The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 24, 1913, Image 3

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Comiskey Says Twirlers Are
Showing Better Form.
Big Ed Walsh Is Sure of Good Season,
While icott and White Have Old
Cunning—Joe Benz Is pke
a New Man.
Prediction that the Chicago Amer
ican league baseball team will have
a strong pitching staff this year is
made by President Comiskey. He be
lieves the twirlers now being sea
soned are showing better form than
in previous years, all of which is at
tributed to the spring work at Paso
"Th°re is no need to tell the fans
how good Ed Walsh is going to be be
cause they realize that he has no
equal in baseball," was the wny Mr.
Comiskey started out in speaking of
the White Sox staff. "Ed is in per
fect physical condition and his man
ner of caring for himself during the
idle winter months always assures a
good season for the big fellow. He is
good for ten years to come. Nobody
knows how much I think of him and
how proud I am of such men as his
type. I would not be surprised to see
him make his best record the coming
‘‘Another thing which is encourag
ing to me is the way Jim Scott ha3
been going on the coast. I want to
go on record as saying that Jimmie Is
hack to his best form and he will be
a great support to the team. I expect
him to have his best year barring a
return of his ailment, of which he
now seems to be entirely free.
“Doc White is making a better
showing than he did last year at this
time. He has all his old-time cunning
and speed. He will be a great help
“Big Ed” Walsh.
to the club and will be ready to take
his turn as soon as the season opens.
Benz is going great guns. He looks
like a new man. I was surprised to
see the way he worked. Cal tells me
he expects wonderful things of him.
Lange and Cicotte never were early
season pitchers, but they are just be
ginning to show their real value.
“Manager Callahan believes he has
a great find in Clarence Smith, the
youngster from Birmingham. The
young fellow will be given a thorough
trial and it looks now as if he might
be one of the regulars. Phil Douglas,
one of the tallest twirlers in the
game, standing 6 feet 4 inches, also
looks good to me. Mogridge has im
proved greatly and Cal will in all
probability carry him the full season.
His work on the coast insures him a
place in major league baseball.
Double Squeeze Play.
The double squeeze .play is Connie
Mack's latest. Playing against San
Antonio, Collins was on third and
strunk on second. Barry laid down a
bunt. Collins scored, easily, while
Barry was being thrown out, and
Strunk, having taken a tremendous
flying lead, came home all the way
from second after Collins, so great
was his burst of speed.
Ernie Johnson Wins Game.
Ernie Johnson, the Sox discard,
played his first game with Los An
geles and won a place in the hearts
of the coast fans by driving in the
winning run for the Angels in the
eleventh inning, beating the Sox out.
The final score was 3 to 2. Ernie sent
the winning count over the plate by
means of a sacrifice fly when the An
gels had runners on third and first,
with none out.
Penn Hopes to Win Championships.
The University of Pennsylvania is
hopeful of winning this year’s annual
intercollegiate track and field cham
pionships, which would put them on
even terms with Cornell for perma
nent possession of the $1,000 trophy.
The record now stands four wins for
Cornell, three for Pennsylvania and
’one for Harvard. It must be won five
Eyes on Pipp.
The major league scouts have, thus
early, their eyes upon one college
player in Pipp, the first baseman of
the University of Virginia nine. They
say he is the best first baseman play
ing baseball since Fred Tenney's days
at Brown.
Jennings Places Tigers.
The Tigers ran sixth last year, but
Manager Jennings is confident that
they will do at least two point better
thin season. He considers that fourth
place will be about the limit for his
club, but is sure that he will get that
Miller Huggins, Leader of St Louis Cardinals.
Miller James Huggins, manager of
the St. Louis Cardinals and one of
the greatest second basemen in base
ball. was born in Cincinanti, Ohio,
March 27, 1880. He started his pro
fessional career in 1901 with the St.
Paul team of the American associa
tion and played with the Saints for
three seasons. In 1904 he returned to
bis native city as a big leaguer and a
member of his home team, the Cin
cinnati Reds. For six years, or until
he was traded to St. Louis in 1910,
Huggins was the star of the Reds' in
field. He went to St. Louis in 1910,
and for the last three years has done
the same brilliant work for the Cardi
nals that made him famous in Red
land. Last winter he was appointed
manager of the team to succeed
Roger Bresnahan. Although it will
be his first season as a manager, St.
Louis fans are confident he will pro
duce a winner. When his baseball
days are over Huggins will practico
law. . »
President David Fultz Announces
Pending Amalgamation of Ball
Players and “White Rats."
