the law defined by the attorney general as published in last week’s Northwestern. Great is democracy and democratic office holders. In some places postmasters cannot get their commissions till they comply with the ruling of the post office department to get rid of every other business first. In other places, (for instance, Loup City as one of them) the postmaster gets his com mission without having to dispose of his other business, and continues to run both postoffice and newspaper. But maybe the first named fellows were not pet monkeys of Billy Bryan,