The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 13, 1913, Image 5

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    1 Have a Business Home l
Call today and lot us start you on the
road to prosperity. We not only accept „
your deposits, keep your money safely
and render you every possible accommo
dation that the best banks in the country
can render, but we will take care of your
valuable papers and give you our assist,
tance in any business transaction free of
charge. We invite you to make our
bank your business home.
j tU. f. Nason, prcst. H. B. Outhouse, Vfce-prcs
h. fiansen, Cashier
Now is the time to buy
wall paper-the Latest
patterns have just been taken into stock
and a range of quality and prices are offered
that will delight and please you. Gome in
today and let us show you the very newest
Swanson & Lofholm
' Shoe Sale
As we have decid
ed to clean up all
I odds and ends in
SHOES at quite a
^ loss to us, but at a
bargain to those
who BUY.
These Shoes at regular
price was sold from $2
to But will all be
put on one counter and
marked your choice
Si.45. A bargain to
those who need shoes.
Barrington Hall A Handful
Find out for yourself, take rCHlOVCCl
home a can oi barrington
hall—drink it—count the
the cups and if you find that
these letters don’t tell the
truth, we will pay you back
for the can of coffee. It is si p ly this;
in preparing
every pound
tin of*
Barrington Hall from the stand point of quality, makes
the best cup of coffee you ever drank.
Barrington Hall, from a stand point of cost per cup, is n«
higher than any 30c coffee. Barrington Hall coffee will
give enough cups of cofiee to the pound more than any 30c
coffee, which proves that it does not cost any more. And
when you once have tried this coffee and find that it is so
much better than any other coffee that will surely be the
kind that you want.
Subscription to the North
western is $1.50 a year
Single Copy 5 cents
See J. L. Fort for windmill and
pump work. Phone White 59.
Mrs. A. M. Bennett has been quite
seriously ill the past few days.
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Kavenna Creamery Co.
Supt. L. H. Currier on Monday
moved into the Ed Angier cottage,
Ed and family moving out on their
Good work horses for sale. Phone
9203. A. E. Charlton. tf
Preston Bell went to McCook Mon
day morning to look after his farm
Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald
dray at either lumber yard,or E. G.
at Taylor’s.
Earl Thompson was a visitor to
Grand Island last Thursday.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee. Black 63, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Good Friday and Spring are twins
this year. Spring opening up on Fri
day March 21st.
Dr Yallier,Osteopath,Grand Island
Easter comes this year on the 23rd
of this month. Have you got your
new hat yetV
Good seed oats, two kinds, pure and
clean, home grown, also Stock Food
and Molasses Feed, for sale by
Robert Hinsdale. tf
Ladies spring suits and cloaks
just in. Loup City Mer. Co.
We understand the school board is
to select the superintendent for our
city schools at its session tomorrow
(Friday) night. There are quite a
number of applications.
Buy your shirts for spring at Lor
A. E. Chase went to Omaha Mon
day morning to attend the Federation
of Retail Dealers, and purchase
goods, returning by way of Grand
Island to see Wes Pedler at the
We are paying 33 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Win. Larsen left Monday morning
for Omaha and St. Louis to lay in a
new stock of goods. He will attend
the Federation of Retail Dealers in
the former city.
Mrs. H.P. Ferdinandt and children,
who were here from Minnesota for a
week past, left for their new home at
Central City Monday morning. Mr.
Ferdinandt was here over Sunday also.
Embroideries and laces the finest
ever seen in Loup City. Loup City
Mer. Co., lias tiiem.
Our good friend, a. E. Keller, from
Moffit, Nebr., was here last Thurs
day, on his way for a visit to his old
home at Rockville, and gave us a
pleasant greeting.
City election this year will come on
Tuesday, April 8th. What action, if
any, has or will be taken regarding
candidates for mayor and council men
to be selected? It is early yet, but
not too early to take action.
We were unable to attend the class
play last Friday, given by the seniors
of our high school, but understand
they had a crowded house, and gave
evident satisfaction to all present.
Our Floorene and Durene
Are acknowledged supreme
By all authorities
On the painting theme. The Rexall
Store. Vaughn & Hinman.
The I. O. O. F. lodge will meet
every Friday evening hereafter in
stead of Saturday. All members will
please remember the change and be
sure to attend lodge on that evening.
