The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 09, 1913, Image 1

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    tuu HUtorlcal Society
Loup City Northwestern
If It is inconven
ient to bring your order personally
send it by phone. We welcome phone orders
and will see that they are sent to you as
quick as a messenger can bring them.
Phone No. 0
Swanson & Lofholm
r . J
! Have a Business Home
l _mmmm————^^— !
; I
Call today and let us start you on the j
) road to prosperity. We not only accept ,|
| your deposits, keep your money safely j
| and render you every possible accommo- ij
j dation that the best banks m the country I
j can render, but we will take care of your |
"j valuable papers and give you our assis
3 tance in any business transaction free of j
j charge. We invite you to make our !
j bank your business home.
1 |
J HI. f. Preet. H. B. Outhou6e, VIce-pres'
? L.. Bansen, Cashier
Sneak Thief Steals
Purse From Pratt
On New Year's day, some sneak 1
thief stole a purse from S. A. Pratt
at the pool room containing some $7.50
in money. Mr. Pratt inadvertantly
left the pocketbook on the counter
while he went to the back part of
the hall and when he returned it was
gone. There was a large crowd in
the hali at the time and the thief
took advantage of the fact to snatch
the purse. He lias a pretty good idea
who did it, but lacks evidence neces
sary to fasten the guilt on the party.
Judge Hunter
Loves Florida
Our old friend, Judge Hunter, in
sending in dough for another year of
Northwestern visits, writes thus en
tertaingly of his new home at Zephyr
hills, Florida: “I wish you a Happy
New Year, and hope you will brace
up under the democratic administra
tion. Everything is democratic down
here. Chet Tracy and wife are en
joying themselves in our sunny cli
mate, eating grape fruit and oranges.
They visit Tampa on the Gulf tomor
row. I enclose $1.50 on subscriotion.
I)o not stop the paper unless 1 tell
you to. Regards to all our friends,”
Warren Miller Wins
Over Burwell Man
Warren Miller, our local wrestler,
went up to Burwell last Friday and
in a mat game with Wilson, a local
wrestler of that town, won in two
straight falls, the first taking 19 min
utes and 50 seconds, and the second
fall in 6 minutes. This evening Mil
ler goes against Mogenson. a Bancroft
product, at the new opera house, and
our people may confidently expect a
lively tussle, as the Bancroft man is
6aid to be one of the best locals in
the state.
The purse, minus the money was
found on the atreet later.
Brickyard Burned
Loss About $12,000
Last Thursday evening about 6:15,
while our people were engaged in eat
iDg their suppers, an alarm of lire
was turned in, proving to be the big
brick-making plant of Henry O'nlsen
in the south part of town. Within a
few minutes the entire plant was in
flames and by 7 o’clock all was in
ruins, save two or three adjoining
small office and storage buildings.
The yard was situated some two or
more blocks from the nearest tire plug,
hence sufficient hose and water pres
sure could not be secured to more than
help save a few minor buildings on
the outskirts of the yard proper. The
loss entails the great sheds over the
brick kilns, the tine machinery recent
ly installed to do the latest and most
up-to-date work, including an *1,800
Corliss engine only placed a few
months ago. There was practically
no insurance on the plant, the ratsson
such being so high as to make inj
surance impracticable. The origin of
the tire, so far as we can learn, was
in two younger sons of Mr. Ohlsen,
who had been sent to fill a can with
gasoline from the tank, and without
realizing the danger attached thereto
upon mislaying the cork to the can
lighted a match to find the same, re
sulting as might be expected in a con
flagration. Tlie tire came so suddenly
that the boys had scarcely time to
escape from the building, one of them
having to break a window in the rear
to getout, and only then escaped with
ids face and head seared with the
flames and the hair on his head par
tially burned therefrom. This makes
the largest lire loss ever suffered by
Loup City, and a very heavy loss t•
our enterprising contractor. Of
j course, the millions of brick in store
I and partially burned are as good as
j ever, and that is so much to the good,
■but it will be some time before Mr.
! Ohlsen can hope to have the yard in
| shape it was before the fire, but as
you can’t down a good man, Mr.
Ohlsen may be expected to rise
Phoenix-like from the ashes of the
past and continue to be the great
j financial factor to Loup City and the
public in the future that lie has been
| in the many years gone by.
Ducks by Parcels
Post Don’t Go
Says Grow
Lee Brothers thought to play a
practical joke on Postmaster Grow at
the beginning of the parcels post
regime, New Year’s Day. Hitching
a halter strap to a big fat duck and
labeling the same with a card desig
nating the party to whom sent, the
boys carried Mr. Waddler to a mail
route wagon and dumped her in.
