The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 13, 1913, Image 6

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coj°Y/?/csfr, J3J2. a c /y{'CAi//?c u co.
Robert Cameron, capitalist, consults
Philip Clyde, newspaper publisher, re
rarding anonymous threatening letters he
as received. The first promises a sample
of the writer’s power on a certain day.
*)n that day the head Is mysteriously cut
from a portrait of Cameron while the lat
ter is in the room. Clyde has a theory
that the portrait was mutilated while the
room was unoccupied and the head later
removed by means of a string, unnoticed
rv Cameron. Evelyn Grayson. Cameron’s
niece, with whom Clyde Is in love, finds
the head of Cameron’s portrait nailed to
n tr»-e, where it was had been used as a
target. Clyde pledges Evelyn to secrecy.
Clyde learns that a Chinese boy employed
by Philatus Murphy, an artist living
nearby, had borrowed a rifle from Cam
erons' lodgekeepr. Clyde makes an ex
cuse to call on Murphy and is repulsed.
He pretends 1o be investigating alleged
Infractions of the game laws and speaks
«>f finding the bowl of an opium pipe un
der the tree where Cameron's portrait
was found. The Chinese boy is found
dead next morning. While visiting Cam
eron in his dressing room a Nell Gwynne
mirror is mysteriously shattered. Cameron
becomes seriously ill as a result of the
shock. The third letter appears mysteri
ously on Cameron’s sick bed. It makes
direct threats against the life of Cameron.
Clyde tells Cameron the envelope was
empty. He tells Evelyn everything and
plans to take Cameron on a yacht trip
The yacht picks up a fisherman found
drifting helplessly in a boat. He gives
the name of Johnson. Cameron disap
pears from yacht while Clvde’s back is
turned. A fruitless search is made for a
motor boat seen by the captain just be
fore Cameron disappeared. Johnson is al
lowed to go after being closely questioned.
Kvelyn takes the letters to an expert In
Chinese literature, who pronounces them
rf Chinese origin. Clyde seeks assistance
from a Chinese fellow’ college student,
who recommend* him to Yip Ping, most
prominent Chinaman in New York. The
fatter promises to seek information of
Cameron among his countrymen. Among
Cameron's letters is found one from one
Addison, who speaks of seeing Cameron
In P»-kin. Cameron had frequently de
rfar1 d to Clvde that he had never been in
China. Clyde rails on Or. Addison. He
barns that \ddison arid Cameron were at
one t'me int’male friends, hut had a fall
ing out ever Cameron’s denial of having
been seen in Pekin by Addison. Clyde
goes to meet Yup Ping. ser»s Johnson, at
tempts to follow him. falls into a base
ment. sprains his ankle and becomes un
Amyl Pearls.
Who will deny that a sturdy j
physique is a valuable asset? Had it j
pot been for a deep chest, a powerful i
pair of lungs, a heart without a flaw,
anil an underlying vitality such as is !
possessed by but a small minority in
these degenerate times, I must cer
tainly have succumbed. For. as T
learned later. I had inhaled enough
carbon monoxide gas to have killed
the average man of my age, twice
Dvcr. The stove on which (he caul
dron of peanuts steamed was a char
ronl furnace, and the tiny space within
that back room was impregnated with
the heavy poisoned fumes to a dis
tance of four feet and mote above the
Sitting on a low stool, bent for
ward over my sprained ankle, which
Tor relief I had raised and rested
■cross my othv knee. I had come in
contact with the deadly gas, breathing
It without suspicion, until drowsiness
Intervened and stupor, insensibility,
and eventually coma followed.
It is customary, I understand, to em
ploy rigorous treatment in such cases
to effect resuscitation. If I am to be
lieve what I have been told of my con
dition when discovered, I was very far
on the way to dissolution. 1 was, in
fact, moribund, and in the t-yes o? i
Ihose who carried me from the cellar
to an upper room I was already dead.
It is irerhaps needless to add that no
steps were taken to revive me. Even
bad I been regarded as still living I
doubt that I should have received any
other treatment.
