The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 31, 1913, Image 8

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Be Independent
If you are only a few miles out de
liver your cream in person. If out
too far to drive in, ship in from your
nearest shippiug point, as ratelfare
very low, and cans and checks are
returned to you on the very next
train after cream is received. Don’t
pay somebody fifty to seventy-five
cash to handle each can of cream
SHIP DIRECT. Write or enquire
for tags and particulars.
Ravenna CREAMERY Company
This Is No Place for Me!
, These people have bought a
Western Electric
Wherever there's a Western Electric fan flies are con
spicuous by their absence.
In the dining room, kitchen, restaurant or store a
Western Electric fan effectively rids you of these little pests.
For the store—a ceiling fan outside the entrance is
better than a screen door. It affords an unobstructed view
of the interior and at the same time effectively keeps out the
An 8-inch desk fan on the table will give you a meal in
This type costs only Ya of a cent an hour to run.
Every fan has a felt covered base. Can be used on the
table, maOtel, book case, without scratching.
Come in to-day and let us show you the new fans we’ve
just received.
For Sale by C.R.Sweetland
i - -
When in
Need of v
or first-class
of all dimensions,
We also have a car of Coke.
We also have a good line of Fence posts, range
ing in price from ten to fifty cents. %
Phone Ked 29 and you will receive prompt attention
McCormick Binders, For safe by
O. F. Petersen
Hardware and Furniture
The Tie That Binde.
“It doe:1! teem as If you and I ought
to get along together without quar
reling all the time," sighed Mrs. Jaw
“It does." growled Mr. Jawback. "but
It Booms wo can’t. We’re lighting like
cnts unU dogs from morning to
“Cats ami dogs? Look at that cat
and that dog of ours—they never tight.
They live under the same root peace
"Yrs, they do. Put tie 'om together
io they can’t got loose and see how
they'll act!"
Ideal Match.
"Put," says the candid friend, “1
cannot for the l'.fo of me understand
why you intend to marry htm. lie
hr.s a wooden i< g and the other one is
bowed, and he only has one eye and
,s bald in patches, and positively has
the ugliest whiskers I ever saw on a
man. Why. no woman In her senses
could love him!"
"We shall be ideally happy," ex
plains the beauteous girl. "I shall
never bo jealous of him for the rea
jons you have cited. And he will al
ways be so glad and proud that 1 mar
ried him thut he won't cpre how much
1 flirt."—Judge's Library.
They Were Surprised.
"Jinks, who has Just returned from
k year’s globe trotting. Is very wroth
at the local paper."
"Oh, the editor wrote a column arti
cle about him. which he clalmB ended:
‘His many friends were surprised that
he Is unchanged.’ but the compositor
left the V out of ‘unchanged.’ ”
Bronson—What have you been burn,
lng in your furnace this winter?
Woodson—Hundred dollar bill, as
Equal to the Occasion.
"We insist.” said the suffragist
speaker, -her eyes dashing Are, “that
we women have a natural and lnalien
able right to say who shall govern us,
kis men have!"
"Pooh! Pooh!" exclaimed a rough
looking man in the audience.
"Which only shows.” rejoined the
suffragist, her stern features soften
ing Into a smile, "how true the scrip
tures are in saying that the pooher
we have always with u«.”
Would Never Do.
An actor, being unable to And work
on the stage and needing his meals.
Anally obtained the promise of a con
ductor's job on the street car lines.
“When do I report?”
“At 4 a. m. sharp,” said the man
“Shades of Hooth!” exclaimed the
Thespian. "I couldn’t stand such
hours. The Anns would offset the sal
ary. Why, I'd be late for rehearsal
every day.”
Remember* Watch Face*.
"Ah! an old friend," said the pawn
broker, ns the young man handed hlai
his watch.
“I never hocked that watch before,"
declared the young man.
“Maybe you have not, but somebody
“IIow do you know It’s the same
“Because I have an excellent men*
ory for faces.”
Wlfey—Henry, what shall I give up
during Lent?
