The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 08, 1913, Image 6

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HA^ELTINE COy°Y/?/GSf7; /?/*, /J C /VTCJLU/tC S< COl
Robert Cameron, capitalist, consults
Philip Clyde, newspaper publisher, re
garding anonymous threatening letters he
lias received. The first promises a sample
of the writer's power on a certain day.
On that day the head is mysteriously cut
Rom a portrait of Cameron while the lat
ter is in the room. While visiting Cam
eron in his dressing room a Neil Gwynne
mirror is mysteriously shattered. Cameron
becomes seriously ill as a result of the
•hock. The third letter appears mysteri
ously on Cameron's sick bed. It makes
direct threats against the life of Cameron.
Clyde tells Cameron the envelope was
empty. He tells Evelyn everything and
plans to take Cameron on a yacht trip.
The yacht picks up a fisherman found
drifting helplessly in a boat. He gives
the name of Johnson. Cameron disap
pears from yacht while Clyde’s back is
turned. A fruitless search is made for a
motor boat seen by the captain just be
fore Cameron disappeared. Johnson is al
lowed to go after being closely questioned.
JEvelyn takes the letters to an expert In
Chinese literature, who pronounces them
of Chinese origin. Clyde seeks assistance
from a Chinese fellow college student,
who recommends him to Yup Sing, most
prominent Chinaman in New York. Clyde
goes to meet Yup Sing, sees Johnson, at
tempts to follow him. fails into a base
ment. sprains his ankle and becomes un
conscious. Clyde is found by Miss Clem
ent, a missionary among the Chinese. He
is sick several days as a result of inhal
ing charcoal fumes. Evelyn tells Clyde
of a peculiarly acting anesthetic which
renders a person temporarily unconscious.
Murphy is discovered to have mysterious
relations with the Chinese. Miss Clement
promises to get information about Cam
eron. Slump in Crystal Consolidated, of
which Cameron is the head, is caused by
• rumor of Cameron’s illness. Clyde finds
Cameron on Fifth avenue in a dazed and
emaciated condition and takes him home.
Cameron awakes from a long sleep and
speaks in a strange tongue. Evelyn de
clares the man is not her uncle. Evelyn
and Clyde call on M:ss Clement for prom
ised information and find that the China
man who was to give it has just been
murdered. Miss Clement gives Clyde a
note, asking him to read it after he
leaves tin* mission and then destroy it.
It tells of the abduction of a white man
by Chinese who shipped him back to
China. The man is accused of the crime
of “Sable Lorcha” in which 100 Chinamen
were killed. The appearance in New York
of the man they supposed they had ship
ped to China throws consternation into
th.* Chinese. The brougham in which
Clyde and Evelyn nre riding in held up
by an armed man. Clyde is seized by
Murphy and a fight ensues. Evelyn and
Clyde are rescued bv the police and re
turn home. They find Yup Sing and the
Chinese consul awaiting them. Yup tells
Clyde the story of the crime of the “Sa
ble Eorcha.*’ in which 97 Chinamen were
deliberately sent to their death by one
Donald M’Nish. whom they declare is
Cameron. They declare that M’Nish can
be Identified by a tattoo mark on his arm.
Clyde declares that Cameron has no such
mark. The nurse is called In and de
scribes a tattoo mark on his patient's
arm. Clyde goes to investigate and
finds the .patieni attempting to hide a let
ter. It Is addressed to Donald M’Nish.
The letter is irom the man’s mother in
Scotland and identifies the patient as
M’Nish. Confronted by the sole survivor
of the ‘Sable Dorcha*’—who. it develops,
is Soy. a half-breed Chinaman, recogniz
ed by Clyde as Johnson, the fisherman—
M’Nish shoots him and kills himself.
CHAPTER XXVI.—Continued.
When he rejoined me in the library,
half an hour later, it was with the
glad news that she had responded
gratifyingly to treatment, and was
Bleeping calmly. After thanking him
for his promptness and efficiency. I
“You do not remember me?”
"Oh, yes, I do,” he returned, almost
brusquely, fixing me with his gaze.
“You are Mr. Clyde. Did you get any
relief from the prescription I gave
I had not expected the question and
was unprepared for it. In venturing
an evasive reply I stammered.
“I don’t suppose you even had it
filled," he declared, with a grim smile
that was at least partially reassuring.
And I admitted that his surmise was
accurate. Moreover I begged him to
sit down.
"I have a confession to make. Doc
tor," I said, a little shamefacedly.
“It is unnecessary. Mr. Clyde,” was
his half-polite rejoinder, as he sank in
to a chair before the fireplace. "I
read the newspapers, and I have come
to understand many things in the
past few days."
As X tock a seat opposite to him, I
"The newspapers have been mis
leading, I fear, Dr. Addison.”
“No,” he contradicted, his tone
softened. “On the contrary they have
opened my eyes to a truth that was
long hidden; they have made a very
contrite and, I must confess, a very
unhappy man of me.”
“More unhappy than you can con
ceive, Mr. Clyde. For years I have
misjudged one of the best friends
Heaven ever privileged a man to
“Dut, my dei'.r Doctor,” I began,
“you were not « fault, altogether;
He raised a dei recatory hand. “No,
please don't,” he pleaded. "You can
not temper it. I should have taken his
word, without question. I knew his
love of truth—I probably more than
any one else. What right had I to
conclude then, because of certain ap
parently irreconcilable happenings,
that his word was false?”
“We are all fallible,” I said.
"All but he,” was hi3 prompt reply.
And then, leaning forward, with a
strained, eager look in those piercing
eyes, his voice vibrant, he asked.
“Is It true that he is very ill? That
he cannot be seen?”
For a scruple I hesitated.
"The newspapers have been mis
leading, I fear,” 1 said again, and 1
Judge my expression of countenance
was as cryptic as my words, for my vis
itor's look changed instantly to one of
dire perplexity.
“He is not ill?” he questioned.
"You mean—”
“Confidentially, Doctor,” I admitted,
“we haven’t the faintest notion just
how he is. He may be in excellent
health or he may have ceased tc
"Good God!" he exclaimed, and his
face was as white as his linen.
"Our best information is that he is
•on a steamer—a tramp—bound fot
(China, but we have no particulars, anc
worse still, no verification.”
It was neither fair nor consistent tc
conceal longer from one so justly in
teres ted the whole truth, and so, with
| out reservation, I told Dr. Addison the
Before I had quite concluded, Miss
Clement was announced, and when
she was shown into the library, in
stead of permitting the physician to
leave, as he made offer of doing, I
presented him and insisted upon his
"I want you to tell Miss Clement
about your patient. Doctor,” I said.
“Miss Clement is a very good friend
of Miss Grayson's.”
Graciously he complied, making it
quite clear that sedatives and sleep
would undoubtedly effect a prompt ie
“And now Miss Clement will tell us
something,” I added. "She has had a
patient, too, who died this morning, as
you may have seen by the afternoon
papers—-the Eurasian who was shot
by McNish.”
Up to that moment I knew but little
of what Soy had divulged, for the mis
sionary, in her two or three brief tele
phonic talks, had given us Scarcely
more than promises of important reve
lations when opportunity could be
made for a meeting; and I was impa
tient for the fulfilment.
She had chosen a seat at some little
distance from us, but now, at my so
licitation, she accepted a more com
fortable chair, which I placed in con
fidential juxtaposition with our own.
“It's rather a long story,” she be
gan, in her sweetly quiet voice. "And
as it came to me piecemeal, I'm afraid
it will be rather disconnected. You
see this poor fellow suffered horribly
at times and when he was not suffer
ing he was under the influence of opi
ates. so ordinarily I doubt that it
w’ould be safe to accept as fact a good
deal said under such circumstances. It
appears to me, however, that in his
case, these very conditions only
strengthen the probabilities; for his
mind seemed to hold only the one
theme, and his statements could hard
ly have been either spontaneous or
i studied Inventions. On the other
hand, they were rather a sort of invol
untary recital of the particulars of a
subject which had engrossed him for
years to the exclusion of almost every
thing else.”
Dr. Addison nodded his head, en
couragingly. ‘‘I quite understand.
Miss Clement,” he said. And 1, too,
assured her that her reasoning ap
peared to me logical.
"It was significant,” she continued,
“that so far as I could fix dates, he
made no references at all to any hap
pening prior to sixteen years ago. The
tragedy of that time was the begin
ning of what I think I may call his
mania. Everything he told me had to
do with it. It came at the beginning,
at the apex, and at the end of every
“The tragedy of sixteen years ago?”
inquired the physician.
"The tragedy of what has been
called ‘The Sable Lorcha,' ’’ I remind
ed him.
"Oh, yes, of course.”
