The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 30, 1913, Image 1

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Professions t. Cards
Attorney and Counseicr-at-Law
ft. H. MATHEW,
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City, * Nebraska.
Only set of Abstract books ia county
Office, Over New Bank.
Phone, 30. Office at Residence j
Two Doors East of Telephone Central
Laap City. - Nebraska
' 7 A. S. MAIN
Loup City, Nebr.
Office at Residence,
Telephone Connection
J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D.
Physicians and Surgeons
Plione 114 Loop City, Nebraska
V. I. McDouall
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Phone Brown 57
AND 4*^
For good clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Come and get my prices
Contractor and Plasterer
Phone W hite 70
Give me a call and get my
prices. I will treat you right.
Satisfaction Guaranted
Offioe up stairs in the new State
dank building.
* w, L. MARCY,
OFFICE: East Side Public Souaie.
Phone, Brown 116
For a Square Deal
Real Estate
And Insurance
J. W Dougal
Offce First Floor, 4
P doors south of
3tata Bank Building
Commercial Club
Election and Banquet
Last Friday night was a gala time
for the businessmen and Commercial
Club of Loup City, being tlie occasion
of the tirst anual election and ban
quet Mt our prosperous and growing
Commercial Club. A rrangements had
been made for a panquetof mammoth
porportions, delegations from all the
near-by commercial clubs being invit
ed and the members of our local Com
mercial Club having invited a large
number of those of our citizens who
were not members to join with them
in a festival of eatfest and tal kfest.
Preceding the banquet, the Com
mercial Club held its annual election
of officers at the regular Club hall, at
which the invited guests assembled
with the Club to witness the proceed
ings. and the hall was more than tilled
when the president called the meeting
to order. All business was suspen 1
ed. save the election of officers which
resulted as follows:
President—E. G. Taylor.
Vice president—C. F. Beushausen.
Secretary—W. S. Waite.
Treasurer -O. E. Longacre.
Directors—W. F. Mason, S. E. Gal
la way, Gus. Lorentz.
At the close of the election, all
other business was suspended till
Tuesday evening of this week, such
as appointment of standing commit
tees and the transaction of new and
unfinished business.
i lie banquet winch was held at the
new opera house, not being opened
till the hour of 9:30, the meeting was
adjourned at about 8:45 and the mem-1
bers and invited guests were instruct-!
ed to use the time till 9:15 in getting ;
acquainted and in social intercourse
at which time they were to proceed \
to the opera house and enjoy the 1
festivities of the hour, which was
At the stated time, the banqueters1
croke loose from the Commercial
Club rooms and went to the opera
house, where t hey found three tables
the full length of the auditorium, ■
with the speakers’ table at the lower
end, the tables capable of holding
plates for 194 members, and guests,
adorned with elegant boquets of car
nations. while the front of the stage
was beautified with potted plants and
flowers, making a sight lieautiful to 1
the eye.
The banquet had been provided by
| the ladies of the Pythian Sisterhood
l iij four courses, and was one of the
) most elegant, as well as substantial
of any ever spread before a waiting
crowd of epicureans, and presided
over in a manner well calculated to
inspire the highest enjoyment of such
| an occasion by the ladies having the
j matter in charge.
At the close of flic banquet, cigars
and sweetmeats were passed and the
toasts of the evening followed. The
toastmaster for the occasion was our
honored eitixen. John W. Long, who,
while gracing the place for the first
time in his varied history, arose to
the occasion as one to the manor
horn, and performed the very ditticul
function in a way and witli a per
fection that gave those present no
cause to doubt the above assrteion and
his introduction of the various
speakers was especially replete
; with wit and humor that made the
coming speakers go some to find ad
equate reply to their humorous as
well otherwise pleasant introduction.
It would be impossible, with the
space at command to give any concise j
or intelligent resume of the gentle- i
men responding to the toasts, hence
we will omit it all, merely saying
each and all did honor to themselves, j
and to the company in its entirety, i
Also, we simply speak of the music)
interspersed by the orchestra, duet. \
quartet and quintet as surperh, and
in perfect line with the occasion.
