The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 24, 1913, Image 6

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    The Lady
cwrricbc. 1901. br Tbc Bobbe-Mcrrill Co.
aead bent a little, she could but hear,
it times, above the medley of tones
and the sound of servants’ footsteps
in clattering wooden shoes, the voice
Bf the Black Seigneur—now pledging
* toast to old Pierre; anon discussing
winds, tides, or ships! A free reck
less voice, that seemed to vibrate
from the past—to stir anew bright,
terrible flames.
Daylight slowly waned; lights were
brought in, and, the meal over, old
Pierre pushed back in his chair. My
lady rose quickly; looked a little con
strainedly at the company, at the Mar
quis, then toward the door. Anticipat
ing her desire, attributing to it, per
haps, a significance flattering to his
vanity, the young nobleman expressed
a w Isli for a stroll; a sight of the gar
den. At once she assented; a slight
tint now on her cheeks, she moved
to the door, and my lord followed; as
they disappeared, the Black Seigneur
laughed—at one of Pierre’s Jokes!
"Have I not told It before?” said
the host.
“Have you?” murmured the Black
Seigneur. “Well, a good jest, like an
excellent dish, may well be served
“Humph!” observed the landlord
doubtfully. After a pause: “I suppose
he will be taking her away soon?"
“Her?” The young man rose.
"The Lady Elise!”
“I suppose so,” shortly.
“We shall miss her!” grumbled the
landlord as he, too, got up and walked
over to the fireplace.' “I, who never
thought to care for any of the fine
folk—I. bluff old Pierre Laroche!—say
we shall miss her.”
“Knows_ she. how It, fared with his
She Went to the Mantel; Took From
It a Candle.
Excellency's—lief father’s—estate?
That little, or nothing, is left?”
“And she will agree to the promise
I wrote you about?” quickly.
“That you—now that the right to
your name has boen vindicated—are
content to accept half the lands in dis
pute; her ladyshio to retain the other
“Yes; In consideration of that which
his Excellency expended in taxes—no
small sum!—and what ft would cost
to carry on vexatious litigation!”
“You are strangely faint-hearted to
pursue your advantage,” said cid
Pierre shrewdly. “But,” as the other
made a gesture, “I put it to her lady
ship as you desired me to, and—”
“She consented?” eagerly.
Pierre shook his head. “No, mon
capitaine! She will have none of
them. And you had heard her: ‘A
great wrong was unintentionally,’ she
accented the word, ‘done the Seigneur
Desaurac by my father, which has
now been set right!’ ‘It has,’ I as
sented, and would have urged further
your proposal, when she stopped me.
‘Speak no more of this matter!’ ’Twas
all she said; but—you should have
seen her face, and how her eyes
The young man, looking down, made
no answer. “An you are not satis
lied,” continued Pierre, “broach the
question to my lady, yourself.”
“I?” A look, half bitter, crossed
the other’s dark face. “Her father's
enemy! Through whose servant, all
her misfortunes came about! To re
vive anew what must so often pass in
her mind?”
“Well, well; no doubt you know best,
and, oertes, now you remind me, she
did turn cold and distant when I
spoke of ycur coming. But let idle
prejudices enter into practical con
cerns—it’s on a par—of all improvi
dence! Why, ’twas not long ago, she
brought me a jewel or two; Marie,
It seems, had foresight enough to
snatch them before fleeing from the
Mount, and begged me to take them
for our kindness, she said; which I
did, seeing she would not have it oth
erwise—nor let herself be regarded as
one who could not pay. But to busi
ness, mon capitaine!”
• And thereafter, for some time, they,
or rather, Pierre, talked; the others,
save the Marquis, returned to the ship,
and only Narette, busy putting every
thing to rights, lingered in the room.
At length, after papers had been
nigned and char god hands, t he con
versation of the host began to wane;
frequently-had he pipped from a bottle
of liqueur.*t his elbow and now found
himself nodding; leaned back more
comfortably In the great, chair and suf
feredhis bead to fail. The clock ticked
out the seconds; the young man con
tinued to sit motionkss.
