t . pi————l I fi ■ - i ‘ ' * \ r~ • - mm, ————————————— I , .. , — - - - __ .. - __ ___ Volume xxxi _loup city. Nebraska,^thursdaV, ■u Yy Fl i9i3 number 37 Professional Cards .ROBT. P. S FARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS. NIGHTINGALE & SON tasy ud teiCMt'Uw LOUP PITY, NEB It. H. MATHEW, Anorney-ai-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska AABON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts loapCity, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loop City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county ~o7e. longacre Office, Over New Bank. f TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I'fione, 30. Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Loup Eiig, - Nebraska A. s. MAIN HIYSIGIAN ail SURGEON Loup Gity, Nebr. < >J!ce at Residence, Telephone Connection J. LI. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. LOW MAN & BOWMAN l*hv»icianH and Surgeons rtione 114 Loup City. .labraKkg Or. Janies F Blanchard OSTEOPATH 1ST Office hours 1 p. m. until 5:30 p. m. only S. A. ALLEN. DEJVTIST; LOUP CITY, • • NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. ^ VV, L. MARCY, i»:bnt£st, LOUP GITY, NEE OFFICE: East Side Public Souaie. Phone. Brown 116 Y. I. McDonall Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Pbone Brown 57 C.... SWEETLAND PLUMBER U®!ss> AND - ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices “ ar. mo mu Contractor and Plasterer Phone White 70 Give me a call and get my prices. I will treat you right. Satisfaction Guaranted H. KREBS Funeral Director Li censed Embal mer Business Phone Black 6ft Loup City, Nebraska General Blackstnithing Horse S‘coding and Wood* work. Come in and see me. PATHETIC STORY WRITTEN IN OLD POCKET DIDLE “Hanford and Hattla Ara Saparatad by Crual War.” Winchester, Ky., March 1st, 1913.—(Special.)—Mrs. W. A. Walden of 124 East Fairfax street has in her possession a gilt edged pocket Bible printed in the year 1853 and on the fly leaf is this en try in a very neat hand-writing, evidently that of a woman: “Han ford and Hattie are forever sepa rated by cruel war. Hanford N Smith from Hattie.” On the blank page between the Old and New Testaments' is this family record of births: Ahira Rogers, June 14, 1803. Mandana Rogers, Noveember 13, 1806. Harriet Rogers, July 28, 1832. Ellen M. Rogers, Dec. 7, 1835. George M. Rogers, April 29, 1837. Newel J. Rogers, October 28, 1842. Deaths: Fllen M. Rogers, September 14. 1841. Ahira Rogers, April 11, 1859. In the same delicate hand writ ing on the fly leaves are a number of Scriptural quotations. Among these are: “Search the Scriptures for in them ye shall find eternal life,” and “All unrighteousness is sin. This Bible, together with other things in possession of James Ri ley White, was brought to the home of Thomas Prewitt, father of Mrs. Walden (who is also a niece of Mr. White,) after Mr. White’s death, which occurred at Dry Ridge, April 3, 1868. Mr. White volunteered into the J7th infantry. Co. B, as a private Jan. 4, 1862, at Calhoun; was mustered out Jan. 23, 1865, with the re mainder of his reghnent at L/oufs* ville. The quartermaster gener al’s report of this regiment is s most complimentary one. It par ticipated in the following engage ments: Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, Chickamauga, Kennesaw Moun- i tain, Corinth, Atlanta, Marietta, Kingston, Ga., Dallas, Ga., Cass ville, Ga., Newhope Church, Ga., and Altoona Mountain, Ga. On January 25, 1865, Mr. White re-enlisted in the 4th Kentucky Infantry at Waterloo, Ala., and was made 3rd quartermaster ser geant and was promoted to regi* mental quartermaster and was mustered out August 5, 1864, at Macon, Ga. T'L „ in f li n f n/im n wounded or dying comrade, or maybe an enemy, might have put this Bible into Mr. White’s care to deliver, but his death coming so soon after the close of the war and away from any of his family, leaves its real destination a mys tery to those who have had it in their possession since. The above in brief tells a story that is remarkable; as well as in teresting. Just think of a man doing his duly in the army, away back in 1864-5, and losing a Bible and then to receive the same Bible in 1913, in a remarkable manner, and you have thought out a case wherein our good friend, H. N. Smith, is the leading figure. Here is about the whole story in a nut shell, regarding the Bible: The Bible, together with a num ber of personal effects belonging to Mr. Smith, was lost or stolen ftt the battle of Nashville, Tenn., some time late in 1864 or early in 1865. Mr. Smith does not know how his baggage became lost nor does he know whether it .was stolen or not. He had a number of articles that he prized very dearly, but they all disappeared and never a word was heard re garding any of them until a couple of weeks ago when he received a letter telling him of the recovery of/his long lost Bible. Last week the Bible reached him and he was greatly pleased with the recovery of same, as he had a right to be. The recovery