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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1913)
Professions Cards , ItOBT. P. STARR Attorney-at-law LOUF CITY. NEBRASKA. NIGHTINGALE & SON AttorujdfausmMAW LOUP CITY. NEB. it. H. MATHEW, ' Anorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, ' Loup City, Nebraska AAEON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loap City, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lcfjp Citt, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONGACRE PHYSICIAf ' BURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS { MM ARB SIMEON l‘»ione, 30. Ofllte at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Lnnp Eilg, - Nebraska I A. S. MAIN FHYSICIiN M SURGEON Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection J, E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN Physicians and Surgeons Phone 114 _ JLoup City, Nebraska Dr. James F Blanchard OSTEOPATH 1ST Office hoars 1 p. ni. until 5:30 p. ni. only S. A. ALLEN, DEJVTtST, LOUP CITY, - • NEB. Office up stairs id the new State Bank buildiup. W. L. MARCY, BIOTIOT, LOUP GITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Pubhc Sauaie. Phone. Brown 11(5 V. I. McDonall Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. U. SWEETLAND PLUMBER I 15®^ AND ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices w. Mo mmwmm, Contractor and Plasterer Phone White 70 Give me a call and get my prices. I will treat you right. Satisfaction Guaranted H. KREBS . Funeral Director Licensed Embalmer Business Phone Black 65 , Loup City. Nebraska FRANK General Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing and Wood work. Come in and see me.4 v . j'r*" ' - ' T" •• r . Will Quit Carrying Mail Washington, August 7. Com plaints from many railroad com panies against alleged inadequate compensation for increased weight of mail matter under the parcel post system has culminated in a notice to the postoffice department from the Toledo, St. Louis & Western company that it would refuse to carry mail after 60 days. The department has informed the company discontinuance will not be permitted on account of contract. Billy Sunday Sure Coming to Omaha Rev. W. A. (Billy) Sunday, the evangelist, is coming to Omaha after all. His promise has been definitely secured by the inter-church com mittee appointed to secure him. The date of his coming is not precisely fixed, nor can it be until later, owing to tlie heavy demands upon Mr. Sunday’s time, but it will be some time between Sep tember 1, 1914 and June 1, 1915. That much is said to be decided on. New Nebraska Laws Dope or Liquor at Penitentiary, Asylum *or Jails The following new law lias been in effect since the first of April. Section 7. If .any person shall give or sell to or place in the pos session of any cohvict, prisoner or inmate of any penitentiary, re formatory, jail or asylum in this state or shall give or sell to, or place in the possession, or attempt to give or sell, or place in the po session of any officer,employe or other person in or about such pen itentiary, jail, reformatory or asylum, for the jmrpose of being given or sold to, or placed in the possesssion of such convict, pris oner or inmate, by such officer, employe or other person whomso ever, any cocaine, morphine, opi um or any compound or derivative thereof, or intoxicating liquors, pxeept upon the direct prescription of a regularly licensed and reput able physician, and with the con sent of the authorities of such penitentiary, jail, reformatory or asylum, or any firearms,* explos ives or weapons of any kind, or if any person shall aid or assist in procuring the same to Ije" done as aforesaid, every such person so of fending shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upt^n conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than five years. Attorney General Drafts Title The title under which the em> ployer's liability act, senate file No. 1, will go on the ballot next jyear under the referendum law ! has been formulated by Attorney [ General Martin and sent to Secre j tary of State Wait, who in due time will certify it to the county clerks who will have the ballots printed. The attorney general, in preparing the title, has come within the law which limits the title to go on the ballot to 100 words. The attorney general's title contains exactly 100 words. It is as follows: “The purpose of this act is to prescribe the liability of employ, ers, to establish an elective sched ule of compensation for injuries received by employes in the course of their employment, to modify common law and statutory defenses ann remedies in such cases, to regulate the procedure for deter mining such liability and to pro vide the methods for paying com pensation thereunder. When em ployer and employe elect to em brace its provisions, this act ap plies to every employer employing five or more persons, including the state and its government agen cies. except employers of house hold servants, farm laborers and railroad companies subject to con gressional regulation.” One Country Editor Sues Another Tamora Lyre and Utica Sun In volved in a Law Suit Dana Mutz, editor of the Utiea, Nebraska, Sim, has sued F. P. Shields and A. K. Shields, editors of the Tamora Lyre, published at Tamora, for $10,000 for publish ing alleged libelous articles in their paper about the former editor. The plaintiff in his complaint cites two separate charges and demands $5,000 on .each charge. The Tamora Lyre