The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 18, 1913, Image 6
BROWN’S SENSATIONAL SOUTHPAW TWIRLER n % Walter Leverenz of St. Louis Americans. His name is reminiscent af the French; he looks like an Irishman and his father and mother, natives of Ger many, emigrated to America and set tled in Chicago when that place was almost a village. He’s Walter Leverenz, the south paw, and one of the class}- bunch of young twirlers who willfmake of the St. I.ouis Americans a great team in a few years. Leverenz joined the Browns at Wa co last spring, coming from Los An geles of the Pacific Coast league. It was up in Chicago that he learn ed to play ball—on the lots—and he's strong for the lots as a training place for ballplayers. "You've got to get out and hustle; you pick up what you can; you mix with every kind of players, good, bad, and worse, and that's where you get the experience also," declares Walter. "Of course, there are good players who come from the colleges, but they are not self-taught liltg the lot boys. The college boy has some one to teach him to play ball, some one to look j after him. some one to show him how and when to play. And then he plays against the same sort of men taught by others. It's different on the lots. There it’s a question of the survival of the fittest, and that's a rule that goes and goes hard. The lot player doesn't get any coddling. Those that survive usually know how to play ball. ’T've been playing ball as far back as I can remember. When 1 was a kid at school I helped my father in his blacksmith shop in Chicago, and you can bet I put in some hard licks of work there. It gave me lots of strength, too, and 1 don’t regret my work there. I learned the blacksmith trade, but I found time to play ball. Who doesn’t if he really wants to play?” Walter organized the first regular lot team he played on and he was the manager, captain, pitcher, and lead-off batter, which was some job. ' Leverenz broke into organized base ball up in Hartford, Conn., and in 1909 j helped the Hartford team win the only | pennant the town had ever landed. YOUNG STAR OF THE GIANTS Outfielder George Burns, Graduate of Utica Team, Is Making Good in the Big League. No young player in the major leagues has attracted more attention this season by the good showing he has made than George Burns, the young outfielder of the New York Giants. The New York critics have been loud in their praises of this sterling young player and he has be come a big favorite with the crowds that attend the games at the Polo grounds. Burns won out for a regular George Burns. berth In the outfield of the Giants against Josh Devore, an acknowledged high-class outfield artist and good batsman, who has filled the roll of left fielder on the team for several sea sons and who played in the world's series last year. This was a big feather in the cap of young Burns and he has demonstrated since that McGraw made no mistake when he as signed him to the left field post. • Burns haifs from the New York State league, an organization that has given to the big leagues some of its best players. He is twenty-two years of age and was born in Utica. His family removed to St. Johnsville, N. Y., when George was a young ster, and there he makes his home now, following the trade of a cigar maker in the off season. He comes naturally by his ball playing ability, as hiB father before him was a clev er baseball artist. George broke into the game as an amateur when six teen years old. • Japs Ardent Fans. Count Okuina, a veteran statesman; Baron Sakatani, mayor of Tokio, and others equally prominent, are rabid baseball fans. Baseball Is an old game in Japan, despite the fact that many here don’t think so. It was played as early as 1885, being intro duced by Yankees in the government employ at that time. Milwaukee Has Fast Man. Larry Gilbert, guardian of the cen ter pasture for Milwaukee, is said to be one of the fastest men in the as sociation. riOTLS of the DIAMOND Frank Chance calls George Dauss, the young Detroit hurler, “the league's best prospect.” • • • Carl Cushion, whose arm has been useless to the Senators all season, may be developed into an outfielder. • • • The Cincinnati Reds are after Pitch er Casey Hageman and Second Base man Hank Butcher of the Denver club. Manager Huggins is looking for a clean-up hitter. Hug says he is with out a player who can send in the need ed runs. Clark Griffith says he has the best defensive infield in the American league in Gandil, Morgan, McBride and Foster. • • • It is said that Manager Fred Clark of the Pirates is willing to trade Pitch er Claude Hendrix to the Giants for Tesreau and Shafer. • • • The Brooklyn club may be fined $500 for sending Pitcher Kent to the Toronto club without first obtaining waivers from the other clubs. • • • Raker, Barry, Collins and Mclnnis, Connie Mack's peerless quartet, are batting for a combined average of .310. Are they worth $100,000. • * • \vonder If the Cleveland fans have that million dollars scraped up which they said they would distribute among the Nap players should they win the flag. • • • "Doc” Crandall, who is regarded as one of the best pitchers in the busi ness to stop a batting rally, has lost his ability to go the full route success fully. • • * A well known statistician has un i covered the fact that the last triple I Play in the National league was per ! formed back in 1878 by Paul Hines of | the Providence team. • • * The Becker-I-uderus-Cravath combi nation is the greatest home-run trio ever gathered on one team. Only on rare occasions does one of them fail to conect with a 