The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 26, 1912, Image 7

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    Pretty Hocking Costume
This costume was especially fa shioned for the athletic "hockey girl."
The short, warm jacket, scarf and cap and long gloves, all of the same
wool material, is a distinct novelty for this winter. It serves both for
keeping the wearer warm and freedom of movement.
Really There Is No More Effective
Trimming for the Smart Afternoon
or Evening Dress.
Rhinestone trimmings are promi
nent for evening wear, especially in
the simple outlining form suitable for
edging tunics, necks, sleeves and edg
ing elaborate scarfs of chiffon or
mousseline. Rhinestones in combina
tion with jet are formed into hand
some floral and scroll effects. Rhine
stone and pearl slides and ornaments
are used for catching up draperies.
Narrow Chiffon pink rosebud trim
mings continue to be fashionable. Fur
bands in skunk, mole, fox, ermine and
sable continue to be much used for
trimmings. Fur is often used in com
. biuation with metal with excellent
effect. An elaborate evening wrap or
gown may be trimmed with a light
weight metal band outlined with a nar
row strip of fur.
This is an excellent gown for win- |
ter wear, as it fastens quite up to
the throat.
It is cut Magyar with long sleeves
and ' trimmed with fancy galloon. A
woolen girdle draws the fullness in
at the waist.
Materials required: three and one
fourth yards 54 inches wide; two and
three-fourths yards of galloon.
^ Old Rose Moire Gown.
L- Moire silk is particularly handsome,
I and has practically all the good quali
** ties of broadtail without its perisha
bility. A smart coat and skirt in old
rose moire has a high Napoleonic
J double collar, and revers of satiu in
the same shade, closely covered with
rattajl embroidery. The coat is of a
tong shape, with a slightly high waist,
^land longer at the back than in the
front. It Is fastened by silk cording
and buttons arranged in corselet fash
ion and a high collar and jabot of lace
are arranged on a white lawn founda
tion to form the vest.
New Handbags.
Handbags are seen in a variety of
form. The newest is the long double
sack bag. passed through a ring to
wear over the fingers or sufficently
large to wear as a bracelet. These
bags are embroidered in steel or dull
beads on colored velvet or moire, to
(natch the gown worn.
Get Rugs First.
it A specialist on the subject of rugs
|says that in furnishng a room the rug
|i should be chosen first. Then the dec
orations should be decided upon, that
they may above all things be in har
I mony with the rug. Walls toned to
K harmonize with rugs are better than
K those papered.
One of the Prettiest of the Winter
Fashions, With Trimmings of Odds
and Ends of Fur.
The winter fashions are getting
more and more alluring, and very
pleasing are the little coats of brocade
with their cutaway fronts and high
wayman cufTs. These coats, like oth
ers of the swallow-tailed and banded
descriptions, display an edging or
trimming of fur, skunk, apparently, be
ing first favorite. Many of us have
been hoarding short, lengths of broche
velvet or satin, and rejoice that the
present vogue gives us an opportunity
to utilizing them. If the length be not
quite sufficient for a blouse we are
permitted to call into service a plain
satin for its successful completion, as
a combination of plain and fancy fab
rics is a fasionable alliance this sea
Dry velours is carrying all before
it. and in the finest quality is an ideal
fabric for princess tailored robes as
well as for coats and skirts. The
more severe the design the more suc
cessful is the result, as one's furs
supply the requisite trimming.
Wedgwood and Black Velvet.
A little girl's frock in a pretty wedg
wcod shade is made with kilted skirt
and loose blouse bodice set off with a
black velvet belt and buttons to
match. In this case the finishing
touch is given by a sailor collar of
white silk. A pretty party dress is
kilted in rose-colored silk, and has a
gathered bodice set on to the skirt un
der a thick cording of the silk and
flnelyder a thick cording of the silk
and finely tucked round the yoke,
which is of cream-tinted lace.