is a novelty among Nebraska country news papers and is well known by country editors. It is printed each week on scarlet paj>er and the editors are not averse to the use of black type when the occa sion demands. There has been some evidence of bad blood be tween the Lyre and the Utica Sun for several weeks, and neither pa per has been sparing of denuncia tory adjectives. The last issue of the Lyre car ried- a quotation from the Sun, playing it up in black type at the top of the front page. The quot ation said several uncomplimenta ry tilings regarding the town of Tamora and closed with reference to “Yellow .Tacket-Ghieago Amer ican style of journalists." The last statement called forth a state ment from the Lyre, and it is un derstood this statement is the basis of action. Why Gorn Prices Are Going Up Reports of Need of Rain Cause Raise—Eastern Nebraska 'All Right So Far While the Nebraska corn crop this year may not be so great as in the past, it is going to bring a bunch of money to the pockets of the fanners who have some of the cereal for sale. On account of the reports of continued dry and hot weather throughout the entire com belt, com on the Omaha market has advanced eight cents per bushel during the last ten days and is continuing to soar, grain dealers predicting all kinds of prices for the December and May options. Some of the dealers are even talking $1.00 per bushel in the event the dry weather should continue. The advance in the prices on the Omaha market was brought about by reports from Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Nebraska of excessive heat and no prospect of rain. Burlington railroacT officials, in order to get an accurate line upon the Nebraska com crop conditions wired to their agents all over the rtate to send in reports estimating the damage in the respective counties along the lines. Reports received from thirty-six counties in the stase, covering a large part of the South Platsc country, the central and the northern sections. In Holt, Antelope, Pierce, Ce dar, Dixon, Dakota, Douglas, Dodge, Thurston! Burt, Hall, Saunders, Colfax, Platte, Sarpy and Cass counties, in the east half report, that up to this time the com crop shows no signs of dam age I he counties reporting damage arp: Otoe, 25 per cent. Nemaha; 28 per cent, with much greater damage if rain does not come soon. Johnson, 25 per cent and rapid ly growing worse. ILancaster, 25 per cent Saline and Filmore each report 50 per cent loss. Clay, 65 per cent Adams 40 per cent, Buffalo, 50 to 60 per cent. Seward, 20 per cent. Butler, 10 percent York, 40 per cent. Polk, 10 per cent Hamilton, 10 per cent The counties of Howard,* Mer rick, Greely, shennan, Valley, Garfield and Caster sent in most flattering reports to the effect that at this time the corn is in splendid condition, being above the aver age. “Tired Mothers.” A little elbow leans upon your knee, Your tired knee that has so much to bear, A child’s dear eyes are looking lovingly From underneath a thatch of tangled hair. Perhaps you do not heed the velvet touch Of warm, moist fingers, holding yours so tight; You do not prize this blessing overmuch. You are almoost too tired to pray, tonight. But it is blessedness! A year ago I did not see it as I do today— We are so dull and thankless, and so slow To catch the sunshine till it slips away; And now it seems surpassing strange to me That while I wore the badge of motherhood' I did not kiss more oft and tenderly The little child that brought me only good. And if some night, when you sit down to rest, You miss this elbow from your tired knee, This restless, tired head from off your breast. This lisping tongue, that chatters constantly; If from your owfi the dimpled hand had slipped? And ne'er would nestle in your palm again: If the white feet into the grave had tripped, I could not blame you for your heartache then. I wonder so that mothers ever fret At little children clinging to their gown. Or that the footprints, when the days are wet. Are ever black enough to make them frown. If I could find a little muddy boot, ' Or cap or jacket on my chamber floor— If I could kiss a rosy, restless foot. And hear it patter in my home once more. If I could mend a broken cart today, Tomorrow make a kite to reach the sky— There is no woman in God’s world could say She was more blissfully content than I. But, ah, the dainty pillow next my own Is never rumpled by a shining head; My singing birdling from its nest has flown— The little boy I used to kiss is dead. —May Riley Smith. The Sheriff labs Horse Thief t About ten days since a young man by the name of Pat Stewart, claiming to be the son of a ranch man in Montana put in an appear ance at the Tom Christensen farm on the north side of Cliff Table and asked for a job. He got the job and after working only five days made up his mind to move on and to take with him a bunch of family jewelry. The young man managed to get off with a lady's watch, a brace let, a lady’s ring, a pendant chain two gold fobs and a man’s seal ring. Soon after his disappear ance the jewelry was missed and word was at once sent to Sheriff Wilson in this city. Joe got busy on the phone and notified the mar shals of the nearby towns and then started out on the trail of Hie jew elry thief. The same evening the young man returned to the Chris tensen farm and took one of the horses. The following day he was arrested in Arnold and a few min utes after he was taken in by the marshal the sheriff appeared on