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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1912)
Have a Business Home Call today and lot us siart you on the road to prosperity. We not only accept yo ur deposits, keep your money safely and render you every possible accommo dation that the best banks in the country can render, but we will take care of your valuable papers and give you our assis. tance in any business transaction free of charge. We invite you to make our bank your business home. FIRST NATIONAL BANK t£l. f. Mason, Prest. H. B. Outhouse, Vice-Prcs" L. ftansen, Cashier | Help Those Sick Kidney’s J How many time liave you had your work, your sleep, or vour leisure * hours interrupted by recurring pains in the region of the kidneys? Did You ever experience anything more unpleasant ;> and annoying { You probably negledted it too let yourself believe it wasn't seri 1 ous—be over it in a day or two. When toe kidnevs give vou warning * of inability to perforin tlieir duty, assist them in every way—help ( tliem to get rid of poisons that are acumulating waste matter tliev j cannot throw off. > Tiiey arfc weak and need strengthening. See that tliev are built up t back to norma! and it won't be many days until vou are built up, ( eager for work and enjoying your rest and leisure hours. It's your g own fauit. All you need do is take \ Nyal’s Stone Root Compound ( Tliere's wealth of wisdom in that assertion—this preperation is J one of the most prompt and effective preparations we liave and we are { confident that it will do as represented. f Hake us .prove it. If we can’t, vour money refunded: 50c and $1.00 ” the bottle. i $ Whatever a good drug store ought to have—and many things that ( other*drug stores don’t keep—you'll find heie. Come to‘us first and £ you’ll get what you want. Swanson & Lofholm DRUG STORE THE NORTHWESTERN j ,==:i ' C‘ Subscription to the Sorth- l) i western is $1.50 a year ) (.Single Copy 5 cents LOCAL NEWS. Dr Vallier,Osteopath, Grand Island LOOK up Lee Bros, before you sell your chickens. J. T. Hale left Monday morning to 1 visit his brother at Norfolk. He will , lat r go to Chadron before his return. You had better till your bins with your supply of soft coal for winter use. Come and see our coal. Taylor’s Elevator. Mrs. Butterfield of Arcadia visited ■> last Saturday in Loup City with her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Gilbert of the Keystone Co. The Germania Verein will give the first masquerade ball in the new opera house on the night of I )ec. 31, to dance the old year out and the new year in. The public invited. dec2t> Mrs. Mathews can furnish you with a number ot Holiday novelties, suit able to send as gifts through the mails. If you have a horse or a rnule to sell, call phone 5-on-88. Myrl. A. Warrick. Mrs. Mathews will sell the remain der of her beautiful hats and coats at reduced prices. Splendid oppor tunity for securing a new outfit. Don't forget the public masquerade dance to be given by the Germania Verein in the new opera house on the night of Dec. 31. dec. 2t> Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman entertained the Unity Club and a number of in vited guests at her pleasant home last Thursday afternoon. $ $ $ $ $ $ for chickens at Lee Bros. Mrs. C. C. Carlsen entertained tiie Kensington at her tine home last Fri day afternoon, with the addition of a number of specially invited lady guests. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee, 8 on 83, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Mrs. C. H. Leininger and little son, Charles, arrived from North Platte, last Friday evening for a week’s visit with numerous relatives and host of former friends here. Lee Bros, still pay the highest market price for chickens. We are paying 31 cents cash for cream delivered at the creamery.’ We test and pay cash for cream. Ravenna Creamery Co. The Lcup City (Neb.) Northwest ern. of which our brother, J.W. Bur leigh. is editor and proprietor, last week began its 30th year and the 9th under Will’s management. He has made many improvements in the pa per since he obtained control, and promises yet greater things.