The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 10, 1913, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
volume XXXI
Professional Cards
Attorney aaitaeicr-it'law
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Office, Over New Bank.
Phone, 30. Office at Residence
Two Doors East of Telephone Central
Lnup Dilij, - Nebraska
Loup Gity, Nebr.
Office at Residence,
Telephone Connection
J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D.
Physicians and Surgeons
Phone 114 Loop City, Nebraska
Dr. James F Blam in'id
Office hours
1 p. m. until 5:30 p. m. only
Office up stairs m the new State
dank building.
OFFICE: East Side Public Souaie.
Phone, Brown 116
V. I. McDonall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Phone Brown 57
1S®» AND 4^
For good clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Come and get my prices
Contractor and Plasterer
Phone White 70
Give me a call and get my
prices. I will treat you right.
Satisfaction Guaranted
Funeral Director
Licensed Einbalmer
Business Phone Black 65
Loup City, Nebraska
General Blacksmithing
Horse Shoeing and Wood*
work. Come in and see me.
Mrs. H. W. Ojendyk of Ashton
Winner of Ford Auto, With
Winnie Gasteyer 2nd and
Mrs. Emma Daddow 3rd
in the Race '
Monday evening of tills week closed
the great subscription contest which
has been carried on by the North
western for the past nine weeks. At
the final count, the office was crowded
with contestants and their friends and
excitement was intense on all hands.
At exactly 9 o’clock the office was
closed and the contestants began put
ting in their votes, the local contest
manager finally announcing the last
moment when the ballot box would
be closed and no more votes received.
When the announcement was made,
the ballot box w as placed in the iiands
of the judges- -Miss Pearl Needham,
deputy county treasurer: W. J. Root,
assistant cashier of the State Bank,
and Lawrence Polski, assistant cashier
of the First National Bank—and soon
thereafter, with the rapid aid of a
counting machine, the vote was an
nounced, showing Mrs. H. W. Ojendyk
of Ashton the winner of the grand
prize, with Miss Winnie Gasteyer of
this city a close second, followed by
Mrs. Emma Daddow third, the rest of
the contestants following about in
the order as published in the paper
of last week. That the contest was
a happy surprise to the Northw stern
in the successful outcome, would be
to put the matter mildly. From the
beginning, the weather had been by
far the worst of the past season, al
most half of the nine weeks being so
inclement that contestants could not
work to any advantage, and we had
about concluded that we could kiss
good-bye to the wish that we might
record a successful outcome, so far as
regards the addition of any consider
able numberof new subscribers. How
ever, we were most pleasantly surpris
ed, as the result more than tills our
most sanguine expectations, our list
of subscribers is more than doubled,
in fact nearly trebled, and we thereby
happy. We want to take occasion at
this time to give just tribute to Mr.
C. L. Brannan, the live-wire local con
test man sent to take care of the work.
He was on the job every minute,
pleasant, affable and a most indefatig
able worker for the success of the
contest. Miss Pearl Schuette, who
has been local manager of like con
test at Grand Island came up and
helped Mr. Brannan the closing hours,
because of the illness of C. R. Brady,
the head of the series of like contests
over the west, who is lying very ill at
Excelsior Springs, Mo., and could not
be present himself, so sent one of his
most valuable aids in the person afore
mentioned. In closing, the North
western wishes to extend heartfelt
thanks to every contestant in the
race for their good work in building
up the subscription list of the paper,
and also to every one who has given
aid to favorite contestants. It is too
bad that all cannot win, but we can
truthfully say that in the contest just
closed each and every one who has
failed to land the prize lias proven a
good loser, and rank among the best
people of earth.
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. H. W.Ojendykof Ash
ton wish us to express for them their
warmest thanks to the great, big
hearted people who by their generous
subscriptions to the Northwestern
during the contest made it possible
for them to possess the dandy Ford
auto given away to the contestant
sending in the highest number of
votes, Mrs. Ojendyk being that fortu
nate one. They would like to give
their expressions personally but that
being impossible at this time, take
this occasion of returning the same.