the scene and brought the young man to this city and lodged him in jail. On his arrival here the sheriff searched Stewart and found all of the missing jewelry except the watch. When quesHoned Stew art claimed that he the lost latter near the Christensen house. The place was carefully searched and no watch found. After Stewart had been given his preliminary and had been bound over to the district court, in default of bail, Mr Wilson made up his mind he would “go through’’ the gentle man once more for luck and see if the watch could not be found and sure enough Mr. Horse Thief had the watch carefully tucked into the lining of‘his shoe so that it came just under the hollow of his foot. ^ Stewart was taken to Grand Is land Sunday and lodged in the Hall county jail to await trial at the next term of county court which will convene in this city'on September 2nd. ^—Custer County , Republican. Splendid Came Nearly Tied Score The ball game Sunday between Ansley and Scotia at Jenner's Park drew a fair crowd and con siderable money is reported to have changed hands, but a dis puted decision during the first of the game started the ball to roll ing and shouts of “take him out’’ were heard at frequent intervals. The bad feeling continued during the game until the 10th when one more decision resulted in a refusal of Scotia to play further, and the game was called and given to Ansley, who had scored in the first half, breaking a tie. This almost started a riot, but the row was settled with ‘no serious damage done. The game was well played, two home runs being made by P. H. Caruthers of Ansley, two by Amilherman of Scotia, and one given to Sautter of Scotia on a lost ball. Other good plays were a backward left hand catch by Earhood of Ansley, a forward run ning catch by Dobish of Ansley and a neat catch by first baseman. Several clean hits were made by both sides and pitcher Cook of Scotia was relieved by Sautter at the end of the third inning. Following is the score as it was when game was called: Innings 123456789 10 Ansley Bryan ss 0 10 0 0 Earhood cf 0 0 0 0 0 Munn p 0 1 *0 0 0 P. Caruthers 2b 0 1 1 Heffenberger c 0 0 0 Hayslip If 0 0 0 0 ECaruthers lb 0 0 0 Dobish rf 0 0 0 0 Bemham 3b 10 0 Total 004000000 1 Innings 1 23456789 10 SCQXIA Murphy cf 0 0 0 0 0 Silk ss 0 10 0 0 Ammermanc 10 0 1 0 Miller 2b 0 0 0 *0 Grohowsky lb 0 0 0 Davis rf 0 0 0 Sautter p * If 0 10 Budd 3b 0 0 0 Cook p a If 0 0 Total 101001100 0 & (Tame called with 2 men out. •Swanson, Hinman and "Wood row" Wilson were much in evi dence and lent their melodious voices in aid of the cause. Ashley Conger was "Johnny-on the-Spot and sold several cases of 1 ‘ th i rs t-dlspense r. * ’ The "angel" section of the grand stand were enthusiastic at times and helped “cheer 'em up." Bad blood was spilled after the game was over. Thumb and Finger Suffers Amputation Friday morning of last week, j while Mrs. John Sheehan of Har-' rist>n township was driving in a buggy and leading a horse, with ! the halter wrapped around the thumb and middle linger of her left hand in some manner, the an imal jumped or pulled back sud denly, tearing the thumb and lin ger in such a frightful way that the thumb had to be taken off at the lease and the finger amputated at the first joint. Drs. Longacre and J. E. Bowman were called and performed the surgical work and at last accounts the injured woman was getting along nicely. --— '♦ 9 ♦ ■ ■ AiUI So Kin i.u. y Oi.iarE. Jaket—•v.'orvmy lias u ..uJaioiii S.UL.'’ kakes—“That’s nothin,;. So have L”—Uaitimore American. Mail Order Conpetitlon Although realizing that the big mail order houses of the country take hundreds of thousands (If dollars of trade each year, many country merchants sit back com placently and let the business go' to their out of town competitors ' without doing anything to offset it. Some of these merchants do n2t realize that they can compete successfully with mail order con cerns, while others simply take it as a matter of course. How a small town merchant suc cessfully combated the mail order houses was told by the New York manager of one mail order concern. Hearing a great deal of com ment among his customers about the offering of a prominent cata logue house, this merchant got a catalogue of the concern and ad vertised that he would place orders with that house for his trade with out charge. One of his first cus tomers for the rival house was a woman who ordered a shirtwaist priced at $1.29. On delivery of' the waist at his store the merchant called in the customer and then took from his stock a similar waist, better made, that he sold regularly for SI.25. While the cost difference was small, the woman recognized the difference in value and afterwards bought at home. This helped that merchant and other dealers in the town. Mail order houses advertise ju diciously and country merchants should do the same and they will not suffer much from outside com petition.—Publishers' Auxiliary. Flies are Here, Hail Storms are Cming. Insure against both Our SCREENS do the work and our prices are right. Keystone Lumber Co. World’s Best I For the Money | Hardware Paints Oils Tinware and Tin Repairing T. A. GZEHOVIAK Leap City Infirmary •f Osteopathy Dr. Jas. F. Blanchard Physician in Charge Office hours—8 a. m. until 5 p. m. Rates for rooms on request Examination free, Phone No. 106 When you want a good sack of Flour try LOUP Gin WHITE SATIN Our Flour is Made From Old Wheat All Dealers in Town Handle Ouu Flour Loup City Mill & Light Co.