“ 'A mon beau’—” Nanette's voice
lightly humming, caused him to loos:
up; with the old mocking expression
on her face, the inn-keeper’s daughter
paused near his chair.
“It was kind of you, mon capitaine,
to bring my lady her Marquis!” As
she spoke, she looked toward the gar
“Why net?” he asked steadily. “The
passport and orders were correct.”
“Were they, indeed?” she said, tap
ping the floor with her foot. “You
remuiiy with us a few days; or, as of
old, must we be content with a brief
visit?” she went on.
“We leave tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” The girl’s eyes wore
a tentative expression. '“Late?”
“Oh; In that case, perhaps I shan’t
have time,” Nanette paused; looked at
her father; old Pierre’s slumbers were
not to be broken.
“For what?” asked the Black Seign
eur shortly.
“To tell you something!”
“Why not—now?”
“You—are inquisitive?”
“Even if it were about—” she looked
toward the door that led to the gar
“The Lady Elise?” he said quickly.
“Oh, you are interested? ‘A mon
beau’—” a moment she hummed. "You
do not urge me?”
“Wherefore,” laconically, "when you
have made up your mind to tell!”
“You are right!” She threw back
her head. “I have made up my mind!
How well you understand women!
Almost as well,” she laughed mock
ingly, “as a ship!” He made no re
“When you thanked me once, mon
capitaine, for all it pleased you to say
I did for you, you may remember,” ber
voice was defiant, “I did not once
gainsay you!” More curiously he re
garded her. “Perhaps it pleased me,”
her hand on her hip, “to be thought
such a fine heroine. But now,” her
tone grew a little fierce, “I am tired
of hearing people say: ‘Nanette risked
so much!’ ‘Nanette did this!—did
that!’—when it was she who risked—
did it all, one might say.”
“She? What do you mean?” The
black eyes probed hers now with sud
den, fierce questioning.
“That ’twas the Lady Elise saved
you. Went knowingly—willingly—as
The Lady Ease: he cnea, an
abrupt glow on the dark face.
Nanette’s eyes noted and fell, but
she went on hurriedly: “She knew of
the ambush in the forest; saw part of
the note I dropped on the beach—it
was brought to her by my aunt who
warned her.” And in a quick rush of
words, as if desirous to be done with
it, Nanette told all that had transpired
at the Mount.
Incredulously, eagerly, he listened;
when, however, she had finished, he
said nothing; sat like a man bewil
“Well?” said the girl impatiently.
Still he looked down. “Well?” she re
peated, so sharply old Pierre stirred;
lifted his head.
"Eh, my dear?”
She w-ent to the mantel; took from
it a candle.
“Seigneur finds you such poor com
pany,” she said, “he desires a light to
I tie dawn smote the heavens -with
fiery lashes of red; from the east the
wind began to blow harder, and on the
sea the waves responded with a more
forcible sweep. ' ’ a window in the
inn, the Black Seigneur a moment
looked out on the gay flowers and the
sea and the worn grim face of the
cliff; then left his room and made bis
way downstairs. No one was yet, ap
parently, astir; an hour or so must
elapse ere the time set for departure,
and, pending the turn of the tide and
adieu to old Pierre, the young man
stepped into the garden, through the
gate, and, turning into a rocky path,
strode out over the cliffs. The island
was small; Its walks limited, and soon,
despite a number of difficulties in the
way he had chosen, he found himself
at its end—the verge of a great rock
that projected out over the blue, sul
len sea. For some moments he stood
there, listening to the sounds in cav
erns below, watching the snow-capped
waves, the ever-shifting spots on a
vast map, and then, shaking off his
reverie, started to return.
"A brisk wind to take us back to
France,” he said to himself; but his
thoughts were not of possible April
storms, or of his ship. His eyes,
bright, yet perplexed, as if from some
problem whose solution he had not
yet found, were bent downward, only
to be raised where the path demanded
his closer attention. As he looked up,
he became suddenly aware of the fig
ure of a girl, who approached from
the opposite direction.
