UAf rla ten IuiSy ^ WOl .nd^cteal val|e of keepin] k- back. The careful handling of even a small account j - exerts a forceful power in building up ^ 'Ini'ii'creasmg one’s credit. In addition «kH j — iihii—i in ii mm quin— nnmain n —f— • •• "'J'‘' ' •. Ci forded, your money and the safety of paying bills by check it J; is well worth while to carry your money ^ Tr l! ' . n a bank and get the .'benefit of this J credit building force—hare it work for j 1 r-v." ’r 11 yohj r Your account will be'given care 5; i ful kttentibn and protection at the |f Loup €itv State Bank V .1 I W. r. ^ f.ri-V! £?; 1 ! ■ft •. .1^1 V rsjuju»■. „ ■aSaBSsaags^ji _ of euoi x n A U =‘ xnurch Door Donkey Club i A minister in a westerly ttAIn diir-' i prised liis audience one Sunday by I reaping the folt|gg|gpq«W\f@ifi ■ thf&pulpit: i 4KA4f,^f«n^iira fee' cream -——-—■—» The creamery people naturally feel a very just pride in dbmpmneBts on their products from su§h a spu»e as the Secretary of the Inferioj^t.^^t^, T | Parcel Post Up to j ]| 100 Pounds Representative Le Burleson E: .3ittS^8aHsSBSI of parcels post service Representative Lewis, one of the declared that soonerA ratw tTie go\^ ernment must take over the carrying of tifP^klri4$5 uf Representative Lewis contended that under the law the postmaster general has complete authority to in crease thejtel£¥lt businessanur %o4sssalls5r™r «nr prnrting’bTHcff^-'" the tramp printer. Not to have known him is to have missed some thing of American newspaper life, ar, highly individualized type, and a wealth oftHeMSigi (fsee nfeial most ✓legendary to the printer’s devils and cu^^VH^VWPVod^- ’*1 “The tramp printer was a skilled craftsman. Wi^eTled "tff*wander 1 ust. ta -fotrtF Jttirouglibh t and pf^-JUindv: Restless, curious, unattached, and possessing mdftf thifn “S'^iii4ge,‘k'icliv in fi'i's art, lie could gratify his longing for con stant change of scene with the toler ablCTHSHTSHW^imfflfTTf^WBW ■STTiTT trade "*■ sometimes, tobe sure, he was Dinted in this, but he was re eful, adventurous, and above wanderer, , jftfq fw*e jJoffJfch* 1, so it frequently happened that Dund occu lie high Torkin; nly a few days at a time, as a earning-enough -to pay their and gratify their thirst of some besides trdffe>,rtA4n'*s&dd4fffjr away by train or ‘by the ties,’ ing to"fHeTF"f5neans. they drift >3iBafc ild days like the wandering mfn-’ manner^ind cu^^^^many e. They came fresh from whal oyages in Hudson’s Bay; from from fighting Indians on the great .'; • e . .——"7—;———ut '.77;. 1 ... .. -. plains- often Iff tattered clothes; air ways of loose habits, yet generous, IsritcWiiningteconteurs. and, withal, good workmen. There was always a glace for them hi the Shop and they worked through the night, shook ’erg quads (jeffed) on the imposing stone in the morning! to see who should pay? g|hpn tU^p^as opened,iand in a few days walked cheerfully but of town to return in ayear.or t^o with hew. tales or adventure,’? 