The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 12, 1913, Image 2
JOHN BRECKENHU)® ELLIS l, S ILLUSTRATIONS BY* V .) O • IRWIN • MYERS tiimk-rKo. ttYNOPtttti t‘‘*0 «»hhr« (At titvnofv** *m | tuit OtOt* liUtt 'HMMllO tlO* thf* olltlll ftt (% t ^(M|« mei'IHtB Htu* I hit loo to tie 41*0 h Of hint, IftOfth* <Uo(Og tho «toVih'-o ftlOt 1* to t^ »\. \fthott \»htoo, *oj4‘vloUooloot of ftV’hoolo m*vi'W# I'Mtl ffottt Mts» tvOt tr-tu ho* MtobOM t* o omtHhv 01*0, ♦loot'll tttot^todl lit ohftVH' noth wort ft I'lll'O* »*t llto AhMfvH v aiOtoO I'Pl'tMAP* ft 11*4* Mi hrMotowtort to Ivon ft lot whllo t»h hot ot Ion, Vnrtrt# ft«M toMol ft0(1 t* **'"0 lo *m*oOM* i’HotoOv Oil i of Viol* lOf I'lltltOO, * hftit fOOO of Mto *V'tOHll Hoftthl l'MA**!fcrt (V CuntMlUPit ttp iuj fn| Iipi , at Uip hhiiip •"up tip »uKlPi't In it hi' tvuv'tlpu iif hi* «vh*ii*utih luiu't* ** m'u« IpaiIpi ' I'hpu.” hp *aiit, with titmt i*'*tsualhm. if wvi It (iilliuv uip, I II tahu vpu ntipip ii'u »nin Rppiui (hp I'lslM am) U'uii'itvn I II In tn tluil mu» iipi h ’ \Vp. tt> t»h«* Uu a hill Oh, thauh '***»■' Upl ui'i'pui u a* iHut n( fppu .tiattpn \V|*I h IuiIppiI1 Up |lwu hui'X ill (Utt'ntl** up it iti« htpUSUIP V ph itiiiu t unih'iataiiil iup *hp I'tiRumi ,< Whut I want t» a hnutp I ih'11 1 vuilt III U'lh'M Mill amutH'IP t hl* t* * llPIv I waul t|l *t*v ' mi Puuupt *lui hi'MN hu »n *»v‘v4 wtth a uttsht »imi|p *i (hp prp umutunpu* t,',]piai hm (Mi «il'.ips ip |so tvu a t\HMn ai thp hptpf V . tt i* uhmiu pi thu 4"iu w a* PiH uisI hi *hp ip*. * \i\Miiaii m tip, rpuip hp pi* PPltti I, |l.l,l p*t'PP,l,',l tp t'vuu * VuvVVUs h\sit*tPtm uimu thu |*'M'h ha-t ‘v'lvt p v'ivspi ' * Pptni'li t Sp )aPi vih.» mua iipi Mi* v;>viipiv *a* *p v(pu*pvI tp *pp thp sphOpwiup *hp «*• Mi |>M'«vvtv thov h*4 «Pt imps *i-i,v thp pvpains input (hat, at *>.i, »hv w*» tinumatp v't thp Nu.v ahavhv* a-,t M iiM'Sx'i* i« *t'iip pf hi* tv* ivtpvii v fpi-ts\M th-p *hu4v»w n)*v\ »v' phvptPvl w a* hp h* thp sKmt'ap pf hi* 'p -vtatv a* *hp *tvsst u thp h'ishilv ItshuM halt Sni h wpimi at* aUshtPst |ppii*utthvn uip t*hui(p*i **t whv'u a ih 4 tv ,,'w, tu'vipvp thlhV* ' I* t«v*, ut IV, hu4 thp VMVlht hnpp thPtpi ih'* p\i'haw*,p pf slu’.iop* n»H*l hull' tuVv’ll I'tUvP. Wan 4St upi uu4vi*thpt xpt-v * i,,,,>in hi,ii,list hpt a* w h Kv' * i'us t\shi rthp hu,4 *pp« *p aihv'h at thp *•' ;4 that pm fl»4 u a »*vp hnuou* Uv-,0,'* «ht *« imip <U*v 4.-4 U a* an p -fpp,. *.\» vijvwy.*' Itiapc \,', v»a* hui a h'*- mi * u ai'4 vVhM««iapv Mu*r«ut’.*.»pi in hi* UTpviwh thp «t nw*nvhpsp tn ahW'Ji hp htvu'.hp4 t*vp*< Hp hu4 up4 hipiuihpvi rspN'O sv>c ha,ff a A**p* spin * up wyiuihpi hp mu* gVa4 "v- v ••" mlftTwi |ivpiS>Pi vna* hat a h*'apfnvipT vs* s-»* h'-uA a **»•> pjf K'ih.v ,'vphi «V'ni it v . p * 4 a p k *,p hMP* ,hat hPlr ivii p.v.-* t*v« up *sv*4Pi; *hp «u» , |4 (1* •PP hithk V\v«h4 hNwn Iwnv tw4 ihp<r w v. ... 1 **> |» >*%«*% * M**t «( WK' ♦WfNl »S fcfcV* V* »,. .jjkc IM>, ,v***v .«,-<*>*■*«* ** *sn\ v)*si* *j #* »•*** «^N»fc.-**w«k.)fi V> **W .N**'* »v*4 **►> Urt* ’!*£«%, *J||k •'♦civ- ».v« . V*j ---vt* .;W W*A W« *>* ■» V**> : %Kj|( ^.y^vJrOv* Hi**. % v<*» *■>»«*. #*•** »>*?»> Is*- '*vfk>a **~>V. <Mk& *#*•%" •JNW* %-blv** tfe* gfeHClft !»