A quick glint sprang to the young
man’s eyes, and, pausing, he waited;
watched. At that point, the way ran
over a rock, almost eaten through by
the hungry sea, and she had already
started to cross when he first saw her.
The path was not dangerous; nor was
it easy; only it called for certainty
and assurance on the part of the one
that elected to take It. My lady's
light footstep was sure; although thp
wind swept rather sharply there, she
held herself with confident poise,
while from the brown eyes shone a
clear, steady light.
“I saw you leave the inn,” she said,
drawing near the comparatively shel
tered spot, where he stood, “and know
ing you would soon sail, followed.
There is something I wanted to say,
and—and felt 1 should have no other
chance to tell you!”
Had she read what was passing In
his brain, she would not have faced
him, so confident; but, ignorant of
what he had learned, the cause of
varying lights In his dark eyes, the
tender play of emotion on hia strong
with steadfastness of purpose.
“You went away so suddenly the
last time. 1 had no opportunity, then,
to thank you for all that you did;
and so, I do now—thank you, I mean!
Also," a touch of prouder constraint
in her tone, “I appreciate your over
generous proposal through Pierre La
roche; although, of course,” her fig
ure very straight, “I could not—It was
impossible—to entertain it But I am
! glad you were able to prove. You will
understand—and," my lady endea
quickly, “I thank you!”
He looked at her long. “It Is I who
am in ycur debt!”
"You?” Her brows lifted.
"Yes.” N
"I—don’t think I quite understand.”
In spite of herself and her resolution,
the proud eyes seemed to shrink from
a nameless something in his gaze.
"Nor I! Nanette was talking with
me last night!”
“Nanette! ”
In words, direct, unequivocal, he
told her what he had learned; and al
though my lady laughed, as at some
thing absurd, and strove to maintain
an unvarying mien, his eyea chal
lenged evasion; demanded truth! At
that moment the space where they
stood seemed, perhaps, too small; to
hem her very close.,)- in—too ciust-i.,
as, drawing back, she touched the ha:
reeky w ail! *
"Why?” Still endeavoring to regar.
him as if the charge could only be p.<.
posterous, too unreasonable to an
swer, she was, nevertheless, conscious
of the flame on her face—tacit refuta
tion of the denials in her eyes!
"Why?” she repeated.
"That is just what I was asking my
(To be concluded next week)
Along R. R. No. 2
Will Hancock was out on Route 2
Tom McFadden marketed hogs at
Loup City last Wednesday.
X. P. Nielson has been building a
fence along his line the pastweek.
Mrs. Anna Henderson of Weiser,
Idaho, will leave Tuesday.
XI rs. Esther Miller of Fairbury, Neb.,
left Monday.
V. T. Wescott shipped a carload of
hogs to Omaha last week.
J. A. Converse shipped his baled hay
to Gibbon, Nebr., last week.
A. L. Zimmerman was autoing on
No. 2 Tuesday.
E. G. Taylor had his men straight
ening a bend in the mill race Monday.
Sam Daddow moved a corn crib on
his place Monday.
Jim Roush has been setting out
some trees the past week.
W. O. Brown has been setting out
some more fruit trees this spring.
Miss LettiePeugh’s school on Route
2 closed last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ransink moved
out to their farm last Friday.
Carl Carlson and John Blaschke
were autoing on Route 2 last Friday.
Robert Dinsdale has been planting
trees the past week.
The new barn of Sam Daddow is
Art Casteel marketed several loads
of porkers at Loup City Monday.
C. S. Hile moved to Loup City last
Dr. Bowman was out on Route 2
Monday morning.
John McCall was driving the mill
team Monday.
Edgar Foster was a Litchfield vis
; itor over Sunday.
Ed. Flynn helped Mr. Ransink
j move to the farm last Friday.
Jim Barnett and son Lee graded
! tne road to the south bridge Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parsley were
trading at Loup City last Friday.
mho unoert nas Deen stocking tne
: market with hay the past week.
