The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 01, 1913, Image 3

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Eddie Plank of Athletics and Nap
Rucker of Brooklyn Dodgers in
Class hy Themselves.
Winning left hand pitchers are ex
ceedingly scarce in the big leagues.
Among all the southpaws Eddie Plank
and Napoleon Rucker stand in a class
by themselves. Of the younger gen
eration Vean Gregg in the American
and Rube Marquard in the National
are bidding for fame. Plank has lost
few games for Philadelphia, rated one
of the best rounded clubs in baseball, j
if Rucker were a member of the j
Giants. Red Sox or the Pirates, it is
believed he would drop few contests.
Despite the flight of the seasons, ;
since he broke into the big show. 1
Plank is still an effective hurler, with
his wonderful cross fire delivery. 1
Rucker has the speed, curves, control
and the brain to make a great pitcher,
and despite the fact that he is with
a constant contender for the cellar
title in the National league, every
club has trouble beating the Brooklyn
pitching wizard. There are a few oth
er left hand pitchers who cut% more j
or less of a niche in the nation’s pas-1
time, but Rucker easily tops the list,
with Rube Marquard meandering along j
Good left-handers In the American
league are scarcer than in the Nation
al. Besides Doc White, who has grown
aid in the service of Comiskey, Plank
remains the only veteran of promin
ence who refuses to take the full j
count. He is the only southpaw on j
the Athletics who was with that team
in 1911. Krause and Russell were
turned back to the minors.
The Boston Red Sox have Ray Col
lins, but it will take another year to
determine whether he will deserve a
place in the hall of fame among the
great left hand pitchers of baseball
history. Collins stands alone among
a cluster of strong right handers on
the new world's champions, Wood,
Hall, Bedient and O'Brien all being
Of the first division clubs in the
American league, Plank alone remains
one of the great pitchers of the game.
The Boston Red Sox, Chicago White
Sox and Washington Senators have
only four port siders, who can be con
sidered regulars. Since these teams |
combined have nearly thirty twirlers.
one may form an idea of the actual
scarcity of good southpaws in the big
Record of Total Games Won During
Entire Season Yet Unsurpassed
by Star Slabman.
Messrs. Marquard, Johnson and
Wood achieved more than passing j
fame last summer by compiling record j
consecutive victories.
Marquard tied Keefe’s record of 19 '
straight and set a modern mark un-!
paralleled. Johnson and Wood cracked j
the A. L. pitching mark by two games, j
with 16 unbroken victories eetab- j
That is all well enough and worthy '
of the extended salary offered.
But in the matter of modern rec- !
ords Jack Chesbro still holds the
Jack Chesbro.
mark worth shooting at—the mark
much above any matter of consecutive
Chesbro, in 1904, won 43 games, Ed
Walsh came closest to this compila
tion in 1908 with 40 victories. Wood
last season was nine victories below
Ohesbro's figures. Johnson was 11 be
low and Marquard, despite the feat of
winning the first 19 games he pitched,
was 17 games back of the Chesbronian
If the Rube had won every battle in
which he worked the best he could
have done would have been to tie the
43 victories.
Straight win records frame orna
mental pieces of pitching bric-a-brac.
But the standard is to be figured upon
the year's total. Marquard drew the
headline and the action photos for his
1912 performance, but Chesbro in 1904
was 17 victories more valuable to Grif
fith than the Rube eight years later
was to McGraw.
Grand Rapids Franchise Sold.
The Grand Rapids baseball fran
chise in the Central league was pur
chased by Edward Smith and William
Essick of Chicago from Bert Annis
of South Bend, Ind. The sale price
is said to be close to $15,000. Essick
and Smith are members of the team,
and will take their regular turns in
the pitcher’s box this season.
Novelty in Brooklyn Stadium.
One of the novel features in the
new baseball stadium at Brooklyn'
will be an umbrella room. President
Ebbets will provide several thousand
umbrellas to be used by patrons of the
games on rainy days. Ebbets says he
is willing to try the experiment if only
to learn how many persons will forget
to bring the umbrellas back.
Magee Regains Batting Eye.
Sherwood Magee has regained his
batting eye. Dooin says the only
thing that can keep Magee from lead
ing the National league in batting is
a superfluity of arguments with um
Barrows Breaks Leg.