Providence, however, favored me. I
was thrown into a bunk tinder one of
the few open windows of Chinatown,
and a door left ajar, by accident, prob
ably, drew across me a current of com
paratively pure oxygen. Thus invited,
nature reasserted Itself, and respira
tion, which had been temporarily
suspended, gradually resumed its of
With dawning consciousness came
ecute discomfort. My head and back
«ched nigh unbearably, and my ankle,
gwollen to twice its normal size, shot
pains to my thigh. My tongue seemed
too large for my mouth and my throat
was raw. Later, memory started a
train of questions and surmises. A
half light admitted through the open
window gave unsatisfactory answer as
to time and place. It might be dawn,
midday or evening. 1 might still be in
the same building into the basement
of which 1 had plunged after the so
called Peter Johnson, or I might be
miles away. Yet of one fact I was
assured. It was no longer night. Day
|iad come again and eight hours at
teast must have passed since I stood
killing time on the sidewalk in front
of the restaurant in which I was to
feav*. met Yup Sing.
And. as my mind cleared, there
rusbed in upon nje a recollection of
Evelyn’s apprehension and of my
promise to reassure her not later than
eleven o'clock. Suffering as I was,
physically, Idrnow my mental distress
at thought of how she must have
.waited with growing solicitude hour
after hour for that expected ringing of
ALe telephone bell; how, indeed, she
muat, even now, be distraught, not by
(uncertainty, but by the conviction that
some i”—some serious ill—had befal
len me, was more poignant.
, In my eagerness to relieve at once
this unrest which I knew to be hers
I would have risen, but my strength
was not equal to the test. My muscles
refused to obey my will and I lay su
pine, inert, powerless. I would have
learned the time, but to seek my
witch, which I fondly fancied was
Btill la my pocket, seemed suoh an
enormous exertion that I reluctantly
gave over the idea. To breathe, to
draw air Into my lungs and expel it,
was prodigious labor, wearying me, It
appeared, to exhaustion; though with
Bvery inhalation lucidity of thought
and, I suppose, physical force as well,
were being imperceptibly augmented.
After a time I found myself listen
ing intently for sounds that might
prove informatory, while with head
slightly turned I made scrupulous in
ventory of the room in which I was
cribbed. It was a cramped, confined
place, unplastered, and furnished with
four rough board bunks, one of which
I occupied. The other three were
empty; but in the scant passageway
between my resting place and that op
j posite was a stool, and upon the stool
I the. pipe and other paraphernalia pe
culiar to opium smoking.
Then, very slowly, there came to me
a realization of the vulpine cunning of
these orientals into whose hands I had
ialien. I was to be found here, dead,
not from inhalation of foul air in an
ill-ventilated cellar, which might ex
i cite suspicion and provoke inquiry,
! but from over-indulgence in opium, to
| which 1 had probably been addicted
t for years, unknown even to my closest
| friends. Kor the "hop fiend” there is
small sympathy, no matter what his
position, and my family would hesi
tate, therefore, to prosecute, prefer
ring to avoid unpleasant publicity.
Yes; it was very clear they had
thought me dead, and so had left me
! here unwatched and unattended with
! the evidence of my mode of passing
j theatrically displayed beside me. It
I only remained now for some employe
j or visitor to discover me and give the
j alarm.
I had about reached this conclusion,
after a long and desperately trying
! effort at logical reasoning, when my
straining ears detected the sound of
; footsteps in the passage. The door
| of the den was slightly ajar and I lay
well in sight of any passer-by who
j should glance through the narrow
f opening.
| Whether to feign death, or boldly
I make known my recovered eonscious
[ ness, was for just a moment a ques
| tion. But before my sluggish brain
! could decide, choice was snatched
from me. The footsteps paused, and
simultaneously, it seemed, the door
! swung farther inward, disclosing, not
i the pig-tailed, greasy-bloused Mongol
| ian I had expected, but a white worn
| an. tall and shapely, with hair of iron
! gray and the very kindliest eyes that
i ever I looked into.
I made as if to speak, but my swol
j len tongue refused to jierform its
office, and something that may best
be described as a gurgle was the re
sult. With that she came to my side,
and for a little regarded me silently.
I felt that seeing the pipe and the
little peanut-oil lamp, she must draw
the natural inference, and, though
there was no reproach in her look, I
wished, if possible, to correct that
false impression. I therefore made
efTort to gesture denial, employing a
glance to indicate the objects and a
very feeble side movement of the
head to express repudiation.
