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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1913)
? B U Aware That | U P Allowipg jj A Great Opportunity to pass every day that 'you do not visit our bank. ^Success and Friends follow a bank account \ _ j ... 'We can prove this to you if you will give us J a chance. i ,onl,nOTnnn~, J FIRST N ATION AL BANK * of Loup City, Nebraska j -——— > . . .. It mav lead to Serious Illness Every kind of germicide and Smell Killer is stocked here. If you do not know what to use, £omeand let us help you. We Know What You Need. Swanson & Lofliolm, *"» Coal!! Coal!!! We carry two kinds of nut coal. Try our Pinacle Nut and you’ll use no other TAYLORS ELEVATOR i . Loup City Infirmary of Osteopathy Dr. Jas. F. Blanchard I Physician In Chart* Office hours—s a. m. until 5 p. m.! Rates for rooms on request j Examination free. Phone Nc*. 106 When in Need of j COAL ] or first-class j Lumber J of all dimensions. | We also have a car of Coke. We also have a good line of Fence pos’s, ran ge ing in price from ten to fifty cents. Phone Red 29 and you will receive prompt attention . LE1NINGER LUMBER COMPANY THE NORTHWESTERN LOCAL NEWS. New assortment of glassware just received at the 10-cent store. Frank Zwink has bought a new threshing machine and is busy rhese days over on Clear creek. Frank has also treated himself to a new auto. Dishes os all kinds and sizes at the 70-ceht store. Danker Dwehus and family and an auto load of friends headed a dele gation from Rockville to spend the Fourth at Jenner’s park. Try F. E. Brewer for hail insurance. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. A. Pratt was over from Hazard Sunday looking up the publication of a legal license required in running a pool hall there. The legal publica tion appears in this issue of the Northwestern. Western Peroxide, 10 cents a bottle at the 10-cent store. The condition of our fjieud, Sam uel Daddow, is about the same, and serious concern is held by his frieuds | and relatives. We understand Mr. Daddow himself is keenly aware of his condition. Water glasses, two for 5 cents at the 10-cent store. A special from Loup City to Sar gent tne morning of the Fourth took 35 from Loup City, 175 from Arcadia and a like number from Comstock, and the crowd at Sargent was esti mated at upwards of 2,000. i Be sure and get your water glasses ! at -he 10-cent store. Miss Theresa Dzingle, who lias been spending a month's vacation at home returned to iier studies as nurse at Omaha last Saturday morning. Miss Dzingle likes her work well. Second-hand lawnmower for sale by the editor. Miss Augelletta Barnes of Holdrege who had been visiting Mrs. Win. Criss for the past three weeks, was called home Monday by the serious conditioner' an uncle who is a sufferer from tuberculosis. Special low prices o.i Plow and List er L,ays at Garner's shop. Banker Steve Polski and family and Merchant Garret Lorentz and family headed an auto delegation from Ashton to spend the glorious fourth at Jenner's park. o-quart granite preserve kettles for 25c at the 10c store. Mrs. Ida Lambert, formerly of this | city, but who is now traveling for ; some home in Kansas City, was here a few days last week renewing old acquaintances and visiting her son, Norton Lambert and family at Autsin, House for Rent—Fenced in suitable for chickens. Apply to Henry Jenner, phone blue 12. The Northwestern force is just now busy getting out 1500 pamphlets of the premium list for the coming county fair, and which it Is expected, j we will have ready for distribution 1 within the next two weeks. We have a 17-jewel watch to offer | you with a dust and water proof case ! for $8.00. Henry M. Eisner. C. J. Petersen of Oak Creek, with his lamily, headed a delegation from that part of the county to spend the Fourth at Jenner’s park. Mr. Peter sen had tiie misfortune a few days ago to lose a mare and colt by light ning. Discs Sharpened by either the cold ! rolling or cutting process at Garner's. Prices right and staisfaction guar ! anieed. L. Domgard w ho has opened the laundry iu the old pop factory build ! iug, 1 as not as yet received his | smoothing irons, butotherwise is kept ousy with work. Now that Loup City has a home launury. everyone 'Should give the new enterprise a 1 boost- Stand up for nouie industries. If you want good, prompt draying, j call on C. L. McDonald, successor to | Hagood; The good people of Wiggle Creek and Austin joined forces on the i Fourth and celebrated at the latter place and had a most glorious time. Parties from Rockville stopped there ' for a time and estimated the attend ; ance at not less than 200 people. We have received no report from the cel ebration further than above, hence can make no other comment. The Sturtevant Vacuum Cleaner, the clean way to clean. See C. R. Sweetland or phone. He has them' for sale or rent. - Dr. C. A. Blanchard and wife of Lincoln visited here over last Sunday with Dr. J. F. Blanchard and wife returning home Monday morning. The doctors are brothers and both Osteopathic physicians, the latter being prominent in Osteopathic circles in the capital city. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En deriee. Black ($3, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. From a Lincoln Star advertisement in this week’s Northwestern, we see that our young friend, Arthur Brown, of the Friend Sentinel, is agent for the same, and is soliciting for that good state paper. If you want a good democratic state paper, wby not send Arthur your subscription and help him that much. Show your friend ship in a substantial way. « Today has been set apart for the dedication of the new Greeley county court house, and great preparations have been madfe for the occasion. Ex-governor Shallenberger will be the speaker of the day. Henry Ohlsen and son have been pushing the work rapidly and soon will have finished the building which will prove a mon ument to their enterprise and ability. Chautauqua season tickets for sale at this office. «. I have a uew shipment of watches of all kinds. Before buying let me show them to you. My advice costs you nothing and is worth mouey to you. Henry M. Eisner, The Leading Jeweler Rev. W. E. Henry, who, with his family, is here for a season, expects to later go to the mountains in search of better health. At present the fam ily has takencliarge of the J. P. Lein Inger home during the absence of the latter and family on their trip to Ohio. As we understand, Rev. Henry has not resigned his pastorate at Riverdale, but taken up a vacation Instead, the people at that point not consenting to give him up, being so well pleased with his ministrations. Try the Ideal Bakery for Bread. Pies, Cakes and Pastry of all kinds. Special attention given to orders for parties, entertainments, 6 o’clock dinners, etc. Willis Fulliton and wife left last Saturday morning for their visit to Erie, Pa., where they will witness the great doings at tee 110th anni hilation of the British fleet on the great lakes, and spend some time visiting scenes and friends in and around that part of the country. Comrade Fulliton is a great friend of the Northwestern, being a subscriber ior himself and several others. The latest to whom he sends the North western for the coming year is Chas. P. Johnson, at Anaheim, California, who by this token will know to whom he is indebted ror the copy of the paper. If you want to be treated right, in sure in the St. Paul Fire and Marine of St. Paul, Minn. Services as usual at M. E. church. A special feature will be a vocal solo by Miss Mulvia Danielson. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber yard,or E. G. at Taylor’s. Services at the German Evangelica. church July 13. Sunday school 10 a m. Preaching 10:30 a. m. M. H. Cilek of Arcadia last week traded his restaurant there to Eli Ballenger for his Bon Ton chop house in this city. Miss Leda Reed returned to Gree ley Tuesday after a month's visit here, accompanied by Miss Anna Les chinski. Archie Kearns came home from I Bellevue last Thursday for the sum mer season. The county dads were in session on Monday making semi-annual settle ment with the county treasurer. A. B. Young received a message Monday morning that his wife who is visiting in Kansas was seriously ill and took the noon train for her bed side. Dr. S. A. Allen left Monday morn ing for Lincoln and Omaha for an absence of a number of days. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nightingale left Tuesday morning on their six weeks’ rip to the Pacific Coast. L. Domgard had his family horse killed by lightning in Sunday night's storm. Don’t forget the special Sunday dinner at The Frederick, Price, 35c. Everybody invited to eat Sunday dinner at The Freberick. Price, 35c. Give your wife a change. Bring her to Sunday dinner at The Freder erick. Price, 35c. Young men, bring your lady friends: to dinner or supper Sunday at the Frederick. We will be delighted to serve you. Price, 35c. Miss Grace Conger went to Greeley Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. A rt Reed. A baby was born July 3 to Mr. and Frank Osantowski. W. L. McCullough went to Geneva Monday to visit relatives and help through harvesting. The celebration at Schaupps last Saturday