FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING J. G. PAGELER Auctioneer Loup City, - - Nebraska I will call sales in any part of Sherman County. Phone or write, Jack Pageler Loup City, Nebraska WINTER RATES AVAELA8LE Homeseekers Excursions: These are announced for the first and third Tuesday of each month during the spring and summer, to the south, west and northwest, including Wyoming and the fast devel oping Big Horn Basin country. Colonists Rates, March 15th to April I5th: Early announcement is made of the very low one-way settler.s rates,such as $30 from Omaha and Nebraskaf'to far Northwest and California, and 825 to Utah, Central montanna and Idaho. Winter Tourist Rates: The attractive scheme of southern tourest rates together with the beautiful hotels and resorts is developing a heavy volume of winter patron age to that locality. Made in Nebraska Show, Omaha March 5, to 16. This will be a very interesting exhibition o; Nebraska's manufactured products: Convention of Nebraska retailers: meeting of State Manufacturer Association. Annual Automobile Show Feb. 24, to Mar. I. A $500,000 exhibit of the latest patterns of automobile, auto trucks, etc, Personally conducted California Excursions: Y0ur nearest agent can describe these and secure your berths. Ask him for California Excursions, Homeseekers Leaflet, to the Great Northwest, Pacific Coast Tours. J. A Danielson, Ticket Agent L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agt Omaha Neb For Firstclass Tinwork go to Hardware Store I am prepared to do first-class repairing of all kinds. Don 't fail to come and see our line ehina ware. A Few Don’t Forgets Don’t forget that we are giving 2UX) lbs of coal foi a ton. Don’t forget that March with its wind, is nearly here. Don’t forget that we have 8 different kinds of coal on hand. Don’t forget that we are at the corner of Nebraska avenue and Ingraham street Don’t forget that we want to please you. Don’t target the name. Keystone Lumber Company Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville and Schaupps. For a Square Deal IN Real Estate And Insurance See J. W Dougal Offce First Floor, 4 doors south of State Bank Building If I* was only to do over " ■ ^again I’d have more sense, is the cry of many a m*>n who has passed the larg er earning period of his life in having a '‘good time’’ instead of making preparation for old age comforts. However, life is a one-way trail—it is “Do it now” or regrets later. It is just as easy for you to place a share of your earnings in this bank and allow the to accumu late as it is to spend them-and starts you on the road to financial independence. Loup City State Bank. THE NORTHWESTERN Entered at the Locp City Postofllee for tranfe mission through the mails as second class matter. Office Phone, - Red 21 Residence, - Black 21 I. W. BURLEIGH. Editor and Pub O. I). Kenyan, foreman job dept. Contest Is Booming Special Inducements $50 In Special Pizes Contest Closes March 31st Special Prize Period Marchl9, The contest booming would be put ting it mildly. About fifteen ladies, married and single, are working might and main: they a fairly flying. The contest manager lias hardly time to eat his meals for answering the phone and waiting on the people who want to vote for their favorite can didate. The contest manager says he lias never seen such enthusiasm as lias developed in this contest to say the least of it. The Northwestern is proud of the candidates, they are from the best families in the county. SPECIAL PRIZES The special prizes mentioned in the big ad will he given away March 19th to the contestants who have turned in the most money between the dates of March 6 and March 19. The prizes will be given on the money ratio, the one who has turned in the largest amount will get the first choice and the one who turns in the second lar gest amount will get seeon (f choice until the prizes are all taken and every contestant who has turned in $25 be tween the dates of March 0 and 19 in cluding both dates, w ill get a nice hand bag. Now this will be easy. Just ask five of your friends to sub scribe for four years each. Don't be afraid to ask a person for big sub scriptions: they are the ones that count the most and besides, you are not asking for something that he is not geting value received from. You must remember the Northwestern is the official county paper and in a short time we are going to make im provements