Clarence Burt lias been busy the
past week assessing in Clay Township.
Anton Spotanski has done a lot of
breaking the past week.
J. E. Roush and son, Clifford,
helped Art Casteel market hogs
Frank Daddow and family took
dinner at the home of Norton Lam
bert last Sunday.
Glen Steven and Homer Ward were
working on the telephone line south
of town Monday.
Clarence Gunn from Kearney, Neb.,
was at the Roush home last Thurs
Mrs. Morris has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. L. A. Rutherford, the
past week.
The Wiggle Creek neighborhood
gave Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rutherford
the glad haud last week.
Martin Bogard did some breaking
on the east side of his place the past
Taylor Gibson and wife visited
several days at the home of M r. Steel
on Route 3 the past week.
Carrier took some big snow drifts
with the camera after the last snow.
Come out and see them
Sim Criss and wife were at Loup
City with their new auto last Satur
Miss Freda Olson took supper at
the home of Jorgen Plambeck last
Harold Daddow, formerly of Route
2 but who has moved near Austin, is
very sick at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. HansObermiller spent
last Sunday at the home of Mr. Han
sen near Ashton.
Tiie Wiggle Creek school gave the
carrier a plate of good things they
had to eat the last day of school.
Jess Fletcher had a new wind mill
raised the past week on the place he
is farming this year.
Mrs. Alfred Jorgenson got back
from her trip to Doniphan, Neb.,
Miss Winifred Parsley visited her
friend, Miss Lillie Brown, one even
ing last week.
Mrs. Harry Rutherford visited sev
eral cays at her home in the eastern
part of the state the past week.
Carrier took dinner at the homes of
Clark Alleman and G. B. Wilkie last |
week during the heavy roads.
Mrs. Burt Mook, who has been vis
iting at the home of A.H. Newhouser,
left for her home last Tuesday.
Iver Holmberg was at Loup City
last week. He has improved so much
that he can get around nicely with
the aid of a canc.
Alma Knoeful was brought home
from the hospital last Friday. Al
though she is not entirely well, she is
much improved.
Cob Creek ball nine were practic
ing Sunday east of Plambeck’s. They
expect to make some country team
go some the coming season.
J. A. Reiman finished the cement
wings for the flume in the mill race,
lie also put in wings on a culvert on
Route 3 last week.
Miss Hendeison’s school held their
last day program last Friday evening
as quite a number of the older ones
will be out of school from now on.
The program was a good one.
A surprise party was given on Mrs.
Albert Snyder Saturday evening by
the neighbors, it being her birth
day. It was a surprise to the whole
family as well.
Mrs. Will Hawk and Mrs. George
McFadden wenttoOmaha last Thurs
day, to meet their husbands who had
preceded them, each with a car of
hogs for the South Omaha market.
All took in the sights of the city.
All roads should be gone over each
spring with the grader and given a
light shaping up, and the road drag
used on them a good many times
during the summer. This would not
only keep the roads in good shape but
would keep the weeds down.
Winter wheat looks tine. Some
fields of oats are up. Pastures are
improving. Alfalfa about 4 inches
high. Some early wild plums are in
bloom. A good many early potatoes
are planted. Cattle and horses look
ing better. The past week has been
a good one in the fields.
The turbine wheel at the mill race
was put in motion for the first time
at 5:45 last Wednesday evening and
everything moved like clock work.
We hope that it wiil continue to work
well, for Mr. Taylor has put hundreds
of dollars into this part of the race.
The flume is about three feet lower
and supposed to give all the power
that is needed and also to free itself
of all sand and dirt.