I —
Special Teachers’ Examination
Notice is hereby given that there
will he a special teacher's examina
tion held on April 18 and IS), 1913, in
all county certificate subjects. The
reading circle examinations for the
year will be held on the third Satur
day in April. April 19. and the third
Saturday in May, May 17. These ex
aminations will be given on the dates
mentioned in the afternoon only.
Teachers will be required to write on
either “How toStudy”. orthe“Ameri
can Rural School”, and in addition,
answer any two questions from the
list on "The Personality of the
Teacher”. The last number assigned
the applicant for the regular exami
nation will be used for the reading
circle examination that is, the last
number assigned before certificate
was issued. No additional fee will be
charged for taking the reading circle
examinations. The county superin
tendent has a supply of reading circle
books at the office which will be fur
nished to teachers at the price given
in the booklets sent to teachers some
time since.
L. II. Currier, Co. Supt.
Eggs for hatching from pure-bred
Barred Plymouth Rocks, Bradley
Strain. 50c per setting. Phone, black
71. Albert Fiebig. tf
New 5 and 10 Cent
Store for Loup City
Loup City is to have an up-to-date
5 and 10 cent store. Mr. Bert G.
Travis of Aurora this week opens up
a fine store in this line in the large
north store room of the Gzehoviak
block, just north of the First Na
tional Bank. Mr. Gzehoviak has va
cated that part of the building, put
ting all his stock in the south store
room. A goodly portion of Mr. Travis’
stock of goods arrived last Saturday,
and the rest arriving the first of this
week, and he is now fairly opened up
to business, his opening day being
this publication day, Thursday. Mr.
Travis’ wife and two little sons ar
rived Saturday evening, and will be
at home in the Todd cottage near the
St. Joseph church. We warmly wel
come the new store and its enterpris
ing proprietor and good family, and
believe Loup City is a large gainer
By Loup City Commercial Club
The death of Herbert W. 1'edlerwas
a great blow to our people. He had
become one of our most loved and re
spected citizens, a noble and useful
man, whose influence was felt for
good, and whose passing away in the
meridian of life, is to be most deeply
regretted and deplored, and this or
ganization feels a keen sense of grief
and sorrow, and the public a great
and irreparable loss in his death.
It is particularly fitting that the
Loup City commercial club should join
in the universal tribute to our la
mented citizen and chief executive of
our beautiful little city.
In his career as a city omciai, he
labored persistently for the people’s
good. No taint of gain ever touched
his hand and no surrender of principle
as he viewed public questions ever
marred his public service.
He worked in the vanguard for our
city's commercial and industrial prog
ress, until death overtook him, and
today how heavily we feel his loss
But the kindly and beautiful traits of
his private life and character made
him most loved by all who knew him,
exemplifying to the fullest extent,
the sterling virtues of friendship,
courage, industry and frugality.
Every day found him as our Master
Mechanic at his post of duty, with
hammer and anvil at the flaming
forge, moulding and fashioning the
useful tools and implements for our
people’s needs.
•Week in week out, from morn till night.
You could hear his bellows blow;
You could hear him swing his heavy sledge.
With measured beat and slow.
Like the sexton ringing the village bell
When the evening sun is low.
• Toiling, rejoicing, sorrowing.
Onward through life he goes.
Each morning sees some task begun,
Each evening sees it close;
Something attempted, something done.
Has earned him last repose.
•Thanks, thanks to thee, our worthy friend.
For the lessons thou bast taught;
Thus at the flaming forge of life
Our fortunes must be wrought;
Thus on the sounding anvil shaped
Each burning deed and thought."’
Therefore be it resolved: That in
the death of Herbert VV. Pedler, Loup
City has lost one of its best, most
energetic, and most useful citizens,
who was always demoted to its inter
ests and its welfare, and this com
mercial club one of its most loved and
respected members.
Resolved, That we tender our heart
felt sympathy as a club and as a peo
i pie to the bereaved wife and family
of the deceased, and that a copy of
these resolutions be forwarded to
them, handed the Loup City papers
for publication and spread at length
on the minutes of this club.