One of the sweetest notions for the
accordian frock is carried out in
cream ninon with a corselet and half
sleeves of lace hung round with the
little borders of ball frings for which
the fancy still continues, though this
style of trimming does not. of course,
pretend to be new. This type of dress!
with or without a trail of flowers or a
sash of ribbon, is very graceful and
girlish, and it is certain to be a favor
ite one.
Cuff Reinforced.
How many of us have discovered
that, when our tailored waists come
back trom the laundry the third time
the cuffs show signs of wear? As
many of mine are bought ready-made,
there is no material for new cuffs.
Now, when I buy a new w'aist I go
over the edges of the cuffs with a
tiny overhand stitch that is almost
invisible, writes a contributor to Good
Housekeeping. The cuffs then wear
as long as the waist does.
Girlish Gown.
A simple and girlsh gown is made
of soft white chiffon trimmed with
garlands of green satin leaves, ap
pliqued to the bodice and skirt in bor
der fashion. These garlands outline
the round neck of the bodice, the high
waist line in the form of a girdle and
the edge of a draped tunic w here it is
caught up with a green satin bow.
The sleeves are also caught up with a
satin bow.
Perfume Bags for Clothing.
Cloves, nutmegs, mace, caraway
seeds, cinnamon and Tanguine leaves,
each one-half ounce. Florentine orris
root, three ounces. Have all ground
to a powder well mixed and put up
in small bags to place among cloth
ing. This not only gives the cloth
ing a fine perfume, but is a protection
against moths.
Smart Coats.
Talored suits have smart cutaway
coats or long Russian blouse coats.
The collars are high and straight. The
straight band of fur used as a collar
and finished with a bow or ribbon at
the side or just beneath the coiffura
at the back is very smart.
HAT fixed the time for
the ending of one year
and the beginning of an
other? More light. In
the countries where win
ter is cold and dark and
grim the severest weath
er comes after the old
year goes. It was in
less biting air, but in increasing light,
that the proof was found of the “turn
o' the year."
The dead year is often buried to
the dirge of winter's most bitter winds.
The frost is going deeper, when the
season is normal. Nature's sleep is
most profound. There is only one sign
that the sun has turned and is
coming back. That evidence is a lit
tle more daylight, a little less of the
darkness of night.
But more light is enough. It makes
the change a time of joy, of new hopes
and mere confident turning 'tc the
future. There is the promise of spring
in the added light of the day and
the promise of growing good and re
treating evil in the coining of the
new year.
It means that mankind has another
chance for better things. It gives hope
of a new foothold and endeavor to a
fresh start. The world is invited to
turn its back on the mistakes and sins
and troubles of the past and look to
the ever-wonderful possibilities of the
unknown time to come.
There is the charm and joy of New
Year's. In that revival of drooping
confidence, in that lure of the infinite,
lies the appeal of the day which is al
ways greeted with enthusiasm, no mat
ter how* many generations have seen
the hopes of the year's birth wither
before its death. After many fail
ures success may come. Who knows?
That is the magic question—“Who
knows?” The world gains front year
to year in a thousand little things,
and sometimes a great evil long en
dured goes crashing down. Who can
say what the limit of triumph may be
in the better times to come?
For the world, like every young {
year, is getting more light. It has
more of the sunshine of truth, more
of the life-giving rays of knowledge.
If they seem cold and sterile, at
times, it is because humanity's year
is still young. “We are ancients of
the earth, and in the rooming of the
times." .*
This increasing li^ht of knowledge,
this brighter beacon to guide the
steps of mankind, must flower and
fruit in richer gains than humanity
has yet won. It is an accumulating
force, like the warmth which the sun
gives the earth in spring
The thinkers and dreamers of the
world know that this is so. They
are inspired by the consciousness that
with growing knowledge there must
come increased power and higher
wisdom to direct and control it for
the help and uplifting of mankind.
