The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 22, 1913, Image 6

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Robert Cameron, capitalist, consults
Philip Clyde, newspaper publisher, re
garding anonymous threatening letters he
lias received. The first promises a sample
of the writer's power on a certain day.
On that day the head is mysteriously cut
from a portrait of Cameron while the lat
ter is in the room. While visiting Cam
eron in his dressing room a N'ell GWynne
mirror is mysteriously shattered. Cameron
becomes seriously ill as a result of the
shock. The third letter appears mysteri
ously on Cameron's sick bed. It makes
direct threats against the life of Cameron.
Clyde tells Cameron the envelope was
empty. He tells Evelyn everything and
plans to take Cameron on a yacht trip.
The yacht picks up a fisherman found
drifting helplessly in a boat. He gives
the name of .Johnson. Cameron disap
pears from yacht while Clyde's back Is
turned. A fruitless search is made for a
motor boat seen by the captain Just be
fore Cameron disappeared. Johnson Is al
lowed to go after being closely questioned.
Evelyn takes the letters to an expert In
Chinese literature, who pronounces them
of Chinese o’lgin. Clyde seeks assistance
from a Chinese fellow college student,
who recommends him to Tup Sing, most
prominent Chinaman In New York. Clyde
goes to meet Yup Sing, se-s Johnson, at
tempts to follow him. falls into a base
ment. sprains his ankle and becomes un
conscious. Clyde Is found by Miss Clem
ent. a missionary among the Chinese. He
is sick several days as a result of inhal
ing charcoal fumes. Evelyn tells Clyde
of a peculiarly acting anesthetic which
renders a person temporarily unconscious.
Murnhv Is discovered to have mysterious
relations with the Chinese. Miss Clement
promises to get information about Cam
eron. Slump in Crystal Consolidated, of
which Cameron is the head, is caused bv
e rumor of Cameron's Illness. Clvde finds
Cameron on Fifth avenue in a dazed and
emaciated condition and takes htm home.
Cameron awakes from a long steep and
sneaks in a s'range tongue. Evelvn de
clares the man ts not her uncle. Evelyn
and Clvde -all on Miss Clement for prom
ised information and find that the China
man who was to give it has ju=t been
murdered. Mies Clement gives Clvde a
\ note, asking him to read it after he
leaves the mission and then destroy It.
It te'ls of (he abduction of a white man
bv Chinese who shipped him back to
China. The man ts accused of the crime
of “Sable T.orelia" in which 100 Chinamen
were killed. The appearance in New York
of the man tliev supposed they had shin
ned to China throws consternation Into
*he Chinese The brougham in which
Clyde and Evelyn are riding In held up
bv an armed man Clvde Is seized hy
'furnhv and a fight ensues. Eveljjn and
Clvde are reseued hy the police and re
tern home. They find Yup Sing and the consul awaiting them. Yup tells
Flvde the story of the crime of the “Sa
ble Horcha.'' In which 97 Chinamen were
deliberately sent to their death by one
taonald M'Nish. whom thev declare Is
Cam-run They declare that M'Nish can
•— identified bv a tattoo mark on his arm.
Flvde declares that Cameron has no such
mark. The nurse is called in and de
scribes a tattoo'mark on his patient's
arm. Clvde goes to Investigate and
finds the patient attempting to hide a let
ter it Is addressed to Donald M'Nish.
"■he letter is from the man’s mother In
Scotland .and Identifies the patient as
M'Nish. Confronted bv the sole survivor
,,f 'qV •Sable T.orcha"—,^-ho. it develops,
is Sov .a half-breed Chinaman, recogniz
ed bv Clvde as Johnson, the fisherman—
AT’Nish shoots him and kills himself. Miss
fi -rnent gets the whole storv from Soy
before he dies. Murphv. whose right
-,.,n,. iS Moran, had been a partner of
M'Nish in the nefarious Chinese trade and
refer become his most relentless pursuer.
He was th" author of the threatening let
ters Sov was responsible for the myste
rious happenings at Cameron's home by
the aid of the ether of Invisibility. Cam
eron was drugged and shipped as a mem-,
her of the crew of a tramp steamer bound
for Hongkong. Clvde. Evelyn and Dr.