*:«,;'.VH «*»•'• ■■ |t* <N \u» ft*' r ' » nut know whwt oout*o to pursuo, no h«* IVpOMtod VMOMIlUV, “l mu W lUtllK to I'MV ■' Him ii lulonupiod ttlppMlitlv ’’t ItH'" ill tho uiunoy I wmiiI " Thou *ho: n:itu«ni ewttih into tho hull, rudol> ; , hmuhiiui I'm*! tho »oorot»rv i tlroson ov'tild only follow, Ho wptvfco | ’ to tiiuoo In m tow voloo, tolllUB Mil ho ! know yyf tho nlfiht yvMlutoror Hoi : ■ittltuilo Piklloyt for ov pin nut low*. hut | 1 ho would Iimvo bIvou thotu *n\wnv, tu | tltMl low. n'uhyh utiMl unmwur Ho! i iliil not know w hy It ««* or aook to j know hnf whonoyor ho *poko tv' 'ItMoo tt w«* UMtwrn! to u*o m low j touo, M» If niodulMtlUB hi* touoh to •otwMUvo ntrltiB* m* it tho hunuou,' toouIttuB from tho livtoin|»v of thotr 1 *y'ut* on Hod tv'r tho sv'ft pottsl " hut I* to ts> vlouo'' tiruoo l« Utityrd Hot' uttitudo of ro*orvo to wwlvt vlroaorv whnh Kt in * pro*OUOo had tn*pUvd moltod to pot*wti»l holp twluo**, Ml iho *:inu> tltu<~ hot dlallko for tho Bit I 'OllftHtod What .to you ndviw^' UiM'sy'r' •l*kod hi* »wo»vt*: y south tit'*"' on*t m dt*dMiuful hn'k mi HTwtt ! t tiou *ho turuoa to hrr omplovor *nd hot' doli\ H'U*|y Otnvod fMOO ohMUBod | t»\yy*t ph.ytniinslv | think *ho ro •pow.tod with m (Mo t *h«k* of rotnikw 'Or hi* 'onion.'' 'thMt vo. *hould wot wood my Msty too tu thi* m«ttor " Why *hould ho MiTM'.vnt!' holph'M* tmlXyro thi* wmstll husnl'o of MtlX'SWUt impuylomm * vltoso y turned upyrn fS i woh wf fooled hnrwhVow uh>s so H* w** »nnoy.nt that t!r*o> should Uvmst iuo kiwi wowk >h MU'* SMW htUyh-Wiod tt hrvMWO MW MV Of *tOM»«V * I'M Opened Ml OMv'h eW«l. w th e.xo*. wo»o ,*v.4 woo. .h l» m W.*h »Ow hue of oyvld do*MU0*V 1V tlM.'V tho M.Wte WO.*SO y\f white fopekoMvl Blow“O os :•.* wMJ to she WVi* yyf tho h-Mv'k h*u Mwd the shA'.p y'h w (tt! 'tins tt* wav .h'w w horn lit* ; is hit' 4t*twu w>o. :h. *;vto> v'nlx of y'wnn s She (v«*otw*i Hum m» m lov h.-vusht fo hv' KV*5* * X'Vm * tfc vN*iw »i. ftfty«*»Ux*» l *tt» ftxH t>"*4 »«*.v ‘■'I «\*yHA *»?■ • v>- >v*. **14 Oravtx KWvi .K'»u »t few nv«x y«*<sr Jtnx«,' ,.‘i ho*. •.,» *v *t -' ;\y\ ft*; * *Vm •* »Vsa.s IV >v* *»v t t» Sy «**xfct (» j s.W »"-** KwftyJI (it** *t «lr»c*ft Hbtattsfr *4 v* *«( ^ xs*wOk V Vv Osy* ,\r* tt *\x» w »ftv taMMu^yy o: ;St* >•'•>**• V »»4 ! oft* fi\% xMvftwr* I V*'. «*;;%♦ ttviiftMS Xty% tw W* »* *54 VxJS*. •'■ »y*;ftys** vitryw wftyJl *i vftxxsxv*. h«t v. • » XV ' S’-XNXV *M*.XX5*X >**y *v> »«W» ?>\»» .V.* te.t» >y x» A \xvV ;* «rftx x>'*wY yxysx, *t* **v- »■« fty* xiV-N-y. \'S*; JV x\>* »■*** •,■,> x*.* V s*y. cSi '-f * SYxw* *» Xvity*J! Sk* *&x*ftfcfc.-.*y *5'»*jn* w-V-** *5 xl.-fts-y- «** y wyftfcy* »xf tW WS,v4 *t Syr \Vf< *v54. • >**»• y* vV*-'xw* • xihvytt sv **ft S*. \ st *•• ,*15 tv V* ''“■ys" ' Stv.',sy Ity **.' **v <tvy* YV xv* vX ANkT*y Sty 1** IjtM *\n* •>*5 '**»•■ .< »♦»*?} i*w\' xvy-.y Mitv' ft ***. in*! :Sy rwat. >Jy «( Y*. * *;y**#y yyW<ttM*$Mitt' ‘■'v*x ->y '.•>*•: si**yirt**«yJI >yy; ft »■** wasy **** Xs** ** SsstuM* ws* ‘ ftstyy **.* Vxxy «t*Kx»4 >*xV*v tfcy *. *. V «- Kt .v wyRftt y\jy- ystvy* Jtw ;V !»¥-•»* ys xsyyyft. i*xy ty4y*t*N* >»Vyy ■\V ,\x. ■>« Sy >** >xi * vy *S *}yy: St-a* aplftgtlisi "Xft? ■ ■* * »4y*wyx* v.-n^vy' y«Jt\yy' ' •** fty** v Sm4 ‘tV- yv«ni * ** ■ fcfcy ** VdfeyyftftWft «**<» *fp ft «a»y -.. by* > *•»• *»s >y-yy«** s » Xviw .xftawt, Sm« .'«.?* «* c v **t\y n* yv. vx y vv* V*v* *a *e v* yy.* x tfttyia- xy*t Wv ?VSx ><«* yJY ay ftyyy ,x*«* Vtw? jy xx?a fesyy y-V#**, H ».** wftft >>». •>■ ww« *->*y xVxV®* ’: VJyxy* Xfty t*kyi*xj xyxtrx aw " AiMtSy W * ;;>xs*y*-' xy*w*4 * xwiyyA *m %ft Yy. **xyy*Mu>.., a* X' v> wy ly«- Jy>vxi4 :Yw rv»s.^-:ix . ,v* t»* ^txviTjyi1- %*exfe xvmt- Ve** xSryny «**» XV xyxywvt; V >,** 49‘^tttte -. ,■*««,• .xbiityyxtv "■ -Xy«8> jy<ft «(*'• a» #t ytfcwr- v* - ”, - —- "V. —. TV' seemed th>' victim of Home mysterious terror lienee compressed her full lip# till thev were thinned to a white Hue "IV> vou menu forever*“ ‘Oh, Orace I lx's vour pardon Mia# limn' I don't metri that, ot course What could t do without you" Nothin*, not hint tlmce >*»u are the soul oi inv work Uni t look tt me #o cruelly." 