The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 29, 1913, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Professions Cards
Alto; uifauiMMi<Uv
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Practices in all Courts
loop City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Loop Citt, • Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Office, Over New Bank.
'bone, SO. outre at Reel den eg
- Two Door* East of Telephone Central
Loop City - Nebraska
Loup City, Nebr.
Office at Residence.
Telephone Connection
J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D.
Phvaiciana and Surgeon*
rbone 114 Loup Cltr. Njbreak*
Dr. James F Blanchard
Office hours
1 p. m. until 5:30 p. ni. only
Office up stairs in the new State
dauk build in?.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sonaie.
Phone. Brown 116
V. I. McDonall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran*
teed. Phone Brown 57 |
For good clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Come and get my prices
Contractor and Plasterer
Phone White 70
Give me a call and get my
prices. I will treat you right.
Satisfaction Guaranted
Funeral Director
Licensed Embalmer
Business Phone Black 65
Loup City, Nebraska
General Bfacksmithing
Horse S oeing and Wood
work Come in and see me.
Does Sherman County Need a
New Court House?
Editor Northwestern: Being in
Loup City Monday and having busi
ness at the court house, I went into
the clerk’s office and found there the
offices of county clerk, district clerk,
county assessor, etc., and too crowded
to, transact business. I then went to
the county treasurer’s office where
there was a little more room but no
place to rest. I then went up stairs
to the county judge’s office, and de
airing to look over some records, they
had to be taken out into the court
room to find room to look them over.
I also found there were more countv
officers who had to have offices out
side than inside the court house. 1
then asked myself the question,
would it not be better to have a new
court house of sufficient capacity to
provide offices for all within the same
building than to have them in hired
rooms over the town? I have been
opposed to a new court house proposi
tion in the past, but after going
through the old one and looking the
matter over am now in favor of a
new one. I want to hear from the
farmers over the county as to what
they think about it, and then will
give my ideas of how we can secure it.
Gael de la Motte.
Change Not
With Results
At '.ny rate the change in time ser
vice on the Burlington passenger is
proving to be great pickings for the
Union Pacific at Ord. Passengers
down the line say that the train fre
quently leaves Burwell with a good
sized load but lose at least half and
sometimes two-thirds of them at Ord
where they abandon the Burlington
to make the Union Pacific and get
out of the country via Grand Island
route.—Burwell Tribune.
The same conditions prevail on this
branch at Loup City and St. Paul, j
The lure of catching a through train I
it Aurora has fallen flat for the rea
son that t.he crack train is late two
Llurds of the time and patrons of the
road are not taking any chances of
being detained at Aurora five hours
just for the pleasure of riding on it.
Hence they drop off at either of these
towns and get Union Pacific connec
tions and reachjtheir destinations on
schedule time.—Sargent Leader.
Injured When
Cigar Explodes
Broken Bow,Neb., May 23.—With a
report resembling that of a pistol, a
cigar which was being smoked by ex
county prosecutor Gadd, exploded,
seriously injuring his eye. The at
torney had just left the postoffice and
was lightiug the cigar when the ao
cident occurred. The explosion was
heard by people a block away and
bystanders seeing Mr. Gadd throw
his hands to his eyes supposed some
one had shot him and rushed to his
assistance. The affair is somewhat
mysterious as the injured man pur
chased the cigar himself from a fresh
ly opened box. The cigar belongs to
a brand manufactured by a North
Plate firm, and it is the intention of
Mr. Gadd to make an investigation.
Sunday Base Bali
Wins by Big Vote
The election Monday to see whether
Sunday base ball would be legalized
by a vote of the people carried in both
wards in favor of the proposition by
a total vote of 148 to 34, or something
over 4 to 1/ It was a forgone conclu
sion in the minds of the voters that
the people py a Urge majority were
in favor of Sunday base ball, hence,
numbers who were against It did not
go to the polls at all, so that the vote
in reality does not fairly record the
entire feelings of the population, but
does record the fact that the will of
the voters is largely in favor of said
proposition, as had all those failing
to vote been recorded “No,” yet the
majority would have still been in
favor of it, while the facts in the
case are that many voters, both pro
and con, did not vote at all.
Mrs. Will Paolman »
On last Friday night, about 10
o’clock, May 23rd, 1913, occurred the
death of Mrs. Will Paulman of this
city from the dread disease tubercu
losis. Mrs..Paulman had been a suf
ferer from tuberculosis for some time
and her death was not unexpected,
still came with deepest sorrow to
husband, children, mother, brothers
and sisters and a host of friends, and
causing deep sorrow to our commu
nity. The funeral occurred from-the
M. E. church in this city on the Sun
il it afternoon following, and her body
laid to rest in Evergreen cene
tery, our ceautiful resting place of
the departed.
