The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 07, 1913, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
, / ' ,
Professional Cards
| i*
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
La.'wy er
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Lc’jp City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Office. Over New Bank.
Dione, 30. Ofllre at Residence
Two Doors East of Telephone Central
Laup Clip, - Nebraska
Loup City, Nebr.
Office at Residence,
Telephone Connection
J, K. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D.
Phynidans and Surgeons
Phone 114 Loup City-, Nebraska
Dr. James F Blanch? rd
Office hoars
1 p. in. until 5:30 p. m. only
Office up stairs in the new State
^ dank buildimr.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie.
Phone, Brown 116
V. I. McDonall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Phone Brown 57
For good clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
—„ Come and get my prices
Contractor and Plasterer
Phone White 70
Give me a call and get my
prices. I will treat you right.
Satisfaction Guaranted
Funeral Director
Licensed Embaimer
Business Phone Black 65
Loup City. Nebraska
+ General Blacksmithing
r Horse Shoeing and Wood
y work. Come in and see me.
Average Valuation
of Stock in State
Horses are Cheapest in Gardner
County—Mules High
Interesting tables showing the
average actual value of horses,
mule, cattle and hogs in all coun
ties of the state have just been pre
pared by Secretary Seymour of
the state assessment board for use
I when that body sits dn state equal
ization matters.
In Douglas county horses are
listed at $59.35, in Dawson county
at $77.25 and in Buffalo county
they are boosted to $91.05, while
in Antelope county, across the
state, they are quoted at $34.65.
The high mark recorded is in Ne
maha county, where they are val
ued at $101.15, an exceptionally
steep figure to appear on the state
assessment roll. They are lowest
is Gardner county, where they are
assessed at $25.40 apiece.
Mules go as high as $165.50, the j
Sarpy county assessor returning j
that figure as an average for this j
class of animal. The lowest figure |
returned on the beasts of burden
is in Gardner county, where they
are listed at only $36.75 apiece.
In Douglass county they are val
ued at $75.50 each.
Cattle are highest in York and
Nuckolls counties where they are
valued at $39.10 apiece. They
are lowest in Gardner county
where they are considered worth
no more than $20.10 apiece or ten
cents less than in Loup county. ,
Hogs are highest in Butler couty
where they are priced at $14.60 a
head. They fall to $4.95 in Sioux
Why They Married
.J*Q»t,cajcds were sent out to all
the married men in a certain west
ern town bearing on the question
“Why did you Marry?” Follow :
ing are some of the answers re
ceived from the frank husbands:
That's what I have been trying a
for eleven years to find out. 1
Married to get even with her 1
mother—but never did. r
as freckled and thought it \
was my last chance. I've found 1
out however, that freckeles ain't \
near as bad as,henpeck. i
Because I was too lazy to work, s
Because Sarah told me that five <
other young fellows had proposed *
to her. Lucky dogs. i
The old man thought eight years 1
courting was long enough. 1
I was lonesome and melancholy'
and wanted some one to make me '
i lively. X. B.—She makes me 11
lively', you bet.
I was tired of buying the ice
cream and candies and going to
theatres and church and wanted a
rest. Have saved money.
Please don't stir me up.
Because I thought she was one
among a thousand; now I some
times think she is a thousand
among one.
Because I did not then have the
experience 1 now have.
The governor was going to give 1
me his boot and I took his daugh
ter's hand.
I thought it would lie cheaper ;
than a breach of promise suit.
That's the same fool question
all my friends and neighbors ask.
Because I had more money than
I knew what * to do with. And
now I have more to do with than
I have money.
I wanted a companion of the op
posite sex. P. S.—She is still op
Don't mention it.
Had difficulty' unlocking the
' front door at night and wanted
some one in the house to let me in.
Because It was just my luck.
I didn’t intend to go skid do it
I yearned for company. We
now have company all the time—
' her folks.
I I married to get the best wife
in the world.
• Because I asked her if she’d
■ have me. She said she would. I
think she got me.—Ex. ;
Somebody’s Daughter.
Copied from the Greeley Leader-Independent
Next time you start out to catch on the street
The first little rosy-cheeked girl that you meet;
Next time flirtation comes over your soul
And you slave and dress up and go out for a stroll;
Next time a pretty young girl wins your eye
As with a smile and swirl you go sauntering by—
“She's somebody's daughter,” say that once or twice
And see how soon flirting won't seem quite so nice.