It is possible that she understood,
but I question that she believed. 1
have no recollection that she spoke a
single word to me, and yet, when she
was gone, I felt that she would sure
| lv return to my rescue. And I was
not misled. I suppose this partial re
lief to my anxiety resulted in a slack
ening of mental efTort on my part, for
1 must confess that what followed is
very vague in my memory. I know
only that she was accompanied by
tw-o men, one white and one yellow,
who carried me down a narrow flight
of stairs, out onto the street and into
a waiting cab. I cannot recall that 1
spoke, but I learned afterward that
I had mumbled the word "Loyalton,”
and thitner she accompanied me.
There a physician came, one whom
I had never seen before; and I was
dosed with aromatic spirits of am
monia. and made to breathe oxygen
through a funnel, by a white-clad
nurse, who also, at intervals, painted
my ankle with iodine, and, whenever
I attempted to speak, domineered me
in a gentle and perfectly ladylike
manner to silence.
With regard to sending word to
Evelyn Grayson, however, I was In
sistent; and though she had refused
absolutely to gratify my curiosity in
other respects, she set my mind at
rest on this point by informing me
that Miss Grayson had called up the
Loyalton by telephone several 'times
and had been informed of my condi
tion five minutes after my arrival at
my chambers.
There were times during the week
which followed when I was nigh unto
death; and when, finally, after ten
days I was pronounced convalescent,
it was with the added well-worn
phrase that my recovery was “noth
ing short of a miracle.”
It was on the eleventh day that I
was first permitted to see and talk
with Evelyn. My mother had called
daily, sitting in silence beside my
bed, but no other visitor in all that,
to me, seemingly endless period, had
been admitted to my room.
My curiosity was by now very keen
to learn what had developed in the
interval regarding the Cameron mys
tery. Had he, by chance, been beard
from? What had the detective agency
reported concerning Phlletus Mur
phy? And what, I wished to know
most of all, had Yup Sing discovered?
I was in a dressing gown, pillowed
and footstooled in a great leather
chair awaiting my visitors—for Mrs.
Lancaster came with Evelyn—when
their names were announced. I sup
pose I looked 111—though, save for a
grievous weakness, I was feeling fit
enough—for Evelyn’s smile as she en
tered merged instantly into an ex
pression of mingled anxiety and sym
pathy. I know that with her coming
I awoke to the truth that my desire
for information was a far less moving
factor than my craving for sight of
her and for the music of her voice,
and my only regret was that the un
derstanding between us had not
reached the stage of acknowledged
betrothal; which, I make haste to
add, was certainly no fault of mine.
Weak as I was my arms ached to fold
her in a reassuring embrace; yet
must I content myself with a mere
fervent hand-clasp and an oral decla
ration that I was by no means so
feeble as I appeared.
Nevertheless 1 was delighted to see
that she gave small evidence of the
strain she had been under. Save for
a slight additional pallor she was still
the same wholesome-looking, thor
oughly-poised girl of a fortnight ago.
And my admiration for her took on an
added measure because of this renew
ed evidence of her sterling courage.
"And you promised me to be dis
creet!” she reproached, her smile re
turning, her hand still in mine.
"I did not foresee such provocation
to indiscretion,” I pleaded, with an
attempted gayety of tone that must
have seemed incongruous. “To have
been discreet under the circum
stances would have involved a repeti
tion of the one mistake for which you
blamed me. You don’t know, of
course, why I jumped down a ladder
into a pitch-black cellar, do you?”
"I know you were in pursuit of
some one—a pickpocket, they say,
who had taken your watch.”
"Do they say that?” I asked, inter
“That is what* Miss Clement learn
“Miss Clement?” I queried. "Who
is Miss Clement?”
“Oh. I forgot that you don't know.
Miss Clement is the missionary who
] found you in the—is it ’hop joint’
I they call it?”
“The lady with the kind eyes?”
At my designation her face bright
ened responsively.
“You remember her, then!” she
cried, delightedly. “Hasn’t she kind
eyes? And she doesn’t belie them,
either. She’s Just the dearest, most
: self-sacrificing creature I ever knew.”
For the moment we had both for
gotten Mrs. Lancaster, and when I
would have apologized I found that
my nurse had carried her off into the
i next room ajid was interestedly show
ing her some framed photographs of
the Siena cathedral.