President David L. Fultz, of the
Baseball Players' Fraternity, an
nounces that negotiations are now un
der way between the fraternity and
the White Rats Actors’ union of
America for an amalgamation be
tween the two organizations for the
purposes of “mutual support and pro
tection.” and Fultz expects the ar
rangement will be consummated with
in a few weeks, he says.
Wagner, of the Pittsburgh team,
is announced as one of the latest ad
ditions to the ranks of the fraternity.
The Cardinals now have a Wingo
and a Winger.
Eddie Grant of the Reds is play
ing the third corner in his very best
According to the lineup given out
by Manager Chance, the Yankees’
shortstop position cannot be lifted
without a derrick.
Pitcher Jean Dubuc of the Tigers
says: "Rondeau is one of the greatest
catchers to break into the league this
Peaches Graham has, after due de
liberation, decided to sign a contract
with Toronto again.
They say McGraw bought Tesreau
without even seeing him pitch a game
and purely because ha liked bis
Derrill Pratt, the young Brownie, in
the opinion of many baseball experts,
is the best second sacker in Ben John
son's organization.
Pitcher Davenport of the San Anto
nio team is being heralded as the tall
est man in baseball. He stands six
feet seven and one-half inches.
Manager Clark Griffith believes that
”Tol" Pendleton, the Princeton uni
versity phenom, wit! beep his word
and sign with the donators.
’ Dutch" Munch, whom Manager
Griffith sent to the ■Syracuse club of
the New York State league, says that
he will come back next season.
The Boston critU s admit that the
Red Sox will have r. hard time to re
peat in the America-n league this sea
Lew McAllister, Gabby Street and
Charley Schmidt, three old-time big
league backstops, will work in the
southern league this season.
Manager Callahan says he i3 fairly
well satisfied with the White Sox
youngsters, but wouldn't refuse any
reasonable trade.
Manager George Stovall a world
of confidence in his -ecruit catcher,
Sam Aguew. Stovall believes he’ll
make good.
Steve Kane, former umpire in the
American association, has signed to
call balls and strikes in the Interstate
league this season.
George Dauss, the youngster se
cured by the Detroit Tigers from St.
Paul, is one of the most promising
young twirlers on Jennings' staff of 13.
Bobby Vaughan, the old Princeton
varsity captain, will play with St.
Paul the coming season.
They say that Denny Moeller, the
young outfielder on Griffith's squad,
will give "Champ” Milan a good fight
for the baserunning honors.
The Brooklyn club has released
Daniel J. McDevitt to the Oshkosh
club of the Wisconsin-Illinois league.
McDevitt was secured by Brooklyn
from Eastern college, Manassas^ Va.
Almost Unheard of in Boston Until
Boosted by Leslie Nunamaker,
Second Backstop.
Forrest Cady, the twenty-four-year
old giant, butted into the limelight
when Leslie Nunamaker, second
catcher of the Red Sox, was Injured
in the throwing hand early last sea
son, and has been right there or there
abouts ever since. Cady was almost
unheard of in Boston, and even his
team-mates did not know much about
his ability. He and Nunamaker had
been room-mates and "pals.”
As Cady, who, despite his size, is
very soft-spoken and evasive of the
spotlight, went out to warm up, Nuna
maker, sitting with bandaged hands
Forrest Cady.
on the side-lines, shouted this encour
agement to the recruit, so that every
body heard it:
“Keep up the reputation of the
[ room. Cady!"
“Well, if they give me a chance in
they'll never miss YOU,” replied
Cady, a bit peeved at the attention at
tracted to him, but still speaking as
qiietly as a bank clerk.
Nunamaker sat on the bench the
remainder of the season, appearing in
less than a half dozen games, and 13
now third catcher. Cady caught the
most of the world’s series and re
j ceived a big salary increase. Which
is Fate, also Opportunity. A similar
I tern may boost Nunamaker again. It’s
! the luck of the game.
Wagner in Fine Form.
Hans Wagner, the Pittsburgh star,
! reports in good condition this year, as
he always does. Hans is a player who
j takes good care of himself during the
| winter months and does not require a
i great deal of conditioning in the
spring. The idol of the Pirates says
I he expects to have one of the best
| years of his long career as a diamond
artist in 1913.
Dissatisfied Player Released.
Pitcher William Billiard, bought by
Spokane from Toledo, having re
fused to play in the Northwest, has
been released by the Spokane club,
I President Cohn saying he wanted
nothing to do with a dissatisfied
j player.
Australia’s Seat of Government
Planned rii Fields and Woods.
Plans Drawn by American Architect
Are Accepted and Site Chosen is
in Canberra, N. S. W—Will
Be City Beautifutv.