Addison, who has discovered his error In
mistaking-M'Nish for Cameron, overtake
the tramp steamer at Fort Said and res
cue Cameron.
“Why didn't you explain, dear, to
the captain?” Evelyn asked, with one
of those bursts of naivette that con
trasted so charmingly with her usual
ly abounding good judgment.
Cameron smiled. “I couldn’t get
near the captain, my child,” he re
turned. indulgently. “It wasn’t be
cause I didn’t try. The officers ridi
culed my assertions as pipe dreams,
and when, at each port, I pleaded to
be allowed to communicate with our
consul, I was only kept under stricter
And so his story continued, inter
rupted at intervals by questions from
one or another of us, until we had the
whole wretched tale of cruelty, in
cluding the final chapter which pre
ceded the rescue.
When he learned that every stoker
and trimmer, save himself, had been
ordered on deck, still hoping against
hope that the outside world had at
length been moved to intercession in
his behalf, he demanded to be allowed
to go with the rest. And when hia de
mand was refused he rebelled, fight
ing his way to liberty with an iron
bar from a cinder-tub. which he bad
purposely concealed for such emer
I have no Inclination to test patience
by detailing all the events and record
ing all the dialogue of that happy day.
Much that happened and much that
was said I must leave to the Imagina
tion of those that read. But I cannot
refrain from the statement that Cam
eron’s meeting and reconciliation with
his old friend Dr. Addison was one
of the brightest spots in a delectable
constellation. The meeting between
Evelyn and her uficle was an episode,
too, to touch the sensibility of the
most apathetic. And if there bad lin
gered a single doubt as to the wisdom
or expediency of accepting their com
panionship on my expedition of rescue
it must have been dispelled by the
emotional thrill which these scenes
„ provoked.
J Our homeward voyage, which all j
jaf us were anxious should not be de-1
J'.ayed, was by way of Naples. Hartley,
who appeared to be able to go and
come as he pleased, accompanied us
that far, and our farewells to him, on
the deck of the Koenig Albert, -were
^combined with a fervor of gratitude
f that exhausted our powers of expres
fi Evelyn begged me to be permitted
to kiss him good-bye, but there I was
forced to draw the line. Her caresses
in my own direction had not, up to
that moment, been so lavish that 1 felt
I could spare any of them, even for
this young Englishman, notwithstand
ing my abundant appreciation of the
inestimable service he had rendered,
and that was precisely what I told her,
when on the first evening out, she had
demanded to know my reasons for re
“You’re a very selfish man," she re
torted, with a pout. “And I’m not at
all sore, now, that I shall ever kiss
you again. Besides—” And there she
We had reached the after end of the
deck in our post-dinner promenade,
and had paused there, leaning on the
rail, to watch the phosphorescent
gleam and glitter among the turbulent
white wake-waters. Cameron and Dr.
Addison were talking over their cigars
in steamer chairs amidships, and the
girl and I were alone together for the
first time since her uncle’s restoration.
“Besides?” I repeated, questioningly.
The big blue eyes she turned to me
were never more roguish.
"Besides,” she said, low-voiced and
with a just perceptible quiver, "until
you keep your promise, I don’t see
that you have any right to dictate to
I knew very well what she meant.
Ever since Cameron had come running
backward around that deck-house cor
ner—I think even at the minute I
recognized his naked, smut-covered
shoulders—I had had that promise in
mind, and had' longed for the moment
of its fulfilment. But till now not
even the briefest opportunity had
offered. Nevertheless, her present
mood was too entirely winsomely lov
able to be neglected, and the impulse
to prolong it by teasing too strong for
Keep my promise? I queried, min
gling with assumed perplexity a cer
tain suggestion of injury. ‘‘Have I
ever failed you in anything?”
She turned away now, silently, and
the eclipse of the eyes I loved left me
suddenly repentant: still 1 persisted.
“Have I ever failed you?” I asked
Quickly her gaze came back, and her
eyes had taken something of the cold,
snapping fire of the phosphorus.
"Since you don’t remember,” she
said, "it's of no consequence. Only you
were so sure that you couldn’t for
“Give me a hint,” I begged, still
cruel. “When did I promise?"