“And Miss Clement learned that I
pursued a pickpocket?” I went on,
when Evelyn had drawn a chair near
me and sat down. “A very clever
explanation to account for the disap
pearance of my watch, but not the
true one. As a matter of fact, the
person I followed was a miscreant of
a deeper dye. When I last saw him,
previous to this encounter, he was
known as Peter Johnson.”
Wide-eyed, the girl stated at me for
an Instant.
“Peter Johnson!” she repeated,
slowly. “So. I was right. He was in
the plot. He had something to do
with Uncle Robert's disappearance.
He was the one who broke the amyl
pearls on board the yacht.”
It was my turn now to start. Of
what was this young woman talking?
“Amyl pearls!” Was I mad, or was
She saw my perplexity, and hasten
ed to enlighten me.
"Oh, dear. Philip!" she exclaimed.
“I forgot again. There is so much to
tell you. Really. I hardly know where
to begin. Miss Clement has been of
such aid to us! She is what they call
an 'independent missionary.’ That is,
she has no affiliation wdth any of the
church societies or reform associa
tions. For fifteen years she has been
working in Chinatown among the
white women, and she knows the
place and the people as if she were
indeed one of them. I had her out at
Cragholt for a day and I’ve seen her
four or five times here in town, and I
have told her everything, and she has
j explained, or at least given quite rea
i sonable surmises, concerning many of
the incidents that seemed to us inex
plicable. Did you ever hear of amyl
Of course I had heard something of {
amyl pearls, and I said so.
“They are glass capsules.” I added,
“and contain a liquid which smells
like bananas. They use them, I be
lieve, in heart attacks, by crushing
them In a handkerchief and inhaling
the drug."
But It was not the same drug, Eve
lyn explained. Miss Clement had told
her all about it. She doubted that it
was an amyl, at all, though it was put
up in the same fashion, and released
in the same way, and it was like an
amyl, in that it was extremely vola
“Miss Clement has never seen one
of them,” Evelyn continued, “but
some of the Chinese have told her of
them, and of the wonders that they
perform. She says the chemical,
whatever it is, is very expensive and
so they are seldom Used, but that in
China, especially in secret govern
ment enterprises, they are employed
on occasion. The effect is seemingly
to make invisible the person who
uses them. Really, they don't do any
thing of the sort; for they are noth
ing more nor less than capsules, filled
with a peculiarly-acting anesthetic—
an anesthetic so quick and powerful
in its action that the victim falls into
Insensibility without warning, and
emerges, after an interval of ten or
twelve minutes, without knowing that
he lost consciousness or that more
than a single second has elapsed."
“The Idea seems Ingenious," I re
turned. I was interested, surely, but
very far from convinced. “But,” I
objected, “how is it that the anaes
thetizer is not anaesthetized himself?”
"Oh, he doesn’t break the pearls un
der his own nose,” Evelyn explained.
“He casts them. The slightest con
cussion fractures the shell, and every
one within a certain radius drops in
stantly into a temporary trance.”
“And the swine before whom, the
pearls are cast, do they drop to the
ground to rise again when the ten or
twelve minutes are concluded?” I
“Oh, not at all. Your muscles are
not relaxed. You stand or sit as if
turned suddenly to stone. If your arm
is extended, for instance, it remains
in that position until the effect
ceases.” She was very much in earn
est, and tried to persuade me that,
aided by these pearls, it would be a
very easy matter to commit all three
of the depredatory acts which had so
amazed and shocked us.
I am the last man to regard any
thing as impossible in this day of won
ders, yet I was by no means willing to
accept such a solution merely on the
hearsay evidence of a woman who had
spent a decade and a half amongst the
Chinese of New York City.
‘‘Yes, Evelyn,” I said, tolerantly, “it
is worth considering, and at the first
opportunity I shall look into it. Hut
just now there must be more impor
tant matters for you and me to dis
cuss. Did Miss Clement, by any
chance, see Yup Sing?”
At the question the girl’s pale
cheeks flushed to her temples and her
violet eyes blazed.
“I asked her to see him, and she
did,” was her anwer. "I thought she
might learn from him when and where
you parted, and what led up to the !
plight in which you were found. But
he told her that you had failed to
keep an engagement with him. He In
sinuated that you had come to China
town intent upon making trouble, and
ended by declaring that he had no
time to devote to answering the co
nundrums of such a harebrained
American as you had proved your
self. Did you ever hear of such im
pertinence? I wanted Miss Clement
to take me to him that I might tell
him what I thought of his outrageous
conduct, but she refused. She says
he stands very high amongst his peo
ple. and that it is not well to antag
onize him.”
