The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 20, 1913, Image 8

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    Cwrixbc 1901. hr The Bubta-McniU Co.
bring us half aTT hour"befo7e them 16
the riling! Let ug take it!”
A light seemed suddenly to break on
her companion, and he sprang airily to
his saddle. "As my Lady wills!” gal
lantly. ....
"Then call to the commandant, and
♦ell him we’ll meet them there!”
The Marquis obeyed, and, without
awaiting answer, or demur from the
officer in charge of the guard, the girl
flicked her horse and sent him over
a low bush into the narrow way.
Fairly in the path, she rode fast,
and pressing hard behind, my lord
•oon found reason for doubt as to
the advisability of that route, and a
■uspicion of regret at his own assent
to the departure from the main thor
oughfare. As their surroundings grew
Wilder and the slender green figure
flitted more and more recklessly be
fore him, he even ventured to voice
his misgivings—advise greater care.
A shake of the fair head was all he
received for answer and, regardless
of the Increasing roughness of the
way, she continued to sweep on, now
uphill, then down, avoiding by a quick
turn one obstacle here, leaping anoth
er there! From a black ambush, a
branch like the arm of a Titan reached
out to seize, but adroitly she swayed
from its grasp and only the twigs and
leaves touched lightly the bent figure.
My lord, however, they struck sharp
ly, and at the sudden smart and a
quick realization of falling behind,
frowningly he drove his horse harder.
The tete-a-tete he had naturally ex
pected from her request to pursue the
lonelier way promised now not to mate
rialize; the idea that she was fleeing,
he pursuing, possessed him. The for
est, a tangle of shrubs and strange
creepers, was the scene of the Idyl;
she, a sprite of the greenwood, danced
Illusively through the maze. At length
when my lord had begun to grow
weary of vainly endeavoring to over
take her, fate favored his efforts;
brought to a standstill, at the edge
of a torrent, the object of his pur
Are you mad, Elise? A shadow
on his brow, the Marquis rode down,
v She made no reply; regarded only
the water.
“I hope It is not in your mind to at
tempt to cross," he went on, a shade
of petulance in his accents.
She urged her horse forward; it
“Elise! I beg of you! It is danger
ous; better go back, and around!”
But the girl set her red lips, raised
her whip, and brought it down hard.
The animal sprang into the foam;
breasting the current, it slipped once
or twice, recovered, and, after an ef
fort, managed to reach the bank op
posite. My Lord—less blithely than
he had first embarked on the adven
ture—followed; the cold waters surged
around, and he almost expected to be
swept away. At length, however,
chilled by the icy touch of the torrent
and somewhat more out of humor, he
found himself on the other side. Near
,; the top of the bank, where the Gov
ernor’s daughter had now the grace to
await him, he rejoined her, disap
proval on his face, reproach in his
eyes. Yet still did the girl remain un
conscious of her lover’s wounded sen
sibilities; her own eyes, like stars be
neath the flurry of hair, were turned,
not to the young man, but away, to
ward a gaunt-looking ruin that had
suddenly uplifted itself, as if by magic,
through a rift in the forest. But a few
iiuuurcu yams uibiaiiL, lue UlaCK
crumbling walls bristled with rough,
Jagged edges—big, broken teeth that
snarled at the rim of the ever-young
wood. The very brightness of the day
seemed only to emphasize the omin
ous aspect of the place; to reveal more
plainly the solitary character of its
"The monastery, I suppose?” fol
lowing the direction of her gaze, the
Marquis, after a pause, grudlngly
‘‘Yes," said the girl in a low tone;
“Shall we go on?”
Her eyes, passing over a tangle of
shrubs, bushes and thick, natural
screens, slowly settled on a spot, not
far away, where a wild bird, about to
alight, fled off with a scream.
“Shall w'e go on?”
With a start the girl turned; the
clear-cut features were very grave; in
her gaze shone sudden compunction.
She raised her hand. “My veil!” she
■aid quickly. “I—dropped it. Do you
mind? You—you will find it on this
side of the stream—a little way down.”
“Mind?” He regarded her doubt
fully a moment; then moved by the ir
resistible appeal in her eyes, rather
abruptly he wheeled, and as he did so,
she gathered up the reins. Ere pro
ceeding farther upon this errand of
gallantry, my lord looked around.
“You seem to set great store on this
▼ell,”‘he observed suspiciously. “And
I believe you were about to ride off!”
he added, noting her expression, when,
,,ri^ ti*~*** *or
Bwer, a Heavy Dooy stirred m uie
bushes, near at hand, and a gruff voice
called out.
"Stand whefe ypu are!”
