The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 16, 1913, Image 1

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_ ___ - - -1 - - -
Did; It Ever Strike
you how careful a druggsit has to be iu
all his operations if he is a successful aid to
your physician? His prescription scab s must be just
right, his drugs must be pure, bis knowledge must be
accurate and above all his mind must be on his work.
If you watch a conscientious druggist like we pride ourselves
on being—compounding a prescription, you will see an object
lesson on a serious phasiof life—the tight with illness and death
Bring your prescription here to day.
Swanson & Lofholm
Have a Business Home
Call todav and let 113 start vou on the
«/ *
road to prosperity. We not only accept
your deposits, keep your money safely
and render you every possible accommo
dation that the best banks in the country
can render, but we will take care of your
valuable papers and give you our assis
tance in any business transaction free of
charge. We invite you to make our
bank your business home.
<n. f. Mason, prest. H. B. Outhouse, Vfcc-pres'
L. fianscn, Cashier
A. B. C. and Advo Groceries
Golden Sun Teas and and Coffees, Iten’s
Cookies and Crackers
All kinds of Breakfast Foods
Good Potatoes
and Apples
At R. L. ARTHUR S, Store.
Commenceing Sat. January 18,1913
The Loup City Mill and Light Co
Want to Make The
Flour you need to keep you alivt
f And furnish light so you can see
i We are always ready
Miller Bests
S. Mogenson
The wrestling match at the new
opera house last Thursday evening
was one of the most interesting of
an;: held here this season. A much
larger number of ladies was present
than at previous mat games, and a
good percentage of lovers of that
athletic sport were also present to
witness the game.
The wrestling came off after the
picture show, the first being a pre
liminary between Clarance Miller
and Earl Hancock, a very spirited
contest in which Miller’s superior
knowledge of the game gave him the
best over Hancock only after fifteen
minutes and was exciting as you
could wish.
Following the above came another
preliminary between Arthur Han
cock and Lester Hiddleson. The boys
not having any experience to speak
of went at it hammer and tongs from
tire first clinch, and gave a ten-minute
contest that was worth the whole
price of the show and ended in a draw.
After this came the big card, be
tween Warren Miller, our local cham
pion, and S. Mogensen of Bancroft.
As the men came togetlitr at the
call of referee. Miller at once took tl e
offensive, throwing Mogensen to the
mat, and from that time on till the
end of 5tj minutes, when Miller pinned
Mogensen's shoulders to the mat
with the liammerlock and crotch
hold. Mogensen pat in all his skill
and strength on the defensive, being
unable to get up and try conclusions,
but in the endless times lie wriggled
out of close combinations, he received
countless applause from those present,
iinu at uie ciose oi tne lau was uie
recipient of warm applause for his
skillful and plucky fight. After ten
minutes' recess, the big fellows again j
came on the mat, when Miller again
took the aggressive and Mogensen
dropped to the mat, but Miller went
at it again with a suprising spurt of
strength and speed and at the end of
live minutes he had whirled his ad
versary overhead and down to the
mat, pinning his shoulders with the
scissors hold, and was declared winner.
The contest was carried on with the
utmost good nature, the heavyweights
clasping hands and congratulating
each other over their work. Mogensen
acknowledged that after the first few
minutes he knew he had not the least
chance of throwing Miller, and his
only aim was to keep from being
pinned to the mat and the wrestle
result in a draw. Miller on the other
hand said he had not met an adversary
who so persistently refused to be
thrown, and thought him a wonder
on the defense. Mogensen is 2^ years
of age, weighed 172 pounds and this
was his sixth wrestle. He worked in
the creamery here some two years
ago, and was known to many present.
He is a pleasant, civil and gentleman
ly young man and made friends of all
he met here at the contest. He told
the reporter he hoped to visit us again
and in better shape the next time.
Miller showed much greater speed,
strength, endurance and knowledge
of the points of the game than ex
hibited in previous matches, and we
believe if he keeps on will soon be
one of the big guns at the game.
For information of improvements
on Bookwalter lease at one-third crop
and taxes, write Chas. Neuman, North
Loup, Nebr. jan. 16
Dr Vallier, Osteopath, Grand Island
Contest Case
At the hearing of the county at
torneyship contest case before the
county court last Thursday, and the
arguments of the learned counsel,
Prince of Grand Island for the defense
and Nightingale & Son for the prose
j cution, being heard Judge Smith,
■ struck out all of the complaint per
taining to the corrupt practices act,
[as not under the jurisdiction of his
i court, as he understood it, and fixed
today (Thursday) for hearing on that
portion not stricken out. On Monday
of this week, the attorneys for the
prosecution filed with his honor their
objections to his ruling out t^e cer
tain portions, claiming he erred in so
doing, and asking for an immediate
hearing on this latter, but as the de
fense was in attendance on the federal
court at Grand Island, the judge could
not fix for the immediate hearing,
the time to be set later when the de
fense could be present. As we under
stand the decision of the county court,
there was a law passed in 1879, relat
ing to contests, and were to be heard
before tne county court first. In
1899 came the corrupt practices act,
on which said county courts have no
jurisdiction, but must be taken direct
to the district court. These are
claimed to be two separate and dis
tinct laws, hence in the opinion of
the county court it had no jurisdic
tion over questions Cominar up under
the corrupt practices act and threw
them out. This last act of the prose
cution is complaint of error on the
part of the court In so doing, and
that all three former complaints
come properly before the lower court.
