W A Frank Talk n* t~ C iui ft Bn* latUn^ on typewriters Somehow, the impression has gained ground that there isn't much chSereace between the various makes of typewriters on the market You may think the same thing, h w ould take a good, sound. tojKjJ argument to couvmce you that ai ty pewriters do not have the same e&cieacy and that a stenographer cannot secure the same results on every machine. We are ready to make that argument and to show’ you by actual demonstration that The L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter wiH do more work, better work, with less fatigue to the stenographer, than any waling machine ever made. How is this possible ? Here are a few reasons: 1. It is ball bearing throughout—others are not. 3. All operations are controlled from the keyboard. 3. It is the lightest touch machine made. 4. It does not “smut” the carbon. 5. The ribbon reverses automatically. 4. The type is so protected that it is not battered by collision. 7. One motion of the hand returns the carriage and operates the line space, g. It has an inbuilt biller and tabulator. 9. No trouble to write on paper as small as a post age stamp. II. It is built for service. Mail this coupon checking the kind of work you have in do: For Paints and Oils go to Hardware Store I am prepared to do tirst-class r*epairing of all kinds. Don 't fail to come and see our tine china ware. SPORTS Loup City Wins St. Paul was defeated in a one-sided game, at Jenner’s park Sunday, by a i score of 9 0. Gilbert, tlie local twirler. was effective during the entire game and allowed the visitors but one “scratch” lilt. Besides registering a shut out game, his hitting was fea tured by a home run and a "double.” Alexander, a brother of "Alexander the Great" of Philadelphia Nationals, was knocked out of "rubber” in the sixtii inning and was relieved by ZoelioJl. Score by inninings: Loup City.0 111 0 0 4 U I 9 St. Paul..0 ») 0 41 0 0 (1 0 0 -0 Struck out - by Gilbert: 10; Alex ander, 2. Batteries: Loup City— Gilbert and Pritchard; St. Paul—Al exander, /.oclioli and Rogers. Loup City Lost to Arcadia Arcadia's fast hall team boosted another game over tire locals in a 2 to i score, on the Park grounds, Tues day, June 10. The game was well at tended by the visitors at the Park opening, and was very Interesting up to the4»Ui inning when Loup City al lowed three scores, mostly through errors. The score by innings: I£ Jl JS Arcadia.0 0 0 0 10 2 :j 0 ti i> ;j Loup City. .0 1 o 1 0 0 0 0 1 :s o 5 Struck out—By Luryea, 14, by Gil bert, 5. Three-base hits—Rowe. Two base hit* -Level, Rash. Stolen base — Houlette, Burt, Keniield. Thrasher. Time of gairc—1:45. empires lfal ler and Lay. Farwell Woo From Ashton Farwell >Tebr., June fc. Farwell won from AsbUa in a swatfest here Sunday. The game was loosely play ed, the errors being quite numerous. : Following was the Hue up and score: !'. > Ashton AH ii IXJ A J£ Topolski, ss* p.. 4 1 i; 2 333 Ashton. 5 j 200 Ashton News If you want your home protect ed from lightning with Geo, M. King lightning rods call on or phone to John ttewolinski, Ashton Nebraska. My price is right. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slvicki of Wolbach, Nebr., were guests at the Tlios. Jornrog borne the past week. Albert A nderstrom, L. B. Cam be U Leo Beza, L. B. Jam rog and John J. Coe were among those who attended Uie park opening at Loup City Tues day. A gentleman from Weeping Water, Nebr.. was liere on Monday night and bougnt Uie pool lull of Geo. Poiskl. Henry Schuman of Loup City was liere a few days this week sojourning at Uie home of his parents. H. W. Ojendyk, accompanied by Miss "Arlle Coming and Albert Ander strom. autoed to Loup City Sunday evening. F. S. Januiewiez, J^eo Beza and John 1 --pp. Jr., Were at Loup City Sunday witnessing Uie Loup City and St Paul bail game. Tiie exceptionally cool weaUier the past week lias been more or less bene helal for Uie small grains, although for corn we should have warmer weather. A subscriber writes us for infor mation about Uie second liell Uiat is described in Uie bible, but we UUnk the first one will be amply capable oi furnishing red-hot accommodation, and steam heat for ail who may entei there. W e thought California's lemma crop tiad been killed, but it seems Uiey handed a quantity of them to the waiter Jape. Ga Monday evening the graduation eveeises of the Oatholk school were rendered at the opera house. On act c *viui of Icing uuahle to attend ia pers.m, we are unable to give a cony* pioie account of same. It is, how ev«£ rep. lied that each uumber on thfc program was well rendered, and Uul the house was packed to its utmost ca -city We arc fn receipt