V The nobleman’a face changed; his
gaze, as if fascinated, now rested on a
• score of rough figures who, following
the order, so unexpected and startling,
sprang simultaneously from neighbor
tig thicket or covert, and advanced
tonffround them. Held by their grim
aspect—the desperate determined vis
ages; the black, threatening looks—In
the surprise of the moment, too late
my lord’s hand sought the sword at
his side. Rougher plucked from hla
horse, he -found himself flung to the
•ward; unceremoniously pinioned, and
hoard the voice of my lady raised In
See Lou Schwaner. the popular
jewler, when in need of any repair
ing. He guarantees all work to be
right- _
Clear Creek Items
Harvey Haddix is spending a few
weeks in tills vicinity visiting rela
tives and old friends.
Mrs. Frank Potter received a visit
last week from her sister, Mrs. Laura
George and Harry Xahri were busy
putting up ice last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wintield Haddix are
rejoicing over the arrival of a baby
girl at their home.
Adam Zahn was a Litchfield visitor
Russell Adams and Glen Smith
helped Mr. Van Dyke dehorn cattle
A dance was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Haney Saturday even
Miss Grace Adams was a Broken
Bow visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cop
persmith Sunday.
Lawrence Lowry returned to his
school work at Broken Bow the tirst
of the week.
Mrs. Fielding of Tecumseh. Nebr..
is visiting at the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Wintield Haddix.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edson and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zahn.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fielding visited
at the liomeof Mr. and Mrs. Winfield
Haddix Sunday.
Victor Lowry returned to I’urdum,
Neb., Tuesday.
A few of the young people ol tins
vicinity attended the masquerade
ball at Mason City Friday evening.
W. E. Miller was hauling corn Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Runyon and
Willis Runyon of Mason City and
Miss Grace Adams spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Sam Hammond shelled corn for Mr.
Van Dyke Tuesday.
George Shaw is reported as being
sick with the mumps.
A dance was given at Mr. Jewell’s
Monday evening.
Mrs. Warren Edson and children
spent Saturday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hager.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee. Black 63, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Mar. 3rd to and including!
Mar. 8th. One week only |
Hours 10 a. in. to 8 p. m.
Remarkable Success of these Tal-!
ented Physicians in the Treatment |
of Chronic Diseases.
Offer Their Services
Free of Charge
The United Doctors, licensed by
the state of Nebraska lor the treat
ment of deformities and all nervous
and chronic diseases of men, women,
and children, otTer to all who call on
this trip, consultation, examination,
advice free, making no charge what
ever. except the actual cost of the
medicine. All that is asked in re
turn for these valuable services is
that every person treated will state
the result obtained to their friends
and thus prove to the sick and afflict
ed in every city and locality, that at
last treatments have been discovered
that are reasonably sure and certain ■
in their effect.
These doctors are considered by
many former patients, among Amer
ca's leading stomach and nerve spe
cialists and are experts in the treat
ment of chronic diseases and so great
and wonderful have been their results
that in many cases it is hard indeed
to tind the dividing line between
skill and miracle.
Diseases or tne stomacn, intestines, |
liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart,
spleen, kidneys, or bladder, rheuma
tism. sciatica, diabetes, bed-wetting,
leg ulcers, weak lungs and those at- i
dieted w ith long-standing deep-seated
chronic diseases, that have bathed j
the skill of the family physiean, j
should not fail to call.
According to their system no more j
operations for appendicitis, gall j
stones, tumors, goiter or certain forms |
of cancer. They were among the first
in America to earn the name of the
‘‘Bloodless Surgeons." by doing away
with the knife, with blood and w ith \
all pain in the successful treatment j
of these dangerous diseases.
If you have kidney or bladder troub-!
les bring a two-ounce bottle of your
urine for chemical analysis and mi
croscopic examination.
Deafness often has been cured in
sixty days.
No matter what your ailment may
be. no matter what others may have
told you, no matter what experience
you may have had with other physi
cians, it will be to your advantage to
see them at once. Have it forever
settled in your mind. If your case is
incurable they will give you such ad
vice as.may relieve and stay the dis
ease. Do not put off this duty you
owe yourself or friends or relatives
who are suffering because of your
sickness, as a visit at this time may
help you.
Remember, this free offer is for one
day only.
Married ladies must come with
their husbands and minors with their
Homeseekers Excursions:
These are announced for the first and third Tuesday of
each month during the spring and summer, to the south,
west and northwest, including Wyoming and the fast devel
oping Big Horn Basin country.
Colonists Rates, March 15th to April I5th:
Early announcement is made of the very low one-way settler,s rates,such
as $30 from Omaha and Nebraska to far Northwest and California, and $25
to Utah, Central montanna and Idaho.
Winter Tourist Rates:
The attractive scheme of southern tourest rates together with the
beautiful hotels and resorts is developing a heavy volume of winter patron
age to that locality.
Made in Nebraska Show, Omaha March 5, to 16
This will be a very interesting exhibition oj Nebraska’s manufactured
products: Convention of Nebraska retailers; meeting of State Manufacturer
Annual Automobile Show Feb. 24, to Mar. I.
A $600,000 exhibit of the latest patterns of automobile, auto
trucks, etc,
Personally conducted California Excursions: y0ur nearest
agent can describe these and secure your berths. Ask him for
California Excursions, Homeseekers Leaflet, to the Great
Northwest, Pacific Coast Tours.