—Tingley (Iowa) Vindicator. We pay cash for eggs delivered at the creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. Attorneys I?. J. Nightingale and R. 1‘. Starr had legal business at Ashton last Friday. Little Lewis Young entertained some lifteen of his young friends of botli sexes at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Young, last Thurs day, the event being his ninth birth day anniversary. W’e are making cut prices on floui in 500-pound lots. Also any of the merchants will make you the same price. You better buy a supply now while prices are low. Loup City Mill & Light Co. A change in the schedule on the B. & M. on this branch makes the morn ing passenger east at 9:35 a. nt. here after, instead of 9:20 as formerly. The new schedule went into effect last Sunday. Miss Adeline Daddow of Loup City, this state, arrived in Friend last Sat urday afternoon to visit her cousin, Miss Flora Brown, and the rest of the folks.—Friend Sentinel. If you want good, prompt draying, call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Ilagood. A1 Johnson on Monday expressed a fat turkey to AT. R. Mellor at Lincoln, who was to take it with him Tuesday on his trip to Danville, Ky., where he is to eat Thanksgiving dinner, Mrs. Meller and Mrs. Rawson being there at present at the home of their nephew and son, Dr. Rawson. Miss Minnie Gilbert, who lias for the past number of years been a traveling collector and general worker for the Nebraska Children’s Home Society of Omaha, was home over last Sunday, returning to her duties Monday morning. “Harry” Nanba, the Japanese who has been working for A. J. Johnson, left Monday morning for Japan on a visit to his relatives and friends. It is his purpose to return to the United States later. He has saved up about one thousand dollars to make the | trip on. About a year ago, Henry Bovee went to Omaha and underwent an operation for appendicitis. Of late j he has been troubled not a little with | recurrence of St vere pains in the reg ion of the former appendix. Last Thursday he again went to Omaha to consult the physicians over the mat ter. He was accompanied by Herman Jung, Jr , who went down to undergo an operation forappendicitis. Pictorial Review is one of America’s leading magazines for women. Itcon j tains unusually virile fiction beauti i fully illustrated. It shows the very | latest fashions two months in advance i of its competitors. It is a helpful, ' practical aid to women through its special feature articles and money saving departments. According to the democratic Lincoln Daily Star, a large number of hungry democratic editors are candidates foi postotliees, but we fail to see the j name of our own Brother Beusbausen in the list. See my line of men and boys’ over coats. A bargain at Lorentz’. Mrs. E. G. Taylor was a passenger for St. Paul Wednesday morning. You can save money by buying your winter suit at Lorentz’. Editor Beushausen had business at Omaha last Thursday. Arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Williams in this city, Nov. j 22, 1912, a dainty little daughter, j Carrier Williams has a right to be j proud as Lucifer. (Jo to Reynolds’ for line bulk oysters. Drs. Bowman enjoyed a visit last Thursday and Friday from Geo. Slote and wife of Litchfield, and Mrs. State s sister, Miss Maud Ormsbee. t Lard cans for sale at 20c each at .1 uug & Melberg’s Bakery. We see Dr. Longacre is sporting a new auto, which we understand lie brought up from Omaha last week. Special Sale on ladies’ dress skirts at the Hub. Viener & Krelstesn. James Bone and family last week moved down on their farm, thus allow ing H. Krebs, who had rented their cottage, to go to housekeeping earlier than had been hoped. Mrs. Gene Patton returned last week from Rochester, Minn., where she un derwent a dangerous operation forop thelmio goitre, and her friends will be pleased to know the operation was in every way successful. THIS WEEK ONLY, we will sell WINE