I smiled at her indignation. “After
all,” I said, “he isn’t so much to
blame. I must have cut a rather undig
nified figure chasing Mr. Johnson
through Dovers street, and then fall
ing down cellar stairs. When I am
able to get out again, I shall go to
Mr. Yup and apologize.”
But before I was able^to get out
again, I changed my mind. To be
quite definite I changed it that same
evening, when, in reading the reports
of O’Hara, the detective who for near
ly two weeks had been shadowing the
red giant, Philetus Murphy, I came
upon this entry:
. . At 5:27 he entered the
Mott street store of the Yup Sing Com
pany, remaining until 6:42, when he
came out with a tall, thin, well-dressed
Chinaman, said to be Yup Sing, him
self. Together the^ went to Ching
Wung's restaurant on Dovers street.
From there a Chinaman known as
Muk Chuen returned with Murphy to
Cos Cob.”
And the date of this occurrence was
the day following my Chinatown mis
A Slump In Crystal Consolidated.
The week of my convalescence was :
not eventful. Evelyn and Mrs Lan
caster called daily, and the reports
from O’Hara came each morning with
unvarying regularity and equally un
varying lack of import. The artist,
after his visit to Yup Sing, had re
turned to his Cos Cob hermitage, ac
companied by a successor to his for
mer unfortunate Chinese servant, and
now rarely' left his own grounds.
Gravid with suggestion as his appear
ance in Chinatown had seemed at first, !
I soon came to realize that it might \
possibly bear no more vital signifl- j
cance than that altogether common- j
place proceeding, the quest of a cook, j
And in the absence of any conflrma- (
tory evidence to the contrary, and |
with the knowledge gleaned from Miss j
Clement that Yup Sing, on occasions,
added to his regular business of mer
chandizing that of an employment
agent, ! saw no reason to dttach an
undue importance to the incident.
Nevertheless I relinquished none of
my suspicions regarding Murphy, but
continued the detective’s surveillance
with a fresh injunction to vigilance.
And I did not apologize to Yup Sing.
Miss Clement, to whom I believe I
owe my life, visited me at my request.
How I whelmed her with my gratitude
is no more material than how she en
deavored to make light of her servlw
to me, declaring ttat such offices were
a part of her day’s work in her chosen
field, and that her day's work was her
passion. And yet ii was this part of
our interview which gave me m>
stropgest insight into her exceptional
ly worthy character. Absolutely un
selfish, she joyed in a life that even a
religious fanatic might well have
quailed before; finding flowers ir
muck heaps and jewels amid tinsel.
In five minutes, too, 1 glimpsed her
abounding magnetism, the moving
agent in that rare efficiency which was
part and parcel of her. I.ater. I learned
of the weight of her influence among
the dwellers in the Chinese colony;
not from any direct narrative of what
she had accomplished—for she was
chary of speaking of herself—but by
deduction, purely. Moreover, my
watch, a few trinkets and a little
money, taken from me that night in
Dovers street, had all been returned
through Miss Clement's good offices;
and if, thus far, she had afforded us
no real clew in our absorbing exi
gency, I felt that ultimately her knowl
edge, coupled w ith her resourceful
ness, would prove to us of unbounded
value. And, as events shaped them
selves, I was not wrong.
It was cow nearly four weeks since
Cameron's disappearance, and a fear
that he had met death in some fiend
ish form at the hands of his abductors
had come to be with me very nearly
an obsession. The care I exercised in
hiding my real state of mind from
Evelyn could not well he exaggerated.
When I appeared to her most hopeful
I was actually most despairing. With
Miss Clement, however, I had no rea
son to dissemble. With all frankness
I told her of my despair; and when,
instead of trying to comfort me with
I empty words of encouragement she
agreed with me that the chances of
our ever seeing Cameron again were
at a minimum, I liked her the better
for being straightforward.
“I sometimes feel,” I said to her,
making full confession, “that we made
a terrible mistake in not at once noti
fying the authorities. Even now I am
inclined to lay the matter before them.
Anything would be better than uncer
tainty. A few arrests and the third
degree might work wonders.”