Hubby—Well, Grace, I wish you
would give up coaxing me for an auto,
but 1 know you won’t.
In the club they were comparing the
.•esourcefulness of their wives In diffi
cult social situations. The man who
lives In a Harlem flat had been a good
listener, but he finally found an open
••Yes," said he, "my wife lent bad at
that sort of thing. We were having
Borne people to luncheon on Sunday
lost spring, and Just at an hour when
all the delicatessens were closed she
discovered that she needed some mus
tard and didn't have a grain of it In
the kitchen. And she isn't the sort
that will borrow from people next
.door that she doesn't know- It was
a had fix, all right. Hut she got mus
tard enough."
"Went to the delicatessen man's
house and routed him out, I suppose?”
suggested a member from the Bronx.
"Not mueh. Just went to the medi
cine closet, got down a box of ready
made mustard plasters, put ’em to
soak, and squeexed enough of the hot
stuff off.” ^
"Good night," said the man from the
<c,*« -I,- ,
Bronson—I noticed your wife sitting
b> tho wludow sewing this n'orntng.
I thought you told me yesterday she
was ill.
Woodson—So Bho was. but today
she's on the mend.
Dearly Bought Slumber.
Eui’h night he went to bed quite full
And » prided ti> think that plan the bret;
Although next morn hr might feel dull,
llo always jfnt a full night's rest.
Broke the Monotony.
“Yesterday." complained the 8unday
school superintendent, "you boys sat
through n twelve-inning game and you
shewed no signs of uneasiness. Yet
hers you cannot listen to me for thirty
minutes without becoming restless I
can't understand why tho ball game
receives more serious attention.”
"Because," came In a stage whisper
from a sent of husky boys, "they
change pitchers occasionally."—Judge
“How ofWm Is your motor over
hauled, Hlnks?” asked Dusenberry.
"Four times last month," said
"Four times In one month? Oeoni
salem! What for?” demanded Dusen
"Speeding,” said Hlnks. "Twice by
the bicycle cops, once by a deputy
sherlfT. arid once by a plain, common
garden, village constable.”—Judge.
Does He Mean Bathlrg Suita?
Hub (looking up from newspaper)—
My dear, tiave you seen any of those
Invisible suits yet?
Wife—Invisible suits? What are
you talking about?
Hub—Why, here's a Npw York la
dles' tailor advertising: "Suits made
to order with or without material."
CmJm 0mm »
Joskins—Uia record Is the worst if
Hoskins—What is his business?
Joskins—Weather clerk. ,
Pride of East and west.
The visitor from the far weat whs
refuses to be Impressed by some of
the town’s proudest exhibits 1b one of
the New Yorker's greatest trials, and
often the latter discovers that the at
titude of his guest Is based upon con
siderably more than a mere assump
tion of superiority. A few days ago a
man wha piloting a newly arrived
friend about town, and ipade the
mistake, upon coming out on Fifth
avenue, of calling attention, with the
maximum of pMde, to the line of mo
tor ’buses spinning up and down that
thoroughfare. To his amazement the
man from the Golden Gate refused to
be Impressed. "Yes, they’re all right,”
he remarked, "but you should see the
ones we have at home. How far do
these run, anyway? We have an au
tomobile. at^e line between Sacra
mento end Folsom, with 'buses that
carry 24 passengers and baggage and
make about 90 miles a day. They
ran over country roads at 20 miles an
hour, and a good many of our people
are coming to prefer them to the rail
road. Yes, these are nice 'buses, but
they look sort of funny beside ours."
—New York Tribune.
Retain Their Employee.
More than two thousand active em
ployes have been on an eastern rail
road’s pay roll more than forty years,
and over one thousand five hundred
men who served forty years or more
are now receiving pensions. It has
more than four thousand active em
ployes between the ages of sixty and
seventy years. There are on the pay
roll or pension list of the railroad
nearly five hundred men who hare
been with the road over Afty years.