The faith sees the life and growth,
the color and warmth of spring, in
the lengthening days of winter. They
perceive that the world of men and
women, and of the children, too,
though still far from the full tide of
its summer, Is already well into the
long new year of the human family.
fhm* are as eertain of the spring for
all mankind as they are that Jauuary
will pass and May will come.
It is a mistake to reflect too much
upon the past. It has its lessons, but
the learning of them should not so
absorb our attention as to preclude
us from incorporating them into our
daily life, transmuting the memory
and experience into the gold of use
ful practicability and ready work that
yields results.
Introspection was getting so insist
ently a habit of the New Year that
we are beginning to forget it was
but a means to an end—the re
flective porch to the large and spa
cious chamber of lofty resolve and ac
complishment. \Ve fancy sometimes
that a faint suggestion of maudlin
sentiment crept into the self-analy
sis, converting what should have
proved a stepping stone to higher
planes of activity into a more pur
gatory of self-abnegation ending in a
cul-de-sac. We want to make our
reflection an avenue that leads through
paths of earnest thought to the high
tablelands of glorious endeavor and
achievement. The soul itself must
be utilitarian and not waste itself in
unprofitable penance.
What has the year accomplished for
womanhood? There has unquestion
ably been a remarkable renaissance of
the feminine. Woman has broaden
ed her outlook, established her claim
to wider recognition of her talents, im
pressed public life with her power for
good, and raised her physical and men
tal scale of the sex. Thank God. among
the general advancement there is one
that is inspiringly reactionary—a re
version to the old veneration for the
sanctity of motherhood—the holiest
and divinest calling of all, a calling in
volving great sacrifice, great sorrows,
but bringing with it, on the other
hand, untold compensating joys.
In the medical profession woman
nas done well, while in the humbler
ranks of nursing our efficient hospitals
tell their own eloquent tale of the la
bor done by those who “watch the
stars out by the bed of pain.”
For the large masses of the girlhood
and womanhood the arena of commer
cial life has widened its doors, and
evidence is seen on all hands of
the efficiency of the new female re
cruits to the business ranks. Their
presence in this great army of stren
uous endeavor will tend to purify and
strengthen it, and make it worthier
than it lias ever been before. The
prizes are many, but those who do
not gain them must not be disheart
ened. The very striving after them
stiffens the fiber. "The athlete ma
tured for the Olympian game gains
strength at least for life.”
While I have dwelt in this short
review of woman's progress on the
more expert phases of her career, it
must be pointed out that ability is not
the be-all and the end-all of wom
an's existence. It is the great lever
that moves things, hut another qual
ity is required for the settling
Greater than all her accomplish
ments is her capacity for shedding
around her wherever she goes the
fragrance of a sweet and beautiful life,
and smoothing out the raveled sleeve
of care. It is in the belief that she
is fully capable of this mission that
one looks forward in confidence to
the immediate future—a future in
which the pulse of vibrant life will
throb sympathetically and intellectual
ly to the ultimate benefit of the
whole of the community.
• •
• Thoughts for New Year •
“Resolve and resolve and still go on
the same?” Nay! Nay! not so; but
rather resolve and with a steadfast
purpose- without equivocation or men
tal reservation, harness the firm reso
lution, the will of your intent to the
wagon of your purpose loaded with
the dutiful obligations of your every
day life. Obligations to home, to bus
iness relations, to the proper demand
of your church and social environ
ment, to civic and patriotic responsi
Duties never clash; something is
paramount, something worth while. Do
that! Be true to thyself, to that con
ception of that self which raises with
in you a real sense of self-respect;
that self which you admire, to which
you aspire; that manhood to which
you would attain and toward which
energies of mind and will bend, never
loosing the call of the vision. Before
all men honorable—a high sense of
honor is a well spring of conscious
joy and a reservoir of power to the
The looking-glass of yourself often
may discourage you, but it is the con
sciousness of what you ought to be,
and the desire to attain, laying aside
every weight or hindrance and run
ning with patience the race you have
set before you. Never stop the cry
of your soul, your real self, to the call
of the unreached goal.