“Where would you start?’’ she asked
in a blunt, logical way that reminded
me of Evelyn's faculty of going to the
root of things. “You see, you know so
little. The story about the portrait
and the mirror, the police would re
gard as more amusing than convinc
ing. And besides, you haven’t any
proof. Yup Sing, you tell me, has the
only original letter, and by this time
he may have lost it or have, forgotten
that he ever had it. If you had seen
as much of the Chinese as I have, you
would appreciate how wily they are.
My belief is that the police would con
clude that Mr. Cameron fell overboard
from his yacht and was drowned. In
deed it would be fortunate if they did
not take the view that he jumped
overboard and committed suicide. Or,
worse still, it would not be bey’ond
them, Mr. Clyde, to charge that you
pushed him over. The yellow papers
would almost certainly intimate such
a possibility.” Had some one else
voiced this suggestion I should prob
ably have resented it, but I under
stood Miss Clement. She was as kind
as her eyes indicated; and that is
speaking very strongly.
“Nevertheless,” I said, with growing !
determination, “I shall make the case !
public. It is my duty, and I am will
ing to run all the risks you point out.
I shall start by making a complaint
against Peter Johnson. We’ll have
him arrested, get his record, and fol- j
low along that trail until we turn up
the other conspirators. If poor Cam
eron’s shares fall in the market, they’ll
have to fall. If the notoriety precipi
tates a delayed fatality of which Cam
eron is the victim, it cannot be helped.
I simply will not longer shoulder the
responsibility of silence.”
The way she had of silent delibera
tion was almost masculine. I can see
her, even now, as she sat there that
afternoon, her hair the same shade
of gray as her cloth gown, her fresh,
clear complexion lined in thought,
her kindly eyes half closed. For the
better part of a minute she pondered.
Then, suddenly, her face awoke, and
she asked me:
“Will you wait three days longer?
That is all. I have channels of infor
mation that are closed to the police,
even. There are men in Chinatown,
and women too, who would lay dowm
their lives for me. I think some of
them would even betray their friends,
which is still a greater sacrifice. Wait
thre® days, Mr. Clyde, and if at the
end of that time I have not learned
for you what you want to know, go on
with your publicity idea.”
Woodpeckers of Large Size
Species That Abound In Mexico and
Central America Attain Large
To those readers who may only be i
familiar with the average sized wood- j
peckers found in this country, It will j
be Interesting to know that there are j
species of this famous group of birds j
in existence, which, even when com- j
pared with such sizable species as the
well-known "flicker," appear in pro
portion like great ravens, placed by
their lesser congeners, the garrulous
Our common pileated woodpecker,
which ranges over North America at
large, may attain a length of nearly
20 inches, while the handsome black
woodpecker of northern Europe, the
pic noir of the French, averages but
three or four inches smaller.
Both of these, however, undersize
the true giants of this Interesting
race of birds, for our ponderous Ivy
billed woodpecker, now found only In
the wilder timbered districts of the
gulf states, has a length of 21 inches
and a wing extent of nearly a yard.
The magnificent Imperial woodpecker
of Mexico and Central America is
j even larger by an inch or more than
the last-named species, and is truly
a most remarkable bird.
There is one very peculiar thing
about these big woodpeckers, and
that is in their general coloration
they are all of a glossy black, with
white markings, and the males have
brilliant scarlet crests or other color
areas of the same on their heads.
The imperial and the ivory billed
have powerful white, chisel-cutting
bills, capable of making great havoc
with the partly decayed trunks of
forest trees, where they search for the
pine-destroying insects which consti
tute their chief food.
Neatly Caught.
An angler once missed his gold
cigarette-case, and, being very much
upset about it, but not being quite
certain whether it had been lost or
stolen, resolved not to mention the
matter to a soul—not even to his wife.
Two years had passed by when, on his
happening to meet with a piscatorial
acquaintance by the riverside, the
man astonished him by remarking:
“I say, did you find that cigarette
case you lost some time ago?”
“No.” replied the angler to the more
astonished inquirer; “but you aidl"
Alfonso Enjoys Reminders of Danger.
King Alfonso of Spain is said to be
a fatalist, and being of this temper
he is able to derive enjoyment from
occurrences that would affright most
people. A knife that he knocked out
of the hands of an assassin is hung
up in his den. The hides of two horses
killed in bomb explosions have been
made into rugs for his cozy corner.
