The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 05, 1913, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
| ' « «
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profession*i Cards
it. H. MATHEW,
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Practices in all Courts
lojpCitv. Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Loup Citt, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Office, Over New Bank.
Pbone, 30. Office at Residence \
Two Doors East of Telephone Central j
Loup Eiiu. - Nebraska
Loup City, Nebr.
Olflce at Residence,
Telephone Connection
J. E. BowmaB M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D.
, Physicians and Surgeons
Phone 114 Loup City, Ndbr&nka
' ' * -- !
Dr. James F Blancherd
Office hours
1 p. m. until 5:30 p. ni. only
Office up stairs in the new State
dank bmldinp.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie.
Phone. Brown 116
Y. I. McDonall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Phone Brown 57
U®»® AND -#•»*
For good clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
, Come and get ray prices
w. m, jMsmsm
Contractor and Plasterer
Phone White 70
Give me a call and get my
prices. I will treat you right.
Satisfaction Guaranted
Funeral Director
Licensed Embalmer
Business Phone Black 65
% Loup City, Nebraska
General Blacksmithing
Horae Shoeing and Wood
work. Come in and see me.
Decoration Day
Decoration Day this year brought
with it one of the finest and most en
! joyable days of the season. While the
j weather was not as cool as could have
been wished, yet the heavy clouds
dispelled much of the heat that would
otherwise have been most depressing,
and made it a pleasureable occasion
for all. In commemoration of the
day, the business houses closed in the
afternoon, and all who could be ac
commodated went to the Presby
terian church to attend the services.
The program as printed in the North
western was carried out in full. It
. was a disappointment to many that
the exercises were not had in the new
opera house, where so many more
could have been accomodated. Exer
cisesopened with the song, “America,”
by the audience, followed with prayer
by Rev. Jueling. Mrs. Lou Schwaner
then rendered a sweet solo, which was
followed by Lincoln's'address at Get
tysburg by Miss Hallene Mellor, with
quartet by Mrs. Lou Schwaner. Mrs.
A. B. Outhouse, Mr. L. N. Smith and
Mr. A. J. Johnson. The speaker of
the day was Rev. Wm. Crisp of Osce
ola, an old veteran of the Civil War,
and who by reason of his comrade
ship with the Boys in' Blue in those
days, gave a talk which was mos‘
heartily appreciated by the few re
maining members of the Old Guard,
as well as by the great crowd present.
At the close of the address. Mr. Wor
lock rendered that patriotic air,
“Tenting on the Old Camp Ground,”
and followed by music bv the band. I
after which the audience was dis
missed with benediction by Rev.
Tourtellot. Following these services,
a large procession of autos filled with
people went to the cemetery for the
final ceremonies and decorating of the
graves of the heroic dead, and another
Decoration Day had passed into
Card o? Thanks
We desire to thank each and every
one who helped to make Cemetery
Tag Day a success, especially the
Misses Gladys and Esther Hosier.
Catherine Owens and Amanda Steen.
Cemetery Aid SocieTY.
A Precocious Poet
The past school year, a littlp 10
year-old boy, Lloyd Emerson, Son of
Dr. Emerson of Eingham, Nebr., has
been making his home with Commis
sioner McDonald, at Austin, and it
developes that the little fellow has
tiie born spirit of a poet within him,
in fact, is about the youngest execu
tor of rhymes coming to our notice in
this latter day. The lines are more
remarkable to those who know this
child because of the fact that he is
very childlike and simple in his
actions and the words seem to arrange
themselves for him with very little
effort, so diat lie does not appear to
feel that writing verse is any more
difficult or more to be desired tban is
prose. Mr. McDonald and ali of the
little fellow's friends will watch his
future developement with more than
ordinary interest. The following
poem was written at the Grand Cen
tral Hotel, Broken Bow, Nebraska,
just after a Sunday dinner, April 27,
1913. He borrowed a pencil in the
hotel lobby, went up to his room and
returned in a very few minutes with
this poetical product:
Do not drink whisky
In all cases it's bad.
Do not drink whisky >
Or yon will be sad. •
Whiskey ts wrong
As many will teU.
Whiskey is vile
And is not fit to seil.
Leave whisky alone.
And then you’re a man.
If you fall for it
You're worse tban a tin can.
If you all quit whisky
And start in right.
Then theie won’t be poverty
But what you can Hght.
The following tribute to a rough
haired, ill-mannered horse, was
thought out and put together while
the above youthful author was lead
ing the bulky bay to water, and it was
dictated for copy while the horse
listened and approved, at the stable
on tiie ranch near Ellsworth, Neb.,
May 16,1913:
The big bay horse
Is tough and coarse
And hasn’t got much sense.
