The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 05, 1913, Image 5
| R U Aware That j UP Allowing i A Great Opportunity to pass every day that [you do not visit our bank. j i ^Success and Friends follow a bank account 3 _ ttOOaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt ! 'We can prove this to you if you will give us J a chance. ! j FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( j of Loup City, Nebraska j - 1 * m. f. Nason, prcst. H. B. Outhouse, Vtce-Pres. > L. fiansen, Cashier ' Buy Your PARIS GREEN at Swanson & LiOfholm Drug Store We handle only the Best ' Vanderbilt No 1299 Will stand at the home of Wm Critel, about 2 miles northeast of Loup City. TERMS:—$7.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Care will be taken .to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible should any occur. Wm. CRITEL, Owner. All the latest songs and sheet music at the new Ten Cent Store. « • I John Olson, of Cobb Creek, visited 1 his son, Claus Olson, at Ravenna last j Saturday. Pay a visit to the new Ten Cent store and see the many new things hi; dishes. Frank Foss of Stark City, Mj. is ! visiting relatives and old friends here, i Lost, on Decoration Day, a lady’s gold spring bracelet, with the letter “E" engraved on it. Finder please return to Mrs. J. W. Johnson and re ceive reward. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Earl and Lucile, returned from David City Tuesday. They were accompanied by Miss Maud Zeilinger, who came for a few day’s visit. I There were sixty-two tickets sold here this morning for St. Paul to at tend the laving the corner stone of the court house and the big Danish celebration, several others going yesterday. Presbyterian Church—Rev. P. A Davies, of the St., Paul Presbyterian ' church, will occupy the pulpit in Loup City, morning and evening, the 8th. Rev. Davies is an excellent speaker, and will be well worth hearing. The other services of the church as usual. Our good friend Bert German, was in to see us last Friday and renewed the subscriptions of his good mother, Mrs. L. M. Hartman, and his sister, Mrs. E. G. Hinman, both of St. Joe. Bert is one of the Northwestern’s most loyal friends, and has for several years been regularly sending the paper to the folks down home. Post cards of all kinds at the new Ten Cent Store. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman of Davis Creek were Loup City visitors Mon day. They report a good rain but lots of wind Saturday night. Services will be held June 8th at the German Evangelical church, Loup City, at 10:3®, Sunday school being held at 10 a.m. Miss Abbie Conger returned to her work at Sioux City, Tuesday, after spending her vacation with relatives and friends here. Baptist church: Sunday school at 10 a.m. Topic of the morning sermon. “Our Denominational Outlook.’’ Song service at 7:15. The subject of the evening service. “Romola, or the Seductiveness of Sin.” M r. Montague Worlock begs to an nounce that be is now prepared to re ceive pupils in singing and voice pro duction both in class and private. For terms and futher particulars apply either personally or by letter to Mr. Montague Worlock, Loup City. I have 2 stray mares, which came to my place Monday, June 2. One brown mare, with scar on left side of neck. One steel gray and black, both about 3 years old. Owner can* have them by paying all damages, and proving same, at my place 11 miles northeast of Loup City. Joe Gambala We received a pleasant c*ll last Thursday from Mr. Carl de la Motte and Mr. Jos. Psota of Hazard town ship, who were in the city on business. Mr. Psota is one of the many new readers of the Northwestern, dating | from the contest days, and is pleased t> conpliment the paper highly as a ! news disseminator, and expresses his 'egret that be had not been a reader long before. THE NORTHWESTERN | Subscription to the North- a | western is $1.50 a year 1 | Single Copy 5 cents Opening Day at Joiner's Park, Tuesday, June 10th. LOCAL NEWS. Dr Yallier. Osteopath, Grand Island Children’s Day exercises at the M. E. church next Sunday evening. Cabbage and tomato plants for sale. Phone 9022. Mrs. R. Brodock. J. W. Long was a business visitor to Arcadia Monday. Page Woven Wire Fencing and barb j wire at bottom prices. L. N. Smith, j Mr. H. H. Bristol of Arcadia spent, Sunday in the city. We pay cash for eggs delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. Mrs. Rolloof Stockham came Sat urday for a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Sam Foss. Furniture,almost as good as new for ealo at the Second Hand Store for Soc on the dollar, EdKor Mel Gordon of the Arcadia Champion was in the city on business Monday. For Sale-Farly Ohio potatoes at 25 cents per bushel. Inquire of O. P. Gilmore, at Austin, Nebr. 'Che Cemetery Aid Society cleared j between $25 and $30 Tag Day, for which they are duly thankful. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. Black 63, or leave your order witli either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Mrs. Adolph Newhouser and chil dren went to Aurora Friday morning to attend Decoration Day services there, returning home Saturday even ing. We are paying 26 cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. We test and pay cash for cream. Ravenna Creameby Co. Attorneys R. P. Starr and Herbert Nightingale were at Arcadia Monday conducting a law suit. If you want good, prompt draying. call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Hagood. . Miss Francis Sweetland left Mon day morning to attend the wedding of tier brother, Leslie Swcetland, at Bellevue. Nebr. Mrs. W. F. Mason was a passenger to Palmer Monday for a few dsys’ visit with her sister: Mrs. Dinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Ii. I. Barritk were over from the west side Tuesday morning. They report a fine rain in tbeir locality Monday night. Mrs. Leslie Lyons was a passenger on the D. P. motor Tuesday; going to Cairo to visit her parents. She ex pects to return the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Reed and baby, Miss Leda Reed, Mrs. J. W. Dorsey, and Ainsley Davis autoed over from Greeley, Friday for Decoration Day, Messrs. Reed and Dorsev returning Saturday and the rest remaining for a longer visit. Miss Emma Outhouse is home from her school duties at Spencer, for the summer vacation. Miss Outhouse has been elected superintendent of the Spencer school for another year, mak ing her third year in that school, which speaks well for her. Miss Winnie Outhouse will return Saturday from the State University, where she has been attending school for the past year, to spend her vaca tion witli her parents, Mayor and Mrs. A. B. Outhouse. Mrs. Robert McMullen of Grand Island is spending a couple of weeks here with her daughter, Mrs. Will Dolling, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Warrick. Mr. George Polski was up from Ashton on business and taking in the Boyd Burrowes and Leon show Fri day, returning home Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Leininger and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Henry went to Riverdale Saturday to visit their children, Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Henry, returning home Monday. They made the trip in Mr. Leininger’s auto. E. W. Thompson and "Scouts” have been camping up the river this week. Their tish stories will do to tell but the pure food law will not permit us to print them, so just ask them. Mrs. W. T. Owens has been con lined to the house this week, the re sult of an Injury received by falling. She is convalesing rapidly however and will soon be able to take up her usual duties. Mrs. Wm. Murphy and son of Grand Junction, Colorado, is a visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs. W. O. Brown. Mrs. Murpliy was formerly a Loup City girl. Miss Louise Cording, whom her many friends will be pleased to remember. Mr. Murphy is at present in Washington D. C. attending a D. of L. S. and E. convention, but expects to return via Loup City to accom pany his better half to their home. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Sweetland and Mrs. C. R. Sweetland left Tuesday morning for Bellevue to be present at the marriage of Leslie Sweetland and Miss Vera Braden, of Bellevue, there that evening. Leslie and bride will I go to Wyoming for the summer, and j return to Chicago this fall where Mr. ! Sweetland will continue his studies at the McCormick Seminary. The many friends of the groom in this city and surrouuding country, will join the Northwestern in wishing them prosperity and happiness. urn . Opening Day at Jennet's Park, Tuesday, June lOth. Charley Mellor came in Monday evening for a visit with old friends. Mr. A. L. Zimmerman was a pas i senger to Kearney on business Tues day. Try F. E. Brewer for hail insurance. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. D. Zimmerman returned Mon day from a business trip to Grand Island and Walbach. Complete line of goods that go to make up an up-to-date jewelry store at Schwaner’s. Lost—A red sow pig. Anyone tin-d ing same, please notify Jacob Synak, the B. & M. section foreman. For sale, or trade on a residence property, my twenty acres south of town. Annie Liebliart. My. Synak says there are too many dogs in his neighborhood, and if they are not taken care of he will have to do it himself. If you want to be treated right, in sure in the St. Paul Fire and Marine of St. Paul, Minn. J. S. Pedler left Wednesday morn ing for Grand Island and Lincoln on business, expecting to return Friday. §m ect a nice parsol and have de tachable handle monogramed, at Schwaner’s. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reynolds of Litchtield are visiting parents and friends here. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber yard.or E. G. at Taylor’s. The Sturtevant Vacuum Cleaner, the clean way to clean. See C. R. Shetland or phone. lie lias them for sale or rent. Quality considered, ray prices are as low as found anywhere. Schwaner, the Jeweler. Discs sharpened by either the cold rolling or cutting process at Garner’s. Prices right and staisfaction guar anteed. Opening Day Jenner’s Park June 10th For Particulars See Small Bills J udge Aaron Wall left Monday on a business trip to Arcadia and Ord, to be absent several days. House'for Rent—Fenced in suitable for chickens. Apply to Henry Jenner, phone blue 12. New line of umbrellas, gold and sterling silver detachable hahdles now on display at Schwaner's, the Jeweler. Robert Pritchard was down from Comstook yesterday. Buy your wall papar at tha Loup City paint store. G. W. Marvel was a pleasant caller Tuesday and ordered his paper changed from Emerson to Arcadia. E. F. Jones painter and paper hanger, Phone Black T4. Born, To Mr. and Mrs. George Wag ner, ten miles south of town, on Mon day, J une 2, a son. Try the Ideal Bakery for Bread. Pies, Cakes and Pastry of all kinds. Special attention given to orders for parties, entertainments, 6 o’clock dinners, etc. Saturday night oniy. at the new opera house—6 reels, including the special feature — The Patrick-Rice case, with lecture. A return date by request. j’aine & Fishbnrn Granite Co. Grand Island, Neb., Monuments Visit ionr large Factory or write or catalogue. Miss Melvia Danielson, who is in structor of music in the Fremont schools, arrived Saturday to spend the summer vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Danielson. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Kearns expect to leave Saturday for Bellevue College, to be present at the graduation ol their son, Archie, there this coming week. ^ If you are in need of cement blocks see C. J. Tracy. He has a large quantity on hand fully seasoned and at prices which will make you buy as a matter of speculation alone, whether you need them at the present or not. He will give you an eye-opener on the low price of the same. The Boyd Burrowes and Leon show which was here Thursday, Friday anti Saturday of last week and, as usual when Boyd Burrowes comes to Loup City, they played to good crowds all three evenings. On Thursday even ing they played the ‘‘Vagabond,” but owing to the rain it was very difficult to hear. Friday evening they gave ‘‘The Man from the West” to a verj large and appreciative crowd, and or Saturday evening the play “Jobson’t Jokes,” which was a big laugh fron start to iinteh. Owing to the gather ing storm the concert was omitted They left here Monday for Danne brog. Loup City people hope to sa Boyd Burrows back again next year. Loup City Mercantile Co’s 499, BROOMS Notice that these excellent brooms are four sewed. While the price we quote in this paper paper is low, you will find these very satisfac tory values with better brush than you can find elsewhere at this price..15 We also have a better broom which is an excel lent value for a fine broom which others get j mucn more money for. Uur pnce. Broad, Long, Work Shirts for Men This is one of the best wearing work shirt that money will buy, they run ex tra full in size and sell for no more than other shirts. Our price.50 Tomahawk Hosiery for Children This stocking is made to wear, it is a 2x2 rib and will outwear most any other make of stocking for the money. We have been try ing ever since we started in this business to get the best wearing stocking for the money and we have found that this is the best so far for the price 0nly...15 Men's Heavy Work Suspender This suspender is made to stand hard wear, and the rubber therein will 1 stand heat and warm weather. Every pair guaranteed for oneyear. Price.50 A* Handful of Chaff is removed ^ in preparing everypound tin of **• Barrington-Hall » W Coffee \ medium strength, Bakerized, Deli • , iious, smooth and fragrant; Rich in coffeal mellow; fine and satisfying with a delghtfully lingering aftertaste When once you try this coffee you will use no other Our African Java coffee, is a very large coffee bean and makes a fine drink, this coffee is sold many places at much more money, Our price.32c In 25 lb lots.30c Peaberry coffee, this is a small coffee bean, but very fancy. This coffee is known more in the east. Our price. 35c Our special brand coffee. 30c. In 25 lb lots_ 23c Nun Such coffee.25c. In 25 lb lots... lie Oar Store Will Close Every Eveaiag at 7:30, Exeept Sat. Loup City Mercantile Co. ^S^Ui^ne^Gol^^Band dishes at j tne new ten cent store. Myrl Warrick is on a week’s busi- j trip to Lead, South Dakota. Mr. Henderson of Webster town ship went to Kearney Monday on business. Mr. Detwiler, a prominent hardware dealer of Ord, was in our city on busi ness Monday. A tine rain visited Loup City last Thursday evening, but was only local in extent, its southern limit reaching but a little ways from town. Also had good rains Saturday, Monday and Tuesday nights, making a total of 1.91 inches of rain since our last issue. Rev. R. Frank Scott of Arcadia preached both morning and evening at the Methodist church last Sunday, in the the absence of the pastor. Rev. Leeper will return the latter part of thi6 week, and there will be services as usual next Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Bower, Couer D’Alene, Idaho, arrived last Thursday evening to visit her mother, Mrs. Mary Gard ner, of this city. Mrs. Bower was a Loup City girl and is well known to many of our people, who wili be glad to learn that she is to be in our city for several weeks. Rev. Ray Kearns arrived from Chicago last Friday evening for a visit of a few days with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Kearns, and Mon day morning, left for Bellevue, where he officiated as best man at the wedding of Mr. Leslie Sweetland, Tuesday. He will remain there for the graduation of his brother, Archie Kearns, which takes place the 11th. Ray looks well and is feeling fine. ' Froth Bellevue he returns to his studies at McCormick Seminary, and to his duties as assistant pastor of a church there. Worry Often Kills Insure your crops against hail storms and you won’t. It aoesn’t cost much with us, In fact, costs less the quicker ‘ you do it. First Trust Ca, Loup City, Neb. I\ The following Is reproduced from the Dutchess/ \ Observer, of Poughkeepsie, N. ¥., of Nay / \ 16th, 1821, / Jo The Public I The subscriber has for sale a hogshead of I Jamaica rum, and half chest of Old hyson I tea, which will be sold in lots to suit pur- I chasers. I Also, for sale, a quantity of shingles and I boards and a number of setts of turned / Bed Posts Signed by, John S. Myers. I I The original paper, 92 years old, from I l which this is taken msy be seen at our I I office. Keystone Lumber Co. I Refrigerators, Porch Seats, Swings, Rockers, etc., at BAIJLY 4b KB1B§ _ i It will be a great accomodation to us if our cor respondents, advertiser and others to please hand /n all favors by Tuesday noon orearleir