“Somebody's Daughter,’’ remember that men,
Whenever you try to go flirting again;
Someone who loves her and trilsts her and sighs
At the rose on her cheeks and the light in her eyes,
And fights for her, toils for her, plans for her life
To save her from sorrow, trouble and strife,
And little dreams, maybe some duffer like you
May stand at the corner with love words to coo,
May leer at her, wink at her, try to ipake friends
With “somebody's daughter*’ for evilest ends,
While somebody loves her who still to her breast
Can dream that she rocks the sweet child to her rest;
And there you are leading and luring her down
To the sin and the mire and the muck of the town—
“Somebody’s Daughter,'’ still cleansouledand white,
But charmed and enchanted by highways of light,
And thoughts of high revels and things she’s told
Of glamour and gilt that she takes for gold,
And you wave the tinsel and bells in her face—
“Somebody’s Daughter” all rosy with grace.
Next time you go mashing out on the street
“Somebody's Daughter," the child that you lure
From paths that are womanly, noble and pure;
“Somebody's Daughter,” someone’s child, your heart
Would shrink to encounter, because the base part
You are playing with this child makes cowards of us all,
And they* skulk in the darkness and slip by the wall.
Somebody's Daughter,” Ah, never forget
Her right to her honor, her grace, and her name,
And bow your head low in the humblest shame,
And think of the father and mother who trust
This child of their mutual, intimate dust
And how you'd feel if some knave of the street.
Should lust for your sister, pure and sweet,
Dynamite for Trees.
It is a little late in the season to
idvise tree planters as to the best
preparation for planting. Per
raps however a suggestion now
nay bear fruit next year. The
iv inter, the fall before he plants
Liis trees, bores down eight feet
ivith a soil augur where the tree
is to be planted the following
spring and explodes a 20 i>er cent
fynamite cartridge. This loosens
Lip the soil and makes it exceed
ingly permeable to the roots of
the growing trees; but, what is of
more importance, loosens up the
soil in such a way that it can take
and hold the necessary moisture
for the future growth of the tree.
This practice is exceedingly valu
able and will show its effect both
in growth and production through
out the life of the tree.\ after the
cartridge is exploded an excava
tion is made a couple of feet deep
in order to catch all the moisture
A similar practice has been
found to rejuvinate trees that have
already come into bearing. This
practice, however is different.
With such trees it is best to put
down four holes at different dis
tances around the trees to a depth
of eight feet and at a distance of
about ten feet from the trunk of
the tree. In each of these a 20
percent dynamite cartridge should
be exploded. It will not injure'
the tree. Such a cartridge will lift
the soil simply a few inches and it
will fall immediately back so that
it will require sharp eyes to tell
where the charge was located.
8ut it will loosen the subsoil, pro
vide for a more extended root
growth and for the absorption of
many times the amount of moist
ure that the tree ordinarily gets.
Where this is done it would also
lie well to dig a hole two feet each
way and two feet deep at the place
where the charge is located in
order to catch as much water as
This is not theory, it is practice.
This method has been used time
and time again to advantage by
practical fruit men, The expense
I is slight as compared with the ben
efit received.—Twentieth Century
It Pays to Feed
The Milch Cow Hay
Money Spent For Feed Pays
Big Interest on the Cost
May and June are by far the
best grass months in Nebraska.
Pastures which are closely cropped
during these months will not fur
nish forage for as much stock dur
ing the remainder of the year.
Many men become so accustomed
to the yield of their milk cows de
creasing during July and August
that they take it almost as a mat
ter of course. Dairy farmers who
have a supply of ensilage for sum
mer feeding are in a position to
keep the flow of milk up to the
How about the fanner who has
only half a dozen milk cows?
Just at present he is in the ma
jority and in need of the greatest
consideration. He could not use a
silo with profit unless he purchase
more cows. As a general rule his
cows are kept in a small lot over
night and too often use up most of
their energy during the day fight
ing flies and hunting in poor past
ures for some half dried wisps of
grass. It they have access to al
falfa hay at night, they will re
quire less grass and pay for the
hay comes in the form of checks
for butter fat. It is hard to bring
up the production of even a good
cow after once it is decreased by
reason of the short rations. The
| dairy cow is a machine for the
turning of feed into butter fat
and is the most profitable when
worked to her full capacity. This
requires plenty of feed the year
round. -
Just figure it out for yourself.
Suppose we allow two acres of
pasture for each cow. Two acres
of alfalfa should produce six tons
during the season. Did you ever
see a cow that could eat sixty-six
pounds of hay a day and keep it
up for six months.
Keep the cow on grass, and keep
' grass for them by allowing them
to have free acces to the alfalfa
hay each day. It will keep the
milk supply on a paying basis and
help fall pasture,—Ex.
Burrowcs & Lenn Shows
Tlie Bun-awes & Leon show;
closed a three nights’ engagement
here Wednesday night of this
week. The show is one of the
best of its kind that ever came to
our town, and all those who are
connected with it in any manner,
from the highest to the lowest po
sition, were gentlemen and ladies.
The plays were all of the better
class than is generally shown by
a tented aggregation, and the act
ing was of the highest order.
Despite the fact that the Apple
gate & Hugo company was here
for the same three nights and had
a fine band, which by the way fur
nished some good music, the Bur
rowes & Leon show tent was
crowded to its capacity all three
nights. Boyd Burrowes reputa
tion as a showman of honesty and
square dealing everywhere he
goes has won for him the confi
dence of the general public, and
that is one of the strongest adver'
tisements that a company can
have. Come again Boyd, you
will always find a warm welcome
in Litchfield.—Litchfield Monitor.
A Liar As Usual
The Ord Quiz is about the only
Republican exchange that comes
to this office every week filled
to the brim with fault-findings and
knocks against President Wilson.
Nothing that he does suits the
editor of that paper. Few repub
licans around there that are not
commending every act of the pres
ident. Don’t be a knocker.
The above is from the Loup
City Times, and is about as true
as ally falsehood is. The Quiz has
not had one word to say against
President Wilson and does not
propose to say anything against
him till he has had a chance to
show what he can do. If he fails
to carry out the democratic plat
form pledges he will get his roast
ing from the democrats. If he
does carry these pledges out the
country will have some more good
old democratic times ond then he
will get his roasting from every
one. There is no need for us to
roast the president. Personally,
we hope that he will be able to do
as he seems determined to do, and
give us another real dose of de
mocracy. The public voted for
the dose and we hope they get it,
for they will not be good until
they do. No, we are not roasting
the president yet.—Ord Quiz.
Is Unknown Here
Sol Lucas Johnson, who claimed
that his home was formerly in St.
Paul, Nebraska, is in a Missis
sippi jail awaiting trial for the
murder of Elsten Brewer, a young
editor of Cave City, Mississippi,
having confessed that he killed
Brewer while the two were on a
boat trip.
According to the story that ap
peared in the wire news in the
daily newspapers Brewer was tak
ing a boat trip for his health and
Johnson was along acting as cook
and companion. He had no inter
est in the boats and an uncle of
the murdered man warned him
against traveling with a man who
was practically a stranger. Evi
dently the murder was committed
for the purpose of robbery as
Johnson had the dead man's watch
in his possession.
Elsten Brewer was formerly
owner of the Cave City Clarion, a
weekly paper, and was a young
man of some means. He was on
this trip on the boat which he
built, taking an outing down the
river as his health had been fail
Johnson stated that he was for
merly from St. Paul, Nebraska,
and had lived in other parts of
Nebraska. He will not give accu
rate addresses., He says he has a
brother living in Denmark and
was formerly a member of the
Modern Woodmen of America at
St. Paul, Nebraska.—Ord Quiz.
We made diligent inquiry last
week after seeing account of
above in the state papers but were
unable to find any one who knew
bf this man Johnson or of his ever
having belonged to M. W. A'
^ here.—St. Paul Republican.
£ |the home of)
I Quality Groceries k
Come Give us a trial!
You Then will De
clare our Crc^ries
the Choisest Our
Most Obliging You’l Find Us Anxious to Please ^
Ever Striving Our Best £
__i sj @ k r $
l_Try These—They’ll Please | >
Puffed Wheat
Post Toasties
Grape Nuts
Corn Flakes
Rolled Oats
Cream of Rye
Cream of Wheat
Big ‘T” Food
Shredded WTheat
Oranges. f
Bananas ^
Grape Fruit ^
Lemons ^
Apples ^
Berries in Season ^
Dates J
Bigs ^
Prunes ^
: GHSceyeirs |
> The Quality House Established 1888 i
Flies are Here, Hail Sterms are Cming.
Insure against both
Our SCREENS do the work and our prices
aie right.
Keystone Lumber Co.
t World’s Best J
t For the Money i
S Hardware Paints Oils Tinware ?
S and Tin Repairing f
|t. a. gzehoviak!
Loup City Infirnary
of Osteopathy
Dr.. Jas. F. Blanchard
Physician In Charge
Oflice hours—8 a. m. until 5 p. m.
Rates for ; rooms on request
Examination free, Phone No. 106
When you want a good sack of Flour try J
Our Flour is Made From Old Wheat J
All Dealers in Town Handle Ouu Flour J
Loup City Mill & Light Co. j
_ ■ •_ 4