See Lee Bros, for friction dr^e
Do you realize that Eisner, the
Jeweler, has spent over $400.00 for
correct time pieces, consisting of a
chronometer and regulator, so that
he can absolutely time your watch
correct when brought to him for re
pair? 4-3
There is not a man in this school
district who takes a drink of whisky,
smokes a cigar or uses tobacco in any
form who does not pay out many
times as much money for those lines
of habit as he would in taxes fora new
court house and new school building
combined. Isn’t that a fact, fellows.
We erred last week in stating that
T. II. Lay and family had moved into
the S. F. Reynolds cottage. Instead,
they moved into the A. N. Cook res
idence, while Mr. Cook and family
moved into the Reynolds house.
Keep history straight.
Gus Lorentz went to Omaha Mon
day morning to attend the State Fed
eration of Retail Dealers there this
week and purchase new goods for his
Clothing Emporium. Mrs. Lorentz
and little son accompanied him as far
as Aurora, where they will visit, re
turning home with him the latter
part of the week. A. O. Lee is in
charge of the. store during Gus’ ab
Eisner, the Jeweler, has a complete
watch repair cabinet, consisting of
genuine staffs and jewels and other
materials making up a watch, this
cabinet complete costing $600. This
gives the customer accurate work.
No misfits from this cabinet Go
in and ask to see it. 4-3
Charley Larson solicits a portion of
your dray patronage and will do your
work prom ptly and efficiently. Phone
Brown 76, or leave orders at any of
the coal or lumber yards.
See Schwaner, the Jeweler, for first
class repair work.
Why pay *3 for a shirt when you
can buy the same for f 1.60 at Lorentz’.
Lee Bros, still wants chickens.
Our young friend, Chris Domgard,
was down from Ord over last Sunday
to visit old friends and see—his sister,
of course. Chris is one of the North
western’s favorite younjf business
Oyster shells at Lee Bros.
Schwaner, the Jeweler, guarantees
all repair work.
Jesse Paige left Monday for Morrill,
Neb., Mrs. Paige remaining for a
further visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. D. Wilson.
Geo. Deininger was up from St.
Paul over last Sunday greeting old
friends, and of course renewing for
the reliable Northwestern.
You are always on the right road
when you follow the crowd to the
Loup City Mer. Co., as they have the
We still have some flour at a cheap
price. Lee Bros.
A. J. Newhouser leaves today for
Sherman county to take possession of
the quarter-section farm which he re
cently purchased near Loup City.
There is quite a colony of Hamilton
county folks up there and they are all
doing well.—Aurora Republican.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
Ed Oltman last Saturday purchased
of T. H. Eisner his saloon and fixtures
and will with the t«ginning of the
fiscal year take charge of the same.
Ed has a sale of his farm stuff next
Monday, the 17th, after which he will
move to town and get ready for busi
ness. We have not learned just what,
if anything, Mr. Eisner will engage
If your watch or clock does not run
correctly, take them to Schwaner, the
Jeweler, and he will put them in
guaranteed shape.
John Warnek came up from st
Paul Monday to attend to matters of
business and shake hands with old
time friends. Mr. Warneke is having
a good business in the butter, eggs
and poultry stuff at St. Paul, and we
are mighty glad he is, for he is A 1 in
all ways.
If you have a horse or a mule to
sell, call phone 20.
Myrl. A. Warrick.
Buy your clocks, watches and every
thing kept in a first-class jewelery
store of Schwaner. He keeps best and
most up-to-date stock, and at prices
to suit your pocketbook.
Mrs. A. Carnes and Mrs. C. A.
Stevens, mother and sister of Mrs. T.
D. Wilson, arrived here Monday noon,
the good mother on her way home
from Mountain Home, Idaho, and
the sister from that place going on to
Iowa with her mother for a visit.
Furniture,almost as good as now
for sals at the Second Hand Store
for 5oc on the dollar.
Eggs for hatching from pure-bred
Barred Plymouth Rocks, $1.00 per set
ting. R. L. Arthur.
The last of this week, Dr. A. C.
Evans ships his household goods and
effects to Goodland, Kansas, where he
expects to locate for a time at least.