Outfielder Barrows of the Roches
ter International league team broke
his right leg at Anniston, Ala., in a
practice game with Alabama Polytech
nic when sliding to third base.
Jimmie Sheckard of Chicago Cubs.
One interesting point in connection
with the career of Hans Wagner of
the ‘Pittsburg club was not brought
out recently when he signed his Pirate
contract for 1913.
The “Flying Dutchman” is the old
est player in the Xational league in
point of continuous service. There are
one or two players in the organization
who are a bit older in years than
Honus, but there is none who has
graced the big show as long without
a break as has he.
Wagner signed with the old Louis
ville club on July 19. 1897. The only
other player still in active service who
broke in the same year as Wagner is
Jimmie Sheckard of the Chicago Cubs,
who signed his first Xational league
contract on September 14, 1897.
Xeither of these players has been out
of fast company since, but Wagner's
record for the long period is much bet.
ter than Sheckard’s.
Wagner was secured by Louisville
from Paterson. X. .1. Sheckard broke
into baseball at Portsmouth, Va., in
1896. The next year he was with
Brockton in the Xew England league,
from which club he went to Brooklyn.
In 1897 he did not play enough in the
big league to get a batting or fielding
average. Since then he has been with
Baltimore, Brooklyn and Chicago,
going to the Cubs in the spring of
There are two players in the Ameri
can league who have been playing in
fast company longer than either Wag
ner or Sheckard. They are Lajoie of
the Naps and Bobby Wallace of the
Browns. Lajoie broke in with the
Philadelphia Nationals in 1896, taking
part in 39 games that season, after
having played 80 games with Fall
River in the New England league,
where he was a center fielder He re
mained with the Phillies until 1901,
when he jumped to the American
league. The following year he joined
Cleveland, and has been there con
tinuously since.
Bobby Wallace played his first ma
jor league ball at Cleveland in the old
National league in 1895. He was in
the Forest City until 1899, when he
went to the St. Louis Nationals. In
1907 he appeared first in the Ameri
can league, and has been with the
Browns ever since.
Californian Is Considered by Manager
Jennings as Wonderful Catcher
—Also Hard Hitter.
Tiger pitchers have pitched not
alone good but in several instances
phenomenal ball agaiust the eastern
Oscar Stanage.
clubs. There are performances by
Mullin, Summers, Donovan and Lafitte
that stand out as accomplishments in
pitching above the ordinary.
Due credit is given these pitchers
for masterly performances, but ia this
case, as in others, there is a "man be
hind," and in this particular case the
man behind is Oscar Stanage, the Cali
fornian, who receives the shoot*,
curves, fast balls, spitters and slow
ones of the Tiger h.urlers.
Hughie Jennings has always insist
ed that Stanage is a wonderful catch
er. Hughie said that a few years ago.
Since the present season opened many
have been heard to agree with Hugh
Cool-headed, quick-thinking, strong
armed Oscar, the boy with the broad
shoulders and massive muscle devel
opment, who "can throw the ball like
a shot and hit it a mile,” is the man
to whom much of the credit for the
success of Detroit’s pitching staff is
Quick to outguess a batter, sure in
receiving,"accurate in throwing, and
the best judge of hit and run and
base-stealing intention in the world,
Stanage stands supreme today in the
American league as a backstop.
Stanage rarely asks for a pitch-out.
He does not ask his pitchers to make
a wide pitch so that he can get a man
stealing. When Stanage asks for a
wide pitch chances are four out of five
that the runners for whose benefit, or
rather detriment, the wide pitch is or
dered will try to advance.
Frank Chance says that Sweeney is
the best backstop in baseball.
It is rumored that Hank O’Day will
act as scout for the Cubs this year
A1 Schultz, the Highlanders' recruit
southpaw, has made a hit with Mana
ger Chance.
Cy Dahlgren, the Reds’ new pitcher,
has won 77 games and lost ten in the
last three years.
Now Manager Griffith is trying to
make a second sacker out of Howard
Shanks, his outfielder.
The new' pitching things are begin
ning to come in: Eddie Plank has per
fected a parcel post delivery.
Manager McGraw has pledged him
self to follow a hands-off policy in re
gard to mupires again this year.
Ray Chapman is being groomed as
the sensation of the American league
shortstops for the coming campaign.
