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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1913)
Loup City Northwestern ' ' •._ _ 1 VOLUME XXXI_- LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBUARY 6, 1913 NUMBER iF Professions Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney-at-Law. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. NIGHTINGALE & SON Attorney and Counseicr*at*Law - LOUP CITY. NEB K H. MATHEW', Attorney-at-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska AAEON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H. ~MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONGACRE Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 i A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone, 30. OfHce at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Limp City, - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Loup Gity, Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN A BOWMAN Physicians and Surgeons Phone 114 Loup City, Nebraska V. I. McDonall Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. it. SWEETLAND PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices W. SB* Hisums Contractor and Plasterer Phone White 70 Give me a call and get my prices. I will treat you right. Satisfaction Guaranted S. A. ALLEN, BEJTTIST, LOUP CITY, • - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. W, L. MARCY, LOUP 0ITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie. Phone, Brown 116 For a Square Deal IN Real Estate And Insurance See J. W Dougal Offce First Floor, 4 doors south of State Bank Building Warren Miller Bests Kinney Warren Miller, our local champion wrestler, went to Scotia last Thurs day evening and won over Greeley’s great mat artist in two straight falls, the first taking 50 minutes, in which Kinney escaped for that length of time every hold and grip Miller could get, our boy finally pinning the pride of the Irish to the mat with a liam merlock and crotch hold. However. Miller won the second fall in only 50 seconds with a chancery arm hold, Kinney being about all in, while Warren seemed as fresh as though he had been simply practicing a few minutes for exersise. Now, if Lee Scott of Ansley is afraid to try con clusions with Joe Stecker of Dodge, who some time ago took the measure of our local boy, as appears to be the case, we are of the opinion that if he can be secured for a go with Miller, the latter will do to him what Steck er did to Miller. Of course local fans would rather see a tussel betwem Scott and Stecker first, with Miller challenging the winner, but if that can’t be, let Scott be secured for a sacrifice to Warren.s skill and superior ability_ Burlington May Extend J. J. Cox and a Mr. Kerns, the for mer a commercial traveling freight agent and the latter connected with the same department of the Burling ton system, spent several days in this vicinity, gathering data and other material for the proposed extension of the railroad from here, it was ru mored. The gathering of freight statistics is a customary procedure before an extension is authorized, and the visit of these gentlemen has some indication that the attention of the officers of the road has been drawn and they acted with favor in ordering the statistics prepared for their enlightment. Mr. Lundy, who came up with these gentlemen, acted as their guide in showing them where the information they sought could be obtained for their reports. Both Mr. Cox and Mr. Kerns departed for Lin coln this morning. What their report will ae could not be learned. Henry Ohlsen & Son Gets Gontract Contractor Henry Ohlsen made a business trip to Greeley Monday, where they have in contemplation a new court house. Lathr Word was received from Mr. Ohlsen that he had received the contract, under the name of Henry Ohlsen & Son. Good enough, and our people will all say, Amen. All kinds of choice meats at Rey nolds’. Loup City Banquet Friday evening the Loup City Com mercial Club held the regular annual banquet, to which the St. Paul Busi nessmen’s Club was invited. For some reason or other none of the club members from here attended and they missed a great treat. There were 165 people in attendance and the banquet served by the ladies of the town would have done credit to any place twice the size of Loup City. Fourteen addresses were made after the feasting, most of them bubbling over with the booster spirit. Some J of the talks were made in the Bohe- ’ mian, Swedish and German languages. Secretary Conners of Grand Island, was among the speakers and in his address referred to three classes of work a commercial club could do—lo cal, state and municipal. He urged harmony and the burial of personal prejudices and opinions as necessary to a successful operation of a club. The Loup City Club is showing that it is a live one, out for the best inter ests of Loup City and the Republican regrets very much that the St. Paul club did not send a delegation from here to represent our city at their banquet.