The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 12, 1912, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
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Pictures of all kinds an d prices j
Also a full line of furniture j
jfc and we want you as well
®as him to know that
We jiave exactly what
you want at Prices to
^ fit your purse. (
Little Folks, Big Folks and Everybody
Visit our Toy Shop
We have fitted up the room just east of our store
and just filled it with
All Kinds of Toys
Just think a Room Full of Toys, for girls and
for boys. Isn’t that mighty interesting? Santa
Claus has left lots of presents here for little folks
ask Papa or Mama if there isn’t one here for you.
Then, too, we have an excellent selection of prac
tical, sensible, serviceable articles, suitable for
Christmas gifts for everybody,
And LAST But Not Least
These goods will be sold at prices much less than
is usually charged for goods of like quality. Don’t
buy until you See1 our goods, and get our Prices
The Rexall Drug Store
Vaugh & Hinman
Don’t Forget to buy your
Vic Swanson’s \
Our prices are way down, we buy in quantity. Over
30001bs of candy to select from
Remember We Have
The finest and most up-to date line of dry goods in (
Loup City, all kinds of novelties appropriate for
Christmas gifts such as
IMIen’s and 2_ia,ciie’s
Ties,Handkerchief s, Head scarfs, Table linen, and a
thousand other useful articles
Make your headquarters with us while shopping, we
can certainly save you a lot of money.
The House Known for Quality and Low Prices
Another Big
Mat Match
Another big wrestling match lias
been arraged tor in this city, to take
place next Tuesday evening, Dec. 17,
at Society Hall, to be between Lee
Scott, the big grappler of Ansley, and
Joe Stecker of Dodge, the heavy*
heaight mat artist who trimmed our
local champion, Warren Miller, at the
old Daddow opera house some two
weeks ago. Ernie Milburn has been
busy the past week making arrange*
ments for bringing the two big fellows
together, and Scort and Stecker have
signed to be on hand. The go is for
the gate receipts at the usual pro rata
and both claim confidence of walking
off with the big end. Warren Miller will
be referee and lovers of the sport are
assured that the wrestle will be on
the square and the best man to wia.
Stecker has yet to meet his first de
feat, while Scott challenges any heavy
weight in the state and is big game.
Don’t forget place and date, Society
hall, Tuesday night, Dec. 17, at 8:30.
Good preliminaries.
Rockville Queen of
South Sherman
Through the kindness of Dr. J. E.
Bowman, a few days since, the ed
itor jumped aboard his gasoline joss
and floated down to our pretty little
suburban village of Rockville for an
hour’s visit with the boys. The road
between here and Austin was very
good, but from there to Rockville is
simply horrid Some two weeks since
a subscription paper was circulated
among the business men of this city
and the farmers along the route for
the grading and putting of the road
in better shape. Some 150 was sub
scribed in Loup City and a correpsond
ing amount in work subscribed by the
farmers between Austin and Rock
ville. However, in going over the
road we found but little improvement,
many of those who subscribed work
not finding time to do so, for one
reason and another, and the 950 in
cash not going to any great extent
alone. Something, however, should
be done to make that portion of the
road at least fairly passable. Rock
ville for a fact is one of the nicest
little towns any county could wish.
Nestled in the valley at the foot of
the hills, with the Loup lounging
lazily along to the west of it, with a
fine farming community tributary to
the village aud a live bunch of mer
chants to feed their wants, Rockville
has little else to wish for. And how
could it be otherwise with Emit
Dwehus of the State Bank looking
after the financial end; with Tom Lay
of the Keystone furnishing the ma
terial for the tine homes; Emil Cords
to furnish the necessaries to make
them well and Dr. Dickinson to make
md keep them so; with E. F. Kozel
to make winter a season of pleasure
and warmth in their homes; with
Chris Nielson and J. E. Joynt to give
the people pleasure and profit in gen
eral merchandise; with Clothier Pe
lerson making the men and boys up
to-date; good places for eats; fine
schools, and everything in keeping,
(u fact, it is so nice and enteqrrMug
i village that we are inclined to in
troduce a bill in the legislature, when
sleeted to one of those bodies, to ah
nex it to tire county seat as Loup
City Junior. And we don’t have to
stutter or stammer in saying so.
r » - --a* -•
Grandma Waite
Falls Asleep
Monday of this week, at 12:30 oc
curred the death of Grandma Waite,
who had passed the 78th mile post in
tills life. Her death was peaceful and
the end came quietly and sweetly as
though fallen asleep. For many years
she had made her home with her son,
W. S. Waite in this city her life
was lived quietly in our midst and
death came surrounded by loved ones.