"I couldn’t be so unmaidenly,” was
her retort, looking away again.
“Was it before we came over here,
or since?”
“Before,” after a pause.
“Long before?”
“Not very.”
"Where? At your house?”
"In the library?" I asked, tWth a
glance behind for possible intruders.
She turned quickly and found me
“Oh, you dear, silly, lovable, delight
ful child!” I cried, and the echo of
my words was carried far astern, as
my arms went about her and held her
close, and my kisses fell thick and
fast on her ripe, tender little mouth.
“What need had 1 to keep such a
promise?" I asked, when in mercy I
paused that she might get her breath.
“Why should I ask you to tell me that
you loved me, when I could read it in
letters as long as your glances and as
bright as your smile?”
And if we left Cameron and Dr. Ad
dison much alone together during our
homeward voyage, who thac still re
members their own happy days of
young love dreaming can blame us?
For a long while there remained in
my mind as legacy from the strange
case of Cameron and the Sable Lorcha
conspiracy a seemingly insoluble prob
lem. On our return to America, my
friend, in spite of all my urging, re
fused, with stubborn persistency, it
seemed to me, to aid in the prosecu
tion of those who, we knew positive
ly, were implicated in the affair. Con
cerning Murphy, Yup Sing and a
score or more of their satellites we
could have produced evidence of the
most damaging character. But Camer
on was not so minded. He even went
so far as to discourage my appear
ance against the former for complicity
in the plot to take captive Evelyn and
myself on the night of our Pell street
visit. Indeed I have always believed
that through O’Hara he was instru
mental in securing Murphy’s release.
And I know for a fact that he pro
vided so generously for the young
French driver of the electric brough
am, who was so badly Injured in that
Pell street adventure, that the fellow
returned to France a month before the
trial of bis assailant.
AH these things, I say, continued
to puzzle and disquiet me, long after
the sharp edges of rancorous remem
brance had been worn away. And in
variably at such times there would re
rur recollections of those early days
of the threatening letters and of that
elusive something in Cameron’s man
ner which I was never quite able to
comprehend or explain.
The true interpretation was re
served for the night preceding my
marriage with Evelyn, which, by the
way. had, at her guardian’s wish, been
delayed for nearly a year because of
what he chose to regard as her un
seemly youth. The celebration was to
take place at Cragholt and the house
was already filled with kinsfolk and
intimate friends, including most of the
wedding party.
It was after midnight, and Cameron
and I were alone together In his ma
hogany and green study; he at his
writing table and I In the same adja
cent leather chair in which I had sat
a twelvemonth ago while listening to
the story of the incised portrait.
As was not unusual we had reverted
to that time and to certain of the In
cidents therewith connected; and I
had been trying to make clear to Cam
eron, as' I had already frequently tried
to do, the peculiar difference between
McNiBh’s expression and his.
“In individual feature,” I said, warm
ing to my subject, “there never was
In all the world before, I believe, such
similarity. And In repose, the en
semble, I should say, was equally iden
tical. But when It came to—”
And there Cameron checked me.
“Clyde,” and his tone was strangely
grave, it seemed to me, "you’ll pardon |
my interrupting you. I know. I un- j
derstand what you would say, proba- !
bly better than I could from your put
ting it into words. And I want to
tell you why I understand. Indeed
I’ve wanted to tel! you for a long
while, but whenever I’ve got to the
verge of it, I have balked.”
He paused here to shake the ash
from hi3 cigar, reaching across his
desk for a receptacle, and somehow
the gesture reminded me of that of
McNish as he had thrown out his arm
which held the letter, and so exposed
the telltale tattooing.
“I have never told you, Clyde," he
resumed, his eyes turned on the glow
ing tobacco ember which he had just
bared, "anything about my birth or my
family. But now that you are to be
come one of us, in a way, it’s only
fair that you should know; for though
Evelyn's mother was but my half-sis
ter, still the girl gets the same blood
through her grandsire.”
“Yes,” I said, “I know that. Evelyn
told me that much. I know, too, that
you were born in Scotland; and the
very name of Cameron is a pretty good
guarantee of family worth.”
