The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 27, 1913, Image 5

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    Have a Business Home
Call today and lot us start you on the
road to prosperity. We not only accept
your deposits, keep your money safely
and render you every possible accommo
dation that the best banks in the country
can render, but we will take care of your
valuable papers and give you our assist,
tance in any business transaction free of
charge. We invite,you to make our
bank your business home.
m. f. >Ia9on. prcst. H. S. Outhouse, Vlce-pres
L. fiansen, Cashier
The proper treatment of the skin means
much to your general health. It also means a great
deal to your appearance in public. Therefore use
only the best in talcum powder—the kind we rec
ommend because it has been thoroughly tested before
it is ojijered for sale in this store.
See Here
Nyals Baby Talcum Colg^tes Talcums
Nvlotis Talcum y Palmers Talcums
Mennens Talcum Babcocks Corylopeis Talcum
Swanson & Lofholm
Shoe Sale
As we have decid
ed to clean up all
odds and ends in
SHOES at quite a
9 loss to us, but at a
bargain to those
who BUY.
These Shoes at regula..
° r
price was sold from $2
to $3. But will all be
put on one counter and
marked your choice
Si.45. A bargain to
those who need shoes.
Barrington Hall A'Handful
6 Of Chaff1 is
removed a
Find out for yourself, take
Home a can oi barringt n
hall—drink it—count the
the cups and if you find that
these letters don’t tell the
truth, we will pay you back
for the can of coffee. It is simply this;
in Preparing
every pound
tin of "
Barrington Hall from the stand point of quality, makes
the best cup of coffee you ever drank.
Barrington Hall, from a stand point of cost per cup, is no
higher than any 30c coffee. Barrington Hall coffee will
give enough cups of cofiee to the pound more than any 30c
coffee, which proves that it does not cost any more. And
when you once have tried this coffee and find that it is so
much better than any other coffee that will surely be the
kind that you want.
Subscription to the North
western is $1.50 a year
Single Copy 5 cents
Dr Yallier, Osteopath, Grand Island
Bis Red Millet seed for sale by Geo.
Zigler at $1 per bushel. 3-27-tf
See J. L. Fort for windmill and
pump work. Phone White o9.
Aprii 7th, the last day of the big
Auto Contest.
Good work horses for sale. Phone
9203. A. E. Charlton. tf
Ladies spring suits and cloaks
just in. Loup City Mer. Co.
See Lee Bfos. for friction drive
Did you plant your potatoes Good
Friday? It was only 10 below here
that morning.
Furniture, almost as good as new
for sale at the Second Hand Store
for 5oc on the dollar.
Eggs for hatching from pure-bred
Barred Plymouth Rocks, $1.00 per set
ting. R. L. Arthur.
If you have a horse or a mule to
sell, call phone 20.
Myrl. A. Warrick.
IVe pay cash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Our big Auto Contest positively
closes the evening of April 7th. Get
Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald
dray at either lumber yard,or E. G.
at Taylor’s.
Our big Auto Contest closes at 9
o’clock on the evening of Aoril 7th.
without fail.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derJee, Black 03, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Mrs. Cox of A urora, who has been
here visiting her daughter. Mrs. Myrl
Warrick, returned home last Thurs
day morning.
Good seed oats, two kinds, pure and
clean, home grown, also Stock Food
and Molasses Feed, for sale by
Robert Dinsdale. tf
__ Embroideries and laces the finest
e*ver seen in Loup City. Loup City
Mer. Co., has them.
We are paying 33 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravenna Ckkameky Co.
Do you need a Spuing Tonic? Buy
a bottle of Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic,
at the Rexall Drug Store.
Vaughn & Hinman.
Mrs. L. Domgard of Ord is spending
a couple of weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. A. O. Lee, and other friends,
Mr. Domgard coming down Friday
for an over Sunday visit.
