The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 10, 1913, Image 8

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    The Price of Cream
• \
The dairymen of Loup City aud vacinity are receiving the
highest price for their butterfat than they have ever received
at this time of year.
Our competitors are paying much lower prices in the sur
rounding towns that have no local creamery than they are
paying in Loup City.
To prove this absolutely , just call up Ashton, Rockville,
Arcadia, Litchfield, Hazard or any of the nearby towns and
satisfy yourself with regard to-this price businesc.
We are the cause of these splendid prices you are receiv
ing for cream at Loup City, and if there was no Creamery in
Loup, you would be receiving the same price as the dairyman
are receiving at the surrounding towns.
Patronize the local creamery- because it furnishes you with
the highest cash market, pays the same price to everybody
and gives you a square deal every day in the year.
Our price this week is 26 cents for butterfat delivered here.
We solicit your business.
Ravenna Creamery Company
Joseph A. Thompson, Manager
I The L, C. Smith & Bro*. baJI-bearing
A Frank Talk
on Typewriters
Somehow, the impression has gained ground that there isn’t much
difference between the various makes of typewriters on the market
You may think the same thing. It would take a good, sound,
logical argument to convince you that nO typewriters do not have the
same efficiency and that a stenographer cannot secure the same results
on every machine.
We are ready to make that argument and to show you by actual
demonstration that
The L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter
will do more work, better work, with less fatigue to die stenographer,
than any writing machine ever made.
How is this possible?
Here are a few reasons:
1. It is ball bearing throughout—others are not.
2. All operations are controlled from the keyboard.
3. It is the lightest touch machine made.
4. It does not “smut” the carbon.
5. The ribbon reverses automatically.
6. The type is so protected that it is not battered
by collision.
7. One motion of the hand returns the carriage and
operates the line space.
8. It has an inbuilt biller and tabulator.
9. No trouble to write on paper as small as a post
age stamp.
19. It is built for service.
Mail this coupon checking die kind of work yon have to do:
Gentlemen: — I am interested in a Typewriter for
General Correspondence Card Writing
Biffing Tabulating Label Writing
— - " '
L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company
1316 Faraam St., Omaha Nebr.
No Hot Weather Discomforts
for the owner of a
If your office is cooled with one of these breeze disr
pensers, your summer will be one long, pleasant realiza
tion of comfort.
No wiring is necessary to install a Western Electric
Fan—-just attach the cord .to any electric lamp socket'and
turn the switch.
With one of our current taps you can attach the fan
to the electric light fixture without removing the lamp.
We have any style fan you want—8,12 and 16 ijich desk
and bracket or oscillating. Better pick out yours to-day.
For Sale by IG. R. Sweetfctad
Special Subscription Offer
Lincoln Daily Star, Four BiH Maga
zines and a Fountain Pen.
Cood for Two Wooko Only
Just think of it. The Lincoln Daily
Star, The Woman’s World, Home
Life, The Family Magazine and the
Household Journal. Also a gold
tipped, gurranteed fountain pen, ail
for the subscaiption price of the Star.
$3.00. With the Sunday edition of
the Star, $4.
Get in line now and got your winter
reading matter arranged for. This is
an offer that will not be made every
day and you had better take it now.
Send your subscription to W. A.
Brown, Friend, Nebraska, who is
working in the Star’s big co-operative
subscription campaign, and he will
have the above-named papers sent to
your address for one year. Write
your name plain and tell whether you
are a new subscriber ora renewal:
also state whether you live on a route
or not.
New Business Finn
Last week, E. P. Daily, of the firm
of Daily & Krebs, in connection with
Henry Bredthaeer of Scotia, pur
chased the general merchandise store
of Felix Makowski of this city, pos
session to be given the new firm at
at anv date desired between thisdate
Ind September 15th. Mr. Bredthaeur
t the present time is a business man
of Scotia, where he and a brother own
a general merchandise establishment.
He is adjusting his business there as
rapidly as possible and as soon as his
arrangements have been completed
will move here and with Mr. Daily
take charge of their new purchase.
Mr. Daily, whom we have learned to
know as a first class business man,
and wao has shown his faith in Loup
City by not only purchasing with Mr.
