The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 08, 1913, Image 4

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Magazine Writer Urges Hospitals for
Those Afflicted With Deplor
able Habit.
The need of hospitals, private and
public, for scientific treatment of drug
addiction, is urgent, writes Charles B.
Towns in the Century, discussing
"The Drug Taker and the Physician.”
There has never been a state or city
Hospital meant primarily for such pa
dents. though some have been receiv
ed and treated at the Massachusetts
itate hospital for dipsomaniacs and
inebriates. The state and city make
provision for treating the insanity
that arises in advanced stages of the
Habit, or in patients forcibly deprived
*f their craving, but not for treating
the habit itself.
Even the inebriate colony which is
to be established by the state of New
Fork will in no way provide for the
drug taker. This is probably because
He does not come so obviously within
the protective province of the state as
does the alcoholic, since he is not
turbulent and does not break the law
except in order to obtain his cus
tomary dose. At the present time,
with all the enormous drug consump
tion, there is no provision by state or
city, or by charity organization, for
the special treatment of the drug
taker, although more than any other
Bick person in the world is he abso
lutely unable to care for himself.
It will be seen that the physician is
zhe proper agent to deal with the evil
under discussion, both in safeguard
ing the patient from acquiring the
habit and in correcting the habit when
once it has been asquired. He must,
then, be thoroughly equipped for the
duty. Every year doctors are being
graduated from our medical schools
with an intimate knowledge of dis
eases that they will rarely encounter,
but without any knowledge of drug
and alcoholic conditions, which await
them in appalling numbers. They
must realize their responsibility in
prescribing the habit-forming drugs
and must be qualified to deal with the
results of their misuse.
Its Cost Paid Back Many Times Over
and Now It Demands Self
The territory of Alaska has yielded
to its owner, the United States, $200,
000,000 in mineral wealth; in fish and
furs this bleak possession has yielded
$222,710,036, and it has paid directly
into the United States treasury $14,
792,461 in cash. Adding the tribute
of fisheries, furs, minerals and cash,
the people of the United States have
within forty-two years taken $444,102,
600 out of Alaska.
This territory was bought from Rus
sia in 1867 for $7,200,000. The figures
of wealth yielded in return for this
investment, according to the testi
mony of Delegate James Wickersham
- before the committee on territories
on March 29 last, were supplied to him
by the treasury department. Costing
but $7,200,000, and an average of
$200,000 annually for the maintenance
of its government, the territory has re
turned to the United States $10,000,
000 a year. Its people now petition
the government to enable them to con
serve for their own use its vast and
yet undeveloped resources. They
want to govern themselves, and ulti
mately to achieve statehood. The na
tion has always taken tribute from
Alaska, while retaining its own wealth
for itself and its individual states.
Why not now give Alaska a chance 7
—New York Times.
Pride of East and West.
The visitor from the far west who
refuses to be impressed by some of
the town’s proudest exhibits is one of
the New Yorker’s greatest trials, and
often the latter discovers that the at
titude of his guest is based upon con
siderably more than a mere assump
tion of superiority. A few days ago a
tnan wha piloting a newly arrived
friend about town, and made the
mistake, upon coming out on Fifth
avenue, of calling attention, with the
maximum of pride, to the line of mo
tor ’buses spinning up and down that
thoroughfare. To his amazement the
man from the Golden Gate refused to
be impressed. “Yes, they're all right,”
he remarked, “but you should see the
ones we have at home. How far do
these run, anyway? We have an au
tomobile stage line between Sacra
mento and Folsom, with ’buses that
carry 24 passengers and baggage and
make about 90 miles a day. They
run over country roads at 20 miles an
hour, and a good many of our people
are coming to prefer them to the rail
road. Yes, these are nice ’buses, but
they look sort of funny beside ours.”
—New York Tribune.
Retain Their Employes.
More than two thousand active em
ployes have been on an eastern rail
road’s pay roll more than forty years,
and over one thousand five hundred
men who served forty years or more
are now receiving pensions. It has
more than four thousand active em
ployes between the ages of sixty and
seventy years. There are on the pay
roll or pension list of the railroad
nearly five hundred men who have
been with the road over fifty years.
Her Condemnation.
Sarah. Bernhardt is quoted as paying
her respects to Isabella of Bavaria,
consort of Charles VI of France, in
this wise: "It is to her that we owe
the invention of the corset, but it
was she. too, who sold the half of
France to England. There was no
crime of which that woman wag not
' Is Working on Urge Picture.
Edwin H. Blashflc Id. who painted
the doifie-piece for tho Library cf
Congress, is working on one cf the
largest canvases ever pointed iu
America, and it is claimed the fig
ures on it overshadow any ever
wrought in this country. The paint
ing will constitute the dome-piece fer
the new state Capitol in .-•.Edison,
Wisconsin. Several of the figures
measure.I*1/? feet as they flort in the
air. The canvas, when in place, wll
be 200 from the eye cf a per?. -
standing wi ihj»
' .
-CsXI Yf
The Tie That Binds.
It does seem as 11 you ana i ougni
to get along together without quar- \
reltng all the time,” sighed Mrs. Jaw
"It does,” growled Mr. Jawback, “but
It seems we can’t. We’re fighting like
cats and dogs from morning to
“Cats and dogs? Look at that cat
and that dog of ours—they never fight.
They live under the same roof peace
“Yes, they do. Hut tie 'em together
40 they can't get loose and see how
they'll act!”
Ideal Match.
“But,” says the candid friend, “I
cannot for the life of me understand
why you intend to marry him. He
has a wooden leg and the other one is
bowed, and he only has one eye and
is bald in patches, and positively has
the ugliest whiskers I ever saw on a
man. Why, no woman in her senses
could love him!”
“We shall be ideally happy,” ex
plains the beauteous girl. “I shall
never be jealous of him for the rea
sons you have cited. And he will al
ways be so glad and proud that I mar
ried him that he won't care how much
I flirt.”—Judge's Library.
They Were Surprised.
“Jinks, who has just returned from
4 year’s globe trotting, is very wroth
at the local paper.”
“Oh, the editor wrote a column arti
cle about him. which he claims ended:
‘His many friends were surprised that
he is unchanged.’ but the compositor
left the ‘c‘ out of ‘unchanged.’ ”
Bronson—What have you been burn
ing in your furnace this winter?
Woodson—Hundred dollar bill, as
He Had a Name.
Patrick, lately over, was working in
the yards of a railroad. One day he
happened to be in the yard office
when the force was out. The tele
phone rang vigorously several times
and he at last decided it ought to be
aonswered. He walked over to the in
strument, took down the receiver and
put his mouth to the transmitter, just
as he had seen others do.
“Hillo!” he called.
“Hello,” answered the voice at the
other end of the line. “Is this eight
“Aw. g’wan! Phwat d’ ye t’ink Oi
am? A box car?”
Methodist church: Next Sunday is
“Mothers’ Day”. The exercises will
be in keeping with the occasion. A
white carnation will be given to every
mother who can attend. At night
the “Boy Scouts” will assist in the
singing. The public is cordially in
vited. D. A. Leeper, Pastor.
Presbyterian church: Next Sunday,
10:30 a. m., a special “Mothers’ Day”
service will be held. Come, mothers,
and bring the youngsters. They will
be cared for while you enjoy the
service of recitation and song. Each
mother present will receive a carna
tion. In the evening, the subject is,
“God’s Law About the Sabbath.”
J. C. Tourtellot, Pastor.
Swedish Christian church: There
will be Mission meetings begining
Friday evening, May 10th and con
tinueing Saturday and Sunday, the
17th and 18th. Sev ral ministers
from a distance will be 'here. Re
member the services will begin Fri
day evening at 8 o’clock. Other
services wiil be announced later.
C. G. F. Johnson, Pastor.
The First Baptist Church: Sunday
school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11
o’clock. Subject—“Church Disci
pline.” Song and Prayer service, 7:15.
