The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 13, 1913, Image 3

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    4> FOLEY'S %
Cont«in« No Opiate. U Safe For Children
of this paper
desiring to
buy anything
advertised in its columns should
insist upon having what they ask for,
refusing all substitutes or imitations.
Cleanses and bcsoiiflea the
Promotet a luxuriant growth.
Never Pails to Bestore Gray
Hair to its Youtlifui Color.
Prevents hair falling:.
UK MAN wanted to tack tip signs in
▼ our neighborhood. Send name and
address for particulars. Good pity.
A. 11. J., Box 1&&. Philadelphia. i*a.
DEFIANCE Cold WaierStarch
makes laundry work a pleasure. IB oz. i kg. lUc.
Pettit’s, Eve Salve
OVER 100
Cheap Way to Mount Pictures.
To mount pictures inexpensively
for the nursery or children’s bed
rooms, cut all the white margin oft
the picture, then get some thin,
smooth boards one and one-half inch
larger all round than the picture;
stain the boards with dark oak stain
about two inches round the edge; var
nish them, then paste the picture on
the board, leaving an even edge of
the stained wood all round; hang on
the walls in the usual way.
No man is so dishonest but what^he
considers his next door neighbor
more so.—Milwaukee Sentinel.
That is l.AXAl'lVB BliOMO Ol’IMlNK. Look
for the signature of K \V. 4«Itt>VK. Cures jyc'old
In One Day. Cures Grip in Two Days. 25cT
It makes a man feel good when he is
; pretty certain he is going to miss a
I train and doesn't.
Don't buy water for bluing. Liquid blue
i< almost all water. buy bed Cross ball
Blue, the blue that's all blue. Adv.
i The office hunter doesn't pay any at
tention to 'game laws.
Sunshine Matinee Biscuits are crisp—and sweetened
just enough. Perfectly delicious—deliciously perfect.
are so wonderfully good that we’d be proud to have
Loo»e-Wile» Biscuit Company
Omaha, Neb.
Please send me FREE “Surprise Box*
of Assorted Sunshine Biscuits.
Grocer’s Name.
you try them at our
expense. Let us send
you a Free “Surprise
Box” of assorted vari
eties. Mail the coupon.
Bakers of Sunshine Biscuits
This Tag
Hardware bearing this
Tag will be replaced by
your dealer should it
prove unsatisfactory.
Compare the Factory
Brand Hardware bear
ing our Double Guar
Is Your
antee Tag with other
brands and you will eas
ily be convinced of the
superiority and grade
of Quality Hardware.
The Double Guarantee
Tag means the best.
Volcanic Enamel Ware
Standard for 40 years. Made by Cleveland
Stamping & Tool Co. You take no risk of
getting poor Cooking Utensils when you
buy Volcanic Enamel Ware.
It bears our Double Guarantee Tag.
Volcanic Ware is Quality ware, is sanitary,
made right, will stay right.
Maker's reputation is assurance itself.
Iron Horse Mefalware
Water Pails, Dairy Pails, Strainer Pails, Galvan
ized Stock Pails, Wash Boilers, Galvanized
Wash tubs—All extra heavy Quality metal ware.
Double reinforced where needed. Absolutely
sanitary—None but gloved hands touch water
pails in construction. Wash tubs concaved bot
toms, pyramid seamed—Latest improved on
handle. Wash boilers galvanized or copper.
There is no better metalware than IRON U?RSE—Ask
your dealer. Made by
Rochester Can Co., Rochester, N. Y.
f For Hand—
I Quick, Quiet,
I Light Running
Sunny Monday
for Power—Strong,
Sole, Simple, Speedy
They really make your wash days
“sunny,” will do your work in
one-third the time. Will wash
your clothes nice and clean. With
a “Sunny Monday” washer you
have time for other things on wash
days. Quality Machines built of best
materials and to satisfy. They
bear our Double Guarantee Tag.
DEXTERMFG., CO.. Fairfield, Iowa
Wright & Wilhelmy Co., Distributors, Omaha, Neb.
R. E. Rogers
N. R. Bryson A. E. Refers T. H. Bryson
B. C. Rogers
Write for book saving young chicks. Send us
names of 7 friends that use incubators and get
book free. Raisall Remedy Co., Blackwell,Okla.