Buy your clocks, w atches and every
thing kept in a first-class jewelery
store of Schwaner. He keeps best and
most up-to-date stock, and at prices
to suit your pocketbook. ,
For Shoes and Oxfords go to Vic
Swanson’s. He lias a snappy line of
Tans, Gun Metal, Patent Leather,
White Buck and Tan Buck, and prices
are right.
Do you realize that Eisner, the
Jeweler, has spent over $400.00 for
correct time pieces, consisting of a
chronometer and regulator, so that
he can absolutely time your watch
correct when brought to him for re
pair? 4-3
About 75 of the friends and neigh
bors of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robbins,
up the valley, gathered at their hospi
table home Friday evening, the 14th
instant, and had another of the many
enjoyable evenings the people of that
section hold periodically. It was the
equal of many former occasions ofthe
kind given in that neighborhood.
Eisner, the Jeweler, has a complete
watch repair cabinet, consisting of
genuine staffs and jewels and other
materials making up a watch, this
cabinet complete costing $500. This
gives the customer accurate work.
No misfits from this cabinet. Go
in and ask to see it. 4-3
The Easter exercises at the Presby
terian and M. E. churches last Sun
day evening were, according to at
i tendants at these places of worshi p,
the best of any had for some time.
Goodly crowds were present at both
churches and the music, vocal and in
strumental, choruses, anthems, reci
tations and various talks were most
interesting from first to last.
Some thirty-one of the K. of P.
boys from here went to Comstock last
week Wednesday evening and organ
ized a new lodge of the order at that
i place. The entire night was put in
at the work, our boys putting on all
three degrees and about a dozen new
members were put through the paces.
Grand Chancellor Simon and Grand
Keeper of Records and Seal Love were
also present. Of course our ex-Grand
Chancellor John W. Long was there
with the boys, and even W. R. Mellor
came up from Lincoln to do his share
in the all-night service.
In a letter received from our son,
Rev. Frank W. Burleigh, at Valen
tine, Neb., he speaks of the big bliz
zard in that country to the effect that
great numbers of cattle were lost, one
man losing from 150 to 200 head while
another lost about 100 head to his
knowledge. He likes his new charge
in that country and speaks of the peo
ple as being big-hearted and good.
He soon moves near two of his preach
ing places, some 25 miles from Valen
tine, as being nearer in touch with
his people.
Oyster shells at Lee Bros.
Mrs. Louis Rein visited at St. Paul
last Monday.
Schwaner, the Jeweler, guarantees
all repair work.
J. W. Hatch went to Li/icoin Mon
day on a business trip.
We still have some flour at a cheap
price. Lee Bros.
Mrs. Grace Conger went to Greeley
Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. Art
E. F. Jones painter and paper
hanger, Phone Black 74.
If you want good, prompt draying.
call on C. L. McDonald, successor tc
Vic Swanson has the tinest line of
Dry Goods in Loup City, and his
prices are in reach of all.*
If your watch or clock does not run
correctly, take them to Schwaner, the
Jeweler, and he will put them in
guaranteed shape.
Miss Martha Lewandowski returned
home to Ashton Monday, after a few
nays’ visit here with her sister, Mrs.
J. J. Slominski.
If it bears the Rexall label, it is
bight, whether it be a Remedy or
Toilet Preparation. Found only at
Tire Rexall Drug Store.
Vaughn & Hinman.
Miss Winnie Outhouse returned
last Saturday morning to school at
the University, after a few days va
cation at home.
You are always on the right road
when you follow the crowd to the
Loup City Mer. Co., as they have the
Henry Olilsen was at Kansas City
last week looking after machinery for
use in the new Greeley county court
house of which he has the contract.
Charley Larson solicits a portion of
your dray patronage and will do your
work prom ptly and efficiently. Phone
Brown 76, or leave orders at any of
the coal or lumber yards.
Do you feel listless, sluggish, and
lacking energy? Buy a bottle of Bex
all Celery and Iron Tonic, at The
Bexall Drug Store.
Vaughn & Hinrnan.