And so the matter rests at the present
Sensational Suit
For $5,000
A suit was tiled a few days ago in
the District court by Joseph Kowalew
ski against Ed. Flynn, with whom is
impleaded Wm. Graefe for thesumof
*5.000, the suit arising from a trouble
which arose in Graefe’s saloon on the
22nd of last J une between Kowalew
ski, who was bartender in the saloon
at the time and Flynn, a farmer living
a few miles southwest of this city.
The Northwestern will not at this
time state any of the circumstances
which occured at the time, not wish
ing to say anything which might prove
prejudicial in advance of the hearing
and trial of the case. The local law
yers employed in the impending suit
are Judge Aaron Wall for the plain
tiff and R. P. Starr for defendants
Lard cans for sale at 20c each at
J uug & Melberg’s Bakery.
Nftws From Lincoln
There will be something doing tills
winter at your state capital and you
wHl want to keep tabon it. Laws will
be made that will affect you directly,
no matter how much or how littleyou
own. Watch your home representa
tive and see how he stands on all these
questions. If you want a real, live,
progressive, fearless, and out-spoken
newspaper, right from the seat of war,
send &0 cents to The Lincoln Daily
News and you will receive that big
daily during the whole session of the
legislature. The paper will stop when
the time is up. Send 50 cents today
and the paper will start at once.
Editorial Household
Stricken With Grief
Last Saturday, the editor's wife re
ceived a letter from Fitchburg, Calif,
a suburb of Oakland, containing the
i sad news of the death of her sister,
Mrs. Helen J. Dodds, who bad passed
away on the preceding Sunday, .Ian..
5th. at 5:30 in the afternoon. The
latter was from the stricken husband,
j The sister was taken ill a few dajs
previous to tier death with lobar
| pneumonia, her condition growing
rapidly worse till the end. The news
j came as a terrible shock to both tiie
editor's wife and her aged mother whd
i is spending the' winter with u-, as
I letters had been received regularly
; from the sister, who spoke of tier ex
cellent health, lienee there was no
warning to the editorial household of
the heart sickening stroke they re
ceived. Deceased had visited us
sjme live years ago accompanied by
her husband, and made many friends
who will regret the sorrowful news
of herdeatli and will sympathize with
the aged mother and sister in their
deep grief in the loss of a loving
daughter and sister.
university Notes
Don Charlton, Ed Ohlsen, Clitl'ord
Rein. Fritz Leschinsky. Chris Soren
sen, Zelpha Reed and Winnie Out
house make up the list of Loup City
high school graduates now attening
the University of Nebraska.
Clifford Rein has joined the Silver
Lynx, a fraternal organization.
Chris Sorensen attended a party
given by Miss Olive McCray at Wes
leyan University.
Winnie Outhouse is a coming Phi
Beta Kappa.
Notice of Executrix's Sale of Land
In the District Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
Ida Betts, executrix of the estate
of William E. Betts, deceased, for
license to sell real estate.
State of Nebraska.)
Sherman County, j
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Hon. Bruno
O. Hostetler, judge of the district |
court of Sherman county, Nebraska,
made on the 17th day of December.
1912, for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described, there will be !
sold at public vendue, to the highest j
bidder for cash, at the south and 1
front door of the court house, in the
city of Loup City, in said county, on
the 21st day of January, 1913, at the
hour of one o'clock in the afternoon,
the fallowing described real estate, to
wit: A piece or parcel of landsituate
in the city of Loup City, in Sherman
county. Nebraska, and’being part of |
lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and
fifteen (15) in block five (5) in the
original town, now city of Loup City,
and which is more particularly de- j
scribed as follows; to-wit: Commenc- !
ing at a point on the south line of
said lot thirteen (13). thirty (30) feet
east of the southwest corner of said
lot thirteen (13), running thence north
and parallel with the west line of said
block (5), seventy-five (75) feet to the
north line of said lot fifteen (15), run
ning thence east and along the north
line of said lot fifteen (15) twenty-five
(25) feet, running thence south and
parallel with the west line of said
block five (5) to the south line of said
lot thirteen (13), and running thence
west along the south line of said lot
thirteen (13) twenty-five (25) feet to
the place of beginning, subject to all
liens and encumbrances existing at
the death of the said William E. Betts.
Said sale will remain open for one
Dated this 23rd day of December,
1912. Ida Betts,
Executrix of the Estate of William E.
Betts, deceased.
Last pub. Jan 16
Treasurer of Sherman County, Nebraska, from July 1st, 1912, to January 1st, 1913.