Mrs. Evans will visit here till Doc
gets matters in shape in their new
home. The many friends of this
worthy couple here will regret their
going, at the same time following
them with best wishes.
At a meeting of the Swedish con
gregation, on last Thursday, March
6th, Rev. C. G. F. Johnson of Webster
township was elected pastor of their
church in tfoup City from now until
the first of January, 1915, to succeed
Rev. H. Blom, resigned. The North
western desires for pastor and con
gregation the best of success spiritu
ally and financially for the coming
We received this week on our ex
change table a new paper called the
Wiggins (Col.) Courier, with our old
friend, Jack Rightenour.of the Litch
field Monitor, as new editor and pub
lisher. This is a new one on us, as we
supposed Jack was still guiding the
destinies of the Litchfield paper.
Well, we suppose since Jack quit his
single ways and got into double har
ness the Litchfield territory had be
come too small and he concluded to
get into a newer and larger zone for
the exploitation of his, newspaper
zeal. So long, old boy, and may your
change be for the betterment of you
and yours.
Mrs. Adolph Newhouser and family
arrived from Aurora last Friday
evening to join Mr. Newhouser on
their farm three miles southwest of
this city, known as the James Bone
place, purchased a short time since.
Mrs. Newhouser was accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. Burton Mook of
Lincoln, who came with her for a
visit and to help her get settled in
her new home. The ladles are sisters
of Dr. J. E. Bowman. Our people
will give Mr. Newhouser and good
family a cordial welcome to our
Homestead Land
Sierra Nevada Foothills, good land,
Water, wood, range, springs, streams,
big oaks, game and fish. Living is
cheap, winter a joke, no snow. Boom
for hundreds. Tour next. Copy gov
ernment township plat of the land
and all questions answered, 91.00. I
save you 909.00. No remittance, no
answer. Resident 27 years. ▲. Ke
noyer, (locator) Hanford, Calif. aprJ
1200 Acres Near Ashton
I have for sale some 1200 acres of
land near Ashton, some of the best
farming land in this section. Also,
10,000 acres of Canadian land for sale,
See or write me for particulars.
J. J. Goo. Ashton, Neb.
If it isn’t right, Schwaner, the
Jeweler, will make it right. See him
for all repair work in the jewelry line.
Not very long ago theie was a great
Who wrote beautiful poetry just like
an old timer,
About the woods and the flowers and
beautiful things,
The rocks and the rills and the gush
ing springs:
But never a word about the barn that
needed paint.
Or the house-wife , who works and
scrubs like a saint.
On hands and knees over unpainted
Then cleans stairway, window casing
and unvarnished doors;
Yet escape from this toil is now at
Use Durene and Flookene, the best
in the land,
And for all like ills there’s a remedy
that’s sure.
Use Monkrch Paint, it’s KRi per
cent puke.
The Rexall Drug Store.
Vaughn & Himuan.
Fred Ilarrisen of Turlock, Califor
nia, arrived Tuesday evening and will
take a position with the J. P Lein
inger Lumber Company. He left his
family at Aurors for the present till
he could secure a suitable home for
them in this city.
Let Gasteyer’s tell you how to
get a graphaphone absolutely free.
Dr. Cars n of Grand Island will be
in Ur. Lc gacres' office Wednesday,
Mar. 19th. prepared to treat the Eye,
Ear. Nost and Throat and also to
Fit Glassc
T. II. E >ner left Monday forGrar.d
Island to j >in a hunting party. What
ever game they run across we wager
that T. H. bags the most of any
member 01 his party. ,
Cheering news comes from the bed
side of Mayor H. W. Pedler in the
hospital at Grand Island that he is
slowly improving and gives every
evidence of pulling through all right.
Mrs. Jos. Cording and little child
from Litchfield have been here the
past week at the bedside of Mrs.
Cording s mother, Mrs. A.M. Bennett
who is recovering nicely from her
recent serious illness.
Let Casteyer’s tell you how to get
a graphaphone absolutely free.
News from Litchfield is to the
effect that the Scarlet fever epidemic
there is subsiding Not only Litch
field, but from Alliance down .the
road to Ravenna, there has been quite
a run of that dread disease, but with
out many fatalities.