The funeral took place yesterday
afternoon at 2 o’clock from the M. E.
church of which faith she had been
a consistent and faithful member
since early childhood, joining the
church in her 13th year.
J uliette Rosebery Waite was born
October 1st, 1834, in Hunterdon
county, New Jersey. There she was
married on March 1st, 1853, to John
Waite. To this union were born five
sons. Charles E., whose death oc
curred in this city, Feb. 2, 1883; Wil
liam H., who was killed by Mexican
bandits, April 4th, of this year, at
Achotal, Vera Cruz, Mexico; Elmer
E., who is a business man in Van
couver, Wash., where Grandma Waite
vis'ted a few years ago; Willis R., who
lives on a farm some 15 miles north
west of Loup City, and Wilber S., of
this city, with whomthegood mother
lived for the past score of years and
till death called her. Mr. and Mrs.
Waite moved to Minnesota in 1865;
from there to Palmyra, Iowa, in 1867,
and from there to Nebraska in the
fall of 1880, moving on a farm ten
miles north and two miles west of
Loup City, residing there until the |
fall of 1893, and where the husband
and father died in 1891, when Grand
man Waite came to Loup City with
her sons and has since made her home
in this city with her son Wilbur. Her
age was 78 years, 2 months and 8 days.
She was laid to rest in our Evergreen
cemetery, where the bodies of her
husband and oldest son will be
brought from the cemetery at Ar
cadia and laid by her side.
Mrs. J. C. Minshull of Ewan, Wash,
formerly Miss Frankie Inks of this
city, but later of Kearney, was here
over last Sunday to see Mr. Minshull’s
mother before the latter’s departure
for her new home in Virginia, and to
visit numerous other relatives and
friends. She came from her home on
the Pacific Coast to her parents’ home
in Kearney some two weeks’ since.
She will continue her visit some time
before returning to Washington. She
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Ham Pagrter of Cedar Bluffs, Neh.,
the giant in stature brother of our
handsome Jack Psgeler, was here last
week visiting Jack and Wm. Psgeler,
his Sherman county brothers, leaving
for home Saturday afternoon.
Death of
John Schoening.
Celebrates Ooldon Wadding Anni
versary and SuecuiAbs to Dioonoo
Throo Weeks LatOr Was Well
On November 4, Mf. and Mrs. John
Schoening of Fruitvale, surrounded
by fifty or more dependents, cele
brated their golden wedding anniver
sary, following fifty fears of liappy
wedded life. Last evening at 5:30 Mr.
Schoening’s life cycle was complete
and he breathed his list, the close of
a life beautiful and worthy in every
1 respect. He was surrounded by many
of his relatives, who had warning
that the end was not far off. Dropsy
was the direct cause of his death, and
he had been suffering for some four
months, being in poor health during
the recent eelebratiofi, although he
braced up for the occftssion and bid
his many descendenta and guests a
hearty welcome.
For the past two weeks he has
been failing, and, due to his advanced
age of 74, he was unable to rally to
any extent and received sum
mons to the higher realm last
Jonn bcnoemng was born m Sehle
weig, Holstein, Germany, June 30,
1838. He came to America in 1882,
and to Colorado six 'years ago. He
had lived in the Fttiitvale section
with his sons since coming here and
was very well liked by all who knew
him. He had lived a life of happiness
and sacrifice for ids loved ones, was
a member of the German Lutheran
church and highly respected by all
with whom he came ip contact.
Before coming to Grand Valley he
lived for a number of years in Nebras.
ka, where he was regarded as one of
the finest men in the community. He
lias merit marks all the way through
his career and his faults were few
indeed. A great home lover, he was
the father of a large family and had
scores of grandchildren to delight
him in his last few years.
He will be greatly missed at the
aide of his companion of fifty years j
and “Grandpa” Schoening, as he was
propularly known, will be missed by
more than his Immediate family.
The survivors of John Schoning,
are his wife and si^ghiidren—three
daughters, 'Mrs. E.D. "Voss/Mrs.
Sohn Jens, and Mrs. Johanna Stark of
this valley; David Schoening of Lost
Cabin, Wyo., C. F. Schoening of this
valley and henry Schoening of Em
mett, Ida. They will not be able to
attend the funerel which will be held
at the home at 1 o’clock Wednesday
afternoon, and at two o’clock at the
German Lutheran church with inter
ment in Orchard Mesa cemetery.
The funeral of John Schoening was
held this afternoon ab the borne in
Fruibvale, and a service held ab bbe
German Lutheran church ab 2 o’clock
wibh Rev. Better officiating preceded
the procession to the grave. The
sermon delivered over the flower
strewn casket contains the mortal re
mains of bbe aged pioneer was com*
forting and touching.
