The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 26, 1912, Image 4

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    $*)JMerry Christmas*^
And Happy New Year to all
Thanking one and all for your patronage in
the past, hoping you will continue to come
to us for everything in clothing, etc.
Come In and Examine our Goo is amd get our prices
Hub Clothing Store
Viener & Krelstein
Have a Business Home
Call today and let us start you on the
road to prosperity. We not only accept
your deposits, keep your money safely
and render you every possible accommo
| dation that the best banks in the country
can render, but we will take care of your
i valuable papers and give you our assis
tance in any business transaction free of
charge. We invite you to make our
bank your bu siness home.
HI. f. N^son, prest. H. B. Outhouse, Vice-pres'
L Ransen, Cashier
S. A. Pratt
) Billiard and Pool Parlors
>1 -------------
finest Brands ot Cigars, with such leaders
«; Denbys, Havana Sticks, B. B’s., and other
oice smokes. Your patronage appreciated
First Door, West of First National Bank
Loup City, Nebraska,
Loup City, - - Nebraska
I will call sales in any part of Sherman County.
■ Phone or write, Jack Pageler Loup City, Nebraska.
Establish a Ranch on Public land
Blgb Prieea of Cattle Insursure thnls
to be a good Business for many yeas
It is net generally known, but it is a fact, that one
person can take up 640 acres of Government latd in
Wyoming as follows;
First file a desert land entry on 160 acres where
you can catch the drainage from 1000 acres, in a series
of small storage reservoir sufficient to irrigate as much
as 81 acres of the entry and at least 6 acres on any 40
of the 160. For this 160 you pay the Government 25
an acreot the time of filing and ll.OO an acre when
proof is made.
Second, file on 320 as a homestead—no charge for the land but en
tryman must reside upon tli homestead seven months each year for
three years and raise a crop on 20 acres the second year and have 40
acres In crop the third year.
Third, buy 160 acres from the Government at $1.25 per acre. This
160 must join the ho mestead.
There are hundreds of such locations now open to entry. If you
want one of these ranches write me to day for may and particulars.
D.CIem Deaver, Immigrant Agent
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha Nebraska
We Invite Ton r
TO i
Nothing but Good, Clean shows will be per- \
mitted to be put on here.
Good High Claes JWotlon pictures
-1- - - - 9
On account of bo many other attractions in our
theatre during the next few months we will show
pictures only three nights a week.
Change of Program every Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday. '
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
Office Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence, - - 3 on 21
.1. W. BURLEIGH. Editor and Pnb
k Subscription to the North- j§
western is $1.50 a year y
| Single Copy 5 cents
Notice to Subscribers
On and after Jan. 1st, 1913, the
Northwestern will expect cash in ad
vance from all subscribers on the
single list, unless guaranteed by some
one here who sends the paper to
friends at a distance. Otherwise the
paper will be discontinued.
Dr Yallier, Osteopath, Grand Island
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Schwaner has been quite ill the
past few days.
Lee Bros, still pay the highest
market price for chickens.
Ward Ver Valin went to Ashton
Tuesday to check up the yard at that
place, returning in the evening.
Little Hal Cliase, younger son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chase, who has
been quite seriously ill, is pronounced
out of danger and mending nicely.
LOOK up Lee Bros, before you
sell your chickens.
Mrs. J. W. Cowling went to Mar
quette Tuesday morning to visit over
Christmas with her brothers and sis
ters and friends.
For dressmaking call on Mrs. De
Witt. Phone 5 on 53.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lyon left Tues
day morning for noldredge to spend
Christmas with Mr. Lyon's parents.
They are to be back the latter part
of the week.
$ $ $ $ $ $ for chickens at Lee
The Northwestern office received a
pleasant call Tuesday morning from
the Misses Jessie and Bessie Stephen
son and Miss Freeman, three of Ar
cadia's choicest young ladies.
Ladies, if you want style and com
fort, let Mrs. Pritchard lit you in a
Spirella Corset.
Little Gladys Hosier lost a necklace
sometime since, with her name
“Gladys” engraved on the charm.