7 . . News From Route 2 Those who havecut the weeds along their lines the past ten da.s^re Will Hawk, C. O. Johnson, Vern Snyder, Clark Alleman, Jdim Hesler, Jess Fletcher. L. ft/flansen, Ralph Tee ters and Henry Obermuller. -Miss ^tar^i« (|aJ^awaj^visited over Sunday in Lou'p%?ity. ' Luther Goodwifl^ hup^Yilig.Tfp idly. * > r bS’eiT rfr^ribk this week,. _ . / «*Clareneg.Bqjrtjjmd sons were on the Loup City markejj early Monday mor jjtag with four lojuls of hogs. over Sunday at You otigfetk'ficn& thankful that vou live in this part of Nebraska for the CiOps are better Ijiere than in the east ern ^part of -the State, or in Illinois, ^pfMissou^in fact in Missouri JtUperdps are almost dried up. l^sI. RlaoDbeclr has put upa new wind mill. fc~~ArbTiiJF"Casteel helped Burt haul tags Monday. a| ■ !»M Br^iaa»eSh,thm.' with his threshing outfit last Satur Mrs. Harry Rutherford has return The third cutting of ajttltyj-js, \u bloom. Some fields are looking fine. Corn is good wixh one of ate best has com large enough to eaV ^ The -‘Big Four” hauled Boyd Bur /rrainTangffig from one-half to one -ngj ed Rout$^^lday nlgbtij sick list the past week. ^ ! Sjffcwl several places on thg'l route where the wind did some dam1 age Sunday night. ^ Frank Eteschke had?£ Ibkd *6^ 'stovi. wood on the Loup City market lasp? Mbatte^-. Fun, Mr. ang Mre. Ed Shipley werp.t,ryl-a louff^y Monipbr. They, re _ ter pdffilnch sail aiij -jeir place Sunday night. were out on route 2 and bought eight head of cattle last week. Tuesday. Romeo Conger ar fbftHttr hill Wee bashing for Henry Kuhl Tuei Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gunn, and Gunn’s mother and sister xnwtt>l-oa* swftlayati at hfi!Q£. Roaska few days reu J v E ing The lightning storm two weeks ago played queer pranks at the R. D. Hen drickson home when it struck his milk ho»^;ifIt Jj|frn|gjF ftggttece cprp*f|j thSb wats hanging on Juanita Conger visited Wednesday with Roy Conger. > . ..._ !i Can he Locale a* Job A tail slim young man of about fif teen years was given lodging by the police last night, and today he has been hustling to see if he can locate a job with some good farmer who ,v&iii, give him a home and teaah him the right farm methods,, Jt will., be .re membered that a year or such a^mat, ter ago the news was reported from the .little town of St. Mary, Mo., of a tragedy wherein a farmer killed-his wife, and one of his stepsons, wound ed theother and then attempted sui cide, but failing in the latter was sent to the penitentiary for ninety nine years. The boy who is looking for work is the stepson who i escaped. H&wasdrst shot In the leg, the bul let passing through, and the irate step-lather theq.broke his.collar bone with the butt of his gun. After leav ing the hospital the lad said that he never even looked back at old home, but set his face for the west and a terrible tragedy_Grand Islaud Inde pendent. I TWe Country Editor t For mahy years the editors of the metropolitan papers nevet tired ctf ridiculing the country editor because tef tiie many items of neighborhood ?gossip and the very personal matter ;tliat chiefly tilled the columns of their .newspapers. After a' time the city .editors adopted that very policy tsheute selves and gave it> more space than any other feature but they never, ac knowledged their indebtedness to the country editor or apologized for the abuse and ridicale that they heaped upon himL i • < The country paper stall flourishes The editor plays an important part in state as well as local politics and he is really the only independent man in the profession. lie often has to travel1» rocky road and his life is flirt, all one of pleasure, but lie is still there ‘•thejmonarch of all he surveys,! fropo. the center clear rpund to the sea,” and will always be there. No metropolitan paper can drive him out .even If he does sell forty page papers for a centjilWorld^Hdrald'i y- * » r- Tlil .. t, |; n i ■-! Cheap 'Parcels Rate i >.h fJ »>({■*/ I fleinr Schedules Sertt out to lo ! * I'l-I r„(ij !icl 1,7 rrsD"'’ rtjWKHl s ' r r eal Postmasters > ■f •"* 11 i - KtiH4n4^4 m.q'w.1 i i Affects Local Delivery and Distance <1 Falling Within .First an«fn>,Ti « bohoo -Second- Zohes,.mf« ■ i! | Locial' iwstimasters have»-betrn‘ noti fied of tbdehbngyof parcels post rates ^hat ^rfi^ pjfice, ,Ajg,. 16 unless congress, heads off Postmast £r General Burleson before that time. ^heMteS Aftebt orily’fldfcka&iiMblt nedi^tcallf’from^tine pat ton''td ani; £ther,)ordirtJ6e second/toneunting, imwfhy i njajjiqg, wW*»jhg| ^rdw. '6f ^,?oP°-s^-as^,?|.n^ral,isa?sitivef just as if the postomce committee of ^he'feeriitfcWb fttff ktcH^ii'p’ cBfi-1 siderable fuss over what is tJonterh jplaritecL ) r}'pil[i ■// to ^i( DiU *$( > ■ loi^he^.wmps.the rtf^are,towered aw inutn packages that’can thus be trans ported-ate fhf6¥&fseu*q policy, f—, ,..,v -„i TJie local rate is, described. ,iq fjply^s mailed at any postofflee for any point ?n thb city* or bii ii tfcftil rdbie' ?eabfr Ing-btit/ from' that bffibe,!to any 'pack age-mailed bn a irora-W to- any other, point,qn tbpt route, pr from, any ppiry, bn m same postofflee, ft is expressly stated £taat‘f ressh meatfe ihiiy be accepted and handled for any poliit Withintha first1 ^ridiseowel aohles. oTnoh* s»iif >-> os-«t l» Here,Awe^-ha rates-as set..forth .in. ii Of tsr—J 1 art I , WeigM ,i ..i tpdaj . . 1st & 2nd Ift».>.®' pPw O1 ..U11- fWCt . I.Hf< - nOft - i I y,l -~Q0. ,Three:........ : ou. „l ...ipy ..Jb2 » ; .'/i ■ v ’.'ft* '-lffir. mill ho-, rQfi TSve.......... or. . . 09 j£j j.l- i'O Of} Iiq,l H ogl l,of-,> „ »,. Beygnl'i ;vit .vsyp. ?!-b8*- ,r *,,,i * ie>vTif lEifchfc. fvvovj?. ehiiP 08e iofr>»;i ?i 12 j-' ---f.-yri Q9o.l si11 tyj. jyl i Vgd'Sf!" ofioi * 1 leveq,■■«■<...*>•. 10 . 15 Twelve' M" do.o-j/ iv^f,m(frifn/t.oo.|^ . Thirteen'-.’.,.'“l!h.?Hii wenv 7.0W170 tfjourtdepiw?.. ?i?o') 131 low mtirff f>W . HiightSSKiT. K ' '1Rra " M 'Nineteen. -vojjf ‘ Twenty....... 