10 IS 1010
Brief Sketches of Advisers of the
New President.
flcAdoo a Famous Tunnel Builder,
McReynolds Skilled in “Trust Bust
ing,” Garrison a Man of Unusual
Executive Ability, Others Able.
Washington, March 5.—President
Wilson today sent to the senate
the names of the following as the
members of his cabinet:
Secretary of State—William Jen
nings Bryan of Nebraska.
Secretary of State.
Secretary of the Treasury—William
u. McAdoo of New York.
Secretary of War—Lindley M. Gar
rison of New Jersey.
Attorney General—James C. McRey
aolds of Tennessee.
Postmaster General—Albert Burle
son of Texas.
Secretary of the Navy—Josephus
Daniels of North Carolina.
Secretary of^the Interior—Franklin
K. Lane of California.
Secretary of Agriculture—David A.
Houston of Missouri.
Secretary of Commerce—William
C. Redfield of New York.
Secretary of Labor—William B. Wil
son of Pennsylvania.
With one or two exceptions, these
men have attained considerable na
tional fame, and all of them are ad
mittedly able.
Mr. Bryan's Career.
William .1. Bryan has been so much
in the public eye for a good many
Secretary of the Treasury.
fears that a sketch of his career
seems almost superfluous. Born in
Salem. 111., in I860, he was graduated
with highest honors from Illinois col
lege at Jacksonville in 1881 and re
ceived his master's degree in 1884.
In 1883 he was given the degree of
LL. B. by Union College of Law. Chi
cago. After practicing law in Jack
sonville and Lincoln, Neb., he served
as a member of the 52nd and 53rd
congresses. Having written the “sil
ver plank" for the Democratic na
tional convention of 1896 and made
a sensational speech, he was nomi
nated for president, but was defeated
by William McKinley. Nominated
again in 1900, he was again beaten by
McKinley, and then established the
Commoner and made a tour of the
world. Nominated a third time in
1908, he was defeated by W. H. Taft.
Mr. Bryan married Mary Elizabeth
Baird in 18S4. He has done much lec
turing and written several books.
McAdoo the Tunnel Builder.
William Gibbs McAdoo, though a
lawyer by profession, is known to
most people as the builder of the
great system of railway tunnels of
NeW York city. He was born near
Marietta, Ga., in 1863 and was edu
cated at the University of Tennessee.
In 1SS5 he was admitted to the bar,
^ -
Secretary of War.
and the same year he married Sarah
Houston Fleming of Chattanooga He
entered the practice of law in New
York in 1892. and since 1901 has been
interested chiefly in tunnel construc
tion there. He is president of the
Hudson & Manhattan Railroad com
Lindley M. Garrison.
The selection of I.iudley M. Garri
son, vice-chancellor of New Jersey, to
be secretary of war is in line with
President Wilson’s idea that the hold
er of that position should be a man
of unusual executive ability. He is a
close friend of Mr Wilson. Mr. Garri
son was born in Camden, N. .1., No
vember 28. 1804. He is a son of Rev.
Joseph F. Garrison, an Episcopal
Attorney General.
clergyman. He is a brother of Justice
Charles G. Garrison of the New Jersey
supreme court. He was appointed to
the chancery court in June, 1904, and
reappointed by Chancellor Mahlon Pit
ney, now a justice of the United
States Supreme court, in 1911 for a
term of seven years.
James C. McReynolds.
In picking James Clark McReynolds
for the position of attorney general,
Mr. Wilson selected a man who has
had a lot of experience as a “trust
buster.” He is a native of Elkton, Ky.,
where he was born in 1862, and a grad
uate of Vanderbilt university and the
law school of the University of Vir
Postmaster General.
ginia. From 1903 to 1907 he was as
sistant attorney general of the United
States. He then returned to private
practice, but has been retained as spe
cial assistant to the attorney general
in matters relating to the enforce
ment of the anti trust laws. Mr. Mc
Reynolds is unmarried.
Albert S. Burleson.
Albert Sidney Burleson already has
served seven consecutive terms as
congressman from the Tenth district
of Texas and was re-elected to the
Sixty-third congress. He was horn in
San Marcos, Tex., in 1863, was edu
cated at the Agricultural and Me
chanical College of Texas, Baylor uni
versity and the University of Texas,
and was admitted to the bar in 1884.