School in Dist. 37, closes May 1st
There will be a picnic and a short
program will be given. Everybody
Recitation Welcome
Song The Summer Rain
Recitation Whistle Along
Dialogue Some Noted Characters
Recitation Our Baby
Song Duty and Inclination
Recitation A Little Boy
Recitation Nothing Like a Buggy-ride
Dialogue Buying Eggs
Recitation When Pa Soaks His Feet
Recitation A Bachelor’s Cooking
Song The Workers
Recitation My Promotion Card
Dialogue The Talented Servant
Recitation Parody on the Village
Song Law
Recitation A Good Financeer
Dialogue The Four Photographs
Duet Lullaby
Recitation Closing
Song Keep on the Sunny Side
Maggie McFadden, Teacher.
The Verdurette school will have a
picnic dinner May 2nd, and in ihe
afternoon the following program will
be given:
Song Come Cheerful Companions
Recitation A Smart Boy
Qeeitation Don’t
Exercise What Girls Love to Do
Song Commencement Song
Recitation The Boy That Laughs
Recitation If I Were Older
Dialogue The Whipping Johnny
Didn't Get
Becitation When I’m a Man
Motion Song Listen While the Rain
drops Sing
Recitation The Freckled Faced Girl
Dialogue Sue’s Beau to Dinner
Solo Beautiful Springtime
Recitation Butterflies
Exercise Occupations
Recitations Miss Edith Helps
Things Along
Song Cuckoo Clock
Dialogue Ma's New Boarders
1 Song Gay Little Butterfly
Recitation Flowers and Showeis
Recitation His Speech
Recitation A Boy's Opinion
Song Peaceful Night
Along R. R. No. I
James C. Grow carried mail on
Route 1 last Friday.
E. C. Tucker was on the market
with hogs last Saturday.
John George has rented a part of
the P. G. Peterson place this year.
Edgar Foster spent Sunday at the
home of Russel Curry.
Lorin Hayden has built a buggy
shed the past week.
Elma Zwink’s school in the Hunt
district closed last Tuesday.
L. M. Williams spent Sunday even
ing at the Gene Miller home.
C. C. Carlsen was seen on Route 1
A. E. Charlton took a horse to town
to sell Tuesday.
Iver Holmberg who has rented some
of the McLeod place for this year was
moving onto same Monday,
S. Foss is doing some breaking on
the Zimmerman place just west of
the new bridge.
C. W. Thornton and son Cliftonj
have rented 80 acres just west of the
old A. Bergstrom place.
Miss Arlie Corning spent Saturday
and Sunday with her sister, Mrs.
Frank Zwink.
Homer Hults is working for the
Standard Bridge Co., on the new
C. G. F. Johnson has put out a nice
orchard just north of his house this
Will Henderson was on Cob Creek
Saturday getting a load of wood
which he had cut during the winter
Mrs. Henry Appel and daughter
Edna returned last Wednesday from
a visit at Grand Island aud Doniphan
John Olson and sons have rented
some of the J. N. McLeod land for
the coming year and were putting in
oats the past few days.
Eli Fisher was out on Route 1 Tues
day and hauled a load of machinery
to town for Glen Farnsworth who is
moving to Kansas.
W. Hancock and Clifton Thornton
were grading the roads to the west
bridge Tuesday, which surely needed
it bad as it has been in bad shape
most all winter.
C. S. Morrison one of the road bosses
on Route 1 did some line work with
the road drag last Friday which is a
great help to the mail man when the
roads are rough, as well as other
people traveling the same road.
The Standard Bridge Co. sent their
man here the latter part of last week
to finish putting the floor in and
finishing up the new west bridge
which will be one of the best bridges
in the county when finished.
There was quite a little excitement
over at the Moon school house on
morning last week as some of the
boys had set a trap and sometime in
the night caught a skunk and it got
under the school house with the trap
and the next morning every one
around could tell what the boys had
Clear Creek Items
Mrs. Andy Coppersmith lias been
quite sick the past week.
Victor Lowery is spending a few
days with his mother.
Grace Zahn spent Saturday after
noon with Mabel Kuhn.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Adams and
daughter Grace were Loup City visit
ors Saturday.
Adam Zahn and wife visited at the
Chamberlain home Sunday
Mr. Van Dyke marketed hogs at
Loup City Monday.