'Then yen ju#t mean," tirace said steadily, for me to <50 away tor a little While*" Only half an hour; th,v # all vYtsly half an hour, and then com** hack to me. and I w ill explain “ You needn’t «o at all, *'n my ao count." observed Tran wi h a t w. -> of her mouih "It's nothin* to me whether you so or stay’ She has learned a secret,'' lov er' stammered "that vltallv a free’s at fi'et# some people souse friend# of tuUse l must talk to he.- about about that secret., just fos a tittle while Half an hour. Miss vJsace. that ts all that Is rx'ally all 'hen come hack to me Yon understand that it s on aecouut c the seerv' hat l ask vou to leave u* You understand that I would never send you away f^om tar vf I had tssv wav. don't you, tlmce*' l understand that u>« sraa toe to si* now H ave Non replied an re spousive jthc ascended the s i.r«ay. at each step seemtms tv» mount that uusch the histser uttv> an atmosphere of righteous waiv'toHtWi. No one who sv'parass-d i3re*eor> from hs> secretary could enjoy his to far a Host, int; Tran nad struck far below the surface of Uku vis and ,i ' iiuss She had turned back the covers a* o convent'.era!sty to lay hare the vjutvep in* hivarts?r*.ns> of life -seir There »s> time to hesitate- The stone a v w r •, T- c . '■ jMMI «t«ht t>e a Uu*h's* el'sh fa*v »*s now he'd ready tor hatt'e. ‘ adu f »e hv'tter so n a room whese «c east talk privately -" »-,*:* asked l dv'a t i ke th.s hall That woman wouM just as a*\' Hsian over she hasustcre as not I've soon k*u of peophs '.,kv> her, and l uudeos.and hot iy«Jt * C*k*Tl«5 X VS* **4«> VS N*t vs» s,-« It **>:>• a* vsw'4 SWksv *:-w<vvr» ***.a*t l>sr * :*ttvx o«i» it <*vss.i4 StAxv Swa tve * «*Mx« tv tk* xs*v »5v ytyaSvJl v* a.v**. ** tint s'.'xs*. ':'-j.: *>*•* <44* tv Vm a*<S a* kstt *.:■. «Sv*t Vw$!vj v*; X -.Sw ,.**« 4 *v V*v. 3fe**s ?.*v**?v*4 .%*• sist.**. .%*«. t> t%S* >fas.*svr V*e» X x\Nr,V*x Vi5.x **4 *5v at-* X- yev* SV*«*4 f-vas, <v4t9t«a*C«.t.a.& .i Vy nV »*?* it <444 faves *v #*awv X' 4tS'*«S«M o** .4*; V SmsmxiwsE "v «**£ Jtvr x* -.** tvvst rwa» is ;> * .art* «. *■-». tSt-1* Xl*f t>4« a* rwv.i ftv*k X4 4*f.a« Xvxfcs »44 -ay*—* .tv »»vxvxy *.^*vtvr» *s«*t >.- x**J» :■} >«v t*x>f ^nsyvcxtasS? iv «<-*f i» vsavVe 4 WN» X WaJt^.-SiS ''VV*>4. St«* XV* tv «! V »V*' »»a >*4 'xxx :** a*VkX--.»t .vuryve *w* sAXA ->4 wvrvcar* tu-i a**yxa*4. Nv» >V»J **v %*4 livw x-. s H*r > tv* x'tv*ve> St twawxii n*txxsst Xv t» KWV-V saw *c.fcN?vNt 4J-J *.x-'*.*y*4 x>r >**•■*». sSftw vy***4 X*<f awi.ifc kit. Sve ly* *>wev fix tTSw a*a4 14J T**wv. 444 44 fe ***C TOWS.: '.-.< :Sw * SAX'* .5 *>*x*awv M S.VW0U. X tfc* xvxWVfAt* X v**a* a***** * :•>* -_*«*• 43»-A£ At '3*rt V4WW .># %Vr*4 TO***x&. it'X-StV**'*- i l-V* 43 *JvxR 'Aif *V<« *'k4x SfcRfcj** }ftv 3*4 Ixwst Sr,5*. av,,-s>.JWxss. *■: * <4vc* » 44 4> aXJVx WW *4 If WkQKMittaR atwev-x x ^-avtxttv*. ¥**» <s*s«w<& *■'! lx* *£. Of* at— tUM*~ -" saw a 4*>* Jg* ,-aw Xxt#X taws' X'->«*i?i4 4*v %V*..4 *X «W 4XV IS* '**.. IJR S*S-:- X44JWX* V*i4t X *ava* 4 X ", > l*a- A .a«*i£ katSWKAtxt. ’4SNJtV*fllfl> Vw- tt*g*tssap* Ax tls* •S'O^ifc'- •JiS-'V*!* Vi* . X-4* AXt*«: casts'”1 X* tVxJxuRX Hk «w<a»«* vS X*v s V ffxsas SJ* .vutit *« XvrK <*w swt i itvuws* te. Jwv ; ;x* '•av* A*t. A* %'ixtelfi xx xa-*!!?* Vs* tsasSvUBUXsc. X ax v**ss» «*>•■■: tv jjcjssa. (COPYRIGHT 1912 FOBB5 - M E PC ILL CO.) wn— r* j-i "Oh." nii'«l b'ran, catching :i tem pestuous breath, uneven, violent, "you know what I mean that!" The dew glistened on his brow, but he doggedly stiH'd on the defensive. "You are Indefinite," he muttered, try ing to appear bold She knew he did not understand be I cause he would not. and now she real : ' <1 that he would. If possible, deny. Pretense and sha-u always hardened her. 1 I hen," she said slowly, "l will he definite l wlil tell you the things ; it wbuld have been better for you to | tell me. Your early home was In Now York, but you had a cousin living in Springfield, where there was a very 1 good college. Your parents were anx ous to get you away froc.1 the temp ' at ions of a Mg city until you were of age So you were sent to lire I with your cousin ss-.d attend college. Ydt were with him three or four ! 