"You know of that, then?” asked
Miss Clement. And briefly I ran over
what Yup Sing had told me.
“John Soy, I understand, was the
cook whom McNish imprisoned in the
galley,” I added.
“It seems he broke his way out Just
as the lorcha was sinking. McNish
had waited until he had gone to his
bunk for his usual hop, and had
chosen the hour he was sleeping to
get away and scuttle the vessel. For
five days Soy floated about on a bit of
wreckage without food or drink, and
was finally picked up by a proa and
taken back to Macao at the mouth of
the Canton river, where, after weeks
of delirium, he told his story of the
lorcha's fate. From that day the search
for McNish began. It seems that he
had a partner, an Irishman, named
Moran, who for a time was suspected
of having been In the conspiracy; for,
you must remember, it was thought
then that the sinking of the lorcha had
been planned from the first, the idea
being that it was simply a scheme to
get the passage money from the poor
coolies, and then drown them."
"Horrible!” ejaculated the phy
"But the Chinese are just," the mis
sionary continued. "They discovered
that a certain United States cruiser
that had been warned of the attempt
ed smuggling, did, on that particular
day, give chase to a lorcha, which
eventually disappeared in the fog. So
the enmity against Moran subsided,
and, ultimately, this same Moran be
came the most openly bitter of all the
avenging horde that for over a decade
and a half scoured the four corners of
the globe; for it seems that McNish
had not only made off with his share
of the receipts of their joint enter
prise, but had left him with a ruining
lot of debts to settle as well. There
was something, too, 1 believe, about a
Chinese woman whose loyalty to Mo
ran, McNish undermined, but I con
fess that part of the story was not
very dear to me. At all events Soy,
the half-breed, and Moran, the Irish
man. who appears to have been a rov
ing blade, r. sort of soldier of fortune
with some talent for painting, became
I the prime movers in this relentless
quest, in which they were backed by
what is known as the Six Companies.
All the tongs, no matter how much at
variance on other points, were a unit
in this instance, and unlimited money
was always available to prosecute the
A footman, appearing at this junc
ture with the inevitable tea parapher
nalia, interrupted temporarily the cur
rent of Miiss Clement’s narrative. But
our interest was such that we limited
the cessation to the briefest possible
period. Dr. Addison, whose profes
sional engagements were being top
pled over one after another, politely
urged her to continue, directly her cup
was in her hand.
“Think, Miss Clement,” he said,
with an ingratiating smile, “of the rapt
audience you have! I trust it is at
once an inspiration and a compensa
"It surely is,” was the good lady’s
prompt acknowledgment. “And. by the
way, I must not forget to tell you how
this man. McNish, actually had the
temerity to return to China a few
years ago. He appeared to think
either that his crime had been forgot
ten or that knowledge of it was lim
ited to the Southern provinces, for In
the early fail of 1903, under one of his
many aliases, he arrived at Peking,
by way of the Trans-Siberian Rail
The doctor and I exchanged glances
It was odd how confirmation of the
error he had already avowed should
thus come about from the lips of one
who knew nothing of his story of a
shattered friendship.
“Oddly enough. Moran happened to
be in the city at the time and every
arrangement was made to capture the
long-sought prey and convey him to
Canton for some exquisite torture de
vised especially to fit his crime. In
some way, however, the intended vic
tim got wind of what was proposed,
and came within an ace cf escaping
unscathed from under their very fin
gers. Indeed, he did escape in the end,
but not before Moran had very nearly
put a finish to him by a knife thrust
in his back.”
Once more I exchanged glances with
the physician, for scarcely half an
hour before, I had told him of the scar
under McNish’s left shoulder blade, re
ceived as I had been told, in Buffalo.
“Moran fled, from Peking after this
encounter, not knowing whether his
enemy were dead or alive, and for
awhile, I believe, 'laid very low,’ as
they say. In spite of ail the efforts
of the combined Chinese organiza
tions, McNish, warned now of his con
stant danger, eluded their search, but
at length Soy himself succeeded in
tracing him to Canada and thence to
Buffalo. There Moran came, post
haste, and once more there was a
street encounter. Moran was arrest
ed, and McNish charged him with as
sault with intent to kill. The result
was that Moran was convicted and
sent to prison for a term of years;
and once again the earth, seemed to
close over McNish.”