—St. Paul Republican. Chickens still wanted at Lee Bros, High School Notes On account of the cold weather a a few of the pupils are absent from school. The teacher taking charge of the room which was formerly taught by Miss Hazel DeCamp is Miss O’Mead. Having completed orthography in Normal Reviews the classes are now beginning a four weeks’ course in mental arithmetic. Coral Daddow, a member of the Senior Class is missing school on ac count of sickness. The Seniors are again at practice for their class play which they are expecting to give to the public in the near future. The new song books which were presented to the High School by the school board, arrived the latter part of last week. They are very nice and are appreciated by all. Frank Wheatcraft Falls 30 Feet To Death Tuesday forenoon an appalling ac cident occurred on the old Wheat craft place on Davis Creek which cost the life of the owner. There was trouble with the wind mill and the local blacksmith was called to put things to right. This mechanic got things along as far as he could without help and Frank Wheat craft went up to lend a hand. Mr. Wheatcraft was kicked in the head a year ago and had not fully re covered from the ill effects of the kick, and it was with misgivings that he went up the tower. The work was just about done and Frank had remarked that he ought not to be up there, when he evidently became dizzy. At any rate he fell to the ground, a distance of some 30 feet, and received injuries from which lie could not rally. Help was rendered to him and physicians called. Dr. Miller went from Ord, Dr. O’Neill from North Loup and there was a surgeon from Grand Island. But the condition ofj the man was sucli that no operation could be attempted. By the fall a kidney was ruptured and he bled to death internally. Very soon after the accident a swelling be gan to rise on his right side, which continued to grow as the terrible hours passed. The man was in great agony and conscious to the last. As no operation could be had that could save him the other doctors left hut Dr. Miller remained with him till the end, which came at about 3:00 3’lock yesterday morning. Tiie deceased was 41 years old on the 4th of last December. He was a single man, and a prosperous and well esteemed citizen. The funeral will be held from the G. B. church in the neighborhood at 2:00 p. m. Saturday afternoon. —Ord yuiz. Jan. .‘50. Public Sales Mrs. Evs Schmaljohn's Sale Having rented her farm, Mrs. Eva Schmaljohn will sell at her farm, 2 miles south of Rockville, Wednesday, February 12th, 1913, commencing at 1 o’clock p. m.. sharp, the following property: Four head of horses, 15 head of shoats, 30 chickens, farm ma chinery, some household goods and other articles. The usual terms of sale with a credit of 10 months will be given. A. A. Gray, auctioneer: E. Dwehus, clerk. Alfred Anderson’s Sale Having sold my farm and moving to town, I will sell at Public Auction on said farm, 1 1-2 miles northeast of Loup City, on Thursday, February 13, 1913, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp, the following property: 11 head of horses, 16 head of cattle, 8 head of Poland China hogs, 5 dozen chickens, 8 turkeys and 3 geese, four stands of \ bees, farm machinery, 22 barrel galvanized water tank, cream separator, 5 tons alfalfa, 2 tons hay, household goods of all kinds and many other things. Usual terms with a credit of 8 months. Free lunch at noon. Alfred Anderson, Owner. Col. Jack Pageler, W. F. Mason, Auctioneer. Clerk. Roy Chapman’s Sals I will sell at> Public Auction at my place 5and 1-2 miles southeast of Loup City and 3 northeast of Austin, known as the old Jake Ritz farm, on Friday, February 14, 1913, commencing at 1 o’clock, p. m., sharp, the following property : 7 head of horses, 4 head of cattle, 18 head of hogs, farm ma chinery, 3 ton prairie hay, 3 dozen chickens, household goods and other articles. Usual terms of sale with 8 months credit. Roy Chapman, Owner. Col. Jack Pageler, W. F. Mason, Auctioneer. Clerk. Fred Schneidereit’a Sale Having sold my farm I will offer at Public Auction at my farm, 1 mile north and 2 1-2 miles east of Loup City, and 1-2 mile north and 2 and 1-2 miles west of Schaupps, on Thursday, February 20,1913, commencing at 10 a. m.,sharp, the following property: 0 head of horses, 5 head of cattle, 10 head of bogs, 6 dozen chickens, farm machinery, stack of prairie hay, stack of alfalfa, 400 bushels corn, 5 bushels seed corn and numerous other articles. Free lunch at noon. Fred Schneiderelt, Owner. Jacob Albers, W. F. Mason, Auctioneer. Clerk. Teofil Kosmicki’s Sale On account of moving away 1 will sell all my property at Public sale, on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1913, on the old Lawrence Kosmicki farm, 2 miles south and 3 miles east of Ashton and 6 miles west of Farwell, the following property: 8 head of horses, 13 head of cattle, 14 hogs, farm machinery, gasoline engine, two seated carriage, household goods and other articles. Usual terms with 9 months’ credit will be given. Sale starts at 11 o’clock I and free lunch at noon. Teofil Kostnicki, Owner. Col. J. G. Pageler, Jos. Jankewski, Auctioneer. Clerk. Albert Contor'e Sale Deciding to refeovw from the country, I will offer for sale at the Gaydeski farm, half mile west and two miles north of Ashton, on Mon day, February 17, 1913, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m., sharp, the follow ing property: 8 head of horses, 42 head of cattle, 24 head of hogs, farm machinery, 40 bushels of potatoes, 2 geese, 2 ducks, an organ and other articles. Free lunch. Usual terms with 10 months time. Albert COntor, Owner. Col. Jack Pageler, S. S. Polsfei. Auctioneer. Clerk. 