of a number of i iters ft uu persons askia, us how to live forever. There are said to be ways that this ian be accomplished, l>ut as those in possession of the se cret have never allowed it to get out th' lest we can offer is this: Don't h ow out the gas. Don't eat more than one sltovciful °f arsenic at one time. Avoid flying machines, powder house* and dynamite sticks while they are ignited to a fuse. 1» m’teat any meat, it lias microbe; in it. Don't drink any water; it is full of ’ germs. Don't eat vegatebles, soap, ground glass or poison ivy. Avoid standing in front of moving trains in a dark night Never call a man a liar when he has been drinking, and lias in Iris hands a breech loading shot gun IXrn’t make neither end of a mule a plaything. Toying with tire business end of a mule is very detrimental to I ong life. Avoid growing old. The above In structions if strictly adhered to, with the final advice don't die, w ill prove very valuable in almost every case. We make no charges for the above in formation. According to Sandy Griswold's re ply to Joseph iiochoH'squeslloii in last Sunday's World Herald, it is probable Gat tbe Ashton bail team, tbe man ager, tlie umpire and tbe fins that witnessed the game Iwtween Ashton and tlte *St Paul College Heelers”, will be called to the Hague tills sum mer to give evidence before the World’s Peace Commissioners, who are to determine whether or not .loe, is entitled to *12 for the exhibition lie and his "College Cads” put up while here Our hoys would be will ing to leave it. to tlie Hoelus druggist to decide what the "College Cads are entitled to, but in order that "Yours For Justice” may nut be wronged, Sandy says it must tie decided by the World's Pegce Commissioners, it might lie well, for the commissioners while in session to decide how a Mackinaw coat may lie acquired, and lay down rules for the division of the proceeds of a "class play!” Verily Lite duties of Peace Commissioners are unlimited. Sandy's answer exactly lits the question, zt fellow that would misrepresent a game as "Yours for iusticu” did in his question wouldn't know "Justice” from “Falsehood,” if he met them both on the street. i e——— Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator or Administratrix ! - »• M* bounty Court, in the matter of the estate of liozalia Uerdowski deceased. On reading and tiling the peiitlou of John J fleroowaki. praying that Administration of said estate may be granted to Wenzel H.wolin ski us Administrator. Ordered, that Saturday. June US A 11 :U13. at Id o'clock a ur hr assigned for hearing said petition, when all |>ersons Interested In said mailer may uppr ar at a County Court to he held lit and for said county, and show cause why tbe prayer of petitlmie- should not be gruuted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof he given to all persons Interested in said mutter by publishing u copy of this order In the houp riiy No-thwestern a weekly newspupt r print ed In said county three succcsalve weeks, prior to said day of hearing Dated June 10th. 18U K A. SMITH. fsaai-J County Judge hast pub. June Jti. Legal Notice In the District Court of Shermau County. Nebraska: Ida Betts, Executrix of tlie Estate of William E. Betts, deceased, and Ida Betts, widow of William K. Betts, deceased, I'lai/itifls, vs. Fred W. Douglas. Gertie Douglas, Da vid W. Titus, Samuel Betts, Emma David, known also as Emily David, Lizzie Vought. Annie Warren, Ar thurC. Betts and A Die K. Betts, Defendants. State of Nebraska i I !-ss. : County of Sherman ) i The State of Nebraska: I To tlie above-named defendants and all persons interested in Uie estate of William E. Betts, deceased: i You ate hereby notified that on Uie 7Ui day of May, 19)3, Ida Betts, as executrix of the estate of William E. Betts, deceased, and as widow of WII 1 iiam E. Betts, deceased, filed her pc ! Ution in Uie District Court of Sher ; man county, Nebraska. Uie object and prayer of which are to obtain a de cree authorizing and directing the ! said Jda Betts, as executrix of said estate, to execute and deliver to the above-named defendant, Fred W Douglas, a deed containing full cove nants of warranty to the following I described real estate, situate in gher | man county, Nebraska, to-wit: Lot, | numbered five ($) in block numbered ifcix (ti) in Uie first additiou to Litch : field, in pursuance of Uie terms of a ; certain written contract made and entered into by and between Uie said William E Betts in his lifetime and i Uie said Fred W. Douglas, and that I on tlie 9th nay of May, 1913, an order was made by ine, fixing Uie Ume and place of the hearing of said iietltiou at Kearney, Neb . at ciiamhers at ! office of District Judge, on the 21st j day of June. 1913, at the liour of 19 ; o’clock a. m., and further ordering j that notice of Uie pendency of said I petition and of the time and place | fixed for Uie hearing Uiereon be given j by publication for six successive weeks in Uie Loup City Northwestern, a le gal newspaper punished and of gen !era! circulation in said county of ! blierman. And ali persoos interested jin said estate are hereby required ; to appear at said Ume and place and sliow cause, if any Uiere be, why de cree should not fie entered in accord ance with Uie prayer of said petition. Dated this 9th day of May, 1013. i a . , Bwtua, Judge of Uie District Court of fiber OF A $2,000 HARDWARE STOCK SATURDAY, JUNE 14 Sale to Commence at One O'clock p. m. Sharp L. C. WEAVER, Propr. Successor to W. E. Joynt. A. A. OKAY, Auctioneer. Road Notice (Smith) To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a mad commencing at tiie inter section of roads No. 17 and 51 on the section line between sections eight (8) and seventeen (if) ami running thence w est on salt] section line to the south west corner of section eight (8) and northwest corner of section seventeen (17) and running thence soutli to and connecting with Harrison street, in lienschoter Bros, addition to the town, now city of Do up City, and terminat ing there, all or said proposed road being in township iifLuen (15). range fourteen (11), in Sherman county, lias reported In favor or the establishment thereof and all objection thereto and claims lor damages must la* tiled In Lite office of tin; county clerk on or be lot e noon of t.li 20 th day of July. 101.1, or such t oad will be established without, reference thereto. Dated tills8th day of May, 1UI.I. U- B. Hoi.sk f. [stcAhJ County Clerk. Cast pub June 12 Legal Notice John K. Brown, Mary Brown, Hat tie Smith. W. H Smitli, Mary Celtcli, Charles S. Brown, Ktnma Brown, Ad dison F. Brown and Etta Brown, de fendants, will take notice tiiat David Brown, pia.iut.ilT. lias Pled a petition in the District Court of Sherman 'county, Nebraska, against said de fendants impleaded with James E. Brown, Anna Brown and David Brown, executor of the estate of John Brown, deceased, tiie object and ' prayer of which is to quiet the title of tiie plaintiff in and u* tiie follow ing described leal istate, to-wit: Tiie northeast, quai I ,er of northeast qua rter of section t wenty-six, township thir teen, range sixteen, and the west half of tiie northwest quarter of north west. quarter of section twenty-live, township thirteen, range sixteen, all in Sherman county. Nebraska, and lot thirteen, block twenty-six in the town of Kavenna, in Buffalo county . Nebraska: and for a construction of tiie will of John Brown, deceased, in i sofar as It relates to the title to said above described real estate. You are required to answer said petition on or before tiie fourteenth day of July, 191J. Dated June 2nd. 1913. Davio Bbown, JMelntiff. Otuantwm' &. Sihnku. Attys. (Bast pub. June 20) Notice of Incorporation Notice is hereby given of the in corporation of First Trust Company, with the following provisions in lu> articles of incorpoiation, to-wlt: 1 Tne name of fixe corporation shall be First Trust Company. 2. The principal place of business »lialI be at Loup City, Sherman county, Nebraska. 3. The general nature of the busi ness to be conducted by said corpora tion. Is the business of a trust com pany as provided by Chapter 31 of the Session Law* of Nebraska for the year of 1011. 4 The paid up capital stock of the company shall be the sum of twenty live thousand dollars (*25,000). To be paid in cash Ixx.fore commencing ousinese. 5. The corporation shah commence business as soon as organized and authorized so to do and shall continue for a period of tifty (50) year*. «. The ixigixest amount of liability to which tiie company sliali at any time subject itself uiV not be more than two-tiiirds (%) of it* paid up capital stock. I. The affair* of tlxe corporation shall be managed by a Hoard of JX rectors of not less than five nor more tixan nine in number. The number to be determined by the stock holders aL each nnartins* tor ST--S” ■f&LA. • 'M. Director* shall choose a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treas urer of said corporation. Dated tills Jiitliday of February,!1*)!.). Attest: C. lllUDl.KY, F. A Minkh, President Secretary. (Last, pub June 20.) Notice to Creditors H&wlniimw! “ 10 lbu P°uat*i;ourt lii tlif matter of the estate of Charles S Cash ■ deceased To tlie *■ realtors of said estate You ore hereby ndtlfli’d. that J will sit at ibo County Court room in l.oup Jlly. lu sol,I county, on the U9tb *l»y »f December 1918 to receive nml examine ull dolus agalnsi sob) estate with a view to tlidr adjustment and allowance The time limited for the present ■ii mn of claims ujalnsl said estate Is the 84U) day of December. A D . 