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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1913)
Knock Down Sale, During January, ’13 As we want to clean up all our Winter Goods, we find it necessary to make Special Prices, and in these special PRICES we need the CASH, and, besides, we will meet any Mail Order House eompetition in DRY GOODS and women’s ready to wear GOODS. All you have to do is to enclose your order to us, with the money. We will mail the goods to you. State exactly what you want; also send enough for postage. While after Jan. 1st you can send as much as II pounds for 15c, send in your orders freely. Below we quote you the prices of a few articles: Ladies' Dress Skirts ! i _ 1 We have a big lot of ladies’ dress skirts in all styles, we are going to close out at half price in this ad. White Dutch Collars I A variety of dainty designs and) pretty trims, special price 20cl Men's Suits On one rack regular price $15.00 to $20.00 in this Sale your ehoice $11.: " sols” 5o 800 Men’s Tan Corduroy Suits, tan narrow whale corduroy suits, double breasted, body lined .with army duck, • Large inside Dockets each, ^measure 12x15 in. coat pants and vesta Fgood value : t S8.SS $3.93. ' no. 708 Men's gray Dark Union Cashmere Suit, wool and cotton mixed, soft finish material which makes a . splendid suit for every day for winter wear, dark gray color with pencil stripe etiect. english satin lining, a very good suit for the money. Price 5.95 $9.93 ' no/7156 Men's extra good value gray suit, a wool worsted in striped and diagonal weave, single breasted sack coat, pants are made in medium peg top, this suit would be sold most places at $15. Our price while they last $9.95 $13.95 no. 7806 Men's Blue All Wool Serge Suits a handsome fresh mrn model JVlep’s Sheep hiped Duck Coats No 101 Sheep lined brown duck coat, made from heavy brown duck with sheep skin lining? throughout, cellar faced with drab corduroy, sleeve wristlets autombile fastners, double sewed seams, average length 31 in., our price $2-90 We claim this is a better coat than Sears Roebuck adver tises at $2.98, you can find this coat on page 517 no 41K400 the cost of this coat to send for it. charges 75c Postal money order 5c Letter, envelopes, stamps 5c Send moncv in advance wait three weeks coat in Chicago $2.98 The cost of this coat will be $3.88 The price of ours $2.90 and you see what you are buying be fore paying and we guarantee ours to be first-class goods. Here is a coat that Sears Roebuck advertise at $4.95 Chicago, you will find this coat in their catalogue on page 517 no 4IK421, only that ours has the automobile fasteners, and tlieirs is those cheap loops, the automobile fastners costs 15c more than the loops does. The express on this coat from Chicago 75c Postal and money order - - - oc Letter, envelopes and stamps - 5c Send money in advance, wait two or three weeks for the coat to come, price of coat in Chicago $4.95 The cost of this coat delivered in Loup City $5.80 The price of ours ai d you can see it before bu; ing is $4.75 Here is another coat that Sears Roebuck advertiseat $5.95 Chicago , you will find this coat on page 518 no 41K436. Now add express charges to it 75c other expense 10c avd coat in the first place $5.95 Total §6.80 The price of ours is $5.00 Does it pay to send away for goods? LOUP CITY MERCANTILE CO. §2.43 Men’s Dnck Coat Blanket Lined Men's brown duck heavy blanket lining throughout, body and sleeves, collar a 6 in. beverette, knit wristlets, length of coat 33 in., leather stayed pocket, weight of coat 5)£lbs., we will guarantee this coat to be as goo<^ as any coat any mail order house sell for $1. more Corset Cove rs Attractively trimmed with the new lace and embroideries, rare values. Special at 39c Boys and ^ Girls stocking |fCaps in extra good value at jLead Pencil ! A good assort ment at only Ic Henderson’s Corsets These corsets are made from the best matirial money can buy and they are perfect tit, wc have several styles At$1.00 Ladies’Fine Kid Cloves. We handle one of the best kid gloves that money will buy they are Impor ted by the Simmons & Co., Chicago, we have them in most all colors and in dressed and undressed price $1.25 and $1.50 $1.95 No. 42 Men’s Gray Duck Coat An extra good value for the mony, this coat is double breasted body and sleeves are lined throughout with heavy blanket lining, coat full 35 in., long this coat is cheap at *2.95, but we have bought them at a bargain and our ustomers will get the benefit, our price while they last is only $1.95 SI.25 Men’s Gray Covert Shower Proof Coat So. 706, made in double breasted style from strong cotton covert, with blanket lining throughout body and sleeves, cemented to outside material by a rubberized process. Collar faced with corduroy; patent buttons, double