'oars, and at last the time came for graduation. Shall I go on**1 He fought desperately for self-pres I erv at ion “What is there in all thisT ’You had married, iu the mean rmn saiu ooidty. married se ■ ototly That was about nineteen years a<v' She was only eighteen. After graduation you were to go to New York break the news to your father, "'me haek tv' Springfield for your : wife and *ek 1,0w ledge her You grad uated; you w out to y our father. Did , you "'ate hack* My God' groaned the man So she knew everything, must he admit ::tf "What is ail this to ytwf he hues: forth. "'Who and what are you, anyway and why do you ivrw here with y our story f if It wore true—" True"' said t'ran bitterly. "If V axe forfotl.ut. why no: go to Sprtr.gfieM and ask the first old e;:t ea you tweet* Or you might wr.te some ore you used to know, and '■'•!*'.re If you prefer. I'll send for o e of 'oar old professors. and pay h's -v;v -- s. They took a good deal ■'f '.alert's! is the jvwng college sru *>#t who at armed and a eg'noted Jo 'onh.oe IVrrv They taxes' forgot vs it. if yvwt have You don't know," he gasiwd. "that tore"* a penally Iter x.o* njr to .'"'pie's house* to threaten them with 'V.pposed facts :a thx'.r ''.res. You don't know that the yt .s are ready to v ttkcfcnsaiiiax tor jwt are oa> a ; ,'.e girl and don't understand sack 1 g.xw yes wanting khYotjk ou are fa short dresses—~ ' Ye*.' remarked Pnu dryly. *1 hos&gfc. that mould be an advantage •-.* "yo it ought to make things .•asier '* aa aiv Astaire re are* Sasser T WV»t Ya** ! re &? a*:A yea** rtemskt'' *i -4 wM^r, “tiAt « '•v'ojM W aaavc for yxt t» alt aw '•* :e :W l««*e a* a IrrsS* *tH :Iai a* a *~e*a mcasAS. YwlS riEiaVr ! eJ4 ym I'** eesr? ker* a» stay * TV stay!' >e <wfc**<4. skttefcas me* -Yea ** ' Y m sV wAt a . :V ewSsre tec > s »;sxAf ef I '•-Aar a Xnjw Y*a IV* $yv.*$ re $aj l «an re VVs* re- smwteoiiy * He «wi eat Aftsswrateiy, "Sat »i*r as* S re A'* TV* resj* aw—<A r * irw. a® ym t* sa.j4—I AaJ 4*ay ■v ¥at l v® yva,. j-'i. yea *:t mat at* 5* a® tv writ ef asy iSt Be X» e’vwxraftsi* l sate j» **i' Y'. yw «v* T ’ y~aa cft&aty te s*te«4 '.’at. Y-essY jne «V: styey e®* >aa se ee. seetwc «r terse—tee* :V scttASW*. Yea's* a T&sJ* tee* iscra* re v tert rt *» emotes ax ste* raw Yes. caa teft **> ®** test* ** ax AsSeflC *4 ceykast «• At? * A’ yw. }taa TV .-ayveraait tew Be aw s :ia: rat cwr* re V* tew* Sik ! taJ mac se waV" s Wtsi tec ym. sa®4y t 4«V -Steal yeu ** 5¥* *p«e4* ax teaflSy.. Jxtt mitt s*«w®i*sw* Tsmsar* ef a* s&w. "TVa. tec Steite stv*. ye te: J» Vet a*—Ae %V#c*-«*c yv« raaw >.n». TTE my a® **3*®sw*. Tae sfcte kA”* «S yva wswt—'** "V.. S «WV‘ iVvr nssw4*& •■'» A v.-se-r ancf rkotte mewtikaas 9*s*S* «t* t K* Ow «w4 » riw rtewsdr; «f ay stay .a*p Bwc* te*: max aute St ms* ’ TCusyV* eStew.acr.m "Ttesa xv ■ei' ytcsmn v n* s» j*** ■’Ai sV?Vw Vais* ec Jbte ■sw-sc— S <wt »wt re mite aw. T'Tt wt V ai»a w to account for you. and they will I (luostlou my wife will wact to know j and and others as well." "Now. now." said Fran, with sudden - gentleness, “don't be so excited, don't take it so hard them question I'll know how to keep from exposing you But 1 do want to belong to some j body, and after I've been here a j while, and you begin to like me. I’ll tell you everything. 