Mrs. Veiner, mother of Mr. Victor
Veiner of the Hub store, returned
from Chicago Monday, accompanied
by her son. Jacob Veiner, who will
take a position in the Hub perma
We sell Monarch Paint because it's
100 per cent pure.
i You buy Monarch Paint because it’s
100 per cent pure.
There’s none better because it’s 100
per cent pure,
It's most economical because it’s 100
per cent pure,
Stamped on every can in big red let
ters, 100 per cent pure.
See our window. The Rexall Store.
Vaughn & llinman.
A reader of the Northwestern, the
other day gave as a reason for the de
feat of the bonds for a new high
school building that the city had
reached its greatest growth and that
a 915,000 building was big enough.
And just then the party was informed
that two of our carpenters had each
received contracts for four or five
new buildings to be started at once,
and bright prospects for more, the
figuring and plans being in the hands
of contractors. Objectors to a decent
high school building and a new court
house have another guess coming and
will have to be the proverbial needle
in the haystack to hunt for a more
plausable objection to needed im
provements. We have too many
people in our midst who put their
dollar ahead of their children’s wel
Paine & Fishburn Granine €<>.
Grand Island, Neb., Monumenti
Visit our large Factory or
write tor catalogue.
Fourteen carloads of stock, mostly
cattle, were shipped over the Burling
ton and U.P. roads Monday for South
Omaha. The big Injuns who shipped
and departed for the market to see
that they received top prices were
W. O. Brown, C. C. Outhouse, George
McFadden, Roy McFadden, Clias.
Nordstedt, C. E.Stickney, Jayson and
Sam Greene, among the smoothest
stockmen of the best county on earth.
Let Gasteyr’s tell you how to
get a graphaphone absolutely
Judge Hostetler is looking tine
since his trip to the Panama Canal
Zone where he says he saw the great
est sights of his life, and never to
be forgotten. The judge regards the
canal as one of the greatest engineer
ing feats of this or any other cen
tury. We will publish next week a
fine account of the judge’s trip and
what he thinks of the great piece of
workmanship and the country
through which he passed to and re
turning from the Panama country,
as given by the Custer County Chief,
who interviewed th» judge in one of
his happiest moods.
» %
T ^ For Style And Service
look Belter-Fit Better-Wear Longer.
You’ll appreciate “Tess and Ted” school shoes because four
pairs usually last as long as five pairs of ordinary shoes made for
The better class of people everywhere now recognize “Tess
and Ted” school shoes as the most satisfactory children’s shoes in
existence. The reason is that they Look Better, Fit Better and
Wear Longer—that it’s a “Star Brand” shoe, and i
Star Brc.nd Shoes Are Better’*
“Tess and Ted” school shoes are
Tnade In all the different leathers—in high
cuts, regular heights and Oxfords. There’s
a style for every age and condition of
childhood, from five to fifteen years.
They are honestly made of good,
solid leather. No paper, composition or
othsr substitutes for leather are ever used.
The “Star” on the heel insures you better
value than you have ever seen in chil
dren’s shoes.
Come and see the new styles.
Loup City !H,Co.
Big Decline In Oil Meal
We have just received
^ % Feed For Spring H i«*
The Loup City Mill and Light Co
If in need of a Separator call at my store as I
handle the DeLaval
Empire —
.— and Simmons
Cream Separators
I will take in your old Separators
Hardware and Furniture
Bring your harness and
collars for repairs and oiling
now is the time to get ready
for spring work, also put in
your order for new harness
and have them made to suit
you, the price is right in spite
of the big advance in price
of leather. I have not raised
the price on my harness. Yours for business
> and improper
treatment ol disease
means loss ol time,
money and health.
MBf? Consult a reliable
Hey Specialist, one who is
Wef not afraid to use his own
name, and who has a
permanent business and resi
dence. 00 W, BE DECEIVES
by ner^leK. doctors who r-jm
tn*;There is no c*<e jray
for Piles or Sombre r
lew day cure lor Chroni; er
nn pi p m rnvate diseases.
U n . n I U n master SPECIALIST, Chronic
and Private Diseases. Piles ami Rupture cured
without an operation. 60S tor Blood Poison.
For Insurance
or TREES of any
kind try
I have a nice line of
Norway Poplars, home
Loup City, Nebraska