Krebs the furniture house which
bears their name, but also investing
in residence property, speaks very
highly of his new partner as an enter
prising. go-ahead business man, and
one who will add very materially to
the business interests of our fcity.
Ws extend a cordial welcome to the
new man and new firm.
Rockville Notes
Miss Ivy Henry came down from
Loup City Saturday to visit for a few
days witli ner friend Sigrid Ras
Miss Edith Strom visited with
friends at Boelus Saturday and Sun
Peter Jensen and Olof Nelson came
up to Rockville Tuesday to look after
their business interests here.
Quite a number of the Rockville
people spent the 4th at Loup City.
Paul Nielsen and family came up
from Dannebrog Sunday in their auto
to spend the day with the Dwehus
Mr. Smith and family of Lincoln,
Mebraska, visited over Sunday ai the
L E. Dickinson home.
Rockville defeated the Dannebrog
Leaguers on the local grounds Sunday
Next Sunday the strong Elba team
will be here for a double-header.
Don’t miss these two games.
Edward Perry, our barber, is hobbl
ing around this week with a cane on
account of a badly sprained knee
which he received playing ball last
Teachers’ Reading
Circle Examination
On account of the number of re
quests from county superintendents
and teachers, the state superintend
ent lias called another Reading Circle
examination. This examination will
be given Friday afternoon, July 28.
Teachers will be required to write
on “How to Study,” or “The Ameri
can Rural School,” and in addition
answer two questions from the list
on “The Personality of the Teacher.”
For credits in Theory and Art, or
Theory of Education,, answer ten
questions on the Personality of the
All who expect to teach the coming
year and have not already taken the
Reading Circle examination should
not fail to write at tliis time, if ex
pecting reissue of certificate. Coun
ty superintendents will not be per
mitted to reissue certificates unless
the holders of same have grade of 70
or above in Reading Circle.
Remember that the regular teach
ers’ eXamination this month comes
Thursday and Friday, July 24 and 25.
Institute August 4 to 9.
L, H. Ctjbkieb,
County Superintendent.
Additional Local
A. N. Cook was home from York
over the Fourth visiting with his
family and enjoying the big day, re
turning to his duties Monday morn
Miss Dessie Martin went to York
Monday morning for a visit with rel
atives and friends.
Dr. Carrie Bowman went to Linc
oln Monday morning, accompanied by
er little niece. •
J B. Draper was up from Grand
Island over last Sunday visiting his
brother Will and working in the in
terests of the Grand Isl md Baptist
college, one of the best educational
institutions in the Btate. His son,
Del mar, who is now a husky big six
footer, and who has developed from
the fine iad he was here some years
ago into a young man of equally
splendid qualities, graduated from
the business department of that col
lege this last spring at the head of his
class, scoring 95% per cent. We al
ways knew Delmar would malm good
The Lure of the City
MANY a boy on a farm has a yearning to live in town. The
glitter and glamor of the city gnaw at his soul. He longs to
get away from the quiet fields and into the din of the city
Strange, isn’t it, that a boy should prefer being swallowed up
in the crush of thousands instead of the independence and joy of
his home life? But he does. He wants excitement.
And we’ve got to give him excitement or he will become rest
less and dissatisfied.
Not rough, hurly-burly excitement that leaves nothing but a bad
taste. He will get enough of that. But what you want
-o give the boy of the farm and small town is entertain
ment that he’ll like and that will pay him to remember.
Let’s keep the boy on the farm by making him more
content with his lot; by giving him something to combat
this “Lure of the City” business.
And there is nothing that will do it better than the
Chautauqua. It stands for contented homes; it preaches
the gospel of opportunity outside the big city and it raises
intellectual and moral standards constantly higher. And
all the time it entertains.
It offers the right kind of ex citement.
copynein Combats the Lure_
Along Route 2
Clarence Burt received a phone
message Tuesday of last week from a
brother at Clay Center that a little
child of the latter, aged one year, had
choked to death. The baby got some
thing in its throat and was hurried
to Lincoln and an operation had but
without avail.
Misses Hazel aud Anna Shockey of
Polk. Neb., were visited at the home
of H. W. Brodock last week.
The first C. O, D. parcels post pack
age came into the Loup City postof
fice July 1st. If you want to send
you r butter and eggs to market by
the carrier you can send them C. O. D.
Fritz Ricliel has this spring sown
hundreds of dollars' worth of alfalfa.
Miss Goldie Kilpatrick was visiting
her brother at Edith this week.
Mr, Steel is breaking for Ray Mc
; Faddin.
E. J. Pugsley harvested Mr. Cox’s
wheat last week.
W. O. Browu trimmed the trees
along his place last week.
Henry Goodwin and family visit
ed last Sunday at Wilbur Curry’s.
Floyd Howard spent Sunday at
Don Holmes'.
Ernest Daddow and wife took sup
per at H. W. Brodock’s Sunday.
Marie Miller spent the week end
with Edith Brown.
S. F. Reynolds and wife spent Sun
day at W. O. Brown’s.
Mr. E. W. Thompson's Sunday
school class is camping out in W. O.
Brown’s grove. /
Several have begun stacking grain.
That is the only way to do, as you
can then do your threshing when you
have more time, and allow you to do
your fall plowing early which is much
the best. Many times in waiting for
the threshers one loses heavily in
damaged wheat by heavy rains, will
bleach out and color not so good as in
stack. The loss in time also in help
ing others thresh from the shock in
rainy weather is some times heavy.
Col. Brown is getting to be quite a
man. He did his first job of mowing
last week.
Henry Apple traded at Loup City
last Saturday.
Vincent Bogard is sporting a new
! auto these days.
Lloyd Alleman was cutting rye for
G. B. Wilkie.
Lizzie Miller has been working at
J ung’s restaurant the past ten days.
All the Wriggle Creek people were
wriggling over at Austin the 4th and
the next morning were just wriggling
on the creek and that’s all. They re
port being well treated at Austin.
Henry Goodwin marketed hogs at
Loup City Monday.
Bethany Sunday school held their
4th of July celebration, a big crowd
attended and all went off fine.
Mrs. Roy Conger has been quite ill
the past week, but at this writing is
much better.
Hans Thode and family spent the
4th at Hans Obermiller’s.
Eugene Patton and family spent
the 4th at Loup City.
Ray McCullough spent Sunday with
his parents at Loup City,
Will Doner and wife, Art Conger
and wife, Ernest MeFadden and wife,
Vertie Fowler and Art Gilbert spent
Sunday afternoon down on the river.
Q. B. Wilkie and family spent Sun
day a week ago at the home of Nick
Daddow near Austin, •
Rye and winter wheat is nearly all
in shock and will yield from 10 to 35
bushels per acre. Some early oats
ready to cut. Potatoes still continue
to be good, with prospects of big crop.
Alfalfa sown this spring looks good.
Hay not as good as last week. Several
corn fields in tassel. Pastures good.
Flies l ad on cattle and horses.
A rain of from half to three-fourths
of an inch covered the route Sunday
night, heaviest south and east.
C. J. Norstedt and Luther Good
win were shocking wheat for C. O.
Johnson Tuesday. i
Horace Casteel was out on Wiggl
Creek Tuesday,
W. O. Brown was meeting witli the
county dads this week. Birds of a
feather tioed together.
A fierce wind storm preceded the
rain Sunday night and in many places
along the route took the form of a
tornado. One of these passed the N.
P. Neilson place, where it carried
wheat bundles for rods. It traveled
east, striking C. J. Norstedt’s place,
where it scattered bundles of wheat
for almost a quarter of a mile. It
then passed on to the Hawk school
house, lifting one of the outbuildings
clear over a wire fence into Hawk’s
pasture without touching the wires.
It next struck at the home of Will
Hawk, where it did more damage
than at any other place on the route.
His windmill was blown down and
lay north and south, while a large
cottonwood tree three feet in diame
ter and ninety feet in height was
blown across the garden and laid east
and west. This tree was taken out
by the roots and measured across the
bottom some ten feet and tore a deep
hole in the ground where it went
over. One tree that was blown down
fell across their porch, striking the
washing machine, smashing it into
pieces. The tornado did some other
damage here also, At almost every
place on the route there was more or
less damage. In some places the road
was almost filled with wheat bundles.