A long line of carriages followed
the hearse to the cemetery, where
the borial took place. The funeral
was largely attended and many ex
pressions of sympathy for the be
reaved wife were hear*.1 It will be
remembered that the couple celebrat
ed their golden wedding annivereary
here Nov. 4—Grand Junction (Colo.
Daily Sentinel.
Grandpa Schoening was for a num
ber of yearn a resident of Slierman
county, living southwest of this city,
and was well known and bighiy re
spected by our people.
The Northwestern’s electric motor
for the big power press, made espe
cially to our order, arrived Tuesday
evening from Lynn, Mass,, and was
installed that night and yesterday
morning by Electrician Sweetland.
An especial three-wire direct current
meter has also been placed by the
the electric company, and now our
presses are fully equipped with eletric
motors, the office with new and up
to-date material, making of the
Northwestern one of the very best
printeries in Central Nebraska. But
j. nothing is too good for Loup City,and
we are bound to keep up with the
pace set by the best town on earth.
And by the way we have found out
you will make no mistake in securing
the services of our expert local elec
triciah, Clarence Sweetland, along
electric lines. He has an X-ray eye
for that kind of work.
Auction cf School Land*
Notice is hereby given that on the
12th day of Dec., 1912, at 1 o’clock
p. m., at the office of the County
Treaurer of Sherman County, the
Commissioner of Public Lands and
BuiMinfs, or his authorized represent
ative, will offer for lease at Public
Auction all educational lands within
said county upon which forfeiture of
contracts has been deeland as follows
W1-2 of IS, M, 13 Aiaox Viu
E. B. Covus, Commissioner
of Publio Lande and Buildings.
Dated November >2* 1912.
(Dec. 12, JM2
Road Notice
To all whom it may concern: The
commiesioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at a point about
100 rods west of the southeast corner
of section three (:S)an road No. twenty
three (2:i) and running thence north
following the traveled road and ter
minating at the county line between
Sherman and Valley counties, to be
40 feet wrae, all in town sixteen (16)
range sixteen (16), has repoted in favor
of the establishment thereof, and all
objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must be tiled in the cilice of the
county cleric on or before noon of the
9th doy of February, 1912, or such
road will be established without ref
erence thereto.
W. C. Deitebichs
[seal] County Clerk.
Last pub Jan. 2.
Notice to Creditors
State ot Nebraska i „
Sherman County |'ss 1“ the County Court
In the matter of the estate ot Katherine
Kochanowski, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notitled. that I will sit at the
county eourt room in LoupCitv. in said countv
on the 20tb. day of January, 1913, at 10
o'clock a. m. and on the 28th day of Juue, 1913.
to receive and examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is the 24th day
of June. A.D. 1913. and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from said 20th
dav of January, 1913.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
eourt. this 28th day of November. 1912.
Connty Judge
last pub. Dec. 19
Order of Hearlnf and Notice on Pe
tition for Settlement of Account
in the County Court of Sherman county. Ne
State ot Nebraska. < sa
Sherman County. I' s
To the heirs and all persons interested in the
estate of Adolph 11. Sielatf. deceased:
On reading the petition of Therese E. Sielaff.
administratrix of said estate, praying a final
settlemenand allowance of her account tiled
in this court on the 6th dav of December. 1912,
and for decree of distribution and Anal settle
ment of estate and for her discharge as admin
istratrix ot said estate. It is hereby ordered
that you and all persons interested in said
matter may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be neld in and for said county, on the
28th day of December. A. D. 1912. atone o'clock
p. m . to show cause if. any there be. why the
prayer ot the petitioner should not b: granted,
and that notice of the pendency cl said peti
tion and the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of tnis order in the Loup City North
western. a weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
E. A. Smith.
[stcaLj County Judge
- (Last pub. Dec. 26;
First National Bank
At Loup City in the State of Nebraska, at :
the close of business November 26tb. 1912. j
Loans »»<} discounts .$178,430 23 [
Overdrafts •Seared ana unsecured 5,1ft 0 sB
C. S. "bonds to secure circulation. 7.000 OB !
Bonds, securities, etc.. i:u 89
Banking bouse,furniture, fixtures, 11.01* 09
Due Irom approved reserve agents 29.955 81
Checks and other cash items. 8.332 U8
Notes of other National Banks. 285 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents... . 117 18
Lawful money reserve in bank, viz:—
Specie. 110,501 (SO
Lejal tender notes .. 3.66# 0O—11.100 60
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer
(5 per cent of circulation). 35o 00
Total.....*255,199 17
Capital stock paid in. . *25,000.00
Surplus fund. 15,000 00
Undivided profits, less expanses and
taxes 4 910 57
National Bank notes outstanding. 7,000 00
Due to State and Private Banks and
Bankers. 430 08
Individual deposits subject to
check. 107.007 18
Demand certificates of deposit. 95.821 31
Total.9255,199 17
State or Nebraska, 1
County of Snerman. ( 0
1, L. Hansen. Cashier of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to tbe best of my
knowledge and belief.