OF CARDUI, the woman's tonic, at the special price of 79c per bottle. We are overstocked and offer ; you this opportunity to purchase this well known medicine at 79c the bot tle. Now is the time to get a good ( supplv. SEE OCR WINDOW. The Rexall Dbug Stobe. Vaughn & Hinman. We received a call from our good friend, Wm. Young of Boelus, Tues day, who was on one of ids rare visits to our city. He is lively as a cricset, despite his advanced age. The Northwestern is pained to learn that Mr. Louis Rein, clerk of Lite District Court, is lying critically ill at his home from serious ailment with his kidneys. His legion of friends throughout the co.'.nty will hope for his early recovery. R. M. Lamont, a member of the firm of the Federal Land and Securi ties Co., Cheyenne VVyo., is at the Milburn hotel and will remain until Tuesday noon next. His firm handle the Golden Prairie District land ads of which have been appearing weekly in this paper this fall. He will be pleased to meet any who are interest ed. at the hotel during his stay. A party will leave next Tuesday, Dec. 3 on the U. P. Motor car at 1:20 to look over these lands. Mrs. Eva Kendall entertained a number of her friends Wednesday afternoon. The prime reason for the ; entertainment was to announce her engagement to Rev. J. H. Curry, a Presbyterian minister of Dallas, Tex as, the wedding to occur on December 17th at the bride’s hone in this city. I In some manner the information had leaked out and instead of surprising ; her guests they surprised her, giving I her a miscellaneous shower.—St. Paul | Republican. News comes from Aurora that R. I H. Miller, a past grand master of the Odd Fellow lodge, and a member of Hamilton Lodge No. 60, of Aurora, has been expelled from the order on account of having pleaded guilty to rifling the United States mail of ! money in his capacity as a route 1 agent on the Burlington railway. A j notice of Miller’s expulsion will be j read in all the early meetings of the j order locally. 1 Look out for snow and cold weather, t Prepare yourself by buying your over | stioes and sheep-lined shoes at Vic Swanson’s, where you get quality, and the price is cheaper than last year. Ladies, don’t forget that we have the best up-to-date line of Dry Goods in Loup City. Why has my trade irt ! creased more thaD double the past year? Simply because I carry snappy i up-to-date goods and my prices are so j much lower than elsewhere. We car i ry the Peters shoe—none better. We ! lead in fancy Groceries. Vic Swanson. The House of Quality. Even with prospective democratic times, our friend, Milo Gilbert out in Webster, has been making fine im ! provementsat his home. He has puL [ in a large and most commodious cave, i with cement floor and sides and 1 even with cement arched roof, the whole capable of storing all the good things he may wish to assemble from t his farm for the winter months. He lias also done a big stunt in making his home to bloom and blossom like the rose with new improvements within and without. Milo believes that no home is too good for the ac commodation of his dear ones. Mr. and Mrs. John Pedler from Flesherton, Ontario, were met at Aurora last Friday by their brothers. J. S. and H. W. Pedler, and will make an extended visit here. This is the gentleman's tirst visit,to this part of the country and is unstinted in praise of our beautiful city. The Canadian brother resembles Uncle Joe, but has both brothers beaten a mile in good looks, even if they do have the local newspaper men distanced in the same regard. LSrT WHIT ' Consult ■ rullsMs ■ ■ SnecliiUst, on aka It n >1 alralt to use Ms stn si mo. ant alls ka s o m kuainoa ant resi de .u DO NOT BE DECEIVES *• nannies* Sretsrs ako staa ««. Here Is ns saata» cure i rr i lisa ur Rutters *r T » -j l ■owe tor Ckitalt a “ : utt Uiaeams 5 - M»6WUSI. Punic Piles a-,d Ruptwt cured P K0* liw tlluUO PetSWI. •v i * iN GRAND ISLAND - ,■• -T f. t t-mtmwmm——m A No. 1 baled hay for sale in car load lots. Phone 8-on-84. F. P. Peter son. 7 For Rent—Huckleebury’s new and modern cement bungalow In the northeast part of town. Inquire of R. II. Mathew. For dressmaking call on Mrs. De Witt. Phone 5 on 53. For Sale—Single-combed White Leghorns, hens and roosters. Phone Mrs. Geo. Curry. 