The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 01, 1913, Image 4

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    Swat The Flies
Keep them out of the house by using
our screens.
We have just received a big ship
ment at each of our yards
We have screen wire at our Loup
City yard.
Keystone Lumber Company
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville
and Schaupps.
If You Want an $8.00
Vacuum Cleaner for $5.00
be sure and go to
Hardware and Furniture
What does that name suggest to you?
Well do you have music in your home, and have |
you made use of this
Grand Opportunity
To get a Brand New Piano direct from the factory j
Only a few more left, so get busy. We want
to close out everyone at these prices before
ordering our next car.
Hallet & Davis
Big Decline In Oil Meal
We have just received
w A ©AM LOAD ^
& Feed For Spring
The Loup City Mill and Light Co
For Paints and Oils go to
Hardware Store
I am prepared to do first-class repairing of all kinds.
Don 't fail to come and ate our fine china ware.
"Intered at the Loup City Postofflce lor trans
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
Office Phone, - Red 21
Residence, - Black 21
J. W. BURLEIGH. Editor and Pni>
Subscription Rates
One copy per year if paid in reason
able time, $1.50.
'Subscriptions may begin or end at
any time. Notice to stop this paper
will be promptly obeyed. All sub
scriptions are received with the ex
press understanding that the sub
scription may continue until the sub
scriber notifies the publisher of his
desire to terminate the subscription.
Three constitutoonal amendments
were passed and will be submitted to
the votes of the people for adoption
or rejection at the next general elec
tion. One of these provides for tax
reform and provides for an income
tax and taxes on privileges and occu
pations; these in addition to the gen
eral taxes as levied at present. The
second amendment is one permitting
five-sixths of a jury to render a ver
dict in civil cases and in criminal
cases less than felonies. It also gives
the legislature authority to authorize
a trial by jury of less than twelve
men in courts below the district court.
The third constitutional amendment
is one raising salaries, increasing the
governor’s from $2,500 to $5,000. The
secretary of state, superintendent of
public instruction and land commis
sioner from $2,000 to $2,500; increas
ing the salary of attorney general
from $2,000 to $4,000; the state treas
urer from $2,500 to $3,000, and reduc
ing the present salary of the lieuten
ant governor from two to one and
one-half times the salary of a state
California is in the throes of war
over Japanese ownership of land in
that state, or has been, and the legis
lature was about to pass a law against
allowing Japs to become owners of
realties in that state, when lo and
behold Dictator Bryan was sent out
there last week by President Wilson
to prevent such drastic lawmaking,
and the legislature gigged back and
consented to let the matter lie over
till next lawmaking season. Bryan
said thumbs up, and up went the leg
islative thumbs. Oh, it’s great to
have a Bryan in a party to tell them
what to do. And now the Japs can
give up the idea of war, which has
caused the democratic administration
to throw seventeen kinds of fits over
the fear of the little brown men.
Clare Kettle brought over from
Ashton Monday a bunch of 2(i horses,
25 of which he put down in Rudolph
Johns’ pasture, shipping the other one
to Grand Island to make up a load
for shipment by Warrick and Fletch
er. He returned to Ashton that even
ing with Ed Jamrog by the auto
The governor has signed a bill pro
hibiting physicians from dividing fees
with each other or from accepting
commissions from persons sending
them patients; also a bill prohibiting
whites from marrying any person who
has one-eighth blood of negro, or Jap
anese or Chinese blood: also prohibit
ing misrepresentation in the quality
of any goods offered for sale.
Senator Norris has introduced a bill
in the senate, the purpose of which is
to make the service in the postoffice
department a desirable life work that
will not be subject to changes in
administrations and political pull.
Loup City to
Have a Laundry
Loup City is to have a steam laun
dry, Mr. L. Domgard, who went from
here to Ord a few months ago, to ope
rate the same, returning here bring
ing the plant to this point. There is
no reason why a laundy could nat re
ceive ample support here and we are
pleased that friend Domgard is to
come to us with one. He expects his
car from Ord today, and will start op
erations in the old pop factory build
Along R. R. No. 2
Harold Daddow was reported some
better Monday.
