The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 20, 1913, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern
\ i - ■' !
Professions. Cards]
- Attorney ud CouMCMt-law
* ---
ft. H. MATHEW,
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, - Nebbaska.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Office, Over New Bank.
Phone, 30. Office at Residence
Two Doors East of Telephone Central
Lnup City. - Nebraska
Loup City, Nebr.
Office at Residence,
Telephone Connection
J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D.
Physicians and Surgeons
Phono 114 Loup City, Nabmki
Dr. James F Blanchard
Office hours
1 p. ni. until 5:30 p. m. only
Office up stairs in the new State
dank buildinp.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie.
Phone, Brown 116
Y. I. McDonall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisiaction guaran
teed. Phone Brown 57
AND -#>•»*»
For good clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
«•> Come and get my prices
Contractor and Plasterer
Phone White 70
Give me a call and get my
prices. I will treat you right.
Satisfaction Guaranted
Funeral Director
Licensed Embalmer
Business Phone Black 65
Loup City, Nebraska
General Blacksmithing
Horse Shoeing and Wood
work. Come in and see me.
Big Automobile Contest
Closing Day Postponed
Till Monday April 7
Owing to the fact that during the
present Big Subscription Contest
there have been two periods of inde
scribably bad weather, the big bliz
zard of last week being the last straw
that broke the Campbell’s back and
made necessary the postponement of
the day necessary for the best interest
of contestants and of the Northwest
ern combined, the Contest Manage
ment, at our earnest solicitation, has
consented to postpone the closing day
to Monday April 7, at which time it
will positively close, no matter what
the weather may be, or whatever
other conditions may arise. This
date is absolutely fixed as the closing
day, and every vote must be turned
in prior to 9 o’clock on that evening.
The above conditions of weather
has also lengthened out the special
prize period one week, to March 26,
at 6 o’clock, when it also will be
Itr had not been intended to post
pone the closing of the contest beyond
the 31st of March, and it was only
because of the insistency of the North
western management that the Con
test people agreed to the week's
postponement. Now that the clos
ing day has been absolutely fixed and
is as firm as the laws of the Medes
and Persians, let every contestant
bend every effort in her behalf
and the results will be surprising
even to themselves.
. .i - .. -
Winnie Gasoeyer 36300
May me^ Adamson 1930o
LOUP CITY, Route 1
Lena Zwink 30100
Lena Blaschke 8000
LOUP CITY, Route 2
Mrs. Emma Daddow 63600
Mrs. Ida Burwell ^750
Magpie McFadden 8200
LOUP CITY, Route 3
Lila Ziegler 12000
Jessie Bower. 10400
Ojendyk, H. N. Mrs. 31500
Barbara Wenski 6090
Mrs. Geo. Slote 12800
Lizzie Reisland 11100
Beulah Ford 21150
Hattie Denison 11900
Mrs. Wilbert Anderson 10600
Mrs. R. P. McCiary 9050
Jessie Ogle 16750
Mrs. Felix Kowaleski 11550
Mrs. Bernard Finder 11700 :
Minnie Hansen 9800
Christine Stein 8800 1
Mrs. Bertha Robertinson 10750
Jennie Larson 9600 ,
Hilda Zeller 11400
EllaSieber 8550 1
Nebraska Jurist Makes a Trip to
ths Canal Zona and Notes Many
Iteresting Facts
“It is the eighth wonder of the
world and the greatest,” remarked
District Judge Hostetler, in referring
to the Panama Canal. The judge was
seated in his private room at the court
house conversing with friends on his
recent trip. The talk covered many
important points regarding the stu
pendous work now going on in the
canal zone and, as the judge is a
mighty good citizen and an enthusiast
on all things pertaining to American
enterprise, it can readily be under
stood that his descriptions were well
worth listening to.
The judge and Mrs. Hostetler left
New Orleans January 15 on one of
the boats belonging to the United
Fruit Company and had a most enjoy
able trip from start to finisn. A con
genial crowd was aboard and the time
was taken up with games, music,
lectures and amusements. Of course,
there was sea sickness: there always is:
but the judge is immune against Lhat
sort of thing and he took great satis
faction in condoling with those less
fortunate than himself.
The first stop was made at Port
Barrios, Gautemala, thence to Port
Lamon, Costa Rica, and from there to
the capital, San Jose. Here is located
possibly tl'.e finest opera house in the
world, the cost of it being over *1,500
000. But the judge deplores the fact
that the people have to be taxed for
such expensive luxuries when they are
so sadly in need of proper schools and
other educational institutions.