“My father belonged to a rather poor
branch,” he confessed, “and like many
poor men he had a large number of
children. There were ten, all told,
and when my poor mother died, it be
came a serious problem how to take
care of us little ones. I was among
the youngest, not over seven, and I
had a twin brother.”
As he said this Cameron, who had
been desultorily drawing figures on his
writing pad with the end of a pen
holder, abruptly shot his gaze to mine
and caught the quick question of my
“Yes,” 'he said, without change of
tone, “yes, you see, now, don't you?”
"McNish!” I murmured
“McNish," he echoed. "Donald Mc
“But,” I began, “I don’t quite—” and
I thought of the letter from McNish’s
“Oh, it is clear enough," he went on.
“Some of the children were put out to
live amongst neighbors, and eventu
ally, my father and the rest of us
came to this country. The others he
left behind, promising to send each !
month the money for their keep. Don
ald he left with a couple named Mc
Nish, who had no bairns of their own,
and when the boy grew to be a big
lad, and ray father, who in the mean
time had been successful here and
married again, sent for him to come
to America, word came back that he
had been dead a twelvemonth."
“And your father believed it?”
“Oh, yes, for they returned the back
pay he had forwarded, aDd sent a lock
of my brother’s hair, I think, and a
trinket or two that had been his as a
“Afterwards, though, you learned
that he was still alive?”
“No,” was Cameron’s answer. “We
never heard. Had it not been for that
marked resemblance gathering me in
to the net spread for him, I should
probably never have known. And,
Clyde,” he added, “ever since I learn
ed of his having been there, in town, I
have been wondering. Do you think
it possible that he ever realized that
he was in his brother’s house?”
“Hardly,” I said. “It doesn’t seem
likely, though; unless the name and
the—He must—Oh, certainly," I stum
bled, “he must have realized that we
mistook him for—yes, for some one
named Cameron. He answered to it
readily enough; he even insisted that
he was Cameron. And if his mind was
clear enough to put two and two to
gether. why. knowing that he had a
twin brother in America, it would
seem—” And there I stopped my
floundering, for Cameron had risen to
his feet, and smiling, tolerantly, was
waving a hushing hand at me.
“Yes, yes,” he said, “I’ve argued it
all out in just the same way. dear
friend. And yet we never can be cer
tain. can we? Only I have thought, if
he might have realized it, and have
been able to have played the part, and
stayed, and taken up my life and lived
it for the rest of his, I might have
gone on and taken his punishment to
some purpose. For I have had more
than my share of the good things,
Clyde, and maybe if poor little Donnie
had had even half my chances, it
would all have been so very, very dif
He still thought of him as the child
brother he had parted from long
years ago in Scotland, and as such he
would ever remember him. I was glad
then 'that he had stepped me when I
had tried to draw for him the differ
ence in their faces. For it was such a
difference! Looking at Cameron now
with the lamp of true greatness alight
behind those plain features, I mar
veled that I could even have seen a
vestige of likeness in the brutal, soul
less face of bis twin brother.
And then, for the first time, too, 1
really understood.
Real Origin of the Pearl
_ -----—
Science Has Rudely Shattered Poetic
Idea That Has Been Held
For Centuries.
For many centuries, even until com
paratively recent times, it was the
common belief that pearls were drops
of dew that gained entrance into the
shell of an oyster, and were there
transpired into lustrous gems. Arab
and Indian divers still believe that at
certain seasons oysters come to the
surface and suck in the rain-drops
that later become pearls. Science,
however, has rudely shattered this
poetic fancy, and discovered the real
origin to be a worm. Dr. Hugh M.
Smith gives some interesting infor
mation on this subject in the National
Geographic Magazine.
We now know that almost any for
eign body—a grain of sand, a bit of
mud or shell, a piece of seaweed or
a small animal—may by its irritation
cause the mollusk to cover it with
nacre and make it the nucleus of a
pearl; but the largest part of the an
nual pearl-crop of the world Is due to
parasites that normally pass a part
of tfyeir life-cycle within the shell of
the pearl-oyster.