L. HANSEN. Cashier
OQ*»ieCT--ATTE8T :
W. F. Mason, Director.
A. B. Outhouse. Director.
R. J. Nightingale, Director,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
10th day ol Dec., 1912.
H. S. Nightingale.
(SEAL.) Notary Public.
My OemmisAion expires June 1,1917.
Nolle* to Bidders
I, W. C. Dieterichs, Clerk of Sher
man county, Nebraska, estimate the
following books, blanks and stationery
will be required for the use of the
county officers for the ensuing year.
LOT ONE—Three gross lead pen
cils, best grade; one gross pen holders;
twelve quarts Arnold’s writing fluid;
twelve gross steel pens; twenty-four
gross assorted rubber bands; two reams
Columbia legal cap; one gross indelible
election pencils; three dozen election
ink cones; eight eight-quire record
books (two printed head, two printed
forms, and four plain) patent flexible
back, flap opening, brat linen paper;
four loose leaf records, 700 pages to
book (two plain and two printed forms)
best lioen paper; 3,000 triplicate tax
receipts, blocked; 4,000 tax receipts in
triplicate, bound and perforated, 200
in book, for county treasurers to fold
for use with carbon paper; thirteen
sets of poll books, envelopes and bal
lot sacks; seven chattel mortgage files,
200 in file.
LOT TWO—1,000 1-8 sheet blanks;
5,0001-4 sheet blanks; 3,000 1-2 sheet
blanks; 5,000 full sheet blanks, all
blanks to be of good quality paper:
3.000 note heads, 6,000 letter heads,
note heads and letter heads to be of
good quality paper; 4,000 6% inch xxx
envelopes; 2,000 10-inch xxx envelopes.
LOT THREE—Court dockets, one
case to page, indexed, with list of
jurors, court officers and resident at
torneys, on cap paper, in lots of forty;
6.000 election ballots.
Sealed bids for each or any of the
above three lot* of supplies must be
filed with the county clerk - at his
office in Loup City, Nebraska, on or
before noon of the 8th day of January,
Sealed bids will also be received and
most be filed in the county clerk’s
office on or before noon of the 8th day
of January, 1913. for publishing De
linquent Tax List, County Treasurer’s
financial statement, road and.bridge
notices, and other notices required by
the county.
The county board reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this
6th day of December, 1912.
If. C. Dtxtebichs, County Clerk.
(Last pub. Jan. 2)
The Home
Of Quality Groceries
A Merry Christmas
If We are
To have the pleasure
Of assisting you in
Getting up that Christmas Spread
Yoii Would Be Justified in Inviting Santa
Claus Himself! He is a Champion of Quality!
1 Sf • P r~~
I Try These—They’ll Please I
Green Gage Plums 25c
Sliced Lemon Cling Peach 25c
Apricots 25c
Yellow Free Peach 25c
Muscat Grapes 25c
Yellow Egg Plum 25c
Bartlett Pears 25c
Pride of Hiwaii Pine Apple 25c
Pitted Red Cherris 25c
Red Raspberries 25c
Blackberries 25c
Strawberries 25c
Blueberries 25c
Gooseberries 25c
Lemon Cling Peach 25c
White and Black Cherries 30c
i nese ftoous are an guaranteed to be packed in 30 percent syrup.
The Quality House Established 1888
Sometimes a mine contains a low spot in its
layer of coal. This low spot received the set
tling while the coal was formiug, with the result
that we sometimes get a load of this and then
we have a sooty coal. None of the good mines
intend to send this out for for domestic use, but
sometimes a car gets out and then the coal deal
e has trouble on hand.
Try This Little Secret
Get a good bed of red coals and on dump
your potato peelings, do this for several days.
Your stove or furnace will work much better
and most of the soot will dissappear.
Our coals are the best that we can buy and
contains a very small amount of soot.
Get a load and be convinced.
Keystone Lumber Company
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Arcadia, Rockville
and Sehaupps.
Clean up Your Back Yards
Of^Old Brass, Copper and Rubber
Iron and all old
Junk of like Kind j
and bring them to
Rubber, 2 1-2 c per lb.
Copper, 5 c “ j
Brass 4 c
Iron 15c per lOOlbs ,
The Harness Maker
When in
Need of
or first-class
of all dimentions,
We also have a ear of Coke.
We also have a good line of Fence posts, range
ing in price from ten to fifty cents.
Phone 2 on 9 and you will receive prompt attention