Have a Business Home ! Call today and lot us start you on the f road to prosperity. We not only accept, I your deposits, keep your money safely | and render you every possible accommo- | dation that the best banks in the country \ . can render, but we will take care of your j valuable papers and give you our assist, jj tance in any business transaction free of charge. We invite you to make our bank your business home. FIRST NATIONAL BANK I tU. f. >Iason, prest. H. B. Outhouse, VIce-Pres L. Ransen, Cashier a***" Compounds your prescrip tions at this drug store, we leave nothing to chanca —your health is too important. All our drugs are carefully tested before they are used and the stock is frequently renewed. Everything is under the care of a trained pharma cist who has years of study and experience to guide him. Ask your physician and bring your prescrip tion here. Swanson & Lofholm DRUG STORE Shoe Sale As we have decid ed to clean up all odds and ends in SHOES at quite a } loss to us, but at a bargain to those who BUY. These Shoes at regula price was sold from $2 to $3. But will all be put on one counter and marked your choice Si.45. A bargain to those who need shoes. Barrington Hall COFFEE HAS BEEN TESTED Find out for yourself, take A* Handful of Chaff is removed a JbN * nome a can oi barringt n hall—drink it—count the the cups and if you find that these letters don’t tell ths truth, we will pay you back for the can of coffee. It is simply this; in prebaring everyopbund tin of* GUARANTEE GUARANTEE Barrington Hall from the stand point of quality, makes the best cup of coffee you ever drank. Barrington Hall, from a stand point of cost per cup, is no higher than anv 30c coffee. Barrington Hall coffee will give enough cups of coffee to the pound more than any 30c coffee, which proves that it does not cost any more. And when you once have tried this coffee and find that it is so much better than any other coffee that will surely be the kind that you want. THE NORTHWESTERN Subscription to the North western is $1.50 a year Single €opy 5 cents LOCAL NEWS. See J. L. Fort for windmill and pump work. Phone White 59. District court convenes here again in June. We pay cash for eggs delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. April 7th, the last day of the big A uto Contest. Good work horses for sale. Phone 9203. A. E. Charlton. tf Our big Auto Contest positively closes the evening of April 7th. Get busy. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber yard,or E. G. at Taylor’s. n Our big Auto Contest closes at 9 o’clock on the evening of April 7th, without fail. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. Black 03, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. W. D. Zimmerman went to Omaha Monday morning on a short business trip. Dr Vallier, Osteopath, Grand Island Charley Sickles’s nephew and wife of Bridgewater, Iowa, who had been visiting here a few days, returned to their home Sunday morning last. Good seed oats, two kinds, pure and clean, home grown, also Stock Food and Molasses Feed, for sale by Robert Dinsdale. tf Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Curry of Elm township were St. Paul visitors Tues dav. Ladies spring suits and cloaks just in. Loup City Mer. Co. See Lee Bros, for friction drive automobiles. Embroideries and laces the finest ever seen in Loup City. Loup City Mer. Co., has them. We are paying 33 cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery. We test and pay cash for cream. Ravenna Creamery Co. Miss Pearle Needham was called to Jefferson, Iowa, last Saturday evening by the death of an uncle there. Furniture, almost as good as new for sale at the Second Hand Store for Soc on the dollar, Charles Sickles, accompanied by Mrs. Sickles, were called to Bridge water, Iowa, Tuesday morning, by the news of the death of his brother’s wife. We have no particulars. Eggs for hatching from pure-bred Barred Plymouth Rocks, $1.00 per set ting. R. L. Arthur. Geo. Schultz and family left last week for other parts, going first to Mason City for a visit and from there expect to make a trip down into New Mexico, with prospect of making their home there. If you have a horse or a mule to sell, call phone 20. Mybl. A. Warrick. William Steen was called to St. Paul, Minnesota, Thursday morning to be at the bedside of his mother who is very low with pneumonia. Buy your clocks, watches and every thing kept in a first-class jewelery store of Schwaner. He keeps best and most up-to-date stock, and at prices to suit your pocketbook. Mrs. Minnie Ellginof Loup City has bought the Joe Anthony restaurant. She took possession last Saturday,and expects to have everything in running order by Monday—St. Paul Republi can. Do you realize that Eisner, the Jeweler, has spent over $400.00 for correct time pieces, consisting of a chronometer and regulator, so that he can absolutely time your watch correct when brought to him for re pair? 4-3 Will Rowe, Jr., has rented the Sickles farm, recently purchased from Tony Gzehoviak, and last week moved out on the place and will become a tickler of the soil this year. LBanks Hale and family left last week for Manville, in the east part of Wyoming, about on a direct line west of Alliance, where he has acquired a 320-acre homestead, and will we trust have good success. The Northwest ern will keep him posted on the news from his old home. Eisner, the Jeweler, has a complete watch repair cabinet, consisting of genuine staffs and jewels and other materials making up a watch, this cabinet complete costing $500. This gives the customer accurate work. No misfits from this cabinet Go in and ask to see it. 4-3 Merchants Gus Lorentz and Wm. Larsen returned home last Saturday evening from attendance on the State Retailers’ Association at Omaha, stopping off to visit friends at Aurora to while away the time made im possible for returning home on ac count of the blizzard. They report the next state flneet to be at Lincoln. Our young friend, John B. Need ham returned a few days since from near Gurnsey, Wyo., where he has se cured a 320-acre homestead in Goshen county, that state, only some twelve miles west of the Nebraska line from Sioux county, and where he will move in a few weeks to make his home. John says his homestead is all a fine level tract, every foot of which is tillable. We congratulate him over his acquisition of his fine tract and wish for him unbounded success. Charley Larson solicits a portion of your dray patronage and will do your work prom ptly and efficiently. Phone Brown 76, or leave orders at any of the coal or lumber yards. Mrs. Walter Woznick and little daughter left for Columbus, thisstate; Tuesday morning for a few days’ visit with Mrs. Wosnick’s sister. See Scliwaner, the Jeweler, for first class repair work. If you want Dry Goods that are up to-date and have the wearing quality, get them at Vic Swanson’s. Prices are low. Lee Bros, still wants chickens. Listen! When you want Dry Goods go to Vic Swanson’s first. He his the finest line in Loup city and his prices are way below others. Oyster shells at Lee Bros. Don’t forget A. N. Cook’s sale of stock and household goods this week Saturday afternoon at the Round Front barn. Schwaner, the Jeweler, guarantees all repair work. A. N. Cook will have a sale of his horses, cattle, farm machinery and household goods this week Saturday afternoon at the Round Front barn. Good chance for bargains. You are always on the right road when you follow the crowd to the Loup City Mer. Co., as they have the goods. A. N. Cook’s sale of stock, farm machinery and household goods at the Round Front barn this week Satur day afternoon. We still have some flour at a cheap price. . Lee Bros. W. F. Mason went to Omaha yes terday morning. If you want good, prompt draying, call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Hagood. C. C. Carlsen was (a passenger to Central City yesterday morning. If your watch or clock does not run correctly, take them to Schwaner, the Jeweler, and he will put them in guaranteed shane. Earl Pray left for Kearney Wednes- j day morning, and may remain there j for a season. Let Gasteyr’s tell you liow to get a graphaphoue absolutely tree. Herman Ohlsen and D. L. Adam son went to Greeley yesterday morn ing to work on the new court house. If.it bears the Rexall label, it isj bight, whether it be a Remedy or J Toilet Preparation. Found only at j The Rexall Drug Store. Vaughn & Hinman. Mrs. Mary Dinsdale returned home to Palmer yesterday morning, after a short visit here. W. R. Mellor came up from Lincoln I Tuesday evening and went with the K. of P. boys to Comstock to the big time. Buy your wall paper at the Loup City paint store. Mrs. James Johansen and Mrs. Chris Johansen were out to Ed Olt mann's sale Monday assisting Mrs. Oltmann in feeding the big crowd at the sale, which was big and most successful. Ben Klimper shipped a car of red hogs to South Omaha Tuesday, 69 in the bunch which weighed 17,490 pounds. Owing to the terrible roads north, it took twelve loads to get them to town, but fortunately only one load got stuck, though hub deep was common. E. F. Jones painter and paper hauger. Phone Blrfck 74. Word comes from Louis Rein at the hospital in Chicago that he is soon to undergo an operation to remove a large gallstone from the bladder. He had expected to return home before, returning for the operation later. A. N. Cook will soon leave for Goshen county, on the eastern line of Wyoming, where he has a 320-acre homestead adjoining that of John Needham, and the two Nebraska boys and their families will be near neigh bors. May success attend all con cerned. Lou Schwaner has rented the Fred Odendahl cottage, to take possession as soon as the new hotel is finished, Fred taking a position there. Do you feel listless, sluggish, and lacking energy? Buy a bottle of Rex all Celery and Iron Tonic, at The Rexall Drug Store. Yaughn & Hinman. Last Thursday night, following rain storm of nearly all day, this section was visited by the biggest blizzard this country has experienced in many years, The storm began sometime before midnight and con tinued with increasing fury all day Friday and Friday night. The B. & M. train service on this branch was blocked all day Friday and Saturday, no trains getting through till Sunday, when the passenger came down from Sargent in the morning and returned from Aurora in the evening. On the Union Pacific, there was no train service on Friday save the freight up from the east, which arrived about 4 ! o’clock in the afternoon with a bunch of mail, while on Saturday there was no train service except late that night^ when a train stalled near St. Paul managed to get here some time in the night, from which our people got their mall Sunday morning. Sunday, however, saw the end of the storm and Old Sol began getting in his work until at present we have very little evidence of the blizzard left. From over the west part of the state how ever come reports of large losses in stock, where the blizzard was even more fierce, if passible, than in this section. 1200 Acres Near Ashton I have for sale some 1200 acres of land near Ashton, some of the best farming land in this section. Also, 10,000 acres of Canadian land for sale, See or write me for particulars. J. J. Goc, Ashton, Neb. See Arthur for seed potatoes. Let Casteyer’s tell you how to get a graphaphone absolutely free. Let Gasteyer’s tell you how to get a graphaphone absolutely free. Do you feel all tired out? Huy a bottle of Rexall Every Day Tonic, ai The Rexall Drug Stoie. A'aughn & Iiinman. Found—A pair of kid gloves. At this office. A. M. Smith left with a car for Pacific J unction, Iowa, Tuesday, Mrs Smith leaving this morning to joii him in their new home. Mrs. Alva Lewis and Mrs. Lee Lewis came up from Hamilton county last Sunday for a visit to the Lewis homes, and more particularly to see how Papa Ed Lewis bore his distin guished honors. Alva and Lee were expected to follow a few days later. Limited quantity of choice baled hay for sale. L. N Smith. Mrs. Margaret Ogle expects to move from her farm near Austin into her fine property purchased from C. W. Conhiser, as soon as Banker \V. F. Mason vacates and moves into the Mrs. Viola Odendhal home, wnich will be as soon as Mrs. Odendahl opens her fine hotel, nearly ready for her, all of which is expected to transpire within the next thirty days. Mr. R.H.R. Williams of Arcadia has taken a position with John W. Long in his real estate office, made vacant by the acceptance of W. E. Henry of pastorate work in the M. E. confer ence. Mr. Williams and family will occupy the Hawk cottage vacated by Rev. Blom. The gentleman has been principal of the Arcadia schools the past year, and had come here for the purpose of making application for the superintendency of our schools, but Mr. Long secured a prior interest in his services. He has a splendid rec ord as an educator and it is believed would have secured the superintend ency, had he remained a candidate. Do you need a Spring Tonic? Buy a bottle of Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic, at the Rexall Drug Store. Vaughn & Hinman. While on a visit to relatives in Sher man county William Cox recently pur chased a quarter-section well improved farm four miles southwest of Loup City, adjoining a place already oc cupied by his son Charles. A younger son, Loren, has agreed to work the place this year and Mr. and Mrs. Cox will move up there the latter part of the month to keep house for him. Mr. Cox is up there this week preparing to take possession on the 15th. He will retain his residence property in Aurora and expects to move back here after Loren gets married or makes other satisfactory arrangements for a housekeeper. He is pleased with his bargain and expects to be well (.aid for his temporary exile from Hamil ton county—Aurora Republican. Listen! Why has Vic Swanson's trade in creased moie than double the past year? Because he always tries to treat his customers right; his prices are right, and he carries the most up to-date stock of dry goods in Sherman county. _ _ _ For Sale at a Bargain Four-room house, east front, two lots, well and windmill, cement cave and other outbuildings. Two blocks to school. Price $1000, and $+00 will handle same. Owner will consider trade for stock. Inquire at this office. Homestead Land Sierra Nevada Foothills, good land, water, wood, range, springs, streams, big oaks, game and fish. Living is cheap, winter a joke, no snow. Room for hundreds. Your next. Copy gov ernment township plat of the land and all questions answered, $1.00. I save you $99.00. No remittance, no answer. Resident 27 years. A. Ke noyer, (locator) Hanford, Calif. apr3 High School Notes Members of the Normal Training class have been out applying for schools the past week. E. G. Taylor and S. N. Sweetland were visitors at the high school last Thursday. Elmer and Irene Wibhelsof Arcadia have enrolled as juniors for the rest of the school term. On account of the blizzard school was dismissed Friday. v A large number of pupils in grades six and seven are absent on account of sickness Mabel Depew of class ’13 has, been absent from school the past week on account of sickness. Angels FromStorkland Born, Thursday evening, March 13, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fiebig, a bouncing baby boy, and now the fond parents have a tine pair to draw to—a girl and boy, and we offer congratula tions. Born, Friday noon, March 14,1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Daddow, near Austin, a darling baby girl. May the little one be a joy and comfort al ways to that household. v CHURCH LOCALS German Evangelical church: Mar. 23, at Loup City: 10 a. m. Sunday school; 10:30 a. m., service and Lord’s Supper. March 22, Lesson in German at 10 a. m. P. Jueling, Pastor. FOR EVERY THING IE 1 HIDES and OODS ail fii ii R. L. ARTHUR TESS^ For Style And Service Look Better-Fit Better-Wear Longer. You’ll appreciate “Tess and Ted” school shoes because four pairs usually last as long as five pairs of ordinary shoes made for children. The better class of people everywhere now recognize “Tess and Ted” school shoes as the most satisfactory children’s shoes in existence. The reason is that they Look Better, Fit Better and Wear Longer—that it’s a “Star Brand” shoe, and •star Brand Shoes Are Better “Tess and Ted” school shoes are made In all the different leathers—in high cuts, regular heights and Oxfords. There’s a style for every age and condition o£ childhood, from five to fifteen years. They are honestly made of good, solid leather. No paper, composition or other substitutes for leather are ever used. The “Star” on the heel insures you better value than you have ever seen in chil dren’s shoes. Come and see the new styles. Loup City M,Co. Big Decline In Oil Meal We have just received "OKA CAB LOADHF1 AND BOUGHT IT RIGHT. THIS IS A GOOD ^ Ife Feed For Spring ^ The Loup City Mill and Light Co lOURCOAL I A)HT When in Need of COAL or first-class Xj-u.rn.TDer )f all dimensions, w e also nave a car , oi uoxe. We also have a good line of Fence posts, range ing in price from ten to fifty cents. Phone Red 29 and you will receive prompt attention LEININGER LUMBER COMPANY The First Baptist Church: Sunday, March 23, Sunday school will meet at 10 a. m. The subject of the 11 o’clock sermon will be “Jesus and the Resur rection.” The topic for the evening will be “TheTen Virgins.” A cordial invitation is given the public to at tendThese services. Geo. Sutherland, Pastor. Methodist church: Easter Sunday will be observed by special services at the Methodist church in the morning and the Easter program of the Sun day school at night All are welcome. D. A. Leeper, pastor. Presbyterian church: Special Easter services Sunday. 10:30 a. m , The Easter sermon. 7:30 p.m., A specia musical service by the choir, also special songs and recitations by the children of the Sunday school. J. C. Tourtellot, Pastor. Austin people are cordially invited to the Easter service at the Presby terian church at 3 p. m. next Sunday. S unday school at 2. This is a personal invitation to you. The ladies of the M. E. church will serve supper Friday night (Good Fri day), March 21, in basement of the church. Price 25c. Come and get something good to eat. DON’T WAIT / not and Improper ' of dloeaoe loot of Uae, Conan If • reliable Spocliliota dm who is not afraid to uo* hla eon and 0*0 baa e dei'Te. n«> Nn BE DECEIVE iwberW-i * j t> ’ r>e lor Pile* or ' • km dap cur* for CUronl; nr I D R • RICH MASTER SPECIALIST. Chronic and Private Diseases. Piles and Rupture cured without an operation. 606 tor Blood Poison. TEN YEARS IN GRAND ISLAND For Insurance or TREES of any kind try F. E. BREWER I have a nice line of Norway Poplars, home Brown. Loup City, Nebraska