We understand Art Reed is quite
seriously ill at Greeley. lie had been
ill for some time with somethingakin
tola grippe, and later developed a
good siege of hives, with which he is
at present suffering.
Frank C. Papernick of the south
I part of the county lias traded his
! farm for an impliment stock of goods
I and building at Ord, and will go into
that business there. We wish him
j success.
Go away from home for news. The
Grand Island Independent said last
week: '‘Mr. and Mrs. John Olhsen of
Loup City were visitors here today.
The think of locating in Grand
| Island.” » • -. i
Another large shipment of Summer
Dress Goods and Embroideries just
received by Vick Swanson from New
York City. We buy nothing but up
to-date Dry Goods and the quality is
the very best.
i Mrs. R. P. Starr was cal lid to Grand
I Island Tuesday morning, where Mr.
I Starr was lying very ill. He went up
j to Alliance a number of days previous
j on legal matters and was on his way
home, but was taken quite sick on
the train, removed from it at Grand
Island and carried to the hospital,
where he is at this writing (Tuesday),
but with reports that his condition is
; somewhat improved.
At the home of Mrs. O. S. Mason,
on Tuesday, March 18th, at 3 p. m., a
surprise party was given Mrs. Capt.
| Winkleman in honor of her 65th birth
day anniversary. A joyous afternoon
was spent, lunch was served and all
wished Mrs. Winkleman many more
such pleasant meeting. Those pres
ent were, Mrs. Mooney, Mrs. Bech
thoid, Mrs. Dubry, Mrs. Ransink, Mrs.
Eisner, Mrs. Grutter and Mrs. Lof
It is not always pleasant and every
thing in fine shape for hunting and
fishing parties. This fact was in evi
dence last week when Irvin Conger,
E. E. McFadden and Walt Reed went
down to the river for a few days’ va
cation from the strenuous business
life. They had their headquarters on
an island a few miles south of the
city on the Loup. While there came
the big storm, breaking up of the ice
on the river and kindred troubles,
leaving the party marooned on the
island, from which they did not get
off from Tuesday till Friday after
noon, when farmers near by managed
to launch askow up the river above
them and floated down to their rescue
and they managed to get on to main
land and home. So far as we are con
cerned, we are willing they and not
us shall have such glorious experi
Attorney R. II. Mathew’s uncle,
aunt, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Worlock, son, Mont, and daughter,
Beatrice, whom he had been expect
ing from England for some time, ar
rived last week and will make this
their home at least for a year, and
may make it their permanent home.
Mr. Worlock, we are informed, is a
musician of fine talent, and for years
was in grand opera, during that time
singing in all the old countries of
Europe, and will take charge of the
music at the first Presbyterian church,
and we further understand will teach
music, being a most excellent in
structor. The son, we also under
stand, will enter the law office of Mr.
Mathew and be associated with him
in the practice of that profession.
The advent of this worthy family
will be a valuable acquisition to the
business, social and musical circles of
See Arthur for seed potatoes.
Lee Bros, still wants chickens.
Limited quantity of choice baled
hay for sale. L. N Smith.
See Schwaner, the Jeweler, for tirst
class repair work.
Buy your wall paper at the Loup
City paint store.
Call and see the new Ladies cloaks
and suits. Loup City Mer. Co.
If it isn’t right, Schwaner, the
j Jeweler, will make it light. See him
for all repair work in the jewelry line.
Do you feel all tired out? Buy s
bottle of ltexali Every Day Tonic, a;
Tiie Kexall Drug Stoiu.
Vaughn & Ilinman.
For the past several weeks, Grand
ma Gilbert was at ihe bedside ol
Grandma Dunlap, taking care of bei
night and day. till last Sunday even
ing when the old lady’s condition
seemed much better and Grandma
Gilbert was able to return to her
A rather amusing incident occurred
at the M. E. church last Sundav
morning, in which one of our popular
young papas figured embarrassingly.