in the mechanical depart ment, also we expect to develop the news gathering facilitiesof the North western and hope to make it one of tne best w eeklies in the state of Nebraka. Now won't you make a special efiort this coming week to get the big results—be one of the prize win ners. , LOUP CITY Winnie Gasoeyer 26100 Mayme Adamson 15300 LOUP CITY. Route 1 . Lena Zwink * 22100 Lena Biaschke 7500 LOUP CITY, Route 2 Mrs. Emma Daddow 26300 Maggie McFadden 7500 Mrs. Ida Burwell 8050 LOUP CITY, Route 3 Jessie Bower 9800 Lila Ziegler 10100 ASHTON Ojendyk, II. N. Mrs. 17600 Barbara Wenski 4790 LITCHFIELD Mrs. Geo. Slote 11150 ROCKVILLE Lizzie Reisland 10300 ARCADIA Beulah Ford 16150 Hattie Denison 10600 Mrs. R. P. McClary 8350 Mrs. Wilbert Anderson 8300 AUSTIN * Jessie Ogle 15050 Mrs. Felix Kowaleski 10250 RAVENNA Christine Stein 8100 Minnie Hansen 9200 Mrs. Bernard Finder 10100 HAZARD Jennie Larson 8000 Mrs. Bertha Robertinson 10050 ' BOELUS Hilda Zeller 10800 Ella Sieber 6950 The house killed the bill allowing poll tax to be worked out. and in creasing the same to $3. Now pay your poll tax in round samolians and look pleasant. It looks as if Nebraska would here after murder its murderers by electro cution, instead of the strangle hold. Murder, however, is murder, whether | by state or criminal. It only lacks i the consent of-the senate. Up to Monday of this week the leg- j islature had frittered away forty-one j of the sixty days and only five bills; had readied the governor. Ravenna defeated a .'S-rnill levy for a Carnegie library, last week Tuesday. Ravenna has reduced its water rates from 25c to 16c per 1000 gallons. Lopp City water rate is 25c per 1000 gallons. District Court District court convened here Tues day of this week, and as we go to press this morning is grinding away rapidly, making the docket shrink lige the morning dew after a warm sun gets action. It is a jury s ission and has brought to town the hand somest and jolliest bunch of case- de ciders ever compelled todo juryvrork, as the following list proves: Itfike McKeon, Frank Kozel. A.R. Jack'. H. V. Capelian, H. Berent, Chas. Hass, Ernest Brundage, R. I). Hendrickson, Tom Stanzyk, E. C. Kil patrick, A. E. Charlton, Paul ChilewsAi, J.H. Witt, Frank J.Stobbe, SimOriss.E.P. Fray, Herman Polen-/.',' A. 15. Thompson, Jacob Wall, M vers Henson. John F. Peterson, Samuel Chilson, Andrew Pierson and Hans Johnson. | Tuesday was- taken up with one jury case—the Acme Harvesting Ma chine Co. vs. Otlewski, the jury re turning a verdict for defendant. Be sides this case several minor cases be fore the court were disposed of. Yes terday tl e jury had the case of Bandur vs. Oltman before it, acon troversy over wages, whieli was de cided in favor of plaintiff. Today we understand will come before tiie court and jury the criminal arson case of State against Farrah, et al, arising from the destruction of the store of defendants at Ashton last summer. The chances are that the present term will consume several more days, but as our business judge loses no time in rushing matters to a finish the time will be shortened as mate rially as is always the case with Bruno O. Ilestetler holding on to the lead strings. We will give the rest of the proceedings next week. Obituary—Mrs. Illric Isaacson Deceased was born in Finland, Jan. 2, 1841. and died at Rockville, Neb., March 10, 1913; at the ripe age of 71 years, 2 months and 7 days. She came to America in 1877 and has made this state her home for a number of years. She was married in I860 to Eric Ab rahamson. who passed away in 1878. 1880 she was married to Ulric Isaac son. who survives her. By her first marriage ten children were born, of whom only two are now living, Mrs. Ilelma Hedlin of Vermillion. S. D., and Mrs. Chris Sorenson of Rockville Interment was had in All Souls cemetery near Boelus, services con ducted by Rev. J. C. Tourtellot, of the Presbyterian church of this city, on Wednesday afternoon, March 12th. Robert Stouffer, one of the North western's good west side readers, is in the city for a few days. Oscar Swanson and Lawrence Lof holm are enjoying(V) a siege of baeh elordom this week, Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Lofholm visiting at the Sim Criss home near Litchfield while Sim is doing jury service at this term of court. The boys say they are having the time of their lives. See Arthur for seed potatoes. Our Eastern Star friends had some big doings at their lodge room last Thursday evening. Grand Matron Gamble of Plattsmouth being present and giving a splendid address, a big banquet provided, and Mr. W. J. Root was given the degree. Those present claim the best time ever held by the Stars. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Phillips of Aurora are here visiting their relatives, W. J. McLaughlin and M. A. Phillips and families. They were accompanied by John Phillips from the Pacific coast. Postmaster Ilenry Ojendyk was over from Ashton yesterday and today get ting a line-up on the happenings at court and incidentally greeting numerous Lailp City friends. A marriage license was granted March 4 to Ilenry C. Wedemver of BulTalo county and Miss Anna Ilesch from the south part of this county. The concert announced last week to be given by our home musical talent has been postpone# indefinatelv. Attorney R. II. Mathew is expect ing an uncle and aunt ana family from England here any day, for a visit. Fred Schneidereit is building an ad dition to his cottage just north of the baptist parsonage. 14x16, with porches on the east and west, and changed the entrance to the cellar to an up right door for easy access. Along R. R. No. 2 Floyd Goodwin is sporting a new rifle this week. Mr. Smalley's brother is visiting him this week. The Big 4 were moving a building north of Loup City this week. Henry Bell. Harry Shipley and Mor rison were out on Route 2 Tuesday. Karl Michow was hauling hay on Route 2 Tuesday. Clarence Burt was having his al falfa baled Tuesday. Mr. Lewis and family were visiting on Route 2 Tuesday. Mr. Allison from Clear Creek was trading at Loup City Tuesday. Will Miller butchered his summer meat Friday. Clara. Kate, and Josie Jurkarez are new pupils in district 36 this week, making an enrollment of 26 now. A number of the ladies in this vi cinity attended Mrs. Bauman’s sale Tuesday. E. G. Pugsley and family spent Sunday at F. F.Fosters. Ray McFadden shipped a car of cattle to Omaha Monday. Alvin Kouch attended the wedding of his uncle. Mr. Prihan at Boelus, Iasi: Wednesday: A surprise Dar.ty was given at the home of Mr. Blaschka. last Monday in honor of their daughter, Josie. It being her 17th birthday. Jennie and Floyd Steele and Ernest Sholz are new pupils in district 72. Mrs. C. O. Wagoner visited school in district 36 last Friday. The pa rents are always welcome at the schools. Rev. Leeper preached at the Wiggle Creek church last Sunday afternoon. He will preach there again soon. Harold Burt returned home Friday from Valley, Neb. Miss Lula McFadden visited her parents at Austin, Sunday. Lena Snyder and Belle Burwell visited the Wiggle Creek school Tues day. Miss Bogseth went to Her home Saturday, returning Tuesday. Her sister is very sick. Miss Freda Ohteen was sick Tues day. Her sister. Miss Marie Ohlsen, taught her school in the Hawk district. Miss Ruth McFadden was the only one in the Hawk school district that was neither absent nor tardy during the past montn. Clark Hile is plastering a house for Hunt north of Loup City this week. Ira Fletcher and wife spent last • Monday at the home of Mr. Steele, j Goldie Kilpatrick visited over Sat- i urday and Sunday at her home on 1 Route 2. J. A. Arnett took home a load; of lumber Monday. Gunn and Roush have bought 160 ! head of calves at North Platte the! past week. They will arrive at Loup j City the first part of next week. John Peterson was out looking at j the road conditions in his district last; Sunday. Vern Allman bought a cow of G. B I Wilkie Saturday. C. O. Warner helped John Olson j load his car last Friday. Simeon Iossa was the first one to do any farming last week on Route 2. He disced a field of sod. Jim Rouse and W. H. Gunn have a self feeder for their cattle. It will1 hold a car of corn at one time. Mrs. F. S. Reynolds. Mrs. Harry Marsh and little son spent Wednes day with W. O. Brown. Mrs W. P. Reed and children visited at VV. O. Brown's, Friday Mrs. Harry Marsh and son Griff, of Hinkley, 111., spent seve ral days at VV. O. Brown’s last week. Florence Reed, Retta Gasteyer and Maria Miller spent Sunday with Lillie and Edith Brown. W. O. Brown shipped some cattle to Omaha Monday. Born, To Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bar rick, on March 4, a baby girl. G. B. Wilkins has been appointed road boss in his district to till the va cancy caused by Stewart McFadden's resignation. VernAlleman was getting