The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 28, 1912, Image 4

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    e never
resort to exaggerations oi auy lurm m uur aurertising.
y We sell good goods only, charge fair prices only, and
seek the trade of those men who appreciate good values
and considerate treatment.
Once we have Induced vou to give us a trial we have no fear about keeping
you as a permanent customer
Our new fall goods are GREAT, \ou should see them.
| sGttouoQOttceecQoeGec
! •
Viener & Krelstein
We are overstocked on
the woman’s tonic. To reduce
our stock we will sell a regu
lar $1,00 bottle for 79c Car
dci is a purely vegitable tonic
to relieve womanly suffering,
reliable in action, satisfactory
in results, and safe to take
for young and old. For a
limited time, 79c the bottle
at the
The Rexall Drug Store
Vaughn &Hinman
S. A. Pratt
Billiard and Pool Parlors
Finest Brands of Cigars, with such leaders
as Denbys, Havana Sticks, B. B’s., and other
choice smokes. Your patronage appreciated
.First Door, West of First National Bank
Loup City, Nebraska,
Special Homeseekers Excursions
Join me on one of these excursions and let me show
you tuese rich farm lands irrigated by the Government
where you do not have to pay a profit to any one—sim
ply return to Uncle Sam during the next twelve years
the actual cost of irrigation without interest.
Alfalfa: Here you can see about l2’0l>0 acres of al
falfa now in stack. It is a wonderful showing and tells
you better than 1 can what you can do on your home
go more than three or four mile from Powell to get as
good farms as any now growing bumper crops.
Write today for illustrated folder with map showing how conviently
the3e gifts of theGovernment are located.
* * D. Clem Deaver, ImmigrantA gent
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha Nebraska
I have a general repair
shop at the second-hand
I have a geod machine to do the work. Give me a
I will sell at Public Auction at my farm, 6 miles south of
Arcadia and 10 miles northwest of Loup City, on Coal Creek,
At 10 o’clock A, M. Sharp
12_Head of Horses 12
14 Head of Cattle 14
30 ~ Head of Hogs 30
25 Dozen Buff Rock Chickens 25
Machinery, Household Goods, ete.
15 ton Baled Hay, , 6 Acres Fodder
Terms: $10 and under, cash. Over $10 a credit of 6 months
on approvf d notes bearing 10 per cent.
1. G. PAGE IKK, Auctioneer. C. C. CARLSON, Clerk
Entered at the Loup City Postofflce tor trant
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Office Phone, - 6 on 21
Residence, - - 3 on 21
.1. W. BURLEIGH. Editor and Pnb
A letter received by the North
western of late date from Congress
man Kinkaid, thanking us for our
support in the past, conveying his
thanks as follows for the very generous
support accorded him by the voters
of the district, which officially gives
him a plurality of (>,236:
My Dear Mr. Burleigh:—Now that
the campaign is over and the result
generally ascertained, I am writing
you to thank you and do thank you
most heartily for what you have done
both individually as well as thru your
Northwestern in behalf of my candi
dacy. I would be glad if you would
thank the voters generally in your
county for me, regardless of party,
for their very generous support.
My plurality is 6,236; two years ago
it was 4,700 and four years ago it was
2,400. With the ballot seven feet long
and my name five feet down from the
top, the compliment implied by so
many thousands coming ‘‘across,” as
it were, for the sole purpose of voting
for me individually is too great for
due acknowledgment by me. No one
could reasonably expect to be more
highly honored by a constituency. 1
am indeed grateful to the people re
1 gardless of party for the generous
support given me and would esteem
it as a personal favor if you would so
express me in your valuable paper in
substance at least as in this paragraph
Sincerely Yours,
M. P. Kinkaid.
A sensational political aftermath
was sprung on our people last Friday,
when VV. J. Fisher, late candidate for
county attorney at the hands of the
progressives in this county, and who
on the face of the returns was de
feated by 295 votes, tiled papers in
contest of the election of his oppon
ent. J. S. Pedler, who received the
votes of republicans, democrats and
socialists, as their candidate, and who
received, according to returns 1075 to
Fisher’s 780. In the complaint, which
covers some twelve pages of closely
typewritten copy,»it is claimed that
the corrupt practices act was violated
at both elections, and names numer
ous and divers persons who are claimed
to be the beneficiaries of various
amounts not in accordance with the
provisions of the above act. The
third ground of complaint is that Mr.
Pedler was not entitled to the some
four and more hundred votes he re
ceived from the democratic and
socialist voters at the general election.
The case will come up at the next
session of the district court. It is
not in the province of the newspaper
to express in advance of the hearing
of the case in the district court any
opinion regarding the above, either
favorable or adverse, and we merely
give the facts as taken from the com
plaint tiled without color.
Some three years ago, a man came
into the Northwestern office and
asked us to send him the paper on
time. Supposing him an honest man,
we trusted him accordingly. After
taking the paper all said time,never of
fering to pay for same, and being cut
off the list, he goes to our contempo
rary and payseashjfor a year’s reading
of that paper in advance. We are
glad to know that our brother is not
destined to lose from the same source.
However, the man is liable to contract
the cash in advance habit hereafter in
reading either of the county papers,
as his reputation has even penetrated
newspaper sanctums.
Our sister town of St. Paul has
aroused itself to virtuous indignation
against speeding auboisbs and has
pulled off a number of fine stunts on
the horseless carriage fellows who
have been going to fast for comfort.
Omaha draws the line at 240saloons
and refuses to grant licenses to more.
Our Odd Fellow brothers are at
present engaged in putting their new
lodge room in fine shape and expect
to occupy the same in about two
weeks. When completed, it will be
one of the finest in the state. The
floor will be coyered with a costly car
pet, and fine upholstered chairs will
be placed at the stations of the chief
officers, while the balance of the fur
niture will correspond. The rooms
will be lighted with electricity. The
local order is out of debt and has
money in the treasury. The outlay
being made will reach close to $1000.
The three-link boys are among our
best people and the best is none too
good for them.
Along R. R. Nos. 1 and 2
Miss Marie Shultz attended the
dance at Beckman’s Saturday night.
Will Hancock graded several bad
places in the road to the south bridge
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Conger visited
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gallaway.
Don’t fail to attend the Farmers’
Institute Dec. 6th at the Wiggle
Creek church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flynn gave Carrier
a pork roast and chicken for Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Batslaff and
family left for their new home at
Stockham, Neb., Sunday morning.
Ed Flynn got back from his trip to
Kansas last week. He may move
there in a month or so.
The carrier on Route 2 wishes each
one a happy Thanksgiving. May hap
piness and prosperity be with you the
coming year. There will be no mail
delivered on that day as it is a legal
Will Engles’ new home will soon be
completed. The plasterers had it in
hand the past week.
A. R. Jack is putting up a $1500
home just west of the B. & M. track.
Guy Stout put in the foundation.
Vern Alleman took home a load of
lumber and posts last week.
Bruner of Arcadia put down a well
for Chas. Snyder this week.
Tom Parsley marketed hogs at Loup
City Saturday.
Jim McBeth marketed four loads of
porkers Saturday.
Miss Carrie Bogseth left Wednes
day for her home at Erickson, Neb.
She expects to return next Monday.
Miss Kate Christinson from Cali
fornia is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Hansen, on Route 2,
this week.
W. H. Gunn has bought a number
of cattle and hogs the past week.
Will Thomas expects to move on
the Peugh place next month.
Art Wilson has had a successful
fall selling potatoes in car lots east
of Loup City.
Joe Vaughn and Huckleebery took
the second and third degrees in Odd
Fellowship last Saturday night. This
Saturday night is election of officers.
There will also be work in some of
the degrees.
Gust Youngland had hogs on the
Loup City market Satureay.
uarry craruner anu jonnson nave
been busy the past week shredding
corn fodder for the patrons on Route
2 south of Loup City.
Ilomer Hultz worked for Chris
Oltjenbruns this week.
albert Snyder and Ernest Daddow
were working for W. H. Gunn this
week. W. H. keeps them all busy
when he is around.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy
during November in Dist. 46 are as
follows: Veva Wilkie, Lena Snyder,
Lloyd Alleman, Anna Johnson, Bessie
Johnson, Edith Alleman, Hattie
Johnson, Maggie Paulsen, Burla
Wilkie, Fern Wilkie, Bern Wilkie,
Gower Hansen and Clara Johnson.
Miss Carrie Bogseth, Teacher.
Fritz Bichel is out West for his
health these days.
Simeon Iossi had a black hog stray
from his place this week. Any one
having a strange hog on his place call
Mr. Iossi over the telephone.
Carrier on Route 2s drove Route I
last week and was surprised at the
many changes that have taken place
during the three years we have been
off that route. There are only about
half the old patrons left and many
are thinking of leaving. One thing
Route [one can be proud of in Elm
township and that is their road boss,
Mr. Frazier. He ranks among the
best and all one has to do is to take a
look at his work to admit the fact.
W. H. Gunn is having cement floors
laid in his granaries this week.
Slush ice was running in the river
L. Johnson took home a load of
coal Monday.
Engle & Cook have the contract for
A. R. Jack’s hew house and are busy
putting up the frame work this week.
Mcllraveys were hauling hay to
Loup City Monday.
Below is a list of those who do
nated work and the number of days
each gave in claying the sandy road
in District 21:
Obermiller 4 Van Wescott 2%
Smalley 3 S. McFadden 2
T. McFadden 1 F. Daddow 1
L. Daddow 2 J. Fletcher 2 *
VV. Fletcher 2 O. Brodock 1
V. Alleman 2 A. Jorgenson 1
A. Woody 1 C. Burt 1
J. McBeth 2 Jake Roy 2
Jordie Gray 2 W. Kneopfel 2
S. lossi 1 W. Hughes 2
W. H. Hughes 1 M. Klimek 1
S. Fletcher 4 ft. Fletcher 2
G. Tangerman 2 P. Gudenr&th 1
D. Sherman 2 Conrad Koch \M
E. Vandergriff 2 A. Guzenski 2
Detlef 1 Fred Reed 1
H. Neisner 1 H. Reed 1
Total number of days, 59; value in
money, $206.50.
Those who were neither absent nor
tardy in Dist. No. 4, received certifi
cates for the month ending Nov. 22:
Viola Daddow, Francis Spencer, Ru
dolph Jung, Theodore Daddow, Ray
Spencer and Earl Gallaway.
Examinations were at band last
week in Dist. No. 4.
Mrs. Alfred Jorgenson entertained
her Sunday school class Saturday aft
ernoon last. There were fourteen of
the youngsters and they were a lively
bunch. They played games till they
’were hungry and then she gave them
a nice lunch. While they wereeating,
Mr. Poynter told them of the gnat
king who aid not know God, but had
to be introduced to Him by a series of
ten plagues, and when they were over
they were pretty well acquainted.
After lunch there were more games
and then went home, all voting Mrs.
J. an excellent entertainer.
W. O. Brown had his valuable shep
herd dog killed by an auto from Loup
City last week. 1 "
C. W. Burt is at the bedside of his
brother, who is very low in tbe hos
pital at Omaha.
Ray McFadden’s home was not
quarantined for scarlet fever last
Walter Koch was hauling hay on
Route 2 Tuesday.
Everybody come to the Farmers’
Institute at the Wiggle Creek church
on Dec. 6,1912. There will be a basket
dinner. Exhibits of all kinds of bak
ing, canned fruit, fancy work, school
work from four schools, and all kinds
of grain products. Anyone can make
an exhibit. Ribbons for premiums.
Come, everybody, and bring well filled
baskets and enjoy the program of the
Miss Ohlsen, in Dist. No. 4, has a
total enrollment of 36 pupils and ex
pects more when the fall work is
Miss Ohlsen had Mr. Eisner take
the picture of her school last Friday.
Rockville Notes
Saturday night the play entitled
“Tatters” was presented at theOpera
Bouse to a large crowd. All seemed
to be well pleased.
Mr. R. W. Sundstrum went to
Grand Island Tuesday morning. to
have some dental work done.
Mrs. E. Cords, Mrs. G. Werner and
Miss Ella Werner went to Grand
Island on Tuesday of last week.
E. F. Kozel. L. E. Dickinson and E.
Dwehus journeyed to Loup City in
the former's auto, looking after busi
The Misses Frieda Belmke and Olga
Cords were shopping at Grand Island
last Wednesday.
J. J. Klinger. Jr., of Grand Island
visited the past week with the Geo.
Tockey family.
T. R. Lay aad P. K. Pederson went
to Ravenna Saturday, taking in the
big shoot there and they brought
i home their share of geese and turkeys.
Clear Creek Items
Mrs. Andy Coppersmith visited the
Lone Elm school Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuhn and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Adams.
A dance was given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Cnrry, Saturday
Miss Hattie Haddix spent Sunday
with Miss Ruth Van Dyke.
Lawrence Hayden visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Zahn,
A new globe and floor paint have
arrived for the Lone Elm school. A
new windmill tower is also being
erected on the school grounds.
Russell Adams is husking corn for
Newton Haddix.
Sunday being the birthday of Mrs.
Ed Fielding, her many friends and
relatives, in the form of a surprise and
with well laden baskets, gathered at
her home during the afternoon as a
reminder of the day and to help her
celebrate the event. All enjoyed the
hours spent together. Mrs. Field
ing received a kitchen cabinet as a
No Hunting Allowed
Notice is hereby given that no
hunting nor trespassing will be allow
ed on my land on and after this date.
Sportsmen will take]notice and govern
themselves accordingly. Dated this
7th day of November 1912.
Mike Chilewski.
For Sale
Pure Bred Poland China boars. A
good line, large type Poland China
boars of March and April farrow.
Two litters sired by the 2nd prize
winner in aged boars at 1912Nebraska
State Fair. This sire is a full brother
to the Champion. If vou are in the
market for a good boar, come and see
them. Three-fourth mile south-east
of town. H. J. Johansen.
HomeMissionary Study
M. E. Church, Suuday, Dec. 1 to
Sunday, Dec. 8,1912
Sunday, Dec. I—Special subjects
preparatory for the Program which is
as follows:
Monday, Qec.2, 7:30 p.m—“Home
Missionary Work for the Swedish Peo
ple,” Rev. H. Blom, of the Swedish
Christian church.
Tuesday, Dec. 3. 7:30 p.m.—“The
District Superintendency as a Home
Missionary Agency,” Rev. R.P. Ham
mons D. D., of Eearney.
Wednesday, Dec. 4. 7:30 p. m—
“Home Missions and Church Feder
ation,” Rev. J. C. Tourtellot, of the
Presbyterian Church.
Thursday, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m.—“The
Prayer Meeting a Help or Hinderance
to Home Missions,” Rev. R. F. Scott,
of Arcadia.
Friday. Dec, 6. 7:30 p. m.-“Tbe
Larger Program of the Church for
Home Missions,” Rev. 6. M. Bing, of
St. Pafil.
Sunday, Dec. 8—“The Case as It
Now Stands,” by the Pastor.
This will be a fine opportunity to
hear this great subject presented. Be
sure and attend every service.
All ait most cordially welcome.
D. A. Lkkpkb, Pastor.
Try Arthur’s For
Your Winter Un
Bring the family and let us
fit them out for the winter.
We also have a nice line of
Come while the line is com
Hand - Tailo red
fj stability in the making;
and style and refine
ment of finish; precisely
the characteristics you
want in your new overcoat.
On a foundation of thor
oughly-shrunk, all-wool
fabric, hand-tailoring
means Clothes Satisfaction
that to a nicety meets the
ideas of the modern Beau
Sounds expensive ?
But it isn’t—if you come
For we’ve gone straight to
headquarters—to the model
clothes factory of America, the
leading and largest makers of
hand-tailored clothes — and we
can sell clothes of this descrip
tion at no higher prices than you
are asked to pay for ordinary
r • • ''
Kirschbaum Hand tailored Copyright, 1912, A. B. Kirttehbuuvi Co.
Overcoats — $15, $20, $25.
Positively none elsewhere like our Kirschbaum $15, $20
and $25 specials, at anything like the same prices.
The Kirschbaum label is the maker’s guaranty to refund
the'money if the clothes are unsatisfactory.
M ***’
Make Ideal Gifts
for they are
useful and ornamental. They
should be of good quality and
we handle Waterman’s Ideal,
and Moore’s Non Leakable, so
for your own use or for a gift,
the way to true satisfaction in
fountain pens is to buy from us.
Your Jewelery Store
What You Gain
by being a regular depositor with the Loup
City State Bank:
Your funds are kept in absolute security.
Payment by check provides indisputable re
receipts in the form of returned can
celed checks. Payment by check saves
many a long trip; saves trouble of mak
ing change and taking receipts.
Being a depositor with us, acquaints us with
eaeh other and lays the foundation for
accommodation, when you want to piece
out your resources with a loan.
Every courtesy and facility is rendered the
small as well as the large depositor. Dont
wait until you can begin with a large deposit
Capital and Surplus, $47,500.00
. -:o:- ^
J.S. Pedler, President C. C. Carisen. Cashier
Jehn W. Lone. Vice President, w. j. Root. Assistant Csshie