Carrier Williams being onto the game
led the thing into the sacred precincts
of Uncle Sam and tied it to a table
leg while our busy Nasby was sorting
mail. Dar spotting the parcels post
contribution from a distance, pro
claimed that under the new law it
could not go. “Eat it, then, and send
the Drice to the consignee,” respond
ed the carrier; “it lias no name of con
signor.” After looking at the feath
ered product and voicinir the inner
man demands, the jolly postmaster
could see no other wav, unless lie pre
sented it. to the ubiquitous carrier
law expounder, and as nothing in the
law gave him the right to sell, give
away or throw out live mail matter,
he concluded to hold fast to what he
had and await the action of the de
partment on the course to pursue.
However, upon nearer exam, he was
able to settle the question to his en
tire satisfaction and says it made line
eating, and will settle more vexed
questions coming his way in the duck,
goose, chicken or any other feathered
If you have a horse or a mule to
sell, call phone 5-on-88.
Myrl. A. Warrick.
Had to Take OH
Stolen Underwear
Last Friday a party came down
from Arcadia and entered a complaint
against a fellow who had been hang
ing around town with having stolen a
suit of underwear from him at our
suburban village to the north a short
time previous. Our officers being
“from Missouri-’ had to be shown,
hence the fellow was taken over to
County Attorney Starr’s and made to
'disrobe and the stolen suit was found
on him. It was pealed off, given to
t the owner, and $l.dO found on the
fellow was taken to indemnify
the “shown” and the fellow was turned
loose with his few remaining “sum
mer” togs on. He was threatened
with a sentence in the county bastile,
but as tie signified that would be a
pleasant passtime during the remain
ing wintry days and ease him through
the cold weather, he was turned loose
Lard cans for sale at 20c each at
.1 uug & Melberg’s Bakery.
Wiggle Creek
A party was given at Art Wilson’s
Saturday evening. Only a small crowd
was present, but they report a good
Miss Zelda Peugh. visited her sister,
Mrs. R.W. Curry, during the holidays.
Freddie Stark was taken to Rock
ville and had his tonsils removed
Miss Lottie Bushong returned to
her school duties near Lincoln, after
spending her vacation with friends on
Wiggle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. McBeth spent Xmas
with the former's father in Polk.
They returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, Mr. and
Mrs. Webster from Osceola, Harry
Rutherford, Miss Ice, Mrs. Gunn and
Mr. and Mrs Ernest Daddow took
supper at H. W. Brodock’s Friday
Henry Goodwin and family, Mr.
and Mrs. RobertHolmes, Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Curry and Miss Zelda Peugh
ate New Year’s dinner at Wilber
Edgar Foster and Ray McCullough
were both carriers on Route 2 last
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gunn are here
visiting from Illinois. They seemed
glad to shake hands with old .friends
Miss Lulu McFadden attended a
class party at Arlie Coming’s Satur
day evening.
Miss Bogseth returned from Eric
son Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhl and two
youngest children and Mr. and Mrs,
Bichel and two daughters went to
Iowa to attend the funeral of Mrs,
Kuhl's and Mr. Bichel’s sister.
Mrs. Jorgenson has not entirely re
covered from her injuries received
Christmas night in their runaway.
Poland Chinas for Sale
About twenty ..head of young pure
bred Poland China boars for sale, of
the big-bonad type, sired by such boars
as Gold Dust Hadley, Sampson, Grand
Look and Long Look. Phone 6 on 96.
M. A. Gilbert,
Loup City, Nebr.
Gmmeccial tClub
Aunual Election
With Banquet
At a special meeting of the Com
mercial Club on Monday night of this
week the matter olja road north to
the county line taken up and
committee selected to go before the
countysupervisors ijn advocacy of same
the committee being those who had
gone over the proposed road last week
to see the sit uation.
A resolution expressing sympathy
for Mr. Henrv Ohlsen in the destruc
tion of his brick yard and extending
the aid and good will of the Commer
cial Club and in hopes he will rebuild
the same, was passed unanimously.
It was decided to hold an annual
banquet on the 24th of this month,
at the time of the annual election of
officers, the same to be held at the
new opera house, after the election,
which will be held at the club rooms.
Two committees were selected by the
president to look after the matter of
the banquet and provide for enter
tainment at same, as follows: Enter
tainment, John W. Long, W, D. Zim- j
merman and J. VV. Burleigh; Banquet
S. E. Galloway, A. E- Chase and Wm.
Larsen, the above committies having
the ent ire matter in ciiarge.