The poets with their wide and deep
discernment ofttimes sing truly of the
soul cry and its evolution into an
abundant life.
Of all the myriad words of mind
That through the soul come thronging
Which one was e’er s«» dear, so kind
So beautiful as longing?
The thing we long tor that we are
For one transcendent moment
Before the present poor and bare
Can make its sneering comment.
O for a man to rise in me
That the man that I am
May cease to be.
Build thee more stately mansions O my
As the swift seasons roll!
Heave thy low-vaulted past!
T>*t each new temple nobler than the last
Shut thee from heaven with it dome more
Till thou at length art free.
Heaving thine outgrown shell by life’s
unresting sea.
With every business item and rela
tion be honest, and fundamentally, by
word of mouth, truthful. “Ah what a
tangled web we weave when first wt 1
practice to deceive.” A lie seldom
travels alone. It weaves a web, it
the meshes thereof sooner or latei
we are humiliated. The truth alone '
is courageous, and courage is a manlj
virtue. A lying tongue is the curse o1 j
a habit grafted on a cowardly nature
An individual is not honest with him
self or honorable in his dealing:- witt
his fellow because he is not willing t<
face the unvarnished fart or bear tht
brunt and burden which justly is his; j
a responsibility only made irksome bj
his cowardly lie whereby he would
shift the burden and stand behind the
veneer of an assumption cr false po
sition. Fear not. the man within yot
will work out if you will it so; undis
couraged. undismayed, pressing on j
you become conscious that, having i
done your part, it is due to arrive.
Be not discouraged, fellow wayfarer
Yield to that man within you. whost
insatiable longing is the inspiratior 1
that shall bring the nobler self tc ;
being; the self that now rhafes al
limitations; that opens the window: !
through which you see the visions o: j
jour undj’iug hope, though distant j'el
existent, and yours to obtain if you
will but hold your straight-way course
Laugh at Your Burden.
Most of us are bending under tht |
burden of some great load. It may bt j
care, it may be disappointment, it mat
be injustice, it may be physical pair
or spiritual discouragement, but it it
heavy. Often it seems heavier that j
we can bear and we cry out and pro !
test. These burdens are very real i
but really they are not half as big ant! ;
heavy as we make them, declares t ;
writer in the Universalist Leader. Wt !
have had them upon our shoulders j
entirely out of our sight, so long that j
they have been magnified by imagina
tion or weariness or impatience, unit
they seem unbearable. Now, then
whatever your burden' may be, how :
ever long you have been carrying it ;
and however proud you may have be !
come of your self-imposed martydon ,
just take your burden down and loot j
at it honestly, and you will be sur |
prised how it has dwindled away whilt ;
you have been magnifying it in vout
mind. Look at it frankly and fearless j
ly and in nine cases out of ten wil *
your tears be tuned te laughter an* ;
your sighing into song.
Most Famous City in History.
The one spot which more than anj
other has controlled the history ol
Europe lies, strangely enough, not ir
Europe itself, but in Asia. For thi
possession of the site where Chrisl
“suffered, was buried and rose again.’
more blood has been shed than foi
any other. An immense number oi .
lives were laid down during the Cru j
sades; and for 600 years before tin .
Crusades, and even to the presen) j
time, a constant stream of pilgrims
has poured into Jerusalem to worshii
at the spot made sacred by the cruci
fixion of Christ. From the fourth cen
tury after Christ until 50 years ag(
this site was generally conceded tc
be within the Church of the Holy Se
pulclier. Now two sites dispute tin
claim of being the actual Golgotha
This latter claimant is known as
“Gordon's Calvary.” though to ai
American, Dr. Harlan P. Beach, o:
Yale university, is due the actual dis
covery of it. General Gordon, the
hero of Khartoum, having first se
cured for it general recognition.—
Christian Herald.