Mrs. S. M. Smalley came home from
her visit to her daughter at Giltner,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder and
family visited at Nick Daddow’s south
of Austin Sunday.
Ernest Daddow autoed to Ravenna
Saturday evening.
Ira Daddow is sporting a new auto
mobile these days.
Mr. Thornton has unloaded several
cars of lumber lately.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foss attended
the picture show Saturday evening.
John Moll, son of August Moll, Is
working for Fritz Bichel.
Miss Lula McFadden is visiting at
home since her school is out.
Chas. Widrayer is working for Jim
Roush this summer.
Fritz Bichel is putting out a good
many hundred shade trees this spring.
Mrs. M. A. Alleman visited at her
son Tern’s home last week.
Lars P. Nielson marketed hogs at
Loup City Monday.
Nick Daddow and son were on
Route 2 Monday.
Simon lossi set out a good many
trees of all kinds tbs past weak.
John Kociemba marketed a load of
wheat at Lcup City Tuesday.
Ed Thrasher has been painting F.
M. Michow's new addition this week.
The mill race had a small break-out
Mr. and Mrs. Will Knoephel’s little
girl is improving fast.
G. B. Wilkie worked the road over
cemetery hill the past week.
Yern Alleman helped Alfred Jor
genson Tuesday.
Boy Conger hauled Carrier a load
of hay Wednesday.
Ed Flynn is breaking for Fritz
Bickel on the old Squires place.
A heavy rain covered Route 2 last
Miss Lucile Patton visited at the
home of Stewart Conger Wednesday.
The turbine wheel in the mill race
has been working smooth the past
Oliver Brodock and Alvin Kuhl
helped Jim Roush drive out cattle
the past week.
C. J. Norsted dragged the road from
the Hawk school house to the south
bridge last Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallaway and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Sam Gallaway in Loup City.
Jim Roush and W. H. Gunn re
ceived ltK) head of cattle from North
Platte last week.
R. D. Hendrickson and Luther
Goodwin attended I. O. O. F. lodge at
Loup City last Friday.
Clark and Yern Alleman helped
Hans Obermiller market his porkers
Several supervisors have been at
the home of W. O. Brown the past
Miss Henrietta Conger has been
visiting at the home of C. R. Conger
in Dannebrog the past week.
Miss Maggie McFadden’s and Miss
Carrie Bogseth’s schools closed this
Miss Wauneta Conger visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Patten
over Sunday.
Sam Daddow has hauled several
loads of lumber out to the farm this
Getting the corn ground in shape
has been the order of the day the
past w eek. Winter wheat never looked
W. T. Chase sold his plat of ground
with the big barn on it just, east of
Robert Hinsdale's feed yards, to Mr.
Hinsdale last week.
A shower of postal cards fell on
Harold Haddow at Austin from his
old friends on Wiggle Creek on
A crowd gathered at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Howard Tuesday
evening. It was in honor of Miss
Carrie Bogsetti, .who has finished her
term of school in this district. All
had a dandy time. Miss Bogs th left
for her home at Erickson this week.
A. A. Newhouser had an exciting
experience with a span of mules last
week. On his way to Loup City they
got frightened at something just after
they left home and, to use his own
words, how they did run, up hill and
down, until he struck the valley when
he got them headed into a vacant
field, where he kept them going in a
circle until they had all the run they
wanted. No harm done to anything.
Will Hancock is going over all his
road work with the grader this spring
and has a gang of men at work now.
This is a fine thing, as the drifting
snow in the winter keepssmall streams
of water running down the hill follow
ing the wheel tracks, some times
making very deep ruts in the center
of the road and if the roads are left
until fall rutted this way all the rains
of the summer continue to pass down
the same ruts, causingsuch deep holes
that it is dangerous to the public.