The program in full was as follows: (
Toastmaster—John W. Long.
Invocation—Rev. Geo. Sutherland.
The Past Year—C. F. Beusliausen,
ex-president Commercial Chib.
Civic Pride—Rev. ,J. C. Tourtellot.
Vocal Duet—Messrs. Schwaner and
I lie Scandinavian m Amercan Life
—Rev. H. Blom.
Commercial Clubs and Their Ben
efits—Secretary A.C. Conners of the
Grand Island Commercial Club, and
secretary of the State Federation of
Commercial Club secretaries.
The Mission of the German Ameri
can Citizen—Rev P. Jueling.
Quintet—Schwaner Brothers, Prof, j
Kendrick, J. C. Tourtellot and II.
Remarks— Hon. John C. Byrnes of!
Columbus, ex-chairman Democratic
State Central Committee, and one of
the leading lawyers of the state.
The^t Young Mail—Rev. George
Sntherland-of Grand Island, former
president Baptist College.
The New Court House—R. II.
Commerce as a Conqueror Hon.
Aron Wall.
Quartet -Schwaner Bros., Messrs.
Kendrick and Tourtellot.
The Future of Olir Public School
System Rev. I>r. 1). A. Beeper.
The Polish American Father B.
B. Cudzinski.
Commercial Citizenship Robert P.
During the banquet, elegant
orchestra music, by Miss Ernestine
Odendahl. pianist; O. IB Hill, Nmrtb
Boup. violin; R. If. Pritchard, cornet
and A. B. Young, trombone, gave
added enjoyment to the splendid
menu provided.
Besides the speakers from a dis
tance. mentioned in the program,
there were delegations present from
Grand Island, Boelus, Rockville. Ash
ton. and other near-by towns, who
came as guests of the Commercial
Club or individual members thereof.
All in ail. the event was one of the
most successful, most enjoyable,
darned forward on the smoothest
machinery and with absolutely no
friction from any source, and the
event and result will always be re
membered with pleasure by the mem
bers of the Commercial Club and the
guests at this greatest of Loup City
Adjourned Meeting of
Commercial Club.
Tuesday evening was held the ad
journed meeting of the Commercial
Club to transact the unfinished busi
ness left over from the meeting on
the evening of the banquet, the club
at that time electing ollicars and tak
ing a recess till Tuesday evening to
finish the work before it. A very in
teresting meeting was held and many
matters threshed out of particular
interest for the coming year. The
following standing committees were
named by President Taylor:
Finance—O.L. Swanson, O.E. Long
acre and VV. S. Waite.
Publicity—J. W. Burleigh, Lou
Schwaner and E. F. Jones.
Roads—A.E. Chase, J.W. Long and
H. W. Pedler.
County Affairs—J. P. Leininger, C.
F. Beushausen and W. F. Mason.
Municipal—Win. Larsen, B.J.Night
ingale and S. N. Sweetland.
Township- A. 3. Outhouse, S. E.
Callaway and T. II. Eisner.
Foreign Solicitors-O. C. Carlsen, J.
C. Vaughn and II. Krebs.
Miscellaneous—R. H. Mathew, H.
Jenner and W. T. Chase.
Special Sale on Dry Goods
At Vic Swanson’s, Commencing Friday, Jan. 31, ’13
And lasting 10 days only
I am not going to try and pull tne wool over your eyes by telling you I am overload
ed on goods, owing to the weather conditions, etc., but I am having this sale to give you
all a chance to pick up some real bargains. Now is the time to do up your spring sew
ing. , One lot of calico 5c yd. yot outing flannel, 10c quality at 7 l-2c yard
Percales, worth 10 and 12 l-2c yard, now 7 l-2c. Serpentine crepe, beautiful patterns
worth 20c, at this sale 13c. Ginghams worth up to 12 1-2, special at 8c per yard
French gingham, the very finest, worth 25c yd, now 17 l-2c.
Curtain scrim in different designs, worth 25c now 18c. Curtain scrim in different de
signs, worth 50c, now 29c. Pillow tubing, 25c quality, linen finish, special 19c.
A large lot of other bargains to numerous to mention.
If you want a bargain don’t fail to attend this Sale.
We will also give 10 per cent off on all other drygoods and Shoes until
February 5th, 1913.
The House of Quality and Low prices j
Wrestling Match
Warren Miller liasa wrestling match
on for tonight at Scotia with Geo.
Kinney of Greeley. Kinney is said to
be a mighty good man and the pride
of the wrestling fans of his home
town, who thinks him mighty near
invincible. However, Warren Miller
will likely take his measure tonight
at Scotia.
Runs Pitchfork
Tines into Foot
Dr. Carrie L. Bowman was called to
the home of H. A. Jung, Jr., a few
miles south of town, last Saturday
evening, to attend the injuries re
ceived by Mr. Jung, resulting from
stepping on a pitchfork, which badly
pierced the foot. She dressed the
wounded member and at last accounts
the patient was doing well, the only
danger to be feared being blood poison
ing, the tines of the pitchfork being
badly rust eaten.
Many amusing episodes occurred at
the banquet, outside of the wit and
humor provided by the toastmaster
and speakers, and the good cheer,
! repartee and side remarks between
' guest at the tables was worth many
i times the price of admission. A vex
ed question of whether cream and
j sugar should be used in bbuillon was
settled in the affirmative by a number j
! of the banqueters, and their wives
have decided that prior to future
functions of the kind they will have
schools of instruction for their hub
bies. However, one particular ban
queter, who had evidently been par
tially “put next’’ by his better-half,
and wished to correct his side-partner,
called out in a stage whisper, heard
the distance of a dozen guests either
way: “This is not coffee, this issoup,”
and was the last straw that broke the
camel's back of reserve and the fun
merged in a riot of humorous pas
sages extending the length of the
banquet room.
The editor, in company with Col.
Jack Pageler and John W. Long, took
in the big public sale of Jacob Contor,
four miles south of Ashton, Tuesday.
It proved tiie biggest sale, the big
gest crowd and one of the most suc
cessful of any of the sales so far this
season. There was a crowd estimated
at 250 persons, and the bidding was
brisk and generous. The stuff
brought something like $5,000 and
Col. Pageler had the great crowd in
the best humor and bidding the high
est one could wish. For instance,
cows brought as high as $85 to $87,
coming yearling calves at as high as
$27.50, while sucking calves brought
up to $13. Tiie hogs went lively at
about $25 to $27, while the horses
ranged from $60 to $140. In fact
everything went at most satisfactory
prices and Mr. Contor was immensely
pleased with the outcome. Our Col.
Pageler did hirasjlf proud in his sell
ing even to the smallest items, and
from all over the grounds could be
heard words most highly commenda
tory of his ability as an auctioneer.
Jack is certainly forging to the front
most rapidly.
Additional Electric
Light Subscribers
Following is a list of additional
electric light users since our last ic
port a few wee o* sim *:
Hailey, E. P.. residence.
Biehl, Cha .. residence.
Dinsdale, Robert, residence.
Enderiee. A. L., residence.
Eisner, H. M., store.
George. Gus., residence.
George, Henry, residence.
Kenyan, O. I)., residence.
I. O. O. F., ball.
Johansen, Janies, residence.
Lyons, L. S., residence.
Leininger, J. P., residence.
Marcy, Dr. W. L., residence.
Mathew, R. II., office.
May, Mrs. Annie, residence.
Opera House.
Changes Made in
Keystone Yards
There ware several changes made
in the personel of the local mana
gers of the Keystone Co.’s yards at
the various points, the changes con
templated being settled last week
Wednesday evenihg. T. R. Lay,
manager of Lite Rockville yards has
been transferred to Loup City, F. A.
Dunker of the Schaupps yards is
transferred to Rockville, and L. E.
Schumann of Ashton will have charge
of the yards at Schaupps. There will
be no change in the yards at Ashton.
Proposed Law
Knocks Printer s
Here is some pleasing dope for
newspapers, especially the last para
graph, which as you see provides that
no mercenary millionaire newspaper
shall run any risk of becoming a
multi-millionaire at the hands of any
candidate or set of candidates, and if
he says anything favoring any
candidate lie must do it for love only.