'homer. x • • • Poor fielding by the outfield is said to be one of the chief weaknesses of the Boston Braves. The other garden ers, however, form a large part of the team's batting strength. • • • Pitcher Adams of Pittsburgh has been troubled on hot days this year, feeling dizziness after pitching a few innings on extremely torrid days, so that he has to quit the box to avoid sunstroke. • • • Heine Groh is having lots of chances at second base for the Reds and ac cepting a very large proportion of them in first-class style. In Cincin nati he is regarded as the coming sec ond baseman. MAKE BASEBALL STARS Of Utmost Importance to Know Your Side Partner. Important Business Requisite Has Come to Be Material Factor In Baseball—Lends Polish to Team Work of Club. “Know your man.” Business men consider that an Important requisite in the handling af their employes, it has come to be a prominent factor in baseball—one that lends polish to the team work of a club. Individually players on teams In the major league ranks may be regarded as experts in fielding the ball, but often these experts are made by the assistance of some one player. Again, a man is unable to show his true value because the player alongside of whom he is stationed is not a finished artist. But if a man knows his side partner, is thoroughly acquainted with his traits and peculiarities in fielding, he can do himself justice although his mate it not a clever fielder. Knowing the man with whom they work has made many players look like stars, although they were not. When Joe Tinker and Johnny Evers played together on the Chicago Cub team they were regarded as the great est pair of infielders ever paired at second base. This reputation has not Deen taken rrom tnem since tney nave been separated, but they commanded more attention when together. It was because they knew each other and were thoroughly familiar with each other’s actions. They played together one year without speaking to each other on or off the ball field. Yet in that season they pulled off some of the greatest baseball feats seen in the Na tional league, only because each knew what to expect from the other when he received the ball. They were not aware of how important it was to be familiar with each move of the player alongsile of them until they were parted. They more than know It now. “Know your man, I have heard ap plied in business, but it is just as im portant in baseball,” said Manager Evers of the Cubs. “One who is not on the field may not think so, but I know more than ever since Tinker went away. There is no question that he made me a great second baseman, and I did the same for him. It was just because we knew each other thor oughly. There was not a ball hit around second bag that we did not know which one would take it. It was seldom we became confused. “I could run over to second base, close my eyes and take a toss from Tinker because I knew just where he was going to throw It. When he went after certain ground balls I knew ex actly what he was going to do, and when I went after them he knew what to expect. When there was a runner on first we had our signals arranged so that we knew just what to do." BLACKBURNE TO ‘COME BACK’ Former White Sox Shortstop Has Made Good in Milwaukee and Comiskey May Recall Him. In mentioning baseball “beauties” of other years, it is In order to recall that Russell Blackburne, for whom President Comiskey of the White Sox “Lena" Blackburne. , paid a fabulous sum and who was rat ed a prize lemon, is making good with the Milwaukee team. Blackburne, like Marquard, threatens to come back and pay dividends cn the original big investment made in him when he broke info the big set. He is said to be the-biggest individual cog on the Brewer team. Blackburne iB said to be playing as good ball as that which ' made him so much sought when he was the star of the Providence team under Hugh Duffy. President Comis key has strings on Blackburne, and may decide to try him again. Unusual Play. One of the most unusual plays ever I seen in a major league ball game oc ' curred the other afternoon at Detroit. ! In the sixth inning, with the bases ; bare, Harry Wolter. the Yankees’ cen | ter fielder, hit a terrific line drive ! straight toward the pitchers’ box. Wil lett threw up his hand'and succeeded ; in retarding the speed of the pill, ] risking the loss of his arm in so do ! ing. it so happened that he showed j it up enough for Bush, who had start ed with the crack of the bat, to get i to the ball before it struck the ground, the shortstop catching it about six feet from second base. Under the rules, Wolter was out. Bush receiv ing a put-out and Willett an assist. Another Peculiar Play. From Knoxville, that home of pe culiar plays, comes a story of a new one from a truthful correspondent In a recent Appalachian leagife game, with a man on third, Scheifly of Knoxville stole second. The Bristol second baseman dropped the ball and Schiefly sat down on it While a search was being made for it the man on third “stole’’ home. The umpire, says the correspondent, refused to al low a claim of “interference." - , ' -—----- — 7 EALIZING the importance of absolutely pure milk in the diet of infants and invalids and medical societies in many of the larger cities of the Uni ted States have arranged to provide milk produced under strict sanitary con ditions. This milk is sold to consumers under a certificate from the medical society guaran teeing its purity and wholesomeness. In Chicago, for instance, a commis sion of the Cook County Medical soci ety has supervision over all dairies where certified milk is produced. It is purely philanthropic In Its aims, work ing without compensation or hope of reward other than maintaining human health and saving the lives of helpless babes. This commission favors all agencies which aim to give the public a safe and healthful milk supply. It is es pecially concerned in guaranteeing a limited supply of milk for the use of infants, invalids and convalescents. The commission holds that milk is pure only when it is kept pure at every stage from the time it is drawn from the cow until it is used as hu man food. The commission holds that contaminated milk cannot be ren dered- pure by artificial processes and that while such "Processed Milk” may be useful for general commercial pur poses it is not suitable as food for infants or invalids. Only healthy cows are used to pro duce certified milk. These are tested with tuberculin by United States gov ernment veterinarians and passed as healthy before the milk is certified by the commission. When any cow in a herd furnishing certified milk is found diseased she must be immediately re moved from the farm. All dairy barns must be sanitary in construction, with special Tegards to light, ventilation, general cleanliness, and water. All milk is required to have a definite per centage of cream each day. a variation of only one-half of one per cent, being allowed. Certified milk must be free from all disease germs and not con tain over ten-thousand non-pathogenic germs (not producing disease) in each drop. Commercial milk often has as high as one million germs in each . drop. Only healthy employes are permit ted to work on farms producing certi fied milk. They must observe the highest degree of personal cleanliness at all times. When employed in milk ing they must wear clean white duck suits. Utensils used in handling certi fied milk must be kept scrupulously clean and sterilized before using. Milk is cooled to 45 degrees or lower im mediately after milking, bottled in sterilized bottles, which are then sealed and packed in ice within twen ty minutes after milking. The milk is kept packed in ice until delivered at the customer’s bouse. Certified milk means the best and cleanest raw milk on the market. It i3 always clean at all stages. It is never a dirty milk which has been processed. It is a natural raw milk, not a cooked milk. No matter how carefully milk is han dled between the farm and the home, or in how pure a state it is delivered at the domestic ice box, it quickly can become an undesirable food if care lessly handled in the home, according to the specialists of the United States department of agriculture. Milk that is left for only a short time in summer heat may become unfit for use. Milk will quickly become contami nated when exposed to the air, or when placed in unclean vessels. Though some bacteria are always present, even in the best grades of fresh milk, they are generally harmless provided their numbers are small and they are not of the disease producing type; but milk must be kept cool to prevent the bacteria already in it, and which may get in it by accident, from multiplying to a point where the milk is undesir able. Producers and dealers have done their duty if they have left at the door a bottle of clean, cold, unadulterated milk, free from the bacteria which cause disease. The consumer must then do his part, if he wants clean, wholesome milk for himself and his family. Milk should be taken into the house and put in the refrigerator as soon after delivery as possible. This is par ticularly necessary in hot weather. If it is impossible to have the bottles of milk put immediately in the refrigera tor, provide on the porch a box con taining a lump of ice. In planning a house, arrange to have the refrigera tor set in the wall with an opening on the outside. It Is always possible to provide locks for these boxes or re frigerator doors, and supply the mift man with one key. The interior of the food compartment should be wiped every day with a clean cloth, and thor oughly scalded as often as once a week. Under no circumstances should the drain pipe of an icebox be connected with a sewer. The milk should be kept In the ori ginal bottle, end the bottle left in the j refrigerator until needed. Before use, | The Housewife’s Criminal Neglect. clean bottles or covered dishes, into which the milkman can pour the milk from his bottle. If bottles are left in such a home, the milkman should not be allowed to collect them again until they have been properly disinfected by the board of health. At any rate, if there is a serious sickness in the home all milk bottles should be boiled before being sent out of the house. Milk dipped from a can or drawn from the faucet of a can may be a source of danger, and should be avoid ed where it is posible to get bottles of milk. The air of city streets and houses is laden with dust and bacteria. Interior of Barn Where Pure Milk Is Produced. the neck of the bottle and the cap ' should be washed and then carefully wiped' with a clean cloth before the cap is removed. Remove the cap with a sharp-pointed instrument, so as not to push the cap down into the milk. Once a bottle is opened, it should be j kept covered, both to keep out dirt, and bacteria and to prevent absorption or undesirable odors. The original cap should not be replaced. Instead, place an inverted cup or tumbler on the top of the bottle. The milk should be used from the bottle as needed and any un- j used milk should not be returned to I the bottle after having been poured j into another vessel. Do not let milk j Exterior of Well Ventilated and Sanitary Barn. stand In a warm room on the table any longer than is necessary. Do not place milk in a refrigerator compart ment with onions or other food having a strong odor. Before returning the botles to the milkman, wash them first in cold wa ter and then in warm water. Do not use milk bottles for holding vinegar, kerosene or other substances than I milk. Never take milk bottles into a sick room, because infectious diseases can be spread through a milk bottle re turned to the farm and delivered to some other home. This is a civic duty that everyone owes to his neighbors. If there is a ease of typhoid fever, or other serious communicable disease in the house, the fairest thing to do for one’s neighbor is to provide one’s own I ___ and frequently particles of filth. Even if the milk is clean in the milkman's receptacle, the repouring of it into an open vessel or pitcher for the custom er gives an excellent chance for float ing disease germs to get into the milk. In stores where dipped milk is sold, filthy conditions often prevail, and milk is frequently handled most care lessly. Clerks and even customers at times frequently drink out of the milk dipper. It is dangerous to gtve such milk to children and invalids, and at best it is not a clean food. Milk drawn from the faucet of a milk dealer’s can. while not exposed to the air so long a9 dipped milk, also has the disadvantage of not being thoroughly mixed. Some consumers therefore receive less than their share of cream. If bottled milk cannot be obtained, try to have the milk delivered person ally to some member of the family, and receive It in a scalded covered vessel that has not been exposed to the air of a room or street. Otherwise set out a scalded covered dish or l bowl, or a glass preserving Jar with a glass top without a rubber band, in no case should an uncovered vessel be j used. Milk should be taken into the , house immediately on delivery, or if this is impossible. It should be placed in an outside refrigerator, or the out side door of the refrigerator in the house, if its ice box opens to the out side. Cleanliness in the handling of milk Is as necessary , in the home as in the production of milk on the farm. Milk must be kept at low temperature at all times, to prevent growth of bac teria and subsequent souring. It should be kept in closed vesesls- as far as possible. The consumer should in sist on having bottled milk delivered, and if this is impossible should at least see that the milk after delivery suffers no additional contamination. Task of Separation. How important loom the thousand and one things that fill the daily life, yet how trivial is the bulk of them! To separate the realities from the un realities. the significant from the trifling and non-essential—that surely is the first step to self-knowledge, the one and only royal road to self-con quest.—Collier’s Weekly. _ I Interior of a Very Unsanitary Barn. As to Nerve. Talk about the weakness of modern nerves doesn’t square with facts. We of today are more sensitive to pain than were our ancestors. We even shudder at the pain of others, which is something that our forefathers were able to endure with equanimity, and after with pleasure. But when it comes to withstanding a seven-day-in the-week assauty on human nerve ends, our ancestors were neuraesthe nic children compared to ourselves. Back in the middle ages people had a witchcraft panic whenever some body's cow died suddenly; dancing manias when any one preached at them too hard, and nearly all Europe stood on its head, figuratively speak ing, when the Turks took Jerusalem. How different now! The modern cit izen takes the troubles of the whole world home with him on a street car. He lives in intimate association with white plagues, and anti-white slave crusades, and uplift movements of all sorts and varieties. He takea sides with the suffrage question; he endures elevated roads, honking and charging motor cars, police censors, cubist art, tariff debates, and turkey trots, and still, In most cases, he man ages to keep out of the insane asylum and courts generally hold that he is competent to make a will. The nerve endurance of modern human kind de serves a monument,—Chicago Jour* nal. Till Frost. Mrs. Knicker—Is she a grass widow? Mrs. Bocker—No, a hay fever one. India’s Religion. P. C. Banerjee. a Hindoo student In the London School of Economics, writing in the London Everyman, gives some information regarding In dia. He says that the assertion that the educated classes in India have lost all faith in their ancient religion is sufficiently disproved by the fact that all the attempts of the Chris tian missionaries for a century have resulted in one convert in a thousand among educated Indians. He says that, •vhile religious prejudice exists among various sects, the assertion that Hindoos and Mohammedans, if left to themselves, would annihilate each other, is disproved by the fact that they lived peaceably together be fore British rule. He gives the num ber of natives educated in English as over a million and a half, and says that only 185 different languages and dialects (not 539) are spoken; that only half a dozen languages are spok en by 200,000,000 oat of a total popu lation of 294,000,000 of people; that Hlndoolsm and Mohammedanism to gether count 270,000,000 followers, and that 8,000,000 are animists; that is, have no religion at all. Heavy Penalty for Carelessness. A fine of $5,000 for losing a lock of hair belonging to the German poet, Goethe, was imposed on a St Peters burg, Russia, lawyer recently. The lock had been pawned with the lawyer for $100 