Anyone finding same will be well re
warded by returning it to H. G. Hos
See J. L. Fort for windmill and
pump work. Phone 10-on-59.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson went
to North Loup Tuesday noon on the
motor to enjoy Christmas cheer with
Win. Rutherford, another of the
prince of fellows on Route 2, added
his name to our list of readers Tues
L. B. Milligan's genial form filled
the Northwestern sanctum last Sat
urday long enough to make the editor
happier for Christmastime by renew
ing allegiance to the best county
paper in Central Nebraska.
The editor’s little daughter Sunday
evening lost at or between the Pres
byterian church and home a gold pin
with the name “Hazel” in scrip. Any
one finding same will earn sincerest
thanks of the owner and financial
• Come to York College. Winter term
opens Jan. 6. Lowest rates. Best
advantages in College, Normal Busi
ness, Shorthand, Music, Oratory and
Art. Address W.E. Schell, York, Neb.
Mrs. Gus Lorentz and little son are
visiting over Christmas time at the
parental home in Ravenna. Gus will
again put his pedal extremeties un
der the Milburn de hot* for a season.
Miss Wilkinson, a nurse from Lin
coln, arrived last week and is in at
tendance at the beside of Mr. C. E.
Lundy. While he is seemingly hold
ing his own against the serious ill
ness, the outcome as yet cannot
be determined.
It is claimed by our merchants that
their holiday trade this year exceeded
by a goodly per cent that of any pre
ceding year for some time. Evident
ly the fear of the incoming democrat-,
ic administration did not enter very
far into their calculations.
The many friends of W. J. Root of
the State Bank are just at present en
joying a box of imported Spanish
smokers he secured for their Christ
mas delectation. Itis said the curious
expressions aroused on their faces
over the treat would make a very en
joyable film for a picture show.
Miss Lucy Fowler, who has been
“Hello” girl at the Central for the
past four years, has resigned her po
sition, and a little bird whispers
but we won’t tell. Miss Hallene
Mellor takes her place at the switch
board during vacation, when she re
turns to her old station and a new
manipulator of the “talkee” will be
A card from Mr. and Mrs. McKin
nie, with Christmas greetings, comes
to us from Dixie, where they are tour
ing the Southland. The card says:
“We are in every southern state this
winter and Xmas week sing at Palm
Beach, Miami and Key West, Fla.
Then we go to Texas.” Their little
son, Paul, is at SaultSt. Marie, Mich.,
with his grandparents, while Bert
and wife are out on the road. They
| send love to their many friends here.
For informst'on of improvements
on Bookwalter Lose at one-third crop
and taxes, writs G'has. Neuman. North
Loup. Nebr. - jan. 16
Mrs. E. P. Corning. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Zwink, the Misses Arlie and
Frances Corning and Master Ross
Corning left Monday morning for a
visit over the holiday season at their
old home, Hampton, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cooperand Miss
Marie Cooper arrived from Morrill,
Neb., last Saturday to spend the holi
days with relatives and friends.
Miss Birdie Lofholm sends a Christ
mas gift to her sister, Mrs.C. P. Simp
son at Grand Junction, Colo., in the
shape of a year’s subscription to the
Northwestern. Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Reynolds left
Monday morning for Aurora, Ills., to
visit relatives and friends over the
holidays. They expect to return in
two or three weeks.
There is a family reunion at the A.
B. Outhouse home this year. All
three daaghters, Emma, Meroe and
Winnie, arrive at home last Saturday
evening. A. B. says it is mighty good
to have all at home at one and the
same time.
Mrs. R. D. Sutton arrived last week
from Ord to be with her mother, Mrs.
T. D. Wilson, who sustained a slight
stroke of paralysis. She returned
home Monday- Dad is left at home
to do an old time batchelor stunt.
We understand L. N. Smith has
rented his farm to John W. Long and
will move to town in the spring and
into the home lie purchased of W. E.
Henry. Mr. Long, as we further hear,
has leased the farm to a Mr. Grady of
Burwell, an uncle of Mrs. Smith.
We received a pleasant call Monday
from our good friend, Jess Manches
ter, of Oak Creek Township. Jess is
a big, husky fellow, but, had -to give
under to troublesppae molors.and was
down to have them sent to the' tooth
cemetery. .