John W. Long, 1
S. E. Callaway, -Committee.
C. E. Beushausen, 1
By City Council
Whereas, In the death of H.W. Ped
ler Loup City has lost its mayor and
chief executive officer, one who in the
person of Mr. II. W. Pedler consci
entiously and ably presiding and dis
charging the duties of said office with
malice towards none, charity for all,
and with the interests of said Loup
City always at heart, and first in his
consideration, and witli a frankness,
honesty, and courage that endeared
himself to the members of Loup City
council, its officers and employes,
who will officially miss his wise coun
cil and companionship, therefore, be it,
Resolved. By the acting mayor and
members of the city council of Loup
City, Nebraska, its officers and em
ployes that it do, as an official body,
hereby publicly express its regrets in
the death of its mayor, II. W. Pedler;
and be it further,
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread at large upon its records and
minutes, and that a copy thereof be
published in the newspapers of Loup
City, Nebraska, and a certified copy
be given to the wife of the departed.
Members of city council: A. B.
Outhouse, acting Mayor; W.D.French,
Jas. Lee, John Ohlsen, Councilmen;
R. P. Starr, City Attorney; James
Burnett, Marshall; Pete Rowe, City
Sunday School
The District Sunday school conven
tion met at .Wiggle Creek church
Sunday, March 30th, 1913 at 2:30 p. m.
A crowded house greeted the people:
delegations coming from Loup City,
Austin and Rockville.
The meeting was called to order by
Rev. J. C. Tourtelott, district presi
A splendid song service led by Mr.
Burwell, vvas first on the program.
This was followed by scripture read
ing by Mrs. Thompson. Invocation
by Dr. Leeper.
In the absence of Mrs. Ed. Angier,
district secretary. Mrs. Yer Yalin
was appointed Secretary pro tern.
A nominating committee was ap
pointed as follows: Mrs. Thompson.
Fred Daddow. Alonzo Daddow, said
committee to report at close of ses
sion. ,
Rev. Tourtellot gave a very satis
factory and complete explanation of
the “Efficiency Standard.” The Effi
ciency Standard is being adopted by
all our progressive Sunday schoolsover
this great land, as a big ideal to work
The audience was treated to a tine
quartet. “Like as a Father Pittieth
His Children,” by Mr. Burwell, Mr.
and Mrs. Jorgenson and Miss Casteel.
The subject of the “How and Why
of the Teachers’ Training,” was dis
cussed by Mrs. Yer Valin.
Dr. Leeper gave some very helpful
suggestions on the subject, "The
Pastor and the Sunday School—IIow
they may help each other.”
Clarence Burt gave a solo, “Remem
ber me.” This was very much en
joyed by all present.
Mrs. Thompson gave a splendid
talk on “Our Young Folks.” supple
menting the remarks made by Mrs.
Ver Valin on the Importance of
Teachers’ Training.
Mr. Ver Valin gave in a few words
the “Graded Work for Seniors” as
used in his class of boys and girls from
lti to 20 years. Both teacher and
pupils are enthusiastic over the work.
The nominating committee report
ed at this time and their nominees
for District otlicers were elected as
follows: President, Rev. J. C. Tour
tellot; vice president, Alonzo Daddow;
secretary, Mrs. Burwell; Supt. Ele
mentary division, Mrs. E. Angier,
Supt. secondary division, Mrs. Ward
Ver Valin; Supt. adult department,
Mrs. A.S. Main; Supt. teachers’ train
ing, Mrs. Thompson's: Supt. ipission
ary department, Mrs. J. Plant; Supt.
Temperance Department. Ira Dad
dow: Supt. pastors’ department, Rev.
A. L. Zimmerman.
The evening session was well at
tended. A full house reported. Rev.
Zimmerman gave a good talk on the
“Authenticity of the Bible.” Duet
by Miss Casteel and Mr. Claude Burt.
Visions from
Born, Saturday, April 5, 1913, to
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sinner on Route
2, a tine boy. Congratulations to the
happy parents.
Born, Saturday, April 5th, 1913, to
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kontor, a tine boy.