J. A Danielson, Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agt Omaha Neb
We Xn-vite You.
Nothing but Good, Clean shows will be per
mitted to be put on here.
Good High Class jMotion pictures
On account of so many other attractions in our
theatre during the next few months we will show
pictures only three nights a week.
Change of Program every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
A - t
For Early Efforts in the Northwestern’s
One Genuine Diamond Ring, Set in 14 Karat solid gold mounting, One Gold La Valliera, English
finish chain.and Pendant. These prizes were purchased from Lou Schwaner, one of Loup City’s
Leading Jewelers, They are on display in his window and are guaranteed by him.
These two special prizes will be awarded to the two !
contestants who turn in the largest amount of money,
over $25 00 collected on new and renewal subscriptions.
Any contestant turning in $25.00 during this special period
wh does not win one of the above special prizes, w ill re
ceive a beautiful locket. This special prize period dates
from the beginning of the contest, February 3rd and closes
March 5th at 6 o’clock p, m. All money turned into this
office by the subscriber will count for the contestant whom
he voted for. The regular schedule of votes will be issued
on every subscription turned in. These votes will go to
ward winning the grand prize. Remember it is the money
that counts in this special offer, Contestants who live in
other towns outside of Loup City can send their money via
mail, but the post mark must show that the subscriptions
are mailed not later than March 5th at 6 o’clock p. m.
Every contestant has an opportunity of winning a special
prize for a special effort.
Schedule of Votes on Sucscrtption Contest
1 year $1.50.500 votes
2 years 85.00.700 votes
3 years $4.50.1200 votes
4 years $6.00.1800 votes
5 vears $7.50.2500 votes
6 years $9.00. 3300 votes
7 years $10.50.4200 votes
8 years $12.00.5200 votes
9 years $13.50.6300 votes
10 years $15.00.7500 votes
The Northwestern’s Automobile Contest
I hereby nominate and cast 1000 votes for
A ddress...........
as the most popular candidate in the Northwesten voting contest.
Rules Governing This Contest
Any lady is eligible,providing con
ditions set forth below are complied
; with, but the contest manager re
serves the right to reject objection
able nominations,
No candidate will be "permitted to i
transfer votes to another after receiv
ing them for herself.
Ballots sent in for names not prop
erly nominated will be destroyed un
Every candidate should be regularly
nominated on a blank printed in this
paper or a similar blank furnished by
i he Northwestern.
A coupon will be printed during
the first weeks of tire contest. This
coupon will count for the votes desig
nated therein. All coupons will be
dated and will be void unless re
ceived at this office on or before the
expiration of the time set as printed.
All ballots must be sent to the con
test manager, care of the Northwes
tern with postage prepaid.
No employe of the Northwestern
will be eligible as a candidate.
Any questions or controversies that
may arise are to be settled by the
Contest Manager.
In accepting nomination, all can
didates must agree to abide by above
conditions. In case of a tie vote *
prize of equal value will be awarded,
or the prize so tied sold and money
equally divided. The Contest Mana
ger reserves the right to govern the
closing date in case of sickness or
The way to secure votes is by pay
ing money for subscriptions or cut
ting out free votes from the North
western. Positively no notes will be
sold for cash without subscriptions to
the paper. Candidates may solicit
votes in any part of the United States.
The regular vote schedule below
will not be increased during the con
test except in special ballot periods.
No young iady-should hesitate to go
into this contest, as everyone has a
fair chance to win a handsome and
valuable prize. The main object the
Northwestern has in view .is to get
subscribers and the girl who works
the hardest is the one we want to
have the best prize.
Don't hesitate to ask your friends
and neighbors whether they take the
Northwestern. Hustle and there will
be nothing to defeat you.
The list of candidates nominated
will be published next week. Read
them over: probably yonr name will
be among them.
When properly filled out and mailed
or delivered to the Contest Manager
the nomination blank will count for
1000 votes for the candidate nomina
ted, except that but one nomination
blank will be accepted for each candi
date. Nominations written on an or
dinary sheet of paper will be accepted,
names of parties making nominations
will not be divulged only when re
quested. In next week's issue we will
publish a list of candidates whose
nominations have been received up
to the time of going to press.
Nominate a Candidate
Cut out this nomination blank, write
in the name of a popopiur young lady
or girl, sign and send to the North
western and upon receipt of same the
young lady whose name appears upon
it will become a candidate and is el
igible to compete for the grand prizes
offered. Only one nomination will be
accepted for each candidate. Each
candidate nominated will receive 1000
vote as a starting standing. Make*
a nomination now! Help some can
didate win an auto.
If you have not start
ed in the contest, then
do so at once. One of
the best opportunities
in a lifetime to win a
Ford Roadster
Your friends will urge
you to get into the race,
but don’t wait for them
to ask you. Ask them
for their subscription.
The field is open, so
\~T Contest Manager,
Care Northwestern