Hans Wagner says there is no truth
in the yarn that he is going to dye his
hair black to conceal his gray hairs.
Manager Cornelius Mack has three
good men on his team fighting for the
infield utility job. They are Orr, Brady
and Flick.
Captain Jake Daubert of the
Dodgers says that Frank Allen, the
new recruit, has more speed and bet
ter curves than Rube Marquard.
Manager Jack Hendricks of the Den
ver team is confident that he will cop
the flag this year. “I am going to win
that third rag sure,” says Jack
Bris Lord is being groomed as the
next leader of the Baltimore Orioles.
The former Mackman is well liked by
his comrades and will make a capable
“Topsy” Hartsel, manager of the To
ledo Mud Hens, is against playerswrit
ing articles. “A player isn’t qualified
to write a fair, unbiased opinion,"
says Topsy.
Harry Wolchonce still has a chance
to stick in the majors. Washington
has decided to turn him loose, but
Cleveland has refused to waive and
Harry will get a try out in Birming
ham’s outfield trio.
Great Year for Gandil.
Chick Gandil, who made a great
hit on first for the Washington team
last season, thinks that he will have a
great year in 1913. Chick has recent
ly undergone an operation for the re
moval-of the tonsils and feels in bet
ter physical condition.
Had Been Buried in the Sand
Forty Years With Its
$30,000 Treasure.
“You must not be discouraged. Ab
ner," spoke Mrs. Waldron in her pa
tient, sympathizing way.
“I'm not, mother,” was the prompt
but infinitely weary response. "It is
not the loss of business, home and
friends. What worries me is the fact j
that after all my sacrifices, I shall
not be able to pay my creditors in
full. It is a pretty heavy load for
an old man like me to carry."
"Remember the promise: ‘On whom
God's hand restetli, hath God at his
right hand.’ ”
Abner Waldron tried to smile brave
ly, kissed the dear old patient face
of his helpmeet, and left the house
for his accustomed stroll. It had
ceased to seem like home for a week
past, for it was scheduled to follow
the rest of his possessions and go to
wards paying his debts.
He had done very well in a business
way, until a smooth, smart city pro
moter had come to Albion. His fa- 1
ther, James Waldron, the banker, had
come to the little Michigan town 50
years since. He had left the son
some money, and Abner had built up a
profitable manufacturing business.
Then the promoter had filled his mind
with expansive ideas. He had branch
ed out, the sleek schemer had reaped
a rich harvest, and then—failure.
Abner had turned over every penny !
he had in the world. It paid up every^
thing except a few thousand dol- ;
lars. Mrs. Waldron had in her own
right a small farm in an adjoining
county. They had decided to go there,
and were now on the eve of depart
"It's the older children, Richard and
Maud, that I care about,” the thought- ■
ful bankrupt had to'd his close friends.
"The boy can earn his own living, the ;
girl has a fine education, and can
do the same. But you see, both are !
engaged. I expected to give them a
good start in life. Now, the weddings
must be postponed. It seems as though
my foolish ideas of becoming a mil
lionaire have driven happiness away
from everybody who had anything to
do with me.”
Abner evaded meeting his neigh
bors, and took a lonely route out of
town. He was soon among the sand
hills. He wanted to think, plan out j
resignation for the present, content- ,
ment for the future. It was a great ,
sand district about Albion. Lying
along the lake shore, air currents had
piled up greet yellow mountains of the j
shifting particles. One wind storm
would build up a great hill in a night.
It Was a Great, Lumbering, Old-Fash
ioned Vehicle.
A second from a contrary direction
would obliterate this nature-building !
within an hour. Abner got in among
the dunes, and sat down amid as
lonely and desolate t. scene as could !
well be imagined.
The bleak environment chilled him, j
but at the same time quieted. Alone
and undisturbed, he reviewed all the
past He bravely faced the future, j
After all, it would be rest and peace ]
after turmoil and strife. The small j
er children would be happy ane' ;
comfortable, and the little farm I
might bring in enough to help him to
pay eventually the debts that harassed I
his sensitive nature like a millstone
about his neck.