1 knew the Jo sephine Derry that you deserted- she raised me. and l know she loved you to the end. Didn't you ever care fot her, not even at the first, when you got her to keep your marriage secret until you could sneak to your father face to face? You must have loved her theu. And she’s the best friend 1 over had. Since she died I've wan dered—and and 1 want a name." The long loneliness of years found expression in her eager voice and pleading eyes, but he was too en grossed with his own misfortunes to heed her emotion. "Didn't * go back to Springfield?" he cried out "Of course 1 did. I made inquiries for her: that's why l went back—to find out w hat bad become of her. I d been gone only three years, yes. only three years, but, good heavens, how 1 had suffered 1 1 w.\| so changed that no body knew me." He paused, appalled at the recollection. “1 have always had a terrible capacity for suffering l tell you. it was ray duty to go back to find her. and I went back. I would have acknowledged her as my wife. I would have lived with her I'd have done right by her. though it had killed me. Can I say more than that ?~ "I am glad you went hack." said Fran softly. "She never knew It. I am so glad that you did—over, that." "Yea. I did so back." he said, more firmly. "But she was gene- l tell you all this because you say she was your best friend." A while ago you asked me who l am—and what—■" It doesn't matter," he interjected "You were her friend: that Is ail I care to know l wen; back to Spring field after three years—but she was cere l was told that her ancle had cast her off. and she had c..'appeared it seem# that shed made friends with a class of people who "ere not— who were not—respectable Frans eyes shone brightly - "Oh, they were act," she ag'eed. "they were ao; at all what yoc would call respectable. They were not rests sou#.’* A' ! was mid. be res,mod, a fettle uncertainly 'There was so way for «re to find her * "Her"' cried Fran "you keep oa say rg 'her" IV wk mti—*~ He Sss.'.ated pfee had chose* her part—W bf w:ti.tiesv people—l left ®a4T* CnMM tx Max tec ar text ?4* 28?* ste* sl<*ss*<t tec TTteKX »iy 1 **««r '•Ka.x tec* x < VJS3V T>* 5ii-Z IS XJ ~ * a at? v «x »*7 , sac ie“ tec—year 3tx*»i—'* ‘Y«x «& ter titan.* F-te. jm&&S*X iJ ter te»i "5 4s jMml ** cxsa*. J 530*7 aa 35 tot a ttis Il-’b**—” ~S law x*te xy a*5r>” te aw c-sjews -taKnftteE? *im jxx* ate :*r ?re ajagyxteex tec ax <te* teate" ■T>t> ys- osvraacrsr. - "i nea t as* 4*7 sat teres i s ce*sr:S, 02 7S»f ® tc. l.s tM'#_ ttLUS 41$ X* V A**#* w>v '$****« *e ** X* *r% «****%, •*»&>’ * •tx*m i^SjX «*w«<** i* *M* 'Hi* .>**»*SPV ***»*»*.' X »«*■»* XXXttX AX • *S«A Xfc * **Xr «*S Xfc fv-*^iji>. «k Afcfci* AX ’SX^X AX \ V «Mk» Xr* XSlIMW ft VXt**"* «*?■*#* ■'’^•^ X4* *w*4*<^ X* **A* *? K« **. <X XX « * V*x XfcX' AX *»£»& f«*X At- «***: XA wa# Ww »««■ WNMift X** %Mk **4 X* *«, w* «.**«% x ?W8X ’W., T*I* TTA** 'T-A A x* y** kv* % 'wate aw** **** >X *>rfo«4 AX Xrf**». *X aut vx X* X* AAX «NW. 'X* X y*X Xfe**:* ‘*A ***j*** 3AW» X.** X*S<t Afc X Am* \ A *** %g*Mi * XaiV x ax Wfefr. 'V#* X **M*W«NS *» X <&** X* *w4***W«» A* XrtWMWX AX* X* XvxA ***** X xaxw* ** u» «AM« x /A-,... >i ft'**' '» ft** «*' 1 <wv*»* Wfc. s ivifty ftWwv 'ww*; *> '*>' \ •'>*»*£>••. x>>j -as* ':>* -**y j£ *&>-■ t* Ju* -<«*%\ji; Jtri/st Uw «*«. W *t**S **»ft aft-* 3$h* %-iJsft * *fc«f*S: ,W*«^ '**“ «■**."• %*£ WKtvfk •*m w-f *«i*fc wfc v-» mfeMMAtj*, ft *«* V £*< ’iUw -{iteJUSy«* .-win* »*• 3s»»Sn* *Wfc*«» i&Nsy XNJfeC sa* Iffcijtf* *# ftV- ■*&#&.'*■ >*c isas: <****. ' 5 W«*> iieev, ■ iO#, -*.*** «* 'Swmwv-ftifes 5 *** ’» *H«» S*«ft»’' ftK tO* sjynft ifeaftk * -wsftK^ i* •ft* >***!