Canberra, N. S. W.—Americans will
take a keen Interest in the construc
tion of the federal capital city of the
pommowealth of Australia, because,
like the federal capital city of the
United States, It was completely plan
ned before the foundation stone of the
Hrst permanent building was laid, and
also because the architect whose de
signs have been accepted, Walter Bur
ley Griffin, is an American, says the
Boston Transcript. The choice of the
Canberra district of New South
Wales, as the site of the city, was
made by the commonwealth govern
ment in 1910, and the invitation to
architects embodying the conditions of
completion was issued April 30, 1911.
To give an idea of the magnitude of
the task, it may be stated that the
requirements for the consideration of
the designers included the allocation
pf appropriate areas embracing sites
not only for the house of parliament,
residence of the governor general and
the usual ministerial and administra
tive offices, but places of public wor
ship, mint, national art gallery and
Uhrary, state house, printing office,
government factories, university, tech
nical college, city hall, general post
office, museum, central railway sta
tion, railway marshaling yards, mili
tary barracks, criminal and police
courts, jail, hospital, national thea
ter, central power station, gas works,
markets, stadium, parks and gardens,
ate. It was a great work to design this
model city, and Mr. Griffin may well
be congratulated on hlB success In
winning the opportunity to give Wash
ington, D. C., a worthy sister in Can
berra, N. S. W.
Why the Australian government
ihould have decided to build the cap
ital of the country in the southeast
corner is not quite clear, but the site
.9 certainly one that seems to invite
i "city beautiful.” The lay of the
and, combining easy gradients with
prominent hills of moderate height,
will lend itself easily to the produc
lion of fine architectural and land
scape effects. Canberra is just east
pf the Wagga Wagga district, and
ibout 40 miles from the town of Yass,
jn the main line of the railroad be
iween Sydney and Melbourne, and It
is about 150 miles from Jervis bay,
with which it Is to be connected by
i new railroad. The temporary Aus
irlan Military school Is the only
puilding yet on the site, excepting a
lew farmhouses, but now that the
governor general has laid the founda
lion stone the architectural develop
ment of the commonwealth’s perma
Falls Near Site of Canberra.
lent seat of government may be ex
3ected to progress rapidly. To a cer
tain extent Australia imitates Canada
n selecting a capital. Canada did no;
lave to build Ottawa, from the ground
ip, but it converted the old ‘‘Bytown.”
i lumber station and shipping point
nto a seat of government. Queen
Victoria made choice of Ottawa in
he capacity of grand arbitrator, after
Montreal, Quebec, Toronto and Kings
>ton |^ad quarreled for the distinction
if being the capital until any three
if them were ready to unite against
he fourth. Ottawa is now a beauti
ul city of 100,000 inhabitants, despite
he fact that it remains simply the
lolitical capital. So does Washing
.on, for that matter, a still more beau
iful city, with a population approxi
natitig 350,000. It seems to be the
•ule for ^armony in nations essentially
‘ederationi that compromise between
lections shall dictate the choice of a
lew site for their capitals.
<ing George's Eldest Son Joins the
Marlborough Club of
London.—The election of the prince
if Wales to the Marlborough club,
A’liich took place recently, makes the
leir to the throne the youngest club
nan in London. Since its formation
he Marlborough has always been the
special club of the heirs apparent as
be late king, who had much to do
with its formation, was an almost
laily frequenter there as prince of
A ales, and it was also constantly
ised by his present majesty before
lis accession.
Soldiers and sailors generally are
mxious for the prince of Wales to en
er the Rag, otherwise the Army and
\Tavy club. It is understood that this
itep will be taken before long. His
•oyal highness will also become a
nember of the Oxford and Cambridge
Sanatorium Where the Tuberculoale
May Be Cured Is Worth Much to
Any State or City.
Dr. H. L. Barnes, superintendent of
the Rhode Island State sanatorium,
has recently demonstrated by some in
teresting studies of patients discharg
ed as “apparently cured" from that in
stitution, that a sanatorium is a sound
investment for any state or city. The
gross earnings of 170 ex-patients ob
tained in 1911 amounted to 5102,752,
and those of 211 cases in 1912 to $112,
021. By applying the same average
earning to all ex-patients of the sana
torium living in 1911 and 1912, Dr.