He was assistant city attorney of Aus
tin for several years before going to
congress. Mrs. Burleson was Miss
Adele Steiner of Austin.
Josephus Daniels.
Josephus Daniels, secretary of the
navy, is the one newspaper man given
place in the cabinet. He has also
been active in politics and is the mem
ber of'the Democratic national com
mittee for North Carolina. Mr. Dan
iels was born in 1862 at Washington,
N. C., and began his newspaper ca
reer at the age of eighteen as editor
of the Wilson (N. C.) Advance. In
1886 he became editor of the Raleigh
State Chronicle, which nine years iater
he consolidated with the North Caro
linian and the News and Observer.
Franklin K. Lane.
Franklin Knight Lane has been a
member of the interstate commerce
Secretary of the Navy.
commission since 1903, and this expe
rience is believed to have fitted him
for the executive and judicial tasks in
administering the public land laws of
the country. Horn in Prince Edward
Island in 1804, he received his educa
tion in the University of California
and became a lawyer In San Francis
co. Prior to his designation to the
commission he was a Democratic po
litical leader in California. He was
Democratic candidate for governor,
being defeated by a narrow margin.
Secretary of Agriculture.
subsequently he was the Democratic
caucus candidate for United States
David F. Houston.
In David Franklin Houston, chan
cellor of Washington university, St.
Louis, Wilson has a secretary of ag
riculture who is familiar with the re
cesses of advancing scientific farming
and allied questions in this country. Mr.
Houston was president of the Texas
Agricultural and Mechanical college
for a number of years, and has taught
Secretary of the Interior.
in several other educational institu
tions. He was born in Monroe. N. C.,
in 1866, was educated at South Caro
lina college and Harvard, and re
ceived the degree of LL. D. from Tu
lane and the University of Wisconsin
He married Miss Helen Beall of Austin
Tex., in 1895.
William C. Redfield.
William Cox Redfield has just com
pleted his first term as a congressman
but he lias been prominent in the poll
tics of New York for a good manj
Secretary of Commerce.
years. In 1902 and 1903 he was com
missioner of public works for the
Borough of Brooklyn. In private life
he is a manufacturer of ventilating
and heating apparatus and engines.
Mr. Redfield was born in 1858 in Al
bany, X. Y., was educated in the
schools of that city, and removed to
New York in 1ST? and to Brooklyn in
William B. Wilson.
Pennsylvania's representative in the
cabinet is William Bauchop Wilson of
Secretary of Labor.
Blossburg, named for secretary of la
bor. He was born in Blantyre, Scot
land, in 1SC2, and came to this country
in 1S70. The next year he began
working in the Pennsylvania coal
mines, and from early manhood he has
been actively interested in trade union
affairs. For eight years he was in
ternational secretary-treasurer of the
United Mine Workers of America. He
ic now engaged in farming. Mr. Wil
son has been a member of the last
three congresses, representing the Fif
teenth district of his state. He is
married and has nine children.
Somewhat Summary Method of Mating
as It Is Done in the Kingdom
of Siam.
Kings of Siam apparently do not be
lieve in the wisdom of allowing single
women to drift unattached about the
country. In certain districts after a
girl has reached an age where her se
curing for herself a husband is con
sidered doubtful, she becomes a
“daughter of the king.” That is, the
king takes upon himself the task of
settling her suitably in life.
His process is quite simple, and to
the point. He proceeds to the Sia
mese penitentiary and looks over the
various prisoners. There is a law in
Siam that any prisoner can obtain his
release by marrying one of this class
of girls, and, naturally enough, any
pisoner whom the king picks out is
not likely to be backward about con
senting to the ceremony. Nor does it
make any difference if he is married,
for the men of that country are not
restricted to one wife.
As far as can be learned, there is
no allowance made for the inclination
of the girl in question. She has failed
in her mission in life as far as she
herself is concerned, and she must
abide by the decision of the king.
Cream Corn Soup.
Heat a quart of milk in a mush boil
er, as milk scorches easily; press a
small can of corn through a strainer
to remove hulls. If the corn does not
go through the strainer well, pour the
milk into it; this will help to secure
the pulp of the corn. Add a lump of
butter the size of a walnut and pep
per and salt to suit the taste. Beat
the white of one egg to a stiff frotfc
and stid into the soup lightly a few
minutes before serving.
Hard Row.