of the Bible came about in this manner: The arti* cle at the head of this column, taken from the Louisville Courier Journal, was seen and read by Mr. Smith’s brother-in-law, Jas. N. Rogers, who resides in Indiana. As soon as he read it, he recog nized the owner of the book in Mr. Smith and he entered into communication with Mrs. Walden, with the result that he soon had the Bible in his possession. As soon as Mr. Rogers obtained the Bible, he sent it to Los Angeles, Calif., to Mrs. Chadwick, Mr. Smith’s step-daughter, that she might see this remarkable book with such an interesting history. She in turn sent the book to Mr. Smith. The book is in a remarkably good state of preservation. It shows that during the four years that he carried it through the war, or almost through the war, Mr. Smith took excellent care of his treasure. It shows that it fell in to good hands as they took ex cellent care of it for almost a half a century. Some of the writing on the fly leafs is becoming dim med with age, but most of it is legible. Mr. Smith served four years during the civil war. He took part in many of the important battles of that most terrible and trying war. He was a member of the 14th Wisconsin entering the service as a sergeant. After the battle of Shiloh he was pro moted to the honorable position of Commisrary sergeant for the entire regiment. He was well liked by all of his men, as he was a good man for that position. At present Mr. Smith is almost eighto-two years old and while a strong husky looking man is still suffering from the effects of that terrible four years spent in the army. For years he received a small pension, but at present he is receiving a better pension. We wish he was receiving twice as touch as he- is getting as he de serves it. The 14th Wisconsin regiment is going to hold a reunion in Mil waukee next September. Mr. Smith is planning on attending same providing his health permits. We hope he is able to attend and once more enjoy meeting with that sturdy bunch of old heroes who sacrificed so much that the union might be preserved. All honor and glory to the old “vets"’ and may they obtain what they want, as they are entitled to it. If you should meet Mr. Smith any time and he is wearing a brighter smile than usual, just bear in mind that he is thinking of recovering a precious keepsake that had been lost for almost half century. If you had a cherished momento returned after it being lost for a year, you would be pleased. Then think how our old friend must feel when it is returned after almost $fty years. He had given up all thought of ever hear ing from his Bible years ago, and now since recovering it he is wondering what become of the balance of his personal effects. He is in communication with the parties who restored the Bible to him and he feels very grateful to them for their part in the trans action.—St. Paul Phonograph. Sherman County Teachers’ Institute The Sherman County Institute will be held in the High School building at Loup City Nebraska, August 4th to 9th, 1913. The new school year opened July 14. The annual reports of school directors are all received and on file in the office of the county superintendent. Accord ing to these reports nearly every district in the county has voted nine months of school for the com ing year. There will be no six months terms, only a few seven and the rest eight or nine. Nearly every teacher in the county has i already contracted for a school for the coming year at a salary no less than $45.00. The school boards have responded to the ap peal for higher wages and longer terms. It now * rests with the teachers to do their part by at tending institute, doing faithful work and getting the help and in spiration that will make them more worthy of higher wages, and will lead to advancement in all lines. Special features in the line of lectures or other forms of evening entertainment will make this session a particularly enjoyable and profitable one. Every person who expects to teach in the county should attend every hour of the entire session. No matter what grade of certificate you hold you should attend insti tute. The law is very plain on the revocation of any grade of certificate for nonattendance at institute. The faculty is a particularly capable one. Each member has been very successful both in re gular and institute work, each one has been assigned the work that he has a preference for and has made special preparation for. We are confident that the entire faculty will be one that will please and benefit every teacher in the county. .rror. r>raaioru, principal oi | the State School of Agriculture, is well known to most of the teachers of the county. He is unquestion- J ably one of the best educators in the state a man who constantly strives to “build character.” Prof. Lefler of Peru State Nor mal, is also well known to the teachers of the county. He is among the best and made for himself an enviable reputation in the state. He will give us strong work. , Miss Danielson of Fremont, taught