It was in San Jose, by the way, that
J udge Hostetler had quite an argu
ment with a buzzard. Now be it
known that the buzzard is the national
bird of Costa Rica and is as common
about the streets of San Jose as do
mesticated fowls would be in some
other part of the world. They have
their uses, naturally, in such an un
sanitary country and it is considered
a crime to kill them. The judge was
stopping at the Imperial, the leading
hotel of the city, which, even at that,
is bad enough, and, upon arising in
the morning, went to the window of
his room to look.
Outside of the window was a railing
and upon this railing perched a large,
! well developed buzzard. The bird was
gazing at his honor with a hungry
t longing that for the moment rather
• disturbed the judicial mind. Then,
■ recovering his poise, the judge stepped
closer to the window and addressed
his uncany guest:
“It’s no use, old man,” he said. 1
There nothing in it for you. I appre
ciate, of course, the fact that you
have singled me out of all others to
honor with your attentions: but, in
justice to myself, I must state plainly :
that this is no mutual admiration
society. I am too healthy a subject 1
for you to tackle and do not intend
gratifying the natives by dropping off '<
in their midst. There are others bet
ter fitted than I. So, on your way, 1
old scout, and get busy. And do you 1
know,” continued the judge, "That 1
confounded bird sat there and blinked 1
at me as though he understood every
word I said, because he immediately '■
after gave a mournful duck of thj <
head, as though recognizing the hope- 1
lessness of his longings, and then de- I
parted for other fields.”
A side trip was taken to Bocos Del !
Toro where, in Almirante harbor, the
boat was loaded with 43,000 bunches 1
of bananas. Negroes did the work of :
loading and they toiled for 36 hours
at a stretch, their nourishment con
sisting of fried pigs’ tails and bread 1
fruit. The judge says that sometimes
a laborer, while passing the bananas,
will start a song and the rest take up
the refrain. This happens at any
hour of the day or night. During one
night, the judge was awakened by a
husky voice singing Nearer My God
to Thee. The others joined in grad
ually until the melody of the grand
old hymn swelled into a chorus as
wierd as it was impressive. “I never
heard the hymn rendered more earn
estly,” said the judge. “And I can
assure you it was something to be re
The next point reached was Colon,
on the Atlantic side of the great
canal and virtually the entrance to it.
Concerning the canal and its construc
tion the judge is a veritable mine of in
formation and if he overlooked any
thing while on the trip it was because
that something was not visible or
placed behind a lock of which the
judge did not know the combination.
And speaking of locks, it is well to
give the dimensions of those that ad
mit the boats to the canal.
The great locks on the Colon side
are 1000 feet long, 85 feet high and
110 feet wide. It takes three hours
to go through obese locks and the
boats are towed by electric engines so
regulated as to give a uniform speed.
Through the rest of the canal, the
boats go on their own motive power.
The locks at the Colon end open into
Gatun lake. This was formerly known
as the “Black Swamp” and was the
greatest death dealing machine in the
way of breeding pestilential diseases
that has ever been known. — But
through the ingenuity of the Ameri
can engineers, the place has been
cleared, dredged and dammed to such
an extent that a lake has been formed
which covers an area of 164 square
Colon is a city of 17,000 inhabitants
and since it has become Americanized
to some extent, is quite an interest
ing place to spend a few days. The
new Hotel Washington the govern
ment is now constructing is one of the
sights and, when cotnpleted, will be
one of the finest liostelries of its kind
In any country* The immense com
missary store and cold storage plant
at this place is another example of
how the government handles big
things without fuss or feathers. The
store carries a million dollar stock.
The government feeds 70,000 people a
day and feeds them well; also at a
much cheaper rate than the people
in Broken Bow can buy tlie same stuff.
Nothing is sold to outsiders, as this
would knock the tradesmen out of
business. There are <0,000 men em
ployed by the government, 5,000 of
whom are Americans, the balance be
ing negros from the West India
The canal is fifty and one-half miles
in length and varies in widt.i from
300 to 1000 feet. It will take from
10 to 12 hours for a boat to pass
through. Fifteen miles of the canal
is a sea level canal, there being seven
miles on one side and eight on the
other. Thirty-three miles of the
canal will be, on the surface of the
water, 85 feet above sea level and 2
miles of it at 55 feet above sea level.
The mean sea level on the Atlantic
and Pacific sides is the same; but the
tide on the Pacific side is 20 feet while
on the Atlantic side it is but 20
inches. This great difference is due
to the funnel shape on the bay of
Panama which causes the high tide
on the Pacific side. A ship 1000 feet
in length can accommodate itself to
the curves of the canal.