The first paragraph is that all politi
cal dope favoring any candidate shall
have at its head the words "Political
Advertisement”. Yet in reading the
two paragraphs, they seem to conflict,
in that the last paragraph denies the
right of the paper to receive any pay
for political matter favoring a candi
date, while the first paragraph defines
the action to be taken when articles
are paid for oi to be paid for. Evi
dently the Fillmore man lias been too
Heast.v in getting up his proposed law
and has things somewhat mixed:
"Ileasty of Fillmore has a bill which
provides that no publisher of a news
paper or other periodical shall insert
in his publication anv political
matter paid for, or to be" paid for,
which will tend to influence any
voter, unless that article has printed
in pica typa at tho head, ‘‘Pvilitical
Advertisement,” with a statement of
the amount paid therefor, with the
name and address of the candidate
and also the person authorizing the
publication and the author thereof.
Any person holding an office who re
ceives more than $300 salary or any
candidate for office who owns any in
terest in any newspaper shall file in
the office of the county clerk a state
ment showing how much financial in
terest he has in any newspaper pub
lishing any politial articles other
than provided for above.
No reporter, agent of a paper or
editor shall receive any compensation
from any candidate for office or prom
ise of any kind for publishing anv
article favoring his candidacy, and
any fraction of the above act shal 1
cause the infractor to be assessed a
fine of not less than $5 nor more than
Ford Automobile
To Be Given away
Beginning next week and running
fora couple of months the Northwest
ern places the gift of a Ford run
about within the reach of some wom
an, young lady or little girl absolute
ly free. They can get the auto with
out the cost of a dollar to themselves
if they getoutand work. The North
western has started a subscription
contest, the first it has ever made,
and all the winner has to do is to get
out and hustle for the necessary sub
scriptions that will give her the ma
jority of votes in the contest. Let
every one read the big announcement
on the eighth page of the paper and
find out what is necessary to secure
the auto. It is certainly worth try
ing for. Some one is bound to get
the fine little Ford runabout, and why
not you? The Ford has been pur
chased of A. C. Ogle and is now to be
seen at his garage. J ust think, win
ning a $565 auto without a cent of
cost for the same. And if you work
for votes, if you should even come out
second, third or fourth in the contest
there will be special prizes, to be an
nounced later, which will well repay
you for any sacrifice of time and
energy made. Next week we will
give further information regarding
the contest. In the meantime get
ready to enter the contest and be the
one who will be winner of an auto.
Early Easter
Easter comes this year on March
23, the earliest since the year 1858,
or in plain figures, the earliest in 55.
(the home of|
• l
| Quality Groceries |
lie Breakfast Foods
Dinner and Supper
i Also, All The Between Meal Foods,
| Fruits, Nuts, Confections, etc.,
i __
_I g| Igg |
| Try These They’ll Please |
Pancake Flour Apples
Buckwheat Flour Oranges
Corn Flakes • Bananas
Post Toasties Lemons
Puffed wheat Grape Fruit
Red Cross Oatmeal Cranberries
Grape Nuts Figs
Cream of wheat, Taylor’s T. Food, Dates.
The Quality House Established 1888
If it Should Rain
Would Your Roof Leak?
A rdA will put it in condition
bU'Oodlll to turn water
Has other uses too Argo-Sealit
Keystone Lumber Company
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville
and Schaupps.
an easy chair, and a pleasant
fireside. WHAT is better to
while s.way these loDg winter
evenings? We bought about
half a hundred good Copy
right BOOKS at *» big reduc-1
tion, BOOKS that usually
sell at $1.25 and $1.60 per
copy, and NEXT SATUR
DAY ONLY we will sell
these BOOKS at
90c the COPY
Next Saturday only, lake advj
provide yourself and family with
The Rexall Di
mtage of this opportunity to
good reading.
rug Store
ighn & Hinman
When in
Need of
or first-class
of all dimensions,
We also nave a car ot Coke.
We also have a good line of Fence posts, range
ing in price from ten to fifty cents.
Phone Red 29 and you will receive prompt attention