Myrl Warrick’s sale occurs on the
2nd of January, see bill and big adv.
in paper, and then lie and family will
move to town to live, having rented
one of Mrs Odendahl’s cottages. Myrl
will then devote himself exclusively
to the horse market:
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis went to
Hamilton county Tuesday morning to
visit relatives and friends in their old
home during the holiday season. They
will return the first of January and
will move on the Gee farm, vacated
by Mvrl Warrick, while his father,
A. M. Lewis, will move up fromHam
ilton in the spring and onto his farm,
now occupied by his son. That brings
another good Hamilton family to our
The Northwestern last week
printed cards for an invitation leap
year dance to be given at the Daddow
Theatre on Friday evening. Dec. 27th
by a number of ocr society ladies.
Music will be furnished by Becher’s
orchestra of Grand Island. There
will be card tables for those who do
not dance. It will be the society
event of the season.
Judge Smith is certainly acquiring
a reputation for uniting fond hearts
that is far reaching. On Monday of
this week a happy young couple hail
ing from Custer cbunty called at his
judicial headquarters and securing
a license to wed were so impressed
by His Honor’s ecclesiastical appear
ance that thev allowed him to bind
their two hearts and lives in one.
They were Lester B. Winslow and
Miss Erma Wilson. On Tuesday fol
lowing, another fine looking couple,
hailing from Arcadia, the bride-to-be
being Miss Jessie Stephenson, a belle
of our sister village, and the stwalart
groom, Mr. Edward S. Ballard, called
at Judge Smith’s office, secured the
necessary parchment and were hypno
tized into calling his kindly offices in
making them one and indissoluble
from a matrimonial point of view.
Mrs. Ballard was formerly “Hello”
girl at the Arcadia Central.
Notice of Executrix's Sale of Land
In the District Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of
Ida Betts, executrix of the estate
of William E. Betts, deceased, for
license to sell real estate.
State of Nebraska, )
• ^SS.
Sherman County, )
Notice is hereby given that’ in pur
suance of an order of the Hon.1 Bruno
O. Hostetler, judge of .the district
.court of Sherman county, Nebraska','
made on the nth - day ot December*
1912, for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described,* there will be
sold at public vendue, to the highest
bidder for cash, at the southland
frontdoor of the court house,,In the
city of Loup City, in said county, on
the 21st day of January, 1913, at the
hour of one o’clock in the. afternoon,
the following described real estate, tt>
wit: A piece or parcel of land situate
in the city of Loup City, in Sherman
county, Nebraska, and being part of
lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and
fifteen (13) in block five (5); in the
original town, now city of Loup City,
and which is more particularly de
scribed as follows; to-wit: Commenc
ing at a point on the south line bf
said lot thirteen (13). thirty (30) feet
east of the southwest corner of said
lot thirteen (13), running thence north
and parallel with the west line bf said
block (5), seventy-five (75) feet to the
north line of said lot fifteen (15), run
ning thence east and along the north
line of said lot fifteen (15) twenty-five
(25) feet, running thence south and
parallel with the west line of said
block five (5) to the south line of said
lot thirteen (13), and running thence
west along the south line of said lot
thirteen (13) twenty-five (25) feet to
the place of beginning, subject to all
liens and encumbrances existing at
the death of the said William E. Betts.
Said sale will remain open for one
Dated this 23rd day of December,
1Q19 Tr» A PffTTS
Executrix of the Estate of William E.
Betts, deceased.
Last pub. Jan 16
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Miss Hazel DeCamp of our city
schools left for her home at St. Paul
to visit oyer the holidays.
Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald
dray ^t either lumber yard,or E. G.
at Taylor’s.
Miss Jessie McGovren of our city
schools left for Comstock to be at home
over the holidays.
We are paying 30 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravenna Cbeameby Co.
Miss Olive McCray came home last
Thursday evening from the Wesleyian
University for the holidays.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
Miss Southwell of our city schools
left for Culbertson last Saturday to
be at home during the holidays.
You can save money by buying
your winter suit at Lorentz’.
Miss Melva Danielson arrived home
from Fremont Saturday evening for
the holidays.
For Sale—Good Hard coal base bur
ner, used only one season. Also a
small soft coal heating stove.
R. H. Mathew.
Miss Abi Beynon, superintendent
of. our city schools, left Saturday last
to spend the holidays with hef par
ents at Holdredge.
The Germania Yerein will give the
first-masquerade ball in the new opera
house on the night of Dec. 31, to dance
the old year out and the new year in.
The public invited. dec. 26
The four children of O. G. Hunt
1 ef Saturday morning to .visit during
the holdav vacation atthbir old home
in Nance county. "}
The biggest line of Overcoats in
the citv at Lorentz’.
The Misses Addie and Florence
Leininger came home last Thursday
evening from University Place for
the holidays.
Lard cans for sale at 20c each at
J uug & Melberg's Bakery.
Miss Elizabeth Luce of our city
schools, aecomsanied by her mother,
left Monday morning for Lincoln to
spend the holiday season.
• See my line of men and boys’ over
coats. A bargain at Lorentz’.
F. N. Mickow last week Thursday
acquired possession of the George Pe
terson farm near the south bridge,
trading his Elm township farm for
the same. He gets possession the first
of March, and may possibly move up
from his quarter section a few miles
south of town.
Xmas Headquarters will be el
Reed’s Variety Store. All articles
on the S and 10 cent counter will
go at 5 cants after December 20th
to Jan. 1st, 1013.
Mr. Andrew Carlson and Miss Han
nah Selma Younglund, brother and
daughter of Mrs. S. Younglund, left
last week for Lafayette, Ind. Mr.
Carlson will, we understand, remain
In the east. Miss Younglund will
visit for a time at Lafayette and then
go to Chicago to visit a sister and may
possibly remain there indefinitely.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee, 8 on 63, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
You had better fill your bins with
your supply of soft coal for winter
use. Come and see our coal.
Taylor’s Elevator.
Archie Kearns came home from
Bellvue last Saturday to eat mother’s
cooking till after the holidays. Archie
is looing and feeling fine.
Don’t forget the public masquerade
dance to be given by the Germania
Verein in the new opera house on the
night of Dec. 31. .' dec. 26
Mr. John Mertz. wife and 14-year
old son, who have been working for
L. N. Smith on the farm, wishaplace
on a farm where all can have employ
ment. Their time will be out at their
present place the first of March,■but>
would be released earlier from their
present employment, should they se
cure a place for next. year and be
wanted at an earlier date. Ifinwant
of good help see them.
Wanted—To correspond with a lady
maid’or widow npt over 35, with some
means, who would likp to stock and
help operate smalt farm. Send photo
in first letter to-“42, care of North
western. . :» - *r* ‘ adv6-2w
1833 :
B. Wallace
Because the
parts most ex
posed to wear
receive a sec
tional plate —1
in other words,
plate — is. one
of the reasons
plate that
why “1835 R Wal
lace ” resists wear. A
r And
then it ia
Call and see
the new i
Marquette j
Pattern |
\ •
At R. L. ARTHUR’S, Store.
Qothes $\5, *20^*25
Hand -Tailored
stability in the making;
and style and refine
ment of finish; precisely
the characteristics you
want in your new overcoat.
On a foundation of thor- j
oughly-shrunk, all-wool
fabric, hand-tailoring
means Clothes Satisfactio7i
that to a nicety meets the
ideas of the modern Beau
Sounds expensive ?
But it isn’t—if you come
For we’ve gone straight to
headquarters—to the model
clothes factory of America, the
leading and largest makers of
hand-tailored clothes — and we
can sell clothes of this descrip
tion at no higher prices than you ,
are asked to pay for ordinary
Kirschbaum Hand tailored Cop\irii)ht,1012, A. It. Kirschbei it J.
Overcoats — $15, $20, $25.
Positively none elsewhere like our Kirschbaum $15. >.
and $25 specials, at anything like the same prices.
The Kirschbaum label is the maker's guaranty to refur .
the money if the clothes are unsatisfactory.
Your Juwtttery Store
Will not be for
gotten. The recipient will
be made happy, an the doner
will have bestowed a gift
Worth while. But it must
be a good watch. It will be. if
bought at our store.
\l,S. Pedler, President C. C. Carlsen, Cashier J
3 John W. Long, Vice President, w. J, Root, Assistant Cashie T
j*Loup City State Banh*i
i Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 0
^ We have the largest capital and surplus^
J of any bank in Sherman County, and in P
s addition to this our depositors are 4
5 protected by The Depositors Guar- \
i antee Fund of the State of p
l Nebraska. We pay 4 per
f cent interest on time i
'l deposits. >
i If you are looking for an absolutely safe\
g place to deposit your funds don’t overlook'