The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 12, 1912, Image 5

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    I Have a Business Home
5 • v.
Call today and lot us s:art you on the
[j road to prosperity. We not only accept
y your deposits, keep your money safely
0 and render you every possible accommo
y dation that the best banks m the country
p can render, but we will take care of your
p valuable papers and give you our assis
ij tance in any business transaction free of
y charge. We invite you to make our
3 bank your business home.
1 ___
■ m. f. Mason, prest. H. B. Outhouse, Vlce-pres'
, L. fiansen, Cashier
Your Headquarters
Make our store your headquarters for Christmas
shopping. Come in and see our line whether you
buy or not. From our stock you can select a suitable
gift for him or her, the kiddies or the grow ups.
The following lists might aid you ia selecting your
Tin toys,
Mechanical toys
Air rlliles
Game boards
Toy Trunks
Doll buggies
Fountain pens
I Toilet sets
Traveling set
Hand bags
I Smoker sets
' Desk sets
i Cigar jars
i Shaving mirrors
Card cases
Electrical toys
Toy furniture
Rocking horses
Toy dishes
Doll Sundries
Manicure sets
Military sets
Mesh bags
Necktie set
Cigar sets
Shaving sets
Collar Bags
Coat hangers
Ink stands Paper weights
Library Lets Collar & cuff sets
Glove and hdkf st Ash tray
Stationery Perfumery
Drink’g cup sets Harmonicas
Letter racks Book racks
Photo albnms Post card album
Jtwel cases Dresser sets
Book carriers Magazine cover
Pyrography goods Pieced brass
Scissor sets Dressing mirror
Pin cushons Infant toilet set
Work baskets Pictures, Books,
Bibles. Prayer books, Crumb sets,
Candle sticks, tea chimes,
Fancy box candies.
Swanson & Lofholm
if* western is $1.50 a year g
(, Single Copy 5 cents yj
Dr Vallier,Osteopath,Grand Island
E. G. Taylor went io Central City
on business Tuesday morning.
Lee Bros, still pay the highest
market price for chickens.
A1 Johnson made a business trip to
Central City Tuesday.
LOOK up Lee Bros, before you
sell your chickens.
Attorney Starr was a passenger to
Farwell Tuesday.
Heinz’ mince meat at Reynolds’
meat market.
Attorney H. S. Nightingale had
legal business at St Paul Tuesday.
For dressmaking call on Mrs. De
Wltt. Phone 5 on 53.
J. T. Hale made a business trip to
York county, Tuesday.
$ 9 9 $ $ $ for chickens at Lee
I have a nice warm room for rent.
Mrs. Clemma Conger.
Ladies, if you want style and com
fort, let Mrs. Pritchard fit you in a
Spirella Corset.
Don’t forget the public masquerade
dance to be given by the Germania
Verein in the new opera house on the
night of Dee. 31. dec. 26
. I
Jacob Albers had business at Ash
ton Tuesday.
If you want a dray, phone A. L. En
derlee, 8 on 63, or leave your order
with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
District Court convenes in this citv
next Tuesday, Dec. 17. A number of
new cases come up at this adjourned
Heinz sauer kraut by the barrel or
keg or in any quantity at Reynolds’
meat market. —
Mrs. T. R. Lay of Rockville, ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. Ramey
of Grand Island, were visitors in
Loup City last Friday.
You had better fill your bins with
your supply of soft coal for winter
use. Come and see our coal.
Taylor’s Elevator.
Judge nostetler and wife last week
at Kearney celebrated their 25th mar
riage anniversary. It is said the
judge looks and feels younger than
If you have a horse or a mule to
sell, call phone 5-on-88.
Mybl. A. Warrick.
The county attorney contest is to
come up before Judge Smith the first
Monday in January, unless a stay in
proceedings is taken.
For Rent—Huckleebury’s new and
modem cement bungalow in the
northeast part of town. Inquire of
R. H. Mathew.
The Commonwealth Male Quartette
has the reputation of being one of the
best singing companies before the
public, and will appear at the new
Opera House, Thursday, December IP.
[ — ■ f —.
jVlep’s Sheep Liped
Duck Coats
. No 101 Sheep lined brown duck coat, made from heavy
brown duck with sheep skin lininar throughout, collar faced!
with drab corduroy, sleeve wristlets autombile fastners,
double sewed seams, average length 31 in., our price $2-90
We claim this is a better coat than Sears Roebuck adver
tises at $2.98, you can find this coaton page 517 no 41K400
the cost of this coat to send for it. charges 75c
Postal monev order 6c
Letter, envelopes, stamps 5c
Send money in advance wait three weeks coat
in Chicago $2.98j
The cost of this coat will be $3.88!