Too Strenuous Plan of Teaching.
“Once upon a time, many years
ago," says the Western School Jour
nal, “this editor visited a school ir
which the teacher in the grammai
class tried to illustrate every verb bj
appropriate actions. Thus the vert
run was pictured In a scamper around
the schoolroom; the verb strike tool)
form on a boy's back. ‘But,’ remarked
the visitor, 'what are you going to d<
with the verb lie (to tell an untruth)*
You surely wouldn't ask the childrer
to lie, and when the verb howl is ir
the lesson would you bid them howl?
She had never thought of that, but
the absurdity of her method seemed
j visible to her. We hope so.”
The justice of the peace was in the
south and a marked state of igno
rance. He was approached by a man
desiring a divorce, and he did not
know what to do. Calling a friend to
his side, he whispered:
“What's the law on this p'int?”
“Yon can't do it,” was the reply.
’It's out of your jurisdiction.”
The husband, observing the con
sultation. and feeling keenly his desire
to escape from his matrimonial woe,
“I'm willin’ to pay well; got the
money right here in this sock.’’
At this the justice assumed his grav
est judicial air. Obviously he was
deeply pained. Never before in all
his life had he been so bowed down
by grief.
“You knew before you came here,”
he said sadly, “that it wasn't for me
to. separate husband and wife, and yet
you not only take up the valuable time
of this court by talking, but you ac
tually propose to bribe me with moDey
Now, how much have you got in that
“About six dollars and a half, youi :
“Is that so? Then I fine you five dol
lars for bribery and a dollar and a
half for taking up my time with a
case out of my jurisdiction; and maj
the lord have mercy on your soul!”—
The Popular Magazine.
War Balloon Destroyed.
The German paper Schuss and
Waffe describes a bullet named for Its
inventor, Lentz, for which great
things are claimed in the way of de
stroying dirigible balloons, which will
undoubtedly appear in the next war
between nations of the first rank.
Instead of being a shell fired from
a howitzer, like other projectiles of
this sort, this bullet can be made up
into cartridges for the ordinary rifle.
Two prongs are held in slots in the
bullet while it is in the barrel of the
rifle, but fly out when it is in the air.
When it enters a balloon casing, the
strain on these prongs releases a
spring, which explodes a primer, set
ting the gas on fire.
While a dirigible might escape the
few shells fired at it by a cannon, it
would hardly hope to pass unhit
through the hail of bullets fired by a
regiment; and ^)ne such bullet ex
ploding within its envelope would de
stroy the balloon, as the unfortunate
Wellman balloon exploded last sum
Dairy Cow at the Head.
The dairy cow owes a salute to th<
Country Gentleman for the compll
ment paid her in saying that "civili
zation and the dairy cow are closelj
associated.” As a food producer, sayi
the Country Gentleman, the cow re
turns eighteen pounds for every hun
dred pounds of feed given her, whil«
her nearest competitor, the hog, re
turns only fifteen pounds, and the hen
with all her cackling, gives the ownei
but a scant ten pounds of food in re
turn for his investment of a hundred
I IT ‘Father,
Hi I’m Glad
You Smoke
Duke’s Mixture”
Before we tell you about the boy and bis air rifle, we
want you to hear al>out Liggett <$• Myers Duke s Mixture
—the tobacco that thousands of men find just right 5 for
rolling—or tucking into a pipe.
This favorite tobacco is fine old Virginia and North
Carolina bright leaf that has been thoroughly aged,
stemmed—and then granulated. It has the true tobacco j
taste, for the very simple reason that it is pUfC tobacco.
Pay what you will—it is impossibla to get a purer or^more
likeable smokethan Duke's Mixture. It is now a Liggett «J' Myers
leader, and is unsurpassed in quality.
In every 5c sack there is one ar.d a half ounces of splendid
How tlic Coy Got His Air Rifle
In every sack of the Liggett A Myers Duke's Mixture we now
pack a Free Present Coupon. These' Coupons are good for all
kinds of useful articles—something to please every member of
the family. There are skates, sleds, balls and bats, cameras, um
brellas, watches, fountain pens, pipes,
opera glasses, etc., etc.
As a special offer, during Jan
uary and February only, we
tvill send you our new illus
trated catalogue of presents,
FREE. Just send us your name
and address on a postal.
Coupons from OukC: Mixture mas' be
assorted roil ft ta-s from HORSE SHOE.
GRANGER TWIST, coupons from
FOUR ROSES (lOc-tin double coupon).
and other toes or coupons issued by us.
Address—Premium Dept.
SL Louis, Mo.
R. E. Rogers N. R. Bryson A. E. Rogers T. H. Brtson B. C. RJ
Testimonials Had Wrong Effect on
Youth Whom It Was Desired to '
Get Out of the Way.
Here is an emigration story told at
a meeting held in England recently, j
In a village was a youth who had got !
himself into such a variety of scrapes
that his people thought it would be
better to dispatch him to Canada, so
as to get him away from old and
doubtful associations. He agreed to
go, provided those interested in his
departure secured him some testimo
nials. Half-a-dozen were got for him.
They sang his praises in unrestrained
terms, spoke of his geniality, and all
the other virtues that fewr men have,
but many get the credit for.f
When the young man read the tes
timonials he turned to his father and j
“Well, I’m hanged! I had no idea j
people thought so much of me. And
now I know7'how much they like»me
I’m blowed if I’ll go away at all.”
Free View at the Lake.
“Finest and viewfulest place. Baths i
and toilets on moderate principles '
The hotel not being adapted for health
resort of ills, is only preserved for
the sojourn of passengers, tourists
and sportsmen.
“Reputed excellent cooking. Noble,
real, well-lain wines, different beers
The magnificent outlook is grandious.
Daily six trains to all parts of the
globe. Free view at the lively lake."
—From a foreign hotel guide.
“My wife is he most economical !
woman in the world,” said Dubkins,
proudly. “Why, do you know, she’s
even found a use for the smell of my ■
"Great heavens—you don’t mean
it!” said Harkaway.
“Yes,” said Dubkins. "She hangs
cheesecloth over the gasoline exhaust
and packs her furs in it to keep the
moths out during the summer.
Lucky Star.
“This is the third time you have
been here for food,” said the woman
at the kitchen door to the tramp.
"Are you always out of work?”
“Yes'm,” replied the itinerant. “I
guess I was born under a lucky
Baseball Reason. I
“Why was Napoleon so successful?"!
"He managed from the field,” ven-J
tured a voice from the rear of th®
class. “The kings he went against
managed their campaigns from th®
bench.” 7
Her Dancing Nights.
“Is your wife fond of dancing?” I
“Yes, especially the nights I pre-\
fer to stay at home.”—Detroit Free!
Press. I
It’s the easiest thing in the world to I
go from bad to worse.
"The doctor is keeping old Skinem's
cough dow n."
"Yes, and after he has cured him
he'll have to give him something to
make him cough up.” %
The Best Way.
“How can I float a loan?”
Borrow from the men who are try.
ing to get into the swim.”
Bed Crops Bell Blue will wash double as
many clothes as any other blue. Don’t
put your money into any other. Adv.
His satanic majesty grins when he
hears a man say he will reform—to
The mild mellow quality of LEWIS*
Sincle Binde' /par is what the smoker*
want. Adv-'.
A brafe man is always ready to
“face ttie music”—provided it isn't
that <yd tune from "Lohengrin.”
Esichelors are "women's r^hts," and
widowers are women's leftsA
I Are Richest in Curative Qualities
/the Army of
11* Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible — they
not only give relief
I — they perma
nently cure Can
itipatioD. Mil^
lions use
them for
bedifeitioa, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin.
Genuine must bear Signature
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 52-1912.