in institute in this county 1 two years ago and all who know ; of her work at that time will be 1 pleased to learn that she is to be j with us again this year. Her work j will include instruction in singing, a hew feature iAlhe work. J. H. Beveridge of Council! Bluffs, will give a lecture on | Monday evening at the opera j house. All are invited and none j should miss this. He is a man j that has a message for all, especi- j ally those interested in education, i Miss Richardson, the Flag Lady from California, will lecture to us on “Our Flag'’ Tftesday j night; this is for all and you will be sorry if you miss it. Teachers invite your pupils. Tell them to come and hear the Flag Lady. H. E. Bradford will give a talk on “Modern Ideals in Education" on W ednesday evening. Teachers invite the patrons of your schools and members of your school boards to come and hear this lecture. Announcements will be made during the week of other special entertainments. 3very teacher should come in tending to get the best, both in the line of instruction and social intercourse, The institute should furnish an excellent opportunity for the strengthening and broaden ing of social and fraternal relations a very essential part of the profes sion. We earnestly request your personal interest and co-operation in making this institute a live and profitable session. No matter what your qualifica tions or reputation as a teacher may be, it is, nevertheless, a duty which you owe to the profession to attend the County Institute and take an adtive part in it. If the work and results of the institute are not what you think they ought to be, do your best to raise the standard. Much depends on good leaders, but the results we are after can be obtained only by strong individual work. The aim of the institute is not merely to “brush up on rusty points,” bht is to promote pro gressiveness, to introduce new methods and recent developments and changes in school work, to lead onward and upward, to in spire the teacher with enthusiasm and to form a literary center where the best that can be pro duced is carefully distributed. The teachers Institute is cotniii” to be recognized as one of the most important parts of our education-.; machinery; it holds a place p2en liarly itso.vn and if ? influence up on the work of our teachers is be ing felt more and more each year. We trust that each teacher in the county will be enrolled and at tend faithfully, eager and ready to lend a hand toward the l>etterment of the schools of our county. Yours, for the accomplishment of much good in the school year of 1913 arid 1914. L. H. Currier County Superintendent. Interesting Letter from Willis Fulllton and Wife Kinsman, O., July 13_Dear Mr. Burleigh: 1 suppose you are looking for something from me. We (self and wife) arrived in Erie, Pa., Sunday evening and found the city over crowded with people to see the great naval display and it wassurely grand. I saw the street parade on Monday. Everything was dressed in 1813; had the old powder wagons which Com modore Perry brought ills ammuni tion to his fleet in and the vessels were rigged just as they were in 1813. i We saw the old sword which Com modore Perry earned, and also one of the flags captured from the Brit ish. The greatest display was on Wednesday, but on account of the large crowd we could not stay for it and will get full report and send you later. Every hotel was crowded, so we could not find any place to stay over night; there was such a jam I thought tile best place for an pld soldier was in the rear. Don’t know what they will do as the crowds are Continuing to come, but will write you later. Later—Well, we are at my dear old home with friends in Ohio. We are both feeling line ami expect to have a jolly good time. Took ever)both by surprise, but. cousin Effie. The little piece ;.ju pui. in the paper gave us away to her. 1 find ciops lierr are tine and look -d tine all the wax. It was extreiu l» warm, but is cooler the last few da.i.v Will write more later. Willis Duhiion. Kinsman, O., July 19_Deal Pi lend: I wrote you a short letter last week and will do so again, Hrs. Fulbton and self are well and having a good time. We are in sight of our old homes where we were born and hav ing a splendid time with old friends and relatives. We may stay several weeks longer. The country has not changed much. There are new houses on the home places, but the barns are standing just the same, and some of the old apple trees my father planted are still green as well as the shade trees which have grown into large timber. Crops are fine, but it seems strange to see such small fields, while the old rail fences don't look half as large as when we used to be here, but it seems lonesome not to see some of those dear faces of yore. Lots of rain, rather too much as they are in the midstof haying. Timothy, wheat, corn and oats are all good. So long for this time. Willis Fulliton. For Sale Cheap 80 acres, land 1% miles west of Loup City. All level; a bargain at *5,800, f taken at once. L. V. Petersen, Ord Nebraska. Io^»3^m^e Mi c fTHE HOME OfI * • | Quality Groceries | Come Give us a trial! You Then will De clare our Grccries Jthe Choisest Our l PRICES FAIR Most Obliging You’l Find Us Anxious to Please Ever Striving Our Best YOUR WANTS TO APPEASE _| ® ^ | | Try These—They’ll Please I Puffed Wheat Post Toasties Grape Nuts Corn Flakes Rolled Oats Cream of Rye Cream of Wheat Big ‘T” Food Shredded Wheat Oranges. Bananas Grape Fruit Lemons Apples Berries in Season Dates Figs Prunes GHSCBYBR'S The Quality House Established 1888 iC When in | Need of COAL or first-class Lumber of all dimensions, We also iiave a oar of Coke. We also have a good line of Fence posts, ran go ing in price from Ion to fifty cents. Phone Red 29 and you will receive prompt attention LEININGER LUMBER COMPANY Our Coming County Fair Matters concerning our coming county fair are progressing most favorably. The premium list being printed by the Northwestern is partially ready for distribution and is rapidly being placed in the hands of Secretary Chase, who is sending them'out The Secretary informs us that applications are coming in fast from those who have line stock they wish to enter for premiums and he is kept busy answering letters from parties who are getting in touch with Fair matters. It is a little early as yet for us to give any news of moment further than that the people are al ready expressing a surprising interest in tne coming agricultural exhits as well as stock interests, and we may confidently expect tnat there will be no dimunition of interest along all lines and that instead the interest will wax warmer and warmer as we near the dates—Sept. 17, 18 and 19 next. Ansley says it don’t want Sunday base ball by a vote of 87 to 75. The new biennial election law is now to be tested in the courts. Can you guess how the courts will guess? Bryan has started out on his.Chau tauqua lecture trip to trv and eke out enough to add to his'-Sl.ooO per month salary as secretary of state to •keep up his expenses. Its tough to be poor. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF F- M. HENRY Treasurer of Sherman County, Nebraska, from January 1st, 1913, to July 1st, 1913. VOLLROTinNH BY YEARS: Balance Coll’ct'ns | I Balance Balance on hand Jan. 1st, 1912. ... (86.13143 NAMES OF on band from Disburse- Trans- Trasf’r’d on hand Collections for years 1888.. 1 10 FUNDS. Jan. 1 all . ments ferred to from July 1, " •• 1889. .. 1 25 1913 Sources 1 1913 *• - 1890... 1 45 -----1_I_ ” “ 1891.... 1 05 State Funds. • 4.932 70 t 11,887 31 16.038 55 i * 78140 “ “ 1892... 1 01 County General. 4.231 07 11,77845 9.679 39 6328 13 1893. .. 54 County Int. Bond. 1.245 97 6,347 16 6.877 50 ! 615 64 '• “ 1894.... - 55 County Road. 1.788 48 4.85 47 580 30 i 1,68164 " “ 1885_ 70 County Bridge. 5.106 75 6,360 73 10,150 74 1 306 74 “ “ 1896.. . 76 Emergency Bridge. 2.868 41 3 68 1,756 48 1,106 81 “ “ 1897 _ 47 County Poor Farm. 518 00 5t8 00 " " 1898.... 43 Soldiers Relief. 322 25 13 50 00 272 38 1899 ... 75 Dist. School. 1578604 31,235 75 22.072 96 700 00 25,648 80 “ 1900... TO Dist. School Bond. 2,186 49 1.087 12 782 46 2 461 15 1901.. .. 03 Township Funds. 9.618 00 16,842 84 16.441 57 10.019 27 “ 1902.... 72 Township Bonds. 15.427 72 2,423 68 15,044 21 2,807 19 “ •* 1903 _ 75 Loup City Village.. . 453 54 1,083 29 1,460 00 86 83 " 1901_ 65 Litchfield Village. 247 83 317 69 445 00 120 52 •• “ 1905.... 268 Litchfield Vil. Bond. 482 84 157 51 525 00 215 38 •• " 1906... 871 Ashton Village. ... 280 98 199 22 340 00 140 20 “ “ 1907.... 9 16 Rockville Village. ,226 38 87 47 270 00 700 00 43 85 “ “ 1908... 11 71 Tines. 205 00 542 50 47 50 “ •• 1909.... 4353 Printers fund. 188 01 11 80 197 84 •• •• 1910.... 152 80 Permanent Road Fund 370 23 155 (JO 525 23 • “ 1911... 5398* Redemptions. 23 20 1,010 70 953 21 80 f 9 1912.. . 78 49023 Fees.... 20 75 26 75 . Institute Fund. 153 54 153 54 School Lands. 2 46* 82 - - - - - --- -— Interest on deposits... 510 27 *w..i .. .... - State Apportionment. 5 417 74 . Rsuirv lit half" ’ i wl X* Miscellaneous collections . 4,910 28 Less Salary 1st half 13gJj° 1 325 00 -Total . • 00,131 43 * 92,570 28 104 842 37 700 00 700 00 *53.859 3_ Total.*158.701 71 Amount of Money la Depositories dad In Office: Items In Office:— Cash. .3 10 80 Deposited In banks: The First National Bank of Loup City. . 10.602 86 Loup City State Bank.*. 7,731 70 First National Bank of Litchfield. . . 8.000 00 Bank of Ashton... 7,600 00 BockviUe State Bank. 3.500 00 Hazard State Hank... 2,500 00 'Ashton State Bank.. .. 5,000 Oo Nebraska Fiscal Agency. New York. 110 90 Total.... ..... ... 1 53,869 31 State of Nebraska } County of Sherman t88 I, F. M. Henry, treasurer of said county, do solemnly swear that the fore g 'in4 statement » correct, as I verily be lieve. F. M. Henry, Treasurer By Pearl Needham, Deputy. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July 1913. L. B. Polski, County Clerk. Examined by County board and found correct Approved July 7th, 1913. [seal] J. H. Welty, Chairman Co. Board