8-on-SW, Litchfield, Nebraska. Heinz sauer kraut by the barrel or keg or in any quantity at Reynolds’ I meat market. Heinz’ mince meat at Reynolds' meat market. George Sharp went to Grand Island yesterday to spend Thanksgiving. A. Spelts went to Lincoln yester day. See my samples for suits and over coats. Best and most complete line in Loup City. J. W. Dorsey. Miss Grace Conger went to Greeley yesterday morning to eat Thanks giving turkey with her sister and Husband. Mr. and Mrs. Art lieed. They will bring her home in their luto Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Zoe Davis, for a visit. Miss Ida Cowling entertained a number of her girl friends last Satur day afternoon in honor of her 14th birthday anniversary. Cliff Rein, Fritz Leschinski. Don [Charlton, the Ohlsen boys and in fact most all our away-from-home stu dents at college, are enjoying Thanks giving and mother's cooking today. Today is Thanksgiving and the ed tor, wife, young’ns. mother-in-law md appetites are doing Thanksgiv ng turkey with Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Uarcy. Don't they have your symV Ten days more of this Southern California weather dope and the con .ractor will have the new Hotel en dosed and can snap his fingers at- Old dan Winter. Going to press Wednesday after noon this week, prevents comment on the opening night at the new opera house, but it will not spoil by carry ing over till next Thursday. Our young friend. Wm. Kay. is the possessor of a tine little runabout car. a little eeauty, purchased a few days since. All who are interested in the Gold en Prairie District lands of which ads have appeared each week this fall can get full information from It. M. Lamont at the Milburn hotel. A party will leave next Tuesday after noon" at 1:20 on the Union Pacific to | see these lands. WE’RE too busy to write ads now, but we want you to watch for our ad | next week. We will have something mighty interesting to tell you. Big little old and young, w atch for our ad next week. And in the mean time remember our special sale on CARDUI this week. 79c the bottle. See ocr window. The Rexall Drug Store. Vaughn & Hinman. We received a pleasant call Tuesday from Uncle Willis Fulliton. accom-j panied by bis new son-in-law. Henry Parker, who, with his bride, is here from Colorado. CHURCH LOCALS Swedish Christian church: Sun day, Dec. 1st, Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. and sermon 11:15. Subject— “Behold Thy King Cometh.” Mat thew 21. All welcome. H. Blom, Pastor. German Evangelical Church: Nov. 28th will be held Thanksgiving ser vice at Loup City at 10:30 a. m. Dec. 1st service will be held at Kelso at 10:30 a.m.; Sunday school at 11:30. P. Jueling, Pastor. The regular services at the Baptist church next Sunday, Dec. 1st. Geo. Sutherland, 1'as ter. Presbyterian church:—Sesvices as usual Sunday, Dec. 1st. Preaching at Austin 3 p. m. Dec. 1st. J. C. Tourtellot, Pastor. Remember the Union Thanksgiving service at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening at 7:30. Public Sale The Northwestern has printed bills for the public sale of H. J. Keister on his farm, known as the Bob Jackson place, 10 miles north of Loup City, on Thursday, Dec. 5, 1912, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m., at which will be sold seven head of horses, twelve head of cattle, tifteen head of thorough bred red hogs, farm machinery, house hold goods, etc. Free lunch at noon. The usual terms of 9 months credit and 10 per cent interest obtains. The Loup City Mills have oil meal on hand at all times. They ship itout to surrounding towns ai.d can supply you in tan lots at red used prices. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber yardor E. G. at Taylor’s. The biggest line of Overcoats in the city at Lorentz’. See Us First We help you select appropriate gifts not expensive ones. But of the high est quality. You will save minutes and money by visiting our store. Henry M. Elsner A few more second hand heaters for sale. Second Hand Store. Poland Chinas for Sale About twenty head of young pure bred Poland Ctiina boars for sale, of the big-bonod type, sired by such boars as Gold Dust Hadley, Sampson, Grand Look and Long Look. Phone 6 on 9G. M. A. Gilbert, Loup City. Nebr. Notie* to Creditors I» 1“ ‘he County Court hi the matter or the estate of Katherine Koebanowski, deceased. To the creditors or said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Ijoup City, in said county on the 2Dth. day of January, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on tbe 38th day of June, 1913. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for tbepresenta tion of claims against said estate is the 28th day of June. A.D. 1913. and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said 29th dav of January, 1913. Witness my hand and seal of said county court, this 28th day of November, 1912. 18BAL] K. A. SMITH, County Judge lam pah. Dee. 19 ~ ' .. ' ■ . ■ .i i 1 ■' ■ ■ ■ — - ■ ~ ■ .. rLADIESCLOAKS 17 k 5230 Black Imitation Pony Skin. Size 32 to 38, Our Price $4.89 17 k 5232 Ladies’ black caracule orbroadtale, size 32 to 40 others getSll. Our Price $8.50 IT k 5234 Silk Seal Plush Coats, full satin lined. Our Price $15.00 We have all kinds of cloth cloaks of all the latest pattern?. Call and get your cloak be fore the best is gone. Children’s cloaks, Price $2. to $8.50 —^—■————w————mt Munsing Underwear No. 3557 Bleached Misses Munsing union suit, drop seat, per suit $1 -00 No. 3517, Ladies’ bleached union suit in Munsing half open front, ankle length, elbow sleeves $1.00 No. 3545 Ladies’ bleached union suit, high neck, long sleeve, ankle length,Munsing underwear $1. BRADLYSWEATERS iYiade from the best material and made to fit. ' Price SI-75 to $S50 ) Bradley Caps FOR Ladies’ Girls 'land Boys.'" These are ® made to wear W well and are warm. Price 50c to > $2.50 SPECIAL DRIVES Ladles Aprons Shoulder Strap Gingham Aprons 50c Gingham Aprons with bib 65c _I INFANTS HOODS Made of India Linen 25c Hood made of China Silk 50c ; Pace Cloth Good size bleached terry face cloth 5 ! Turkish Towels i i good turkish baih towels with fringe euds,3Gxl9 bleach ed, a bargain 15q -I Lace and embroideries an excellent assortment of attractive pattern at popular price 5c I Ribbons A splendid lot of ribbons including all the newest shades for bows, sashes, etc. Special attention is called to the super ior values shown at per yard only IOc ^ - - Women's. Misses and children’s hose suppor t is, elastic web top. non elastic bottom rubber post button, in black and white only 10c Some splendid va ues in men’s fleeced underwear in gra At 50c one better grade in cream color heavy fleeced at 65c Some splendid values well made work shirts, good wearing materials in plain and fancy collars, a money sav ing chance not to be overlooked at 50c Men s negligee shirts, clearance of regular dollar goods various styles, same with soft roll collar and same with high soft detachable col lars. All well mads and roomy, good material neat pat terns and collars. Your choice of any in this lot at 75c A big lot to choose from all the popu lar styles and weights price 25 to 5Q ^ Men’s cloth gioves bleached can ton flannel gloves big value, at 3 For 25c » BACK COMBS Good quality plain and fancy. 12 and 25c MENS Hosiery A splendid lot of men’s half hose inclding various styles and colors at , 15 to 25<T Children’s Stockings A splendid lot of Boys and Girls stockings at 15c We also handle the FAy stocking the best money can y for Lire pi ice Q-roceries lOOlbs best gr’d sugar 6 26 lOOlbs Chicken grit 90 2 cans Tomatoes 25 2 cans peas 25 1 doz good lemons 30 2 box grape nut 25 2 Cream Wheat 25 3 Post Toasties 26 3 Egg-O-See 25 6 bars flake white soap 25 10 bars polo soap 25 60 gal coal oil and good steel tank $9 50 Do not be swindled, as we can always save you money MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC MC Loup City Mer. Co.