At the commencement of the services
came the baptism of infantsand when
the call came the young parents went
I forward to the altar, leaving their
darling asleep in its cab at the rear of
the house, forgetting the principal
event of the occasion, causing the
young father to return for the baby,
much to the amusement of all.
It seems we are to have Chautauqua
much earlier this year than last, an
| advance agent, who was here a few
days ago, giving the opening date as
July 21st. He claimed that hereto
fore the Chautauqua season in Loup
City had been too late, when the even
ings were too cjol for comfort, hence
j the management concluded it would
j be more satisfactory to Chautauqua
I patrons should the season be held
j some weeks earlier, when there would
| be an absence of the chilly atmos
1 phere so common the latter part ol
August and first of the following
j month.
T. H. Eisner returned Monday from
' his hunting trip down in the mouthy
j Rlatte. While there lie and his party
■ camped out on an island in the river
and were marooned there several davs
j before they could be rescued and
i taken to main land and terre tirma.
| The breaking up of the ice in the
river, the heavy current on either
j side of the island, the big storms and
I other incidentals kept them out,
i Robinson Crusoe like, for several days
before they succeded in runnning the
i dangerous dead line to main land
1 However, llenrv got home safe and
! sound with some experiences not cal
| culated to be recorded inSundy school
j books,
A card from our John Sullivan sized
i friend, John A. Peugh. at Galva, 111.,
| a few days since bears the inteligence
that he does not get his copy of the
j Northwestern some weeks till the
i Tuesday after publication and he
arouses our fighting qualities by the
challenge that "Til smash your ‘pro
boscis’ when I come back there, if
| you don't get my paper started a
little earlier.” John's will is strong
enough, no doubt, and if he will agree
to come back to God's country to live,
we'll just let him take one poke at us,
and cancel any return, so glad will we
be to get him to come home where
everybody feels civil and good natured
—which seems not to be the climatic
influence over his way.
The school board met last Saturday
evening, and selected part of the
teachers for the coming year, namely,
Miss Nettie Conger, first grade; Miss
Flora Olilsen, second grade: Miss
O' Mead, third grade; Miss Ada Smith,
fourth grade; Miss Lena Smith, fifth
grade: Miss Olive McCray, sixth grade:
i Miss Nettie Southwell, sevehth grade:
I leaving a teacher for the eighth grade
! and the principal yet to be selected,
all the lower grade teachers being re
elected, save the sixth grade, which
was made vacant by the advance
ment of Miss Southwell to the seventh
grade, left vacant by the resigna
tionof Miss Jessie McGavren. Miss
Burke, we understand, was selected
for second assistant principal, in place
of Mr. Kendricks, and Miss Elizabeth
Luce was again given the assistant
Homestead Land
Sierra Nevada Foothills, good land,
water, wood, range, springs, streams,
big oaks, game and fish. Living is
cheap, winter a joke, no snow. Room
for hundreds. Your next. Copy gov
ernment township plat of the land
and all questions answered, $1.00. I
save you $99.00. No remittance, no
answer. Resident 27 years. A. Ke
noyer, (locator) Hanford. Calif. apr3
For Sale at a Bargain
Four-room house, east front, two
lots, well and windmill, cement cave
and other outbuildings. Two blocks
to school. Price $1000, and $400 will
handle same. Owner will consider
trade for stock. Inquire at thisofflce.
1200 Acres Near Ashton
! I have for sale some 1200 acres of
i land near Ashton, some of the best
farming land in this section. Also,
10,000 acres of Canadian land for sale,
See or write me for particulars.
J. J. Goc. Ashton, Neb.
Kersian Seed Oats
We expect soon to receive a car of
Kersian seed oats, which will sell at
45c per bushel. Also have a car of
Big Four seed oats coming to Ashton
at the same price. Phone your orders
to Taylor’s Elevator.
Paine & Fishburn Granine Co.
Grand Island, N'eb., Monuments
Tisit our large Factory or
write tor catalogue.