Memorial Services
The Memorial services at the Pres
byterian clmrch last Sunday morning
were of a very interesting character.
The church was well filled and the
program was well carried out. The
address was given by Dr. D.A. Leeper
of the M. E. church, who spoke from
Hebrew 11-4, “He being dead, yet
speaketh.’’ The doctor avoided to a
great extent the well-beaten path of
former addresses on like occasions,
his principal thought being that the
influence of man was much greater
after he had passed from earth than
while yet with us. In other woTds,
a man is not rightly appreciated till
he passes hence. While yet alive, his
imperfections are so exploited that we
lose sight of the better and more last
ing impressions of the good he has
done and of tiie example he sets for
the better. While here on earth,
Washington, Lincoln, Webster, and
other great minds, were belittled,
criticised, condemned, found fault
with, and their worst side put forth,
to the discredit of the good they ac
complished, while after death only
the good was remembered. So it is
With us all. While in this life the
worst is exploited, after death only
the good is remembered and spoken
of. He paid his respects to the news
papers, especially the great dissemi
nators of news, claiming the pulpit
was a greater power for good than the
press, with those great reflectors in
mind. The newspapers exploit the
evil with us, much to the elimination
of the better things, while the pulpit
gives only of the best and for moral
uplift. Space will not allow of ex
tended report of his address, but to
our mind it was certainly the most
masterful address along the above
lines of thought we have heard at
any of the former memorial occasions,
and reflected mueh credit on the
James Landers
Dies Tuesday
Our people were shocked Tuesday
by the sad news that Mr. James Lan
iiers. formerly of this city, liad died
it 11 o’clock at his home in Arcadia,
resulting from typhoid fever. ‘“Jim”
■Zanders, as he was more familliary
palled by all who knew him, was a
a great, big, warm-hearted, genial,
whole-souled man, and counted as
friends all who knew him, He is sur
vived by his aged parents, two sis
ters, wife, two married daughters and
five grandchildren. His body is to
be brought to Loup City today for
burial in our Evergreen cemetery.
Two Auto’s
' Slightly Mix
Last Saturday afternoon as the Lee
auto, wic>h a load of people, driven by
James Lee’s young son, was on its way
out to the home of Ed Angier in
Webster township, the Oliver Mason
auto, in which were Mr. and Mrs.
Mason, and driven by Mrs. Mason,
suddenly turned a corner in the west
part of town and crashed into the rear
end of the first-named car, t wisting
the rear axletree and breaking a for
ward spring in the Mason auto.
Fortunately no one was hurt, and no
serious damage to either car.
Loup . City People
Cross the Big Pond
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wiehl of Grand
Island, who had been here a few days
visiting at the home of Mr. John
Ohlsen. left Saturday morning for a
visit to North Platte. Mr. and Mrs.
Wiehl were here on the eve of a pro
posed visit to Germany, but defer
their trip across the big pond till the
18th of next month, when Mr. and
Mrs. Ohlsen have promised to ac
company them.
Right Hand Torn
In Windmill Gear
A few days since, while at work re
pairing his windmill, Mike Kirschner
of Elm township, got his right hand
caught in the gear, tearing the flesh
from the bone and badly mutilating
that member. Dr. Bowman was
called and rendered necessary aid and
Mr. Kirschner was doing nicely at
last reports.
1 desire to announce that my Studio
will be closed from May lOtb to about
June 10th. . A. F. Eisner.
Do You Want Cement Werit?
Anyone wanting block work, house
or foundation, or any kind of cement
work, see me. I have on hand at
present a large number of concrete
blocks nicely cured. I ask your pat
ronage. C. J. Tracy
Opening Day at Jeaaert
| Put, Tuesday, Jane 10th.
Frederick Hotel
Opened for Business
On Wednesday noon of this week
the new Frederick Hotel, just com
pleted, and owned by Mrs. Viola
Odendahl, was opened for business,
with one of the most tempting and
appetizing dinners ever placed before
the public. While the opening of the
new hotel was not & formal affair,
the management gave a spread to the
public generally at a dollar a plate
whice would do credit to any of the
more elaborate and functional din
ners usually given on such occasions.
It had been understood by the public
that the hotel, when ready for open
ing, would be preceded by dedicatory
services with a tine banquet, com mem
orative of the erection of this elegant
and expensive hostelry, which would
do credit to a town many times the
size of this, but tbe “best laid plans
o’ mice an’ men aftimes gang aglee,”
and such proved to be the case in
this. However, Mrs. Odendahl, not
to be daunted by untoward circum
stances, set about to open the bouse
informally, givingasplen
did dinner to all who might wish to
be present on the opening day, nearly
one nunarea or our people taking ad
vantage of tire occasion to be present,
eat of the splendid repast, congratu
late the enterprising lady for giving
to tbe city such an elegant and up-to
date hostelry, and inspect the build
ing from garret to basement, so to
speak. And for a fact “Tiie Freder
ick,” is at once a pride and honor to
our city. Situated on a business
corner of our principal street. It has
a frontage on the south of 50 feet, ex
tending to the north 90 feet, built of
brick, with pressed brick frontage on
the south and east, is two stories in
height, with basement under entire
structure, steam heated and lighted
by electricity throughout, with baths
and toilets, elegant furniture, and
everything in keeping with the most
modern and latest of decorative art,
Loup City cannot fail to be proud of
her handsome new hotel, and equally
congratulatory of the lady who has
made it possible for such a building
to be erected in our city. Tire base
ment will be given over to sample
rooms, laundry, furnace etc. The
drat' floor given over to jbe office, din
ing room, kitchen and accessories, the
large front room on the southeast
corner of the first floor to be rented
for business purposes, being an idealj
place for a millinery emporium, while
the upper floor is given ovef to the
ladies' parlor, bedrooms, toilets and
baths. Not another such a palatial
hotel will be found in the state out
side the larger cities and towns, and
certainly not any other town of this
Jenner’s Park
Opening Day
Tuesday, June 11
One week from next Tuesday will
be the Opening Day of the season at
Jenner’s Park, and extensive arrange
ments have been made to make that
one of the very best events ever com
ing offin that favorite amusement re
sort. We are not in possession at this
time of the program in detail, but do
know that Mr. Jenner is leaving no
stone unturned to make it the best of
any day’s enjoyment ever given there.
Music, ball games, sports of all kinds,
many additions to the menagerie, the
old favorite ocean wave, merry-go
round, shows, dancing galore, plenty
of shade, electric lighting of the park
throughout, tables for picnic parties,
and many other features will make
of the day and night one continual
round of pleasure to all who attend.
Watch for programs out prior to the
event, which will fully inform you as
to detail. Grand Island and other
towns are planning to attend in bodies
and there will be thousands of peo
ple ob the grounds throughout the
day, which will fill the capacity of
the Park, capable of holding 5,000peo
ple and over, without exhausting its
resources. Don’t mi® the event.
At the county judge’s office in this
city, Friday, May 23rd, 1913, the
ceremony being by that urbane official,
Mr. Benjamin F. Bridgman and
Miss Noam a A. Collins, both of Ar
cadia, were united in wedlock.
Also on the same day, May 23rd,
1913, and by the same authority, Mr.
Ralph C. Fletcher and Miss Barbara
E. Hell, both from near Austin, were
made one in marriage. The groom is
a son of W. S. Fletcher, while the
bride is a daughter of John Heil, both
well known farbers and business
men who have been residents of Sher
man county for many yean. The
young people will go to housekeeping
near Austin, where Mr. Fletcher, Sr.,
has built a bouse on one of his farms
for the young couple. May success
and happiness attend the young
couple through life.
Opening Day at Jenner’s
Park, Tuesday, June 10th.
Sherman-Howard League Re
sults, Sunday, Nay 25th
At Elba—Farwell 1, Elba 0.
At Rockville—Boelus 13, Rockville?.
At Ashton—Dannebrog 5. Ashton 3.
Standing of teams in the Sherman
Howard league:
p w per.
Rockville. 4 3 750
(Farwell.. . 5 4 8b.)
Boelus. 5 3 667
Ashton. 4 1 250
Elba. 4 1 250
Dannebrog. . 4 1 250
Juniors Entertained
The juniors entertained the seniors
last Thursday evening, the reception
being held at the S.E. Gallaway home,
followed by a banquet and program
later at the Ward Ver Valin home.
The banquet was served by the ladies
of the Industrial Society of the Pres
byterian church.
Cemetery “Tag Day”
The hours for “Tag Day” will be
from 3 to 5 o’clock this (Thursday)
afternoon, when automobiles will be
found on our streets tot^wpf ,ple to
the cemetery and returqBf e small
sum of 25c, and 15c foH| jren. It
Is hoped that all interred in the
beautifying of our Silent City of the
Dead, will generously contribute the
price of one or more tickets, whether
they auto to the cemetery during
those hours or not.
Cemetery Aid Society.
Stork Visitations
Born, May 18th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Nels Jensen, a fine boy, and Friend
Jensen, has a reason for the hapoy
smile on his face these days. /
Born, May 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. a.
E. Miner of this pity, a son. Mr.
Miner is secretary of the First Trust
Co. of this city, and now realizes that
lie -has the most Important of all*
trusts committed to his care.
Born, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Spotanski, in Clay township,
May 23rd, 1913.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shipley,
in Elm township, May 23rd, a tine girl
of regulation weight.
Decoration Day, Nay 30th, at
Presbyterian Church
The G.A.R.'s, Ladies oftheG.A.R.,
Soanis-j-Ameriean soldiers, Sons of
Veterans and school children meet at
1:30 at southwest corner of square,
and aTl civic orders are invited to
form in line, led by the Silver Cornet
Band and march to Presbyterian
church where the fotlowing program
will be rendered at 2 o'clock. W. S.
Waite, chairman; C. J. Tracy, mar
shall of the day.
Prayer.Rev. Jueling
Mixed Quartet.
Mrs. A. B. Outhouse, Mrs. Schwaner,
Mr. A. J. Johnson, Mr. L. Smith
Gettysburg address....Hallene Mellor
Solo.Mrs. Lou Schwaner
Address.Rev. Wm. Crisp, Osceola
Solo.......Mr. Worlock
Music by the band during distribu
tion of flowers
Benediction.Rev. Johnson
All drays have offered their services
Decoration Day from 1 to 5 o’clock,
and it is the request that the business
men close their stores from 2 to 3:30
o’clock, during the nrogr&m.
Hall Storms Are Very
There is no way you can prevent
them, but you can protect yourself
against loss at small ex pense by let
ting us insure them today. Write
phone or call. • „
First Trust Co.,
Loup City. Nob.
Notice of Dissolution
The firm of Vaughn & Hinman has
this day by mutual consent been dis
solved and all accounts due said firms
will be paid to Mr. A. D. Hinman who
continues the business under the
name of A. D. Hinman. A. 11 accounts
due will also be paid by the said A. D
Hinman. Dated at Loup City, Ne
braska, May 20tb, 1913.
By J. C. Vaughn,
A. D. Human,
Members of Said Firm.
Having purchased J. C. Vaughn’s
interest in the drag firm of Vaughn
& Hinman, I wish to thank the peo
ple of Loup City and vicinity for their
esteemed and loyal patronage, in the
past, and our aim will be to please
and satisfy you in the future.
A. D. Human. I
First Trust Company
Loup City, Nebraska
C. BRADLEY. President E. A. MINER, Secretary
W. F. MASON, Vice President C. C. CARLSEN, Treasurer
If you want to buy anything, anywhere, let
! us council with you before you do. We have
traveled, investigated, bought, sold and kept
careful count of net results. We have made and
lost, but in the main have gained, have often
left the near to seek the far off good, which we
have seldom found. t
Many old men will very likely read these
i simple words, tired of summer heat and winter
cold, they want to rest and we can tell them
how because we know of many young men who
want to buy just what they desire to sell. We
can show them how to do these very things with
: safety to them both and we can make a profit
for ourselves which no one will regret.
Come Give j> trial'
You Then will De
clare our Grc^ries
the Choisest Our
Most Obliging You’l Find Us Anxious to Please
| Ever {Striving Our Best
_I % s ^ I_"
| Try These—'They’ll Please j
Puffed Wheat Oranges.
Post Toasties Bananas
Grape Nuts Grape Fruit
Corn Flakes Lemons
Rolled Oats Apples
Cream of Rye Berries in Season
Cream of Wheat Dates
Big‘TM Food Figs
Shredded Wheat Prunes 1
The Quality House Established 1888
Paints, glass, wall paper, varnish,
and wall finish in oil and water
E. J. Jones. Phone, Black,74
Farit Greet, Farit Greet
The “Bug Season” is here
l and the “Bugs” will surely
i get your potatoes if you don’t i
■ protect them by spraying the I
■vines with H
I We have in stock, ready for I
your use, Paris Green, put 1
up in 1-4 lb, 1-2 lb, and 1 lb
The Rexall
Drue Store