and evening was reported to us as one of the nicest and most pleasant of the season. R. P. Starr was orator of the day. Baptist Church—Regular services next Sunday. Morning topic* ‘-Suffi cient Strength for Conquest’’; evening topic, “How to Listen.” Other ser vices nt change. Cordial invitation to all. Mr. Andereon and wife of Aurora visited over last Sunday here with Mrs. Anderson's brother,T.E. Youn| quest., and family. Joe Cording and wife W. W. Mur py and wife of Grand J unction, Colo,, the latter Mr. Cording’s sister, and Will Heapy motored over from Litch field Tuesday, returning that evening. Wm. Cox, father of Mrs. Myrle Warrick, who lives on his farm near town was taken dangerously ill last week with heart trouble,and bis broth ers, Senator James and Jasper Cox from Hamilton county, were sum moned to bis bedside Sunday, coming by auto that day, accompaned by his nephew, Raymond Cox, and sister, Mrs. Laurie, from the same place. Dr. Steenburg of Aurora was also here in consultation with Dr. J. E. Bowman over the case. However, at this writing the sick man is much improved and the relatives have re turned home. Mr. Cox is 70years old aud in poor health. A new switchboard has been in stalled at Ashton. Mrs. Glen Steven returned this week from a visit at Florence, Kas. Walter Steven from Florence, Kas., has been here a number of days vis iting his brother, Glenn Steven. D. C. Grow and D. D. Grow left yesterday for Wellington, Wash., to visit their daughter and sister, Mrs. Lucy Grow-Jeffords. and on to vari ous Pacific Coast points of interest. Frank Grow will be postmaster pro tern, Dad having sent in his resigna tion as Nasby. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hickman of Do lores, Colo., arrived here last Thurs day visiting till Monday morning with Mrs. Hickman's brothers, Marvin and James Lee, and families. They bad been called to Aurora by the serious Illness of Mr. Hickman's father who had suffered from a third stroke of paralysis, left him recovering and vis ited here on their way home. For Sale Small bunch of sheep and registered Durham bull. Phone 9203, Loup City, Neb. A. E. Charlton. BASE BALL Rockville, Nebraska, July ti. Dan nebrog lostto Rockville here Sunday by a score of 9 to 6. Boelus, Nebraska. July 6. Boelus shut out Farwell here Sunday by the score of 2 to 0. Elba, Nebraska, July 6. Numerous errors by the visitors lost the game for them although they outhit the local lads 2 to 1. Flies are Here, Hail Storms are Cming. Insure against both Our SCREENS do the work and our prices at e right. Keystone Lumber Co. I For Paints and Oils go to | Hardware Store I am prepared to do first-class repairing of all kinds. * Don t fail to come and see our fine china ware. Days Summer, Goods Sale Da(y, Commencing July 14th, 1913 As we expect our new fall goods in some time in August, we must make room for them and in order to do that we must close out our summer goods at a sacrifice price. Below We Quote a Few Items Which We Will Put on Sale I _ I Cotton Corduoy, regular 40c to 50c value,at this sale.30c All our 40c and 50c silk Crape will go at.30c All our 40c to 50c values, sale price.30c Dunbar suiting, regular 35c to 40c, on sale.20c Silk Tissue Ginghams, regular 25c....15c Zephyr Dress Ginghams, regular 25c, sale price.18c Krinkled Crape fur dresses chea p at 15c, sale price.10c All calico will go at this sale at.5C Unbleached Muslin, regular 8 l-2c, sale price.7c Ribbon sale.. jqc Laces and embroideries a special price One Counter Shoes, in Ladies’ and Men’s, regular $2.50 to $3.50 your choice $1.45 Ladies’ Aprons } Shoulder straps 25c Gingham aprons with bib 25c Infants Hoods ' Made of embroidery and China silk 25c Turkish Towels good Turkish bath towels with fringe size 86x19 16c BROOMS Four sewed good grade house brooms a special good value at 25c NEV-R-BRAK ~ I Toilet Combs, heavy re-in forced back, highly polished, in pink, blue and white splendid value at 25c Toilet comb, a natural black a strong comb at 10c Womens’ and Misses Hose Supporters, Elastic rubber bottom 10c A big lot of men’s suspen ders, one ex tra heavy work suspen der that is guaratteed for one year 50c Whisk Broom High grade broom thaj is exeption al value at 10c PLATES Fine pure white plate a splendid value at 10c Extra hard, clear white granite, good shape and quality, price for cup and saucer 10c t a v s& a> St 0 S 1 s co • T3 -M C JU 'q. Vi (A a I® M (9 O £ SJ 2 '■6 .g 8 « 3 ~ -I JO «* Corset covers, attractively with newest lace and em broidery, valued at 25c. Ij I WI. White Dutch Collais, a va riety of dainty designs and pretty trimmings, value 25c