For Style And Service
look Better-Fit Better-Wear Longer.
M iimiw——
You’ll appreciate “Tess and Ted” school shoes because four
pairs usually last as long as five pairs of ordinary shoes made for
The better class of people everywhere now recognize “Tess
and Ted” school shoes as the most satisfactory children’s shoes in
existence. The reason is that they Look Better, Fit Better and
Wear Longer—that it’s a “Star Brand” shoe, and
Star Brand Shoes Are Better
“Tess and Ted” school shoes are
made In all the different leathers—in high
cuts, regular heights and Oxfords. There’s
a style for every age and condition of
childhood, from five to fifteen years.
They are honestly made of good,
solid leather. No paper, composition or
other substitutes for leather are ever used.
The “Star” on the heel insures you better
value than you have ever seen in chil
dren’s shoes.
Come and see the new styles.
Loup City M,Co.
Whereas: We understand that some Loup City merchant
sells 100 lbs. sugar for $5.10 and
Whereas: Said price is the wholesale price for said sugar
and we do not believe that said merchant does sell for
this price out of philanthropic or charitable reasons, but
intends to gain customers by selling sugar at this price, and
Whereas: We belive that competition is the life of trade,
that we have the same right as any other to increase our
patronage therefore have we
Resolved: To conditionally sell
250 Sacks of Sugar
At 4 cents per pound
or 25 pounds for $1.00. 12 1-2 pounds for 50 cents. 6 1-4
for 25 cents. Until said 250 sacks are sold.
Our Conditions: To any customer buying $2.00 worth of
merchandise, g roc^ries. dry goods or shoes, other than sugar,
cash or produce, we will sell 6 1-4 pounds of granulated sugar
for 25 cents- To any customer buying 44.00 worth of goods
will sell 12 1-1 pounds sugar for 50 cents. To any elastomer
buying $8 00 worth of goods, we will sell 25 pounds sugar for
We will not raise the retail price of our goods, but will sell
at regular price, which is the same as our competitors, or
lower. Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c. Peas 2 cans
25c. Corn 3 cans 25c. Dried Prunes 3 lbs. for
25c. Brooms 30 and 35 cents.
Your attention is called to our line of summer goods now in.
In this line,we have the latest goods out, also the best line of
trimming ever seen in Loup City.
You are kindly invited to call at our -store and examine our
goods and you will agree with us that we can compete with
the best stores in the state and we meet all prices. Do not
miss this opportunity and buy your sugar at 4 cents per lbs
Remember we will alwrays go our competitors
One better
M. Leschinsky
Prof J. H. Burwell, who has been j
elected superintendent of our city
schools for the coming year, has for
one of the city teachers, Miss South
well, a former pupil of his, and the
lady pays triowing tribute to his effi
ciency as a teacher. The writer, from
his years of acquaintance and friend
ship witli Prof. Burwell. feels that
our school board has made a most
wise choice in its selection for the
head of our schools. We believe he
will make radical changes for the bet
terment in all ways.
Grandma Gilbert knows how to
tickle the editorial palate, for Monday
she appeared at the editorial home
with a goodly quantity of fine Jersey
cream and milk from the home dairy.
Grandma is one of the best souls on
Mr. Joseph Savicki of Helena, Mon
tana, who has been here a couple of
weeks visiting his nephew, Mr. Tony
Gzehoviak, and bis nieces, Mrs. Frank
Lorchick and Mrs. John Augustine,
returned to his mountain home today.
He formerly lived in Platte county,
this state, going to Montana twelve
years ago. and this is the first time
the uncle and bis nephew Bad nieces
had met in that time.
Mrs. John Golus arrived hi Loup
City last Friday from Austria, to
join her husband in this city. Mr.
Golus came to this country from across
the Big Pond seven years ago living
in Chicago four years and being here
three years, and having provided a
home, sent for Mrs. Golus to come to
him. It was a most joyful reunion
‘or the leng separated couple.