* ft iKtgfc. fcfcS* v-oiftM*. te 'tew He**. x Sfce sft.lK=e- ftft* ft ft<M* 4».v«^ b*tm • 3*Sft VtgflMHMMaiftlt Svafc ’fiWWWiWl » ft, !Wft<y«ftt3te i*f*«*> **** bt *rm !*!*&&**. <*W ft *** -ft****** '-MlfttftWftirflfcfc'i iJWfttOSFfc '*w* *#, m>t *&■ *?!&*■ wotmagcft %**£*««( %*«•& •«■ ft*?: aasft wife*' 3sws* ; ft ^ftgMft-wnumry #**■ bt bum mm. * 4hc Ja&i ******* *»>* W» U<#&t -S ' SEww* «♦ *v*k>* S*e- ft ts*.<K. u^loy ft SWt»Wt .'«tt^«5sa#s*;t *1* *«*»kt Sk*. iky »*«#*• >* kc*&fc« ^■voy Sky '•yfye'4 ”4 kMfie*Wt.'* ftftJi Aefca***. kamkjkK <9 .v k» as>;. k*®**. « *wc #s& m. •**» -a* -w »«»yy 3*»fct ft star-: .-yokw sy aMt Skt **MStewei«: ■jftftnfiywi *.ttt ties. >» kernoif V' nwHIkm'ftMtig* kew* -St wat «y *£ ««&•* sh#tfr ^Vsi-y ft** ay .'»aj£ss ye uwk Ok* *"*»«* — «Sksifca*w* $hlB>. a iky kaw«««; lotssv-ntx awe* ftsw «r ttwtostajs: «ncy sKtfisw* Tky mmv*? t£ Shy ’PhnkOrtkjft.- vta* i^wSttkft StaMteMte k£ StMRst ^**1 a**y ft "**«* tttft, ftifty iawf ft kkt «y*fc -awe aw$a>te «n» at.; "W* ws -aaemtey «<wmi "’*i*tey& $» suit kysfe ik» «w 'in* * -whCS®- mik* k*s«wt ■» ’kMft 1 «k «M, 3» naumic n&t •»•««! *•»• k*. 3 fta aot-juewi at a* .«et k* -ytattic &i! eudrai tic’cwbw£ ktft V sm f5»ur a*»j»*cjs**.* moxaft Tjiw Watt »** 5sib> 3*** T**C ■*-** a ^ Wkte * aSw iate at a tat wsk * a«ss» at bcm Ate Tmsw'aiSa ware * at W® •«*£ Ju.WJwc Jte«yr iter acih«r Sfc5- tefteat at# nHnat, ite# ssweass was a 'te*te totootooS afcrork. 'terirnT A* ahcaatofe. tea. a»f An vtffewc «■ a** ateae A* zasMt atca. As. ®BBdm:. it ateaaitt at A» shat it tear testetea&et aHonan «»S ••a a mat teat tear scwwf * too*# teiaei a*. a p«*a3t at in it tote ?#Bi« «««> a»t a »<*» *» to* teNWrik * BMSMB 3*r tsfejaat teaJSfi That iter «at wJteK aw*?' *bc Ate Stsciw saa»te»: msetoQt teafea* 'iter 3*mt fto* m avlfrw*.t tear and. tf’retpac tebs wow at tear tot 5te» awaaxus. 39* fcawte at tetewss a*£ Ate. tonstear as»a aw -sa» at At* ten at 3te*. ’Ssoagnife «K«to emt, ten ton :-i* car ia*£ at sga-a. ut agate wwflfcwt t»u*f Jtrs. Sasrite- *t*gsw<A at raw test jinniwi 3t vsr cat. atttysimi: ter &**. jf mit& ter apt. a trsat r* |» tetete Si «mMt j^gaa: ta* tasr. -SeSiwwi. a*£ tite gw*?' ***• -saaKisA at ^ssstBsft St www. as Sac wa? »*• ateac art atenet**, antes* tfte W.wjJ at? :xa» « r. semap -at. St ■*** te&ai as * ar trite*B "STck " te jranit 2B* swzwi -Ste st: iii't aast at art. “te r-riaat j*w* asi£ previa* ter fr*$:—3nftam»sicte Stews. Ttwri am? a.- tysoiiss -at :2» -sum* -at: Stew Stusmsat Barat at Cagt* ©tet tec ntey an* xnaasmcs a. wm« tects at site Saif at at. Sawnmsno* »j*i® am teac Ttm&e vr St l«mrm» {sjv“t?kbmh£ a oems&n? ~*h? ■nrsomt GOOD WHAT IMPROVED ROADS MEAN Spells Prosperity and Happiness tq Every Community Which Ha* Forethought to See Blessings. (By R E. GT.DS.) Good roads are conducive to better schools, live rural churches, pleasant rides, good markets, social advance ment, a closer bond of sympathy and co-operation between the farmer and his city cousin who works at the forge, the iathe or the spindle. It spells prosperity and happiness to every com munity which has the means and business fore-sight to see the manifold blessings which a scientific system o' good roads secures for its people. Mud roads spell au enormous mud tax be side which our tariff is like a pygmy to an elephant. Again, good roads annihilate dis tances and rob farming of the dread and drudgery of rural seclusion, this fact being notably apparent where a farmer is the wise and happy owner of a high-quality, dependable and eco nomical motor car. Mud roads bring social life on the farm to low ebb. empty the rural churches, make many little red school houses but a mem ory and populate the country