Apropos of a very rich woman’s
marriage to a man much younger than
herself, Mayor Thompson said at a
tinner in Chattanooga: "Rich old
women who marry handsome boys
save a hard row to hoe. I know such
in old woman. She said, tenderly, one
3ay to her youthful spouse: ‘What
would you do, darling, if I should die
and leave you?' The young man,
/awning behind his gold-tipped ciga
rette, said. languidly: ‘Die and leave
ne how much?”’
No Pleasing Her.
Governor Sulzer, apropos of certain
feeble defenses of certain Albany
grafts, said to a group of reporters:
“These defenses are all unsatisfac
tory. In their presence I am like
Mrs. Oldes. ‘That Mrs. Oldes is dread
fully hard to please,’ said a woman.
‘How so?’ another woman asked.
‘Why, I told her the other day that
she carried her age well, and she
didn’t seem to like it at all, and she
I told her that she didn’t carry it well,
and she liked that less than ever.’ ”
Cat Got Dizzy.
Augustus Johnson, a machinist em
ployed by the Seth Thomas Clock com
pany in Thomason, Conn., tells this
story: "I went fox hunting by moon
light one night recently. Near Henry
Pickett’s house a large house cat
came along pursued by a fox. The fe
line climbed a tree, whereupon the fox
began to circle about the trunk. The
cat watched the fox until it became
dizzy and fell to the ground. As the
fox started away with the cat 1 shot
and got both fox and cat.”
Martyr in Love.
The nerviest youth we ever heard
of was the one who proposed ten times
to the same girl, and came to be
turned down the tenth time. “Dear
boy,” explained the girl patiently, “I
like you, but I shall never marry a
bachelor. I have always said that if
I ever wed, it should be to a widower."
“A11 right," came back our young
friend, cheerfully. “I’ll qualify if you'll
tell me which of your girl friends
you'd like to have me marry first!”
For daily use in millions of kitchens has
proved that Calumet is highest not only in
quality but in leavening-fiozver as well—un
failing in results—pure to the extreme—and
wonderfully economical in nse. Ask your
grocer. And try Calumet next bake day.
Voa don’t save money when you Bay
cheap or Big-can baling powder. Don't
be misled. Bay Calumet. It’s more
economical — more wholesome — gives
best results. Calumet is fat superior to
sour milk and soda.
Italy’s Fight Against Malaria.
Reports from American consular of
ficers in Genoa and Leghorn, prepared
in response to inquiries from the Unit
ed States as to the market in Italy
for a remedy for malaria, show that
thj prevalence of malaria in that king
dom has steadily declined in recent
years, mainly due, it is stated, to the
energetic measures of the Italian gov
ernment. Quinine prepared at the
state military pharmacy at Turin is
said by Consul General James A.
Smith to be on sale at all government
tobacco shops at 4 cents a gram and
is distributed gratis to poor patients.
Consul Frank Deedmeyer writes that
in 1911 the number of deaths in Italy
caused by malaria was estimated at
",500 in a total population of over
33,000,000.—Daily Consular and Trade
Superfluous Labor Counts.
The men who have achieved suc
cess are the men who have worked,
read, thought more than was abso
lutely necessary, who have not been
content with knowledge sufficient for
the present need, but who have sought
additional knowledge and stored it
away for the emergency reserve. It
is the superfluous labor that equips a
man for everything that counts in
Every reader of this paper can se
cure absolutely free a box of assorted
biscuits by simply cutting out the cou
pon from their ad appearing in an
other part of this paper and mailing
it to Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Omaha,
Neb. The firm is thoroughly reliable.
Take advantage of this liberal offer
and write them today.
Last Extremity.
Clara—May I Borrow your beaded
belt, dear?
Bess—Certainly. But why all this
formality of asking permission?
"I can't find it.”—Smart Set.
Every time a wise man makes a mis
take he learns something.
mama To Women bm
Backache—Nervous ?
If you Buffer from such symptoms at
irregular intervals you should take an
invigorating: tonic and womanly regu
lator which has g^ven satisfaction for
over 40 years.
Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription
Made without alcohol—a pure glyceric
extract of American forest rooia. Your
druggist will supply you.
It Has Given Satisfaction Fop
■■Hfl Over 40 Years I
B«at Cough Sjrtip. Tiatea Good. Un
in time. Bold bjr Dmggint*.
25 as.