15 24i THE NORTHWESTERN! Residence, - Black 21 ■I. ~VV. flUp.liElQi}., |k^tor and ?nb -- --■gufcmrtpMow W»t»i ~—- •-*»*■«■ One copy perj-ear if paid in reason able ti«rt|f»l^;? KlipfirJlfSiP any time ifoiice to^op^this paper ;will be promptly obeyed. *A11 sub iscrirtJopsa.fft.j^yfd press uq4wSjtwi(|i^,,thHitithe sub scription may continue until the sub scrilpej qotifles tbfl.Vpub'lisher aof .his ideslre to terminate tybe Subscription^ j; CpjnjpricesjsHot upward pvqr'wcent, last Saturday./ 1 ^ ,i^ i f*- •••.“-T— ,-:r ■:-.- ".—T t.-silj >«?!! State. Auditor Howard gives it out straigbtk..frp« tpq abpuWpr that-be, wju ^,be a candidate for re-elec tipn after, l^,prqsqpjt;tpri8,4a put. „ - ,• j r. iiifi. '(‘ t ,• ■ .1 '1 Beushausep says he has received hist commission a&.poatruaster and will take-, -charge ,of tl«t .postoftice -next Tuesday, j .In Ibis - instanoe at least, the peopl? have,not rp-led in-,the -se-i lection otpostmaster,,^.-Mica i«i,- ,.-i.j ;-r>ri ,9>in,; f Parties claim they, heard singing Hi around,.last-.Monday,--morning -and upomarising- and,-going - out to-'see whence the music cam# found-ft w as' from the corn fields as a result'of the bice rain of the- night preceding.; ' • | L j . 1 .1 : : f‘ **• l| ; Coro popped up tWb cent* Tuesday j in hearing ofthe drought-conditions Over the-country-. -That makes-corn up four cents lately on '-account of droughty weather. >«i.: -•>• W«.-: j ——4 ' ' ! — : i ne democratic party, has a swiian. ‘ Let the people rule.” But ^tat’.s.,a misnomer. It sounds, .well, but is ijever put in action. It shopjd instead “Let Bryarj rp)e,“ if really meaning it, and then the appointment of ppst-,.' masters in some instances would be; better understopd. , , We Hereby enter a protest. Evi dently Judge Sniith has lost his grip on Cupid. No one is coming to the judge these days asking his ' aid filong marital'lines! Nary a license ^^8. bedn issued from that otHcp fpr 'lp these many days. What ‘is Cupid doing anyway*. *?rt « -i • - . ri.-.i r c ii • *> • Li ' -1-1-111_ ■ ‘ 11 * LA ' --ut •■t.' • ,r. if> OH: J/HI One of the most taking cartopps finding beft'na: a' icerinel pokipg^ Cif will, stf^rthl' apimaf beiflg tiifced ^Bfyahl jteSmSaraSS? ing Safary/rthe 'animalV pneartiily vowls causing Br^an to appear, at a bis ears. ,i Eihetbbft'ye^kri’^ago last Saturday, Ji#lj^28tb,r!bot winds put'a finish on tHb'cbrn crop throughout/ Nebraska, according to an old old-timer here. A! With'trfngV blighting b|a^iin| wind adrdck Nebraska from cine end tphhe ptjHer.' It doritlnued for two days with undiminished fie at and at" the epd of that tjhie the corn .crop was dine for! At’that period cofp was tlie fertat st&pfe crop’of Che state and Itk lbS^ Wti* ihofe It^enly, felt t^han Wpbld be'the case at the present time f tifch Neb'r*ai«L Has many obhe£ crops' ‘ pi itiblpafTiy alfalfa "and wheat which it Cfiat3tidi& Wtife"unknown as to the. ihd've^f TibWe ‘6'ftlie se’cottrf. | si ir? C«J * .-lei1-? n-'At| ° " (Last Sunday’s 4a^l)ss,.e,. W», intelligence . thatf^.ft^empnt, hai led suddenly, jn;his %«to . yrhj^, fHvipg to hi! oftlc^. .^..^pydsr, 6H PftiW?--niost-^r^^^n Pm-h> Nebraska, h.a'flng.