The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 24, 1913, Image 4

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    y J less of the special ser
Q vice a bank renders its
customers its actual responsibility is a
matter for the consideration of depositors.
This bank has a capital and surplus of
$50,000. Its business is under a pro
gressive yet conservative management.
The deposits of its patrons are safeguard
ed by carefully selected loans to home
people. Its stockholders are directors are
prudent men of affairs, who give first
care to safety of investments. Your ac
count is solicited on this basis of man
agement and our past record.
Loup City State Bank
[Coming Back Again!
|loup CITY
[ One Night Only j
[ JULY 26
and the
Burrowes -- Leon
Presenting the Great Civil War Drama in 5 Acts
New Specialties and Music
Same old Prices 15 and 25c Same old Prices 5[
_ _ _ ' i
Fine Job Work Neat Book Work Real News
Largest Subscription List In The County
A Large Supply of Job Stock Always on Hand
New Styles of Type. Work Done Promptly
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trant
mission through the malls aa second
class matter.
Office Phone, - Red 21
Residence, - Black 21
.1. W. BURLEIGH. Editor and Pub
Subscription Rates
One copy per year if paid in reason
able time, $1.50.
Subscriptions may begin or end at
any time. Notice to stop this paper
will be promDtly obeyed. All sub
scriptions are received with the ex
press understanding that the sub
scription may continue until the sub
scriber nobities the publisher of his
desire to terminate the subscription.
It is a very rare occurrence when
you can pickup.a daily nowadays and
nob read of some aeroplane accident,
in which one or more bird men are
dashed down to death from their
flights in the air. All of which leads
to the thought, “Is ft w orth while?”
“Banking by mail” is the latest in
novation^ entered into by the govern
ment in connection with the postal
savings system. Hereafter deposits
may be made by mail and withdraw
als likewise effected through the
same agency. However,“banking by
male,” and also by female, is as old as
the banking system. Gidap, Uncle
Sam, you're lagging in the traces.
Pity the poor mail carrier. After
August 1 the maximum weight for
parcel post packages will be increased
from eleven pounds to twenty pounds.
Who knows how soon, at this rate,
route carriers will be compelled to
drive great four-horse transfer wag
ons over their routes, or more likely
auto transfer trucks, to meet the in
creasing demands? Good-bye express
companies; take keer o’ yourselves.
An observer wishes to observe that
he observes one nervy thing among
some of Loup City’s young bloods,
and that is hovering about the en
trance to the Chautauqua tent after
the dear girls had paid their own way
into the show and gallantly offering
to escort them home. But what if
the darlings like it that way or are
too ashamed of them to stand for
company in public, lieh?
Last Thursday the new laws passed
by the last legislature went into ef
fect which did not have the emer
gency clause or which have not run
against the referendum snag in the
political whirlpool or stuck in the in
junction sandbar. There are 138
which did not have the emergency
clause, but three of these have been
put to the bad temporarily. The Ne
braska City armory appropriation of
$20,000 has been suspended because of
the filing of the referendum peti
tions, while the. employer's liability*
law is held up by the same process.
The new insurance code law is in the
courts and awaits a run of the legal
game before it can be put into effect
or knocked out entirely. Another bill
which did not go into effect last
Thursday was the electrocution law.
This does not go into effect until Oc
tober 1, because of the provisions to
that effect in the bill. This does
away with legal penalty by hanging
and substitutes the electric chair.
Visions From Storkiand
A baby girl was born Tuesday even
ing, July 22,1913, in this city to Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Bly. Lee has now one
of those seraphic smiles that won’t
come off. Congratulations to the
happy parents.
The happy report reaches us by
wireless from Litchfield that our ed
torlal friend, Jack Rlghtenour of the
Monitor became the happy papa last
Monday, July 21, of a fine 10-pound
boy. ‘Rah for the new Litchfield
Clear Creek Items
Mrs. J. M. Lowry spent a few days
of last week at Broken Bow, Nebr.
Mr. Van Dyke was a Loup City
visitor last week.
Thp Misses Katie Smith and Irma
Lowry spent Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R D.
Mr. Aaron Eberlee and Mr. Boeck
ing were in this vicinity last week
soliciting for the Broken Bow college.
Miss Grace Adams is spending a
few days of this week visiting with
Miss Violet Rummery of Mason
A number of people from this
vicinity attended the Chautauqua at.
Ansley Saturday.
Frank Zwink thrashed for Mr.
Frank Kuhn the first of the week.
Card Of Thanks
Mrs. Alvira Daddow and family de
sire to extend their most hearty
thanks for the kind and sympathetic
help, so faithfullv rendered during
the sickness and death of their be
loved husband and father.
Harvey O’Bryan brought his wife
up from St. Paul Tuesday evening to
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. Benschoter. Mrs. O’Bryan has
been in very poor health for some
time with nervous troubles and had
to be brought here on a cot. Harvey
returned to his railroad duties the
following morning leaving his wife
much improved.
At Elba—First game
1234567 RHE
Boelus 10 0 0020 3 4 1
Elba 0000001 1 61
Batteries Boelus ,Bozall and Iwine.
Elba Summovich and Johnson.
Second Game
1234567 RHE
Boelus 2312402 14 16 3
Elba 2000000 233
Batteries Boelus, Bozall Treon. and
Iwine and Strzbach. Elba Whitney,
Summovich, Johnson and Johnson
and Summovich.
Farwell Nebr. July 20—Dannebrog
met defeat here Sunday by the score
of 6 to 2. The game was good out
side of a couple innings when our
sluggers got iu their stick. Follow
ing was the lineup and score:
Dannebrog AB H PO A E
Nielsen—R F - 4 12 0 0
Roe —SS 3 12 3 1
Jacobsen —C , 4 16 0 0
Martin —3B . 4 10 0 1
Iwanskl —P 4 10 4 0
Easton —B 4 1'9 o 1
Christensen—C F 4 0 0 0 0
Mortensen—L F 3 0 3 -0 0
Williamsen—2 B 2 0 10 0
Total 32 6 23 7~3
Farwell AB H PO A E
Petersen—P 3 12 2 0
Burke —S S 5 0 0 5 2
Rassmussen—2 B 4 2 7 3 0
A Kremiacek—C F 4 3 10 0
Jacobsen—C 4 14 3 0
I E Kremiacek—3 B* 3 10 0 0
R Lemburg—L F 4 10 0 0
Christensen—R F 4 13 0 1
H Lemburg—1 B 4 0 10 2 1
Total ' 35 10 27 15 4
♦Out for interference
Score by innings 12 3 456789
Dannebrog 0010000012
Farwerl 10000212*6
Summary: Stolen bases Farwell 2
sacrifice hits Dannebrog 2 Farwell 1.
2 base hit Nielsen, 3 base hit Petersen
and A Kremlacek Hits of Iwanski 10
off Petersen 6. Struck out by Iwan
ski 5 by Petersen 3 hit by pitched
ball Petersen (2) by Iwanski. Wild
pitch Iwanski 2. Left on bases
Dannebrog 4 Farwell 4. Umpires,
Martin and Mudloff scorss Petersen
and Dilla, time of game 1 hr., and
35 min., attendance 250.
Ashton Nebr., July 20. The local
team met defeat here Sunday at the
hands of the Rockville team by the
score of 4 to 1.
Score by innings 123456789
Rockville 0 010030004
Ashton 0000000101
Summary: Stolen bases Rockville
8. Sacrifice fly H. Burt. Earned
runs Rockville 2 Ashton 1, 2 base hit
Topolski, struck out by Werner 10 by
Jezewski 6 by Topolski 6 base on balls
off Werner 2 off Jezewski 1 off Topol
ski 2 Balk Werner hit by pitched
ball Coulter by Topolski wild pitch,
Jezewski. Left on bases Rockville 7
Ashton 4. Umpires Thiessen and
Lorenz scores Petersen and Badura
time 1:55
Luther Goodwin
Receives Bad Fall
While at work last Monday after
noon on the farm of Mr. Norstedt, a
few miles west of this city, Luther
Goodwin in some way fell from a load
of grain, striking on his head. I
was not thought at first that he wa
badly hurt but later developments
proved to the contrary, and he was
brought to town Tuesday and taken
to the home of his sister, Mrs. S. N.
Sweetland. Just how seriously he is
is hurt cannot be determined as we
go to press this morning.
The Chautauqua
The Chautauqua on at present had
up to yesterday proved somewhat dis
appointing when compared with for
mer Chautauquas, but Wednesday’s
program went far towards redeeming
the first two days, which by common
consent might have been vastly im
proved upon. But yesterday could
not have been bettered, if we rightly
judge of the temper of attendants on
the amusement game. The two per
formances of the Military Girls were
the most catchy things ever in our
city, and fairly carried the big audi
ences off their feet in their enthusi
asm, and as one of our best local
musicians said at the close of their
second concert, “if they would cut
everything else out and let the girls
be the whole show it would be a hum
mer,” or words to that effect. The
lecture in the evening by Chancellor
Bradford was easily one of the best
ever given in our city. He is a man
of commanding presence, a finished
orator, splendid voice and stage pres
ence, resembles Bryan in looks, ac
tions and mannerisms, and with lofty
thoughts and ideals expressed car
ried his hearers through his lecture
of an hour and a quarter’s duration
in breathless interest, no one leaving
before its close save a few parents
who were compelled to take their lit
tle ones home. - He is Indeed a plat
form prince. Here him again this
-, 4 * .-■ -
Boyd Burrowes Coming
Boyd Burrowes’ tent show is in
the town this week, opening Wednes
day to a big house. Burrowes is a
royai good fellow and Is a clever
actor himself. He has been coming
here so many years' and is so well
known that he assumes the privilege
of kissing all the babies and calls all
the old ladies grandma. Whenever
he drives into town and sets up his
big teepee people will postpone wed
dings if need be to'atteod 'the show.
—Ravenna News. This excellent
company; will appear here one night
only, Saturday, July t6.
Crown, Kimball, Price & Teeple,
Packard, A. B. Chase, Schaeffer,
McPhall and other high grade makes
of pianos to select from at Scliwaners.
Do You Want Cement Work?
Anyone wanting block work, house
or foundation, or any kind of cement
work, see me. I have on hand at
present a large number of concrete
blocks nicely cured. I ask your pat
ronage. C. J. Tracy
Ashton News
1200 Acres Near Ashton
I have for sale some 1200 acres of
land near Ashton, some of the best
farming land in this section. Also,
10,000 acres of Canadian land for sale,
ee or write me for particulars. /
J. J. Goc, Ashton, Neb.
If you want your home protect
ed from lightning with Geo, M.
King lightning rods call on or
phone to John Rewolinski, Ashton
Nebraska. My price is right.
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska l __ T_ __.
Sherman County fss In the County Court
In the matter of the estate of RozaliaDerdows k
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will sit at
the County Court room in Loup City, in said
county, on the 7th day of November. 1913. at
10 o'clock a. m.. and the 7th day of Feb., 1914, to
receive and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the present
ation of claims against said estate is tbe 7th
day of February. A. D.. 1914. and the time
limited for payment of debts is One Year from
said 7th day of July. 1913,
Witness my hand and seal of said County
Court, this 13th day of July, 1913.
E. A. Smith
iSKAr.) County Judge
(Last Pub. Aug. 7)
Veter inarian
All calls receive prompt, care
full and considerate attention
Phone No. 108
Office up stairs, State Bank
° i
Insura n c e of
all kinds in the old reliable
St. Paul Fire and Marine
insurance Co. of St. Paul
For a Square Deal
Real Estate
And Insurance
J.W Dougal
Offce First Floor, 4
doors south of
State Bank Building
t D**i» and Improper
Vestment ol disease
In means loss of tlaM,
, money and health.
1 Consult a reliable
Specialist, one who Is
not afraid to use his own
name, and who has a
permanent Dutirot and reel* I
dense. 00 NP.7 BE DECEIVES I
. N nrrwleie. doctor* who rymtt I
PC'*. There Is no orroj
try* tor Pile* or fhiptrr* r t
to* dap cur* tor Chronic «r I
italvntn -**- i
and Private Diseases. Piles and Rupture cured
wtthaut an operation. 606 tor Blood Poison.
k ' , ' . '
Dollar Bill Says
Buy a suit of clothes from
E. E. McFadden
and get an extra pair of trousers
FREE. This will last only a few
days. Come early and get your
Order of Hearing on Petition for
Sottloment of Account
fher man**County* f 88 In the County Court'
In the matter of the estate of Katherine
Kochanowskl. deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of L M.
Polskl, executor, praying that a final settle
ment and allowance of his final account, filed
on the 21st day of July, 1BI3. and for decree of
distribution of residue of personal property.
Ordered, that September 2nd, A.D. .913, at
10 o'clock a. m., be assigned for bearing said
petition, when all persons Interested In said
matter may appear at a County Court to be
held In and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should not be
granted; and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the Loup
City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper print
ed in said county three successive weeks, prior
to said day of hearing.
Dated July 22nd, 1913. iq, a. smith,
r si a hi County Judge.
1 Last pub. Aug, 7.
If you are looking for a place to buy the best
there is in the line of General Merchandise,
Groceries, Queensware, and anything usually
kept in an up-to-date store, and are anxious
to receive your moneys’ worth and the very
best of treatment, come in and give me a
trial and be convinced you have discovered it.
Holeproof Hosiery
Six Pairs
Cotton Hose
v to Wear
4 Six
or New
3 pain
You are Invited to attend
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays;
Matinee every Saturday afternoon
Show every night and nothing but the best of
pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially
invited to attend.
At the New Opera House
Glacier National Park
Newly Revealed
This region of majestic, glacier-capped mountains—the
climax of the rugged grandeur of theRockies—is reached by
the Great Northern Railway from Glacier Park Station, at
which point the Railway Company has constructed a hun
dred thousand dollnr hotel. Au automobile road has been
built from this station to the interior of the Park. A de
tour of from one to four days can be made at the very moder
ate cost of from $10 to $25, including hotels, automobiles,
launches and coaches, covering distances of from to forty to
one hundred and fifty miles.
As ail hotel and transportation arrangements in the Park
are under the supervision of the Great Northern Railway
Company, the comfort and enjoyment of tourists is assured.
In making a tour of the Pacific Coast, a tour into Clacier
Park will prove to be one of the most interesting features.
250 Mountain Lakes. 60 Living Glaciers. Peaks froa 8500
to 10,500 Feet Altitude