Minute spherical larvae of marine
worms known as Cestodes become em
bedded in the soft tissues, as many as
forty having been found in one Cey
lon oyster. As the result of irrita
tion, the oyster forms a protecting
sac about the intruder, and then, if
the larva dies, its body is gradually
converted into carbonate of lime, and
the pearly mass proceeds to grow
with the shell.
If the larva lives, it may pass into
the body of the strong-jawed trigger
fishes which prey on the pearl-oysiers,
there undergoing further development
Ultimately it reaches the body of the
great rays, which in turn eat the trig
ger-fishes. In the rays the worms at
tain full development, and produce
larvae that are cast into the sea and
find lodgment in pearl-oysters. Thus
the cycle is begun once more.
We may literally accept the saying
of a celebrated French investigator,
that “the most beautiful pearl is in
reality only the brilliant sarcophagus
De Montluc a True Gascon
_ *-—--_____
Character of Romantic Soldier Illus
trated by an Incident During the
Siege of Sienna.
Blaise de Montluc was a soldier and
a marshal of France who fought
through half the sixteenth century.
Like a true Gascon, as he was, he
added to his great physical qualities
courage, high spirits and an unquench
able gaiety, which distinguished him
above soldiers of a graver mold. He
was the veritable captain of his soul.
In the Italian wars Blaise de Mont
luc commanded the defense of Sienna
during the prolonged siege. When the
town was reduced to a few ounces of
bread dally, Blaise was overcome with
sickness, and had himself carried
about in a chair muffled up in furs.
But perceiving that the inhabitants,
especially the women, were “thus ren
dered apprehensive of their fate should
he die,”—so runs the excerpt from De
Montluc's “Commentaries,”—"he call
ed for a pair of cfimson velvet
breeches, laid over with gold lace,
very finely cut,t for they were made at
a time when he was forsooth in love.
He put on a doublet of the same, and
a shirt of crimson silk and gold twist;
then a buff collar over which he put
his arms, very finely gilt”
He was at that time wearing gray
and white, “in honor of a fair lady to
whom he was a servant when he had
leisure.” So he put on a hat of gray
«difc, with a gray silver hatband, and
a plume of heron's feathers set with
silver 'spangles.
He also put on a short cassock of
gray velvet, garnished with ‘‘little
plates of silver at two fingers’ distance
from one another, and lined with cloth
of silver, all open between the plates."
Then he •'‘rubbed his face with
Greek wine till he brought a littie
color into his cheeks, and drank a
small draught with a little bit of
"He then looked at himself in the
glass, strutted before his officers,
though he had not the strngth to kill
a chicken, and rode through the town
to the great comfort of all beholders."
—Youth’s Companion.
Callous Indeed.
“Well, I must confess I am glad to
get back home amongst my old kin
and friends, where people ain’t too
busy or too unfeeling or too stuck-up
to take some Interest in one another,”
said Mrs. Polley.
“Now, there’s them post office folks
down to Chicago. I found ’em actual
ly hard-hearted! Why, would you be
lieve It, that man that brings round
the letters to Mabel’s, he’s so queer
and standoffish that when he handed
me husband's postal card, telling how
mother had fell and broke her arm,
he never so much as opened his lips
to give me one word of sympathy!
No, sir, not even enough to say. Too
bad!’”—Youth's Companion.
Parisian Fancy That Will
, Be Popular in America
- JH.
A street costume with skirt of blue moire and waist of blue and cicme
brocade silk.
Few Things for Prospective Bride Are
in Better Taste Than the
Easily Made Sachets.
Are any of your friends engaged?
If so, why not make them some pretty
sachets for an engagement gift}? They
are always appreciated and can1 easily
be made. Purchase a quantity of
satin ribbon two inches in width. The
shops offer many bargains in ribbons
at this season. Cut the sachets in :
squares, pad them with cotton and
sprinkle with sachet powder. Then •
whipstitch the edges together.
Stack a dozen of these together
and tie with baby ribbon. On top
place a flat bow ornamented with tiny
rosebuds made from ribbon. An
eighth of a yard of half-inch ribbon
is required for each rose and they are
formed by swirling the ribbon round
and round a center. Foliage may be
made from green silk to accompany
these roses if desired.
This is a charming gift for the
graduate. So prepare for June, which
is not far distant.