^e# ^RPPWU»nf °klopal ^opmi^fcsny^Jij itlw ,p*§t, ttot, nKWspnWUs, ,H?, was a .ipembej, oj tbe greatgrainfir^of Nye-Spyderv fowler Cp, h and as spph, .jftas. known f flora one .enfi of tjie stafce fio the, atber,* ancf o ver ’the entire,,pojintfy..., In his. personal relations he, was ope,,pf t^e roost friendly of pqen and. to know him and to have life confidence, ,?va6, esteemed a high privilege. J£or many jlears !RvB. Snyder has:been a al: friend of thp writer* fjpr whoop,we always fiad the warmest .regard. Vfi injbis death we fpel.a deep personal , mT"!- | ”■ !f I" ' v IM'r.'Bryatf’s ackhoWledgeii inability pci Hve’ori hfs salary Of $12,000 a' year is.iiot nfearly bo humiliating. to his friends afid adnOfrers, Wtid hate long boasted Of* BWektifeme' Simplicity, aS‘ trieireetrfpr ^oia #bi6h ls fevearerf bi his dhafitaiiqlia erigagemerits‘. A6'-: Pdiidihg;'t6 'his oWh statefineirt, Mt! Bfyanis id hp itdiueafate: danger of goBlfe' tb the J56t>f hdb&e.1 ‘ -* HeUasiaivea i ^O'.OOO hurtttjf'fcfc# °paatF Seventeen’ ofiatsiiiiiw it-’-brlttlfS hlni onys fie^} aenff Wife Is aSsufled of an Income of PYer92O,O0d’pCr yeat'WhYte iiibfffce,1 which Certairriy ' efiotild Be"' sufficient 3' fatty Bg&softabfe person.' Whilekhe ilntry his befenlibferaf fh the past i tti' dbbirc officials " *ho profited ' profitable private enterprises bn fche iikor'lt ife ^uhtriil Vrtiether aby'fcSart f er deserted his 'dbtieS When thfiy *, ffisWiB pressfinra'fid sblihpCrtant ’as ti Of thfe'spcrefc&ry fif! state’s office’ ’ i I tHftinoihetttV “Odttiihjf4 f rttfaf 6WS 1 »: pfeSfiniaBIirhifh ideals,Tat 1 ttme ' wtttbfi’ lU {jfe'tfple' krb'fear rilftfc to Wx- 1 peCt moth" uflstelflSh 'seifrlCahf their ' Dpclall” tKaa bteibefdFe.Tfff. Bryan’s \ f: ilure’tfi 'ftsBt' fihW luhjttrprWStfe ram ie disappointing1 to say the feast. -A u rora Republican. Crown, Kimball, Price & Teeple, Packard, A. B. Chase, Schaeffer, McPhall and other high grade raises of pianqp to nalarti from ai Do Yc mt >§rk? Anyone _„ ■ workj hduse or founda15Km, or any-TOid ofdSfement work, see me. I have on hand at present a large number of concrete bloeks nicely cured. I ask your pat wpi / f) i j AshtonNews | .I. fotl.i ; , . - bn,, itbi.f ..i i»,. 1200 Acres Near Ashton • I ha,ve for sale some 1200 acres of Jaritf new Ashton, sonife bf the best farming land in this section. • |A|soe (10,000 acres of Canadian land for sale, I ee or write hSfe’fdr paVtlgulars. : rj o.i J; Jl G 00,1 ‘Ashton, 'Neb. 111 i If you waht yrtifr home protect ed from lightning witl* Geb, Ml King lightning! t rods., call on or Eh op# .hr John Kevyolif^ki, Ashton ebraska. M^v iyrice is fight. Notice to Creditors Wtewf Nebraska n .j!. hjdu WJS,l'naiU'f hetman County | s* «> the county court l the matterol the estatpoMjtoroiiaDerdours h tPe.trtfe cteditortbC suideatatul 1 >.j onn I You are hereby notified, that I will sit at lha Ooabty Court room in Coup: >€ityv in said county, on the 7th day of November. 1913. at lOo'n&X'li-a. m. and obe7mda> of fc'ebi. 4914. lo reoeive and examine all claims against said ! state; Vilh a wua- to-tti»ir adjustment arid .llowance. The time lime d for the present .tion of claiihs htoarinst soil ostalo is..the- 7t|v ay of February. A. D., 19H. and the time imiojd fotipajntaerit of debts is One Year from.. faid7th day of July. 1913. I WWness «iv hand and .seal of haid. County Court, this 15th day of July, 1913. j ii 1 ■ 1 .