A cheerful reaction took place in
Abner's mind, as he reflected that i
after all his was not the worst condi- j
tion in the world. He had a loyal, |
helpful wife and loving, obedient chil- !
dren. From a more comfortable atti j
tude of mind his thoughts idly drift
ed, and he fell to dreaming over events 1
in his past life. Then in a whimsical 1
way a story of the long ago came to
his memory.
His father had been well nigh ruin
ed right among these treacherous sand
hills nearly 40 years since. The event
was the sensation of the hour through
the whole district. James Waldron
had removed his little country bank
to Albion from Sankatuck in the
next county. Over $30,000 in gold
had been carried in locked iron boxe*
in an old stage coach* Its driver had
lost his way among the sand hills, a
great storm had come up, and he wa«
blown from his seat against a rock
and rendered insensible.
\\ hen he came back to conscious
ness the stage coach, the horses, the
treasure, had disappeared. There was
a search all over the country. It
brought no results. With difliculty the
banker met the great loss. It was
generally decided that robbers had
driven the treasure away, stage and
all, and no trace of the outfit was
ever found.
The sky had darkened while Abner
sat dreaming. A cyclonic gust nearly
swept him off his feet as he got up
to make a start for home. A blinding
rain of sand cut his face. Abner
walked briskly forward, but several
times in his up and down hill
progress he went headlong as the
sand slides took him off his fating
"This is getting serious!” he ex
claimed, as he slid nearly the length
of a hill, to land in a gully between
two towering mountains of sand. He
tried to reascend. It was like breast
ing an avalanche. The cut was filling
up fast. At one time the sand was
up to his knees.
"Why! I shall be engulfed! It is
like quicksand!" he reflected in 'avid
His situation was truly critical. He
knew that unless he got out of what
was a natural funnel for the tornado
air currents, he was lost. He strug
gled on, came to a turn in the gully,
and dimly made out a slanting mass of
gnarled tree roots. Abner ran to it,
slipped, a cavity was revealed, and he
dropped into darkness fully 20 feet.
The breath was nearly knocked out
of his body, and it was some time be
fore he could arise to his feet. He
stood on a sandy foundation, appar
ently of some large sheltered void.
It was so dark he could not make out
its extent. Groping along, he land
ed against a post. Then it occurred
to him that he had come upon one of
the many sand submerged houses
swallowed up in some tornado years
before. Once he had stepped into a
chimney, all that was left visible of
one of these engulfed structures.
Abner was a smoker. He therefore
carried matches, and feeling in bis
pocket for one, drew it forth and
flared it. Then, transfixed, he strain
ed his gaze, wondering if some Alad
din touch had suddenly created a fairy
scene for deluded senses.
Before him was an open shed sup
ported by posts. Back of it was a
great, lumbering, old fashioned ve
hicle. Attached were the skeletons
of a team of horses. Thrilled, amazed,
in almost a shout the electrified ob
server gasped out:
"The lost stage coach!”
Yes, it could be no other—it was
no other. Like lightning through his
bewildered brain ran a theory eluci
dating all the mystery of 40 years and
To this shelter on the night the
bank was moved the horses had
strayed, to be enveloped, swallowed
up in the great winding wreaths of
sand, pas; rescue and sight until now.
More matches, a closer inspection,
and there, intact, just as they had
been originally stowed, were the iron
boxes. Abner found the bank treas
ure—his by right of discovery, his by
right of legal inheritance.
So all the dark Clauds passed away.
Drooping root ends enabled the ad
venturer to regain the open air when
rhe sand storm was over, and the fam
ily roof was saved, and soon there were
two joyful weddings.
(Copyright. 1913, by W. G. Chapman.)
Two Historic Examples to Show That
This Is by All Means a Dan
gerous Practice.
In the titles of books lie at times
pitfalls for the unwary. An almost
classic example was afforded by John
Ruskin. when, in 1851, he wrote a
short pamphlet on the text. ••There
shall be one fold and one shepherd.”
This, which treated of the reunion of
the Protestant churches, was publish
ed as “Notes on the Construction of
Sheepfolds”—a title which, appealing
rather to the agricultural than to the
clerical mind, insured a brisk circula
tion among farmers—those of the bor
der especially—many of whom ordered
a copy in the hope that they might
glean therefrom some original hints
and ideas that would be of use to them
in their calling.