sewed seams. Average length 32 in. This coat Sears-Roebuck advertise at $1.35, Chicago. The cost of ordering this coat is 75c, which makes it cos1 12.10. Doesn’t it pay to buy at horae? Dress Goods Department inch Poplin in old rose, white and L. blue, regular price 25c In this sale 18c I 1-2 wool in 3(> inch suiting regular price 35c In this sale 22c «6 inch wine blue serge suiting in this sale 45c 36 inebgray diagonal suiting regular price 65c will go in this sale at 45c All our $1. dress goods will go at S5c All our $1.25 dross goods will go at 98c One lot of apron check gong 7c All our best apron check Ginghams 9c All our 12 1-2 and 15 cent ginghams, choice 10c «• ^ All our 25 cent French ginghams, choice \ 9c TABLE DAMASK * All our regular 50 to 65 cent table damask 45c $1.00 85a 1.25 98c 1.50 1.25 2.00 1.85 Outing Flanels Best grade of good at 9c in the outing buying, this outing comes in check striped, either in light or medium dark colors, are beautiful and will give excellent satisfactory wear, this is soft and downy goods that are abso lutely fast colors- These outings was sold at 12 1-2 cents and the same grade of outings are quoted by one of the big mail order houses at a bargain for 12c but we sell them at 9c while they last. ___ _ x , it Percales One yard wide dress and shirting Percales a very satisfatory cloth at a low price. These percales are ful yard wide and are well made goods, especially so in view of the extremely low price we have put upon them, we have a wide range of patterns from which to select and all colors are represented we would like you to compare this value with the usual 10, 12 or 15 cent goods- Our Price 9c Men’s and Boys Glove All our men’s and boys mitts, leather lined, regular 75c and 51. grades will be closed out at 50q Boys Flannel Shirts Wc have one lot of boys Flannel shirts it blue and wine color, the very thing for a school shirt, the regular price waa 75c but our sale price is 43c Chipped beveled edge plate glass good size, special price5Qc ♦ Ladies Aprons Shoulder Strap Gingham Aprons Gingham Aprons with bib 35c I INFANTS HOODS Made of India Linen 25c Hood made of China Silk 50c Face Cloth Good size bleached berry face cloth 5 Turkish Towels good turkish baih towels with fringe ends, 36x19 bleach ed, a bargain J5c i Lace and embroideries an excellent assortment of attractive pattern at popular price 5c Ribbons A splendid lot of ribbons including all the newest 1 shades for bows, sashes, etc. Special attention is called to the super ior values shown at per yard only IOc A good colander well made, dur able seamed ex tra strong a big value at 10c Veritable masher a good servicerble t artecle at 5c Dover Egg beater dur’ * ing this sale only 10c Handle tea strainer me- « dium bowl useful size at only 5c 50 foot clothsline rope braided white cotton big value at this price 10c Women's, Misses and child ren'shosesupport rs, elastic web top, non elastic bottom rubber post button, in black and white only 10c Somespleniid va ues in men’s fleeced | underwear in gra At 50c one better grade in cream color heavy fleeced at 65c Some splendid values well made work shirts, good wearing materials in plain and fancy collars, a money sav ing chance not to be overlooked at 50c A big lot to choose from all the popu lar styles and weights price 25 to 50 ^ Men’s cloth gioves bleached can ton • flannel i gloves big value at Men’s Hosiery A splendid lot o^ men’s half hose in. eluding various styles and colors, rare values at 15c or two pair 25c Cut Star Tum bler Extra heavy full size, smooth edges, 3 genuine cut stars, a spleneid val ue at _ 10 2 polished steel f blades wood handle, only 10c Solid Babk Scrub Brush a good grade now IO( Japaned Dust Pan rivited square shank handle can not turn an excel lent value at 10c BACK COMBS Good quality plain and fancy. 12 and 25c MEN’S Hosiery A splendid lot of men's half hose inclding various styles and colors at a 15 to 25<T I Children’s 1 Stockings A splendid lot of Boys and Girls stockings at 15c We also handle the FAy stocking the best money can buy f or the price 25c Checked Toweling 17 inch union linen firm weave, fast color check, special per yard 10c choice Bargain in Back Comte, good qual ity plain and fancy combs a number of styles to choose from, 10c Hair Brush ^ several style 25c lOOlbs bestgr’d sugar 5 96 lOOlbs Chicken grit 90 2 cans Tomatoes 25 2 cans peas 25 1 doz good lemons 30 2 box grape nut 25 2 Cream Wheat 25 3 Post Toasties 25 3 Egg-O-See 25 6 bars flake white soap 25 10 bars polo soap 25 10 bushel apples $5 00 50 to 60 Santa Clara Prunes 10 2 Crown Raisins 31b for 25c lib seedless Raisins 10c | Do not be swindled, as we | can always save you money If You Are Looking For Bargain Be sure to read everything on this page and profit thereby Loup City Mer. Co.