Last week, Col. J. G. Pageler, ac-,
companied by his bijotlier, Will Page
ler, and wife, and Miss Grace Adam
son of this city, went to Cedar Bluffs,
Xebr., to be present at the nuptials
of his sister, Miss Wiebke Pageler.
and Mr. Robert Fleming which occur
ed New Year's Eve. The bride is
well known to many of our people,
having visited her brothers here in
the past. Following is an account of
the interesting affair taken from the
Standard published in that villiage:
Impressive and beautiful in its sim
plicity was the quiet home wedding
of Miss Wiebke Pageler and Mr.
Robert Fleming at the home of the
bride's parents on Tuesday Dec. 31.
The ceremony being performed by
Rev. August Lambrecht, of Blair,
Nebr. Oply the immediate families
and a few -friends of the bride- and
and groom were present. Just before
ceremony Miss Malinda Pageler sang,
“O Promise me,” Mendelssohn's wed
ding march was then played by Miss
Catherine Pageler. The bride and
groom then entered and took their
places in the corner of the parlor
which was decorated in ferns and
smilax. The minister used a very
beautiful and impressive service unit
ing the happy couple who stood un
attended. The bride was beautifully
gowned in white Marqusette over
Messaline trimmed in bonding, with
clusters of rhinestones. Her only or
nament was a diamond and pearl La
Yaliere, the gift of the groom. She
carried a lovely bouquet of bridal roses.
The gooom wore the conventional
v After the ceremony and congratula
tions, a delightful three course din
ner was served. The center piece be
ing a pan of white Hyacinth surround
ed by ferns and smilax. Mr. and Mrs.
Fleming left on the three o'clock
tran for a short honeymoon Mas.
Fleming wearing a going-away suit of
brown. The bride is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pageler, and Mr.
Fleming is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Fleming. Both have been
raised in this community and are
held in high esteem.
Many beautiful and useful presents
were given by those present and ab
On their return Mr. and Mrs. Flem
ing will occupy their new home which
was built^by the groom's father, and
their many friends will wisli them
a happy and prosperous life,—Cedar
Bluffs Standard.
Cards have been issued from this
office announceng the marriage of
Miss Grace Caroline Leeper, daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Leeper of the
First Methodist church of this city
to Mr. Frederick Morby, on January
I, 1913, at Sidney, Nebr., the Rev. E.
J. Hays of the M. E. church of that
city, officiating. The newly married
couple will be at home to all their
friends after January 15th at Pine
Bluffs, Wyo. While the bride is a
daughter of our popular Methodist
pastor, she has not made this her
home, having been proving up on her
homestead near Pine Bluffs, Wyo., on
which the couple will reside. The
groom is said to be a young man of
exceptionally good qualities. The
Northwestern wishes for the youmg
people a long, happy and prosperous
wedded life.
A marriage license was issued by
County Judge Smith on New Year’s
Day, the couple being Chas. Jameson
and Mrs. Sidney Emerick, both of
Arcadia, and were also united in
wedlock by our urbane judge. We
understand the bride is a cousin of
Alex and L. K. Baillie of this county.
i County Attorneyship
Contest Gase
Monday was the day for ai swer by
the defense in tin county attorney
ship contest. Fisher vs Pedler. and
on that day the defense through its
attorney, YV. A. Princa of Grand
Island, tiled answer denying the juris
diction of the county court on the
first two counts and on the third
count claimed it was indefinite and
inspecific. The county judge has
fixed Friday of this week (tomorrow)
to hear and take action on the afore
said objections.
Shiloh Post G.A.R. ;
Installs Officers
Shiloh Post, No. 24, G. A. R. on
January 4. installed the following
officers for the coming year:
Commander—S. A. Pratt.
Senior Vice—YV. Fulliton.
Junior Vice—H. Fiehig.
Q. M_L. Beclithold.
Chaplin—W. Moon.
Adjutant—W. T. Owens..
Officer of Day—Val McDonald.
Officer of Guard—L. A. Williams.
Mrs. W. F. Jenkins
R. H. Mathew received a telegram
Tuesday noon from his mother an
nouncing the deatn of his grand
mother, Mrs. W. F. Jenkins of Arca
dia, at College View, near Lincoln,
that morning. Mrs. Jenkins had been
in poor health for some time and had
been taken to the sanitarium last
Thursday for treatment. Her daugh
ter, Mrs. H. M. Mathew, was with
her at the time of demise. The body
was to be brought back tof her home
near Arcadia, and the funeral will in
all probabiliby take place today.