On his wedding day an attempt was
made on his life, and the next day he
visited the spot and pointed out to his
young wife the spot where the as
sassin stood.
In another part of this paper you
will And a large ad of the Loose-Wiles
Uiscuit Co., Omaha, Neb."'They offer
to send to any reader a box of assort
ed biscuits absolutely free. Don’t miss
this opportunity. Cut out the coupon
from their ad and mail it today.
One Difference.
One difference between a good bank
teller and a spendthrift is that the
teller may earn an honest living by
letting money slip through his fingers.
And your shoes pinch, Allen's Foot-Ease, the
Antiseptic powder to be shaken into the
shoes, is just .the thing to use. Try it for
Breaking in New Shots. Sold Everywhere,
25c. Sample FREE. Address, A. S. Olmsted,
Lciioy. N.Y. Don't accept any substitute. Adv.
Usual Accompaniment.
“Tliis fresh air movement is merely
tentative.” Well, of course, tents
will have to go with it.”
Truth may be stranger than fic
tion, but the latter commands a high
er price in the magazine field.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Symp for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion,allays pain,cures wind colic,26c a bottlejtdv
The man who pleases only himself
must furnish all the applause.
There are imitations, don’t be fooled. Ask
for LEWIS’ Single Linder cigar, 5c. Adv.
Trading compliments is a good deal
like swapping green goods.
Munyon's Paw-Paw
Pills are unlike all oth
er laxatives or cathar
tics. They coax the
liver into activity by
gentle methods, they
do not scour; they do
not gripe; they do not
weaken; but they do
start all the secretions
of the liver and stom
ach in a way that soon
puts these organs in a
healthy condition and
corrects constipation. Munyon s raw-raw
Pills are a tonic to the stomach, liver and
nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken;
they enrich the blood instead of impover
ishing it; they enable the stomach to get all
the nourishment from food that is put imo
iL Price 25 cents. All Druggists.
Kb0rUo°5° c£nt /dea'®*9*
*l-°° &{ot
Agents Wanted—100% profit, needed in ev
ery home, office and factory. Write at once
for full particulars. Address (torannon Com
pany. 1158 Ed^crton St.. St. I’aul. Minn.
AVegctable Preparation for As ■
similating the Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful
nessandRcst Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic
Prop* cf 01 it DriA*flPlP/r:.’/EP
Pumpkin »Seed "
j41x Senna •
Pochette Softs -
,4nue Seed «
Pppermint -
fiiCarlenat* Seda •
li’orm Seed -
Clarftett Suynn
ytmfrryreen Pin Vor
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
The Centaur Company,
At6 months old
^Guaranteed under the Foodand
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief from neuralgia or
sciatica. It goes straight to the painful part — soothes the
nerves and stops the pain. Don’t rub—it penetrates.
Mrs. Niscke, Oconto,\Vis.. writes :—“ I have used Sloan's
Liniment for toothache and neuralgia in the head where nothing else would
help me and I would not be without the Liniment in the house.”
is also good for rheumatism, sore throat, chest pains and sprains.
Pains All Cone
Mrs. C. M. Dowker, of Johannesburg, Mich.,
writes:—“I wish to say your Liniment is the best
medicine in the world. It has cured me of
neuralgia; those pains have all gone and I
can truly say your Liniment did cure me.”
Pain All Cone
Mr. J. R. Swinger, of 547 So. 12th St.,
Louisville, Ky., writesI suffered with
quite a severe neuralgic headache for four
months without any relief. I used your
Liniment for two or three nights and I
haven't suffered with my head since. I have
found many quick reliefs from pain by the
| use of Sloan’s Liniment and believe it to be
the best Liniment on the market to-day. I
can recommend it for what it did for me.”
Price 35c., 50c., and $1.00 at All Dealers.
Send for Sloan’s Free Book on Horses. Address
Boston, Mass.
Great Western Commission Co.
One of the largest and best equipped live stork
commission firms at ANY market stocK
EACH department HIGHLY specialized FOUR
cattle salesmen in two splendidly located division^
Special care and attention given to buvinc, ^
men and a fully equipped sheep depi^W
If you wish to buy or sell any kind of live stock
write or wire them. e stoc*
They Will Do It Bight
South Omaha or Denver