The price of ours $2.90
, and you see what you are buying be
fore paying and we guarantee ours to be first-class goods.
Here is a coat that Sears Roebuck advertise at $4.95
Chicago, you will find this coat in their catalogue on page 517
no 4IK421, only that ours has the automobile fasteners, and
theirs is those cheap loops, the automobile fastners costs 15c
more than the loops does.
The express on this coat from Chicago 75c
Postal and money order 5c
Letter, envelopes and stamps - - • 5c
Send money in advance, wait two or three weeks
for the coat to come, price of coat in Chicago $4.96
The cost of this coat delivered in Loup City $5.80
The price of ours and you can see it before buying is $4.75
Here is another coat that Sears Roebuck advertise at $5.95
Cnicago , you will find this coaton page 518 no 41K436.
Now add express charges to it 75c
other expense 10c
avd coat in the first place $5.95
Total $6.8(.
The price of ours is $5.00- Does it pay to send away
You can save money by buying
your winter suit at Lorentz’.
Miss Wilma Amiclc visited friends
at St. Paul several days last week.
Dr. Marcy has just had his home |
wired for electric lights.
Good Xmas candy Delps makes the
occasion brighter,
Poor Xmas candy helps make stomach
Buy Xmas candy of us and be glad.
Swanson & Lofholm.
C. E. Lundy lias been quite ill for
the past number of days, but is re
ported as getting better.
Henry Ohlsen had business at Ast
ton yesterday.
'fake vour chickens to Reynolds.
He will pay you the highest market
Newton and Theodorsi Pilger ar
rived from Butte, Montana, Monday
noon, called by the dangerous illness
of their father, T. L. Pilger.
J. H. Froehlich is reported as seri
ously ill and failing fast. He has been
confined to his home and bed for
some time and little hopes are enter
tained for his ultimate recovery.
Highest prices paid for hides at
Reynolds’ meat market.
The Germania Verein will give the
first masquerade ball in the new opera
house on the night of Dec. 31, to dance
the old year out and the new year in.
The public invited. dec. 26
The biggest line of Overcoats in
the city at Lorentz’.
The Commonwealth Quartette,
which will appear at the New Opera
House, Thursday, December 19th, is
the quartette that entertains and has
been acknowledged by Press and
Lyceum Committees generally as “the
most versatile Male Quartette now
engaged in Lyceum Wotk.”
Lard cans for sale at 20c each at
Juug & Melberg’s Bakery.
There’s a Guye down at Lincoln,
who by the grace of appointment is
labor commissioner, who has been
trying to take a fall out of our own
W. R. Mellor over a discussion of ag
ricultural matters. W. R. knocked
the Guye down and out in two rounds
and then refused to continue the
A No. 1 baled hay for sale in car
load lots. Phone 8-on-84. F. P. Peter
Does anybody wonder that the ed
itor of the Northwestern has to be
good, when it is known that his father
was a Methodist preacher, his older
brother has been one for the past
thirty years, and now his oldest son
is a minister in the Ohio M. E.
conference? And besides all this has
the best mother-in-law in the world
to keep him straight at home.
County Supervisors VV. O. Brown
and J. H. VVelty went to Lincoln Tues*
day morning to attend u state meet
of supervisors, in session Tuesday and
Wednesday. Mr. Brown will take a
run down to Friend to visit his
brother, E. A.^Brown, and
fore returning.
A Local Man or Woman is desired
right now to represent The Pictorial
Review in this territory—to call on
those whose subscriptions are about to
expire. Big money for the right
person—representatives in some other
districts make over $500.00 a month.
Spare time workers are liberally paid
for what they do. Any person taking
up this position becomes the direct
local representative of the publishers.
Write today for this offer of
322 W est 39th St. New York City
We pay cash for eggs delivered at
the creamery.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald
dray at either lumber yardor E. (J.
at Taylor’s.
Xmas shoppers should see our line
of Xmas letters, booklets, postals,cal
endars and Xmas tree decorations
We will be pleased to show them to
you. Swanson & Lofholm.
Miss Byrdee Needham went to
Omaha Tuesday morning to consult
an occulist regarding her eyes.
The doctors have found a new dis
ease, bronchial pneumonia. We wish
they'd stop adding to present ills: it
makes one creepy.
Bazaar and chicken pie slipper, this
afternoon and evening, Methodist
j church.
i Mrs. H. M. Mathew was called to
I Arcadia the past ten days by the con
tinued illness of her good mother,
making necessary the closing of her
business place during that period.
We are making cut prices on Houi
in 500-pound lots. Also any of the
merchants will make you the same
price. You better buy a supply now
while prices are low.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
We are paying 32 cents cash for
cream delivered at the creamery. We
test and pay cash for cream.