The bucolic mind, indeed, would
seem singularly predisposed to jump
to hasty conclusions, for English far
mers followed but in the wake of their
Irish brethren—or rather of their Irish
brother, who, an enthusiast on the sub
ject of cattle breeding, greeted with
delight the appearance of a little vol
ume by Maria Edgeworth, bearing the
title, “Essay on Irish Bulls.” Although
the name of the authoress was to him
unknown, the contents would doubt
less, he considered, be well worth the
few shillings he so willingly dis
bursed; but, alas! although the spir
ited engraving of rampant Taurus that
prefaced the essay gave delightful
promise, he had but to read a few
lines to find that he had become pos
sessed of a treatise, not on bovine
ruminants, but on that particular
“blunder which is commonly supposed
to be characteristic of the Irish na
World’s Coldest City.
When the rivers freeze to the bot
tom and small trees snap off from the
biting force of the cold stands the
coldest inhabited city in the world—
Verkoyansek, in northeastern Siberia.
It is a place of some size, stands 150
feet above the sea level, and in win
ter boasts of a temperature 85 degrees
below zero. Its annual temperature
is three degrees above zero. The Rus
sian government owns the town, and is
interested in having an administrative
center where clever and industrious
Yokuts, fur-trading Jews of Sibera. car
ry on their operations. All the inhab
itants of Verkoyansek, with the ex
ception of a few officials and Russian
traders, are Yokuts.
Would Not Be an Actress.
Little Mary, aged sweet fifteen and
stage struck, laid down her knit
ting with a sigh one night and
"Ah, mother, how I'd like to be one
of those great actresses or singers on
the stage!”
“Would you?" said the mother un
easily. “I don’t know. It's an un
healthy business, isn't it?”
"Why is it?” asked the daughter.
“It must be,” said the mother.
“Don’t you always see their names in
the paper telling how they've been tak
ing tonics and patent medicines and
so on?”
Library Without Light.
The great national library of
France, the Bibliotheque Nationale,
in Paris, has a splendid site, 44
miles of shelves and 3,000,COO vol
umes to fill them, but in the winter
that vast store of learning and intel
lectual delight is nearly useless, be
cause the library has no artificial
light, and its books are issued to
readers and students only in the mid
dle of the short days.
When Time and Labor Unnecessarily
Consumed in Transporting Prod
ucts There Is Big Waste.
If the public could be convinced
that it is economy to begin with
fundamentals the problem of progress
in every line of social endeavor would
be solved.
At present the sole remedy for
many industrial evils lies in the bet
terment of roads.
Manifestly, when time is unneces
sarily consumed and labor wasted in
transportation of products to market
there is a fundamental waste. One
instance will serve as an illustration.
A man loaded his wagon early one
morning with a bale of cotton and a
few bags of the loose product. He
lived twenty-two miles from town.
The roads in that section are better
than the average, but it took him un
til nightfall to reach the selling point.
He and his half-grown son, who ac
companied him, spent’ the night in
town, paying the expense of lodging,
meals and keep for the team. The
second day was spent in negotiations
for the sale of the cotton and the pur
chasing of a few necessaries. They
arrived on the third day late in the
afternoon, having lost practically
That farm was mortgaged. Every
thing made from year to year was
paid out in interest and for a poor liv
ing for the family. There was not a
dollar for improved labor-saving ma
A Good Road in Ohio.
chinery, for additional fencing, or. in
fact, anything that would enhance the
value of the place.
If this farmer had raised small mar
ketable crops—which he didn’t—he
could not afford the time or give up
the use of his team to take them to
the nearest point. A few sweet pota
toes, cotton and corn were the sole
products raised.
If his place had been mortgaged
for the building of a pike or trolley
line connecting him with a market
there would be hope of paying out.
As conditions are, he gets poorer and
more hopeless every year.
In Recent Message to New York
Legislature He Laid Down Law
in No Uncertain Terms.