Preaching at 8 o’clock. Topic—“The
Change of the Sabbath to the First
Day of the week.” A cordial invita
tion is given to attend these services.
Geo. Sutherland, Pastor.
German Evangelical church: At
Loup City, Sunday, May 11.—Sunday
school at 10:00 a. m.: service at 10:30.
May 10. Lesson in German 10:00a. m.
May 12. Service at Ashton at 10a. m.
P. J ueling, Pastor.
Along R. R. No. 2
W. H. McLaughlin’s well was out
of^commission the past week.
Otto Henning marketed a load of
grain at Loup City last Thursday.
H. S. Conger has set out shade and
fruit trees and lots of small shrubery
the past week.
Clark Alleman has set trees along
his west line.
Muriel Chase visited Saturday at
Will Hawk’s.
J. H. Burwell was marketing hogs
at Loup City Saturday.
Lars P. Neilson had a load of hogs
on the Loup City market Monday.
Adolph Retteninyer marketed hogs
at Loup City Monday.
Bert German spent Sunday at Loud
Art Wilson and son. Roy, were Haul
ing hay from Ernest Daddow’s Mon
E. M. Marvel had teams busy Mon
day hauling out corn.
L. Johnson was on Route 2 this
Chas. Johnson was at N.P. Neilson’s
on business Monday.
A. H. Newhouser helped Marvel
haul com this week.
Leroy Wilson was helping Tom Mc
Fadden last week.
Len Haller was out to Ed Flynn’s
Monday repairing the water tank.
Charles Johnson hauled hay from
Ernest Daddow's Monday.
John Haller made a trip to Loup
City in his new auto Monday.
wans ueitz soia Koy Longer several
tons of hay last week.
Mrs. Milt Rentfrow visited on
Route 2 last week.
Jim Roush was repairing the
pasture fence east of Fred Johnson's
Mrs. L. H. Hansen and son have
been visiting in Denver the past
Charles Bohr from McCool Junction
is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. M.
Mickow, this week.
Miss Carrie Bogseth will teach next
year in the Fred Johnson district or
the same school taught by her this
Carrier has a mare 7 years old,
heavy with foal, weight 1050 lbs: that
he will trade for a mare or horse.
This mare is bred to Jim Johnson’s
A great many patrons forget to put
up the signal when they put their
letters in the mail boxes. Unless the
signal is up the carrier does not have
to look in the mail boxes. Always
put your return in the left hand cor
ner with your route number, also box
number. This will help the post
master and carrier.
Why don’t some of the automobile
owners fasten the road drag to their
autos and drag the roads. They
could cover a great many miles more
than a man could with a team. This
would be a big saving to your autos.
The carrier thinks that all roads will
be dragged with autoes instead of
horses soon. If autoes will pull the
plow, why not the drag?
Mrs. Alfred Jorgenson came near
having a serious accident happen to
her last week while coming out of the
cave, in some way the wind caught
the door, blowing it shut with such
force that it caught her head, render
ing her unconscious for some time
and when she came to her head was
held between the door and the jam.
Outside of a lump on her head the
size of a hen’s egg and the right side
of her face bruised, she was all O. K.
in a short time.
Winter wheat is as good or better
than last week. Alfalfa will be ready
to cut in ten days. Pastures are
slow about starting but with a few
warm days they will be good. A
heavy rain covered the route again
last week. The average depth to
which the ground is wet, is about 2
feet. Some potatoes are up. Oats
are up and making rapid growth, the
acreage is quite large. Some farmers
have a good many acres of corn plant
ed now and next week corn planting
will be in full swing. Lots of prairie
being broke this spring and the alfalfa
that will be sown this year will break
all records. The ground is in the
best shape it has been for several
years. The farmers are farming
better every year.
Bridge Notice j
Notice is hereby given that bids will
be received at the office of the county
clerk of Sherman county, Nebr., on
or before noon of the 9th day of June,
1913, for the letting of a yearly con
tract for the building of wood and
steel bridges as per plans and specifi
cations approved by the state engi
neer as the same are on file in the
office of the county clerk. All bids
must be accompanied by a certified
check of $1000. The board of county
supervisors reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Witness mv hand and the seal of
said county hereunto affixed this 5th
day of May, 1913.
L. B. Polski.
[seal] County Clerk.
[Last pub. May 29]
Notice of Executor’s Sale of Lands
In the District Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
Walter P. Reed, executor of the es
tate of Thomas M. Reed, deceased,
for license to sell real estate.
State of Nebraska )
County of Sherman )
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Hon. B. O.
Hostetler, Judge of the District Court
of Sherman cpunty Nebraska, made
on the 15th day of March, 1913, for
the sale of the real estate hereinafter
described, there will be sold at public
vendue to the highest bidder, for cash,
at the south door of the county court
house, in the city of Loup City,
in Sherman countv, Nebraska, on the
21th day of May, 1913,at the hour
of 2 o’clock in the afternoon,
the following described real es
tate, to-wit: Lots four (4) and live (5)
in block seventeen (17) in the original
»wn, now city, of Loup City, in Sher
man county, Nebraska. Said sale will
remain open for one hour.
Dated this 5th day of May, 1913.
Walter P. Reed,'
Executor of the Estate of Thomas M.
Reed, deceased.
Last pub. May 22
Road Notice
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
commissioner appointed to view and
locate a road commencing at a point
an the east line of section twelve (12),
township fifteen (15), range fifteen
[15), in said county, where road num
ber one intersects the east line of
said section twelve and running
thence south along the east line of
said section twelve to the right of
way of the Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy Railroad Company and thence
along said right of way, in a south
easterly direction and terminating at
the north line of Barker’s Second Ad
dition to Loup City, in said county,
be established and opened, the same
to have a width of forty feet, being
twenty feet on each side of said sec
tion line down to said right of way,
and sixty-six feet wide thereafter
along said right of way, and all ob
jection thereto or claims for damages
must be filed in the office of the
county clerk on or before noon of the
1st day of July, 1913. or such road
will be established without reference
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this
24th, day of April. A. D. 1913.
W. C. Dieterichs, County Clerk.
By J. J. Slominski, Deputy.
last pub May 29
Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probate of Will
in the County Court of Sherman county. Ne
State of Nebraska, I
Sherman County. f
To the heirs, legatees, devisees and all persons
interested in the estate of Charles S. Cash,
On reading the petition of Allen Cash, pray
ing that the instrument filed in this court on
the -’4th day of April, 1913, and purporting to be
ihe last will and testament of the said deceased,
may be proved and allowed, and recorded as
the last will and testament of Charles S.
Cash, deceased: that said instrument
be admitted to probate and the administra
tion of said estate be granted to Annie L.
Cash as executrix. It is hereby ordered that you
and all persons interested in said matter, may.
and do. appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said county, on the 21st
day of May, A. D. 1913, at 1 o clock p. m.
to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said petition and
that the hearing thereof he given to all per.
sons interested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Loup City North
western a weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Witness ray hand and seal of said court this
24th dav of April, A. D.. 1913.
E. A. Smith
[seal] County Judge
(Last pub May. 15)
Notice to Creditors
SShcrmanCountka ( the c°unty Court
In the matter of the estate of Herbert W'
Pedler. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are nereby notified, that 1 will sit at the
County Court room in Loup City, in said
County, on the 17th dav of November. 1913, to
receive and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjustment and al
lowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is the 17th
day of November. A. D., 1913. and the time
limited for the payment of debts is one year
from said 3!st day of March. 1913.
fitness my hand and seal of said County
Court, this 21st day of April, 1913.
(seal) County Judge
Last pub May 15
Sheriffs Sale
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order of sale to me di
rected from the District Court of
Sherman county, Nebraska, upon a
decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court on the 12th day of March, 1913,
wherein John Fisher was plaintiff,
and Kate Lvons, Mary J. Farr, Mary
J. Farr, administratrix of the estate
of Levi J. Farr, deceased. Linden
Farr, Gertie Farr, Willis Farr, Teddy
Farr, Caroline Lade, E. G. Lade, ex
ecutor, were defendants; I have
levied upon the following described
real estate, to-wit: The northwest
quarter of section twenty-six (26) in
township thirteen (13), range fifteen
(15), west of the 6th principal merid
ian, situated in said Sherman county
and state of Nebraska, and I will on
the 3rd day of June, 1913, at two
o'clock p. m., of said day, at the south
door of the court house, in Loup City,
Sherman county, Nebraska, offer for
sale and sell said above described real
estate at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash to satisfy the
amount of $1734.00 with interest at
seven per cent per annum from the
12th day of March, 1913, and costs of
the above action taxed at $46.15 and
accruing costs, which amount was ad
judged to be due to the plaintiff above
named from the defendants above
named, and to be a lien upon the
above described premises.
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this
28th day of April, 1913.
L. A. Williams,
Sheriff of Sherman county, Nebraska.
A. C. Mayee, Plaintiff’s Attorney.
[Last pub. May 29]
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Notice is hereby given that, by
virtue of an order of sale to me di
rected issued out of the DistrictCourt
of Sherman county, Nebraska, upon
a decree rendered in said court on
March 11th, 1913, in a certain cause
therein pending wherein Ashton State
Bank is plaintiff and Frank J. Stobbe,
Elizabeth Stobl«. the Cudahy Pack
ing Company, Armour and Company, i
and Victoria Haremza are Defend
ants, in favor of the said plaintiff,
Ashton State Bank, in the sum of
$3641.45, bearing interest at eight per
cent per annum, and costs taxed at
$27.75, and ordering that in case the
defendants, Frank J. Stobbe and
Elizabetli Stobbe. fail for twenty days
to pay the Plaintiff the said sum of
$3641.45, with interest at eight per
cent per annum from March 11th,
1913. and costs of suit, that tne prop
erty hereinafter described be sold to
satisfy said decree: Now therefore,
I will on the 27th day of May, 1913,
at one o’clock in the afternoon of
said day, at the south and front door
of the court house, in Loup City, Ne
braska, sell the following described
real estate at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, to-wit: lot
numbered eight (8) in block numbered
ten (10) in the original town of Ash
ton: also all of lot fifteen (15), except
the west twelve and one-half (12J£) feet
of said lot, and all of lots sixteen (16),
seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) in
block two (2) in E. G. Taylor’s Second
Addition to said town of Ashton, all
situate in Sherman county, Nebraska,
to satisfy the amount due on said de
cree, with interest, cost and accruing
Witness mv hand this 22nd day of
April, 1913. *
L. A. Williams,
Sheriff of Sherman county, Nebraska.
[Last pub. May 22,1913]
Road Vacation Notice
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to vacate
the public road crossing the n e 1-4
section twenty-six (sec 2t>) and north
west quarter and northeast quarter
(nw 1-4 and ne 1-4) and southeast quar
rer (se 1-4) of section twenty-five (25)
all in Town fifteen (15) Range four
teen (14) has reported in favor of such
vacation, provided that the substitu
ted roads be made passable and all
objections thereto, or claims for dam
ages must be filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 8th
day of June,1913, or such road will be
vacatated with out reference thereto.
Dated at Loup City this 8th day of
April, 1913.
W. C. Deiteuichs
County Clerk
Last pub May 8
Road Notice
(Commercial Club)
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioners appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the east
end of Road No. 426 on the south line
of section 31, township 16, range 14
and running thence in a northerly di
rection about 10n rods to the summit
of a ridge, thence in a northwesterly
and northerly direction following the
summit of said ridge, and crossing the
half section line of section 31, town
ship 16, range 14, at about thirty-live
(35) rods east of the center of section
31, township 16, range 14, thence in
a northwesterly direction along said
ridge, crossing section line between
sections 30 and 31, township 16, range
14 at about 56 rods west of the quarter
section corner between sections 30 and
31, township 16, range 14, thence in a
northerly and northeasterly direction
along said ridge, crossing the half
section line about 52 rods west of
center of section 30, township 16.