1918 and the time limited for payment of debut Is l)tte Year front snld:lllh day of May 1918 Witness my bund and seal of said County Court, this 8nd day of June, tin J E- A. SMITH iskai.) County Judge il.ual 1’uli June 86) Read Notice (Denniston) To ai.i. whom it may concehn: Notice is hereby given that the commissioner appointed to view and locate a road, commencing at a point on tlie county line between Valley and Sherman counties, thirti-three feet west of tlie southwest corner Of the southwest quarter of section 32, In township |7, north of range ID, west of tlie (Stdi p M ; running thence east aiong tlie county line to a point w lu re it intersects the Loup City road which runs diagonally across section 5 in township 10, north of range lo, west of the liU.i P. M .Said road to be forty (4b) feet wide, he established. All objections thereto or claims for damages must he filed in Die olllce of tlie county clerk on or before noon of tlie Ititii day of August, H)13, ur such road will he established without reference thereto. Dated at Loup City, Neb., this 2nd day of June, A. p. J!)13 L J) J’oi.sk i |ska1.1 County Clerk. (Last pub. July 3, 11)13) Order of Hearing on Petition for Settlement of Account Stale of Nebraska i th« ttntmiv Court Sherman County i *“• In the County court Id the matter of the eaiale of Julio i.yman fray, oeeriuted. On reading aim tiling the petition of John ig. fi«y administrator. praying u llnal srl tlcmefU and allowunee of 111* Haul account, hied on the SUli day of May. 1918 and for deer*'*’ of distribution of the residue of personal properly of said estate and for duereu for p os acsslou of real estate. Ordered That June g|*t. A. O 1919. at ten oglork a tit Is assigned forbearing mid petl Uoa. wiim all person* Interested In said mat ter may appear at a County Court to be held In and lot said county, and show Cause why the prayer of petltlom r should not hr granted, and that notice of the pungency of *ald petl lion and the bearing thereof lie given to all person* Interested fit xuid dialler by publish fng u copy of this order Itl the l.oup Oily North western a weekly newspaper priuted In said county, foithreo successive weeks prior to said day of hearing Dated May thin. 1911. K A Smith jsKAl.J County Justgc (hast pub. June 18..' j . .... .... . . - ■ BOI’T WAIT j At fioSntnm e* tl** ^F. m*w» *n# »»»Wi i ^Am Contull • «Dl» ■f i>CWtBl*lt. #l« ***<*' t* ■S' no* a*raJ* t« a* ■• kit .» nanti. anlf on . fcaa < •afiaimai* ami*’' •' »< '"a* SStT7*9«r, at. a et.Vfc *,**r*kt:, a- dor* «*.>' d*» —< 'a. (kora 4 n* ^ *» eo# lor Hie* Of SttZFjfajmSSi? JW* ¥tm W t*+M /*+.»!* 11 It will be a great accomodation to us if our cor respondents, advertiser and others to please hand in all favors by Tuesday noon or earleir You are Invited to .alte id THE MOVING PICTUBE SHOW CHANGE OF PROGRAM Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; Matinee every Hat unlay afternoon Show every nigl t an.I nothing hot the best, oj picture* will be shown here, livery body i* cord tally invited to attend. At the New Opera House LEE & DADDOW VACATION TOURS THROUGH THE WEST SUMMER 1913 Pacific Coast: Kvery dey excursion fare* from June 1st I to Sanfranoisco, Los Angelos. Portland and Seattle with up* j proximate basis §du diroot route*: live dollar* leas to Cali j forma terminal cities June ,‘ioih to July 7th und August 22nd to 29th. $f,.00 less to Portland Seattle, etc,, June 22 to «9, July 8 to JJ To include California, the Shasta Route and Puget Sound Jju7.fr-additional in each ease j Yellowstone Park: This recreation land will he opened (about June Id. There are all kinds of vacation tours, either i rail or cos cl dug tours, rad or camping tours tour* in ono gateway, out another Thu enirnnct * are Lardiner on the north, Co>y, the Sonin in Kntruneo.on the east, Yellow •tone on the west circuit toprs throggn Sennit e Colorado, Salt. Lake and Yellowstone park. Ask n ureat agent for Yel lowstone literature. Rocky Mountain,Black Hil’s and Big Porn Region: Low excursion rater to Oenvnr, T'olorod*. resorts, K*ti* p,u k Hot Spring*, S, I),. Sheridan, the gateway to Hig Horn ranch reaorus, to €udy, tee gateway to Abaofuku ranees. Lalifornia Kxcuraion* Syw mar Tour* of th Pacific Ho«st Ynllpw^nn ^Ark, Colorado Jjfng Handbook. Kates I’urV Uig Hprp feaort*, Summer Tours Wear hound, free on u.,1 plication. J. A. HauioUon, Agent Loup City, Nebr. fa W. WakeJey. deueral Passenger Agt. Dm aha. Neb