Congratulations to the happy parents.
Please Pay Up
As I have disposed of my business,
I request ail owing me on account to
please pay before May 1st, as after
that date said accounts will be placed
for collection. T. H. Eisner.
Application Tor Liquor License
In the matter of the application of
John J. Goc for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that John J.
Goc did on the 5th day of April, A.
D. 1913, tile his petition with the vil
lage clerk of Ashton, Nebraska, ad
dressed to the trustees of said village,
asking for a license to sell at retail,
malt, spirituous, and vinous liquors in
the building situate on lot 4, block 6,
in the original town of Ashton, Ne
braska, for the municipal year begin
ing on the 1st day of May, A.D., 1913,
and continue for the said municipal
year in the manner provided by law.
Any objection or remonstrance to the
issuance of said license must be tiled
in writing with the village clerk of
said village on or before noon of the
30th day of April, A. D. 1913.
Attest: John J. Goc,
II. VV. Ojendyk. Applicant.
Village Clerk. [seal]
Last pub. April 24
Application for Liquor License
In tiie matter of Vincent Czerwin
ski. for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Vincent
Czerwinski did on theoth dav of A pril,
A. D., 1913, tile his petition with the
village clerk of Ashton, Nebraska,
addressed to the trustees of said vil
lage. asking for a license to sell at
retail, ‘malt, spirituous and- vinous
liquors, in the building situate on lot
3. block 10, of the original town of
Ashton, Nebraska, for the muni
cipal year begining on the 1st day of
Mav, A. D., 1913, and to continue for
said municipal year in the manner pro
vided by law. Any objection or re
monstrance to the issuance of said
license, must be filed in writing, with
the village clerk if said village on or
before noon of the 30th day of April,
A. D., 1913.
Attest: Vincent Czerwinski,
H. W. Ojendyk, Applicant.
Village Clerk. [seal]
Last pub. April 24
Application for Liquor License
In the matter of the application o;
Charlie Jamrog for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Charlit
Jamrog did on the5th day of April, A
D., 1913, tile his petition with the vil
lage clerk of Ashton, Nebraska, ad
dressed to the trustees of said village
asking for a license to sell at retail
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in
the building situate on lots 8 and 9.
block 5. in the orginal town of Ash
ton. Nebraska, for the municipal
year beginning on the 1st day of May,
A. D., 1913, and continue for said
municipal year in the manner pro
vided by law. Any objection or re
monstrance to the issuance of said
license must be tiled in writing with
the village clerk of said village on or
before noon of the 30th day of April,
A. D., 1913.
Attest: Charlie Jamrog,
H. YV. Ojendyk, Applicant.
Village Clerk. [Seal]
Last pub. April 24
Application for Liquor License
In the matter of the application of M.
C. Mulick for liquor license:
Notice is hereby given that M. C.
Mulick did on the 9th day of April,
1913, tile his petitioe with the ciiy
clerk ot Loup City. Nebraska, directed
to the Mayor and City Council asking
for a license to sell at retail, malt,
spirituos and vinous liquors in the
building situate on lots 13, 14, and 15,
in block 5, on Nebraska Avenue of
the original town of Loup City in the
second ward of said city.
Said license to run from the first
day of May, 1913, and end on the first
day of May, 1914. All objection, re
monstance or protest must be filed in
writing according to law.
Peter Rowe,
City Clerk.
M. C. Mulick,
Last pub. April 24.
Application for Liquor License
In the matter of the application of
Edward Oltman for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Edward
Dltman did on the 9th day of April,
1913, tile his petition with the city
:lerk of Loup City, Nebraska, direct
id to the Mayor and City Council of
said city asking for a license to sell at
retail, malt, .spirituous and vinous
iquors, in the building situate on lot
1, block 18, on Nebraska Avenue, of
ihe original town of Loup City m
ihe second ward of said city.
Said license to run from the 1st
lay of May, 1913, and end on the 1st
lay of May, 1914. All objections, re
monstrance or protest must be filed
in writing according to law.