The discrepancies between Miss
Clement’s narrative and that of Yup
Sing I did not regard as sufficiently
vital to raise a question over, yet I
must admit that 1 could hardly fore
see a conclusion without a much
graver antagonism of facts as I knew
The missionary having paused to
sip her tja, Dr. Addison asked permis
sion to smoke a cigarette, which she
readily granted.
“On Moran’s release from prison,”
Miss Clement continued, fortified by
the fragrant Oolong, “he appears for
the first time to have considered the
advisability of adopting some sort of
an incognito. Prior to this time he
had, Soy told me, been carefully clean
shaven and close-cropped. Now he
grew a beard and wore his hair long,
and, in addition, he doctored it with
henna until it became a fiery red. He
also changed his name from Moran to
Murphy, and instead of frequenting
the busy marts of men, he retired to
an isolated country place on the Cos
Cob river and posed as an artist. He
employed always a Chinese servant,
and at least once a week, without fail
he visited Chinatown, keeping always
in touch with the powers there, which
were still unrelenting in their efforts
to trace McNish.”
She came now to Murphy’s so-called
chance meeting with Cameron on the
Fourth of July, of which Cameron
himself had already told me. I would
have saved her this recital, but it was
new to Dr. Addison and so I allowed
her to proceed. ’
“It was plainly evident to Moran,”
she pursued, “that McNish—or at
least the gentleman he supposed was
McNish—did not recognize him, and
his delight at this discovery was un
bounded; for it gave him opportunity,
quite unsuspectedly, to arrange all his
plans for a most ingenious campaign
of torture. What that campaign con
sisted of, of course, you already know,
Mr. Clyde, and I presume Dr. Addison
does, too."
“Yes,” I replied, “I have told the
"What yo*i don't know, though," she
added, "is how it was- managed."
“We have been told something about
amyl pearls,” I suggested.
"Amyl pearls?" queried Dr. Addison,
With as much clearness as possible
I explained to him what I meant by
using this admittedly inaccurate terra.
“Incredible!” he exclaimed. “Can it
be possible that there is such an an
aesthetic as this, and we have never
even heard of it before?”
“There can be no doubt about its
existence,” I answered. “I myself have
experienced its effects, though I have
never actually seen it put in opera
Cut it was Jliss Clement who was
most convincing.
"I have never seen either it or its
effects, Doctor," she said, “but I am
willing to believe even more marvel
lous things than that where the Chi
nese are concerned. You must remem
ber that as a race they are most jea
lous of their knowledge as well as
tlieir possessions. Just now, after all
their many centuries of a civilization
greater in some respects than our
own, we are beginning to learn some
thing of them and their ways, and I
should not be at all surprised to dis
cover that in chemistry, in medicine
even, they have forgptten more than
we know. Soy assured me that not
only for days, but for weeks, he him
self came and went about Mr. Cam
eron’s—or, as he called It, McNlsh’s—
country place without being either
seen or heard, simply by using this
ether of Invisibility. It was he who
delivered the three letters. It was he
who cut the head from the portrait,
and It was he who broke the mirror;
and yet no ono saw him on the
grounds or in the house, and indeed
there were very few who saw him In
the vicinity. Again and again, he as
sured me, he could have taken his vic
tim’s life but that he was intent on
inflicting a punishment more protract
edly horrible than mere sudden death.’*
"Who wrote the letters?” I asked.
“I thought so. And Moran killed
the Chinaman who worked for him."
“No; there you are wrong, Mr.
"Then who did?”
' Soy himself. He learned of how
that boy, unable to control his hatred
of the man who had slain some one or
more of his kinspeople, carried back
the head that had been cut from the
portrait, borrowed a rifle from Mr.
Cameron's own gamekeeper, and shot
the canvas full of holes. It seemed to
Soy, then, that in spite of ail his and
Moran's careful preparation this would
surely involve trouble, and that once
more their quarry would slip through
their lingers. And to prevent the pos
sibility of any more unrestrained fer
vor on the boy’s part. Soy beat him to
“1 know Soy, or Peter Johnson as
he called himself, managed the kidnap
ping from the yacht,” I said, "but I
shall never understand how it was
done. Did he speak of that?"
"Over and over again. It was he
who learned of the intention to take
the cruise. At first they thought they
would have to change their plans and
carry their enemy off before he had a
chance to take to his yacht. But Soy
maintained that that would be too
crude a method; whereas to let him
think that he had escaped and was
safe away, and then, at the very mo
ment of his triumph, to snatch him
from seeming security, would be the
very refinement of cruelty the avenger
so much desired. And so the proper
ties were secured at some fabulous
figure—I forgot just what they paid
for that fast powrer boat—the scene
was set, and the great act of the
drama, with Soy still the star, was
carried to a successful climax."
"But,” I made question, “I don’t see
how Soy could take such a risk If it
had been McNish instead of Cameron,
ho certainly w-ould have recognized
him. when he was brought aboard
from the disabled dory.”
“He thought of that, but you must
temember that in all those sixteen
years McNish had never once seen
Soy. He thought he had perished
with the rest when the Sable Lorcha
went down. And so Soy decided that
in oilskins, apparently unconscious, in
an open boat off the New England
coast, there was not one chance in ten
thousand that McNish would connect
him with the cook he had left for dead
in the South China sea.”
"But McNish did recognize him as
soon as he laid eyes on him in this
house. I saw that myself, you know,
Miss Clement. He recognized him and
was terror stricken.”
Miss Clement smiled tolerantly. She
was armed at all points.
"\ou did not know, I suppose, Mr.
Clyde, that that was not their first
meeting," , she explained. "Soy met
McNish on the night you found him.
It was he who assaulted him, some
where about Seventh avenue and Fif
tieth street, and would have killed him
then had not the police arrived at the
moment. The officers probably thought
McNish was intoxicated and let him
go, seeing that he could stand, and so
he staggered on to Fifth avenue; and
there you discovered him.”
"No, I did not know that,” I admit
ted, a little crestfallen. "What fol
"You remember I told ycu that
Chinatown was in a state of frenzy,
the next day? You can understand
now, why. Soy, of course, reported
that McNish had escaped from the
"What steamer?" I cried, suddenly
realizing that the one really vital piece
of information we should have ob
tained, had all this while been de
layed. "What steamer? Did he give
you the name of it?"
“In just a moment, Mr. Clyde,” she
said, with a smile that I confess exas
perated me.
"Pardon me,” I returned, insistent
ly, “but you do not realize, 1 fear, what
minutes even may mean in this mat
“No," still very calm, "I really don't.
The steamer ha3 been at sea now
twenty-five days. It is bound for Hong
Kong. If there was a chance of over
taking it, I—”
“There’s every chance of overtaking
it,” I interrupted once again. “Tomor
row, or next day, or even today, it
may put into Rio. We must telegraph
the United States Consulate at every
possible port.”
And then, for the first time, appar
ently, Miss Clement seemed to appre
ciate there was a real urgency.
“The steamer is the Glamorgan
shire," she said, qui'ckly: “A freight
er; a tramp, I suppose; bound foe
Hong Kong. She sailed on Wednes
day, the twenty-eighth of last month,
and Mr. Cameron was put aboard, half
drugged, as one of the crew.”
The Tortoise and the Hare.
Although Mis3 Clement's Interesting
chapter of disclosures was by no
means ended with the name of the
steamer and its date of sailing, it
there came, so far as I was concerned,
at least, to an abrupt intermission.
For, as though the delay and inaction
of the past month but served to swell
the flood of my eager energy, the tide,
so long checked out now set free,
careering like an unleashed spring
freshet overrode all barriers. With
scapt apology, I sprang to the tele
phone, and if Miss Clement continued
her conversation with Dr. Addison, I
was deaf to what she said.
What I sought, first of all, was cor
roboration Did a steamship, named
the Glamorganshire, sail for Hong
Kong on October 2Sth? In less than
five minutes, the facts were mine.
Such a steamer had sailed for the
east on that date. Her agents were
Bartlett Brothers. Their offices were
in the Produce Exchange Building.
Another minute, and Bartlett Broth
ers were on the wire. No. the Glamor
ganshire did not take the South Amer
ican route. Her course was through
the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal.
She carried no passengers. She was
British. She was very slow. She had
called at the Azores and then at Gib
raltar. where she had been delayed
in coaling. Yes, she would make sev
eral Mediterranean ports. If all went
well, she would reach Port Said about
December 6th. Certainly not before
that. Probably a day or so later.
I dare say it was exceptional that I
secured all this information with so
little trouble, and without giving any
hint as to why I desired it. but merely
on the statement that I was Mr. Clyde,
of The Week.
Race Not Going Backward
Proof That the Men of Today Are at
Least Taller in Stature Than
Their Ancestors.
Some time ago when it was wished
to use some ancient suits of English
armor for a pageant it was found that
they were all too small for the use of
the average man. Now comes a sim
ilar story from Germany. The cus
todian of a castle near Innsbruck, a
man slightly under the average
height, says that he has tried on every
suit of armor in the castlo and that
they are all too small for him. The
custodian of the castle of Voduz, who
is of still lesser stature, says the same
thing of the armor under his care, and
we are reminded of the low doors and
short beds that are so distinguishing
a feature of old Gothic houses.
Is it possible that the human race
is increasing in stature?. It would
seem so. We can hardly account fbr '
this on the ground of athletics, seeing
that the old knightly pirates of the
days of chivalry were athletic enough.
Physical vigor was their stock in
It is said that very few men now
adays can draw the old long bows of
the English archers, the bows that
were capable of sending an arrow
through a steel breastplate. But so
far as stature is concerned we seem
to have the better of our buccaneer
ing ancestors.
Turn About Is Fair Play.
Farmer Beetroot (back from the
metropolis)—I had a bully time, I tell
Si Perkins—Didn't the waiters'
strike make trouble at meal times?
Farmer Beetroot—Not for me; I put
up with one o' my summer boarders._
No Satisfying Pass Fiend
Comedian Relates Story That Would
Seem to Be Almost the Limit
Even in That Line.
Raymond Hitchcock is to be credited
with this story, says the New York
correspoudent of the Cincinnati Times
Star. He deserves it, for of late he
has milked cows from the wrong side,
fussed with his wife on the deck of
an ocean liner and been kicked into
the water by a motor boat in his hunt
for first page position and something
better than a No. 4 headline. “An old
friend of mine came to me last win
ter,” said Hitchcock, “and asked me
to get him tickets to the show in which
I was then appearing. 'I would if I
could, old chap,' I said, 'but honestly,
I can’t get ’em for you. I have no ac
count at the box office. The only way
in which I can get you tickets would
be to pay for them out of my own
“ ’Aw,’ said he. ‘any old place will
do. I don’t care where I sit See if
they won’t let you have a pair for me.
Explain to ’em that I'm an old friend. ”
Mr. Hitchcock admittedly lost his
temper. He pulled a five-dollar bill
out of his pocket and walked toward
the box offico window. They had j
been standing in the theater lobby.
• I’ll prove to you,” he said, sourly,
"that I have been telling the truth.”
And to the man behind the cash reg
ister: "Two seats at a dollar and a
half each.” And then he handed them
to the persistent pass grafter. “Now,”
said he, "I hope you’re satisfied.”
“ ‘Yep,’ said the other. ‘I am. and
my wife will be tickled to death. But,
gee, my sister-in-law will be disappoint
ed because I only got two.' ”
City Drinks 23,000,000 Gallons Beer.
Consul General Ifft writes that the
Nuremberg breweries during 1911
produced 21.631.36S gallons of beer, of
which 7,5S9,656 gallons were brought
into the city and C.181,956 gallons ex
ported. The city consumed 23.039,069
gallons, or a trifle more than 69 gal
lons for each man, woman and child.
The retail price of beer in Nurem
burg averages six cents per quart.
You Know the Kind.
“What sort of a chap is Wombat to
caunp with?”
“He's one of these fellows who al
ways takes down a mandolin about
the time it’s up to somebody to get
busy with the frying pan.”
Pretty Hat for Child Has
Braid Brim of Sapphire Blue
For little misses from nine to four
teen years old a great number of
shapes to choose from have been
provided. New fabrics and new col
orings furnish, too, opportunities for
unusual millinery for children. It is
a season of gay colors and odd fab
Ratine in silk has been employed
with fine results in hats for misses.
Soft crowns of this material are
combined with braid-covered brims.
A hat of this sort looks best trimmed
with ribbon.
Another sort of crown with a braid
brim is shown in this picture. This
is an unusually pretty hat with braid
brim of sapphire blue. The crown is
covered with silk over which is
stretched a flowered chiffon show
ing the patent of gray grounds cov
ered with the brightest of flower
Ribbon is here the most appropri
ate trim and is placed about the
baEe of the crown in a plain folded
band. Four loops, wired to hold them
in place, protrude at the back. The
frame shows a graceful irregular
brim and wen balanced round crown.
The little hai. la constructed to follow
out the most up-to-date ideas as to
outline, material and colors.
An evening gown of black satin and
gold embroidered lace over groseille
silk. The waist ends in a pointed
back panel.
Trimmings From Chinese Skirts.
Chinese skirts in the original cer
tainly possess as many varied uses as
the famous porker, whose only loss is
its squeal. The front and back panels,
with their rich embroideries in Peking
stitch, make exquisite long sailor col
lars which will miraculously turn your
most commonplace frock into a veri
table ereati»n. The yards on yards
of two-toned Chinese blue embroidery
bandings make trimming galore for a
stunning gown and hat. A striking
parasol in these days of unique ones,
is made from the skirt's pleated and
embroidered sides, and an equally ef
fective piano lamp shade can be
evolved from the same, with the addi
tion of the panels.
Influence of East on New Clothes.
The Chinese coat, a short, straight
cut garment, with loose body and
sleeves, is another example of the in
fluence of the east on present-day fash
ions. Boleros are talked of for three
piece garments, but somehow with
the draped effects the bolero does
not seen in keeping. However, as
change is what is aimed at, we shall
see these introduced again, more in
the Spanish style and trimmed a la
toreador. As a natural sequence to
this mode the matador hat will again
be seen.
Irish Crochet in Colors.
The new Irish crochet, printed in
colors, strongly resembles the Bul
garian designs. Bands of this trim
ming are used as a bordering on thin
crepons and voiles. Colored voiles,
such as champagne, pale gray, rose
pink, etc., are trimmed with bands
of all-white Irish crochet, while all
white voiles and crepons are trim
med with the Irish crochet in color.
Particularly Effective Touches May
Be Given to Draperies, Especially
if They Are of Cretonne.
If you have cretonne draperies In
your guest room there are many at
tractive articles you can make to
add comfort and beauty to the room.
Purchase cretonne to match, or, if
this is impossible, a design showing
the same coloring.
Lovely bureau scarfs are fashioned
by cutting the cretonne the exact
dimensions of the bureau top. Cover
this with white marquisette and be
tween the top and the china silk lining
place one thickness of cotton wadding.
Whipstitch the edges together and
finish them with a narrow edging of
gold lace.
The marquisette softens the colors
of the cretonne, producing a pastel
A rectangular sofa cushion can be
made of the same materials, and is
particularly beautiful when ornament
ed with a large flat bow of ribbon in
one corner.
In rose designs the cretonne is ex
tremely artistic when veiled with mar
quisette. t
For the dressing table a long pin
cushion should be made to match.
Finish either end with a rosette of
satin ribbon.
Frames for sewing stands can be
purchased to match any wood, and it
would be nice to supply your guest
room with one with a cretonne top to
match the draperies.
Cover the cretonne with the mar
quisette and line it with china silk.
Gather this with a heading to the
frame and finish each corner with a
bow of ribbon. The top hangs pocket
like from the frame and holds all the
articles necessary for This
is a very useful article, and the well
appointed guest room should be sup
plied with sewing stand.
Fashionable Colors.
This is the time of year when col
ors change, just as do hats and gowns.
Cjjirt blue is one of the latest. It is
a cross between electric and gend
Taupe has shed its brown tinge and
has acquired the tint like elephant
One of the prettiest blues is blue
vig, a deep and yet bright shade.
Shrimp is the favored pink.
A glorious red which looks extreme
ly well with white is called rouge
Chalk white is en vogue.
Amaranth is a claret shade.
Caramel Is another pretty edition
of brown.
Verdegris is one of the smartest
Mimosa is a yellow that verges on
Petunia is the successor of the
fuchsia medley, with the purple and
red tints predominating.
Heels Very High.
In the South of France, at fashion
able Monte Carlo, Cannes and Nice,
one sees the most grotesque sights
which are the direct result of high
heels combined with tight skirts. How
some of the votaries of that sad amal
gamation manage to walk at all, it is
difficult to say. Their best effort is
only a feeble and unsafe totter, for
the Louis heel, when exaggeratedly
high, throws the body forward and up
sets the balance of it. Yet the heel
of that name is becoming to the feet
and is the smart woman’s choice.
Protecting Jewelry.
It is well to cover jewelry with a
thin coat of coll#dion when storing
it in the safety deposit vault. The
collodion can be dissolved with alco
hol or ether when the jewelry is
brought forth again. Jewelry of al
most every description can be thor
oughly cleaned with soap and water
It should then be packed in boxwood
sawdust for several hours until It Is
dry in every crevice