Ravenna Creamery Co.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on C. L. McDonald, successor to
See my line of men and boys’ over
coats. A bargain at Lorentz’.
The Loup City Mills have oil meal
on hand at all times. They ship itout
to surrounding towns aid can supply
you in ton lots at redused prices.
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
Mrs. C. E. Mellor last week ordered
the Northwestern to visit Mrs. Jen
nie S. Rawson, who is making an ex
tended visit to her son, Dr. Vance
Rawson, at Danville, Ky.
Mrs. John Minshull and three
youngest children, and Mrs. A. O.
Zimmerman and little son, left Tues
eay morning for their future home
near Richmond, Va., where, as we
said last week, Mr. Minshull has pur
chased land adjoining the land owned
by Mr. Zimmerman. Success to them
in their new home.
A room full of TOYS
For Girls and for Boys.
Hipity, hipity Hop.
We have fitted up the room just east
of our store and filled it with TOYS.
We call this our TOY SHOP. Little
Folks, Big Folks, and EVERYBODY,
visit our TOY SHOP.
The Rexall Drug Store.
Vaughn & Hinman.
Hay For Sale
I have some good prairie hay for
sale by the ton or in car load lots.
Phone 18-on-94. F. E. Kennedy.
See Us First
We help you select appropriate gifts
not expensive ones. But of the high
est quality. You will save minutes
and money by visiting our store.
Henby M. Elsner
Poland Chinas for Sale
About twenty head of young pure
bred Poland China boars for sale, of
the big-bonad type; sired by such boars
as Gold Dust Hadley, Sampson, Grand
Look and Long Ldbk. Phone 6 on 96.
i M. A. Gilbert,
> Loop City, Nebr.
Big Cut Price Cloak Sale
Commencing: Saturday,
December 7th
Tjrei.y y—. - _ . ——— ——i— ■———§WKKmmi^
As we do not want to carry over
any Cloaks, we are going to make
a price on them that will make
them move at once.
25c Discount op all Cloaks
Gome ip early while you cap
get a selection.
No. 3557 Bleached Misses Munsing
union suit, drop seat, per suit $1.00
No. 3517, Ladies’ bleached union
suit in Munsing half open front,
ankle length, elbow sleeves $1.00
No. 3545 Ladies’ bleached union suit, high neck,
long sleeve, ankle length,Munsing underwear $1.
Made from the bast material and made
to fit. . Price $1-75 to $850
! Caps
! Ladies’
. Giiis
'and Boys^
These are
\ made to wear
f well and are
Price 50c to
Ladies Aprons
! Gingham
Aprons 59c
Aprons with
bib 65c
Made of India Linen 25c
Hood made of China Silk 50c
Face Cloth
Good size bleached
terry face cloth 5
Turkish Towels
good turkish bath
towels with fringe
ends,36x19 bleach,
ed, a bargain j§c
Lace and embroideries
£n excellent assortment
of attractive pattern
at popular price 5c
A splendid lob of
ribbons including
all the newest I
shades for bows,
sashes, etc.
Special attention is
called to the super
ior values shown at
per yard only IOc
Women's. Misses and
children’s hose support
ts, elastic web top.
non elastic bottom
rubber post button, in
black and white
only 10c
Some splendid va
ties in men's fleeced
underwear in gra
At 50c
one better grade in
cream color heavy
fleeced at, 65c
Some splendid values well made work
shirts, good wearing materials in
plain and fancy collars, a money sav
ing chance not to be overlooked at 50c
Men's negligee
shirts, clearance of
regular dollar goods
various styles, same
with soft roll collar
and same with high
soft detachable col
lars. All well mads
and roomy, good
material neat pat
terns and collars.
Your choice of any
in this lot at 75c
A big lot to
choose from
all the popu
lar styles and
price 25 to 5Q
Men's cloth
bleached can
ton flannel
gloves big
value at
3 For
Good quality plain
and fancy.
12 and 25c
A splendid lot
of men’s half
hose inclding
various styles
and colors at
15 to 25c
: Children’s
A splendid lot of
Boys and Girls
stockings at 15c
We also handle the
FAy stocking the
best money can
y for the price
lOOlbs bestgr’d sugar 5 95
lOOlbs Chicken grit 90
2 cans Tomatoes 25
2 cans peas 25
1 doz good lemons 30
2 box grape nut 25
2 Cream Wheat 25
3 Post Toasties 25
3 Egg-O-See 25
6 bars flake white soap 25
10 bars polo soap 25
10 bushel apples $5 00
Do not be swindled, as we
can always save you money
Loup City Mer. Co.