Barnes concludes that their income in
these two years was $551,000. This
sum is more than three times the co3t
of maintenance of the sanatorium in
cluding interest at 4 per cent, on the
original investment and depreciation
charges. Dr. Barnes concludes, how
ever, “While institutions for the cure
of tuberculosis are good investments,
there is good reason for thinking that
institutions for the isolation of far ad
vanced cases would be still better in
I took about 6 boxes of Dodds Kid
ney Pills for Heart Trouble from
which I had suffered for 5 years. I
had dizzy spells, my eyes puffed,
Judge Miller.
my breath was
short and I had
chills and back
ache. I took the
pills about a year
ago and have had
no return of the
palpitations. Am
now 63 years old,
able to do lots of
manual labor, am
well and hearty and weigh about
200 pounds. I feel very grateful that
I found Dodds Kidney Pills and you
may publish this letter If you wish. I
am serving my third term as Probate
Judge of Gray Co. Yours truly,
PHILIP MILLER, Cimarron, Kan.
Correspond with Judge Miller about
this wonderful remedy.
Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at
your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household
Hints, also music of National Anthem
(English and German words) and re
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free.
Keeper of Secrets of Kings.
Lord Knollys, who is retiring, after
having been private secretary to King
George and the late King Edward,
has received many tempting oflers to
write his autobiography, but. needless
to say, has steadfastly resisted them
all. An enterprising publisher, from
the United States, once ran him down
during his vacation, and placed a
blank check before him, inviting him
to fill it in for any sum he liked to
name in return for a book of no fewer
than 50,000 words.
“My terms would be five million
dollars,” Lord K»ollys remarked,
quietly. The publisher gasped. "Good
gracious, sir, are you serious?” he
“Quite,” Lord Knollys rejoined, and
then, with one of his merry twinkles
of his eyes, he said:
“Would it not be worth a good deal
more to you if I had to say frankly
all I know?”
The publisher realized the force of
the argument, and was bound to ad
mit that it would be a hopeless task
to induce an indiscretion on the part
of the veteran courtier.
Uncle Josh’s Joke.
“Gee!” said old Uncle Josh, as the
wail from the parlor waxed louder
and more piercing, “I wish that there
female summer boarder'd stop that in
fernal practicin’ on her singin’ fer a
leetle. She has a voice like a fish.”
“Like a fish?” demanded Mrs. Josh,
"Ya-as,” said Uncle Josh. "Mostly
scales an’ flatter'n hookey.”—Harper’s
Cook and the Cuckoo.
Mistress—Bridget, what ails the
cuckoo clock? I haven’t heard it to
Bridget—Well, mum, there do be a
strange cat around the kitchen an'
likely the poor bur-rd's afeared to
come out..
In another part of this paper you
will find a large ad of the Loose-Wiles
Biscuit Co.. Omaha, Neb. They ofTer
to send to any reader a box of assort
ed biscuits absolutely free. Don’t miss
this opportunity. Cut out the coupon
from their ad and mail it today.
His Business.
“There is one man who can be safe \
always in taking his customers at
their face value.”
“Who might he be?”
"The beauty doctor.”
The Kind.
“I wonder if people in Mars have i
"If they do, they must be moon- ]
SEEDS—Alfalfa tii; timothy, blue grass & 1
cauefcl; sweei clover $9. Farms for sale Jt rent
on crop paym’ts. J. Mulhall, Soo City, la.
Temptation may come to the woman
who sits down and waits, but a man
usually meets it half way.
Be thrifty on little things like bluing. Don’t
accept water for bluing. Ask for Red Cross
Ball Blue, the extra good value blue. Adv.
Charity covers a multitude of sins
that ought to be exposed.
No day is long enough to waste any
of it nursing a grouch.
The Cause.
“George Is raising mutton-chop
“That accounts for his sheepish ex
You’re “Out!”
In the “game of health”
you are soon ‘ ‘downand
out” if you allow the
stomach to become
weak and the system
brace up!
Tone the stomach, stir
the lazy liver, make the
bowels active by the
daily use of
From 40 to 50 Woman’s Critical Period.
Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot
flashes, severe headaches, melancholia, dread of impending
evil, palpitation of the heart, irregularity, constipation and
dizziness are promptly treated by intelligent women who
are approaching the period of life.
This ia the most critical period of woman’s life and she
who neglects the care of her health at this time invites in
curable disease and pain. Why not be guided by the ex
perience of others and take Lyaia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound ? It is an indisputable fact that this grand old
remedy has helped thousands of women to pass through
this trying period with comfort and safety. Thousands o£
genuine and honest testimonials support this fact
From Mrs. HENRY HEAVILIN, Cadiz, Ohio.