range 14. tiience along said ridge in a
northeasterly direction crossing the
half section line about thirty-six (36)
rods north of the center of section 30,
township 16, range 14. thence in a
general northeasterly direction along
said ridge crossing the line between
sections 19 and 30, township 16, range
14, at about forty-four (44) rods east
of the quarter section corner between
the sections 19 and 30. township 16,
range 14,thence northwesterly along
said ridge to a point about thirty-six
(36) rods north and thirty (30) rods east
of the quarter section corner between
19and 30, township 16, range 14, thence
west across a small pocket about
seventy-five (75) rods, thence north
westerly and west to a point about
ten (10) rods north of the west quarter
section corner of section 19, township
16, range 14, thence northwest along
said ridge about twenty-four (24)rods,
intersecting with the Hans Johnson
road and there terminating, has re
ported in favor of the establishment
thereof, and all objections thereto, or
claims for damage, must be tiled in
the County Clerk's office on or before
noon of the 28th day of June, A. D.
1913, or such road will be established
without reference thereto.
Dated this 14th day of April at
Loup City, Nebraska.
W. C. Dietekiciis,
[seal] County Clerk.
Last pub. May 15
V. I. McDonall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Phone Brown 57
For a Square Deal
Real Estate
And Insurance
J. W Dougal
Offce First Floor, 4
doors south of
State Bank Building
For Insurance
or TREES of any
kind try
I have a nice line of
Norway Poplars, home
Loup City, Nebraska
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c,
Anvone sending a sketch and description may
qntckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invent ion is probably patentable. Communion*
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
tpccial notice, without chnrge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of anv scientific Journal. Terms. f3 a
year: four months, fL Sold by all newsdealers.
361 Broadway,
Brandi Office, OS F SU Washington, D. C.
* IV*za and Impropar
Ml Meatmen! ol disease
Mi means loss ol Hate,
money and health.
Consult a reliable
Specialist, one who Is
^P not afraid to use his own
name, and who has a
permanent busineas and real
neeeleec doctors who ome
K'l. Thera Is no Oneway
ns lor Piles or Stuptwe r
few dap cure lor Chronic or
Private diseases.
and Private Diseases, rites and Rupture cured
without an operation. 606 for Blood Poison.
ten years in grand island
Poultry Raisers, Attention
Are Your Broilers Ripe Yet?
Better sort them over and sell the largest
ones while the price is still high.
We wili pay 25c per pound for broilers weigh
ing from 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 pounds
Price good till May 3rd
Ravenna Creamery Co.
* •
You are Invited to atte id
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays;
Matinee every Saturday afternoon
Show every nigfct and nothing but the best of
pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially
invited to attend.
At the New Opera House
You are invited to pay a visit to the new Ten
Cent Store, which is located four doors south of
the Post Office, where you will be surprised at
the countless number of articles which can be
bought for five and ten cents. It will be our aim
to carry a variety stock of Dishes, Glassware,
Graniteware, Tinware Woodenware Notions and
Toys. We are now open for business and invite
everyone in Sherman county to call and see us
whether you buy or not;
J. W. Thompson
Pool and Billiards
Cigars, Soft Drinks and Candies
One door west of First National Bank
<M Coal!! Coal!!!
We carry two kinds of nut coal.
Try our
Pinade Nut
and you’ll use no other
Change of Time May 5th ’13
Leaves Loup City 7:05 a. m.
Arrives at Lincoln without change of cars, at.... 1 p. m.
Arrives at St. Joe without changing train at ... .6.25 p. m.
Arrives at St Louis without changing train, at 7 next a. m.
with connections beyond for all points.
Arrives Omaha, (change cars at Lincoln).3:45 p.
Arrives Chicago, (change cars at Lincoln) 7, next a. m.
with connections beyond for all points.
For any information regarding time, rates etc.,
Please call or phene A
J. A. Donielson; Agent, Loup City, Neb.