News From Lincoln
There will be something doing this
winter at your state capital and you
will want to keep tab on it. Laws will
be made that will affect you directly,
no matter how much or how littleyou
own. Watch your home representa
tive and see how he stands on all these
questions. If you want a real, live,
progressive, fearless, and out-spoken
newspaper, right from the seatof jva-r,
send 50 cents to The Lincoln Daily
News and you will receive that big
daily during the whole session of the
legislature. The paper will stop when
the time is up. Send 50 cents today
and the paper will start at once.
Notice of Executrix's Sale of Land
In the District Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
Ida Betts, executrix of the estate
of William E. Betts, deceased, for
license to sell real estate.
State of Nebraska,)
Sherman County, )
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of an order of the Hon. Bruno
O. Hostetler, judge of the district
court of Sherman county, Nebraska,
made on the 17th day of December,
1912, for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described, there will be
sold at public vendue, to the highest
bidder for cash, at the south and
frontdoor of the court house, in the
city of Loup City, in said county, on
the 21st day of January, 1913, at the
hour of one o’clock in the afternoon,
the following described real estate, to
wit: A piece or parcel of land situate
in the city of Loup City, in Sherman
county, Nebraska, and being part of
lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and
fifteen (15) in block live (5) in the
original town, now city of Loup City,
and which is more particularly de
scribed as follows; to-wit: Commenc
ing at a point on the south line of
said lot thirteen (13), thirty (30) feet
east of the southwest corner of said
lot thirteen (13), running thence north
and parallel with the west line of said
block (5). seventy-five (75) feet to the
north line of said lot fifteen (15), run
ning thence east and along the north
line of said lot fifteen (15) twenty-five
(25) feet, running thence south and
parallel with the west line of said
block five (5) to the south line of said
lot thirteen (13), and running thence
west along the south line of said lot
thirteen (13) twenty-five (25) feet to
the place of beginning, subject to all
liens and encumbrances existing at
the death of the said William E. Betts.
Said sale will remain open for one
Dated this 23rd day of December,
1912. Ida Bktts,
Executrix of the Estate of William E.
Betts, deceased.
Last pub. Jan 16
Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probate of Will
State of Nebraska (
County of Sherman i
In the County Court of Sherman County,
To the heirs, legatees and to all persons inter
, ested in the estate of August Zeller deceased.
On reading the petition of Amelia Zeller
praying that the instrument tiled in this
court on the 20th day of December 1912.and pur
porting to be the last will and testament of
tbe said deceased, may be proved and allowed
and recorded as tbe last will and testament of
August Zeller, deceased; that said instrument
be admitted to probate and the administra
tion of said estate be grantedto Anna Zeller as
executrix. It is hereby ordered that you.andall
persons interested in said matter, may,
and do. appear at the County Court to
be held in and for said county, on the 10th
day of January. A. D. 1913. at 1 o'clockp.m.
t o show cause, li any there be, why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said petition and
that the hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Loup City North
western a weekly newspaper printed in said
county, tor 3 successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
20th day of Deoember, A. D., 1912
K. A. Smith.
[seal] County Judge.
(Last pub Jan. 9)
Quality Groceries
Your Groceries Here 56
They Bring Peace To Every Family
Making Hunger Disappear
T—— I @ IK 1~ ,
| Try These —They’ll Please |
Evaporated Prunes Lima Beans
Peaches Scotch Peas
Apricots Navy Beans
Raspberries . Rice
Raisins Tapioca
Currants Spaghetti
Date Noodles
The Quality House Established 1888
Fuel For Your Base Burner
We have just unloaded a car of Youghiogheny
coke, nut size, just the thing for your base burner.
It make? a good clean fuel to handle and makes
lots of heat.
This is of 72 hour Eastern coke and it is.
the best coke that is shipped to this part of the
country. No impurities in this. Nothing but heat.
Get a load and see liow nicely it takes the place
of hard coal. Wa have it here at Loup City.
Keystone Lumber Company
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville
and Schaupps.
The New Year Having Made
It s Advent on the
Stage of time we desire to
For the liberal patronage ac
corded us the past year and
sincerely hope, that by courte
ous treatment and honest deal
ing to merit your continued
loyal support and valued pat
ronage. We always strive to
| please our customers, and we
*guarantee absolute satisfaction
being ready and willing to make right any wrong
And YOU will oblige us by calling our attention to any
transaction that is not satisfactory to you. May you have
a rich fruition of happiness and prosperity during the year
The Rexall Drug Store >
Vaughn & Hinman
I _y\ a / _,_
When in
Need of
or first-class
of all dimensions,
We also have a car of Coke.
We also have a good line of Fence posts, range
ing in price from ten to fifty cents.
Phone 2 on 9 and you will receive prompt attention