Save Money, Time and Trouble
Arrange for Direct Tank Wagon Delivery of
High Grade Perfection Oil
10c Per Gallon In Barrel Lots
Bought through your local merchants but delivered direct by tank wagon
along our routes, or special routes will be made where
6 or more barrels can be filled in one community
Get Your Neighbors Interested
and have your oil delivered to your farm. It will cost you no more and save you
the trouble of
Reliance Barrels, with faucet, for storage, $5.
Telephone Your Local Merchant, or
Standard Oil Co. Loup City
kVere M#ch More Luxuriously Fitted
Out Than Are the Average Onea
of Today.
While the housewife today prides
herself, and with reason, on theequip
nent and convenience* of her estab
Ishment, she need not think that cen
turies ago other women In other lunds
were not equally well provided. In
deed, the kitchen* of Roman women
were much more luxuriously fitted out.
than are most kitchens of today.'
Now, In the days when tho Roman
empire was at Its height, if you w/ent
nto tho culinary department of nu
elegant establlhment you would find
saucepans lined with silver and pall*
>f various description richly Inlaid
with arabesques in silver and shovels
that wero handsomely and Intricately
carved. Egg frames, too, that would
cook 20 eggs at once, and pastry
molds shaped like shell*, nn Infinite
assortment of gridirons, frying pans,
cheese grater*, and tart dishes.
Tho toilet table of tho Roman wom
en were well supplied 'in the sumo
lavish fashion. Ivory comb*, per
fumes, cosmetics, hairpins, even an
elaborate hair net of gold, has been
recently unearthed. Safety plus, too,
which have for a long time been con
sidered a strictly modern invention,
could be found on their tables. Rut
they had no brushes nor any glass
mirrors, the kind they used being of
sliver or other white metsi*.
The ancient, world was rich also In
surgical Instruments, and those re
cently found at Pompeii deprive mod
ern science of tho credit of more
than ono Invention.
Vision of School Children.
An examination of forty children
from two public schools In New York
city shows some striking results. Tin
forty puptls examined were the worst
that could be found in the two schools,
eighteen of them being so stupid that
they were In ungraded classes, eleven
were so stupid that they required
three terms to do the work of one
term, and eleven were delinquent. All
qf the forty 'children had defective
vision. They were fltted with proper
glasr'--* and after six months It was
found ihat thirty-two of them had
made astonishing progress. These
thirty-two wore under as many differ
ant teachers.’ A r?port of this work
has been made to the board of educa
tion, recommending that the entlre
cure of the school children, mental,
moral and physical, be vested In on<
department with a single head and
that that should be the board of edu
cation; ^tfrat a sufficient number oi
loctors be trained to deal with all do
fects of school children who arc at
present in the cr'c-;ory of ifngrnded,
backward or disciplinary cases; *thnt
any child whose work Is unsatisfactory
for one term should be examined and
all defects of structure and habit cor
rected as fur as possible.—Journal of
the American Medical Association.
"I suppose," said the Interviewer,
"you havo found many surprising
things In our country."
"Yes," replied the distinguished fo»
signer, “I shall freely confess that I
"Would ycu mini telling mo for pub
llcatlon what pnrtlcularr thing sur
prised you most?"
"Not at all, my boy, not at all. Orin
thing that hus surprised ms Is the facl
that few of yr/<ir .-te -ple can spell, but
that, is not what hus most surprised
"What, if 1 may ask, has caused you
most surprise?”
”1 have said thst 1 have boon sur
' ' to And that few of your peopl<
bow to read. The thing tha
OKt surprised me. is t’-jat Inabll
Ity to spell appear?' to be regarded .
% mark rf distinction. Most c.f yr?«*
people boast about their ignorauoe la,
this particular."
Sherman County
Teachers’ Institute
The Sherman County Institute
will he held io the High School
building at bmp City, Nebraska,
August 4th to 9th, 1913.
The new school year opened
•Inly 14. 'The annual rcjiorts of
school directors arc all received
and on file in the office of the
county superintendent.. Accord
ing to these reports nearly every
dis.rict in the county has voted
nine months of school for the
coming year. There will lie no
six months term, only a few seven
and the rest eight or nine. Nearly
every teacher in the county has
already contracted for a school
for the coining year at a salary no
less than $45. The school boards
have responded to the appeal for
higher wages and longer terms.
It now rests with the teachers to
do their part by attending insti
tute, doing faithful work and get
ting the help and inspiration that
wil| make them more worthy of
higher wages, and will lead to ad
vancement in all lines.
Special features in the line of
lectures or other forms of evening
entertainment will make this ses
sion a particularly interesting one.
Every person who expects to
teach in the county should attend
institute. The law is very plain
on the revocation of any grade of
certificate for non-attendance at
I lii! faculty is u particularly
capable one. Each member hits
been very successful both in reg
ular and institute work, each one
has been assigned the work that
he has a preference for, and has
mode special preparation for. Wh
ore confident that the entire fac
ulty will be one that will please
and benefit every teacher in the
Prof. Bradford, principal of the
State School of Agriculture, is
well known to most of the teach
ers of the county. lie is unques
tionably one of the la^t educators
in the state; a man who constantly
strives to “build character.”
Prof. I idler of the Peru State
Normal, is also well known to most
of the teachers of the county. He '
is among the best and made for |
himself an enviable reputation in
the state. He will give us strong (
Miss Danielson of Fremont,
taught in institute in this county
two years ago and all who know
of her work at that time will lie
ptfcasod to loum that she will tie
wlfli us again this year. I for work
will include instruction in singing,
it new feature of the work.
' J. H. Beveridge of Council J
Bluffs, will give a lecture on Mon- „
lay evening at the ojiera house. »
All are invited and none should u
"*'S. no III H, man ttint. has
a message for all, especially those
interested in education.
Miss Richardson the Flag Lady
from California, will lecture to us
on Our Flag” Tuesday night.
This is for all and you will be
sorry if you miss it. Teachers,
invite your pupils. Tell them t<»
eome and hear the Flijg Lady.
II. K. Bradford will give a'talk
on 1‘Modern Ideals in Education"
on Wednesday evening. Teach
ers invite the patrons of your
school and members of your school
boards to eome and hear this lee
Announcements wilt be made
during t he week of other special
Every teacher should come in
tending to get. the best, la>th in
the line of instruction and social
intercourse. The institute should
furnish an excellent opportunity
for the strengthening and broad
ening of social and fraternal rcla
tions, n,very essential part of the
profession. We earnestly request
!your personal interest and co-op
•■ration fn making this institute a
live and profitable session, 1
No matter what .vour qualifica
tions or reputation as a teacher
may be, it is, nevertheless, a duty
which you owe to the profession
to attend the county institute and
take an active part in it.
If the work and results of the
Institute are not what you think
they ought to be, do your best to
mine the standard. Much depends
on good leaders, but the results we
are after can he obtained only by
strong individual -work.
The aim of the institute is nol
merely to “brush up on rust.v
points," l»ul to promote progress
ivories*, to introduce new method*
and recent developments and
changes in school work, to lead
onward and upwytrd, to inspire
Hie teacher with enthusiasm and
bo form u literary center where the
best that can lie produced is care'
fully distributed.
The teacher's institute is coming
,o be recognised ns one of the
nost Important parts of our edu
Jutloruil machinery; it holds a
dace peculiarly its own and its
n fluency upon the work of our
cachet's Is Isdng felt mom each
man. j
We trust that each teacher ill
he county will be enrolled and
itteiul faithfully, eager and ready
o lend a hand toward the better
uent of the school* of our county,
Yours, for the accomplishment
f much good in the school year
f 1918 and 1914.
I* H. CtlKHIKIt,
County Superintendent *
•trong induoamanta,
ar IiidiHfiMisilla woman anawerlng
n mlvariIsnmint about th, rw#l(l, of
»em* Offer* the following Indue*
•ill*' •'Myaeir and husband are t*
w*y rH da9 with at earn heat, hot wa- \
•r au4 all tumlarn luiprovauieuta”