He hates to work.
He likes to play
And kick and break the fence.
Get my prices aod see my stock of
watches before making your purchase.
Schwaner, the Jeweler.
Do You Wail Cement Work?
Anyone wanting block work, house
or foundation, or any kind of cement
work, see me. I have on hand at
present a large number of concrete
blocks nicely cured. I ask your pat
ronage. C. J. Tracy
- T- • ---- , ■ "■ ..-■■■- ■ "..
Opening Day at Jenaer's
Park. Tuesday. June 10th.
A Cheap Pit SUo
No farmer or dairyman should be
without a silo, or need be without one
on account of lacking money to build
with or to buy one. All you need is A
team of horses, a plow and a scraper,
and a little time to bufld a trench
silo in this way, which will be very
Select the hill or knoll nearest to
the barn, or your feeding location:
dig a trencli into it, leaving the
mouth of the trench lower than the
back of it, so it will drain. The width,
d£pth and length of the trench must
be governed by the size of the crop
you are going to raise, and how fast
you are going to feed it. A good crop
of corn will produce about eight to
ten tons of ensilage per acre, and your
silo will hold about thirty-five pounds
of-ensilage to the cubic foot. From
that you can easily figure the size to
make your silo, and the width and (
depth of it want to be made especially
to tit the amount you expect to feed
from it daily. Toucan figure a cow
eating from twenty to forty pounds
of ensilage per day.
This treneh does not necessarily
have to be cemented up or walled up—
just make a good, clean job of^t. In
filling, be careful not to cut your corn
too green: it is better to let the frost
nip the leaves some than have the
corn cut too soon.
If you have aiK ensilage cutter, all
right, use it for cutting your com up.
If not, put it in whole, seeing that
the stalks are laid parallel with each
other. Take particular pains to do a
good job of it, and pack them down as
tight as possible. Then cover up the
corn with about a foot of straw, and
on top of this straw seal it up with
about one or two feet of dirt, piling
the dirt so it forms a crown over the
In this way you get an absolutely
air-tight silo, and you don’t lose the
eight inches or foot of ensilage that
is generally .lost in the stand-up silos.
It is the easiest silo to fill, the easiest
silo to get the ensilage out of, and will
keep better than any of them. You
ought to keep a trench filled over
from year to year; it would come in
handy during the dry season.
If,you wish, near the mouthofyour
silo, or wherever you care to fill it to,
place two posts, about one foot in
diameter, on the two respective sides.
On the side next to the ensilage place
planks that will be heavy enough to
hold the pressure of the ensilage, and
on the outside of the posts board that
up, wiring the boards and the planks
together to keep them from bursting
out; and then seal up this foot space
in between the boards and planks
with mud.
In taking your ensilage out, take
off your boards and work in from the
end, and throw your straw and dirt
back as you take the ensilage out. If
put up this way properly, you need
not lose a pound of ensilage.
Of course, there can be all kinds of
extra finishing touches put on this
trench siio, if you wish, such as ce
menting it up or walling it up, sup
plying it with a cement bottom, and
covering it with a tarpaulin and then
dirt, instead of straw and dirt. If
you figure that kind won’t use up your
surplus money, and you are bound to
have one tliat will show up, build it
out of cement. Put no roof on them,
but cover them with straw and weight
them down with dirt.
It is a mistake to build only one
silo. Why not have one or two silos
full left over in case of emergency
during a dry season? They will be
seated up with dirt, and would keep
a fewf years anyhow.
Any inquiries regarding any of the
silos mentioned will be gladly given
by H. M. DeWitt, Denver, Colorado.
A Big Day June 18
Advices from Central City state
| that the big rally to be held there
June 18 in the interests of larger and
more profitable milk production will
be one of the biggest affairs in the
state along agricultural lines. Large
displays of equipment and addresses
by the best informed men in the state
will make it a day of great interest.
The occasion is for the “man with
the cow,” whether he has one cow or
twenty. Features that usually oc
cupy three days are presented on this
one. We are in receipt of the pro
gram for the rally, and we are sure
that every man who goes there with
his family will be attending a show
hardly less interesting than similar
displays and talks at the state fair.
People from sixteen counties will
be there. Better plan to attend.
Special Teachers’ Examination.
A - special teachers’ examination
will be given the third Friday and
following Saturday in June, June 20
and 21st, 1913, in all county certificate
subjects only. L. H. Currier,
County Superintendent.
For Sale
The best hay. Will' deltver any
where In town, Robert Dlnodale,
James W. Landers
The sad news of the death of James
W. Landers, of Arcadia, came too late
for more than mere mention in our
last issue.