An afternoon gown of printed silk
over lace and embroidery, set off with
a belt and sash of black satin ribbon.
Charming Gown in Gray.
A new model In very fine mouse
gray cloth is very chic by its abso
lute simplicity of style. The corsage
and skirt have the appearance of be
ing ail in one. The bodice part has a
plain pinafore effect, with long, loose
armhole reaching to the waist. The
sleeves are braided all over in tones
of gray soutache, a panel at the side
continuing in the form of a deep band
round the bottom of the skirt in the
same soutache braiding. The sash la
wound round the waist and tied on
the left hip with a full bow and ends.
This sash arrangement is in gray soft
Liberty satin, toning in with the other
shades of gray.
There is one ktnd of woman who
will worry because she has forgotten
what it wis that she intended to
worry about
Woman Who Would Retain Charm
Should Avoid Allowing Herself
to Be Victim of Overwork.
Over-fatigue is a foe to beauty
Even if there were no lasting effects
from It, which there are, a wearied
look in a woman's face adds nothing
to her charm. Rather, it is as the ap
pearance of a faded flower compared
with that of a fresh one. The muscles
and muscular tissues become grad
tally weak and show themselves with
particular perversity in ugly rings and
bags about the eyes, in a lengthening
of the lines between the nose and
the mouth, and a general sagging.
Fatigue, too, has a direct effect upon
the stomach muscles, causing them to
sag also, and become unable to work
properly, and this, in turn, reflects
upon the complexion, rendering it sal
low and eventually blotched. So, I
say, avoid fatigue.
Rest whenever you can. Whatever
the routine of your day may be. It is
possible for you to snatch a moment,
or, at least, a second or two, here and
there, of complete relaxation. Take
a long breath and relax, then go on
at tension if necessary, but it 13 rare
ly, very rarely, necessary, and there
is a point to be made much of. Re
sist tension.
Bathe the -tired face in cold water.
It stimulates circulation, and brings
relief, at least to one’s feelings, even
if its effect does not go very far be
neath the surface. Hot water follow
ed by a cold dash is also refreshing
anl especially Is to be recommended
to the woman of nervous tempera
ment. A few- drops of camphor in Ice
water makes an excellent lotion for
the rejuvenation of the tired face
muscles, but it should be followed by
the application of a good face cream.
Remove the cream with a dry, soft
cloth and behold, you feel like a new
Of Black Charmeuse.
The feature of the skirt lifted)by
means of a few’ plaits is as universal
cow’ as the train. On a lovely afternoon
dress of black charmeuse the skirt was
thus lifted beneath three very large jet
buttons, and the fullness was looped
round towards the back in graceful
folds. The corsage of this gown had a
very elegant sailor collar of fine lace
and revers of the same in front, mak
ing a charming little heart-shaped
opening, which just revealed the col
lar and guimpe of line net. A flat
waistband of the same silk with long
fringed ends covered the union ol
skirt and corsage. The sleeves were
long, and set well below the turn of
the shoulder with a piped seam.
Novel Trimming.
A novel trimming is little padded
flowers, which are cut out of velvet
broche ribbon with a sharp pair of
scissors, and are appliqued to the
straw of the hat, a small mound of
cotton beneath bringing the flowai
into relief. In the case of a hat of
black pedal straw, the round crown
was covered all over with decoupe
and padded rosebuds in velvet broche.
Crude Colors for Blonde*.
Crude, brilliant colors are seen on
the hats as on the dresses, and one
should be very young and of a blonde
complextlon to stand the combina
tion of certain clashing colors. The
trimmings are still very high.
Gloves for Morning and Afternoon.
White gloves are the accepted
thing now; some few are rayed with
black, and there la a plentiful sprink
ling of champagne and chamois-col
ored glace kid. These gloves are
Worn morning and afternoon.
And at This Date He Still Is Wonder
ing Just Who Was the Unkissed
Mr. Brown issued forth from Fair
bank Terrace and wended his way to
wards the village in. An insurance
agent named Dawson was holding
“Do you know Fairbanks Terrace?’’
Several nodded assent, and Mr.