(ini | KrTin\«> nv trakn' Balance iColl’ct ns I Balance
Balance on hand Julv 1st 191‘» *72 609 10 NAMES OF on hand from Disburse- Trans- Trasf'r'd[Commis- on hand
sssassi^r *r- « re™* <s,'|»s. —. *&'■
1908,’.... 8 89 —11^^**—***—W- 1 . - -
“ •* 1909,... 14 77 State Funds .I 1.039 11*12,282 18 $ 7,878 52; | $ 500 11 * 4.932 70
•' 1910,. .. 237 68 fountv General ... 4.106 45 7,817 10 7.892 03 S 1.220 34 1.030 88 4.231 07
“ •• 1911. 20.538 91 County Int. Bon'd. 3.550 80 4.774 03 7,078 85 I ; 1.245 98
• •• 1912,... 42.293.01 county Road ... .! 2 194 58 429 99 838 10 1.786 47
County Bridge. 7.228 05 4,774 27 6,805 5* 5.106 75
Emergency Bridge.I 2.«j» 68 4 73 2.858 41
Counts Poor Farm. 1.-J0 34 * 1..20 34
Soldiers Relief. 322 21 04] , 322 25
Dlst School 22.090 16 19.597 17 ] 25,473 39 16 87 411 061 15 786 01
Dist! School Bond. 1.848 83 967 23 626 35 16 87 20 091 2,186 49
Townshih Funds. 11,015 28 14,010 53 14,652 85 754 96 9,618 Ou
Township Bonds. 14,745 04 2,275 54 1.471 96 120 90 15,127 72
Loup City Village.. . 820 44 1.196 67 1,500 00 63 .17 , 453 54
Litchfield Village. 475 06 180 00 20 36 247 83
Litchfield Vil. Bond. i45 22 353 14 15 n2 482 84
Ashton Village. 37 21 349 56 110 00 15 79 280 98
Rockville Village. 17 05 219 01 1 9 68 226 38
Fines 35 00 170 00 205 00
Printers’fund. 204 98 63 20 80 2 14 1 86 04
Permanent Road Fund 274 26 102 *0 6 03 370 23
Redemptions. 34 95 2,098 6.1 -.130 40 23 20
Fees.. 37 to S4 5)0.
School Lands. 5,036 38 Institu^Fund^^^. __I24J>4 ^ 280 00;^2510o 153 54
U isce llaneomf col lee t ion» .......'.... 3.M2 2 _ .JoUl . {- ™-J* «,294 69 * 77.059 02 1,237 211 1.237 21 $ 3.063 34 $ 66,131 43
Total.5555TS .i i !
Litchfield overdraft.*26 87_
Amount of Money In Depositories and In Office:
Items in Office:—
! Cash. S 70 36
Deposited in banks:
The First National Bank of Loup City. 22,460 96
' Loup City State Bank. 17,505 49
First National Bank of Litchfield. 8.000 00
Bank of Ashton. . 7,500 00
Bockville State Bank. 3,500 00
Hazard State Bank. 2,500 00
i Ashton State Bank. .. 5,000 00
Nebraska Fiscal Agency, New York. 173 96
Total.| 66,719 77
Less balance of coin . . 588 34
Total.$ 66.131 43
State of Nebraska )
County of Sherman}ss
I, F. M. Henry, treasurer of said
county, do solemnly swear that the fore
g'ing statement is correct, -as I verily be
lieve. F. M. Henry, Treasurer
By Pearl Needham, Deputy.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
before me this 7th day of Jan. 1913.
W. C. Deiterichs County Clerk.
Examined by County board and found
correct. Approved Jan. 7th 1913.
i [seal] J. H. Welty, Chairman Co. Board.
Quality Groceries j
‘ I
1 Huy
,l our uroeenes Here
They Bring Peace To Every Family
Making Hunger Disappear
t-~—1 m & I_,
I Try These—They’ll Please |
Evaporated Prunes Lirra Beans
Peaches Scotch Peas
Apricots Navy Beans
Raspberries Rice
Ra?sins Tapioca
Currants Spaghetti
The Quality House Established 1888
Fuel For Your Base Burner
AVe have just unloaded a car of Youghiogheny
coke, nut size, just the thing for your base burner.
It makes a good clean fuel to handle and makes
lots of heat.
This is a car of 72 hour Eastern coke and it is |
the best coke that is shipped to this part of the
country. No impurities in this. Nothing but heat.
Get a load and see how nicely it takes the place
of hard coal. AVa have it here at Loup City.
Keystone Lumber Company
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville
and Schaupps.
A Little Cold. Don't
allow it to run on until it be
RIOUS, We ba*e REM1
DIES calculated to assist na.
ture in counteracting the ef
fects of a cold, thereby avoid
Wc especially RECCOM
MEND Rexall Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup, Rexall White
|Pine and Tar, Rex^i Order
* lies and Nebraska Cold
The Rexall Drug Store
Vaughn & Hinman
When in
Need of
or first-class
of all dimensions,
We also have a car of Coke.
We also have a good line of Fence posts, range
ing in price from ten to fifty cents.
Phone 2 on 9 and you will receive prompt attention