Many alfalfa stacks of the first cut
ting which had settled were cut in
two as slick as could be and the top
half scattered to the winds. In some
fields the corn stalks were taken out
by the roots and the blades of all corn
badly ribboned. At George McFad
den's a heavy feed bunk was carried
several rods over a wire fence never
thuching it. It also blew down a big
lot of wind brake here. J. Plambeck’s
windmill was damaged so he will liava
uv puu ua uon urn,. xh vwn vuc
wheeels off from the windmills of E.
M. Marvel, Joe Blaschke ahd Henry
Goodwin. The loss to farmers in
having their wheat bundles rolled
over the grounds will run into hun
dred’s of dollars. It had to be re
shocked. The rain that covered th$
route was the most uneven for years.
At the home of J. A. Arnett it picked
up the hayrack fifty feet northwest
of the house carrying it along at a
fast clip until ft struclr the porch,
tearing out one of the posts. It was
picked up again and carried clear over
telephone line and out intoS. Young
lund’s corn field about four rows. The
wind ripped great strips of shingles
from the roof, moved the smoke house
forty feet and the corn crib several
feet. At Joe Blaschke’s it did a lot
of damage, but we did not learn par
ticulars, but for one thing it took the
mill. Geo. Wagner’s corn crib blew
over on to a new hayrack, smashing
it to pieces.
Iver Lynne and wife entertained
several families on the 4th.
Sim Criss and family and Mrs. Na
omi Criss autoed to Loup City the 4th
Carrier on Route 2 left his horse
hitched to the mail wagon in the al
ley at his home for a few minutes and
when he came out they were gone.
He ran down the street and saw it
stop at the hitching rack at the post
office Just a nicely as though driven.
It was a mare that has ran away sev
eral times previously.
Ed Flynn, Frank Casteel, Henry
Goodwin, Boht. Dinsdaje and N. P.
Neilson are those who haye put the
weeds along their lines the past week
Carrier on 2 had his first C. O. D,
parcels post package Tuesday.
Every farmer should go through
his com with a one-horse cultivator.
It will save the moisture and it is
claimed willlmake the yield several
bushels to the apre.
The picnic given by Bethany Sun
day school in the Harry Shipley grove
was a success. Many were prevented
from attending by wheat harvest, A
lolly crbwd enjoyed the day. Dr. Dee
per delivered a fine address. The
races afforded much amusement espe
cially the fat men’s race between
Draper and Tucker. The ball game
was a howling success. A vote
ofthanks were given Chas. Schwad
erer for donation of ice for the picnic
In Barrel Lots, 10c per Gal.
~~~~ CASH =
The merchants of Loup City have made arrange
ments with
To deliver oil along their route in barrel lots. And
special deliveries will be made where 6 or more
barrels can be fililed in one community. !
Get your neighbor’s interested and have your I
cil delivered to your farm. It will cost you no ;
more than it does to bring your barrel to town ]
and avoid all that trouble. I
Low Excursion Rates
To All Eastern Resorts
If you have been planning an eastern trip, by all means go
j now—take advantage of the low summer excursion rates of
fered by the Burlington route. Special low fare tickets are
now on sale to New York, Boston. Niagara Falls, Atlantic
| City, Catskill Mountains, Montreal, Quebec and many other
eastern points.
Start your vacation rignt—take the Burlington. Courteous,
attentive employees, delicious meals, safety block signals, on
time arrival, congenial enviroemens—these are a few advan
tages of “Burlington Service. ”
Let us explain the low fares, excellent accommodations,
and help you plan your trip.
Send a postal for free literature—tell me of ponts in which
you are interested—i’ll send you descriptiue literature and
complete informviion as to cost. Write, call or ’phone— but
get the low excursion fares via the Burlington before you
decide. Summer excursion tickets on sale daily until Sep
tember 30.
J. A. Danielson, Agent Loup City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agt. Omaha. Neb.
You are Invited to attend j
\ |
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays;
Matinee every Saturday afternoon
Show every night and nothing but the best of
pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially
invited to attend.
At the New Opera Hoys© I