Shaping up the roads in the spring
opens up some ditches that are filled
up with trash. Sometimes the water
flows across the road all summer if
left until fall. If the work is done
in the spring and the road drag used
several times during the summer it
will keep the roads in good shape.
Along R. R. No. I
R. D. Hendrickson was on the
market with hogs Monday,
Leroy Williams is visiting at the
E. J. Pugsley home this week.
Mrs. F. F. Foster has been sick for
the past two weeks.
Hans Johnson's boys have treated
their team to a new harness.
Andrew Sydzik painted his mail
box the past few days.
Frank Leatherman from Cole Creek
was trading in Loup City Friday.
Chris Zwink and son were on the
market with hogs last Friday.
Blanche Draper's school closed last
Friday in the McMullen district.
Warren Miller is working for the
Standard Bridge Co.
The school in Lone Elm district
closed Thursday of last week.
James Bone was doing some discing
for W. Engle Monday.
W. Rowe took Emma out to her
school Monday morning.
A. E. Charlton was a Loup City
visitor Monday.
Aug Dietz has done some breaking
on his place this spring.
L. Hayden sold one of his horses on
Saturday of last week.
Mrs. Crosby from Ord, who has
been visiting at the Foster home, left
Friday for Arcadia.
A. S. Coppersmith bought some
hay of John Wheeler and was hauling
same on Monday.
Mrs. E. G. Pugsley and son spent
Saturday night and Sunday with her
O. G. Hunt fixed a bad place in the
road along by Henderson’s the tiist of
the week.
C. E. Thornton and Eli Fisher are
doing team work for the Standard
Bridge Co.
Clark Reynolds returned Saturday
from Lincoln where he has been tak
ing a business course.
Mr. Moon has been trimming up the
trees along the road and creek where
Ed Angier lives.
Fred Picnkney was dragging the
roads from ids piace east last Satur
W. Engle, who is building Carl
Anderson's new house, has it nearly
all enclosed.
W. Thornton, who is working for
Milo Gilbert this year, has put up a
box on Route 1.
Lorin Hayden and Geo. Zahn and
wife were Loup City visitors the past
Oaka Clark is breaking some land
just north of where his father lives,
on the quarter they purchased re
James Ling fixed the road leading
to his box up in fine shape, which is
surely appreciated by the mail man,
as quite a little time can be saved
when the boxes are in a good place to
get to them.
There is a gang of men at work cut
ting down the brush on both sides of
the road from town to the west bridge,
which will surely be a great help
when finished, for it was always a
bad mud hole as there was not much
chance for it to dry up, and it was
also a bad place for snow to drift in.
Clear Creek Items
Sam Hammond is on the sick list
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke were Broken
Bow visitors last week.
Loren Hayden was a Loup City
visitor Friday.
Adam Zalm was a Litchfield visitor
A party was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Adams Saturday
Victor Lowry leaves this week for
liis home at Perdum, Nebr.
Sam Hill enjoyed a visit from his
sister of Columbus, Neb., last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fielding visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ham
mond, Sunday.
Misses Grace Adams and Inez Van
Dyke and Mr. Glen Smith, Edgar
Van Dyke and Lewis Adams spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Zahn.
Miss Grace Adams left this week
for a visit with friends and relatives
at Natick, Nebr.
On Wednesday, April 23, 1913, at
Bryken Bow, Nebr., at the hour of
12:30 p.m., occurred the marriage of
Mr. Russell D. Adams. Jr., eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. I). Adams, to
Miss Rutli Gladys Van Dyke, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Van
Dyke, both families residing near
Huxley, Neb., The ceremony took
place at the home of Lawyerand Mrs.
Johnson of Broken Bow,' uncle and
aunt of the bride, the Rev. Sprecklin. j
pastor of the U. B. church, officiat-l
ing. Only a few relatives were pres
ent. The young couple left the next
day for Natick, Neb., where the groom
lias purchased a farm and where they
will make their home in the future.