with floating tenants who care very little for the growth and perpetuation of the institutions which are the bulwark of our national greatness. Then good roans save time, save horses and wagons automobiles and gasoline. They enable the farmer to market, at minimum cost, in rain or shine, his perishable produce such as fruits, vegetables milk, butter, eggs and meat. Mud reads compel the farmer to leave such produce either go to waste or deterioration. or what is near to either, deter him from pro ducing any of these prcSt-bearing com modities because he has so dependable and convenient avenue for marketing them. in cases of acute illness good roads enable the physician to bring speedy relief to the sick a22'.tally and save the lives of hundreds of our men. wom en and cfc*iren. a fact which more than trebly com pac sates any amount of money which we may spend as a nation, seme, county, city or :cwn. Good reads spell humanity, relief, mer cy. life, growth and prosperity, where as rued roods too often spell poverty weakness, decay, sickness, suffering and death. As road improvement .s of rxiior wide interest it should be supported by cur rational, state and county gov ernments. This is notably true with interstate highways for :: :s manifes: !y -unjust to tax all the improvement to the abniting land, to the county or even to the state. Why should uc* our national go tv—men: promote men state commerce throegi good cwsatry roads as. well as threwgh r.Ter and har bor insprovemects* Good and piiriotx- men seen to be at var-.anoe as to what is tie best sys tem of building reads. Some aj*prate three or mere :rass-cc- —ink highways to be built and annintanted equally by the federal goverajaeai and by the vamocs states through «S_ch the trunk highways go. Others live: the impwvemeai of these- mads Ire* which run to 'the wmty seat. pr» vided it s l c.vd ra..road, market Saw*. and if set. to lie meet ioces sible barge raifrasd row n a the eewn’ty. Tbey Soieve that these mvais should be property ditched, graded, relied and o ragged. Cfcfcve-rts sbea&S be Saah.Tr where the water e ittsfcxed to Sow acmes the roan taatasg heavy moss. Grades should V- mused ux Sew nuaoes. hath? maternally lug fiown and e.-ou bridges basis. avar creeks ;*i ayua of ail k'U'is The citursos ad a $s <■«* amjrtr «wM by thus pwtx e-ast£y de-tsnrdBe oa the free tea m...-es «c rrtj roads Sb> be but It and ma.i-scfca.ed. Tbe-i tie next Sv-e or task and so at ho user away from tie tctswspia: tows <r W»JS m the .vnxty -sac-.:, i-ay Jagg of dtri mad ux the ceaagy ss rot it ■frscchass osadteiva. Tie {Ml Saave* is wwrkia* a the aapgs. taana io l oanscMu-ac af the Aaepwaa pec-pie, Gewd -raifi -.* hem. sow means mure ->.«■■> ever >e r-tce. tie aaeau-ss whaeh Saadis a*, a*, .ooffifc. scremgth oust-- - ty tad bap :.««*? 5* winch ewer* pal oiu»«t shaixid be gad ra gre is tee nats ur* -of -sashusSBS-trr suppem *.*?"■**' 30 >«»'S9R ■arscr -anil anx** as# tewc *ff **rffc sates ao* * sx-sts *c and a 4 T^cy stett tear **£ r*&7 Jwrw * te* Jw«* kt -vste sraMem Pj» cw; *W iW«r T3W- «8t S**Sa *.»M.CTTy v~.: erastal asrr iff 3bst steta * ftew ** 3S4ffi? wiw swa 51- 2w w3lia* s® w® •» hr* ter asy ***■ t~* *&,> •*, "State as.