Fort Worth, Texas.—“I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta
ble Compound and derived great benefit from its use. It carried mo
safely through the Change of Life when I was in bad health. I had
that all gone feeling most of the time, and headache constantly, I wa3
very nervous and the hot flashes were very bad. I had tried other
remedies and doctors, but did not improve until I began taking Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. It has now been sometime since
I took the Compound and I have had no return of my old complaints.
I always praise your remedies to weak women.”—Mrs. Henbx
Hiayilin, R. F. D. No. 6, Cadiz, Ohio.
From Mrs. EDWARD B. HILBERT, Fleetwood, Pa.
Fleetwood, Pa.—•“ During the Change of Life I was hardly able to
be around at alL I always had a headache and I was so dizzy and
nervous that I had no rest at night. The flashes of heat were so bad
sometimes that I did not know what to do.
“ One day a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound and it made me a strong, well wom^n. I am veiy
thankful that I followed my friend’s advice, and I shall recommend it
as long as I live. Before I took the Compound I was always sickly
and now I have not had medicine from a doctor for years. You may
publish my letter.”—Mrs. Edward B. Hilbert, Fleetwood, Pa.
From Mrs. F. P. 3IULLENDORE, Munford, Ala.
Munford, Ala.—“I was so weak and nervous while passing through,
the Change of Life that I could hardly live. My husband had to nail
rubber on all the gates for I could not stand to have a gate slam.
“ I also had backache and a fullness in my stomach. I noticed that
Lydia E. Pmkhain’s Vegetable Compound was ad
vertised for such cases and I sent and got a bottle.
It did me so much good that I kept on taking it and
found it to be all you claim. I recommend it to
> all women afflicted as I was,”—Mrs. F. P. Mullen
dore, Munford, Ala.
» (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice.
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
by a woman and held in strict confidence.
borne spimsters are so umia tnat
they would jump at a proposal.
LEWIS’ Single Binder gives the smoker
a rich, mellow tasting 5c cigar. Adv.
The busier a man is the less time
he has to complain of overwork.
(J| I AYegetable Preparation forAs
similating the Food and Regula
k«l hng the Stomachs and Bowels of
Srj Promotes Digestion,Cheerful
?3 ness and Rest Contains neither
l«> Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Sii Not Narcotic
^ R"'pr «/"OM DrSAWEL/YTCffER
9|> JKunpkin iW*
(S AtxStmna * \
Pot he lit Satis - |
it' Amu St*el * I
g >
FI WtrmScd - I
Jt* • ClonfitdSuaar- I
ijjC Wimkryrttn Ffttvor /
b Aperfect Remedy forConstipa
W lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrtoiea,
Worms .Convulsions.Feverish
tS'Q ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
—:— -:
sit Fac Simile Signature of
The Centaur Company.
'^Guaranteed under the Foodanj)
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Forlnfants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Write for book saving young chicks. Send ns
names of 7 friends that use incubators and get
book free. Raisatl Remedy Co., Blackwell,Okla.
In the Provlnoe of
Western Canada
Do too desire to get a
Free Homestead of 160
ACRES of that well
known Wheat Land?
i uo area is becoming morelimited
but no less Tamable.
naT© recently been opened up for
settlement, and Into these rail
roads are now being built. The
day will soon come when there
will be no
A SwiftCnrrent, Saskatchewan,
farmer writes: “I came on my
homestead. March 1906. with about
C1.0U) worth of horses and machin
ery. and Just 136 in cash. Today I
haye «U) acres of wheat. 300 acres
of oats, and 50 acred of flax.” Not
bad for six years, but only an In
stance of what may be done In
Western Canada In Manitoba.
Saskatchewan or Alberta.
Send at once for Literature,
Maps, Ballway Bates, etc., to
Be* Building, Omaha, Nab.
Canadian Gorpmmpnt Aircnt. _r
5ddre!'“_Superintendent of
immigration, Ottawa, Uuda.
A toilet preparation of merit.
Helps to eradicate dandruff.
For Restoring Color and
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair.
60c, and $L00 at Druggists.
Ladies! Clean your own carpets Send me 50c
and in return 1 tvill forward my valuable
carpet recipe. Will not fade Absolutely
moth proof. Address A. B. McCAKTNKV.
Iowa; 140 a. in high state of cult.; best of
imp.; 9 r. house; 2 barns, sheds, stock, mn
chinery. etc. C. Rpengler, Anthon, Iowa. R. I.
s^SfeTK0MPS0N’S <fiS55?,3BI
^»EYE WATER wind. booklet free
Nebraska Directory
Rooms from ?1.00 up single, 75 cents np double
Trimming. Buggy Wheels repaired and re
rubber tired. Write sa for prices. 40 years in the
business. Andrew Murphy & Son, Ornate*