Three of Mrs. Willis Hill's children
are sick with the the scarlet fever.
Miss Franzen is working at the
home of Andy Coppersmith.
Tom Chamberlain was assessing in
this vicinity Monday.
The Lone Elm school closes this
week with a picnic dinner.
The First Baptist Church: Sunday,
April 27: Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 8
p. m. In the absence of the pastor
Rev. B'rank C. Barrett of Grand
Island will occupy the pulpit, morn
ing and evening.
Geo. Sutherland, Pastor.
Presbyterian church: The Lord's
Supper will be observed nest Sabbath,
April 27th, at the morning hour of
service. You are cordially invited to
attend, whether you are a member or
not, and observe this Memorial with
g ocac xxxxxxooxxxx
efirst Class ®
8 y
jviovtng pictures
8 o
8At the 8
6 6
Change of Program 8
8 9
gCVery Tuesday, Thurs*s
l day and Saturday^
-nights. s
8 8
8Notning but the best ofg
spictures produced here. »
8 Don’t miss any of these g
g Proprietors 8
us. The session will meet Thursday
evening at the church to receive any
who may desire to unite with the
church: a short session of the officers
also being held prior to the morning
service next Sundav. The Young
Peoples service and evening preaching
service as usual. You are welcome to
all of these services.
•J. C. Tourtellot, Pastor.
Methodist church: Regular services
Sunday, April 27. Subject for the
morning, -‘The Better Way,” and at
night, “Merriopathy” or the healing
laugh. Quarterly conference and
sermon by Dr. Hammons. Thursday
night, May 1st. All are mostcordially
welcome- D. A. Lee per, Pastor.
German Evangelical church: Sunday
April 27, will be services as follows:
Loup City—10 a.m., Sunday school:
10:30, service. At Cole Creek, provided
the weather and roads are fine, service
at 3 p.m. April 26—Lesson in German
at 10 a.m. P. Jueling, Pastor.
Swedish Christian church: Services
as usual next Sunday.
C. G. F. Johnson, Pastor.
You are invited to pay a visit to the new Ten
Cent Store, which is located four doors south of
the Post Office, where you will be surprised at
the countless number of articles which can be
bought for five and ten cents. It will be our aim
to carry a variety stock of Dishes, Glassware,
Graniteware, Tinware Woodenware Notions and
Toys. We are now open for business and invite
everyone in Sherman county to call and see us
whether you buy or not;
J. W. Thompson
Pool and Billiards
Cigars, Soft Drinks and Candies
One door west of First National Bank
Spring will Soon Be Here,
Agood nut. coal for summer use in your
cook stoves--we have Aztec nut and Pinnacle
For a cook stove, we screen this coal and
our prices are right,
it is not too early to be making plans
for a vacation tour
To the Pacific Coast: Every day from June 1st the ex,
cursion rate will be $60, and to include the Shasta line,
$77.50, on certain special dates $ - less: you may go one way
and return another. In this way the world’s greatest rail
road journey may be accomplished.
Yellowstone National Park: Rates to this wonderland
have been announced via Cody the seat and scenic entrance
via Gardiner, the official entrance and through sceinic Colo
rado and Yellowstone entrance, Also for personally con
ducted camping tours. A camping tour under personal escort
makes one of the finest recreative tours this country offers.
Glacier National Park; on the Great Northern Railway
reached from Belton or Glacier Park station, Mont. Excur
sion rail rates to these points do not exceed $35 from Nebras
ka, with very low lates beyond through the Park. Only a
small expenditure required for a most interesting visit to this
newest ‘ wonderland. ”
Descriptive publication will soon follow. We shall be glad to
have you tell us what kind of a summer tour you have in mind
and to place you on our list for publications.
J. A. Donielson; Agent, Loup City, Neb.
At ten tit >n!
| Only ten more days
®In which to take advantage of our re
duced prices on pianos. If you have not selected
your piano, come in at once. We also have a full
line of music at the
Hallet & Davis Piano Store