* TOTs* ±ad trsggsn* *** aw ,m£y pnni ~rta*« star ter* -$*. intnil tew suwte* •» tea. VJIM *®b». «<tet TTJ» a-sc 3BSM --Iff mcii. sate » SES areriac *ww iff Ssrawet. teta* «■•*»**. -B3JSC «£. tl teal maw Iff tew ***c*ff *a te *a» tea* iy tew State# #cs tewoEswiVas. Ttah ssiwasy mtsrih *ta£ *?W„ 4 -easy *M>- *adi te» rstssteaa iff tew wn ss* Sw*i r**'ii4 Sbbc. Saw asst teasat X 4 tea* -swwy „ .imtt tec tecaufi tat at x ss gMtata* * -taw*s hr* a> note* -state te tec 4 -Ustife tent te«gc a Xsai fftmos x*# h*»t . ten* state 4 tec w -TjfYuinsI Star tails tea»L Tte te»c Kata* ini -a xbs ^ *■««■*»* te«t X wtffi Ktauiw » 4 'tew EmMUfte at tax. teiiw* Barren Soil. Apropos of the ravages that time has made iu the faces and forms of the veterans of the Civil war, Walter S. Morton, president general of the Union society, said at a dinner ia New York: “A veteran, talking to his great grandson, a little lad of eight or nine years, remarked: “ ‘Nearly a generation and a half ago my head was grazed by a bullet at the battle of Chickamauga.' “The little boy looked at the old man’s head thoughtfully and said “ ‘There isn't much grazing there now. is there, sir?’” RASH ON FACE FOR 2 YEARS Sioux Falls, S. D—“My trouble of skin disease started merely as a rash on my face and neck, but it grew and kept getting worse until large scabs would form, fester and break. This was just on the one side of my :'ace but it soon scattered to the other side. I suffered a great deal. espe. ia! 1 ly at night, on account of Us itching and burning. I would scratch it and of course that irritated it very murk This rash was on my face for about two years, sometimes breaking out lots worse and forming larger sores It kept me from sleeping day or night for a couple of months. My fare look ed disgraceful and I was almost ashamed to be seen by my friends. “A friend asked me to try Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. I would bathe my face with hot water and a lot of Cuticura Soap, then I would put on the Cuticura Ointment In less than two days' time, the soreness and inflammation had almost eclr^iy dis appeared, and in four weeks' time you could not see any of the rash. Now my face is without a spot of any kind I also use them for my scalp and ha:r They cured me completely " <Signed) Miss Pansy HutcCias. Feb. 6. 1911 Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 3fl-p. Skin Bock. Ad-irw-s pcst-card “Ccticura, Dept L. Be tram” Adv. _ Dogs are the best friends, tr.-; arm always ready with their sympathy and they ask no questions.—G El Red Cr-sa Ba" Bine. i3 bine, be*: - vtlae *n the whole world, make* the dm* sffisJe. Aar. Many a married man has mate wife happy h-*' leaving home. EXPERIENCE OF MOTHERHOOD Advice to Expectant Mothers The exnesfeEiCe <sf Xscfeerfsaoc s a cry ing ooe to must wnea* 43d mams <±~ hactty mb epoch is tsear h-rms. 5iec ocm w.mnas m a hmhed is prepared or mt rt fifth bow to rrccer-y cart frr ber seif. Of C9ET9S seamy every w-r-an snraiays has mecra; freasment assscs traes. icrt taasy approach the esaerv «s* with as crcancsm sadmed for mm mill of itmgft, aaa wVe. x is r-a bsr system has MBTsi a ascot fmrnt wha^ it is hard to rseaw-sn F nacwm.? m^htspcc rhss amsms tie servocs sm-tm cf aesa* far fa* chad. sat a ssmmot change is to» c:c« restits. a bsocw sad bsaLthy x anc tossed c*Eid-3mti econtacEs nsec V us. b*j=y. TV that, with al the semss ins texax health mm imp fca *2 tmrnrp*r«£ iooaxMX. «m- writ as ;! ji* Hat hi which V fnpaca. *■« will rersht x f.-tsp ifeafiy *c tV m Ftstt v-CHESm at gin* -am* cm-V — j mrws lymx E. Jtaxhsai.’h Vapetar - l.imsvtmai. a mast naathe try aid iirrpcrtotor -of cat faajai* crpnm_ m. Ix XExxy feaaws^ *ae* dddfesa tbov , tr* sv» stsiidw* ke- * csss* st rat fact i rat ly^sa £. Pint- 1 feta iT^etik'.i 1 icaaactsjt xtafeeal »*■**» xtrx' ketsay aat sraqp ' ! » ’5 ► _i TANGO 1 L> i_ ■■ **•»**• *■ I*}* miH4i ***** % **!.«:* 2SL/JL*'? . l*f‘,**’» V. nrinmimt iif*ntiH««ik SS «««*, {KyS'^TCSL. «£. * ' ^.._.»»“tr!‘*,“***- wr' *"»»• >«, «rmi w. * iiwxi, »e ...ii.,ti *^,,1 unuk •>.- mui. ”M"*' "**■ ’**»■ ««r. «*»». 'T>U— '{ItSM** )v '->*|4,!h. • •»». hk &. 3.* «MWM. ^, ^4. *,