■■: i ■ ,ls. a; Smith I .seat.) County Judge (> ,•-.««>•> -.tWutiPub. ,i. .. t ■ 1 i •' •‘••I <1 '!■" ' * ««l. 'b- !•<:/: •<_ J, E. WErNtViAN Veter i u ar * a n All; .qalla i ec,ejye. proii,i p*. on re full anij ^considerate attention Phone N^.,Ap8,u,r. it.,, Office up stairs, £tate Bank BuiJ.ding F. E, BREWER ; f !ii .h il l j.*r Insura n c e of , ; 7,n'-in t*n •«:Tt n. ~h ■ ■ t* J • , r , •' f ;,, , j. j all kinds in the old reiiahle , v« ii* / >|i r >» t >i' tTt ; St. Paul Fire and Marine ihH ■>! ijf-f nl - i , *t. • inautance,, ,C«. of St. Paul. iMlDn. : ■ ■■ •v.ih ■ ft j ;■ '.inr-.'M For ’ a Sqiiare Deal ^ • l J ■ !«n /i.-2* rcr* I'.'J vr . - I -tM J*Tf • ,j IN Real' ‘fflffl i: ioiqn Jt fo And * Insurance {gn.iiroff J.WDougal Offce -First Floor, 4 i doors south of | State Bank Building 4-»'i ■ . ■ . ■■■«% > and improper £SSSrhLfrt%S ^ MMt and haalth. , KmSSSTo^^ not afraid to ine Moom name, and *ho haa a no* oiru * U I* • II11/ II master SPECIALIST. Chronic and Private DIsomST PlIeTSd Rupture curou without fen operation. 606 Mr Blood Poison. TEN YEARS IN GRAND ISLAND 1 j T lf iniin.i imh hirr ii* — n M nn '! Dollar BiH Says * fun;:? f,'5 f* ,r •■«*' ■ *• ‘)F‘ Buy a suit of clothes from . ' J E. E. McFadden iWUi«^f^IeKtrfl.pwi| ^nqwsars FREE. This will fast only a few IhjflKT Grime ealdy and get your " 'J-’" ' ' |' ’. r "' ’'(![ 3rdor of Hearing, on Patition, for , ,.i . Sattlarnant ot Account , f“"ta the County. Court.-. in (he,, matter of the,estate.of Katherine Kochanowskl. deceased. On rebdrnyand dHntr the petttitraat bitJ ol -July, JOI3. jOd Jar decree oX residue ot personal property. 'Saptemyter1 2w*.'.k.t>.> : i»l6, at *Mi rear .ar. a County Court-*a, he, J said county, and show oanse r or petitioner should Mot he ■ gOiXMamsiiuswu No'Slrweeiem. a weekly newspaper print-. j«irdirdfMhi.. .!!<'•• • •.••••• i:;, ; z,rt ™gfyrTA best of treatment, come th and give me a ‘ ’ ,v TT13 i trfal?Snd Ire coiiviAdea you have fteJfv&T ml hainein f W. m I R J t. R. L. ARTHUR sCl »»•.” -rlf m * maP. ■ ■■■■! in i ■" , ,.fe,U |i v*it\ .Htin‘r.rf\n m* »~h■/«•* {Kirach^SunPClcflhes. I 1 bS^iji=sJ • - i. •- i | M4//jnfl/ p ©K ,?Wa GI othing d all tfie J^uiar' Lines The Finest Suits for ;•= 'If *-! ' i k ' l 'j[{\ f \'J i ■ if Bnj' tfsikjyjrs “■ ■'- I«q if Jfd l - -« - .-r M t f; • ? » din I NORFOLK ENGLISH ii REGULARS and thi" LANGLEY HAT j ; , leads theqi f LORENTZ | I ivtuihf&ijf r| L .*ij I You are, Invited to 'ahead. • , r, i 1 + Cl j THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW CHANGE OF PROGRAM j i.-iri - t j Mondays, Wednesdays jpd Fridays; ? ! Matinee et^ry Saturday afternoon I ,ai3i! ;j£} i:' } ' 1 -I ' J I Show every higfct arid nothing but the beet; of | pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially | invited to attend. j At the New Opera Housy ■ ■**i^&* | LEE & DADDOl i A \