May prosperity and happinessgo with
them on their journey through life.
Cupid’s Calculations
April 24th, County Judge Smith
issued a marriage license to Mr. Frank
Kpzel and Miss Anna Holub, both of
Bristol township, and so well pleased
were they with his honor’s celebrated
reputation for joining happy couples
in bonds of hymen, chat they came up
the 30th instant (yesterday) and had
him finish his job by making them
man and wife.
April 29th, a marriage license was
issued to Mr. Paul Lewandowski and
Miss Mary Waskowiak, both of Ash
Death’s Summons
Mr. Mike Nickolas received the sad
news this morning of the death of his
good father at 2 o'clock last night at
Sutton, and took the Burlington this
morning for the stricken home. He
only been home from the father’s bed
side a few days, and had intended re
turning tomorrow. The father was
aged 70 years and death was caused
from Bright’s disease. The sympathy
of our people go with him
G. W. Collipriest was this morning
called to the bedside of his father at
Woolstock,Ia.,who had just received a
second stroke of paralysis and is lying
very low, with practically no hope for
recovery. Our entire people will
sympathize with George and trust the
good father may yet be spared.
— -—1
Bill’s Hard Luck
Jack: Hello,Bill. Howa'reyou? How
are your crops?
Bill: Haven’t got much since that
hail storm we had last week.
Jack: Yop don’t mean to tell me
that you were hailed out?
Bill: Well, I might just as well have
been cleaned as tne way things
look now. It sure hit me hard,
and I had prospects fora bump
er crop. You know, Jack, I’m
renting, but I had hopes that
I could buy a little piece of
my own, and so much depend
ed on a good crop this season.
I had a chance to buy a forty
on easy terms and if I got a
crop it would go quite a ways
to help me get a start.
Jack: Didn’t you have yourgrain in
sured? I had all of mine in
sured and the insurance man
was out to see me yesterday
and, believe me, he treated
me great.
Bill: What Company insured your
Jack: Why, the St. Paul Fire and
Marine. They have been writ
ing hail insurance around here
for years. I get a policy with
them every year.
Bill: That’s the same Company that
wanted to insure my crop, but
I told the agent I was too busy
to talk insurance. Gee, I wish
I had taken out a policy to
cover at least my interest in
the crop.
Represented by
F. E. Bbiwzk, Local Agent.
For a good drink, try it
If you want anything in dry
Goods and Groceries
The latest and most up-to-date stock at
The “Graduate"
THIStmdel is the feature
garment of the season. It
embodies all the distinctive
style features that have made
Norfolk8 so popular, and in
addition, shows style depart
ures characteristic of ‘Gradu
ate’'originality in designing
Hand tailored throughout
and of all-wool materials Bee
the styles we are offering today
at ' ^
r" ■ |
DON’T judge a man by the first impression.
You may open his front door and find your
self in his back yard.
The real worth of clothes also depends largely upon
what there is on the inside.
bears acquaintance. There’s something to it. The
style and fabrics win your instant favor and the favor
lasts because the clothes do.
At E. E. McFadden's
Whose Name Is In
Your Gloves?
We don't cere much about name* alone, but
when we End one that stands fot quality and
service in any article, it means something to
our customers and us.
Tkr loot well mir wB, asd
Fit All Hands and AH Pune*
When you wart die test, ask us for
■ ,
Loup City Mer.Co.
For a Fino Lino of Broad and
Pastry Goods
Rye Bread, Graham Bread
Cream Bread, Cinnamon Roll
Buns, Pumpernickel Brend
Coffee Cake, Nut Loaves
Caromel drops, Layer Cake
Fruit Bars. Peanut Bars
Jelly Roll, Ribbon Cake
Cream Puff, Peanut Cookie*
Fruit Cookies, Sugar Cookies
Drop Cakes, Almond Maroons
Cocoanut Maroons,
Angel Food
And a variety of pies. After
the show drop in for n