The width of territory owned by the
government, is ten miles, five on each
side of the canal, while the Pacific en
trance is 22 miles east of the Atlantic
entrance. The breakwater at Colon
is 2 miles long and that of the Panama
side 3 miles. The dan at Gatun
locks, to impound the waters of the
Cliadgresh river, is 1% miles long,
2,100 feet wide at the bottom, 105 feet
high and 100 feet wide at the top,
which is 20 feet above the water level
of the lake. The minimum depth of
the canal is 45 feet.
Judge Hostetler says it has been
estimated that if the excavated dirt
and rock already taken out and to be
taken out, could be placed on flat
cars, it would make a train 96,000
miles in length; long enough to lap
itself four -times around the earth.
The average depth of excavation
through the Culebra cut is 120 feet
and the deepest excavation is375 feet.
One of the great sights in the cut is
to watch the drilling of holes in the
rocks by means of compressed air,
and the placing of blasts.
After the holes are drilled, a small
charge of dynamite is placed in the
bottom of each and exploded, in order
to enlarge that portion and give great
er power to the charges that follow.
Then the big charges are put in,
seventy-live to one hundred pounds of i
dynamite going in one hole. “And,
by George, when she goes off every
body hears it,” cried the judge en- j
thusiastically. Then come the great -
steam shovels to clear away the de- '•
bris. There are 100 of these and they 1
cost the government $1,000,000. The '
amount of dynamite used every month j
for blasting purposes is 800,000 pounds.
The cost of the canal will be $375,
000. 000 and that of fortification and
equipment $25,000,000 more. The
judge says it is a mistake for peoples
to imagine the government is not
fortifying the canal. The work has
already-commenced and is well ad
vanced. He says Uncle Sam has over
looked nothing and the way he is
managing things down there is little
hort of miraculous. The employes
are well paid and live comfortably.
The Americans have their clubs and
dances, while the native seems to be
genuinely glad to have the United
States taking a hand in the game.
Water will probably be turned into
the canal this year, while on January
1, 1915, it will be officially opened.
In closing his remarks, Judge
Hostetler presented some statistics
on the rain fall down there, which
showed that the canal zone is more
or less moist at times. The average
rain fall at Colon is 130 inches per
year; that of Panama, 70 inches, while
the maximum rain fall at Porto Bello
was 237 inches or about 20 feet. The
judge and his wife landed at New Or
leans on February 3rd, in tinte to take
in the last day of the Mardi Gras, and
then returned home by way of the
southern states_Custer County
Kersian Seed Oats
We expect soon to receive a car of
Kersian seed oats, which will sell at
45c per bushel. Also have a car of
Big Four seed oats coming to Ashton
at the same price. PhQne your orders
to Taylor's Elevator.
Remember whea you bay a hat, get
the Langly. Few as good but aone
better, at Loreata’.
A War Record
Hard to Beat
From a copy of the Vinton (Iowa)
Eagle comes this most interesting
war record of Mr. John V. Kearns,
the oldest brother of our Dr. A. J.
Kearns, which we print verbatim, as
containing a record the most fortu
nate in its character of any of the war
veterans of the ’60s which lias
come to our notice, and afteryou read
it you will fully agree with us
the strangeness of that historic ac
“John V. Kearns of Webster City,
Iowa, a brother of II. W. Kearns, of
Taylor township, this county, has one
of the most interesting war records of
any soldier who went to the civil war
from this state. Vol. 6, Roster of
Iowa Soldiers, gives his record as fol
lows: Kearns, John V., age 19, resi
dence Vinton, Iowa. Nativity, Indi
ana; enlisted March 18, 1862, in Co.
II. (13 U.S. Regulars). Wounded May
19, 1863, as follows: Right arm broken,
amputated; right hip broken, ball ex
tracted 1868: gun shot wound through
right knee, gun shot wound through
left thigh, gun shot %wound in left
shoulder. Five wounds in all, and
every wound broke a bone: all the
same day and same place, Vicksburg
Miss. How is that for a record? After
the war, John came home to Vinton
looking as strong and hearty as though
he had never stopped a rebel bullet.
Some years ago lie moved to Webster
City, Hamilton county, Iowa, where
he still lives. He has served as county
recorder of that county, with honor
to himself and his constituents. John
aught to agree with General Sherman
that ‘War is Hell’.”