ready for rain by repairing the roof of one of his barns last week. Lars P. Neilson has been building fence the past week. Anton Spotanski was hauling corn from Loup City the past week. Stanley Krowlewski moved from Route 2, to Route 3 last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. I). Ilenerickson attended the Rebekah lodge Wednes day evening. Fred Johnson's young folks visited at the home of Jim King. Albert Snyder and family visited at the home of A. P. Paulson Sunday evening. William McFadden moved on Route 2 east of the L. P. Squire place this week. Sarah and Mable Gray have been visiting at home the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Henderson moved on A. R. Jack's place east of Austin. John Pefferson and son baled hay for Will Miller this week. The ice has been breaking in the river this week without doing any damage. Bert Charlton was trading at Loup City last week. John Peterson helped Roy Conger move. Minnie Oltjenbruns took supper last Friday eve with her friend, Marie Pilger. Ashley Conger was a Brown visitor one night last week. Walter Thornton and Lee Bly were blasting the frozen dirt in the mill race last week. E. G. Taylor has had a large force of men this week putting in the bal ance of the new flume. It is 2 feet deeper and 3 feet wider than the old one. This is expected to keep^>he race free of sand, besides furnishing all the water needed. This new flume will cost several hundred dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Schriener and children from Wyo., on their way to North Dakota, stepped off a few days with Alfred Jorgenson and family. Mrs. Schriener is a sister of Mrs. Jorgenson. Ladies Aid Society of Wiggle Creek met last week Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Wilkie and elected the following officers: Mrs. Tom McFaddtn, President; Mrs. Frank Daddow, Secretary and Treas urer. A big crowd was present and all had a jolly time. The new school house meeting took place at the home of John Peterson Monday afternoon and picked on a location for the new school house, which is located in the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 3. The number of the district is “8. The members of the new school board are, Hans M. Dietz, treasurer; Jim Hansen, moderator; E. Pugsley, director. This school house is on j Route 2. Tom Garner and son had two loads of hogs on the Loup City market last Thursday and while on their way just east of Iver Lyline’s one of their horses slipped and fell on a steep hill, the team had to be unhitched and one of the horses had to be turned completely over be fore they could get it up. The main traveled road was blocked with snow. C. S. Cash and wife were suddenly and pleasantly reminded on March 5th, that their thirty-second wedding anniversary was at hand when a few of their neighbors arrived, bringing the good things to eat for which this community is becoming famous Those oresent were E. C. Kilpatrick and wife. Geo. Douglas and wife, Harry Shipley and wife, W.T. Draper and wife, C. A. Johnson and wife, H. L. Bell and wife, Geo. Whittaker and wife, Floyd Howard and wife, O. G. Hunt and wife, and E. C. Tucker. In behalf of the crowd, Mrs. Harry Shipley presented the bride and groom of thirty-two years with a set of table spoons. The afternoon was pleasant ly spent in games, music and visiting. 1 r GUARANTEED^ rur^chbaum Qothes. AU WOCl HAN!* TAUjOPED Save Your MONEY and Buy Your SUITS I I/. GUARANTEE^— ftirschbaum Qothcs. I ALL WOOL HAND TAILORED I Copyright, iqIS. A. B. A'irschhaum Co. At Lorentz The only one LINE STORE IN I Loup City, Nebr. You get the best Copyright, igi». A. B. Xirschbaum Co. We Incite Yon 3 TO | THE NEW THEATRE Nothing but Good, Clean shows will be per mitted to be put on here. Good High Class JMotton pictures On account of so many other attractions in our theatre during the next few months we will show pictures only three nights a week. Change of Program every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. LEE & DADDOW Three-Button Novelty Sack, No. 811 Soft KoU For a Perfect Fit Let E. E. McFadden Take your ^ measures Come in and see His new Spring and Summer Styles and Samples S. A. Pratt Billiard and Pool Parlors \ Finest Brands of Cigars, with such leaders as Denbys, Havana Sticks, B. B’s., and other choice smokes. Your patronage appreciated ' First Door, West of First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska,