The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 19, 1912, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Pictures of all kinds and prices *
Also a full line of furniture*
\ SANTA Claus is ;
|and we want you as well*
as him to know that J
We have exactly whatj
you want at Prices to'
fit your purse. t
Lillie Folks, Big Folks end Everybody!
! Visit our Toy Shop j
j We have fitted up the room just east of our store v
' and just filled it with £
All Kinds of Toys * g
Just think a Room Full of Toys, for girls and )
i for boys. Isn’t that mighty interesting? Santa K
Claus has left lots of presents here for little folks f.
j ask Papa or Mama if there isn’t one here for you. *
Then, too, we have an excellent selection of prac- \
tical, sensible, serviceable articles, suitable for \
Christmas gilts for everybody, ^
And LAST Bpt Not Least i
! These goods will -be soiii at firfces much less than v
' is usually charged for goods of like quality. Don't '
buy until you Sac our goods, and get our Prices >
The Rexall Drug Store j
Vaugh 8c. Hinman t
1-Tv /mOL /in. /tFTk /^TT* /tJTlL f
Don’t Forget to buy your
I to
I <B
Vic Swanson’s <
Our prices are way down, we buy in quantity. Over ;
30001bs of capdy to select from i
Remember We Have
The finest and most up-to-date line of dry goods in .
Loup City, . all kinds of novelties appropriate for ;
Christmas gifts such as
Men’s and ILadie’s
Ties,Handkerchiefs, Head scarfs, Table linen, and a
thousand other useful articles
Make your headquarters with us while shopping, we
can certainly save you a lot of money.
The House Known for Quality and Low Prices
A A A A A A A A A A A A A AS*. A. A A A
Baptist church, I>ec. 22 Morning:
‘ The Church at Laodica Compaired
with the Baptist Church of Loup
City,’’ evening: “The Necessity of Re
Geo. Sutherland, Pastor.
Swedish Christian church, Sunday,
I>ec. 22: Sunday school. 10:30 a.m.:
Sermon 11:15 a. m., subject “What
Sayest Thou of thyself, Johns 1: 22.
The evening of tde 24th an interest
ing Christmas program will be given
by the Sunday school commencing at
1:30 p. m. All are welcome.
II. Blom, Pastor.
Presbyterian church: Dec. 2. at
10:30 Christmas sermon—'“The Star
of Ilspe:’’ 7:30 p.m.—Special song ser
vice. The pastor will tell the Stoiy
of the First Christmas Tree. The
Sabbath school exercises will be given
Christmas eve in the church. There
will also be special exercises in the
Austin church on Christmas eve.
J. C. Tourtellut, Pastor.
German Evangelical church: There
Loup City—Dec. 21, at 7 p. m. Christ
mas eve. Dec. 25, service with the
Lord's supper at 10:30 a. m. Jan. 1.
10:30 a. m. service. At Kelso Dec.
22, at 7 p.m. Christmas eve and ser
vice: January 5, service at 10:30 a. m
and Sunday school as 11:30. At Ash.
ton—Dec. 29, 10:30 a. m. service.
P. Jueling, Pastor.
kase Similar to
One Mad ere
A number of months ago, Mr.'L,
Hansen of this city was sued by tiie
I'nion Pacilic for a few dollars’ differ
ence In fare on a couple of round trip
tickets to the Pacific Coast, which lie
had paid for, used and returned home
to engage in the laudable purpose of
recuperating his bank account. The
company claimed the way lie was
routed the fare was insufficient in tiie
sum of eight dollars and a fraction.
And tiie worst of it was that Louie
was stuck. Now comes a somewhat
similar case at Central City, and will
probably result tiie same, showing un
der the beauties of the inter
state commerce law that when you
buy a routing over the railroads you
have no mortal cinch against having
to dig up more rhino later to appease
and vindicate tiie law, tiie agent who
routes you and takes the alleged cor
rect fare not being tiie court of last
resort by a jugful. Here is the Cen
tral City episode as taken from the
Nonpareil of last week:
One of tiie strangest suits that has
been filed in the county court forsome
t ime was listed lor settlement before
Judge Petersen tiffs week The Bur
lington railway company wants Carl
Itudolph to pay it $16.80. Mr. Ru
dolph refuses and thinks lie has good
Four years ago, Mr. Rudolph and
wife took a trip to Buffalo, N. Y.
They bought their tickets over tiie
Burlington. They paid Agent Welsh
.90 each or $71.80 for tiie two. On
tiie return tin they were informed by
one of the conductors that they had
not paid enougli for the tickets and
lie callected an additional $16.80. Af
ter they got home the company re
funded the amount, stating that an
error had been made. That was tiie
last they heard of it until a few weeks
ago when lie received a statement
from the company for the amount.
Naturally, lie refused to pay it and
tiie company has now broughtsuit for
its collection. In its petition the
company claims tiiat tiie regular rate
from Central Oily to Buffalo at the
time the tickets were sold was $44.30,
and that Mr. Rudolph should have
paid $88.60, instead of $71.80.
The Burlington is not altogether to
hi me for its attempt to make collec
tion of the amount, as tiie interstate
commerce commission holds that
transactions of this kind are a viola
tion of the anti-discrimination provi
sion of tiie law. There are a number
of interesting wrinkles to the suit,
however, and its outcome will he
awaited with interest. Tiie Burling
ton is represented by F. A. Bald, and
Mr: lJMBisfrtttsretained H. F. r.llen.
Radiator Didn’t
Radiate Homeward
It may be none of our business, but
Will Zimmerman has great throbs of
our sympathy, just the same. Last
week Wednesday Will went down to
l’almer to drive home his auto which
had been becalmed there, when he
took a bevy of Loup City girls to en
joy a day’s visit with Mrs.Thos. Dins
dale and came home by the keers.
Leaving that distresing linale as not
germane to this tale of woe, we radi
ate to this story of a radiator that
didn't radiate enough. Reaching the
little city of Palmer, Will boarded his
car and hiked for home, reaching St.
Paul ahead of schedule time. As he
whirled through that saintly city lie
sighted the motor pulling out and
concluded to “beat it” home. Man
proposes but auto disposes, some
times. Upon reaching a point midway
between Dannebrog and Boelus the
auto acquired that “tired feeling“and
proved a “quitter.” Feeling of the
pulse and a diagnose proved a frozen
radiator complication. A walk of
three miles, to a farm house, a dose
of several gallons of hot water, and
Dr. Zim had his patient convalescent.
Again near Austin, so near and yet so
far from home, Old Boreas got
busy. Hot-footing, e“steamed” aqua'
nothing could persuade Reo to go on
The telephone, however, brought one
of Will Schuman’s cars and relief, and
though O. B. tried its wand and near
ly got the latter, it was able to wheeze
in on one lung, trailing the refractory
car behind. Time 1:30a. m.: mercury
10 below. And yet Will tried to get
us to go with him after the carl Gee
whiz! Wern’t we lucky? /
Charley Bennett
in Auto Wreck
By the Lewiston (Idaho)' Tribune,
we see thatfCharley Bennett, former
ly of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. Bennett, was one of a party of
of young men of Lewiston who were
mixed up in an auto accident in that
city on Dec. 8th, in which two were
seriously hurt, while Charley and an
other companion escaped with a few
minor bruises. The party was return
ing from a visit to a live stock show
near the city at a lively rate when the
car skidded into a an embankment
with such force that one wheel was
torn off and the body of the car was
thrown in the opposite direction re
sulting in the w reck of another wheel
and the occupants permitted to take
involuntary aerial somersaults thro’
the air to Mother Earth. It was not
thought any fatalities might result.
The many friends of our former Loup
City boy will be glad he escaped so
ringers Kipped in
Circular SaW
Last Thursday afternoon about 3
o'clock, as Ed. 1‘adclitfe was engaged
in ripping out some quarter-inch
strips at his planing mili witli a cir
cular saw, his left hand in some man
ner came in contact with the teeth of
the saw, tearing the flesh from the
three larger Angers, the middle one
being stripped from the bone. He at
once went to the office of the Drs.
Bowman, where they dressed the in
jured hand and Ed went away rejoic
ing that the accident had not result
ed more seriously. As Ed had on a pair
of gloves while at work, it is thought
the glove on the injured hand must
have caught in the teeth of the saw,
although the whole thing was done so
quickly neither he nor Ollie Howard,
who was also present, were able to
say how it happened.
Gregg Guilty of
Technical Wrong
Last week the Northwestern pub
lished the story of the case of Dr.
Gregg, veterinarian of Litchfleld, who
at the instance of Assistant State
(Veterinarian Norden was hauled be
for the county court, pleaded guilty
of error and was Aned $25. The story
was published just as given us by Dr.
Norden, and w hile correct as to com
plaint and result, yet, according to
the other side of the story, does not
deal justly with the facts in that
Dr. Gregg is a reputable veterinarion,
who has a diploma as such from the
leading veterinary college of Canada,
situated in London, Ontario. His
error consisted in advertising as a vet
erinarian with college degree without
having passed the state examination.
Insofar as that he pleaded guilty and
paid the tine, but as to qualilications
as a veterinarian does not admit play
ing second Addle to even the repre
sentative of the prosecuting end of
the state association himself.
Wanted, Sealed
“Swearing Room”
Talk about beastly hard luck, you
| bet Vaughn & Hinman, our popular
; druggists, have run- up against it.
They have everything in headiness to
! move into their new and handsome
i quarters in the just finished Waite
! block, up-to-date glass side shelvings.
elegant prescription case, latest bev
, el-edged glass show cases, and every
I thing ordered to correspond, and were
expecting them daily, when, lo! and
behold, word came Tuesday of a fac
; tory strike among the glass workers
and no telling when their order can
: be filled. And their lease of the old
! quarter expires and their lease of the
: new begins with the Jan. 1, 1913. A
I closely-sealed “swearing room” would
I come handy.
Lodge Elections
Last week Wednesday evening was
the annual election of officers of the
K. of P. lodge, followed by an oyster
feed and a good attendance was man
ifest. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: Chan
cellor commander, R. H. Mathew;
vice chancellor, S. A Allen; prelate,
A. S. Main; master at arms, O. L.
Swanson; keeper of records and
j seals, J. W. Burleigh; master of work,
H. S. Conger; master of finance, G.A.
Collipriest; master of exchequer, S.
' E. Gallaway; grand representative,
I Aaron Wall; alternate, O. E. Long
acre; trustees, S. N. Sweetland and
John W. Long.
The Pythian Sisters elected the fol
lowing officers for the coming year:
Most excellent chief, Harriet Hay
hurst: most excellent senior, Mrs.
Wm. Larsen; most excellent junior,
| Mrs. S. E. Galloway; manager, Miss
i Ernestine Odendahl; protector, Mrs.
Ashley Conger; guard, Mrs. Mattie
Hayhurst. _
At the last meeting of the Modern
Woodman lodge the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year:
Venerable counsel, R. D. Hendrick
son; worthy advisor, John Lofholm;
banker, E. G. Taylor; clerk, C. F.
Beushausen: sentry, C. Thornton;
watchman, S. F. Reynolds: manager,
1 year term, J. W. Long; two year
term, A. L. Zimmerman; three year
term, Chas. Biehl; escort, T.P. Rowe.
Farmer Burns
Still Champion
Farmer Burns is still the champion
stick puller of the state, if not of the
world. Pete Ryestorf, a
youth from Shelby, backed by a num
ber of farmers from Gresham and vi
cinity, challenged the veteran wrest
ler for a go, and something like $2,000
was hung up to back the proposition.
> The pulling stunt was pulled off in
South Omaha last Thursday and old
i Farmer Burns won easily. Burns
i himself took a goodly part of the
money. He is past 93 yean old now.
Mail Uerk Miller
Draws a Light
Jail Sentence
Rudolph H. Miller, who was caught
rilling the mails on this branch a few
mouths' since, later confessing guilt,
was at Lincoln last Friday sentenced
by Judge Monger of the federal court
to serve three months in the county
jail at Hastings, Neb. Miller made a
heart-broken plea for U-niency and
was backed by strong sentiment from
leading men of the state, which pre
vailed, his age of 56 years, ids most
excellent family, the short period of
his stealings, his former good reputa
tion, etc., being taken into acccount.
Miller was foimerly a minister of the
gospel and grand master of Nebraska
Odd Fellows. He had been in the
postal service 23 years. It will always
be a mystery to the thousands of his
friends how he, the last one they
would ever have suspected, should
have been guilty of the crime.
See Us First
We help you select appropriate gifts
not expensive ones. But of the high
est quality. You will save minutes
and money by visiting our store.
Henry M. Elsner
Road Notice
To all whom it may concern: The
commiesioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at a point about
100 rods west of the southeast corner
of section three (3)an road No. twenty
three (23) and running thence north
following the traveled road and ter
minating at the county line between
Sherman and Valley counties, to be
40 feet wide, ail in town sixteen (16)
range sixteen (16), has repoted in favor
of the establishment thereof, and all
objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must be filed in the office of the
county clerk on or before noon of the
9th duy of February 1912, or such
road will tie established without ref
erence thereto.
W. C. Deiterichs
[seal] County Clerk.
Last pub Jan. 2.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court
In the matter of the estate of Katherine
Kochanowski, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the
county court room in Loup City, in said county
on the 20th. day of January, 1913, at 10
o'clock a. m and on the 23th day of June, 1913,
to receive and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the pivseata
tion of claims against said estate is the 23th day
of June. A.D. 1913. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from said 20th
dav of January, 1913.
Witness mv hand and seal of said county
court, this 2flth day of November, 1912.
County Judge
last pub. Dec. 19
Order of Hearing and Notice on Pe
tition for Settlement of Account
ib the County Court of Sherman county. Ne
State of Nebraska. I _
Sherman County, t
To the heirs and ail persons interested in the
estate of Adolph G. Sieiaff. deceased:
On reading the petition of Therese E. Sieiaff,
administratrix of said estate, praying a final
settlemen and allowance of her account filed
in this court on the 6th dav of December, 1912,
and for decree of distribution and final settle
ment of estate and for her discharge as admin
istratrix of said estate. It is hereby ordered
that you and all persons interested in said
matter may. and do. appear at the Count;
Court to be bcld in and for said county, on tbe
28th day ol December. A. D. 1912. atone o'clock
p.m..toshow cause if. any there be, why the
prayer ol the petitioner should not be granted,
and that notice of the pendency of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the Loup City North
western. a weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
E. A. Smith.
♦ [seal] County Judge
(Last pub. Dec. 26;
nonce 10 Dinners
I, W. C. Dieterichs, Clerk of Sher
man county, Nebraska, estimate the
following books, blanks and stationery
will be required for the use of the
county officers for the ensuing year.
LOT ONE—Three gross lead pen
cils, best grade; one gross pen holders;
twelve quarts Arnold’s writing fluid;
twelve gross steel pens; twenty-four
gross assorted rubber bands; two reams
Columbia legal cap; one gross indelible
election pencils; three dozen election
ink cones; eight eight-quire record
books (two printed head, two printed
forms, and four plain) patent flexible
back. Hap opening, best linen paper;
four loose leaf records, 700 pages to
book (two plain and two printed forms)
best linen paper; 3,000 triplicate tax
receipts, blocked; 4,000 tax receipts in
triplicate, bound and perforated, 200
in book, for county treasurers to fold
for use with' carbon paper; thirteen
sets of poll books, envelopes and bal
lot sacks; seven chattel mortgage files,
200 in file.
LOT TWO—1,000 1-8 sheet blanks;
5.000 1-4 sheet blanks; 3,000 1-2 sheet
blanks: 5,000 full sheet blanks, all
blanks to be of good quality paper;
3.000 note heads, 6,000 letter heads,
note heads and letter heads to be of
good quality paper; 4,000 6)4 inch xxx
envelopes; 2,000 10-inch xxx envelopes.
LOT THREE—Court dockets, one
case to page, indexed, with list of
jurors, court officers and resident at
torneys, on cap paper, in lots of forty;
6.000 election ballots.
Sealed bids for each or any of the
above three lots of supplies must be
filed with the county clerk at his
office in Loup City. Nebraska, on or
before noon of the 8th day of January,
Sealed bids will also be received and
must be filed in the county clerk’s
office on or before noon of the 8th day
of January, 1913. for publishing De
linquent Tax List, County Treasurer’s
financial statement, road and bridge
notices, and other notices required by
the county.
The county board reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this
6th day of December, 1912.
W. C. Dietebichs, County Clerk.
(Last pub. Jan. 2)
The Home
j Of Quality Groceries
A Merry Christmas
If We are
To have the pleasure
Of assisting you in
Getting up that Christmas Spread
You Would Be Justified in Inviting Santa
Claus Himself! He is a Champion of Quality!
Z I 55f • ^ |~~
I Try These—They’ll Please |
Green Gage Plums 25c
Sliced Lemon Cling Peach 25c
Apricots 25c
Yellow Free Peach 25c
Muscat Grapes 25c
Yellow Egg Plum 25c
Bartlett Pears 25c
Pride of Hiwaii Pine Apple 25c
Pitted Red Cherris 25c
Red Raspberries 25c
Blackberries 25c
Strawberries 25c
Blueberries 25c
Gooseberries 25c
Lemon Cling Peach 25c
White and Black Cherries
These goods are all guaranteed to be packed in 30 percent syrup.
The Quality House Established 1888
Hang up the Baby’s Stocking [
Be Sure and not Forget f
—- i
What pleasure will there be in the morning
if you do not have a nice marm room? \s
.. _ |
Be sure to have a supply of our nice clean '
coals on hand and the house will be cozy for ^
the baby Christmas morning. I
The Keystone Lumber Co. wishes you all [
Keystone Lumber Company \
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville
and Schaupps. §
Clean up Your Back Yards
Of Old Brass. Copper and Rubber j
Iron and all old
Junk of like Kind
and bring them to
Rubber, 2 1-2 c per lb.
Copper, 5 c “ I
[Brass 4 c
Iron 15c per lOOlbs I
The Harness Maker
When in
Need of
or first-class
of all dimensions,
We also have a car of Coke.
We also have a good line of Fence posts, range
ing in price from ten to fifty cents.
Phone 2 on 9 and you will receive prompt attention