District Court
After going to press last week, the ,
present session of the district court
had only one jury case before it to at
tend to—chat of the Asyrians of
Ashton, Farrah and Ayoub, who
were up for alleged attempt to burn
their store building and merchandise
at the above place on the 21st of last
July. The time of the court was
taken up with this case till Saturday
evening, when the jury went out
about 9 o’clock, returning a verdict a
little after midnight for the defend
ants. Court adjourned that evening,
and as good fortune and the big bliz
zard provided train service over the
Burlington Sunday, judge, jury and
court attendants of all kinds were
able to reach home that day. In the
Asyrian case, Ashton furnished for
tlie prosecution some forty-live wit
nesses and for the defense some fifteen
more. Of course, as in all cases,
public opinion is divided as to the re
sults, and as newspapers are no more
omniscient nor omnipresent than
other human engines of expression it
is left to each one to have the benefit
of his own belief.
Road Notice
To all whom it may concern: The
commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at the southwest
corner of section fifteen (15) township
fifteen (15) north, range fourteen
(14) west running thence north on
the section line between sections fif
teen (15) and sixteen (16) in said town
ship to.the northwest corner of said
section fifteen (15) and terminating
there, has reported in favor of the
sstablishment thereof, and all ob
jections tharet0 ot claims for dam
ages must be filed in the office of the
County Clerk on or befoie noon of
the 7tli day of May, 1913, or such road
will be established without reference
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska Feb.
24, 1913. W. C. Dieterichs,
County Clerk.
Last pub March 27
Order bf Hearing and Notice on Pe
tition for Settlement of Account
State of Nebraska I In the County Court
- Sherman County 1
In the matter of the estate of Stanislaus
Lubas, deceased.
On reading and tiling the petition of F. J.
Maciejeuski. administrator, praying a final
settlement and allowance of his tinal account,
tiled on the 35th day of February. 1913. and for
distribution and decree of posession of real
estate and discharge of administrator.
Ordered. That March 34th. A. D. 1913. at one
o'clock p. m., is assigned for hearing said peti
tion. when all persons interested in said mat
ter may appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said county, and show cause why
the prayer of petitioner should not be granted:
and that notice of the pendency of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the Loup City North
western, a weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated March 5th, 1913.
E. A. Smith,
[seal] County Judge
(Last pub. March. 30;
Road Notice
To All Whom it May Concern.
The commissioner appointed to
locate a read commencing at a point
on tbe north line of section sixteen
(16) township sixteen (16) range fif
teen (15) in said county, where road
No. 206 intersects said north line,
running thence east along the section
line between sections sixteen (16) and
nine (9) and between sections fifteen
(15) and ten (10) and terminating at
the Intersection with road No. 157,
has reported in favor of tbe establish
ment thereof and all objections there
to or claims for damage must be tiled
in the office of the County Clerk on or
before noon of the 10th day of May,
1913, or such road will be established,
without reference thereto.
Dated this 2oth day of February,
. W. C. Dieterichs,
Countv Clerk.
Last pub March 27
Quality Groceries
Brings its problem
For theComingniCal
When Up the Stump call us Up
And we’ll help you down, by suggesting
something good.
That will appeal to your appetite
--1 3C m & I_.
I Try These—They’ll Please i
►Canned Vegetables
> Kraut
►Sweet Corn
> Asparagrus
(Sweet Potatoes
> Wax Beans
• Peas
• Lima Beans
Fresh Vegetables
The Quality House
Cstabttsliefl 1888
Spring Wjii s
AND Here
**«&•**!?*' Want ’
°°Wh 2
iw.^. COALsCEu-ExT .
-J^^tOR s „ _ '“' «M
-22S?* ^OB
1/ -—. W«\
T nil
rw "*s Wli5
Among the bexall remedied
are tonics calculated to tone
up the system, build up the
tissues, purify the blood, im
parting new life, energy and
power to mind and body. If
you have that tired, listless,
sluggish feeling, bny a bottle
of Rexall Every Day Tonic,
or Rexall Sarsaparilla Tome,
Rexall Oeleiy and Iron Tonic
Rexall Remedies represent
the acme of perfection-king of
all. ■eo our window.
The Rexall Drugstore
Vaughn fc Hinman
Bring your harness and
collars for repairs and oiling
now is the time to get ready
for spring work, also put in
your order for new harness
and have them made to suit
you, the price is right in spite
of the big advance in price
of leather. I have not raised
the price on my harness. Yours for business
If in need of a Separator call at my store as I
handle the DeLaval
Empire --
. ■ . — and Simmons
Cream Separators .
I will take in your old Separators
Hardware and Furniture