by its Joint owners, the sis ters Boehme, of Weimar, Germany, Goethe’s birthplace. SHARKS BLOW SHIP WHISTLE Then Sailors Know the Much Hated Fish Has Been Caught on Their Hooks. Sharks are numerous in Magdalena hay, on the west coast of the Peninsu la of Lower California, says the Wide World. The monsters at this point seem to take almost any kind of bait, and it is rarely that a warship is seen at anchor without from one to a half dozen lines dangling from its stern. Watching a shark line is a tedious business, but it is strictly necessary in order that the fisherman may know when the monster is hooked, as its frantio rushes, if allowed to go un checked, are pretty sure to cause some part of the line, leader, or even a part of its own anatomy to give way, and result in its escape. The old scheme of tying the line around one's big toe and going to sleep would probably work all right so far as rousing the fisherman was con cerned. but the sequel might not leave him in a condition to give undivided attention to landing the prize. To this end the officers and sailors have hit on an ingenious plan. Instead of taking in their lines when the dinner gong sounds or when for any reason they are on duty elesewhere, they run a stout piece of marlin twine from the sharkline up to the steam whistle, leaving It for the man eater himself to announce the event of his being hooked by sounding a toot. To Memory Dear. Ted—I hope you gave your girl a birthday present that will cause her to long remember you. Ned—I don't know about that; but it's a constant reminder to me, for 1 bought it on the installment plan.— Stray Stories. THE BEST TREATMENT FOR ITCHING SCALPS, DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR To allay itching and irritation of the acalp, prevent dry, thin and falling hair, remove crusts, scales and dan druff, and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, the following spe cial treatment Is most effective, agree able and economical. On retiring, comb the hair out straight all around, then begin at the side and make a parting, gently rubbing Cuticura Oint ment into the parting with & bit of soft flannel held over the end of the finger. Anoint additional partings about half an inch apart until the whole scalp has been treated, the pur pose being to get the Cuticura Oint ment on the scalp skin rather than on the hair. It is well to place a light covering over the hair to protect the pillow from possible stain. The next morning, shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Shampoos alone may be used as often as agreeable, but once or twice a month ia generally sufficient for this special treatment for women’s hair. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston."—Adv. Easily Explained. McCarthy got into an argument with Casey about the efficacy of prayer. “Oi can't see that there's anything in it,” asserted Casey. Oi never got anything out of it.” "Well," said McCarthy, “don’t you know when there’s a war it’s always the people that pray that win the foights?” “How about the Chinese?” asked Casey. “They’re great people to pray, and yet they get licked, and licked had.” "Oh, well,” explained McCarthy, “no wan could understand thim whin they prayed.” Luxury for Ostriches. Dealing with the anti-plumage cam paign in England, the Cape Times in a leading article remarks that: “Were it not for the commercial value of its feathers, the ostrich would today be as rare in civilized South Africa as the hippopotamus. The ostrich is really a much pampered bird, living a life of pure luxury. He is bred and kept in condition merely for the sake of his feathers, and generally he lives to a ripe old age. The feathers are not pulled out from the sockets by the roots, but are cut with as little pain to the bird as is caused to a sheep by the shearer.” / Heroic. “I saved a life this summer.” ”^ou don’t say so! Whose was it?” "My own. I didn’t go in swim ming.” GROWING STRONGER Apparently, with Advancing Age “At the age of 50 years I collapses from excessive coffee drinking," writes a man in Mo. “For four years I sham bled about with the aid or crutches or cane, most of the time unable to dress myself without help. "My feet were greatly swollen, my right arm was shrunken and twisted inward, the fingers of my right hand were clenched and could not be ex tended except with great effort and pain. Nothing seemed to give me more than temporary relief. “Now, during all this time and for about 30 ( years previously, I drank daily an average of 6 cups of strong coffee—rarely missing a meal. "My wife at last took my case into her own hands and bought some Postum. She made it according to di rections and I liked it fully as well as the best high-grade coffee. “Improvement set in at once. In about 6 months I began to work a lit tle, and in less than a year I was very much better, improving rapidly from day to day. I am now in far better health than most men of my years and apparently growing stronger with advancing age. “I am busy every day at some kind of work and am able to keep up with the procession without a cane. The arm and hand that were once almost useless, now keep far ahead in rapidity of movement and beauty of penman ship.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Write for copy of the lit tle book, "The Road to WellviHe ” Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum—must be well boiled. Instant Postum is a soluble powder. A teaspoonful dissolves Quickly in ft cup Of hot water and, with the addi tion of cream and sugar, makes a de licious beverage Instantly. “There’s a reason” for Postum.