J. VV. Landers, generally known as
Jim, was born in Missouri in 1854,
moved to Iowa in boyhood, and was
married to Martha J. Thompson in
1874. They moved to Loup City, Ne
braska, in 1880, where he engaged in
the butcher business, and with the
advent of the railroad, branched out
into the stock business and was very
successful, being one j>f the best
judges of livestock in tlie northwest.
Moved to Arcadia in idBl, where he
resided until the date of his death,
May 27, 1913, aged 59 years and some
months. He left surviving him, his
widow, his aged father of 87 years,
two daughters and five grand-children,
an only son having departed this life
in infancy. -He was interred in Ever
green cemetery of this place on the
29th day of May, the services being
under the auspices of Loup City
Lodge, No. 33, A.O.U.W., a large con
course of people of Arcadia and Loup
City being in attendance.
Jim was noted for his liberality, no
person in need of assistance ever /ap
pealed to him but that his hand (as
if by natural instinct) went to his
pocket in response thereto.
Some may stt in ihe scor#t-r s seat.
And hurl the cynic's ban.
But liberal Jim was seldom beat.
In being a frleud to man.
If a flower were placed upon his
grave for every kind act bestowed,
his last resting place would be a bed
of roses. When the darkhess of death
came to the home of a friend, Jim
Landers was not deterred by weather
or distance in his efforts to restore
peace and comfort to the troubled
mind, and as he was faithful to friends
and lived in the spirit of charity, his
many virtues shall notgoun-rewarded.
Council Proceedings
Loud City, June 3.1913
Loud City Council met in regular
session. The following members pres
ent: Geo. Collepriest, Gus Lorentz
and W. D. French. Job* Ohlsen, ab
sent. The meeting was nailed to or
der by Mayor, a. B. Ou Amuse in the
chair. Following was 'Z&& order of
Reading minutes of previous meet
ings. By motion the minutes were
The following building permits
were thenjg ranted. W.H. Doner,26x28,
frame; Ernest McFadden, 26x28,
frame; Mr. Liebhart, add., 10x20
frame. *
All bills against the city was then
passed by auditing committee and al
The following electric lights were
then ordered established in the fol
lowing named streets and crossings:
Robert Dinsdale, Taylor s elevator,
B. & M. crossing and Farmer's eleva
tor. The John Fisher crossing was
then taken up and by motion ordered
put in. The City Clerk was then
ordered to notify Hiram Cramer to
put his walk on the west side of bis
oroperty, and then when completed
his request for a crossing would be
considered. The street commissioner
was then ordered to hire teams, and
to proceed in grading streets.
By motion City Council adjourned
to meet June 9,1913.
Pete Rowe,
City Clerk.
Caster Comfy Weann
Dies Fros Dares
Broken Bow, Neb., June 2—Woid
has just/reached here that Mrs. John
Gilmore, wife of ex-Supervisor Gil
more, was burned to death at her
home in the southwest corner at the
county. Mrs. Gilmore was trying to
fill a gasoline iron, which she sup
posed was empty, and an explosion
occurred, injuring her so seriously
that death resulted eight hours later.
Mr. Gilmore was absent from home
at the time of the accident, a young
son being the only one present.
Notice to the Public
All parties are hereby notefied that
there is to be no more trespassing on
lots 7 and 8, Sec. 32, T. 15 R. 14, Sher
man county.
M. F. and B. T. Snyder.
Card Of Thanks
We desire to thank all who so kindly
contributed autos, Decoration day, to
take the old soldiers, ladies of the G.
A. R. and children to the cemetery.
Hall Storms Are Very
There is no wgy you can prevent
them, but you can protect yourself
against ion at small expense by let
ting us insure' them today. Write
phone or call.
First Trust Co., .
I * - Coup City. Neb,
Opening Day at Jenner’s
Park, Tuesday, June 10th.
Odd Fellows
Memorial Services
All Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and
their families, are requested to meet
at 1.0.0. F. hall at 2 o’clock, Sunday
afternoon, June 8, 1913, where the fol
lowing program will be rendered, after
which the members will proceed to
the cemetery for the purpose of deco
rating the graves of the departed
brothers and sisters.
Music.. .LoupCity Silver Cornet Band
Song..By audience
Prayer.Rev. Leeper
Solo.Mrs. T. R. Lay
Recitation.Mrs. Jas. W. Conger
Quartet — “Going Down the Valley”
Comet Solo.“Tenting Tonight”
R. N. Pritchard
Address. .From Jerusalem to Jericho
Dr. D. A. Leeper
Quartet.“Why Did
They Dig Pa's Grave So Deep”
Closing Song.“God Be
With You Till We Meet Again”
Ten Minutes talk at Cemetery.
R. P. Starr
By Order of Committee.
Knights of Pythias
Memorial Service
In memory of our departed brother
Knights, Marmion Lodge, No. Ill,
K. of P., will hold memorial services
at the Daddow opera house Sunday
afternoon, June lath, at 2:15 o’clock.
All members of Marmion Lodge and
their familes, and members of
Hermion Temple, Pythian Sisters,
are earnestly requested to be present,
and a most cordial invitation is here
by extended to the public.
Posse at Ravenaa
Captures Escaped Greek
Ravenna, Neb., June 2.-(Special
telegram) A posse from Ravenna
captured a Greek who assailed a fel
law workman with a coupling pin
this morning. He gave his name as
Gust Baduras and formerly worked
here for the Burlington. The wound
ed man is in the hospital in Grand
Island in a dangerous condition.
The County Attorney was notified
and Sheriff Williams went over and
brought the man here Monday eve
ning and will have his hearing Sat
urday, June 7th. This is done to
give time to get witnesses and an in
terperter here. It is understood that
it was done in self defense, but no
particulars is given as to the cause of
of the trouble.
Adjourned Meeting
Of the Sherman County Agri
cnlturlal Association
As per adjournment, a number of
the citizens of Sherman County, met
in Society Hall in Loup City, Neb.,
Saturday, May 31st, 1913, for the pur
pose of perfecting the organization of
an agricultural association in and for
Sherman County, Nebr. The report
of the committee on general organ
ization, constitution and by-laws,
composed of H. Beck, F. F. Richmond
A. Wall, Geo. Ziegler and C. W. Burt
was heard and a permanent organiz
ation was partially affected, after
which the matter of constitution and
by-laws was taken up and as time
was limited, on motion the meeting
adjourned until 2 o’clock, p. m., Sat
urday, June 7th, 1913,-at which time
the association will take up the mat
ter of constitution and by-laws and
try to complete the same. The or
ganization of an agricultrial associ
ation in Sherman county is of vital
importance to the residents of Sher
man county, and all should make it
a special matter of business to at
tend the meeting Saturday, J une 7.
A. J. Johnson, Secy.
An Age of Discovery
This is a hurry up age. Very re
cently the American public has had
Turtle, Goat and Hog Serums thrust
upon them. And still there is more
to follow. We are all interested In
the outcome of these so-called cures
for Tuberculosis. We predict they
will go hence and soon be forgotten.
Throughout the ages we have looked
for a cure for disease from without,
not within. Something we could take
internally or hypodermically. Are
you tired of it? If so call at the Fred
erick Hotel Tuesday or Wednesday,
June 10th or lltb, and meet ourcon
sulting Physician, Dr. B.H. Cubbage,
and learn bow you can cure all
curable diseases without the use of
Drugs or Knife In a safe, sane and
simple way. Remember the dates.
Examination and consultation free.
First Trust Company
Loup City, Nebraska
C. BRADLEY. President E. A. MINER. Sserstary
W. F. MASON. Vies President C. C. CARLSEN. Treasurer
I ' " -
If you want to buy anything, anywhere, let
us council with you before you do. We have
traveled, investigated, bought, sold and kept
careful count of net results. We have made and
lost, but in the main have gained, have often
left the near to seek the far off good, which we
have seldom found.
Many old men will very likely read these
simple words, tired of summer heat and winter
cold, they want to rest and we can tell them
how because we know of many young men who
want to buy just what they desire to sell. We
can show them how to do these very things with
safety to them both and we can make a profit
for ourselves which no one will regret.
Come Give a; trill!
You Then will De
clare ourGrccries
the ChojsestOur
Most Obliging You'l Find Us Anxious to Please
Ever Striving Our Best
__I & • * I
I Try Th«se Thoy'll Please I
rutted Wheat
Post Toasties
Grape Nuts
• Corn Flakes
Rolled Oats
Cream of Rye
Cream of Wheat
Big ‘T’ Food
Shredded Wheat
Grape Fruit
Berries in Season
Hie Quality House Established 1888
Paints, glass, wall paper, varnish,
and wall finish in oil and water
E. J. Jones. Phone, Black, 74
Pans Greei, Paris Greei
The “Bug Season” is here
I and the “Bugs” will surely i
get your potatoes, if you don’t I
protect them by spraying the m
rines with B
We hare in stock, ready for V
your use, Paris Green, put 1
up in 1*4 lb, 1-2 lb, and 1 lb ’
The Reull
■ I
Drag Store