Governor Sulzer of New York is s
road booster of the right type. In his
recent message to the New York
legislature he ’’laid down the law” to
the legislators in no uncertain terms
pointed out defects in New York's
road laws and pronounced the doom
of the spoilsmen who had been fat
tening on the people's money, says
the Southern Good Roads. In his
message he paid this great tribute to
good roads:
“We know that good roads, like good
streets, make habitation along them
most desirable; they enhance the
value of farm lands, facilitate trans
portation, and add untold wealth tc
the producers and consumers of the
country; they economize time, give
labor a lift and make millions In
money; they save wear and tear and
worry and waste; they beautify, the
country and bring it in touch with
the city; they aid the social and re
ligious and educational and industrial
progress of the people; they make
better homes and happier firesides;
they are the avenue of trade and the
agencies of speedy communication;
they mean the economical transporta
tion of marketable products—the
maximum burden at the minimum
cost; they are the ligaments that
bind the country together in thrill
and industry and intelligence and
patriotism; they promote social in
tercourse, prevent intellectual stagna
tlon and increase the happiness and
prosperity of our producing masses;
They contribute to the greatness cl
the city and the glory of the country;
give employment to our idle work
men, distribute the necessaries of
life—the products of the fields and
the forest and the factories—encour
lge energy and husbandry, inculcate
love for our scenic wonders, and
make mankind better and happier.”
Cow Corning Fresh.
If one knows when a cow is coming
fresh it is a good plan to start feed
ing her about two pounds of bran
three weeks beforehand, increasing
the amount gradually. This will put
her in the right condition for calving.
Fault of Feed Rack.
Usually there is more dirt in the
•neck than in all the rest of the fleece
sut together, and this is generally
.he fault of the racks. A little at
tention to their construction may
remedy this evil.
• _
The close ties of friendship exist
ing between the United States and
Canada were dwelt upon in addresses
by Premier Robert L. Borden, of Can
ada, and Governor Sulzer, at the an
nual dinner of the University Club of
"Canada and the United States,”
said Premier Borden, "have a common
heritage in the language, the litera
ture, the laws, the institutions and the
traditions which have come down to
them from the men of bygone days.
“Perhaps no core instructive object
lesson ever has been given .to the
world than the four thousand miles of
undefended boundary line from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, which bears
silent but eloquent testimony to the
mutual confidence and respect of the
two nations. Time will shortly place
upon the brow of each nation the lau
rel of one hundred years of peace. It
matters not so much as to the form
of the outward celebration, but let us
hope that its full significance may
sink deep into the hearts of both na
tions, and that, whether north or south
of the boundary, we may stand with
bowed and reverent heads, offering
grateful thanks for the Divine blessing
of peace, and earnest prayers that in
the century to come, mutual confidence,
good-will and respect may truly ani
mate the ideals and aspirations of both
Referring to the natural resources
possessed by the United States and
Canada, particularly along the St.
Lawrence River, the premier urged
that they be “preserved and developed
for the people.”
' Governor Sulzer predicted that the
“Great Canadian Northwest is designed
to become, before long, the granary of
North America.”
“Many of our best citizens, I regret
to say," said the governor, ‘are leav
ing the States of the west and going
into the Canadian northwest, because
of the fertility of its soil, the lib
erality of the Canadian government
and the ability of those people to bet
ter their conditions here.
“We should extend to them a help
ing hand in their onward march of
progress. Instead of closing our doors
by tariff barriers against these coun
tries and their products, in my opinion,
we should open them wider and do
everything in our power to facilitate
closer commercial relations. We want
their products and they want our prod
ucts. and all restrictions to prevent a
fairer and freer exchange of goods,
wares and merchandise should, in so
far as possible, be eliminated.”—Ad
Youthful Diplomat.
Lola, five years old, wanted a pair
of skates, but as she was very naughty
in school and always seated in the
last row, father would not get them
for her. He compromised, saying that
if she were bright enough to get in the
first row she couM have them. A week
later ehe came home saying she was
in the first row. Father said: “Fine!
'How'd you do it?” Lola said: “I told
teacher I couldn’t see the blackboard
from way back there, and she put me
in the first row.”
Depends on Her Size.
“It’s very unkind to make fun of a
young wife’s cooking.”
“Yes. And at times it’s very un
Before burning your bridges behind
you, it might be well to see that they
are fully insured.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing: Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion,allays pain,cures wind colic,25c bottle.Ate
There are just as good compliments
floating around as ever were fished
IVo thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It's a
pinch of blue in a large lx>t tie of water. Ask for
Red Cross Ball Blue,the blue that’s all blue. Adv
Some women look upon charity as a
stepping stone to society.
makes life a
burden. Head
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