Attest: Edward Oltman,
Peter Rowe, Applicant.
City Clerk. [Seal]
Last pub. April 24.
Application for Liquor Liconss
In the matter of the application of
Mat Ignowski for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Mat
Ignowski did on the 8th day of April,
1913. tile his petition with the city
cierk. of Loup City, Nebraska, direct
ed to the Mayor and City Council of
said city, asking for a license to sell at
retail, malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors in the building situate on lot
7, block 18. on Nebraska Avenue of
the orginal town of Loup City, Ne
braska, in the second ward of said city.
Said license to run from the 1st
day of May. 1913, to the 1st day of
May, 1914. All objection, remon
strance or protest sliall be filed in
writing according to law.
Attest: Mat Ignowski,
Peter Rowe, Applicant.
City Clerk. [Seal]
Last pub. April 24
Application for Liquor License
To the honorable Board of Trustees
of the Village of Rockville, in Sher
man county, Nebraska:
i, George E, Tockey, of Rockville,
Nebraska, do hereby make application
to your Honorable Board for a license
to sell, malt, spirituous and vinous
liquorsat retail in the building situate
on lots four (4) and five (5), in block
twenty-one (21), in the village of
Rockville, in the oounty of Sherman,
Nebraska, for the next ensuing mu
nicipal year.
Dated this 8th day of April, 1913.
Attest: George F. Tockey,
S E. Sorensen, Applicant.
Village Clerk. [Seal]
Last pub. April 24.
Road Vacation Notice
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to vacate
the public road crossing the n k 1-4
section twenty-six (sec 26) and north
west quarter and northeast quarter
(nw 1-4 and ne 1-4) and southeast quar
rer (se 1-4) of section twenty-live (25)
all in Town fifteen (15) Range four
teen (14) lias reported in favor of such
vacation, provided that the substitu
ted roads be made passable and all
objections thereto, or claims for dam
ages must be filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 8th
day of June,1913, or such road will be
vacatated with out reference thereto.
Dated at Loup City this 8th day of
April, 1913.
W. C. Deitebichs
County Clerk
Last puh May 8
Legal Notice
State of Nebraska £
County of Sherman ) “
The State of Nebraska.
To Edward Walters:
You are hereby notified that on the
21st day of November, 1912, Lena
Walters filed her petition against you
in the District Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a di
vorce from you on the ground that
you have willfully abandoned her
for the term of more than two years
last past, and also to obtain the cus
tody of the minor children, Edwin
Walters and Frederick Walters, the
Issue of said marriage. That on
March 11th, 1913, the said plaintiff
obtained the order of the district
;ourt of said county, authorizing and
iirecting service of notice of the pen
iency of said petition by publication.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, the 5th
lay of May, 1913.
Lena Walters, plaintiff.
By R. J. Nightingale andH. S. Night
ingale, Her Attorneys I
Last pub. Apr 17
O 3 © x«E55»- •
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© •
| Quality Groceries |
Brings its problem
For theComingKi^al
When Up the Stump call us Up
And we’ll help you down, by sugesting
something good.
That will appeal to your appetite
S; I.
| Try These—They’ll Please
Canned Vegetables
Sweet Corn
Sweet Potatoes
Wax Beans
Lima Beans
Fresh Vegetables
The Quality House Established 1888
Moving Day
After several days waiting
ouj fixtures have at last ar
rived, snd we are moving in*
l to onr new quarters on the
southwest corner of the square.
We are arranging for an
Opening Day
To suitably commemorate this event,
and desire all to consider this a per
sonal invitation to be present.
Watch for announcement of date.
For everything in the drug line, in
cluding, oils, varnishes, and Monarch
paint, also baseball goods, call at the
Rexall Drug Store
Vaughn & Hinman
Loup City I nfirmary
Dr. Jas. F. Blanchard
Physldai In charge
Office Will be in Infirmary
After May Is.
All acute and chronic diseases
treated successfully without
Patients desiring rooms at the In
firmary may make such ar
rangements by writing or
phoning a day or so in ad
vance of coming.
Rates on Request