30th Wedding Anniversary A surprise was given at Schultz & Stickles hall last week Wednesday evening to Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Jack in honor of their 30th wedding anni versary, with a tine supper. Some 200 guests were present and the couple were presented with a dozen silver knives and forks by their friends present. The guests engaged in a social dance till near midnight, when the supper was served and then the merry revelers kept up the light fan tastic till about 2:30a. in., when all departed for their homes with remem brance of one of the most joyous oc casions of the season. AlIen-DeCamp On Tuesday morning of this week, (Feb. 4th, 1913) at the early hour of 6 o’clock, at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Flora A. DeCamp, in St. Paul, Nebr., occurred the nuptials | of our popular dentist, Dr. S. A. Allen, and Miss Hazel Beulah De Camp, one of the estimable teachers of our public schools the past few months. Ilev. Dr. D. A. Leeper of < this city officiating. The groom is one of the leading dentists of the state, having been president of the dental association of this district, and at present editor of the state dental society paper, and stands very high in the councils of his profession throughout the state.. He is not only a dentist of state rep if ^e, but is a leader among our business men and socially among the first In the younge set. The bride, while a comparative stranger to our people, lias won many friends during her few months stay with us and has proved one of our best teachers. They left shortly after the ceremony and wed ding breakfast for an absence of a week or ten days at Omaha and various points in Iowa, after which they will return to Loup City and occupy the new bungalow erected by John Ohlsen south of the U. P. depot. The best wishes of their many friends will follow them in thMr new-found happiness. They will be at home to their friends after Feb. 20th. (Jnlntrodoced Bills. The constitutional twenty days for the introduction of bills in the legis lature has dwindled close to the dis appearing point. Many crying needs remain unprovided for. Before it is everlastingly too late permit us to specify a few bills that might logically be introduced. A bill for a bounty of ten cents a dozen on weeds cut from farmers’ cornfields. A bill for the relief of farmers’ wives whose chickens die for want of fresh water. A D1U x°r iree municipal steam drying plants for tlie use of people who do not go in when it rains. A bill appropriating $1'000,000 for the encouragement of breathing in Nebraska. A constitutiontl amendment re aring the forcible feeding, through the nose if neccessary, of persons un willing to eat of their own accord. A joint resolution for a joint legis lative committee to study the prob lem of inducing people to buy goods at low prices when they could pay more. The ancient doctrine that every man must do his own swimming has apparently been outgrown. We have bills to pay people for posioning the gophers in their own alfalfa fields. Why discriminate against the weeds in the cornfield? We have bills provid ing for state and national assistance in fixing up a road to town for us. Why should the government not breathe for us, predigest our food, and supply us with common sense in general. Why, in fact, should we do any thing for ourselves. Why not esconce ourselves on flowery beds of ease and le't the government fan the flies away? The only obstacle is the fact that be hind all this charity must stand a tax payer, which is ourselves. This we strangely forget when the pie is pass ing around. State Treasurer George’s assertion that Nebraska taxes hava quintupled in ten yean ought to re mind us—and the legislature_State Journal. For Sale—Good muley cow, fresli soon, perfectly gentle, atS. M. Peter sen’s, mile west of we-t bridge. See him for price. Notice of Executor Sele of Lend In the District Court of Sherman County. Nebraska. In the matter of the application of Walter P. Reed, executor of the estate of Thomas M. Reed, deceased, for license to sell real estate. State of Nebraska, ) Sherman County, t Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the Hon. Bruno O. Hostetler, judge of the district court of Sherman count}', Nebraska, made on this 17th day of December, 1912, for the sale of real estate here inafter described, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bid der for cash, at the south and front door of the court house, in the city of Loup City, in said county, on the28th day of Feb., 1913, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots four (4) and five (5) in block seventeen (17) , lot sixteen (16) in block three (3), lots sixteen (16) and (17) in block twenty-two (22), lots fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) in block ten (10), all in original town, now city of Loup City, Nebraska, in the county of Sherman, also a certain piece or parcel of land lying in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section eighteen (18) township fifteen (15), nortli of range fourteen (14), west of the Gth P. Sherman county. Nebraska, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section eighteen (18), running thence north ninty (90) feet, to the place of begin ing: running thence north two hun dred and ten (210) feet; thence west three hundred (300) feet; thence run ning south two hundred and ten (210) feet; thence east two hundred and ten (210) feet, to place of beginning. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this 3rd day of February, 1913. Walter P. Reed, Rxeeutor of the Estate of Thomas M. Reed, deceased. (Last pub. Feb. 27] Notice for Special School Dis trict Election A special meeting or election of the egal voters of School District No. 1 )f Sherman County, Nebraska, ealled >n the written request of 280 legal voters, will be held at the school house in said district, on Saturday, the first lay of March 1913, from 8 o’clock a. m., to 6 o’clock p. m. for the purpose jf submitting to the electors of said district “The Questions”, shall the district issue it’s optional bonds in the sum trf thirty thousand dollars to purchase site and build a new school house in said district. J. S. Pedler, Director. Road Notice (McPheeters) To all whom it may concern: The Commisioner appointed to locate a road commencing at road No. 146 and running thence on section line be tween sections 22 and 27, west one mile and terminating at road No. 121, ill in town 15, range 16, has reported in favor of the establishment thereof md all objections thereto or claims for damage must be filed in the office )f the county clerk on or before noon jf the 3rd day of April, 1913, or such road will be established without refer 2nee thereto. Dated at Loup City this 21st day of | January, 1913. W. C. Deiterichs County Clerk. Last pub Feb. 20. Notice to Creditors state of Nebraska l ss i„ the Countv Court Sherman County \ ss< ln lne coullty court [n the matter of the estate of August Zel ler, deceased. ro the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at .he county court room in Loup City, In said :ounty. on the 22nd day of August. 1913. o receive and examine all claims against said ;state. with a view to their adjustment and al owance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is the 22nd iay of August A.D, 1913, and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said 22nd lay of August, 1913. Witness my hand and the seal of said county :ourt. this 24th day of January, 1913. E. A. Smith. [skalj County Judge. (Last pub. Feb. 20.) Notice of Hearing on Petition for Letters of Administration Sm“ty‘ f ss The State of Nebraska To tbe next of kin and all persons interested in tbe estate of Joseph Chelewski, deceased, late of said county: Notice is hereby given that on January 27th, 1913, a petition was filed in the County Court of said county, for the appointment of an ad ministrator of the estate of Joseph Chelewski, deceased, late of said county, and that the same was set for bearing Saturday, the 15th day February, 1913, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the office of E. A. Smith, county judge of said county, in Loup City in said county, at which time and place all per sons interested in said estate may appear and be heard concerning said appointment. Given under my hand and the seal of said court this 27th day of January, 1913. [seal] E, a. Smith, Connty Judge last pub. Feb, 13 Ordar of Hearing and Notica of Probata of Will State of Nebraska ) County of Sherman i In the County Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. To tbe heirs, legatees, devicesand to all per sons interested In the eatate of John Brown deceased. On reading the petition of David Brown praying that the instrument Hied In this court on the 18thday of January, 19l3,and pur porting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed and recorded aa the last will and testament of John Brown, deceased; that said instrument be admitted to probate and tbe administra tion of said estate be granted to said David Brown is hereby ordered that you and alljpersons interested In said matter, may. and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 18th day of February, A. D. 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. to show cause, 11 any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all per. sons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City North western a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 35th day of January. A. D., 1913. E. A. Smith [seal] County Judge (Last pub Fab. 13) (the home of( • • | Quality Groceries j ! WE SELL ALL The Breakfast Foods ALL THE Dinner and Supper Foods Also, All The Between Meal Foods, Fruits, Nuts, Confections, etc., ALL QUALITY GOODS I ^ n I I Try These—They’ll Please | Pancake Flour Apples Buckwheat Flour Oranges Corn Flakes Bananas Post Toasties Lemons Puffed wheat Grape Fruit Red Cross Oatmeal Cranberries Grape Nuts Figs Cream of wheat, Taylor’s T. Food. Dates. GHsceveR's rhe Quality House Established 1888 If it Should Rain Would Your Roof Leak? A #•/*CoQlft put it i» condition vU'O^alI L to turn water Has other uses too Arco-Sealit SEE THE Keystone Lumber Company Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville and Schaupps. COME IN and buy a pretty VALENTINE for HER, A fitting expres sion or the sentiment of the day, and your rememberance of HER, whether she be Mother, Wife, Sister, Sweet heart, or Friend. We have them from Ic to $3.£>0. All this season’s goods. You should see them. Tiie Rexall Drug Store Vaughn & Hinman lOUR COAL I When in Need of COAL or first-class Xj“a.xrLt)©r of all dimensions, We also nave a car ol Coke. We also have a good line of Fence posts, range ing in price from ten to fifty cents. Phone Red 29 and you will receive prompt attention LEININGER LUMBER COMPANY '