Brown became more deeply • inter
“Well, believe me, gents, I’ve kissed
every woman in that terrace except
Mr. Brown's face assumed a purple
hue, and hurriedly quaffing his ale, he
quitted the barroom. Rushing home,
he burst in at the door.
“Mary,” he shouted, “do you know
that insurance chap Dawson?” Mary
nodded assent. “Well,” he continued,
“I’ve just heard him say he's kissed
every woman in this terrace expept
one." s
Mary was silent for a moment, and
then with a look of womanly curios
ity said:
“I wonder which one that is."
Red Cross Ball Blue gives double value
for your money, goes twice as far as any
other. Ask your grocer. Adv.
The Other Place.
“I have a regular old family
knocker on my front door.”
“We’ve got one inside.”
759 Roach Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.—
"At first I noticed small eruptions on
my face. The trouble began as a rash.
It looked like red pimples. In a few
days they spread to my arms and back.
They itched and burned so badly that
I scratched them and of eourse the re
sult was blood and matter. The erup
tions festered, broke, opened and dried
up, leaving the skin dry and scaly. I
spent many sleepless nights, my back,
arms and face burning and itching;
sleep was purely and simply out of
the question. The trouble also caused
disfigurement. My clothing irritated
the breaking out.
“By this time I had used several
well-known remedies without success.
The trouble continued. Then I began
to use the sample of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. Within seven or eight
days I noticed gratifying results. I
purchased a full-sized cake of Cuti
cura Soap and a box of Cuticura Oint
ment and in about eighteen or twenty
days my cure was complete.” (Signed)
Miss Katherine McCallister, Apr. 12,
Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card “Cuticura. Dept L, Boston."
The following story is one of John
Drew’s favorites.
A man lost his life in a great flood.
He was dead, but in the spirit worid
he lived over and over again the ap
palling scenes and incidents through
which he had just passed. It seemed
to him that he must talk it over with
some one.
He therefore approached an elder
ly man and told him the story of how
he died, giving a vivid word picture
and making a lurid tale. To his great
surprise, the old man showed little
interest; in fact, he appeared to be
bored. At last, being rather annoyed
at such indifference, he asked the
"Don’t you know who I am?" asked
the other. ,
“Why, no, I don’t,” was the answer.
“I’ve just arrived.”
“Well,” said the other. “I am Noah.”
Naturally Indignant.
“Did you tell your troubles to a
policeman?” “Yes,” said the man
who had been robbed. “And I tell
you that policeman was indignant
The hold-up man hadn’t even asked
his permission to operate on his
“Your artist son, sir, has a very
effective touch.”
“How- much did you lend him?”
Hens can moult, but fat people have
no such sinecure.
A Woman Thus Speaks of Postum.
We usually consider our best friends
those who treat us best.
Some persons think coffee a real
friend, but watch it carefully awhile
and observe that it is one of the
meanest of all enemies, for it stabs
one while professing friendship.
Coffee contains a poisonous drug—
caffeine—which injures the delicate
nervous system and frequently sets
up disease in one or more organs of
the body, if its use is persisted in.
“I had heart palpitation and nerv
ousness for four years and the doctor
told me the trouble was caused by
coffee. He advised me to leave it off,
but I thought I could not,” writes a
Wis. lady.
"On the advice of a friend I tried
Postum and it so satisfied me I did not
care for coffee after a few days’ trial
of Postum.
“As weeks went by and I continued
to use Postum my weight increased
from 98 to 118 pounds, and the heart
trouble left me. I have used it a year
now and am stronger than I ever was.
I can hustle up stairs without any
heart palpitation, and I am free from
"My children are very fond of Post
um and it agrees with them. My sister
liked it when she drank it at my house;
now she has Postum at home and has
become very fond of it. You may usa
my name if you wish, as I am not
ashamed of praising my best friend—
Postum.” Name given by PustunTCo
Battle Creek, Mich.
Postum now comes in new concen
trated form called Instant Postum It
is regular Postum, so processed at the
factory that only the soluble portions
are retained.
A spoonful of Instant Postum with
hot water, and sugar and cream to
taste, produce Instantly a delicious
beverage. i
Write for the little book, “The Road
to Wellvtlle."
“There’s a Reason” for Postum.—